Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, July 02, 2010

A Telling Event

During four meetings on the budget the County Executive has remained silent. On Thursday the Chairman of the Budget Committee asked her directly "What do you think about it (the budget) Mrs Vanzant" to which she responded by looking to her left at Commissioner Jackson and stating, "whatever he thinks".
It was a moment much like in sixth grade when you been looking out the window daydreaming and the teachers ask you the question what is the volume of a six inch tall cone with a nine inch diameter base and the response is Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Leadership can not be possessed by those detached from the activities that surround them.