Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Is $14,000.00 a pay increase or a bonus??????

This is the statement from Mr. Tee Jackson that appeared in the Pulaski Citizen on 6 May 2008. This statement was issued by Mr. Jackson the school Director in response to Mr. Steward, the editor asking for clarification on the issue of an employee’s salary.

“Our employees who work with fiscal matters are multi-tasked. The workload is always extra heavy in the spring and summer as we work on budget amendments, develop a budget for the next year and close out the current year. This year we have had more fiscal employee absenteeism along with the additional planning and implementing of the transition phase to the financial management system. One employee was given several extra duties in order to allow us to meet the many needs of the school system. The employee was naturally given extra compensation to perform the numerous additional duties.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1)Is there anyone else at the school office who has received a "bonus" for extra work?
2)Is there anyone else in the entire school system who has received a "bonus" for extra work?
3)Are there any teachers who have been required to "multi-task" and attend any meetings or activities who received a "bonus"?
4)Are there any teachers who have to do extra things because of absentism or extra things like say TCAP testing periods?
5)When personnel were hired was there not a knowledge of extra things to be done in the summer and spring and should that not have been part of their regular duties?
6)How many teachers find themselves with circumstances that create extra work at different times during the year, are they given a "bonus"?
7)Ms. Braden and Ms. White also had to prepare for their transfer to the financial management office, were they given a "bonus"?
8)After reading the statement from Mr. Jackson can anyone tell me based on his statement if the fourteen thousand dollars, he was asked about, was a "bonus" or a "pay increase"?
Allen Barrett

Wednesday, May 07, 2008 2:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the board he serves can't spell outrage and can't find it in the dictionary (all but one) I doubt anyone comming out of the system will know what it is either!

Put it this way, I'm fed up with money going everywhere except to EXISTING teachers of quality and core people who make the system run! Times are about to get tough by recession and all hell is going to be paid whenever this turkey comes to the feed trough!!!

Mrs. G needs to whack the salary back the instant she comes on board & explain that it's nothing personal & it's what the job pays - we appreciate good work and dedication & hold no bad feelings, but the first time you snuggle up to Jackson, fudge some numbers, or place his interest above mine - you're on the street.

It isn't the employee's fault for creating the division this trick will create. What's intended as a bribe, will be an everlasting curse to the employee! The kiss of satan burns in the end.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008 3:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Sigmon took over as office manager. She is doing an entirely different job than what she was hired for. It would make perfect sense that she would make more than the highest paid bookkeeper. If she is also going to be Deputy Finance Director it would also make sense for her to make more than the others there.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008 5:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Jackson has no sense of accountability. When you have two board members that question him and the others, all men and Norman sit there and let this happen then what do you do. He doesn't have the teachers in mind and he doesn't have the right staff promotion in mind. Who does everyone go to at the Central Office. Right...Jackie McMillan. But who is treated like a red headed step child...Right...Jackie McMillan. Everyone else there can't hold a candle to what all she is capable of doing.

Jackson seem to get up each morning in Athens and think, "Now let's see how many people I can piss off by given a non-deserving person a pay raise." Or like the leaps and bounds person, he doesn't call her a teacher in one breath but she is a teacher in the next breath. Teachers work alot longer hours than most at the Central office. They have to do their time in a school calendar year that takes the Central office bunch 12 months.

Vote in a new board. Get the ones in there who doesn't have family members working. Stogner will owe Tee out the butt and Kennedy is up his butt so make sure they both are gone.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008 6:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs Sigmon had a salary at the school system that salary was suppose to be her salary at the finance department. Why was the salary lied about when it was moved. Jackson knew and she knew what her salary was but they both misled everyone including Mrs Garner. Both should be fired and Mrs Garner given a strong warning with it in her records.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on people. We're smarter than that.

Mr. Jackson needed a way to justify giving Mrs. Sigmon a hefty RAISE before moving her to the Fin. Office. He had a brainstorm and called that RAISE a "bonus" for taking on extra job responsibilities - being the "office manager" for the bunch on the hill. What's so laughable about that is that Mrs. Sigmon is a far cry from an "office manager". She doesn't have the knowledge or the skills to be "office manager" over employees that were working for the system about the same time she was born and who have forgotten more than she will EVER know about the school system. What an insult for Mr. Jackson to call her an "office manager". Then she started out at a higher salary than all of us teachers!!!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful "bonus" Mr. Jackson. Wish you liked the ones that educate our school children as well as you like the ones (some of the ones) on the "hill". Commissioners say they can't do anything about this ... but it's time somebody said NO to this type of crap. Let's see who has the spine to do something about this.

Thursday, May 08, 2008 9:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commissioners need to withhold school budget until school board gives Tee Jackson walking papers. The board is who he has to answer to but, you would think he is accountable to no one. All employees up there are overpaid except for a few who do all the work and keep that place running through the school year and during summer break. Tee Jackson is a crooked liar. If the people of Giles County only knew of how he has deceived the taxpayers of this county. Again, Commissioners should not approve the school budget until the board sends him merrily packing back to Athens. Marshall County just recently did it with their Director of Schools. Why can't we?? Get on board commissioners and grow some "BALLS" and do what is right!! We need to take back control of our county from this crook.

Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With this runaway spending will Giles county soon be in the same shape as Spring Hill and Elkton?

Busses may have to stop because of no gas money. Learn to homeschool your children or they can walk a few miles to school as their grandparents did.

If there is no money to fix roads so be it.

Friday, May 09, 2008 4:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With this runaway spending will Giles county soon be in the same shape as Spring Hill and Elkton?

Busses may have to stop because of no gas money. Learn to homeschool your children or they can walk a few miles to school as their grandparents did.

If there is no money to fix roads so be it.

Friday, May 09, 2008 4:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to thank Mayor Speer and the others who worked so hard to stop the land fill in Marshall County.

Friday, May 09, 2008 4:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to thank Mayor Speer and the others who worked so hard to stop the land fill in Marshall County.

Friday, May 09, 2008 4:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comments regarding the landfill should be posted under the appropriate topic.

We should be thanking the group in Marshall Co that formed a committee and rallied folks from Marshall and Giles to fight this. They are the ones who worked so hard.

Friday, May 09, 2008 5:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get on topic PEOPLE!!! Perhaps you can ask McPeters to start a landfill topic. This however is not it.
I think the above poster is 100% correct. The commissioners need to do just that. Withhold his budget until the school board gets rid of Tee Jackson. If more citizens would take and active interest in being informed by coming to some school board meetings they would see what everyone what is posting is true. Anyone that has dealings with Tee Jackson knows what a jerk he is. We have got to elect board members this election that are not Kiss Asses to Jackson. It is time people get serious about this and take a stand. Call the board member that represents your district and tell them your fed up with outrageous salaries and pay increases and being lied to. For Goodness Sakes stand up for our teachers. If any teacher takes a stand they risk being replaced. We have to do something and do it ASAP! Talk it up with your neighbors, friends, relatives and get involved to get this crook out of our county. Unless everyone is looking forward to another property tax increase. Because that seems to be the only thing other than giving undeserving people high salaries and ridiculous bonuses. It is bad enough with high cost of gas and increasingly higher cost of groceries among other things. Tee Jackson needs to go!!

Friday, May 09, 2008 8:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Ferguson is retiring, do you think that Dr. Gonzales might replace her?

Friday, May 09, 2008 8:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea come to think of it increases in property taxes seems to be one of the things Jackson has down to a science. I agree I am sick of not having a school director that doesn't have our county school system and the children in it's best interest at heart. When he first came here from Athens I thought he might be an asset to our school system. What a price we have had to pay to learn otherwise. I did hear something about Marshall Co doing that to get rid of their school director. It sounds like a good idea to remove corruption and take back control of our schools and a better handle on spending within our school system. How many more employees in the central office will get a whopping $14,000 bonus for extra duties? I can tell you this much, the ones that do the work are not the ones being paid fairly. If Loretta Garner allows that Sigmon woman to come to the finance building with the $14,000 additional salary, she has just messed in her nest. So she better think about what she is doing on that one.

Friday, May 09, 2008 8:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loretta Garner and Janet Vanzant were fully aware of the controversy over the $14,000 "bonus. They knew it was not supposed to be salary. They lied.

Friday, May 09, 2008 9:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can believe that when it comes to Janet Vanzant. I only hope that isn't true about Loretta. Tee Jackson was not for the Act of 81 and I believe this is his way to cause waves by giving that money to Sigmon. I imagine his thinking is that those that were against the act will holler that they knew that it was going to cost the taxpayers more money. I tell ya, I was for the act of 81 but, if Loretta doesn't stand firm and do what is right I will be sorely disappointed. Those for the act of 81 are not happy with this bonus one bit! I only hope we haven't been deceived. If so, I know I will do my level best to see Janet Vanzant won't serve another term as Co. Exec. I also have no problem expressing my displeasure with Loretta.

Friday, May 09, 2008 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of mine works in Marshall County and I heard that the new director of schools has only been on board for 1 month and his first priority was to go to all the elementary schools and read to the kindergarten children!!! He also went and personally introduced himself to all teachers and staff. I even heard a story about how an elementary teacher assistant said he talked to her like she was important! On Teacher Appreciation day he even personally went to all schools, walked through and shook all the employees hands to thank them for what they do to HELP CHILDREN!!!! Imagine that? How many teachers in our school system can say that about Tee? He does not give a rat's a** about the teachers or children in this county!! We need a change in this system before it goes down the toilet!! The teachers in my school are outraged over the salary of the "director" of Leaps and Bounds! What a joke!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question regarding GCHS - Why were there so many teachers "pink-slipped" and I hear there are quite a few retiring? How is the school ever going to become a stable environment if there is constant teacher turnover?

Saturday, May 10, 2008 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand one of the Ag teachers at GCHS was let go because she didn't dress appropriately-what is proper attire for an Ag teacher?

Saturday, May 10, 2008 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so insulted and frankly hurt by Mr. Jackson's comments, IF they weren't taken out of context. Year after year he has accepted pay raises and bonuses while denying teachers 4%, 3%, 2%, and even a 1% raise....ONE PERCENT!!!!! Mr. Jackson, do you not realize that all teachers must multi-task everyday, not just for a few weeks, or do you just not care? Are you kidding me, with the "extra duty" comment?? planning and implementing?? Mr. Jackson, many things in this world may not be black and white, but teacher's value to you is glaringly apparent, we are a disposable commodity to be used and discarded. I do not believe you are a stupid man, therefore I believe that you are aware of what you are doing to us and you don't care. Many of us had high hopes for you Mr. Jackson, when you came on board, finally some leadership, direction, respect, common goals...If any board member claims to care about education in this county AND claims to be a Christian, well to be blunt, please stop making those claims! It hurts a very important cause! A non-Christian watching your behavior and the things you are doing to us will certainly not be led by your example. That goes for any double-dealing commisioners as well. I realize that is a judgemental statement, because I may not understand everything going on. But guess what, I don't understand because nobody with authority has explained it to me. I can logically assume from your silence that you want to continue your arrogant behavior and keep the public in the dark. Just remember, all you public officials, you may be the only "BIBLE" someone reads, and you will most assuredly "reap what you sow."
I'm ready to give up and jump ship. Check pay scales of surrounding counties, even with the price of gas, I am inclined to accept their "respect". (It's all online, except of course Giles County). To a couple of central office employees and maybe even principals...what's the going rate on the sale of your integrity these days? Teachers, I urge you to work to the letter of the "memorandum of understanding", nothing more or less. As the old saying goes, "we must all hang together or surely we will all hang separately." (something like that)
sign me "burned out and sad"

Saturday, May 10, 2008 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does Tee Jackson have on some important people who give him his job? Surely it's something or he would be road out of town on a rail if all I'm reading on this blog is true.

Did he except a pay raise and not give the teachers one? I know he will say the state gave the teachers a raise. Did they not give him one too?

Saturday, May 10, 2008 1:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that Mr. Jackson takes the same raise the teacher does. He gets a raise if they do. Someone mentioned bonus for him and I don't think that is true either. I don't know where some of these ideas come from but please get the facts before saying them. No I am not a Jackson supporter. I don't like him and I wish he would head back to Athens, but I don't want lies on here either.

Saturday, May 10, 2008 3:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right about lies on him. I don't know the man since I don't have a school connection.
a lot of us read this blog and don't know if someone is just telling lies or if it's true.
I wish people wouldn't say anything if they don't know it's true.

Saturday, May 10, 2008 3:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This topic is just like every other one on this blog. People post what they "think" the truth is or what they've "heard" the truth is, but in reality it's a very small portion of truth surrounded by a whole lot of exaggeration and falsehoods. The question is, do they do this out of sheer ignorance, or is it done intentionally in order to try to persuade people so that they can get what they want, perhaps power and authority for themselves? The truth is it's the same few people posting these things over and over, so you have to wonder what THEIR agenda is.

Saturday, May 10, 2008 6:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever some of you might think about a "small amount of truth" being posted on this blog are WRONG when it comes to what Mr Barrett posts. Isn't that what we should be responding to.

Saturday, May 10, 2008 9:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have personally challenged Barrett on several subject that I knew to be lies. He does not always get his facts from good sources. He may not intentionally lie but he does not have all the facts either. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. I will not post my name because I need a job but I know all he tells is not true because I have been close to the things he tells on several occasions.

Sunday, May 11, 2008 9:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How bout some examples dude. anybody can shoot off their mouth but until you put your name on it it ain't worth spit. I been reading this blog for a long time and ain't see Barret or wab wrong yet. You may not like what he says but you ain't got to wonder who said it or if it's the truth. So shut up or put up an example I KNOW FOR A FACT there can't be more than none.

Sunday, May 11, 2008 4:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too would like to have 9:25 post some examples of were Mr. Barrett lied or failed to report his facts straight. Some of his comments may have been disagreeable or a different
point of view but I believe his ability to get the truth out has been very accurate and very welcomed.

Sunday, May 11, 2008 4:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 9:25 post.
As others have expressed I too would like very much to see some examples of “lies” I have posted on this blog or anywhere else. In fact I would be very excited to see just one “lie” that I have posted. Simply because you happen to disagree with me on a matter does not make it a “lie” or even wrong until you can bring forth some evidence to show that I am wrong. I have yet to see one single example of you providing anything other than your personal feelings as support for your disagreement. As I have stated several times in the past I certainly am not infallible, and would gladly make a correction and apology if I have posted anything that is proven to be incorrect, but again based on the facts and not on the feelings of an individual.
Now if the question is, have I posted something where I did not have all the facts, I have posted nothing that did not include all the facts that were available to me. No one is able to know every single fact about an issue, as I have said before I seek to merely inform and open debate so that secret dealings and activities can be exposed, examined and people can be informed. I also have posted my name to my statements so there can be no suggestion of rumors or accusations without the opportunity to challenge me and present another side.
Now as I said before simply show your “FACTS” (not feelings) and give examples of where I “lied” or at least be big enough to accept responsibility for your unfounded accusations and insinuations by posting your name with your statements. Without facts to support you all you have is opinions and yours happen to stink. Allen Barrett

Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One additional question anonymous of the 9:25 post, why do you always try to make the subject about me instead of trying to do something to correct the real problem or even stay on subject. Allen BArrett

Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

925 I can just picture you at your best moment of meditation, out in the cow pasture sitting on a nice soft round brown cushion someone left for you, swatting flies & pleased they're so attracted to you, filled with feelings of being loved, just wishing all those bad folks would quit polluting the air.

No need to finish this story - ya all done figured it out without my help.

Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said I have argued with WAB before and he will never admit to not having the facts right. As to examples you would have to go back to old blogs for those. I was not the only one challenging some of the things he said but it is a matter of WAB's word against several others and he will never cry uncle.

Monday, May 12, 2008 6:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, 6:22, put up or shut up. If you have facts to the contrary about Allen Barrett then please enlighten us. Otherwise, your feelings alone are not facts. It seems you are right in line with those that are corrupt and only willing to cover up instead of entertaining the mere thought that Allen Barrett is right. Perhaps, the reveal of the truth jeopardizes the gravy train you appear to be riding. My opinion only, and I am entitled to it as you are yours. You just appear to be running off at the mouth with speculation and trying to cast doubt where facts support the comments being made on this blog by Allen Barrett. It is a good thing Mr. Barrett has enough integrity to sign his name to his posts when he reports his facts. You on the other hand, just want readers to believe you because you say so and offer no proof to the contrary. Do you really think people are that stupid? You must! I guess you can be glad of the fact that you sign anonymous, at least when your proven wrong you don't have to suffer the public embarrassment unlike those that sign their posts. You need to keep in mind you are not the only one posting anonymous and you never know who is posting on here and how close to the situation they are. Imagine that someone might actually have more insight than you!

Monday, May 12, 2008 6:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:49 am, well said.
I'm so sick of the person posting, "Tack the facts to the proper authority and shut up." I would bet 6:22 is that person, but they never tell what Barret lied about.

Monday, May 12, 2008 1:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have asked WAB to show proof but he does not come up with it. He is telling the truth where is his proof. Why should I be the one to come up with proof. If he has the proof of all he says thne Tee would be out of here and I would be the first to cheer. I am not a supporter so I would love for him to prove what he says. I am close enough to know that a lot of what he says has a little truth but it is not all truth so he cannot prove anything. I am not the one to tell someone to take the facts to the proper authority and shut up but I would have to go along with that. I think that he is telling the truth from what he is hearing but he is not hearing the facts as they are. I am not going to go any further than that. I'll just back down because I know you cannot argue with WAB unless you have more time on your hands than I do.

Monday, May 12, 2008 5:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of the 5:34 post.
You state, "I have asked WAB to show proof but he does not come up with it. He is telling the truth where is his proof. Why should I be the one to come up with proof".
If you would simply give an example of what you are talking about instead of playing with generalities I would be glad to share my proof of anything I have posted. I have tried to be as specific as possible but I can not read your mind. If there is something I have posted that you can show was incorrect please tell me and give your opposing evidence. I'm open to changing my position when the facts change. Allen Barrett

Monday, May 12, 2008 6:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, most of these blogs start out as reasonable questions for discussion , but it seems that all of them turn out, in the end, to be comments given as facts by people who don't have a clue - opinions stated as fact and their inside "info". Most comments are so far out, they are ludicrous. And they usually are by the same few people in all the different blog subjects.

Monday, May 12, 2008 6:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want the facts? How about attending a few school board meetings. Go to a county commission meeting. Better yet ask the commissioner in your district to show you the school budget. If you can read you can see how the books are cooked and if you need help understanding it ask Allen Barrett or someone who is taking notice of what is happening. There would be your opportunity to prove Allen Barrett among other posters wrong. It is all in black & white if you would just open your eyes and mind. The problem is you are probably too lazy to investigate for yourself. You would rather criticize those who have the intelligence to make sense of it all and who actually give a damn about your tax dollars. Yeah, you right, Allen Barrett is such a bad person. HA! When he raises questions it is to your benefit as a taxpayer. I guess it is ok with you to hand out your hard earned tax dollars to undeserving employees as if a money tree is growing behind the central office. I don't want my tax dollars spent frivolously. I work hard for the things I have and no one gives me a a handout. My guess is unless you are one of the employees who benefits from this out of control spending you don't get handouts either. What is so hard to understand about the fact that the spending is out of control???

Monday, May 12, 2008 7:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that you all are reading my answers. I WANT WAB TO BE RIGHT, but he is not. I AM CLOSE TO THE SITUATION. I have been to the meetings, I have seen the budget. I think there are lots of things being done wrong but I don't think the books are "cooked". I think money is being spent where and on those that it should not but that is within the budget. I think that the people who are being kept in the school system and don't work should be gone. How many people are working on a 100 day contract and don't do a job? Ask the high school how many they have and what they do and the hours they do it in. That would save thousands. Those people are being paid a 1/2 teacher salary at top pay since they are retired and still working. How many will be added to that list this coming year? The prinical that is missing work is due those days, she has sick leave and vacation so there is nothing wrong there. I think that questions should be raised on a lot of subjects but I think that the facts should be facts and not rumors that are unproven. I am waiting with baited breath for WAB to come up with something that has substance and truth and I WILL CHEER HIM ON. I have danced the dance before with WAB and it is a very tiring dance and I don't care to take the floor again. I will bow out, but don't assume that all these are coming from the same person, I guess I should come up with an alias so I could at least be known by that.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB, To prove whether she is getting a $14,000 bonus find out if her pay changed by that much for only a few months or if her salary was changed to reflect a yearly salary change. That would prove which it was. There is a lot of difference in $14,000 divided by 4 months and 14,000 divided by 12 months. That should be the simple answer to you question. The raise should have been given to payroll in writing.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The raise is on "the books". "The books" are without a doubt public record. "The books" would show Mrs. Sigmon's pay before the bonus and after the bonus. (translated RAISE) Of course, WAB should be able to walk in and request a copy of "the books". Should he have to? Should you? No. We have a newspaper in this county and you would think some journalist would want to sink their teeth in this topic. Where are they? Where is our media when some investigative reporting needs to be done? Why is WAB the one who has to uncover the travesty and then the one to go and do the leg work for us and publicize the proof? We have become too lazy and complacent for our own good! Which is why $14,000 of our tax dollars flew out of the bank to be called a bonus which will in essence be an annual salary at the Financial Management office for the citizens of our county to continue paying while our teachers aren't even thrown CRUMBS from the GCBofE table!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of the 5:10 and the 5:19 posts.
Not once have you read anything where I said the books are "cooked" what you have read is rather much like what you have said in your statement that money is being wasted, spent in the wrong places and on the wrong people.
Now since you posted under the thread about the $14,000.00 bonus/salary I suppose that is what you claim I am wrong about. Here is my proof. In the presence of Beverly Murrey, Tommy Pollard, David Adams, James Harwell, Connie Howell and Judge Lee Mr. Tee Jackson stated in no uncertain terms and more than once that the $14,000.00 was a bonus given to Mrs Sigmon for extra work she would be doing in preparation of moving to the Financial Management Office. This extra work was described as attending meetings such as County Commission and committee meetings.
Mrs Sigmon's salary was $33,394.00 at the school system however her salary reported to Mrs Garner, according to Mrs. Garner and Mrs Vanzant, was $47,394.00.
Now with that information what opinion would you form about the situation? Allen Barrett

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the one that has said the books are cooked. The truth is they are!! I an not referring to the $14,000 "bonus" as evidence that the books are cooked. I just merely stated that the school systems books are cooked. They were in the past, they are now and they will remain that way until investigative work is done or Tee Jackson is gone. You derive what ever you want to from what I am saying when I post. Much like you I am very close to the situation as well.
Now, I was at the meeting Allen Barrett mentioned in his above post. My ears did not deceive me. Mr. Jackson did say that Sigmon was given a "bonus" for extra work. It was not considered a part of her salary. He also stated that bonus would not reflect her salary once going to the finance office. A bonus is a one time payment. He was very clear when he said that it was not recurring or an increase in salary. He stated that Sigmon's salary would be the same going to the finance office as has been at the central office. This salary amount was $33,000. There isn't any gray area about what he said in that meeting. So, the only other thing to assume is that he is a "liar". Imagine that! Well, that is nothing new about his character.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 2:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:24
There was a report on this in the Pulaski Citizen dated May 6th. Investigation should be done by our 21 commissioners, all of them know about it. They should stop the schools budget until they get to the bottom of this and stop it, once and for all. After all, is that not why they were elected and what we pay them for. Many of the commissioners would like to get rid of Jackson. Maybe this is their opportunity, or are they too weak?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 9:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right 9:26!! We need citizens to come out in droves to these meetings and demand control back of this county and our tax dollars. If these commissioners ever wish to be re-lected it needs to be paramount that the do what is right by the people and not Tee Jackson. Remember, Tee Jackson is not a property taxpayer in this county. He could care less how high our taxes go. If he doesn't get the blessing from our county commissioners you can bet he will slither around until he gets what he wants behind our backs. I am telling you this man is pure evil! He does what suits his agenda. He pays people high salaries to keep them in his pocket and indebted to him. Can't anyone else see this but a select few. I think the commissioners are certainly questioning his actions with this money but, my fear is they will just let him have his way and be done with it. Everyone needs to call the commissioners in your district and express how you feel and demand something be done. Commissioners need to refuse his budget until the school board sends him packing back to Athens. The school system is the biggest tax burden on this county and there is no control over spending. I can think of plenty of deserving employees within the school system you could spread that "$14,000" out and give a little better pay to. For crying out loud shouldn't we award the ones that are educating our youth? Sigmon doesn't even have a CPA how is she going to act in place of Loretta Garner who is a CPA without the knowledge that the job entails. Wake up Giles County!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB, I have never said that you lie about everything. I am not sure I said you lie. You are misinformed. If I said you lied I will apologize. You seem to get the wrong information sometimes. The $14,000 bonus is not one of those. Did you notice that you talked to Jackson in his office after the meeting so that there was no tape of the conversation? Next time ask for remarks on the tape not in his office or carry your handy camera or tape with you. I believe you were told what has been stated. I also think that Sigmon should be given more money as Deputy Director. She need to make more than those that are under her supervision. For the person who said the school is the biggest tax burden, the school system is the largest employer in the county. It has about 600 employees and it cost a lot to run it even with honesty. I don't know what the answer is to Jackson but good luck with it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One big problem is the commissioners personal relationships with people employed by the Board of Education. I know this is old news but one commissioner disregarded his immediate supervisor went to Tee Jackson if it had been and employee other than one that was a commissioner they would have been fired. We need good honest people in the commission and although some of the commissioner have been one for years, I think everyone new would be a good way to start, but for that to happen citizens of Giles County have to stop voting for someone just because they have always been there, or they are a good ole boy, or hey He's my neighbor.
Tee Jackson doesn't care about anyone who can not further his cause. Giles County School employees are underpaid-that is the ones who actually do the work.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there was much speculation about how Mr. Tee Jackson would be able to reconcile the fact he got caught telling one group of people one thing and another group just the opposite. He clarified the matter last night by saying, "I have no memory of ever saying the money was a bonus". While he has a clear memory of the meeting where the matter was discussed with Commissioners Pollard, James Harwell, David Adams, Board member Murrey and myself, he has no memory of saying it was a bonus. While each of those who were present have a very clear remembrance of him having said more than once that the money was a bonus, outlining what it was for, and that it would not go to the finance office with her
"Mr. Jackson has no memory of saying it".
Well, let it be clear, Mr. Tee Jackson is a cold faced liar. I write this now not as a surprise to Mr Jackson, I would not call him a liar here without first telling him to his face. This is not the first time Mr. Jackson has flat out lied
in front of several witnesses.
His behavior is beneath contempt and his example unfortunately influences those he supervises and infects classroom activities. He must go, if our school leadership is to ever have any credibility and have any hope of reaching its potential, and the sooner the better. Allen Barrett

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 2:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To do that, some school board members must go first. Let's face it, toothy smiles & eloquent speech aside, supporting lies & deceit in the school system is as bad as it gets!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have those same people gone to T as a group and confronted him with the lie? Not that it is going to make one bit of difference. You need to stand up as one voice in a public forum. Your accusations alone don't mean anything.

Thursday, May 15, 2008 6:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lady many be are hard worker & likeable person, but the question is, what has she done accounting wise for the school system and taxpayers. We know from a TN Audit standpoint that they had been and continue to be out of compliance with routine accounting basic standards. We know that the budget and funding process is routinely riddled with impropiety, false numbers, and false statements of written comments, that are supposedly included as "material" (significant)disclosure in the budget financial statement and department operations. You don't have to look far to see what Jackson is all about, relative to truth & why things are in a state of disinformation.

The point is, any accountant has an obligation to not participate in any form of deception or disinformation, period. It doesn't matter whether you don't know, were ordered to do it, or threatened, or rewarded for such acts. The absolute requirement is to stop it and quit if need be to protect your reputation. That hasn't happened!

A deputy director of finance is not a flunky position. The big raise appears to be more than reward for a job well done, or does it depend on what well done means? Is it a quid pro quo & what can be expected in the future?

The financial management committee is run by people dedicated to kill it - dedicated to financial chaos, not control!

Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saying that Sigmon is supervising anyone is laughable. But then again maybe it's not her fault that she has been put in this position. Of course she could have declined the "bonus". She has extremely little experience in the school system and certainly knows NOTHING in comparison to those she is supposed to "supervise".It's just the way they thought they could make us swallow the $14,000 raise before she went to the Financial Management Office. The folks at that office will feel the same way with her making a humongous salary in comparison and them knowing way more about their jobs. Let's put money where it needs to go in the school system - TO THE TEACHERS!!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When talking to Big T, be sure and take a small tape recorder in your shirt pocket.

The big salary is to show Giles County people, "You may have voted for the Finance Management, but I'll show you it's going to cost."

It's wonderful to live in another county and say let those dumb people pay more taxes.

Wake up Giles County, Do something about this.

Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go again being mean-spirited to someone you dislike. I refer you to your post wherein you called Mr. Jackson a cold faced liar. Wouldn't you characterize that as outrageous and unbecoming behavior from a man of God?

Thursday, May 15, 2008 1:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounded like that was what Jackson was.
Why don't you just give Jackson a big kiss and tell him you are sorry for the way people talk about him.

Thursday, May 15, 2008 1:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:24 are you saying that the good lord himself would not call a liar a liar? People like you are difficult to understand. Should we call him a not-truth-teller? Would that make you feel better about it? He is a liar just like a murder is a murderer. Should WAB not call a murderer a murderer? Please elaborate.

Thursday, May 15, 2008 1:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 1:24 post.

I do not dislike Mr. Jackson in fact I find him very likable so that renders your first sentence as inaccurate. Now as for your term mean-spirited should I understand that to mean dishonorable, disreputable, dishonest or unfair if so it certainly applies to Mr. Jackson far more than to me. Which carries the greater burden the unfounded accusation of being called “mean-spirited” or a proven statement of “liar”?
I would not call my referring to Mr. Jackson as a “cold faced liar” any more outrageous and unbecoming than to refer to an elephant as a pachyderm. For me it is far more cowardly and ungodly to accept treachery, deceit, dishonesty, lies and general cur like behavior than to identify it and rebuke it. Allen Barrett

Thursday, May 15, 2008 2:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Atta way WAB - almost hit the nail on the head except for one big point. The elephant thing isn't the whole truth true, you know it, & the whole world will be down on you because of it. Half truths ain't no better than the whole thing! Elephant is close, but you got to look under his tail to get at the whole truth - IT'S the hole under the elephants tail - not the whole elephant - say you're sorry or we ain't gonna listen to you nomore!

Thursday, May 15, 2008 2:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wab..."As I have stated several times in the past I certainly am not infallible, and would gladly make a correction and apology if I have posted anything that is proven to be incorrect..."

on another post you said the same thing and someone proved you wrong. when it happened, you refused to apologize or even admit that you were wrong. i think that says it all.

Thursday, May 15, 2008 6:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like El Dumbo is back so I must come back too. I'll echo what some other people have said and ask dumbo show the place where wab was proven wrong and refused to apologize.
The most arrogant thing I read today was your statement that you "think" boy what self-centered arrogance.

Thursday, May 15, 2008 7:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have proved WAB wrong but unless he admits it, which we know he won't, his followers will never know the difference. I am not going to go back through this blog just to find the place he was proved wrong. I really don't remember what it was but I do know he was wrong because I had first hand knowledge and knew the FACTS. He had the hearsay. He did not admit it then and if I said it again now he would not admit he was wrong now. No use walking those roads again. All I can say is that WAB has good points but does not always have the exact facts because he was not involved. Maybe the lates with Jackson he knows because he was involved. All I am saying is that if he is going by what he is told then the people involved would know more than he does. He thinks he is telling it like it was but if he was not there he does not know.

Friday, May 16, 2008 6:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy to say 6:47 when you can't offer the proof. Your statement holds no merit. People like you always expect WAB to offer the proof. You are no different. Although, in your mind you think you are.

Friday, May 16, 2008 7:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with God. Facts are facts and WAB along with a school board member and some commissioners proved what we already knew about Tee Jackson. Time for that man to go and the commissioners need to do something about it. I know they can't fire Jackso, thats up to the school board, but the commissioners at least can freeze his funding. Jackson lied to the commissioners a couple of years back when he asked for a bunch of new money stating it would go toward buses, then spent it elsewhere. When are these commissioners gonna wake up. If they don't - they need to go as well.

Friday, May 16, 2008 4:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the commissioners say they were all present why did they ALL not confront Jackson at the budget committee meeting the other night? I was told (yes this is heresay) that only one commissioner said he heard it. I agree something needs to be done but they will ALL have to band together to do it. They can do like Marshall County and force the Board to get rid of him but it will have to be the majority of the Commmissioers to do it together.

Friday, May 16, 2008 4:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:47, Your obsession with WAB is most interesting, but that is not the topic of this thread....and I doubt if you have proved him wrong. If you had, you would remember the issue without having to go back thru all the topics. And so what if he was wrong, if you care about the issues, at least you'll do some checking on your own....quit making everything about him, or blog somewhere else. I'm sure he's flattered with your obsession, but then I'm guessing as I have never met him, that the actual issues are more important than your hanging on his every word.

Friday, May 16, 2008 5:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:28 you seem to have an obsession with defending someone you say you have never met. Why would you defend someone you don't have and would not have any idea whether he is telling the truth or not. More than one person is saying that he does not have the facts. I am one but there is more than one blogging here. I don't have to check with the facts I know them myself.

Saturday, May 17, 2008 8:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You yell for WAB to apologize, yet you refuse to tell what he needs to apologize for. This makes you no better than he is.

Saturday, May 17, 2008 8:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does it always turn to WAB or anything to get off the subject. We need to be worried about the facts. Who gives a crap how the information became public, it does not change the fact that obviously something is not completely right about the salaries in this county. Stop complaining about who revealed the problem, check it out for yourself and then start doing something about it. Or the next time we have to have a tax increase to cover these large salaries DO NOT say a word. You must be willing to help fix the problem or you have no right to compain. Stop trying to blame the wrong people for the problem. I am not "standing up" for WAB but I can guarantee HE did not set the salaries for these people, nor has he VOTED as a commissioner to approve the salaries. Yell at the appropriate people. And just to answer you before you have a chance to ask, yes I have talked to my elected officials about this matter. I have been fighting this issue for some time.

Saturday, May 17, 2008 9:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue is far bigger & potentially more sinister than any salary increase!

Who created the position & set the standards for it? What are the standards and qualifications for the position?

It looks like a plant for T to get back in control of finance & cook the numbers, etc. If the lady has a degree in accounting & been preparing the school budget & funding requests - she's a threat, not an asset to the county! The very worst accounting scenario is a nice & well qualified accountant who takes orders and is willing to please figure heads! If she is, she's getting a payoff, not a raise & the raise could easily be a deadly hook, not an act of kindness.

(finance is different - can be more economics focus & less internal control procedural accounting & doesn't have the required courses or disciplines)

Saturday, May 17, 2008 1:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ask whether wab should call a murderer a murderer? Should I call wab arrogant and egotistical when that's exactly what he is? Can you not see that he is eating this attention up? Hilarious.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous without proof of what wab is or is not, you're just an empty headed vapor passed in the bathroom of life, you blow make a loud noise and smell really bad and give relief when you are gone.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 2:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:22 you are free to label anyone as you please. No, actually I don't see that he is eating this up. You are the type of person that is "eaten up" with jealousy that someone may know more than you. Have you ever had a conversation with Allen Barrett? He is a very intelligent man, that I have found in the few conversations I have shared with him, he is very understanding and open to other peoples views. However, he bases his information on facts. He doesn't scream, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling" , if there is no factual proof that indeed the sky is falling. I think what makes people so angry on here is he is fact based. You know, you can't dispute facts. However, when he has been incorrect as some have pointed out, he has apologized and made amends. How many people do you see post on this blog with false information ever, and I mean "EVER" admit to being wrong? Perhaps, you could be inclined to open your mind to the mere possibility that you are wrong? Maybe I am asking too much of you.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 2:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just proved my point. You ARE feeding his ego by saying how intelligent he is. He eats that up.
No, I doubt that you will ever see him admit he is wrong. As talented as you say he is, I'm afraid humility is not one of his stronger traits.
You mentioned my "jealousy" of the man. That is absolutely absurd. He is of all people someone I wouldn't choose to emulate.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're not jealous why don't you just shut up. This is getting old. Why can't you people stick to the topic of this blog and forget about each other.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:07 I give credit where credit is due. Perhaps, I could pay you a compliment if you did something other than rant and stick your head in the sand. Since you appear to be an avid reader of this blog, I suggest you stay tuned. You are going to really be upset soon!! You see, you are on the verge of seeing just how correct WAB has been all this time on certain issues and people. But, I am sure if the good lord himself touched you with the truth you would be a believer. I guess some people don't want to acknowledge that others may actually know more than them. Please respond with something more substantial next time. You are the arrogant one. Your philosophy is that if you think something is wrong, you don't need facts. It is wrong just because you think so. How could you be so close-minded? Why are you so much against WAB? I prefer intelligent answer if you can muster one up.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently, you misunderstand my intentions. I have absolutely nothing against the man personally. I simply dislike the way he treats those who disagree with him and the way he uses name-calling and smearing against people whom he dislikes for whatever reason. And I happen to think a lot of it stems from his "jealousy" of those who hold elected offices. Regardless, the shoe fits either way.
Here's a different slant on your suggestion that we stick to the topic. If you will stop defending someone who is demeaning and sarcastic toward others, I will stop calling you to task.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I will not grant your request. You can't see the forest for the trees. Why are you so hung up on the fact that "YOU" think he thinks only he is right? Why do "YOU" think he is jealous because he lost the election? How does that even fit into the equation? I want real answers from you on this! You are making the most ridiculous statements if ever I have heard. You are so narrow-minded. WAB is right on so, so many occasions. If you really believe these things about WAB, then I truly feel sorry for someone who is so incapable of seeing others point of views. You think he is arrogant, you think he is jealous. Is that the best you can come up with, honestly?? In my opinion, these statements seem to describe you. People like you always rule people that are smarter or have the edge on things as arrogant or egotistical. You do this because you really don't know how to rebuttal him. Prove him wrong if you dare to pull your head out of your a#%! I will be waiting.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think someone other than me made the point that wab, even when wrong, would not admit it. I merely agreed with that statement!
You want real answers? Well, here's my answer. I have noticed his bitterness and resentment ever since he came in last in his district for a commissioner's seat. Oh well. And you accuse me of being incable of seeing others' points of view? Outrageous! But we both, in all honesty, know of someone who has that character flaw, don't we?
I thank God every day that there are smarter and more talented people than I am. And, being jealous of their abilities would be quite foolish, wouldn't you think?
Finally, I used to regularly give rebuttals to the sanctimonious one whenever he needed a spanking. I haven't done as much of that lately, because he seems to have toned things down a bit.
Please, don't be a ninnyhammer!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't try and be sly and quote O'Reilly. You really come off looking stupid. Try at least to be original! Even he would think you are a joke!
You haven't gotten one ioda of proof to back up your silly, juvenile attempts to discredit WAB. I find you very laughable. I happen to know FACTUALLY that you have absolutely no merit in your statements. I do find it quite amusing and laughable that WAB annoys you so. Keep on making an a#$ of yourself and I will keep on chuckling!
As far as not seeing your point of view, I know the truth and have more insight than you obviously have on the inner-workings of this county and those things being taken to task right now. So, I disagree with your point of view having entertained the thought and you are WRONG in your accussations of WAB!
Maybe we can agree on other topics but this one we do not and you definitely need to challenge yourself to come up with something better than being jealous,eaten up with losing an election or egotistical. Something tells me strongly that you would be too much of a coward to have a face-to-face debate with WAB if the opportunity presented itself. I imagine you are one of those people who sit in silence in the rear of a meeting taking it all in...then instead of speaking out and having your voice heard you cower down and run your mouth behind other people's back when you leave. Yeah I know people like you. People like you are called hypocrites.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 2:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George say... First of all let me say that I am not one of the ones who has posted on this topic before. I have sat back and listened. I have only seen WAB admit error once that was in using the wrong name of a commissioner. He can say lots of things but if he were so right about the things he has said about Jackson or Van Zant then they would be out of a job. People have encouraged him to come up with proof. The people on this blog can't see proof but if there really is any then the authorities would have taken over the country government. I wonder what is going to happen now in the previous bloggers note.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 5:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:11 I don't even see the point in trying to explain anything to people like you. But, because I actually care that people are educated on this topic I will continue to try to explain. Let me ask you some questions..What kind of proof would satisfy you? Have you ever looked at a school budget, county budget or had any dealing at any level or facet within local government? Your proof is in the pudding. Take a look at the budget. Call your commissioners or school board member in your district. Do you attend any county commission meetings or school board meetings? Just because you don't see the proof does not in any way indicate there is no proof. You have a right as a taxpayer to ask questions regarding taxpayer dollars. If you ever looked at the school budget you would see many questions can be raised. There are people asking questions other than WAB. And, some of those are actually commissioners. Eyes are being opened. You probably don't believe that either. Some people just look the other way because they have way too much at stake to make waves or they stand to benefit i some way. If you took notice there are many commissioners who have a direct conflict when voting on certain items on the county commission agenda for example. Why is nothing done? People are afraid to say or do anything. Hence, WAB. He has nothing to lose. My how incredibly naive you are to think that corruption doesn't exist. Corruption and wrong doing can go undetected for a long time before discovered. I guess that is what makes me so unfortunate, you have no idea what is going on in our local school system and local government. You have been snowed by those you think you can trust or you just don't care enough to research and find out for yourself.
You had rather sit back and make a judgement when you have no clue at all what is going on. You must have some connection to Vanzant or Jackson because I absolutely cannot imagine anyone being so hardheaded.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George says: You have no idea what I or anyone else has seen or has heard. Many of us have seen the budgets. Have you ever asked for an explanation from the people who did those budgets. I don't mean in a public meeting. I took governmental accounting in college. It is a horse of a different color. You can only budget by guess of what the money will be. These budget have to be done in early spring before anyone knows what the funds will be. Do you think the school system can budget for teacher salaries when they don't know who those teachers are going be, how many teachers will be needed or.. how many supervisors will Jackson hire. These bookkeepers can't work miracles. I was not for financial management but it is here and I hope that things will change. I don't think that in any way the books are crooked but I do think that Jackson likes to scramble things that were set in the beginning and change it in mid stream. The problem there is that financial management can't change the boss and he is in control. He can always ask for budget amendments and financial mangement cannot control that or him. As to the commissioners, I think that the fact that more seem to be going to committee meetings and are more knowledgeable about what is going on. Back in the day when the meetings were on the radio (I think they should bring that back) the commissioners seem to have no clue. No I don't go to commissioners meetings, I work full time and can't take vacation time to go to meetings. Maybe the meetings should be moved to night so that more of the public can go. Only the retired like WAB can attend the meetings. At least the school board has their meeting at night so that public and their employees can attend.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, O'Reilly comes up with some great words sometimes, and I just felt that your behavior fit the definition of a ninnyhammer. I could have said jackanapes or pecksniffian!
I don't have to proove wab's behavior. It's all over this blog and in the newspapers. Read and learn.
Thank you for calling me names and implying that I'm a coward. You merely prove my point. I could call you blind for refusing to see the obvious. But, I have a little more class than that.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 7:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you have any class at all! You prove it everytime you get on here with all your drivel.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The topic on this blog was If the $14,000.00 was a bonus or salary raise.
Could we start a blog that ask what people think of WAB, good or bad thoughts and maybe some of the no it all will not post on other blogs.

I like to read and see if anyone tells why it was a bonus or why it was salary raise. Not bitching.

If people could come up with something telling why things happen it would be great.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course "people like you" would charge that I have no class. But, you know what? I just consider the source.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grow up and stop acting like children.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George, there is no hope in explaining anything to you. You keep on sticking your head in the sand but you will eventually see how wrong you really are. Not all meetings with the school board are held in the evenings. Some have been in the early afternoon making it very difficult for faculty and to be in attendance. Always seems to work out that way when it is something that faculty should be able to attend. Question: Who ever said anything about the line item for teacher's salaries? Not me. You have no clue what I am talking about in the budget but it is not the salaries for teachers. Nor is it about budget amendments. You are not talking to someone who doesn't know about the budgets(school or county). I agree with you that the meetings should be broadcast on the radio. So, why not take action to try and make a change?
As far as the other posters who have made comments about sticking to the topic. This is relative to the topic. WAB got brought into this as always and probably to create a distraction from the problems at hand. It is too bad that you perceive discussions on here as bitching. I would like to think of it as more of a slightly heated debate. But,if that is what you call it buckle up, there is more "bitching" to come.
Also, to the anonymous thanking me for calling them names. I am glad you think you have more class than I. However, I don't open my mouth and insert foot like you have. I speak only of things I have first-hand knowledge. But, you are more than welcome!

Thursday, May 22, 2008 3:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay 3:07 what item in the budget are you talking about. I'll admit I don't know which one since I did not see the line item mentioned. I think that there are plenty of things wrong but I don't think the budget is one of them. If there is something wrong with the budget there are lots of people to blame. How many committees does it go through before approval? The board approves, educational committee, budget committee and full commission. If there is something wrong you need to tell someone exactly what is wrong with it not just say it is illegal or crooked or cooked or whatever you are saying.
Maybe we should petition the radio station to air the meeting or petition the commission to make the meetings at night.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you are correct the budget goes through many channels before approved. However, the board is not going to question anything because the magical #4 all agree with Tee Jackson. The education committee is chaired by Chan Harris. He is a good guy but doesn't have a clue what he is even looking at when it comes to the school budget. Very few of the commissioners on the education committee know anything either. Therefore, they do not raise any questions. Now, we come to the budget committee. We have Bill Holt as chair of that committee. He isn't going to make any waves due to the fact that he needs to keep Tee Jackson happy. The full commission usually accepts what the education committee votes on. So, there you one questioning a darn thing. No one asks for an explanation for why money for this or why money for that. No one studies how Tee Jackson moves money back and forth and back and forth. This is done to confuse people. True he is able to do what he wants with the money. But, he is not thinking of other interests when allocating money other than his own interest. That is what he was hired to do. We have a HUGE waste of taxpayer dollars in that new central office. Shotty work and overcharged out the wazooooo. No one questions that either. Tee Jackson tells commissioners he is going to use money for one thing and then uses it for something else. Then he comes back to county commission to ask for money for the "NEEDS" because he spent the original money on "WANTS". His wants. Not the teachers or students needs. Now, if you think I am being vague on my response....You are right. I have very good reason to be. You need to understand that Tee Jackson is walking a thin line. He keeps flying just under the radar. In time you will see that Giles County will have a new Director of Schools and when that happens I will be glad to post my name and sit down with you at your convenience and show you the proof you so desire.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Jackson needs to go I just don't think that there is anything crooked in the budget or amendments. As to the Central Office there is not as much wrong there are there is in the school. How many teachers are there that are teaching on a contract because he did not have the guts to get rid of them for good. He just moved them to contract to get them out of the classroom. They are his buddies. Also how many people are teaching that do not have "highly qualified" status? I don't have any idea who has or who can look at it. The school system is paying for so many teachers that are on the BEP. That is where money is being wasted.

Friday, May 23, 2008 6:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard from a fairly reliable source that there is a snitch at the Central Office who keeps wab and his entourage informed.

Friday, May 23, 2008 7:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most of these post are no better than a high school kids "Slam book"

Friday, May 23, 2008 9:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous May 22, 6:08
Great if we could have the meetings at night but you will find Ms Vanzant blocking the idea as she has in the past. Exactly who do you mean by "we"? Is this where Mr. Barrett suddenly comes in handy? Why don't you be the "we" and start the ball rolling. I'd gladly add my name to your petition.

Friday, May 23, 2008 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah 9:01 and you gotta get your 2 cents in too don't ya. Jackson or Vanzant lover are ya? Keep on thinkin' like you do. You will see!
You are the type of people that contribute to the problems in Giles County. You don't want to even fathom the idea that it what is being said just might have some truth to it.

Friday, May 23, 2008 1:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a director doesn't know how many teachers are needed, how many bureaucrats are needed, how many students will come to learn something, how many miles the busses will run & how many drivers are needed ... and so forth ... guess we need another director who knows what's happening!

If the queen bee sees a lot of drones flying in and out of the hive, eating everything in sight & leaving nothing for the workers - the hive won't have enough to make it through the winter - she'll get rid of drones. If the director isn't as smart as a honey be, we need to toss him in the honey bucket & get another.

When spending is up and enrolment is down, we know things are upside down. If you're looking at the budget & can't figure out what's wrong you're probably just plain stupid or part of the corruption!

Saturday, May 24, 2008 2:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are you giving out more bonuses and giving more teachers pink slips all at the same time?It makes no sense at all. Yes I am a high school student and dont think its right...I can understand that half of the teachers did deserve it but some of them didnt...I mean because the ag teacher wears no professional clothes is ridiculous...she's in and out of a shop all day she can't wear heels and a skirt she'd ruin everything she had. I also heard through the grapevine that it was because she was to friendly with the students. I'll tell you one thing that lady was the only person I'd ever trust at that school. She's helped me with not only her class but all my other ones and not many teachers would do that. What the hell is Giles County High School coming too? Keep getting rid of all the good ones who are actually teaching and helping all the kids and our school is going to go down the drain worse than it already is.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 5:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame Mr. Davis for the Ag teacher. She was hired out of desperation and she does not look like his secretary or whatever her title is now days. You have to look like her to keep her job. Why do you think the teacher having the affair with the student is still there? If she were fat and ugly she would be gone.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said 6:18 and 5:20

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 9:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tee Jackson wrote a note to the woman who does the checks. He said for her to give the person in question an extra 1200 a month until further notice. Then on an attached sheet he writes the order of command for this person. Jackson first, Braden second, Sigmon third, Beasely fouth, White, next, etc. He then wrote that the pay for Sigmon would be until the end of the school year. That is June 30. I think someone has gotten to Loretta Garner. She was really going to stick it to Jackson. She has fallen in with him it seems. Adrienne Braden quit for the 5th time and was just rehired to work for Loretta.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008 9:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:14 Unless you were the pen or the paper that he used to write the note I will not believe it. I knew Tee when he was a child he was so considerate that he wouldn’t even poop in his diaper preferring to wait until after he was fully potty trained before ever having a movement. I just don’t understand why all these trouble makers don’t want a local boy to succeed, I bet most of them ain’t even lived here as little as forty year. If ya’ll just knew what a sweet man Tee is you would just leave him alone. He has practically kept Mrs. Butlers open by going there with his friends to eat. I don’t know why they get on him so much just because they can’t keep up with him I guess. Things have gotten so bad he and Mrs Vanzant have to live out of the county just so they can get away from the complaining. Mirtle.

Thursday, June 05, 2008 6:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As School Superintendant he is suppose to own property and live in Giles County and HE DOES NOT!! Renting an apartment is not owning property. Being that he does not own property, probably visits Giles County business very little-he pay little to no taxes here-so he doesn't care how much he costs the taxpayers of Giles County. He is a liar-yes liar and has been proven so. There are alot of people who were considerate when they were younger and grew up to be rats. He has no respect for the people of Giles County and no respect for the employees of the Board of Education.
Both of the people you mentioned lived outside of Giles County when they got the positions they are in now, both were suppose to own property and live in Giles County-neither live here!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 06, 2008 8:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but you are wrong, he does not have to OWN property in Giles County. He has to LIVE in Giles County. Without a definition of living here nothing can be done. He "stays in Giles County on school nights only. He goes to Athens on Friday and Saturday night. He does attend First Baptist in Pulaski when it is convenient to him.

Saturday, June 07, 2008 8:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He needs to be fired! He is not a director, he is politician. He needs to go along with many others up there. We have got to get Kathy Norman out and any board members that are yes people to Jackson. I hope Ronnie Stogner is not elected. He will be no different than Norman, Lindsey, Hartsell and Foster. When Jackson doesn't have 4 members to vote as he wants them to, that is when you will begin to see change. That is what people need to be thinking about this election. Ronnie Stogner is a vote for Jackson because his wife is principle at Minor Hill for the time being. You never know when that can change. If elected I am sure Ronnie Stogner would be a vote for Jackson if it meant his wife got one of the high salaried positions in the central office.

Sunday, June 08, 2008 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you check MOST supervisors at the Central Office don't make as much as principals. Principals don't go to the Central Office for a pay raise. It is either a move made by management to get them into a job where they do less harm or a principal is tired of the stress and ask to be moved.

Sunday, June 08, 2008 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name one supervisor not assistant supervisor that makes less than a principal? No supervisor makes less than any principal.

Sunday, June 08, 2008 3:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My god Mrs. Ferguson as worthless as she was, received a salary of $70,000. She may have been a great teacher but a salary of that magnitude to sit at the central office and sale her Mary Kay, Avon and whatever other crap she sold. Hardly!! She didn't even work for crying out loud. She is an inconsiderate old lady. I have heard her be very rude to her own co-workers not to mention others that have visited the central office. And nosey, wow is she nosey!! It was time for her to go to the house. Atleast for the most part she is out of there.

Sunday, June 08, 2008 5:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Mrs. Ferguson was not performing her duties as she should, but to be perfectly fair, I cannot imagine her being rude to anyone...I have only been around her on a limited basis, but she was always a gracious "southern lady", (definetely "blond" at times) but never rude. (and don't take offense folks at the blond's okay to joke around once in a while.) It is true that judging from appearances, MaryKay was a higher priority on her "to do" list than her GCBOE duties, but again, I said from appearances. Looks can be deceiving. I'm no fan of a LOT that's going on at the CO, but I do try to look at all sides.

Monday, June 09, 2008 9:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, she has been rude. I know first hand. This could not have been passed off as being blonde. I think most are glad she is gone. She only got in the way and not to mention her rediculous salary of $70,000. That is the most absurd salary for someone who does nothing.

Monday, June 09, 2008 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She absolutely can be rude. I have heard it first hand. She thinks because of her age and position she can say whatever she wants. She is very critical of people beneath her or younger than her. Take my word for it. I have been on the receiving end of it just because of my age. I have also heard her speak to other people that way.

Monday, June 09, 2008 7:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess if it's a bonus or a pay increase it translates into a new Mercedes.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wrong. Principals make a good deal more money than supervisors, except the director and assistant director. Some don't consider applying for a promotion to supervisor because of the lower pay. But it is a lot less stressful job and the hours for the most part aren't as long as principals. I know at least one supervisor who was once offered a principal's job where they could make a lot more money when one came open but said no way because of all the hassles principals have to deal with. I think principals should make more money but it's also not right to have to make less money if you get a promotion. And I don't know where you got your information, but Mrs. Ferguson did not make $70,000 a year, not even close. But it was still to much for what she did or should I say didn't do.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supervisors make more than principals, state law. Pricipals must be highest paid person in building, state law.....Too many people are guessing and assuming facts.

Friday, June 20, 2008 9:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly, too many people are guessing and assuming facts. Yes, the principal must be the highest paid person in the building, but it's not state law. It's a SACS regulation. Supervisors do not make more than principals. That's a fact. Call the person who does payroll and ask what the salaries are if you don't believe it.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 3:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, doesn't Mrs Polly work out of a school building? Does the principal make more than her?
You might also want to check the benefits package of the GCHS football coach. The last one sure made more than in pay and benefits than the principal.
In this system there are rules for some and then there are rules for some others.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is the law that no one in the building under the principal's supervision can make more than the principal. The question with Polly is whether she is under the prinicipal's supervision. The principal base salary is not more than supervisors but... the salary does not include pay for teachers and for other pay. I can assure you the principals make more. why do you think that Debbie Braden was the only one that applied for hte assistant director job. Originally the job was supposed to be supervisor pay which is what Allen Parker got. Mr. Jackson raised the pay himself.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 6:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One reason Debbie Braden was the only principal to apply for the position of asst. director is they were told straight out that they would make more as principals than as supervisors. After the position of Asst. Director was filled the pay was increased significantly. This can easily be verified by simply asking some of the principals. It's not just teachers and the public that have been lied to, even principals have felt the sting. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 5:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness, don't you people have anything kind to say about anybody...other than those of your own persuasion?

Thursday, July 03, 2008 9:40:00 AM  

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