What Is a County Charter/Home Rule?
The Tennessee Constitution allows any County to adopt a HOME RULE form of Government. Home Rule grants to citizens much more control and flexibility over how they are governed.
How will Giles County Benefit from a County Charter/Home Rule?
Some of the things a County Charter/Home Rule would provide for is such things as ...
Taxpayers elect the School Director instead of being appointed by School Board
Term limits for elected officials
Taxpayers vote to approve all tax increases or decreases
Recall vote for government officials
Provision for People's Initiative
Detailed job descriptions for elected officials
All job openings in Giles Government advertised properly
No hiring of immediate family members by department heads
Enable commissioners to adopt ordinances passed by commission
Sunshine Law must be adhered to or fine imposed on offenders
Commissioners who are an employee of the county denied ability to vote on appropriations or budgets
Court house open for business forty hours each week
All County Financial statements and Contracts available on line
Copies of All County Checks and disbursements online
These are some of the things that would be available that taxpayers presently have no say in.
Understand this has absolutely nothing to do with a Metro Government as some claim.
Allen Barrett
The Tennessee Constitution allows any County to adopt a HOME RULE form of Government. Home Rule grants to citizens much more control and flexibility over how they are governed.
How will Giles County Benefit from a County Charter/Home Rule?
Some of the things a County Charter/Home Rule would provide for is such things as ...
Taxpayers elect the School Director instead of being appointed by School Board
Term limits for elected officials
Taxpayers vote to approve all tax increases or decreases
Recall vote for government officials
Provision for People's Initiative
Detailed job descriptions for elected officials
All job openings in Giles Government advertised properly
No hiring of immediate family members by department heads
Enable commissioners to adopt ordinances passed by commission
Sunshine Law must be adhered to or fine imposed on offenders
Commissioners who are an employee of the county denied ability to vote on appropriations or budgets
Court house open for business forty hours each week
All County Financial statements and Contracts available on line
Copies of All County Checks and disbursements online
These are some of the things that would be available that taxpayers presently have no say in.
Understand this has absolutely nothing to do with a Metro Government as some claim.
Allen Barrett
County employees may be county commissioners but should not be voting on appropriations or budgets that DIRECTLY affect their income. If a commissioner works in the school system he/she cannot vote on school monies but can vote on other depts such as highway, ambulance, etc.
I'm for this because our Local Government has proven that they are not willing to do or even listen to what may be best for our County. All they know is to spend and spend and do not care if the taxpayers like it or not. IF THIS PASSES, this will not take away the position of Commissioner but will make the Commissioners more reponsible with our tax dollars. We the people will get to vote on any tax increases, any new taxes and/or any other thing that may be affecting us. We, the people, will get to vote on alot of things and I like that! As it stands right now the commissioners are making some unwise decisions and wasting a hugh amount of our tax dollars. It's time for a change, let's have a say in what our Commissioners vote on.
Commissioner Tommy Campbell has signs up in the courthouse saying No on having a county charter. His signs go on to say Giles County has existed run ok for 200 years. I'd like to do than "exist". Time for change. Welcome to the 21st century Tommy.
Sign me Had Enough
To the 11 Feb. 2:54 poster.
I may have misunderstood your post if so I apologize and please disregard this post. If the Charter passes then commissioners will not be able to vote on measures that put money in their own pocket but at the present time they are. We have seen numerous times when a commissioner has voted to increase the school budget which included a hefty pay increase for himself.
Presently all that is needed is for a commissioner with a clear conflict of interest to read a statement that they "do not feel they have a conflict" and they go ahead and vote. Allen Barrett
What do you mean by set term limits and what positions would be affected under these limits?
There are a couple of ladies sitting all day in the old courthouse central area collecting signatures for this petition .They say they'll be there for the next three weeks -until Property tax collections end -so if you want to sign the petition pay them a visit .Take some good friends with you too then you can ALL get a laugh at Campbells attempt to take us all back to 1800 (read his signs !!) . The ladies say they have a blog/website at so they seem to know what the 21st century is all about .They told me there's a link to some kind of proposed draft for a Giles County Charter so it might be worth downloading and reading it . They sure seem to have there act together more than the commissioners do.
They also said there will be copies of their petition out in stores in the County and that they hope to hold meetings where ther will be radio talk show people from Nashville .They need 900 singatures to get it on the August 2010 ballot
Good Luck to them .They seem to have done more homework than all of Giles school district students !!
Giles A Reader
When Tommy Campbell is against something as he is with this, well, it tells me to vote for it. Even us here in Pulaski knows Campbell!
Commissioner Tommy Campbell has a sign in the courthouse where signatures are being collected for Charter referendum that says Giles Co. has existed this way for 200 years, well, for the last two years of the Presidential campaign all we heard, saw and read was CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE. If it works in Washington it will probably work here. Do you do a lot of things the way your grandparents did? Progress.
Why is it that people who were not raised in Giles County or have any ties to it want to change it so bad....did you do this in the other towns you lived in and is that why you are here now? Did they run you out of their towns and states? Just curious because if I did not like the town I lived in I would move on and not try to change it especially if I was an outsider.
I was born in Giles County and never left and I can see that something has got to give with our government. If it a change for the good, which this is, then I'm for doing it. People in the county, state and country are fed up with our leaders and want it the way our forefathers meant for it to be, for the People!
Look at our local government, look at how many employees our government employs. Look at how many of those employees are relatives. Look at how much they are being paid. It used to be that County Government was one of the lowest paid jobs in the county. Not anymore! Our government has been let go for way too long. We've got to reel them back in. Sign the petition and vote yes in order for the people of Giles County to have more of a say in how things go in Giles County. Remember this, also, if there's something in the Charter that does not suit the majority of the People of Giles County, then guess what.... the People, not the Commissioners, get to vote to change it or to leave it alone. Wont that be great!
What you say may seem great but have you ever thought or heard of you get what you pay for. So, if you cut the pay to the lowest in the county who will be running the county? You? Will you work for minimum wage? In public service work after all, one of the hardest jobs around.
Instead of guessing why dont we put our questions and thoughts to the email address for this county charter. Those ladies gave me a list of places to go to on computer. Heres the email address -
One of my major concerns with the idea of the Charter system is the election of the School Director instead of by appointment. Sometimes, even very nice, and electible well meaning people are not the brightest bulbs in the box. Are there to be requirements for eligibility to even become a candidate or is it open to anyone who thinks they can do the job?
I am confused. Most of the statements in the original post I am not sure about but there is one that I question. Courthouse open 40 hours a week. The Courthouse opens and 8 closes at 4. I believe that is 8 hours per day times 5 equals 40. Barrett correct me if I am wrong, I am sure you will. How many other things are you wrong about. This is the same gang that brought us the Financial Management office. They are the same ones that are responsible for the budget that is being amended that you are complaining about. How many mistakes are you folks going to put us through. How many times are you going to try new fangled things that just don't work and that we cannot get out of. Please don't sign this petition!!
to 6-47 AM ..
8 AM to 4 PM =8 hrs
12-1PM=lunch hour
Do the math 7x5=35 but they all draw 40 hrs pay !!
How about opening courthouse on Sat AM so folks who still have jobs (getting rarer !) dont need to take time off to 'do business' with County Gov't ??
There's an idea !! ..SERVE THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE WAGES !!
When Carol Wade, County Clerk first ran for office she promised to open her office on Saturday morning....WHAT HAPPENED CAROL...????
Just another election "LIE"!!!!!
Before any person could run for the office of School Director that person would have to meet certain qualifications with education requirements and years of experience in the education system. This would be true regardless of how the ability to have elected Director is obtained. Not just anyone off the street could run for that office.
to 6:47
It wasn't "that gang" that got Financial Management it was the "voters of Giles County". I was one of those voters and am not a member of "that gang" but one thing that got many of us to vote for it was the endorsements of the good ole boys opposed to it. That same bunch seems to be opposed to Home Rule. They don't want the people informed, involved, interested in what's going on in this county. I read where this Charter could provide for the check register to be put online. What don't they want us to see?
It's time for us to wake up and pay attention to what's happening in this beautiful county before it's too late.
You list all the positive things about County Charter/Home Rule, which is fine.
So we can be totally informed, please list the negatives to County Charter/Home Rule.
Here's a thought for a brain exercise thunk (yep, that's the way I wanted to spell it) up after seeing Mr. Campbell's sign that we needed to not sign the petition and keep things the way they've "been for 200 years".
What is it that you can think of that has been the same for 200 years? That hasn't seen change or progress? Let the game begin.
The weather here? Nope, my grandparents say winters used to be so cold that ponds would freeze over and their cattle and tractors could go out on the ice. Haven't seen that lately.
Medical care? Nope, great changes. Thank goodness!
Dental care? NO - love that numbning agent!!!
Education and schools? Again no. Thank goodness.
Vehicles? No again.
Clothing. Hairstyles. No. No. No.
Bout the only thing I can think of is the Bible. Again, thank goodness!
How about you? What can you think of that has stayed the same for 200years and continued to be a good thing?
I think you are thinking about what Danny Tomerlin's statements were. If I remember right, Mrs. Wade said she would open if all the other offices opened.
One of the main fears I believe the Commissioners have is that they will lose control and will lose the ability to shove things down our throats. For example, have you heard where Roger Reedy is calling a meeting of the "Land Use" committee to IMPLEMENT ZONING! Could it be that Mr. Reedy is scared to death that if he don't hurry and get Zoning enforced that the citizens just might have a say in the implementation of Zoning if this Charter gets passed. Just a thought!
To the 12 Feb 10:11 AM poster.
I have looked and looked at this charter/home rule proposal from every angle that I can, I even played the devil's advocate when it was first discussed, the conclusion is that there are no negatives unless you consider allowing the people of Giles County to determine their own lives to be a negative.
Allen Barrett
Gravity. We've had gravity for 200 years without change. Can't think of much else. Maybe Mr. Campbell could best answer what has been the same for 200 years and still been progressive.
One thing to remember---the Charter Commission will be drafting the final Charter, these are suggestions. Good time for the voters to express suggestions.
Seems the intimidating, bullying attitude of Commissioner Campbell strolling throughout the courthouse and the display of fancy signs in opposition to the petition and the prohibiting of certain courthouse employees to interact with the signature gatherers is enough reason for the people to have some say in how they are being governed. There are some in local government who would rather the people didn't think for themselves. One of the themes the opposition used against Financial Management was "they didn't know what they were voting for" assuming the citizens aren't able to understand things that affect their lives and pocketbooks.
After doing things the same way for 200 years and the county not progressing seems it's time for change.
Need to go easy on Campbell being as he's handicapped. At least he was seen parked in Handicapped parking space at Walmart when he was only one in vehicle.
Yea, and don't forget we the people didn't know what we were voting on when we voted for the Senior Citizen's Tax Freeze!
To 8-32 AM
That's maybe why our trusted and true commissioners havent implemented it yet .
Stories say it'll cost a few bucks to do it .
Maybe we need to up the counties 'extraction tax' on rock quarries to pay for it ?
Or how about having the county collect what is already owed on that tax ?
Goog luck on collecting the extraction tax on rock quarries. Have you seen any thing our "Trusted and True" (yea right!)Commissioners have voted to tax extra that they didn't blow wastefully? Look at our school buildings. They are falling down. But we're getting a nice Sam Davis Stadium and T. Jackson has got a nice new office.
Election Commission got a nice oversized office, Hunter Smith got remodeled. Need I go on. But yet they cannot give a tax freeze to our elderly.
Some people in Giles County seem to think that if you weren't born and raised here you are an outsider. As such they are saying the "outsiders" should have no say in local government. Doesn't matter if those "outsiders" have been living here for over 30 or 40 years. I have a suggestion. Let the "natives" pay all the taxes and other revenues that support this county. If someone doesn't pay anything to support services in this county they shouldn't have a say-so BUT as long as those "outsiders" pay their share of the expenses they should have a right to say how that money is spent, wasted and whatever.
Some of you on here have ideas that are scary. Do you believe what you are saying? I don't think you know what you're saying or asking sometime.
TO 9-19 pm
what are 'scary' ideas ??
A) That Giles County stay in the dark ages as some commissioners want ?
B) That Giles County citizens be allowed to have a more efficient and transparent local government ?
Oh yes , Count me as a 'B'
Note:- ALL 'B' people should be sure to sign one of the petition forms that are getting into county stores . Or visit the ladies still collecting signatures in couthouse thru Feb.
All 'A' people should start asking their commissioners where their taxes are spent
To 9-19PM
Do you maybe think it's 'scary' that the State legislature passed the TCA that allows for Home Rule in 1978 but NOT ONE of the many County commissioners since then have seen fit to ask about it ?.
Talk about treating taxpayers like mushrooms !! .."Keep them in the dark and feed them on Bullpoop"
I vote "B"
Thumbs on the money
fingers in the honey
and none of it's funny
This note is directed to the person who is stating an item shown in the list of possibilities for County Charter is misleading regarding the Director of Schools being an elected position -
First, being in the profession in which you are, you should not have missed the word "could". It does not say "will".
Second, most people are aware there is yet another Bill processing through the state legislature calling for the Director of Schools to be elected rather than appointed. It is anticipated by people associated with the legislature that this time around the Bill will pass, but possibly giving the option to each county as to whether or not they elect or appoint. Should this be the case, Giles County would be ready to adopt "elected" which is the choice of the majority, through the County Charter.
Third, you are also aware the Senior Tax Freeze was voted in by the entire state in 2006 giving the option to each individial county to implement or not. More than two years later, still no move toward implementation by Giles county commissioners, despite months of 'study' and being paid to 'study' and the will of the people. We dont need the same situation to occur should the Director of Schools position be left up to the commissioners.
I'll vote A because of the negative blogs here against the way it is now - obviously you feel it's your way or the hiway -so, I'd like to invite you to take the highway you came in on , turn 180 degrees and head out - if you can't be civil about it, don't be here at all.
531 I'm here & if you don't like it hop on you donkey & see if you can find a town backward enough to suit yourself. I know, you haven't changed or shaved in 200 years. We now have indoor out houses, washing machines, & bathtubs with running water. Try one, you might like it & decide to move to the projects in Nashville.
What does moving to the projects in Nashville have to do with Pulaski? Who lives in the Nashville projects that you want 5:31 to join? Sounds a little like something else to me.
reread 531 - sounds like the same knuckle dragger, who like Rip VanWinkle, woke up 200 years later & thinks everyone else should move because he has 200 years seniority sleeping under a bridge.
to Sunday, February 15, 2009 7:46:00 PM - you sound a lot like someone who moved in here and want it to be like the town/county you left ---or was run out of.
Now 5:43 is that really necessary? Why so resistant to something that could be a positive change for our county? You sound very resentful and down right mean. Be a little open-minded for a change. Just because someone's opinion differs from your own does not make either of your opinions wrong. It is just that an opinion. I personally was not the person you addressed your post to however, I am considered an outsider like those you refer to even though I am only from a county over. But, I have lived many places and had many experiences. There are so many ways for our county to grow and prosper and everyone's ideas and suggestions should be valued. This county does not just belong to you or to me. It is however our obligation to make this community a good place for everyone and do all we can to make outsiders feel welcome. Surely, you mother taught you manners in which you treat everyone with kindness. You are not being kind and that is unfortunate. Wouldn't you feel badly if you had to move away to another location due to job or family and you and your ideas were received the same as the way you are treating these people? Perhaps, our county does some things beneficial to our county that should be shared with other places in this country. If you had to move you would not want to be treated rudely especially if you were only trying to help. What is it that moves you to be so angry and be dead set against the proposed idea on this blog topic? My advice is try and be the good, kind, christian person I am sure your mother would expect you to be. You can disagree but there is no need to make insinuations that the poster you were addressing has been run off from where they once lived. That shows ignorance on your part as well as being plain rude.
Rude? my, my. Just an observation- that is shared by enough people to defeat the County Charter idea. Don't be so touchy. Wasn't meant to be mean spirited -just meant to lay it out, like it is. I certainly did't mean to offend all of the pro Charter folks.
649 If you fold your hands behind your neck when your dog is taking you for a walk, chances are your knuckles won't drag on the ground & get all scratched up & make you so angry at the world.
Maybe you could take another 200 year nap & wake up in 2209. All your frustrations of getting told what to do today won't matter then. We still love you even though you are a grump.
We must keep in mind that at this present time nothing has been decided about what the charter will say, that will be decided later by a committee approved by the public. The post by "Dragon" was very accurate and informative, unfortunately it was posted under the "$400.00 ambulance ride".
Signing the petitions now is only to get the matter on the ballot for August so the voters can decide if they want a charter form of government instead of what have had and hasn't worked very well for two hundred years. I have a great deal of difficulty understanding how anyone could oppose having the people vote on matters. Allen Barret
You are the same folks who wanted Financial Management and how have they done. You are the same ones complaining about it too. Your excuse is that the wrong people are running it and etc. Well, I am sure that this Charter thing would be the same way. If people are being elected year after year by the people of this county then the majority of this county think they are doing a good job. Just because you don't think so does not make it right. If someone has been in an office that they have been voted into for 30 years then so be it then people have spoken!
Who will Decide on the people who will be on the board to write this Charter ? I hope not some of the people on this blog that can never be pleased.
The voters of Giles County.
Interestingly 8:02, you are always touting doing things "the democratic way by voting". Here 'tis.
should be on this thread:::
After much thought, the school director should be hired by the board of education with contract language & time stipulated by CHARTER. The job must be subjet to recall by the citizens! A charter could set the director position up for election for any contract renewal (a very good idea). That is the current problem and the only valid issue.
I would hate to imagine terminating the services of a good director of schools, highway, or any other elected office, simply because they served the public well for four years, eight years, or any other period of time. Letting that happen would be counterproductive and expensive financially!
Setting the accessibility and hours of public office service can and should be determined by charter. Hours should be set to serve the public & commerce, period. No need to fight about it or get hurt feelings.
We don't have to build a fire & send smoke signals anymore! Telegraph came a hundred years ago & that's been changed to wireless & stuff invented by Dick Tracy 60 years ago!
There are countless reasons we need a charter instead of 200 year old regulations that can't be changed.
These County Charter folks have an e-mail address where they are asking for suggestions from the public. Here it is - Send your good suggestion in so it can get considered. Only way the people in this county will ever have a say.
I heard the Rip Van Twinkles of the county are about to awaken from their 200 year nap & slip a poison pill in the charter soup.
They'll be drinking a celebration of hemlock along the way. I see a lot of folks fed up with high handed crap & waste! Some of the big wheels are going to come up with a flat!
How can the Rip van T's say they want things to not change & to stay the way they are (were); when everything they do is about changing what we have, taking more, & making government bigger! They don't like the charter because it's really about STOPPING more taxation, FIRING crooks, and making elected officials do the things they were supposed to do, but apparently haven't, for the past 200 years!
Ask the Rippers why they don't want a charter - then talk about money, zoning, getting rid of a crook, etc. & see what craziness you can stirr up! How can someone teach someone else how to survive in this crazy world when they have no idea that you have to cut spending when there no more money. Their answer is always take (tax) it from someone else who has no choice (same as stealing!) It's a good way to find out who is really a crook! .
We've got plenty of crooks in this county. In defense of some elected official, we do have some good commissioners.Unfortunately, we don't have enough of them.
Commissioner Campbell has to do what the "Spear" tells him to do. He just might stop him from using the city copy machine & paper.
What's happening? Did old rip van tinkle go back to sleep? Need to be stirrin the pot
10:50 Say that again where we can understand it a bit. Maybe the pot is just waiting.
Would we know if Rip Vantinkled in his jammies cause he wanted to have a clean pot to see in?
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