Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Ghost Staff

The school system on Friday 30 May had seventeen central office staff members not counting the eight clerical staff members. Can anyone explain how it is that the reports going to Nashville list several of these staff members as “classroom teachers” instead of supervisor and assistant supervisors? Mr. Chunn and Mr. Shirey aren’t even listed as central office staff so where are they?

Allen Barrett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont know about the numbers but theres no such thing as asst supervisors. theres a few consulting teachers hired to work on specific projects. sure they arent listed as consulting teachers?

Sunday, June 01, 2008 9:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check the county website. A list of all the central office staff is shown under Board of Education and Chunn and Shirey are listed there. There are two teachers listed as curriculum assistants. They are not assistant supervisors and do not assist the supervisor of curriculum, they are consulting teachers who have their own duties. I'm not sure but I think one works with elementary and one with middle schools and high schools.

Sunday, June 01, 2008 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There may not be anyone named assistant supervisor but there sure are assistants to supervisors. Debbie Braden is an assistant director.
Barbara Jennings, Sue Whittermore, and Martha Ferguson are all doing the job Allan Parker did by himself. Now you will have Jennings, Whittermore, Mc Masters and Young doing what one person used to do.
These are not class room teachers and when they come to the schools, at least the one I'm at, they do little more than walk around, talk to the staff and get in the way.

Sunday, June 01, 2008 1:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was posted under another topic but it belongs here. "...Speaking to the issue of 4 people doing what Mr. Parker did...he was doing to many jobs and the duties needed to be divided.....Sue Whittemore is in charge of testing; Barbara Jennings is in charge of Pre-K program;, just setting the record straight..."

Thanks to the poster for the information. It should be pointed out too that the duties weren't just Mr. Parker's. Everyone is forgetting that Patsy Harrison was also a supervisor of instruction. So these people replace 2, not 1 person. I agree with the poster also that they do need help. Education is not the same as it was 10 years ago, even 5 years ago. Many, many more requirements have been forced upon those in education in recent years, including at risk, more testing, benchmarks to meet, reports to report, etc. Mr. Parker and Mrs. Harrison had a lot to do no doubt, but nothing like what is required now.

The central office does need extra personnel to handle all the requirements. Don't blame the board and director for trying to keep up, blame the state and federal goverments who keeping handing down these ridiculous mandates. This is one of the reasons I retired a couple of years ago. Teachers too are required to do more, and the higher up the ladder you are, the more extra you have to deal with. I certainly don't agree with everything Mr. Jackson does, but in this I do agree. The staff is needed.

It's the same everywhere you go. People outside education don't think teachers do anything until they or a family member becomes a teacher, teachers don't think administrators do anything until they get an administrative job and have to do it, administrators don't think superviors do anything until they get the job and have to do it, and so on and so on. You'd be surprised how much all of these people really do. The stress just on teachers is more than most people realize, I can't imagine what those higher up have to handle, and while I loved teaching, I'm glad I don't have to deal with it anymore.

Sunday, June 01, 2008 4:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An assistant position is now open at Pulaski Elementary School. I guess he cried until he got what he wanted huh.

Sunday, June 01, 2008 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assistant Principal at Pulaski Elementary School

Sunday, June 01, 2008 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PatsY Harrison had a title but she did no more than Mrs. Ferguson. Allen Parker did her job even then. That is not to say that he was not doing the work of several people. That is why he was there until late and worked at home too. Harrison did work the last two years years she was employeed. She used sick leave, dried out the sick leave bank and sued for a condition that was caused from a childhood deformity that she said was caused by walking up and down stairs over a hundred times a day. Apparently she spent all her time climbing stairs and none working. Duh!!

Monday, June 02, 2008 9:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

932 sounds like career ladder has multiple meanings. Can't really tell if it's the naked lady twirrling around at the top of the tent or the elephant below passing wind that brings all the cheers - reality says it's just another day under the Big Top! I's for more ladies up top twirling by their teeth & fewer elephants.

Monday, June 02, 2008 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assistant position filled at PES. Ann Oaks got that job.

Ask about who is doing the interviews for the PE job at PES.

Richland High--Hear that Mike Gonzales wants it.(?)

Giles Co. High--hear that Mark Cardin is in line for it. (?)

Friday, June 06, 2008 2:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when you think there is no way to make matters worse at Richland and they start talking about bringing Gonzo back. He screwed up the school board with his head up Jacksons intestine track being a principal would only confirm that insanity rules the school system.

Sunday, June 08, 2008 3:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh you have got to be kidding about Gonzalez. Are we that desperate??

Sunday, June 08, 2008 5:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: What is Mrs. Phillips job title? I have been at the Central Offie several times & I have not seen her doing anything except sitting at a desk looking at a magazine. I didn't know that was a position. I sure would like to have that job.

Sunday, June 08, 2008 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Phillips job title is receptionist. She does a great job greeting people and is such a sweet person that she has a soothing affect on mad people. She answers the phone and greets guests.

Monday, June 09, 2008 6:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Phillips does not work at the Central Office; she works at the Highway Dept.

Monday, June 09, 2008 9:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose there is only ONE Mrs. Phillips in the entire county.

Monday, June 09, 2008 9:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, give me a break....are you just trying to be offended? The Mrs. Phillips that has been referred to is the one at the highway dept;a simple mistake, no need to be sarcastic.

Monday, June 09, 2008 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all wrong. Christy Phillips is who is being referred to. She is at the new central office. She is the receptionist. Ding Bat is more like it. That is why you only see her reading a magazine. She doesn't do much and what she does do she screws up. That is of course when she is there. However, it is that Mrs. Phillips in question here. Isn't it amazing how many people have these jobs at the expense of the tax payer that are totally and utterly lazy and worthless? Thank Tee Jackson for those he has employed at the central office. He is so removed from the situation up there because he is always out politicking that he doesn't even know what each person's job duties are. That is pretty bad! Hello he is the suppose to be in charge up there!!

Monday, June 09, 2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What department at the Central Office is this Christy Phillips working in? Thanks

Monday, June 09, 2008 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is in the new building at the central office.

Monday, June 09, 2008 3:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lay off christy philips her daddy is on the school board but am sure that has nothing to do with her job or the fact he votes with jackson on every issue.

Monday, June 09, 2008 4:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chrsity Phillips' Dad has nothing to do with her job. She was employed long before he got to be a board member. She does a great job as receptionist. she may not be the brightest crayon in the box but she does well at fielding calls by irate folks. Most people would lose their cool but she keeps calm and has a calming effect on people.

Monday, June 09, 2008 7:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calming effect!!!!

that's BS

Monday, June 09, 2008 8:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her daddy may not be the reason she has the job but, guaranteed it is why she keeps it. By the way, agree with you 8:21.

Monday, June 09, 2008 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mrs. Phillips that has been so controversial is the one at the Highway Department. (Julie Phillips) She is the former bookkeeper for the highway department who refused to go to finance office, an "extra" employee was hired by Barry Hyatt so she would not have to go, now Julie serves as a receptionist at highway department but is still being paid bookkeeper salary, and is laughing at Loretta Garner, Janet Vanzant, and County Commissioners because she got away with it. She told me basically that she pulled a fast one. And that she would sue the county if they forced her to go.

This is so ridiculous that she has been able to do this to the taxpayers of the county. Not only are we paying her big bucks for a job that she is not longer doing but we are also paying Mrs. Meyers (who was hired so Julie would not have to go) her salary plus benefits because "whiny baby" wants to stay at Highway Department with "BIG DADDY" (Barry Hyatt) This is just another example of wastful spending and county officials that just don't get it. How can the commissioners of this county justify letting Barry and Julie get away with this when the county is so strapped for money.

Call your commissioner and let them know that this "shit" has got to stop. NOW!!! Or that we will put some commissioners in place that have a back bone.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay let's count. One new employee for the highway department, one new employee for the ambulance service, one new employee for the county to take Judy's place, a raise for Braden and Sigmon. How much has the county saved so far with Finanacial Management? Did anyone else get a raise that we have not been told about.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 6:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Bank in Nashville was robbed and several thousand dollars was taken. The police did not catch the thief
so its time to disband the police force? Maybe the bank should be closed because they failed to protect the money? You see trying to put the blame on everyone and everything but the ones who committed the crime is not only wrong and counter productive its just stupid. You correct the problem by arresting the thief and putting them in jail. Because the county executive has proven to be a crook, liar and just plain incompetent doesn't mean we don't need a county executive only that we need one that is accountable.
Just because the financial director
is too weak to do her job doesn't mean we don't need financial management just a director who is strong enough to do what she knows is right.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just because the Highway Superintentendent manipulated by deceit the reading of the financial act by hiring someone to take Julie Phillip's place doesn't mean we don't need a Highway just means that we need one that has the best interest of the taxpayers and not the best interest of "his friend" in mind!! Which is not BARRY HYATT!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insubordination is grounds for firing someone. Julie could sue all she wanted and it would not do any good.

Friday, June 13, 2008 7:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sunday, June 15, 2008 6:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah right. as far as the school system goes all the salaries except the directors are negotiated with the teachers union so consultants couldnt do anything about that. end of story. and even if they could, if they based the salary on the average for the state or even for surrounding counties, then the principals and supervisors and even teachers would be given a big raise because they all make way less than in other counties. check around and find out for yourself. youd actually end up costing the county a huge sum of money if they did that, not that they could anyway.

Sunday, June 15, 2008 7:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think all salaries are negotiated or the Leaps director would not be getting over $80,000!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The leaps director set her own salary, her own hours her own work conditions, her own travel and her own reimbursements. Not bad for a teacher! Not bad for someone with no real skills other that the ability to screw over everyone who has worked in the program and stolen all their credit for her self.

Sunday, June 15, 2008 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does the Leaps Director set her own salary? Surely that can't be right can it?

Monday, June 16, 2008 9:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The BEP formulaeprovides a deail guideline for positions & exoenditures needed for "success" -we're spending well above that rate!

Problem is spending more in some head count ares, higher wages & spending, etc. leaves none for the defined basics!

Knowing what should be happening could be as simple as plugging in the BEP requirements in a computer & feeding the the student head count categories, etc. in to get the results. But... that would stop the bull crap, wouldn't it?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the Leaps director?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaps and Bounds director is Sherry Polly. She is constantly praised by Tee Jackson, as if he ever is in a school to see what anyone is doing. He spends most of his time wiht Hastings and Holt. Holt because of him being chairman of the finance committee of commission and Hasting to see how many more positions can be made for Al. teachers. I understand that Tee stands at the door of the Athens Central office and grabs each retiree to come to GC. Not really but he does call them immediately.

As for Christy Phillips she is a very sweet girl but her voice is so lethargic that she puts me to sleep just answering the phone. He dad was a big surprise to everyone in the 2nd district when he became a yes man. He left the board because of Tee being such a butt. It didn't take long for him to be mesmerized by the best of the best BS'ers.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other person added to the highway department just happened to be comm. Jackson's ex-daughter-n-law. I wonder how she got her job? I believe it was also after she got fired from her last job.

Friday, June 20, 2008 5:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which will happen first Jackson will run out of relatives needing jobs or the city/county will run out of jobs?

Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ex-daughter in law of the Jackson was not Tee Jackson but Stoney Jackson (Commissioner from Minor Hill and candidate for Assesor of Property). Mrs. Meyers was hired to go to finance office because Princess Julie Phillips (bookkeeper for Highway Dept.)didn't want to go and probably also to get another vote for something Barry Hyatt wanted from the commission.
Makes ya sick doesn't it!! "Good 'Ole Boy Politics at it's best!!!"

Monday, June 23, 2008 3:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, Christy Phillips is a wonderful person who IS doing her job. She is always courteous and helpful and comes from a good home. I have known her mom since childhood and her dad for many years.
Those of you who would judge her just don't realize how important her job is. Just leave her alone, ok?

Thursday, July 03, 2008 9:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the subject of Ghost Staff who is the Higgins now employed in Vanzants office? Is this another secretary and how many does that make for Vanzant? I for sure didnt see a job advertized or I would have applied myself.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 6:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jobs aren't advertised they are just filled with selected people usually family or friends and in some cases those who are thought to help in lawsuits. How do you think McMasters got the job in the central office?

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then do you think those professionals who are "selected" to fill positions should have to run for those jobs? If not, what do you suggest? It's NOT up to you and me to decide who fills positions, so what's your beef? Have you ever considered that employers want the best fit for their positions and NOT necessarily the highest qualified. I've seen a lot of educated people whom I would have no desire to work with. Think.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 5:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the new person is the receptionist for Finance Office. That make how many. One to take Judy's place (no she was not transferred from another office, she had worked at another office in the past but was not longer employed), one for the highway dept and one for the ambulance service. We are saving money hand over fist. How much more money can we save? I feel the tax relief already don't you.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 8:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms McMasters job was advertised.

Thursday, July 10, 2008 3:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:25, You don't know what your talking about. I know for a fact Mrs. Ferguson's job was posted before Ms. McMasters applied for it. I know because I was waiting to see her when Mr. Jackson was in her office and when he opened the door to leave she said one other thing and I heard her ask him if he would have any objections if she decided to apply for it. That was at least a week after it was posted. And a few days later I saw the word interview written on her calendar and it was on a date after the posting closed. So I also know she wasn't hired until the posting closed either. And yes I was snooping because I was going to apply for her job if the assistant principals didn't. Yes it was wrong but I wanted to know. So get your facts straight before you say something.

Thursday, July 10, 2008 7:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe the 7:56 post! Ms McMasters first order of business should be to fire you if you are employed with the school system. How dare you freely admit to eavesdropping on what apparently was a private conversation to which you were not a party to, snooping in her private calendar and so casually profess to it being wrong, when clearly by your words you don't think it was and use the STOLEN information as a "defense" for Ms McMasters? Thank goodness you didn't have the courage to apply for the job if somebody else was. High school teachers and students do not need a cowardly principal who stoops to such levels as to snoop in teacher's private calendars, skulks around eavesdropping to gain information which may or may not tell the whole story and then is not brave enough to apply for a job because another person is??? I am a tenured teacher but I certainly hope that tenure would not protect someone who freely admits to invading another's personal space. I am so totally offended by your brazen statements, and my guess is your reaction will be that you don't understand what the big deal is. Teachers and principals are not property of the county, we are people and we have a right to some privacy. If I were Ms McMaster's I would feel very violated if I read your post. I suppose it's a very good thing she didn't leave her checkbook "out" for you to browse through, or overhear a confidential discussion with say her doctor, banker, minister, or whoever....I can't get over how blase you are about what you said...Nothing else fits but again to say, "HOW DARE YOU???"

Friday, July 11, 2008 1:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And one more thing, I am the same poster, your statement "yes it was wrong, but I wanted to know" bothers me also. By your own admission you are saying that even if something is wrong, if YOU, whoever you are want it, whether it belongs to you or not, whether it is moral or not, whether it is legal or not, you clearly are stating that if you want it, that's all that matters. I am grateful neither I nor my children live anywhere near the Richland school district. You frighten me, with your thought processes and your sense of entitlement to get what you want by any means. Disgusting lack of character is evident.

Friday, July 11, 2008 1:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your outrage is commendable but where was it when McMasters missed almost half the school year, violated the rights of Chris Pickett and falsified official records to fit her agenda against him?
Where was your outrage when probably the best, most qualified math teacher in the history of Richland was fired because she simple didn't like him?
Where was your outrage over the many violations of law and policy in giving special treatment to a contractor for work he overcharged for on the soccer fields at Richland?
Where was your outrage when McMasters refused to take action against a student who shot at another with a bb gun?
Where is your outrage when Mr. Jackson stand before the county commission and lies to them?
Where is your outrage at the fact McMasters was given the new job in an effort to get a lawsuit dropped by a Richland parent? It seems your outrage is justified but very, very selective.

Friday, July 11, 2008 9:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but you are wrong, my outrage is all over this blog; Leaps and Bounds, Jackson's double dealing, principals not doing their job, teachers not doing their job, My outrage is there, unfortunately,I am "anon," like so many others who are fearful or cowardly. I don't have any personal knowledge of Ms Mcasters, but I know her rep is not great. If I had first hand knowledge I would speak out, not speculate. The poster on this thread freely admitted, (bragged) about his/her actions, like it was ever justifiable to do what they did. Going through a persons private calendar???? I would advise any one in Richland school to keep their calendars on their person at all times and make sure no one is skulking about if you are having a private conversation, unless you want your prostrate exam or mammogram appointment publicized on the blog

Friday, July 11, 2008 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I should let this go and not respond, but I am so put out by the way this was made to seem that I just have to. What happened is nothing like the way you make it sound. I was not eavsedropping on their conversation. I was sitting on the couch right outside her office just waiting my turn to see her. When Mr. Jackson opened the door I just happened to overhear. That's it. No, she couldn't see that I was there, and she might not have said it if she could, but I was NOT intentionally listening in. It just happened, just like I'm sure everybody has overheard something at one time or another, like standing in line at Walmart for instance. As for the calendar, you make it sound like I was skulking around the office rummaging through her things. That is not so. I didn't touch anything. I saw it when I was in the office WITH her. Yes she was there and yes I was looking to see if there was anything that might indicate if she was applying, like an application or resume or something. And yes that was wrong and I know it was. But I didn't do it out of fun and am not proud of doing it as you apparently think. I was worried about who might come in and take her place if she left. I hoped one of the assistants would apply but if they weren't I didn't want the only ones applying to be people who didn't really know and care about the school. So in my mind, I needed to know. I know that sounds petty, and I guess it is, but I couldn't help it. I care about that school and was worried. Another thing, I didn't do it to "brag" or to defend Ms. McMasters. I did it because I'm sick of people posting things on here that aren't true. All the time. People make up whatever just to suit there own agenda. If you read it you'll see it wasn't about her, it was about if the position had been posted or not. I regret what I did, but it was nothing like what you made it out to be.

Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I said (I'm the same poster as the above post), I'm sick of the same thing over and over on here. No matter what the topic is, the same ones change it to start in on the same people and the same things over and over again. Just like 9:41. Up till now I've (and alot of others too) avoided saying anything because I didn't want to be there next target. But since I am anyway now, I'm going to say what the majority (yes, majority) of teachers would want to say. I didn't always agree with Ms. McMasters, but she doesn't deserve the nonsense that's posted on this blog. Everything you list about her is an outright lie. She did not miss half the school year. I know because I was there. And she gave those two coaches every chance in the world. If you worked in the building and actually knew what was going on you would know that. Some people may not like her directness, but she always did things by the book and she would explain her reasons for her decisions if you asked her. I'd like to see your proof of her falsifying records. My guess is you don't have any because it's not true. I don't believe that for one minute. You'd better be careful what you write, that's a libelous statement if I ever saw one. And "the best, most qualified math teacher in the history of Richland"? Please! He had what, a couple of years experience? And you compare him to teachers like Ms. McClintock? Not even in the same league as her. I don't know anything about any contractor, but I'm fairly sure that the board of education paid for the soccer field, not the school, so I would think she had nothing to do with that. As for the BB gun incident, first of all it was not a BB gun. A couple of kids who were there told me all about it. They and every teacher in the school too thought it was ridiculous. You should have heard the laughter at lunch about that. And once again you have no idea what you're talking about. She sent the boy to alternative school. How is that not taking action? And as for her getting the supervisor's job to get a lawsuit dropped, that couldn't be more ridiculous either. The lawsuit is against a coach and she isn't even named in it. But hey, if it makes you feel powerful to think that, then you go right ahead. If making up all these lies about her, Mr. Jackson, the people at the highway department and all the others you little group of malcontents harp about all the time makes you feel like you actually have some authority over something, then go ahead and keep deluding yourself. I wasn't ever one of Ms. McMasters strongest supporters, but all this nonsense over and over and over has just made me sick and tired of hearing it. But I'll tell you one thing, I know there are a few teachers who wanted her gone, just like it is at every school, but I've talked to alot of the staff members at Richland and the large majority of them didn't want her to leave. Some have even thought about leaving themselves because she is gone. I think that says it.

Saturday, July 12, 2008 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not the one that said anything about Ms McMasters but I am the one that is outraged over your behavior and nothing you said above changes my mind. So you overheard a conversation and reported the part you heard which likely was only half the story on a blog, then you freely admit snooping in her calendar, saying it was wrong with one breath and justifying it with another. Did you not happen to think that if she wanted to confide in you, she would. You defend her, and others but brag about snooping. As a teacher, your justification for your actions scare me and the fact that you still believe it was no big deal makes it worse. I would agree with you 100% that what has been printed regarding grossly exaggerated, I've never met her or any of the people she allegedly "did wrong". People are giving the principal's of the county credit with having way more authority than they have. But your looking out for the welfare of Richland by making sure an "outsider" who "doesn't care about the school" doesn't apply for the job is laughable and bigoted. Who knows, somebody from a "foreign" country like Alabama, Columbia, Nashville, or anywhere besides Giles County might really want a job in a rural county, and we all know it wouldn't be for the money. They might make a wonderful administrator even though they are't directly from Richland. How narrow minded you sounded, and I stand by my posts, you are guilty of skulking about, eavesdropping and snooping. I would readily accept your apology if the actions were against me, but they weren't, and I've always said that an apology with a "but" after it, is not much of an's a justification or an attempt at one. I would be afraid to work in a building with you. Do you feel entitled to go into people's homes if the door in unlocked? Do you broadcast all conversations you hear either accidently or directly? I hope your friends realize that you post their confidences on the blog for "their own good and to set the record straight. I've always felt that Ms Mc was being unfairly gossiped about by malcontents....I hope she doesn't confide in you!

Saturday, July 12, 2008 1:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the outraged anon: One more thing, I believe I predicted that you would defend your actions saying it was no big deal....Do you get it yet? "She may not have said anything if she knew I was there".."Afraid somebody who doesn't know or care about Richland". Who appointed you guardian of administration at Richland for all time? If you wanted the job, apply for it, but again, searching a principal's desk and eavesdropping and posting half of a you have the credentials to be a principal? Did you pass your MS Comps by going through someone else's work just in case they didn't care about their degree? I'm harping on this because it's so clearly an accurate analogy of our county leadership, "the ends justifies the means." Big Brother may be watching, but whoever you are at Richland, you crossed the line and the scary thing is, you just don't seem to realize how very important and dear a "little" personal right like privacy is.

Saturday, July 12, 2008 7:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you never made a mistake? Have you never made an error in judgement? It's such a shame everyone can't be as perfect as you. I said that I knew what I did was wrong and that I regretted doing it. I did not intend to hear what she said and once again, I did NOT rifle through her desk or search through any of her things. She was sitting at her desk and as I stood there waiting for her to sign some things for me I looked down and saw it. And yes, I did admit that I was looking purposefully. I would never go into her or anyone else's office if they weren't in there, though I've seen other teachers do it numerous times. As for reporting a conversation on the blog, all I did was state that she applied after it was posted. And I posted that well AFTER she already had the job. I was never bragging about it, I was merely stating what was by then common knowledge, that she obviously did apply for the position, with the point of how I knew to prove a post was incorrect. If I wanted to "brag" about it, I would have posted it and spread the gossip before anyone even knew she was applying for it. But I didn't, I had kept it to myself until then. I later thought about what I had written after I posted it, and I realize I wasn't trying to justify it to you but more to rationalize why I did it to myself because I felt guilty about it when I did it and still do. What you said couldn't have made me feel any more regretful than I already did. But now your holier than thou attitude has ME outraged. Your suggestion that I would feel entitled to go into someone's home is absolutely preposterous. How dare you insinuate such a thing. And as for what you said about looking out for Richland, I was trying not to say too much but apparently in doing so I let you read into it what you wanted to read into it, that I didn't want any "outsiders" applying for the job. That is not true. Rumors were flying that ONE particular person was going to apply if Ms. McMasters left, and NOBODY wanted that person as principal. Everybody was concerned. Neither I nor anyone else wanted that person to be the only choice there was, and there was good reason to think they might be. (I use "they" so I don't have to say whether it was a male or female.) Both assistant principals had said numerous times they would not have her job because of all the "crap" she had to deal with. If you are a teacher and your principal left, wouldn't you be concerned about who would be taking over, especially if the person had a track record of incompetency? Wouldn't you be concerned about your school? Wouldn't you want there to be someone else to apply? Thank goodness someone was able to talk Mr. Laxson into it, because it is my understanding only two people applied. So it seems the concerns weren't necessarily unjustified. That's all that was, but again you read way more into it than what I actually meant. I never appointed myself guardian of the school nor thought of myself that way. I was just worried like everyone else. And what about you? Based on one mistake that I readily admitted to, you made me out to be a thief willing to break into people's homes, and a cheat willing to steal other people's work. You judged my entire character without knowing me, based on one error in judgement. And you did the same thing to Ms. McMasters. Out of one side of your mouth you said she has been unfairly gossiped about and out of the other side you yourself said she has a bad rep. Did it ever occur to you that the reason some people think she has a bad rep is because of the nonsense written about her on this blog? And by your saying that, you just added to it, and you admit you don't even know her. Maybe you need to take a good look in the mirror before you sound off against anyone else. As for my apology, which you mentioned, the only person I need to apologize to is Ms. McMasters. I should have done so before now, and I won't wait any longer to do it. She certainly deserves it, and you certainly do not.

Sunday, July 13, 2008 7:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From outraged anon: your last post sounded sincere and I appreciate it, not that it involves me personally, but our community. I did come across holier than thou and for that I sincerely apologize. No ifs, ands, or buts, about it. As for gossiping about Ms Mc, I have to disagree; I was stating what is fact and that her rep is not great, please note I didn't ssy it was justified. I would be very worried if my principal left and who would takeover, but I wouldn't assume it would have to be someone from the "inside" to be a good change. My concern with coming down so hard on you was the fact that ALL of us in education in Giles Co have watched as our personal lives and rights to privacy become the "property" of the BOE and the general public, and that's not fair or just. As I stated in one of my (holier than thou) posts, you don't owe me an apology, I agree. I freely admit that I am overly sensitive about a teacher's privacy issues being slyly eroded and your posts hit a nerve. You said you regretted it and I have no reason not to believe you. When I post on this blog I try very hard to make sure it is not speculation but rather facts that I am aware of first hand and I try, not always successful, but I do try to make it about issues, not people. Sometimes that is not always possible and yes, as you referred to in your post, I screw up a lot. As for your regret at what you did, I only hope that when I am confronted with mistakes that I make on a regular basis, I will be as forthcoming as you were and admit my error in judgement, learn from it and move on. You called my attitude, "holier than thou". I agree, and as in the beginning of this post, I apologize again. I think now, you and I may be on the same page, maybe, maybe not. Your call. As for Ms Mc, I wish her well in her new position, I cannot and would not ever want the job of principal in Giles County, and having never met her, I do firmly believe that the bad things I've heard about her are grossly exaggerated, and I most always TRY and give new administrators the benefit of the doubt. To the GCBOE and citizens of Giles County, Teachers are private citizens when we are not at school. You do not have a right to expect us to do business at WalMart, at night on the phone, weekends, or holidays. Contact us at school on school time. Our private life is none of your business.

Sunday, July 13, 2008 9:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think we are finally on the same page. And I too apologize for my "outburst". I was very hurt by what you said and already felt bad enough to begin with, and I lashed out. I truly am sincere in my regret, and I do believe that your comments in the above post are sincere as well. I also think you nailed the root of the problem. As educators, we seem to be taking the brunt of the judgement of the general public lately, and this blog is just one example. No matter the topic, somehow it almost always reverts back to someone in the field of education. People seem to think we have no right to privacy at all. It is extremely frustrating, and I think maybe we both are quite sensitive to that. It's nice to find someone who will actually graciously retract a statement that they have posted, and for that, I sincerely thank you. It has made me feel much better. And I also must say, I could not agree with you more about people expecting us to do business outside of school! I cannot tell you the number of times I have been stopped in Walmart and other places and asked about school-related issues or called at home about something that could easily have waited until the next day when I was at work/school. I feel exactly the same way. Again I apologize for being disrespectful to you and thank you for what you said. I think I'll take your advice and be very conscientious about what I post from now on.

Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:04:00 PM  

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