Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Leaps and Bounds

A request was made to start a thread on the Leaps and Bounds program in the local school system.
I would also like to add the topic of Pre Kindergarten in this thread. So if anyone would like to discuss, explain, or ask questions about these two very expensive programs please have at it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both of those programs make me so angry that I can't even respond right now.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 2:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The person doing the Leaps and Bounds pays herself $87,000 for her job. This is taken from money she had gotten from the state for the program she supervises. Tee says that she uses some of her own salary to help pay for particular things. Well, the line budget says something different. She has plenty of $$$ to use for that and other things the program does.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, will someone please tell me what all the fuss is about? Are we the only town/city in the state that has this program? How much does their director get paid? What are their qualifications? What do they do to earn the money that they are paid? Before I cast a stone at anyone, I want those questions answered and I think that many others do too. If the director of the program is in line with the departments of the state and other programs in the state, then who are we to question? If she is not, then lets find out why. Far as I know, which isnt much, the program has helped kids in our community. Can you say the same about any other program/s?? I can't because I dont think there are any others. At least the kids aren't vandalizing other places like some famous student we all know and love or hangout giving our local police department problems. That also tells me that she and the other staffers must be doing something right up there...but hey what do I know, I'm sitting here writing on this blog instead searching for answers!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that she is not in line with anything. She makes almost as much at the director of schools. The second highest paid position in the COUNTY government not just the school system. She says it is because she works weekends also. She does not work that many weekends and when she does she can very easily adjust her hours during the weekday to make up for that. She is not using any of her salary to buy anything for the program, that is a different line item.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in a position to give facts on the "Leaps" program. Unfortunately, I am employed with the school system and therefore must remain anon. That being said, I understand if many think that my thoughts and opinions may be biased or sour grapes, or less than accurate. I would take such a post written by someone else with a grain of salt. None of us should take anything written in this forum as absolute truth, but rather use the posts as food for thought and find out the facts ourselves. If the following statements encourage even one citizen to particpate more fully in their community "politics" or dig a little deeper for true facts, then some good has been accomplished. I will post what I know to be facts, which is by definition, something that can be proven, and I will try and indicate statements as my personal feelings when I am voicing an opinion. But I accidently may let an opinion slip in. I encourage all who read this blog to take nothing as fact, but rather use the issues raised here as a springboard to research all topics before posting them as fact. (f=fact; o=opinion)
f-at least 6 teachers participated in writing grant along with Mrs. D Braden and the grant writer employed by GCBOE at that time
f-as with all new programs, things were very unorganized during the first few weeks, but gradually a comfortable routine was achieved
f-the director was seldom present during operating hours after the first few weeks
f-the teachers and student helpers were often given conflicting
"assignments", or had their assignments changed with little or no notice
f-student helpers that did not comply with teacher instruction, (cell phone use, talking with friends instead of assistng students, clean up duties, etc) and director was informed, situation seldom improved with no consequences for "insubordination"
f-deadlines were meaningless; for students, parents, teachers; again no consequences for non-compliance
f-schedules changed with no notice, literally sometimes 3-4 times per day
f-rules were not enforced consistently; some students were allowed more priveliges, rule violations, special treatment, etc
f-second year a "management team" was organized and functioning during directors lengthy absence due in part to surgery and death in family
f-director fired at least two, (maybe 3) members of mgt team for no logical reason
o-the members that were fired were able to do directors job and therefore became a threat to her
f-during first two years, director frequently neglected classroom, leaving students unattended on reg basis
f- subs were frequently hired due to directors excessive absences
f-legit conflicts between director and other faculty members, when taken to principal for guidance always resulted in other teacher being "taken to task" regardless of facts
o- money from leaps program was more important than ethics or entire staff morale
I will stop for now as it is late; but I may continue at another time, depending on my schedule. Again, I urge each of you to take all that was written here and use it to do your own investigating. And I feel I should add a disclaimer here; I am not angry with director, but rather so very sad that she has gone from one of the most dedicated, exciting, respected teachers I have ever met, to a person who APPEARS to be power hungry and doesn't care who she has to "mow" down to get what she wants.
It is totally ridiculous that Jackson saying that she works nights and weekends and spends her own money in the program. I could afford to spend my own money in my classroom if my salary suddenly more than DOUBLED. And if the director was working during business hours, she wouldn't need to work nights and weekends. How much business can actually be conducted at 10 or 11 at night? Truthfully how appropriate is it that a teacher is alone in a school building at those hours? But so what if she does work those extra hours? I would love to be able to make a little "mad" money now and then, so by Mr. Jackson's statement, can any of us teachers start putting in extra hours, working in our rooms, making plans, etc, and collect up to apparently 100% more of our salary in overtime? I know lots of principals that work way more hours than the director of leaps, has the pay for BOE employees changed from salary to hourly??? If it has, they school system wil be bankrupt paying for all of the hours we all work. Oh and one more thing, just in case people care more about who wrote this, than the actual issue....I'm not from Southside, but the GCEA grapevine is a very accurate source of info.
I also have in my possession documentation written by various teachers, the director of leaps, and parents that prove these facts. It was given to my by some teachers for safekeeping since I am not Southside and they felt it would be safe with me. As I was told when I agreed to hang on to this paperwork, "It's just too dangerous to keep at school, but I (we) may need it one day to save my, (our) jobs. Multiple copies are in a safe place. Sounds dramatic; sad what could have been a great boost to our kids.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just investigate where the "staff" dropped off their students during the week of June 9-13 for 3 hours each day - what would the state department think about that?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grab your socks Ethel!!!!! Rumor has it that director will now make $110,000 plus per year - which puts her ABOVE the director of schools and all principals!!!!! Wish more of us in education could ride that gravy train !!!!!!!!! But all I hear is the whistle headed for my caboose.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that rumor is true and the original teachers who also started the program, (it was not a one person show Mr Jackson) do not bring legal action against the director personally, Mr. Jackson, the school board, the lottery commission, and the state dept of education for discrimination, then they deserve that kind of treatment. There comes a time when you must take a stand, regardless of the cost. Any teacher working in that program with the director making that much is equally guilty. It sickens me to think this is happening in my home town, and so blatant. It's embezzlement in it's purest form.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the director of Leaps and bounds? Sherry Polly was years ago.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She still is!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This thread also is about Pre-K. which I would like to address. It is not the fault of the county but the state and policy-makers who determined only children of low socio-economic status need apply. However, it is not just those children who would benefit from the program. In my opinion, this is a reverse discrimination - if both parents work trying to keep the family finances afloat, they don't qualify. If the parents don't work - they automatically qualify for pre-k, head start, and every other program out there. We need to contact our lawmakers, and the state department of education to find out why they feel it is okay to discriminate against a certain population of 4-year olds.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Pre-K were open to all incomes the classes would be full because every teacher would be using it for day care!! Also how many low income families do you know that can afford to drive their children to Bodenham every day. There are no buses.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, pleeze! To say the pre-K classes would be full of teacher's children is so not true. In my building there are 2 teachers with children not in school. Neither of these teachers have 4-year olds! Pre-K students need to be 4-years old! Before you slam the teachers and think they are always out to get a free handout, check the facts. Just exactly how many teachers in this county have 4-year olds? That is what pre-K is for. As for Head Start, the people that use that service find a way to get their children there every day.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not familiar with the Leaps and Bounds program. Would someone explain what it is, who does it benefit, what age/grade level students does it involve, what is its purpose.
Is the director Sherry Polly as mentioned in previous post any relation to Mr. Polly who was or is principal at Elkton?

Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Head start is for children that need the extra head start mostly due to financial background. Parents that make ends meet normally are not educated so there for can not or better use of words know to help the children before K. Lets face it 1 k teacher with 20 plus kids is not going to reach and stimulate every child. It takes the parents at home reading and helping in other areas. Where does that leave lower income families? Most job that pay min. wage to fit the social bracket works swing shifts. Hard to help a 5 year old when you get off work at 10pm. So we give them a head start. Fair? Glad you asked. No its not but it only reverses and gets worse. I graduated highschool, born middle class. Both my parents worked all there lives no credit cards etc. When I applied for student loans and/or pale grantes denied except for the loans. Yep finised with a degree and 20,000 dollars in debt. Many other student whom parents where lower than middle class got YES 5,000 a year plus tution paid. They lived in the best most expensive apartment and when finished the had a degree and not debt. The are considered to be high risk for faliure. Mainly we start telling them this at the age of 4 when they enter pre-K. Will the circle be broken? Vote McCain!!! Stop feeling sorry!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that TJ wanted to get some of the money from the Leaps and Bounds program to balance his budget. Has anyone else heard that? Something like $200,000+ from that program. The L & B's director hit the ceiling I hear. What does he think taking her money and her hefty salary?

Thursday, June 19, 2008 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pre-K is a daycare that raided the Headstart program for students and now spends approximately $17,000.00 per child as opposed to the average of $7,740.00 per student in regular school. Is this absurd no it goes way beyond that but it is Bredesen's legacy. Allen Barrett

Thursday, June 19, 2008 1:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 11:12:00 AM; Vote McCain!?? Stop feeling sorry!???? yeah , vote McCainbush and BE sorry for the rest of your AND your childrens lives!

Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is directed to the “anonymous” with all the facts. You might have a higher salary yourself if spent more of your time working rather than dusting under other’s doormats. I have plenty I can share concerning the Leaps and Bounds Program that is first hand knowledge because I was there everyday during the past 3 years.
1. The director has cut positions. That’s what happens in the corporate world to better meet needs. Why is wrong for her to cut excessive spending?
2. The director does not make 87,000. She makes 70,000. Yes, that seems like a lot of money, I agree, it is. But, you get what you pay for!! The director is paid according to the pay scale negotiated by GCEA and the local school board. She has 13 years experience in our schools and holds a Master’s in Administration and an Ed.S in Curriculum and is a Career Ladder I employee of the State of Tennessee. Her contract is 280 days verses the 240 days of a regular administrator and the 200 days of a teacher. Those 40 or 80 days extra that she is paid is not at time and a half like in the corporate world but flat pay. She is based on the supervisory scale because that is what she does. Supervises the program and reports to the local and state department.
3. Its true there is a budget line for program expenses, but for the ones that have any background in the real working world. You know you must have a Purchase Order and all the receipts to back up your spending. The Purchase Orders must be requested before the money is spent. What does the Director do while on trips or doing projects on fall break, Christmas break, national holidays, etc. while the offices are closed when a child tells her they have no lunch or a teacher says they need more supplies? She without hesitation goes with her personal money to take care of the situation knowing that is her money just gone.
4. The first year of Leaps and Bounds the Director missed 0 extended days a total of 48 weekend or days school was not in session.
5. Mrs. Polly and Mrs. Alsup wrote the original grant. They worked everyday till it was complete. Mrs. Polly had the design and plan while Mrs. Alsup made it grammatically cute. It does take more than one. The 2 of them met with various administrators, teachers and community leaders for input, but none where there during the actual work of the grant. None have since been there without the time clock running for their hourly wages.

I’m proud I have worked and watched the program for the past three years. I have learned many things…one, I want to be a teacher not the nurse I had always planned on. I have been taught that the only ones that have time to sit around and worry over somebody else are the ones that will spend the rest of their lives in a sad, sad mind set because they themselves are lonely, desperate individuals. Maybe if you would show a little ambition and drive then you too would be able to sleep good at night and have the huge smile that my mother, Mrs. Sherry Polly, carries with her everyday. While you all (and me) are sitting around on the computer and watching TV she’s out trying to help the youth of Giles County. She is certainly not perfect, but I think the kids and parents yelling and honking as we travel through town is enough said. Do you get the same response Ms. Grapevine?
Anna Polly

Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is nice to know someone is proud of their parents. However, you miss-stated some of your information, and may not be aware but when public schools are involved, most EVERYTHING financial, including your mother pay, is public record, therefore, anyone can access this information. That being said, according to the State of Tennessee, your mother's gross pay before deductions last year was $83639. Not $70,000. And, in the 2008-09 Giles County Board of Education budget, her salary will be $87,000. Her salary is on a separate line item. Hard to hide that one. If your mother was being paid on supervisor salary with a 12 month contract, she should be making $59,610. Also, no way she has a 280 day contract, since each year has approximately 52 Saturdays, and 52 Sundays which leaves 261 days of Monday - Friday. Teachers are paid on salary - NEVER overtime!!!
Also, a quick check on the state lottery website states Giles County received $162,000 last year for the LEAPS program. Which means, over half of that money went for the salary of ONE person.
Now, since the supervisor of this program has only this job to do, one would think preplanning would take care of any and all requisitions and purchase orders, so all PLANNED field trips, snacks, etc. should be taken care of before hand and personal funds should not need to be used for this purpose. And, Anna, just so you are aware, as a teacher for many years, I am fully aware of the amount of money teachers take out of their pockets each and every day to pay for something for their students. As for programs and projects when the central office is closed - well, she should know their schedule and plan ahead, so she isn't tapped for food and other supplies.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

many teachers and principals spend money from their own pockets to help children. they all also spend alot of extra time before school after school and on weekends grading papers and working on paperwork. and ive even known some who have spend their own money to pay for lunches or go shopping on weekends for clothes or other stuff for children. most teachers and principals work alot more days than their required to work. so shes doing the same that most others do but they dont make anywhere near that amount. i for one was shocked beyond beleif to hear that this salary was and think it is totally wrong.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds a lot like a game of naked leap frog, not a plan to do anything logical.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hundreds of children in her regular classroom were neglected for the past three years.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that Julie Phillips at the highway department has a child in the pre-K program. With her salary I find it very hard to believe can someone please set me straight on this one?
Does she or don't she have a child in the pre-k program?

Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A program without true direction (director).

Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna, I commend you for defending your mother, and you would shocked to know who was posting this...I have the facts, your outrage and defense of your mom proves I hit a nerve....And what I said regarding the teenage help also must have stung a little....Most of you girls were very helpful, some of you stayed on your cells which is inappropriate at any workplace, dressed unprofessionally, disrespected the teacher your were hired to assist, some actually refused to do what was asked, and one was overheard to say, "easiest job I ever had, I don't have to do anything, I can't be fired..." hmmmmm NOBODY respected your mother more than me when I first observed her as a teacher so many years ago, that's why I posted what I did,,,Something went terribly wrong, values and ethics were replaced with a hunger for power, attention, greed, neglect of duties, and a plain ole desire to thumb her nose at rules and regs.She is pushing the envelope as far as she can, just as most teens do in school, home, and after school jobs. I wish you would not read this blog, Anna, you are still a child, a teen ager, but never the less a child to us oldtimers, over thirty. Not a teacher who has worked in Leaps is a slacker, and your mom may not have been home all those times and may have indeed been working on the grant, but I can name at LEAST 5-6 other teachers who worked equally as hard and never neglected their classrooms, You are also wrong about absences, but Anna, you are to be commended for defending your mother blindly. However, young lady, your mom is playing a big girl game with people's lives and livlihoods and she has on more than one occasion fabricated stories to make one or those teachers followed procedure and your mom was caught in an ironclad trap of neglect of her students. Never fear, she was backed up by the principal as usual and the teachers that this has happened to have all be thrown to the "wolves".
That's the life and facts of the Leaps program, and remember what I said in my first post, a fact is something that can be proven. You will never know, Miss Anna how much sleep I've lost over this situation, because, of what used to be and what still should be. Your mom is incredibly talented as a teacher...but money and perceived power are going to be her downfall, and those whose blindly allow this, will go down with her. I am not gloating over this, when it first started, I went to a trusted mutual collegue to get advice on how to help Sherry, the advice I received was to keep my mouth shut or it would blow up in my face,(kill the messenger mentality) I didn't listen, I should have because it did blow up in my face....Do yourself a favor Anna, don't read hurtful things about your mother, no good can come of it.

Friday, June 20, 2008 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. Anna, Leaps salary is NOT negotiated, has never been, to my knowledge never even mentioned at nego sessions.
Sherry be honest with her, she's too smart for you to do this type of thing, not many sophmores are quite so familar with boe procedures or policies

Friday, June 20, 2008 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that Sherry Polly and Mrs Alsup did not write that grant alone. To say that is so is an outright lie and so easy to prove, it makes me wonder what is going this whole discussion being fueled by Sherry to satisfy her unending need for attention, good or bad? Hello, other teachers who attended classes in the same program as Sherry, now is the time to speak up! You have been silent long enough...Mrs Braden, please say something, I cannot believe you will let this outrageous lie continue. You were in the meetings with all those other teachers, you KNOW Sherry doesn't deserve all of the credit for the creation of Leaps. I cannot accept the notion that Mrs D. Braden has been bought and paid for too...she is/was my last hope of ethical leadership on the hill. Mrs Braden, I've never known you to be afraid to take a stand for what is right, before. Please don't remain silent on this issue. "The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing!" Those with first hand knowledge of the program,please band together and speak up. To remain silent is to condone and encourage the behavior!

Friday, June 20, 2008 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A poster asked several msgs ago what Leaps was. Leaps and Bounds, the full name of the program is an after school program for students in grades 2-6. It is funded through the state dept of education with unclaimed lottery funds. The original grant was written by several teachers and the principal from Southside as part of a class they were taking to get the Specialist Degrees in Curriculum. All of those teachers, (I think there were six, but I might be leaving someone out. Does anyone know who they ALL are?) worked very hard on the grant and equally hard to kick off the program. There was an inspiring amt of teamwork that first year, with nobody worrying about who got credit for what...I was so moved by the commradrie and frankly envious that I wasn't a part of it. But as often happens in the workforce, one or two are seldom content to be part of a team for long, and because Sherry carried the name director, she began making subtle (at first) changes. As her confidence grew, her lack of attention to details as well as ethical considerations decreased. Morale in the program began slipping and it began spilling over into our entire staff. I guess it was God's plan that I wasn't personally involved in the program that I had been so envious of, because the stress on the teacher's who were a part of it was painful to see. Leaps started out with such potential and fullfilled a great need, but the negative aspects began to outweigh the positive, and the reputation and credibility of the program was soon a hot topic around town...It's a shame, but hope returned when Sherry hired a new "manager" for lack of a better term the third year. Although she brushed aside the ones who helped write the grant because they were so capable, she made a good choice in Mrs Coleman. Unfortunately, she quickly realized how capable Ms Coleman was and began asking her to do unethical and questionable procedures. Ms Coleman of course refused as did others who came before her and so Sherry began the subtle campaign of trying to discredit her. Any of the teachers who exhibited leadership capabilities were placed in situations to make them appear incompetant because of the very real threat that Sherry could (and should) be replaced. Citizens of Giles Co, the program is a time bomb, and when audited by the state, somebody is going to be in hot water over so many of the questioable practices...YOUR school system and therefore your tax dollars will foot the bill for the fallout that is coming, it's only a matter of time.

Friday, June 20, 2008 1:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Furthermore, how do you justify dropping your students off at a local church VBS for 3 hours a day for five days? (I believe that is what a previous poster was suggesting) Did you and your staff continue to pay yourselves for this time off without these students? That situation alone is shameful!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008 3:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the previous poster and I meant to ask what one of the comments above was referring to. Although I am in favor for getting children to church for ANY reason, a public school forcing them to go and thereby making them a captive audience is practically begging for a lawsuit. See what I mean by questionable ethics...As much as I am in favor of VBS, and any church activity, had my children been bussed to a church that had a doctrine that was in conflict with my personal beliefs, I would have a serious problem with that. Any Christian feels their choices of church services are the best, else they would attend somewhere else, isn't that kind of our duty. And exactly who was responsible for the children during the VBS time? What type of transportation arrangements were in place? Here's the $64,000.00 dollar question....How far in advance were these plans made? That's why I repeat my plea to Mrs Braden to DO something!!!! Also, the Florida conference that the entire staff of leaps went on bears investigating, ask questions such as: How many stayed in one room? Was the suggestion made for the staff to have "co-ed" roommates? (one male staff member attended) Did Sherry get her own room? Did Sherry not pay the conference tuition for all attendees, but rather suggest that they share badges? Is that lying and/or stealing? If the staff refused to stoop to this level, did they attend the conference out of their own pocket. (please don't spout off that Sherry paid for it out of her own pocket, at her salary, nobody cares....) On any legit business trip, are not meals/lodging, and reasonable expenses reimbursed????(key word in that sentence was legitimate!)
Tax-payers, this is only the tip of the ice-burg, but this has the potential to be as big or bigger scandle than the 1st National Bank scandle in which the CEO served time....It's just gonna take the right person with authority asking the right people, the right questions. Even people that want to protect Sherry unless they are hard core criminals would have a hard time lying. And the reality of this is, regardless of Sherry's post under Anna's name, I miss her,the way she was when she cared about her student's; She was an inspiration to me when I first started teaching, I hope someone can save her from herself.

Friday, June 20, 2008 5:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

d.braden is as corrupt and crooked as anyone on the hill. Once she could be counted on to do the right thing at least most of the time but after a few months under the direction of evil personified she became more and more like him.

Friday, June 20, 2008 6:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey teachers! Give me the meaning of Cyber Bullying?

Could this be what is taking place?

Friday, June 20, 2008 8:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to a link off of the states website ( then search cyber bullying.

"Cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others." -Bill Belsey

Looks like that's what these teacher and GCEA are doing to these ladies. I wounder if these ladies are members of GCEA and will they press the issue.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to my hand-outs from class, several teachers were involved. I have that Mrs. Kim Ready taught and planned the Writing Section of the program but chose to do her work on Tennessee instead of Leaps, Mrs. Carole Swinford taught and planned for the character classes, Mrs. Kim Gowan and Mrs. Jennifer Gaines taught and planned the AIMs classes, and Mrs. Karen Moore taught and planned the technology classes. However, Mrs. Sherry Polly's action research was over the actual writing of the grant, program design, grant management and budgeting. Lots of difference in teaching and planning a class than writing and managing a grant. Yes, look back at your notes from class. I did! Was shocked that what I had been listening to and reading were outlandish made up stories.

How many other stories get twisted during our GCEA meetings?

Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct, 2:48....sorta! Sherry PRESENTED the overall management of the grant in the class as her project. The others took different components and created a presentation. However, the entire grant was planned as a team and decisions were made concerning the presentations as a group...Do your notes reflect that?

Saturday, June 21, 2008 8:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the last few days I have been reading this blog, for entertainment if for no other reason. I do not work at Southside, do not have children at Southside, and therefore do not have anything to do with the LEAPS program. However, I do have a few questions for those of you who have posted:
1. 6/17 @3:17 How does Sherry Polly pay herself $87,000? The money for the LEAPS program comes from the state to the school board office where it is deposited to be dispersed for this program. So, one would think the person(s) making out the budget is truly who is paying this salary.
2. 6/19 @8:31. If it is true according to the contract Sherry Polly's salary should be $59,610, but the budget states her salary to be $87,000, isn't this a breach of contract? Why hasn't GCEA filed a grievance? Why isn't this issue being taken to court? Who among you will stand up and take this issue on? Of course, Sherry Polly may have resigned as an employee of Giles County Board of Education, and now is a contract employee. If that is the case, she can be paid any amount the board wishes to pay her. Has someone checked to see if this is true? Who among you are willing to see this through to the end? Are you so intimidated that you may lose your job that you are not willing to take this beyond the blog?
3. 6/20 @3:02 So, the LEAPS students went to VBS. Was one of your children involved? Was it a different religion than yours? Are you willing to file a complaint with the state and hire a lawyer to see this through? Do you understand separation of church and state? If you are only the messenger, then your job is done. If you truly want change, you have to come out of the blog and take a stand.
4. 6/20 8:37 cyberbullying???? That would only be true if what is being said is untrue. But, if what is said is true, then shame on those who said it on this blog, and not in public where something can be done about it. If what has been said on this blog is true, then SOMEONE needs to stand up, shout out, and get this taken care of.
5. I suspect Sherry Polly, Tee Jackson, Carole Swinford, and a few others involved in this are reading as fast as I can type. So, to those teachers who were involved in LEAPS last year, hold on to your hats. I suspect each and every one of you will be replaced the next school year in this program. Probably with more of Anna's friends who use their cell phones, dress inappropriately, and know they can't be fired from the easiest job they have ever had. Just remember, some day they will be looking for a job in the real world, and will find the real world different from what they are into now.
sign me - someone who wants change but not in the position to do anything about this because I have no personal first hand knowledge of any of this

Saturday, June 21, 2008 9:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not about Sherry Polly it is about the position and the salary of that position. Do not slame GCEA for this problem. GCEA is here to protect the contact. The contract includes the salaries. The salary is what is in question here. The association has, on many occasions, questioned a salary that is not in line with the contract. The association has not questioned her position (though many southside teachers attending the gcea meetings have questioned her work ethic). This blog seems to be very good at listing GCEA as the probelm when they (the people writing on the blog) want to turn the attention away from the issue. The issue is the salary, not the person! If the salary was in line with the contract there would be no question. But the board is who approved this line item, so the problem now lies with the board and not with the director of the program. Any one can say they want this much money, but it is up to the board to also protect the contract (their name is on the contract also) and follow the guidelines of the contract. The board did not where this and several other salaries in the past have been concerned and therefore it is the board that broke the contract not the director of leaps.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 9:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Sour Grape,

I appreciate your concern for my well being, but sadly as it may seem to you, I am the child of a very young mother. She had me young and we have really grown up together, but don’t feel sorry for us. God had a plan for me and her because He would not make a mistake. We are close in age and all areas of life. You, Mrs. Sour Grape, are in our thoughts too. When the angels among us come to save her from herself and takes her to the very heated place for asking parents for permission to take their child to VBS, I hope they rescue you too from all your misery and addictions. Are you truly in pain or just like the pills? Number 1 addiction in Giles County you know.

I thought I was being clear about her salary earlier but asked again to make sure. Ok…if you worked at Johnson Control first shift and Frito Lay second shift, could one of these factories claim they gave you your total income. I don’t believe so because you worked two separate jobs from two separate budgets. Exactly, what has happened here but you will not accept that she worked two full time jobs. She worked for Giles County the first semester of the year and taught 5th Grade Math which is about 25,000 for half of a year. (Her dream job!) At night and weekends, she worked for the state lottery (not tax dollars) drawing a monthly stipend of about 1,900 per month. After worrying night and day about her class not getting what she had always before provided, she agreed to leave the classroom and work totally for LEAPs. When she left the classroom, her salary as approved by the grant went to supervisory pay. Yes, she works nights, holidays, weekends, … and yes, others do too, but while they are working these nights, holidays, and weekends are children there? They ARE with her so that means a Saturday field trip that last from 8-4 really means a couple hours planning and notifying people, filling out paperwork, etc a month before, an hour of confirmation of buses, employees, parent permissions the week before and a couple of hours the day before with reminders and last minute staff/parent questioning. The day of the trip we arrive early for the parents to have time for questions and give orders to her about medication, behavior, lunch, appropriate dress…you name it, I think I have heard almost everything possible asked of her. Are you tired yet? We haven’t left the school yet!! Finally, we leave and have a wonderful day. We get back to school and make sure all students are picked up. But wait!!! We can’t go home yet. Documentation of any possible incidence that happened during the trip, budget adjustments for the cost of the trip, bus driver pay request, filing of paperwork in order for attendance to be counted and salaries to be paid. So what you see as a day of work that all teachers do on Saturday or a day school is not in session must be added on top of having a group of students for 8 hours. The 8 hours do not include a planning period or a duty free lunch. It means at least 8 hours none stop with the kids. Remind you, that’s longer than any teacher has her class on any given day. That don’t even start to tell you what I have learned from asking all my questions. Lol Something I do very well. There is no way I could spout off all those state and federal laws, board rules and regulations, childcare guidelines and grant memorandums like she does. Yes, I had to ask for all those big words, but she knows them. How many people have ever thought that childcare guidelines and school policies where TOTALLY different. Back to my topic sentence …that’s why she is paid based on a 14 month salary because that is indeed how many days she works with the kids, parents, partners, state and local people, etc. You were behind the push for her to leave what she loved-teaching Math now you still not satisfied. My heart hurts that you’re so sad. Yes, I know who you are. It’s not our family’s style to air other people’s laundry so I won’t call you by name but I worked with you and without a doubt know exactly who you are.

As far as the highschoolers, I’m unsure how we could be inappropriately dressed coming straight from school. I certainly know the dress code was enforced at Elkton. By the way, I was a volunteer the entire first year so NO you can’t get fired from that high paying position. After I was hired, Mrs. Coleman held monthly high school staff meetings and corrected us for wrong doings and complemented us on what was done well. She is also a salary position of Leaps. She is wonderful and has always been very supported and loved by our family. Do all people get along all of the time? I don’t think so but I have never known of a single person more admired by my mother than Mrs. Coleman. They work great together…it’s true opposites do attract and make a great team. My mama has told many, many people she couldn’t have done any of this without all her staff. We don’t need you ripping us apart!

I don’t believe my mother is as power hungry as you are jealous of her God given talents!! Please seek some more guidance what you have been receiving is not helping you.

P.S. Thank you Cyber Patrol!! I really wanted to be nasty with this letter. Without you I would probably be grounded. One last thing, this little blog mess is no more than a myspace for old people. No wonder we have so much high school drama. They have learned it from their mama. I just hope all you old people think about us “young” people that “shouldn’t be reading your blogs” when we leave the small town people with their small town drama at about the time you going to need us to take care of you in the nursing home. Lol, I’m always reminded at home to be careful because “you never know who you going to be dependent upon tomorrow.”


Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may be the "sour grapes" Anna/Sherry is referring to. You may know who I am, but it's doubtful as I have never worked with either of you...not really sure what you are referring to in many parts of your post, but I have to tell you that your devotion to your mother is touching, and the Bible says you will be blessed because of it. Anna, you are to be commended for that. Sherry, you are lucky to have a daughter so devoted to you and the defense of you when she perceives you are under attack. Whoever started the side topic of cyberbullying...what's that got to do with anything????I haven't read any threats or statements of intimidation....Anybody else confused by this???
To the poster who said that those people who felt wronged should speak out...I agree, but anybody involved would lose their job, or be made to feel so miserable, they would resign. But it is a problem when you have the facts but can't use them for fear of reprisal....If nothing I said was fact, it wouldn't have hit such a nerve with "Anna/Sherry". But like most politcal hot potatoes, those in charge will ignore it until people get used to it and "keep on keeping on." Not much we can do about it, the way the system is set up. You have a group of "haves" and a group of "have nots" and the groups will never overlap.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares what she makes. the program served my family well this year and with rising cost of living helped me know my kids where safe while I was working all the overtime I could. Way I see it she under paid. She worked two jobs but wasn't paid two salaries.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am one of the ones discussed in writing the original grant. I went back and looked at past papers from class. I must agree with the first post. I only recall one meeting on June 8, 2005 in the music room at Southside where all that has been mentioned actually met. My notes say that Mrs. Polly, Mrs. Swinford, and Mrs. Alsup had already been meeting and preparing the grant. We did brainstorm potential partners for the program and divided the areas that had already been identified by Mrs. Alsup, Mrs. Polly, and Mrs. Swinford that we would like to use toward our class project. How is this writing the grant? I would love the credit, but a grant can't be writen in 3 hours. We have a great school with many wounderful programs. We have a Principal that is able to look at each of us and identify their strengths and weeknesses. Please get control of yourself and stop bashing our school.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read this blog topic and I am shocked and appalled. If the supervisor of Leaps and Bounds really does all that is stated, then she deserves to make more money that teachers. But according to the information listed here, she makes more than coaches and even administrators do to. Alot more money. Does she deserve to earn more than coaches and administrators, principals and assistant principals? Does she work as hard as they do? I don't think so. And a 14 month contract??? Last time I checked, there were only 12 months in a year.

Compare the jobs. It is stated that "Yes, she works nights, holidays, weekends, … and yes, others do too, but while they are working these nights, holidays, and weekends are children there?" For coaches and administrators, yes children are there that have to be supervised, and for administrators so are teachers, parents, and others. Have you ever seen the way some people behave at ball games? But that's another topic.

Just consider what coaches have to do. They work a full school day like other teachers. Yes some of them have easier schedules than others, but many teach academic classes and have to do all the planning and grading papers and everything else other teachers have to do. Then they have practice after school every day which is more hours of work. And they are in charge of more students than she is. Then there are all the nights they have ball games that they are working to. Many don't even get to leave school before games. They are there from the time school starts until the last child gets picked up after games, which is usually anywhere from 9 PM to after midnight sometimes if its a long away game. Depending on the sport that can be two or sometimes even five nights a week just for games. And they work holidays and weekends to. Think about all the basketball tournaments during Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. And all the baseball and softball games during spring breaks and the tournaments on the weekends. And the JV games. And alot of times games are rained out and have to be played on Saturdays. Coaches work weekends, holidays, and breaks to. And they get phone calls at home all the time from players and parents and have to deal with angry parents when kids don't get to play or they lose a game. When games are rained out they have to call the other coaches and parents and administrators about rescheduling them. And they have to fill out documentation to, of game incidents or when players get hurt, and scheduling games and busses and bus driver pay requests, and doing budgets, etc to. So that leaves them most Sundays off, right. But then they have to watch film of upcoming games and and prepare game plans for those games and somewhere in there plan and grade papers. When do they do that? You guessed it, usually on Sundays. That's why they get supplements, but I don't know any coaches who make close to as much money as this person does.

And what about administrators? Principals and assistant principals attend these ball games to and unlike coaches who just have their own sport to worry about, administrators have every sport all year long. They usually don't get to go home on game nights either, so they are there from the time school starts and are usually the last ones to leave at night. Add to that all the banquets, open houses, fundraisers, plays, programs, and all the other events and meetings they have to work at nights and on weekends and yes even holidays. Plus they work all year long including the summer. And does this person have more paperwork and documentation to complete than an administrator. I don't think so. It was said "The 8 hours do not include a planning period or a duty free lunch." Principals and assistant principals don't have planning or duty free lunch either. Think of all the teachers, parents, salesmen, and business people who come in to the schools to see administrators or the students that get sent to the office for discipline problems. If they come during lunch time, then they don't even get lunch at all which happens alot. Think of all the phone calls administrators get at home at night from teachers and parents and even students. And the calls they get in the middle of the night from security if the alarms go off and they have to get up out of bed and go out to the school in the middle of the night if there's a problem at the school. And what about all the other headaches and issues and problems they constantly have to deal with. The stress level can't even be compared with this person's job.

So does this supervisor deserve to make more money that coaches and administrators? Not even close. Not by a long shot. This is outrageous.

And is there anybody at all who really believe its the daughter who is writing those posts???

Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that teachers, supervisors and administrators are exempt from overtime. L & B would fall under those categories I believe. The children at Leaps and Bounds don't stay that many hours a day. The other people working in the program have always stated that the director is not in their with the kids so I would assume she is using that time do administrative work, so would she be working all those extra hours. As to spending her own money, if she is spending so much planning time there should not be in money spent out of her pocket because she would have all the purchase orders done ahead of time. For emergencies she would be reimbursed for the expenses. She is not work $87,000, and that is what is budgeted so that is what she would be paid. This is a salary line item and other expenses would not be included in that budget line, workers have a separate line. Expenses are also separate. Unless there are two directors this is only her salary.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know exactly what the leaps bound program does and exactly why it is only offered at southside?

Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My question is why does the school have a "Leaps and Bounds" program anyway? This is an after school child care program plain and simple and should be run by non school personnel with parents charged just like parents who have to pay for child care. Between the Pre-K and the Leaps program there ain't much need for parents and that seems to be the attitude some parents have taken. Have a child with all the financial benefits the state will give then turn the kid over to the school system from age 4 till adult. Is it any wonder teachers are pulling their hair out and some parents are yelling more, more, more.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They'll all grow up to be like McCain & Obumma - in a short bit we'll have dial up voting - for $10 a minute, they'll vote for you & give you a commemorative pot metal nose ring to commemorate your call.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaps and Bounds is a program designed to positivly influence each and every part of a child: physically, emotionally, academically and socially. The program is designed for Giles County students 2-5. It is open to all Giles County students in those grades but housed at Southside.

The program is currently funded by the unclaimed lottery funds. Giles county's original grant scored 11 in competition (out of 144) in 2005. The original grant indicates that the funds would be spent to further enhance the after school class or program that an extended contract worker (Sherry Polly) at Southside had completed during the 2004-05 school year. (Yes, the debate is over concerning who designed the program. It is clearly stated in the original grant.) The program was to serve 80 students from 2:30-5:30 each Monday thru Thurs and offer extended day activities on about 30 non school days. These extended days were always parent friendly. The director or whomever designed the calendar set the extended days as the days hard for parents to get off work. ex: Friday of parent/teacher conference, President's Day, last day of school before Christmas Break, Wednesday before Thanksgiving, etc.

The program would have 5 components: AIMs (Activities integrating Math and Science), Writer's Corner, Character Building, Healthy Lifestyles and Technology. The students come in and completed their homework and were served a healthy snack then after homework completion they begin rotating through their classes as listed above. These classes were 30 min in duration and are designed for the hands-on learner. (Lots of movement).

The first year was a huge success and the program received additional funding in March of that year. The program has brought over $461,400 to Giles County FREE!!

The program director has always budgeted for the program even during the original grant since hourly wages, benefits, supplies, bus milage, cleaning supplies, first aid supplies, brooms, shovels, computers, copy machine fees, etc comes from the grant. Everything that is used during the hours of L&B is paid by the LEAPs (Lottery in Education Afterschool Programs)grant. Again, FREE MONEY for Giles County.

Not only is the grant funding an outstanding program that has been recognized by the state department; it bring revenue to Giles County, keeps the kids off the street, but most of all it helps our parents who are working hard just to make ends meet.

The program's participants are placed in multi-aged groups The multi-aged grouping is used to expose the participants to broader thoughts and to encourage a "family like" bound with their group.

The program is also designed to encourage or promote the attendance rate and decrease discipline problems.

The program has completed three full years as of June 27, next Friday. The program was recently evaluation on June 17th and approved and applauded for using all of the community resources (Partnership with First Baptist, Temple of Praise, Chambell Chapel AME, Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency, Home Depot and Pulaski Police Department were a few mentioned) in order to serve more than twice the number of kids as funded and for almost twice the number of days funded. So, with that said, I'd take it the program is tightly budgeted and monitored daily by the director and the county's finace staff.

The original grant containing this information is on file in Mrs. Debbie Braden's office or the Leaps and Bounds office at Southside and is always open for viewing.

The program has been evaluated twice annually and improvement plans have been established and implimented during the past 3 years. The "END OF YEAR" evaluations and program continuation forms filed and approved by state department indicating these changes are also on file in these two offices.

The program has outstanding support at state level, with parents and partners. Such partners are also listed in the grant application.

Please take the time to explore more about Leaps and Bounds. It doesn't cost taxpayers anything, keeps the kids out of trouble, and employs between 20-30 individuals annually.

Shouldn't our concerns be with expenses of our county rather than revenues during the current economic stress our country/state/county is in, or do we discontine a lively, encouraging part of our community because a few individuals don't like the salaries that are being paid. Truth is our local teachers are among the least paid teachers in the state, but through this grant many of our teacher were able to earn extra income and stay within their profession. The wages paid to the certified teacher is not at all what they deserve but it is more than can be earned by many who desire to pick up a part-time income.

The 2008 grant application was filed in April. It expands the program to incorporate all age levels of Giles County students. For all the parents of participants of the program, keep praying and remain hopeful, and I guess for the haters you may also keep hoping in favor of no funding.

The current program staff is excited about these possibilities of growth. (And yes, according to staff evaluations, each and every one of them are highly supported by the director of Leaps and Bounds, and is going to be highly sought to return to the program in the fall. Mrs. Owens may be late returning due to her medical leave, but she too is highly sought to return to the program). All Leaps and Bounds needs to start the program on the first day of school, August 4th is the go ahead from the Giles County Board of Education and Tennessee Department of Education. Giles County Board of Education must agree to support and encourage the program and the state department must agree to continue funding Giles County. However, all of our most recent display as "uneducated hicks" at a certain board meeting is very known at state level so we will all know who to thank for encouraging the discontinuation of funding if that occurs. Correct?? One board member and a small handful of jealous teachers and employees of the system.

concerned parent and supporter of the program

Sunday, June 22, 2008 1:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont think anybody is against the program itself, acording to what is posted here the problem seems to be the huge amount of the grant money that is going to the salary of one person out of those funds. may be if the others working with the program declined to continue to work with it unless that issue was addressed then something might get done. After reading 2 43 post, i and probaly many more would like to hear from anna/sherry with an explanation why she makes more than coaches and principals do. based on that post whoever wrote it has a very good point.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has been posted is what she made from two jobs not this one. Look at budget in grant appl. It's either 54,000 or 57,000. also, principals are contracted 240 days. she 280.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the program is starts at 2:30 and ends at 5 how can Sherry Polly justify working 280 paid days. It could not take her 5 hours per day to prepare for each day. Just because you work a few hours a day does not mean those are full days. Yes, some of those days may be full days but most are not. A school day is not a full day no matter how you count it. I'm sure that the field trip days are full days. If it takes 5 hours to administer she must be real slow. In fact it sounds like it should be a part time job to me!! How long are the summer sessions and are they 5 days a week. Who is allowed in these programs? Are the based on need such as academic? I'm sure this program is great but what we are questioning is the administrative part of it. I've noticed that a lot of school system use the Leaps & Bounds as after school for high school students. Since our graduation rate is so low maybe we should change it to be for that or split the program up. The need seems to be in the upper levels. Our education programs should be for education not babysitting. After all if high school kids are qualified to work in this program then they can't be strictly for education.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, the salary that has been posted is from working two jobs.

Teacher + Leaps = Total
25,000 + 58,000 =83,???
(half year)+(full year)

Staff don't stop because they make hourly more than she does. Yes, $20-$24 per hour. Part-Time or non-certified $12.50 and high school $7. All info is found in the grant. I have stopped believing the lies and can't believe monthly NEA/TEA/GCEA dues of each member for the past 3 years has been to support an organized session of slander or gossup.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original grant will prove all your questions!! Just read!! All the hear say posting will be cleared up, and you will find that the one with all the facts really don't have the facts straight!! When you have questions, go to the correct resource for the answers. If you can't read and understand grant jargon,please feel free to contract me.

Again, facts are there if you truly want them. I know, all the drama is a lot more fun than the truth.


Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL!! That was a wounderful typo I just made!! I would love for you to contact me if you have questions


Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the funniest things I've read on this blog is the idea of free money being given to Giles County for the Leaps & Bounds program, but that clearly is the result of brain drain.
There is no such thing as free money, even the lottery cost someone and if you should happen to win taxes are withheld on those winnings. 80 kids supervised by someone making 87,000 that's over 10,000.00 per child and that don't even count the salary of the 33 stated employees.
The average spent on regular school students is just over $7,000.00 per student. Pre-K is spending $17,000.00 per student. There are many in Nashville who are making big bucks off this program so why would it surprise anyone that they support it.
It is not the job of government to provide public funds for daycare. Children are the responsibility of the parents if the parents aren't responsible enough to have them take them away, if the parents are responsible then leave them along.
I had to decide how many children I could afford to have and raise having to pay for other peoples children is absurd. The big nose of government is in too much of our lives already.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am one of the original workers in the Leaps program...Didn't like it when I saw my name up there. I resigned from the program after two years of my own free will, because I wanted to, no other reason. There are a lot of "facts" posted here. Some are accurate, some not. The bottom line is that on this type of venue, anybody can say anything and not be identified, so if you want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem, use what you read here to go directly to the correct sources and find out for yourself. Very few people have the courage to spout off facts and sign their name, and I understand the fear but that doesn't make your statements any more credible. I've read this blog for months, purely for entertainment value and while I've "learned" many things, the biggest FACT I have learned is that you cannot believe everything written here. There is a lot of truth to a lot of the posts, but most of them only tell a part of the story, and if you only have half of the facts it is easy to twist anything to align with your own agenda. There is positive and negative aspects of Leaps, as with any program, mistakes made and lessons learned. But the objectives of the program are good ones and will benefit our county if all involved are allowed to learn from those mistakes. Sherry and I did not always agree on things, but that was not behind my decision to leave the program and as far as I know, she and I have never let that interfere with of professional work or friendship. We agreed to disagree and move on.
To Sherry and/or Anna, I would say, and you know I would say it to your face...Don't stoop to dignifying anything written here "anonymously". If someone identifies themself, and wants answers about Leaps, answer them honestly. How concerned are they if they are "hiding?" I do think the majority of the citizens of Giles County are good people and are truly concerned, but a blog on the internet is not the way to get reliable answers. Don't give any credence to anonymous posters Sherry. They don't really want answers, they want drama.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 9:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if it so that she spends a lot of her salary on the children(grant money), then why don't you drive to the other county schools and pick up our children. I would love to have a babysitter, so I could work late or a second job to make ends meet. Maybe I will start my on daycare and I will make $87,000 a year. Do you have any job openings?

Sunday, June 22, 2008 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to disagree with Karen but I have found this blog to be at least as reliable as the newspaper, the radio and more reliable than the spoken word. A 100% accurate, of course not but what is. This is the only source where information can be shared and people allowed to speak about it. It's basically the conversation you overhear at McDonalds or Hardees or one of the breakfast spots around town. I for one appreciate the opportunity and the information. I have also found that WAB's reports may not always be acceptable but they are usually very accurate.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 2:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

22, 7:50....

I'm a teacher, and I don't make $50,000 per year, yet you say the Leaps director makes $25,000 for half a year. Then $58,000 for a full year. Someone said principals work 240 days this contract is for 280. Most principals work alot more days than that since they work holidays and weekends for ballgames and other events. But I think a better way to figure it would be by hours worked. Count the hours a principal works a year and the hours this person works a year. I'll bet there's a huge difference and that principals work a much larger number of hours. They oversee all kinds of programs and not just one. Anyway you slice it, there's no way this person should make more than a principal does.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is in response to the following post:
I have stopped believing the lies and can't believe monthly NEA/TEA/GCEA dues of each member for the past 3 years has been to support an organized session of slander or gossup.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:50:00 AM

I know for a fact the people you are talking about have worked very hard to protect ALL the members in this county. They have, on many occassions, had to question a salary that seemed to be out of the norm. They have made sure people were getting paid the correct amount, several times finding out someone was not getting enough money (i.e. coaching supplements left off checks, step raises forgotten) and have gone to the board to fight for that problem. The question is are these people expected to not investigate when someone is making too much money, they are to only investigate when they are not making enough? They have had people mad at them and have continually worried about their jobs in this county because they have had to go up against the administration. They have not said anything negative about the people whose salaries they have had to question, they have had to question the salary it is the only way to protect the contract. These questions have been toward the board or the school director, not the person making the money. Please understand many of them have done this for many years and for ZERO pay. They attend numerous meetings, call numerous people and fight for ALL members all the time.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the payroll person has the right documentation for coaching supplements and etc they will be paid. They may be missed but it will be corrected. Why would the board be involved unless the payroll clerk refuses to change the pay.

Monday, June 23, 2008 6:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since this blog is suppose to be about the Leaps & Bounds and the Pre-K program.....I just want to say. I had no dealings with the Leaps & Bounds so I cant comment one way or another. I havent directly had dealings with the Pre-K but I will say this.......The Pre-K, I hope is for 4 yr olds who want to go to school...not necessarily the low income children and I dont think it is fair to those children to label them low income whether they are or not. That is not nice. I say if kids want to go to school, let them go to school. I know for a fact there have been children in the Pre-K who werent from low income families. Ron Shirey's youngest son was in it two years ago for one. Look in the yearbook. Is he low income? I doubt it. But his son was in there. One of the best things that was ever done in the school system was to have the meal ticket cards so the kids on free lunches werent singled out. When they go through the lunch line, the other kids dont know who is and who isnt on free lunches. It really shouldnt make a difference. And in the case of the Pre-K, it shouldnt make a difference. Kids have been the same since the beginning..some are just cruel and some or not. But no child should be labeled.........It's just not nice.

Monday, June 23, 2008 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An earlier comment stated that a number of those now in pre-k were taken out of headstart if that is true why is there a headstart and a pre-k. I don't think Mr. Shirey would qualify as low income. According to another comment he's not the only oone with a big income sending their kid to pre-k or leaps & bounds, julie Phillips at the highway dept also sends her child.

Monday, June 23, 2008 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Ron Shirey's son was in the PreSchool classroom as a "role model." This is a different classroom from Pre-K. They have "normal" children included with the others so that the children could hopefully model normal behavior.
In the current Pre-K program they took free-lunch kids first; there was room for more, so that's why kids who can pay for lunches entered the classes.
As for kids being labeled, if their parents would keep jobs and quit having would help.

Monday, June 23, 2008 3:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since this was the first year for Pre-K Ron Shirey's child could not have been in pre-k. He could have been in the Special Ed pre-k as a role model.

If you are signed up for Head Start you cannot go to Pre-K. Pre-K program cannot take away Head Start. Since Head start does not require certified teachers it is cheaper to run.

Monday, June 23, 2008 4:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Ronnie Shirey's son was a "role model" in the special needs pre-school, just exactly what business it is of yours? Did you volunteer your child, and was turned down? The preschool classroom which has been at Pulaski Elem. for several years, is for special needs children and falls under the special education umbrella. Other children have been in the program for the purpose of modeling in the past. It has nothing to do with who the boy's father is - other than Ronnie and his wife were willing to put their child in this program. How many of you would allow your children to be in a special needs classroom if your child is not a special needs student? My guess, not too many. There is a mentality about special needs individuals that some folks think what they have is contagious. And, sad but true, some of the "normal" kids take great pleasure in making fun of the special needs students. Where do they learn that? My guess would be the home and street environment. So, unless you REALLY know what you are talking about with regards to Ronnie Shirey, or any other person in this county who you feel is getting a "free ride", check it out before slandering that person. I do not personally know Julie Phillips or Ronnie Shirey, but have great admiration for them if they are big enough individuals to allow their children in the special needs preschool. Not all parents would do that. Would you?

Monday, June 23, 2008 5:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like getting paid half a year plus a whole year is double dipping. I know someone who used to drive a bus and was going to be hired and work as an aide during the school day too but was told she couldn't because that was a violation or against the law. She had to choose one or the other. What's the difference in what this is? Seems to me the GCEA should look into that to see if it is a violation of the contract.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difference is that a non certified person is not exempt to overtime. A bus driver is a full time position or it would not have the benefits. If a bus driver works as an aide and a bus driver they would have to be paid overtime. Most of the time as an aide would have to be considered overtime and could not be paid at the regular aide salary. A teacher is exempt from overtime. Therefore the Leaps director cannot get overtime. She should not be paid the salary she is being paid.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not had a child turned down by the Pre-K program. My children are older than that and it wasnt available then. I'm not considered low income but am not considered wealthy either but.........if there had been such a program when mine were that age...I would have enrolled them and hoped they got accepted. They are not special needs kids but they had a strong desire to go to school. They still love school. I personally wasnt trashing the fact (nor do I think he got a free ride)that Ronny Shirey's son was in there. I was merely stating that other kids besides the low income children are in there and there's nothing wrong with that. What I am saying is.....the Pre-K should not be labeled "for low income only". Its not and thats fine with me. It's a good program......Let in who can get in until the time comes when every 4 year old has the opportunity to go to Pre-k bc isnt that our governor's goal to have the funds and the room available for them. The program has to have time to grow......and it seems like it is moving in the right direction.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bus Drivers can not be paid overtime because they are not paid hourly, and if that were the case they would not be able to drive students to the various trips every year. They are paid $25 per route and than a set rate for trips. Aides are not full time are paid an hourly rate and do not get enough hours in to warrant benefits. The reason given for the driver not being able to be an aide was they could not be paid for two diffent county positions, they had to either do one or the other but could not do both.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with 12:56. getting paid half a year plus a whole year is double dipping and is illegal. if teachers do extra duties like keeping detention or gates at ball games, they cant get paid until after school day ends at 3:15. if they start at 2:30 they are still on regular school day time and cant get start getting the extra pay until 3:15. if the leaps director is being paid for one half year plus a full year then that is illegal.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will be to devine when someone actually hires a computer hacker to discover the person/s whom leave the false statements on this page or should we say negative opinions. Like it or not personal slander, you as an individual are100% liable for. Let me address freedom of speech at this time because I know you many others I read this page for personal amusement. Freedom of speech is well let me give you an example... I attend dadada church or no I will not for for Obama...that freedom of speech. Now when you say... well they were playing hanky panky on the hill or shes sleeps with her boss and her boss sleeps with my nieghbor so I am really jealous that he is not sleeping with me.... that my dear friend is "SLANDER". By the way you can sue an individual for personal injury resulting from slander... yes and what better proof than documents from this wonderful master piece of a blog/ website.

Sherry- forget the 87 million dollars you make according to these perfect tax payers whom one day is going to set the record straight and destroy the i love this one "GOOD OL BOYS" but are to much of cowards to leave there name on a blog... lol and they Pat Benatar says come on 'HIT ME WITH YOU BEST SHOT"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:52 on June 17th
Have you cooled off enough to respond yet? Seriously read blog number uno.... LOL

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 3:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Leaps and Bounds" and "Pre-Kindergarten" programs are nothing more that government paid daycare.
There is no benefit available in either of these programs that could not be made available through a regular daycare program. Children at the "Growing Tree" or with a number of other private daycare providers are able to learn just as much as in either of these government programs.
Here is something to consider, for each child in Pre-K it cost over $17,000.00 per year, the Leaps and Bounds program cost even more. School students in K thru 12 have only about $7,400.00 spend on them per year. Does this seem even remotely reasonable?
In establishing the Pre-K program a number of children were taken from the Headstart program to fill pre-K slots. This can easily be confirmed by asking the Pre-K director.
The bottom line is that while all the money being spent on these two programs may not be totally wasted, it certainly is excessive and inappropriate as it is mostly a duplication of other programs and the further socialization of individuals into the "village" of government control. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 3:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with post 3:52
Better yet, lets take that $17,000 and establish an account for each child that would have been selected under terms for pre-k and head start... save the money abd in 12 years if and only if those students of lower in come make good grades with out being in trouble they get the money for futher education... oh yeah we already do that with the lottery sch. and pale grants... and from what I have read left overs go to leap & bounds...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 4:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to set the record straight about the 2 salaries.
First the aide could not be an aide and drive a bus because she could not be in two places at one time. She has to put in a 7 and 1/2 hour work day and that would be impossible if she drove on a route. Well, she or he could be the first bus at the school and then the first to leave, but that would be very hard.
The leaps director can however receive 2 salaries because he/she can put in his/her 7 and 1/2 hour workday and then put in the time in the afterschool program. That is exactly what all the teachers who work in the program do, they get to work early and leave at 2:30 to start the leaps work (this is a guess on my part since I do not work nor have I ever worked for the leaps program). Many teachers work programs after school for extended contract monies or coaching supplements. None of this is illegal, unless it is during the school hours.
As for the person who made this comment "...forget the 87 million dollars you make according to these perfect tax payers ..." This is not an undocumented comment, the actual amount was $87,000 (not million) and this is the exact figure taken from the School Budget dated 6/3/08. This is public knowledge and please feel free to get a copy for yourself and look. Mr. Jackson, himself, stated this was the director of the program's salary for next year. All salaries are public knowledge due to the fact that they are paid for with public monies. Now, to add a twist, this salary is not paid for with tax dollars it is paid for with lottery money, so in fact if you do not want to help pay for it, then just don't buy a lottery ticket. (But please remember this is a program for students that would before be going home to empy houses) However, because it is a certified position is has to be paid according to the contract. Please do not make this about any single person, call names and talk about families. This blog is a great places to get information and then do your own homework and find out the facts. Weed out the junk from the facts on your own. But keep names out of this blog. I can tell you that I personally do not have a problem with the leaps program nor the current director, just the salary because it is not according to the contract.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 7:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bus drivers have their kids at school at 7:30 or before. They leave the school at 2:30. The can and have in the past worked at the school and driven the bus. They was one occasion of a bus driver doing both for a year until someone figured out it did not meet Labor standard rules. Bus drivers have also subbed so it is not impossible to do both.

The Leaps director is not working 280 full days so why would she be paid to do so. If the program is from 2:30-5, how many hours a day is she working. She is not working year round full time so why is she being paid to do so. I realize that she works days during the school year when school is not in session but she is still not working that many hours. Someone needs to figure this out before it happens.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 9:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the $87million was meant to be a joke.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well if the drivers were paid more they wouldn't have to take two jobs. the mechanics are also underpaid for what they do, and i dont see anyone trying to get raises for either of them.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Tee Jackson knew anything about a budget Leaps would be done correctly. He put all of the whole leaps staff on one line item. Sherry is making a little over 60,000.00 She has several degrees and works 12 months so that is where the problem. The board is suppose to put the budget together with Jackson but it seems at every board meeting I've attended he hands one out and I understand at the last minute.
A lot of people have been upset over leaps and alot have been very pleased. So who is right. Or wrong. Anyone who is dismissed from a job is going to be a bit irritated and will want to make a fuss. So adds to the blog sogga.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 6:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she is being paid 1/2 year plus 1 full year, then for half the year she should be putting in the hours for two full days per day, which means at least 15 hours a day. Is this the case? I think not. Some of the principals, who do often work that many hours a day (for NO extra pay), are very angry about this according to what I have heard. By allowing this Jackson may be loosing the support of some of those he needs it most from.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that the director lady has told friends that those of us who are shocked by the $87,000 will really love to see her $100,000 + salary for next year.

Saturday, June 28, 2008 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks, we can all save our breath griping about Leaps. It is what it is and nothing is going to change it. You might take comfort in the fact that the program truly is not funded with taxpayer $$, but it is housed in a taxpayer building and uses taxpayer utilites and I'm guessing taxpayers foot the bill for liability, etc. But it's time to face reality, this blog comments not withstanding, enough people have gone to the authorities with legit complaints, questions, and concerns and not one single thing has changed. The program, on paper is a great idea, the execution of policies and procedures have been chaotic,unpredictable, ethically questionable, and in at least one case, illegal...(think Florida trip). Ms Polly's behavior becomes more flagrantly insubordinate with each complaint. I don't know whether it's true if she sets her own salary, but if it is and her ethics allow her to take half of the grant as a paycheck, do any of you really think our comments will make a difference? We can take comfort only in the fact that one will always "reap what they sow", but it may not be as quickly as we like, so we have no choices here. On more than one ocassion, Mrs D Braden has met face to face with parents and teachers with legitimate complaints and she was provided with written documention of the outrageous happenings that Ms Polly was allowed to create. Not one thing happened to provide some kind of "righting of the wrong" and to my knowledge Mrs. Braden never even reported back to those parents or teachers that counted on her to help. (I did say, "as far as I know"! I realize she may have talked with the parents or teachers and I wasn't made aware of it, and I hope so. I saw the written documentation 1st hand, but was only told it had been given to Mrs Braden. I didn't actually see Mrs B receive the papers. I want to keep the record straight on facts vs opinions) Ms Pollys work hours are from 10-6 at SES, but (again, I've not witnessed this personally) she is supposedly seen around town during those hours, A LOT OF THE TIME. The entire morale of the SES faculty is a low as it's ever been according to my sources, and Ms Swinford has made it very clear that the $$ and publicity from Leaps is more important than anything else. The students in Ms Polly's class for the first 2.5 yrs of Leaps lost that much time in school, and there were no consequences. (Reminder, most of this info is
2nd hand but from reliable sources. I did actually see the documentation that I was told was given to Mrs Braden.) The point of this lengthy msg is, putting aside the teachers comments who worked in the program, the ones that were mentioned above, we all might as well save our breath and blood pressure. Ms Polly will do as she pleases, the supervisors will ignore it and the cycle will continue and escalate. If her salary is 50% of the grant now, beginning its 4th year, at that rate, during the 8th year Ms Polly will draw a salary just for breathing and the operating funds from the program will have to come from tax payer $$. I have no reason to exagerate or make this stuff up, I don't work with Ms Polly, I just majored in workplace ethics and this kind of thing really eats at me and frankly worries me for my community, especially with a presidential election approaching. I hope, that I have made it clear which is factual and what I learned 2nd hand. As I said, Ethics are my chosen major and I don't want to be hypocritical. I wish I could sign my name, Yes, hypocritical, but I am afraid of much more than job loss.

Saturday, June 28, 2008 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes there is much to fear when opposing the powerful in this county and especially in the school system.
I would suggest that you get in touch with Mr. Barret he seems to be the only one willing to stand up and be named, he made the school people look foolish in court, he made them follow their policy, he got the DA on the county exec. for secret ballots with the financial management committee and he got the suit started by Mrs White. Some don't like him or his methods but I think he's done a lot of good for this county. Call him.

Saturday, June 28, 2008 7:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep Mr Barrett has guts. But I dont think he got the lawsuit by Lisa White started. She would have done thart by herself and it seems it was justified. Blame for that rests only on the shoulders of the committee that caused the problem in the first place. Who were the members of that committee when all that happened?

Sunday, June 29, 2008 7:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Lisa White what role Mr. Barret played in that lawsuit. She didn't even know what had happened except for Barret informing and encouraging her. I don't know who the people on the committee were

Sunday, June 29, 2008 8:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being willing to stand up and be named doesn't necessarily make one brave. Rather than to say he has guts, I will say that he has audacity!

Thursday, July 03, 2008 8:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audacity means daring; boldness; courage; bravery; nerve and the antonym (for 8:47's benefit that means opposite)is cowardice.
I'd say you got it absolutely right 8:47!!!!!!! Bet WAB is feeling much better having your admiration.

Thursday, July 03, 2008 8:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone justify spending $440,000.00, more than double last years budget, on child daycare for approximately 100 children, Mr. T. Jackson estimated it to be 142 children in the summer. Allen Barrett

Thursday, July 03, 2008 2:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lesson on grammar, but you knew what I meant. By using your definition, we could say that audacity could be either negative or positive in nature. In wab's case, I see it as quite negative. Perhaps I should have said gall?

Friday, July 04, 2008 3:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People on the committee were Tee Jackson, Barry Hyatt, Janet Vanzant, Tommy Campbell, Stoney Jackson, Ramona Flacy & Connie Howell but she quit when she saw what was going on.

Friday, July 04, 2008 8:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tommy Campbell only attended one meeting then missed the rest some by choice and some by being forced off the committee.

Saturday, July 05, 2008 9:37:00 AM  

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