Requested Topic About Bicentennial Celebrations
This topic was suggested by a reader who asked the following questions
Is anybody but me ticked off about all this bicentennial crap????
Who picked the committee of rich folks and left the majority of folks OUT of the celebration?
The pavers are $1000. Do they not know we are in a depression and folks here are out of work?
The dinner and dance tickets are $100 PER PERSON are creating a selective crowd of blue bloods, is that the intention? They price is so high it creates their own little private event. How many just regular Joes and regular Janes can attend the grand bicentennial events?
Can you name those who picked the committee and who is on the committee? I think that would explain everything.
Can you start a thread on this Mr. Barrett and see if anybody else feels this way.
Monday, April 27, 2009 10:12:00 AM
Is anybody but me ticked off about all this bicentennial crap????
Who picked the committee of rich folks and left the majority of folks OUT of the celebration?
The pavers are $1000. Do they not know we are in a depression and folks here are out of work?
The dinner and dance tickets are $100 PER PERSON are creating a selective crowd of blue bloods, is that the intention? They price is so high it creates their own little private event. How many just regular Joes and regular Janes can attend the grand bicentennial events?
Can you name those who picked the committee and who is on the committee? I think that would explain everything.
Can you start a thread on this Mr. Barrett and see if anybody else feels this way.
Monday, April 27, 2009 10:12:00 AM
Seems I recall some of members of committee. Joe Fowlkes in charge I think. Brenda Speer. Preson Murrey. Maybe Karen Spivey. Anyone know them all?
I don't think Brenda Speer is on committee. Judy Pruitt, Carolyn Harrison, Bill Dunivant, Dody Lyles, Preston Murrey, Karen Spivey and many more.
Good luck on $100.00 per person. As everything else goes in this town and all other towns it's always the same click.
Just keeps the little fish swimming in the little pond which is why our little pond is drying up. Maybe somebody should give them a clue about what is going on in our area and how folks are struggling to make ends meet. How much county and city money was given to this event?
This may just be a guess, but I would think that this event is being funded by the $100 ticket price.
I dont mind the bicentennial flags around the courthouse as long as its temporary, but how tacky can you get? Adverts! Come on. What a put off when you approach the courthouse. You might think you are a blue blood but dont mean you have taste.
I might make a guess too. I'd think the event would be much better attended if the tickets were reasonable. Maybe the gala needs to be scaled back a bit so MORE PEOPLE can attend. Little fish swim in little ponds because they couldn't survive in big ponds.
Maybe 1:05 needs to be on the committee.
Maybe you ARE and think your events are perfect. Perfectly exclusive to your little click.
NEW TOPIC SUGGESTION--------Has anyone heard about the proposal that to improve its status as a targeted school and increase its graduation rate, GCHS has decided to pull zero tolerance kids off the street (weapons on campus, drug dealing, etc.) and put them back into a single classroom on the GCHS campus?
To the same ole whining bloggers - Why don't you have a whining party for the Bicentennial and see how much you raise? You should be able to raise a large amount if you can get the whiners on this site to participate. GET A LIFE or do something constructive - for a change!
The whole City of Pulaski is slowly dieing. My family is having to go to Lawrenceburg because you can't even find a better boy tomato plant in this dried up town. Speer is getting exactly what he wants, a retirement town. And by the way, one of the bi-centennial celebrations is being held on Millionaire Lane (Hicks Cut).
Black tie event. Don't have jobs here or anything else for that matter but maybe for entertainment you might want to stand at the end of a drive-way on Hick Cut and watch the big wigs rubbing elbows.
Have any of you tried to get an event together for the average Giles County citizen? Have you talked to anyone on these committees? I would love to see a mass event. Did any of you attend the event last week? Lots of ordinary folks involved in that. The students really enjoyed the event and so did I. Great job done by present and retired school employees!!
Good thing for the school kids to attend and learn from. At the same time, you can hardly compare the attendance of the school kids to getting a bunch of adults to attend something. After all, the kids went as part of their school day.
Many of the adults attending either had family members involved in the demontrations or had provided items for the exhibits.
To answer your opening question in the commentary - "Is anybody but me ticked off about all this bicentennial crap????"
The answer is: Obvious not
No one is twisting your arm to attend the Gala. The folks who are attending this event can probably well aford to pay the ticket price. I can't afford to do this either but I really wasn't interested in the gala anyway.
Having had a member of my family involved in the planning I can say that there were members of the planning committee who were against the Gala from square one at that price but they were out voted.
All the folks involved were not rich folks but folks who were and are genuinely interested in preserving the history of the county and trying to make people aware of the wonderful history of this county.
I think that those dedicated historians' efforts have added to the interest of our school children in the history of Giles County. Speaking as a teacher, I believe that our present students have learned more about the county's history in the last three weeks than any group of students in several years.
The students who toured the courthouse and exhibits showed genuine interst, asked many questions and really tried to learn about the things that they saw. Many of the tour guides and exhibitors commented on the fact that the children asked many questions and it was evident that the students had reviewed the trading cards that they had been given before they came and were well versed in the information that had been provided to them. Because of this preparations they were ready to receive more information on the history of Giles County.
I personally would rather have seen the money spent on the gala given to some of our help groups here in the county, but it is not my money to make that decision. Maybe these folks have enough money to do both and maybe they will. That is their decision.
To Wednesday, April 29, 2009 6:21:00 PM
Great , intelligent response - something one rarely will see in the vast majority of the comments here.
What I don't understand if this was an event to make people aware of the history of Giles County why did they not at least have the exhibitions shown through saturday? I know several people who wanted to go and see but they had to work on thursday and friday.
Something was offered to the people for free, but compensation amt. asked from the county commission. So much bitching went on about that. So charge $100 out of your pocket you bitch, ask the commission to spend so it won't cost anything and you still bitch. Mike up your mind......
I am not in any way involved in the $100 a plate celebration or whatever it is but, if the county cannot pay for a celebration what do people expect. The Thursday and Friday event last week was volunteers who spent their own money and their own time putting on a show. I think that asking them to stay at the courthouse for a third day is asking a lot of people who are volunteering their time. The public could have gone if they wanted, there were other people there besides students. If the volunteers can take the time off then so can the public. If anyone know of someone who can pay for a celebration (and I think we need one) then talk to them. I don't think any of our industries can afford to donate. This would have to be a admission to a celebration. We have pitched such a fit over asking the county for money for anything. I agree with April 30, 8:22 make up your mind, do you want to pay your own way or let the county pay?
Excuse me but there are some people who can not afford to take time off the go to these kinds of things but still would like the opportunity to participate. They could have may done it on a friday and saturday for more to have the opportunity to attend.
The program on the square was done for the children. It was not a program for the public even though the public was welcome. Most of the people involved were retired Giles County employees. Again the purpose was to educate the children. If a group of you citizens want to donate your time and money to do a program do it. Don't gripe because you did not get to the great program that was put on for the students. There was a lot of work put into this program. I would love to see another program done. Let me know when you get it together.
We attended the free event on the square New Year's Eve, and were so disappointed to see that people stayed away in droves. And, that's too bad, because it was a great event. That same night, Hillcrest Country Club reportedly had it's most successful New Year's Eve party (not limited to members-only) in years with well over 100 attending at $10 per ticket. So, people made their choice and it was their choice to make.
We also attended the gala dinner/dance on "Millionaire's Row" (oh, please!!) and it was a lovely function with a great turnout.
It seems to me the Bicentennial Committee has gone to great lengths to try and offer events that everyone can attend if they so choose - both free and ticketed.
As for the banners, those don't come cheap and people/businesses who were generous enough to put up the $$$ to buy one (so that tax dollars didn't have to be used) deserve to be recognized.
The negative tone of most of these posts makes it easier to understand why Giles County is folding up and dying. If people spent as much time stepping up and volunteering to help or at least bothering to show up and support the free events (like the one offered on New Year's Eve)as they do moaning and complaining, the entire county would be better off!
Maybe we can get someone to start a subject on here that has upcoming Bicenntenial events. I did not know of th the Country Club event. I don't get the local paper but I do get on the computer. Of course someone would get on that part and complain too. Could not afford the Millionaire's Row event but that is okay I do not have a problem with that. I would like to see upcoming events.
Keep your ears and eyes open there are to be more activites this summmer for the Bicentenial.
A night of rock and roll for one.
Possibly another set of trading cards covering more Giles County history.
Watch the newspaper and listen to WKSR for further reports.
check out the Bicentennial Website for events. They are posted when established.
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