Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Has The Issue Of Insurance For School Employees Become Such A Mess???

For a number of months now the School Board has been trying to sort through and make some sense of an absolute maze of insurance obfuscation, benefits, half truths and plain lies. A large part of the problem seems to be the result of not having an insurance expert as an adviser, the efforts of some to influence the acceptance of a favored vendor, and a total lack of integrity involving the bid process. I believe this School Board, while somewhat slow, is asking the right questions and making a real effort to resolve this matter.
The result is that a $100,000.00 life insurance policy for some means over $250,000.00 while for others it means less than $70,000.00. While some beneficiaries have been paid $10,000.00 in death benefits others have received only $5,000.00. There seems to be an equality among some that does not exist among others. Allen Barrett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the school system needs Jackie back to be the insurance agent. Our insurance was always handled in a professional knowledgeable manner when Jackie did the negotiations with the insurance people in the past. Do we not have anyone who knows anything about insurance left on "the hill"? A concerned employee!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 5:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not the first time employees were led to believe they had insurance. A couple of years ago several employees signed up for disability insurance and were told it was group insurance guaranteed and than several weeks later they received letters saying they were denied. When they questioned why they were denied they were told not enough people took the insurance so the group policy was not taken out, but yet when they signed up they were told is was guaranteed acceptance-they could not be denied. So this is not the first time this has happened.

Thursday, April 30, 2009 6:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be a called meeting for the insurance soon. The board has gotten all the info together and has found several things questionalbe from day on of the bids. They were left in the dark about some things that has now come to light. Just waiting to hear from school board attorney as what route to take.

Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand the question about the amount of the insurance. I was told plainly that it was 5 times or no more than $100,000. It is even in black and white on the forms in my packet. What is the problem? Look at your forms. It explains it perfectly. Yes there were people in my group that immediately said "Oh, boy $100,000." Apparently people don't listen they just hear what they want to. The bus drivers were also told the same thing. I know someone who was there. There is such a thing as privacy. They could not say in a group that you don't make enough to get $100,000. If they went to them and asked they were told. Some people are sore losers and cannot stand they did not get the bid.

Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some groups were told flat 100,000 and another group told 5x's their salary. One insurance group spoke to different groups and another insurance group spoke to others.

Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To April 30, 9:41 pm

You would benefit from reading it again I just read the darn thing and this is exactly what it states:

GUARANTEED ISSUE AMOUNT: $100,000 if you are eligible and you enroll timely, you will be able to apply for coverage up to the guaranteed issue amount without providing Evidence of Insurability. any amount of coverage requested as a late enrollee or in excess of the guaranteed issue amount will first require medical underwriting and written approval by AUL. If approved ,coverage will become effective on the date identified by AUL.

FLEXIBLE CHOICES: You may apply for a flat benefit amount of group life insurance coverage in increments of $1,000, in a minimum amount of $10,000, and up to a maximum amount of: 1) $500,000 or 2) 5 times annual salary rounded to the next $10,000, whichever is less.

Reductions will begin at age 65 and coverage is not offered beyond retirement.

Friday, May 01, 2009 6:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Morris is causing a lot of this trouble, and look at what he has done with some of his work. He should be barred from ever selling again.

Friday, May 01, 2009 6:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so amazing and so typical of some folks, a person warns that they are about to be hit by a bus and their reaction is to attack the one warning.
Why should simple minds be expected to deal with anything but simple subjects. The power in the school system has been gained by keeping people in the dark and feeding them nice sounding BS. When are the people in this county going to start showing some responsibility for themselves?

Saturday, May 02, 2009 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The motives for the warning are for personal gain. If he had gotten the bid he would not be saying anything. What was said about the policy he tried to sell the employees is absolutely true. Can you deny that? He did not know what he was selling. There have been a lot more people upset by what he did than this. Most people heard and understood what was being sold this time. Only a handful out of almost 700 employees are having a problem with this. They did not listen.

Sunday, May 03, 2009 6:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one in question brought it up because he didn't get the business. Nor did he get the opportunity to cheat many more persons. If one is going to bring this type of activity up, then the person bringing it up should at least have a little credibility, don't you think?

Sunday, May 03, 2009 9:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a rule I detest and distrust almost every insurance agent that I have ever met. Chris is one of only a few that I would trust. He has been mistreated and melined for trying to get the best deal that he could for Giles County teachers in the past.

Being an insurance meeting I think that a lot of teachers realized that these people were not representing the company that was awarded the contract. I also know that a lot of the teachers did not sign up for the policies because they were uneasy about the change. This fact probably kept some of the policies from bringing in the profit margin that those insurance reps needed to provide the company for the policies to be cost effedctive. If so they probably changed the limits of the policies provided those who did sign up.

Considering current evnets, this was not a good time for the slightest look of misrepresentation to show up in an insurance meeting. There was an uneasly feeling at the meeting that I attended becuase of the possibility that this was not what the board had agreed to.

Giles County Teacher

Sunday, May 03, 2009 8:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The meeting that I was at explained the policy perfectly. When Chris Morris was selling the disability policy as everyone can get it, he was either lieing or did not know what he was doing. He also sells policy for companies other companies also even though he works for AIG.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009 4:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understood he was a independent agent like most of the other agents in town who sold policies from a lot of different companies. I bought from him and am pleased so far but of course I ain't dead yet.

Thursday, May 07, 2009 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did not sign up for a policy with preexisting health issues and were refused the policy. That is not what he promised.

Friday, May 08, 2009 6:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 6:40
I'm not absolutely sure but I think they had to have a certain number to sign up for the policy for anyone to get the coverage with pre-existing conditions covered.

Sunday, May 10, 2009 6:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 6:28
We were not told that we were just told we couldn't be denied and did not find out until we received a letter from the company.

Monday, May 11, 2009 6:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't recall it explained in that way. 6:51. As along as participation met the level it needed to offer the guarantee it there would be no medical questions. You have Tee Jackson to thank for your letter. You would have never gotten one if Mr. Morris had been allowed to see employees throughout the school system to offer the coverage. Don't inject untruths to further your agenda against Mr. Morris. He has helped this school system with insurance coverage more than any other broker or agent the school system has. Not to mention how he lobbied for more money for the teachers and various other things while he was a commissioner. No one has helped more than him in many aspects. Get over whatever problem you have and better yet you need to present factual information. The untruths you spew will only come back to bite you later. Here are some facts for you: This insurance issue is currently being looked into very closely and it appears that a significant amount of wrongdoing has taken place with this new insurance company that has most recently offered coverage to school employees. Many, many employees were misled. Bids on this insurance was never conducted properly. Board members are aware and are looking into it. Finally, after much testament from various people complaining that this was all done wrong people are starting to listen. Wrong is wrong and should be corrected. Get over your vendetta or put a cork in it!

FYI 4:45- Mr. Morris does not work for AIG. He is a broker who brokers for many companies. Another example of someone who does not know what you they talking about.

Monday, May 11, 2009 9:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I beg your pardon, but I have been told that he collected premiums, but did not send them in to the company?? Is that the kind of fellow you want handling your insurance?

Do you know who you are defending?

Monday, May 11, 2009 8:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No 8:57 I will not beg your pardon. I do know who I am defending. The question is, do you know know what you are talking about and the answer is no. You say you were told right? Do you always believe everything everyone tells you?? Obviously you do. Do everyone on this blog a huge favor. Before you attempt to take a stand on a subject get your facts straight. I know exactly the person I am defending. Do you know the person and the situation well enough to take the chance of slandering them on a public blog? You see it is really difficult to explain things to a person with half a brain such as you. You don't understand how group insurance is handled. I hate to even dignify your question with an answer, but here goes.... Group insurance premiums are collected by the payroll dept upon the insurance being enrolled. Now, understand if you can that those premiums are never, never, with me so far??
Again, never collected from the agent or broker. Now, if you are insinuating that Mr. Morris collected premiums and held them like he was taking someone's money without offering a service or product, you better rethink your statement. That is a very powerful accusation not to mention unfounded. Did you ever think perhaps the central office would be able to debunk or corroborate your rumor?? Well, seeing that the premiums were collected by the central office accounting dept. you should have checked with Adrienne Braden before spouting out more untruths. I bet we could narrow down your identity if we wanted to based on some of the comments made on this blog. Just so you know and believe me this is not a rumor...this insurance MESS is on the verge of possible litigation. It should make people like you a little edgy about statements posted on this little blog. You ask, "Is this the kinda fellow we want handling our insurance"? Well, my question is do we really want to be getting informed by the likes of you?? I certainly don't. You are apparently one of those out to stir trouble and malign people against Mr. Morris. You should be grateful IF you are an employee of the school system, because I am not so sure you are, but you should be very grateful for all the help Mr. Morris has given in service to this county and most importantly the school employees. He has went to bat for the teachers time and time again over the years listening to employees needs and concerns and has helped as an insurance professional as well as a county commissioner. Just so no one is misled or confused, the premiums that were collected were held by the central office until policies were issued and once issued the premium was sent into the company. Anyone who was not approved for the disability that had premiums deducted from their paychecks was given a full refund by the central office accounting office. Now, you are more than welcome to check it out and find out for yourself but, I doubt you will because that would leave you with plenty of egg on your face. You need to end this nonsense and for future reference, accurate statements should be made in order to not further humiliate yourself in the event your identity was revealed.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 6:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May 12, 6:12. Mrs. Morris. I am not the one you are talking to but I am a school employee. We WERE GUARANTEED A POLICY, nothing was said about a minimum participation. Salesmen are not allowed to come into the schools. You say that he was not allowed in the schools like he should have been, that is not policy. If Mr. Morris wanted to sell something he should have set up a time at his office for employees to come to him or he could have used a facility for a group. You cannot go into a school and disrupt classes. Teachers cannot leave their classroom to talk to a saleman. Would a plant shut down for an insurance salesman? I don't think so. The school system is no different.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 7:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Ha 7:01 I see I have you guessing! If you would like to address Mrs. Morris why don't you give her or Mr. Morris a call? Their office number is in the book under Morris Insurance. She will no doubt enlighten you regarding your point of view. However, I doubt you would take the same tone as it is easy to be puffy behind an anonymous post. I shutter to think you are a teacher in the school system. Isn't it required for students to listen in order to learn? If you as a teacher ask that of a student, then the same is required of you. In my past and present employment I have seen a lot of employees when a presentation is being made regardless of whether it is insurance or otherwise, sitting talking, texting and generally cutting up while someone is speaking. Then when all is said and done you have those select individuals crying they didn't understand or didn't know. Well, of course not, you weren't paying attention and the rest of us were listening. That is why you don't speak for everyone in the school system and you should own your comments in order to not make the rest of the employees look as though you are speaking for them, because you are NOT! I've heard the ugly comments made about Mr. Morris and I also know those who leveled those comments. We can argue all day if you want but,you will not gain any credibility with your comments on this blog. Reason being, I know the truth as do many employees throughout the school system who heard it just like it was explained and you just want to be problematic. Is there not enough going on in your own existence that you must inflict lies and misery upon others? I'm just saying? Where does your contempt and hateful demeanor generate? To rebuttal your statements, when you elected your health insurance coverage did you go to the broker's office to enroll? That is what I you did not. You don't know what you are talking about. Save yourself the embarrassment now before further ado. If you understood group insurance you would not be making such ridiculous statements. Mr. Morris as does every broker or agent that provides benefits to the school system employees, had to be approved before the school board before entering the schools to solicit insurance and he was approved. I happened to be in attendance of that school board meeting many moons ago. That was the first fact. Second, there was no disruption of classes as this was specifically a voluntary benefit. I know many people who have not chosen coverage through Mr. Morris or other vendors. No one's arm has ever been twisted in the past when Mr. Morris came to the schools. He doesn't conduct business that way. If anyone wanted the coverage Mr. Morris was on the premises to enroll them in whatever coverages they chose. The issue with not being able to see the employees was specific to certain principles not allowing the employees in their school to even have knowledge to make their own decision. If you don't know about it then you can't decide for yourself. This hurt everyone. I know a lot of employees that were not aware of the coverage. How do you explain that? I don't know where you sat when this was explained but you must have had your phone in your ear or a clear case of ADHD. You do understand what open enrollment is I hope? We have it every year. Or do you gripe about that too? Every employer that I have worked for that offers benefits has this. It is the time when you elect coverage on benefits of your choosing such as, dental, vision, health, disability and so on and so forth. Heaven forbid if insurance was being offered in the school system and it was coverage you and your family needed and you weren't made aware. Time elapsed you never got the needed coverage. My guess is you would raise a huge stink. See, some people just can't be happy.You know, if you have no interest in what Mr. Morris has offered to help you as an employee through what he offers then that is fine with him I am sure but, in the future make your comments based upon factual information. Don't be a pinhead and try and hurt people. Remember in the future to pay attention. You just may learn something. Just one last question to you. What harm has come to you by Mr. Morris offering his services to the school system? I would really like to know. This is of course, if you can be honest with yourself and the rest of us.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your lame and LONG attempt to defend him, you didn't read that the collecting of premiums and not turning them in did not pertain to group insurance.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:29, the only insurance salesman that comes into the schools is AFLAC who administers the cafeteria plan. The other salesmen are at our meeting before school starts. I do pay attention and I heard with my own ear, no cell phone, Mr. Morris sit down with me and tell me that the disability was guarateed. I counted on his word. He later came and apologized that he did not realize that a percentage of employees had to enroll in order for it to happen. If you are not a school employee and not Mrs. Morris how would you know different. There is no slander in what I am saying it is the truth. Truth is not slander. You are talking to more than one person in these blogs because I have only posted twice, yesterday and today. Don't call people names, did your Mama not teach you that it was not nice. Maybe not, a good teacher like myself would have punished you for it more than once I bet.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 6:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Morris was approved by the board to come into the schools 4 or 5 years ago.No one needs to take much stock in what 6:39 is saying.I have no idea what their problem is.I can't speak for all teachers and school system employees but he has been very helpful in the past and honest. Leave Mr. Morris alone.He is trying to help anywhere he can and always has in the past.Thanks for fighting for everyone in the school system even though some take issue with you. Some people do appreciate your efforts even though you don't always get people to listen.Sorry you have to deal with people like the above poster.Speaking from my own experience he did me right and has for a lot of years.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 9:24:00 AM  
Anonymous wab said...

Does it matter that Mr Morris is not the only insurance agent that has publicly stated that the school insurance situation is not only wrong, poorly handled and illegal.
At the last School Board meeting Commissioner Wilburn an insurance agent of thirty years made those statements to the board. Allen Barrett

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 2:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:24 If someone treated you right, but cheated others, would you still trust this person with your finances?

You were lucky this time.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 8:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prove you were cheated and your argument might hold some water. Don't provide proof and will will be labeled an annoying blowhard. The choice is up to you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 9:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never said that Chris Morris is a liar or a cheat. What I said was that he sold a policy for a disability policy that he guaranteed would be issued without a problem with previous health problems. He also sold a vision policy that he said could be used locally. The vision policy was FINALLY updated to include a local merchant and has turned out to be excellent but it took a while. I have not said that he did any on purpose. I will think twice before I buy another policy from him. And yes a refund was issued on the disability. BUT, why were deduction made before the policy was issued in the first place. I was refunded two months. I asked why deductions were made before there was a policy and was told that Morris gave those deduction to payroll to be made immediately. Again, nothing dishonest but wrong.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which one is the worse ? A car salesman or an insurance salesman ? They are both after one thing no mater what. A SALE !!!

Friday, May 15, 2009 8:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they are both trying to provide a living for their families. But of course, you people delight in dwelling on the negative and suggesting the sinister, don't you?

Saturday, May 16, 2009 6:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Wednesday, May 13, 2009 6:39:00 AM said is exactly what was told to us. We were guaranteed the insurance and nothing at that point and time was told to us about having to have a certain amount of people to sign up. You may not think it was a big deal unless you were one of the people who thought they had insurance and than received a letter saying sorry you don't qualify for the insurance you were told you could not be turned down for. Whether Mr. Morris knew at the time he sold the policy that it would only be put in force if so many signed up he should have known what he was selling. If he did know, he didn't tell, I was sitting right there and heard the "you can't be denied". Maybe the company didn't tell him, I don't know but that is the truth that people paid for a policy that was supposed to be guaranteed and than were denied.

Sunday, May 17, 2009 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May 13, 9:28 asked for proof. I don't know how anyone would prove this but ask Morris if he sold the policy with the promise of not being turned down. If you ask him, I don't think he will deny it. He is not a liar that I know of.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a he said she said kind of thing. They say he did he says he didn't but it is more than one who says he did, so take it for what you want. Without audio proof you have nothing, and I don't think anyone was taping anything that was said. They didn't think they needed to.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 1:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has any of this got to do with the insurance issue as of right now??Does anyone know?There is much to complain about regrading the present coverage and company that just went into the schools.That company did lie and did try and cover it up took money they were not authorized to take.Sounds a far cry worse than wanting a policy and not being able to get it because your health was bad.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 2:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue is that Morris is heading the lynch mob of this. He promised things that were not true. Who is he to accuse other people. You are making it sound like that this insurance company has robbed somebody. How did the insurance company take money from anyone. The insurance company is not at fault if money was taken out of paychecks. The school system did this not the insurance company.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 5:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When foul was cried before it was basicly swept under the rug but this time it was busted wide open. Why?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 9:17:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

Commissioner Wilburn now seems to have taken a more active leadership role in this matter than Chris Morris. Once again people have taken to attacking the messenger rather than looking at the message and reacting to it.
There is no question that this insurance, as it now stands, is both a mess and illegalities have taken place. Please focus on the facts and not the personalities to really see what has and is happening. Allen Barrett

Thursday, May 21, 2009 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps, Commissioner Wilburn if contacted could explain to some of these lame brains the complaint everyone has.I guess that would be too telling and would divert attention away from the agenda a certain person has to berate and defame Mr. Morris. If no inquiry is made to seek the truth from Commissioner Wilburn that will speak volumes. Everyone can stick their head in the sand and ignore the problem at hand but you will find that this issue is not going away.Too many disgruntled people are not going to let it.It is time we address the corruption in this school system and our county itself.

Thursday, May 21, 2009 5:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Foreigner said...

To May 16, 6:55 p.m.-Could you clear up something for me, please? Actually 2 things if you don't mind. I am very sincere and truly would like a clear concise answer:
1. Please identify who "you people" are. Do you have specific names in mind or is it anyone who speaks out against corruption in local government?
2. Realizing that this is still a free country and the freedom of speech is truly a blessing that nobody thinks should be forfeited, I would be very interested in your thoughts on the following scenario:
Obviously there is more than one "side" or school of thought. I believe that the ability to "agree to disagree" is a most valuable character trait. That being said, please respond to the following:
1st, your statement, exactly as posted-"But of course, you people delight in dwelling on the negative and suggesting the sinister, don't you?"
Next, a different but equally legitimate point of view-"But of course, you people delight in dwelling on the fantasy that everything is perfect and there is no wrong doing and if there was wrong doing, it should be ignored at all costs. Never suggest the possibility of something sinister."
What are your thoughts, May 16, 6:55? Does the second statement rub you the wrong way? Both extremes are absurd! Most people, (please don't forget the first part of my question), most do not look for sinister actions, nor do most bury their heads in the sand when wrong-doing occurs. I urge you to re-consider your position of extremist and realize that by not speaking out against wrong-doing, you are quite literally encouraging the bad behavior and furthermore, you are condoning it. Elected officials are public SERVANTS, 6:55 and they should be held accountable, not given a free pass. You may not care if you tax dollars are being mis-used, but I do.

Saturday, May 23, 2009 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the county commission going to investigate the possiblity of wrong doing in awarding the life insurance etc. to a company who did not win the bid for insurance for the school board employees???

Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question 9:38! Why don't you ask Bill Holt? He is the chairman of the finance committee and as of the last county commission meeting a week ago this past Monday,the committee was to establish a date and time for the finance committee to meet and discuss this matter. As smug as Holt is, he thinks he can do what he wants when he wants. He is Jackson's man. Scared he will lose his job if he doesn't do what Jackson wants or he has some love affair with him we don't know about. Regardless, he always does what Jackson wants him to. All the big players in this fiasco, Loretta Garner, Tee Jackson and Beverly Murrey don't seem to care about the school employees. Well, I think we knew Jackson didn't. I expected more of Murrey, but she has proved herself to be a joke. Garner is just a puppet to whatever Jackson wants. Commissioners are beginning to see what is going on and are asking some heavy handed questions. The fat lady hasn't sang yet. We'll see what comes out of this finance committee meeting. Would be nice if Garner was fired for her inept attempt at begin a finance director. Considering, that she has upset a lot of commissioners and is unwilling to be questioned and the many mistakes the dept of finance is making under her so called "watchful" eye. She calls conflict on any and everyone she can that tries to bid on anything with the county or the schools. Funny though how Murrey was told she would have to resign her seat if Murrey Chevrolet intended to submit bids to the county or board due to conflict and suddenly her conflict is no longer an issue. Up until that point Murrey agreed the insurance was done wrong but as she went and blabbed her big mouth that there was no longer a conflict with Murrey Chevrolet, all interest she had in the insurance mess ceased to exist. This entire situation has been mishandled, ignored and plain out deceptive leaving the county open to litigation. But, what is one more lawsuit right? How many does that make now? Anyone keeping count? Jackson could careless how much he bankrupts this county, he isn't a taxpayer here. People better wake up and take note of this. It has been on the news countless times. We have issues with this finance office not conducting bids like they should be. It appears that certain ones are being excluded from the bid process by way of "supposed conflict" or whatever they can come up with. This keeps the ones they do not want to get the bid from being able to bid in order to have the one they want to be awarded the bid. It is sneaky, underhanded and flat out wrong. But, going on nonetheless.

Thursday, May 28, 2009 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't been reading the blog for awhile since I have been so busy ignoring the insurance!!! I listened to Mr. Wilburn and Mr. Morris and took down tons of notes as well as copies of what they had. I am not an insurance wizard and never have understood what all the language means, but I have tried. I finally resorted to the only thing I knew to do and that was call our school attorney in Nashville. It was not well received by Mr. Jackson by my doing so but I did. He came down and met with Mr. Jackson, Mr. Don Story, Mr. Jim Greene, Mrs. Loretta Garner and myself about all the information I had. Before he came I first told him I did not want to break the Sunshine Law as I have been accused of doing. He directed me on how to make it all legal and it is on tape for those who want to go get it from the Central Office. I did a time line of all things that occured beginning with Jan. 08 until we met with Mr. Chuck Cagle. He was glad I had done this so he could see the sequence of how things occured. I gave him highlighted copies of everything I had and he took it back to his office to have insurance specialist look at. I, along with other board members have received a letter from him. A copy will be sent to every commissioner as well. Now if you think I can do more please let me know, and I encourage those of you who know where else to go with this to please go with it, but do not say I don't care about the teachers. I have been one and I know exactly what it is like to teach.. You teach only because you love your job. And as far as the indirect conflict of interest I had to write letters and wait out what the answer was going to be. I am still a conflict if Murrey does anything with the school system, but they wanted to make me a conflict with the whole county. Now tell me how that was fair to me or anyone else.
Anyone is more than welcome to come and sell insurance to the teachers or anyone else in the county. No one is stopping them..

Oh by the way, unfortunately we lost a great person in our system that had the insuranc. They got their money and interest as well.

I have talked extensively to AXA about making everything right and they have agreed to do so and we are suppose to get everything in writing to back up what they have to say.

BUT DON'T EVER SAY I DON'T CARE BECAUSE THE GREENE, HOLLEY, WHITWORTH AND WHATEVER ELSE BLOOD I HAVE IN ME WILL COME OUT AND YOU WILL SEE THE SIDE OF ME THAT JIM GREENE SPOKE OF WHEN I WAS NOMINATED FOR BOARD CHAIR. You've pissed me off by that remark. Better yet run against me in 2010. If you or someone you know can do better "Make my day"!!!!! Better yet tell me this to my face if you dare.

Bev Murrey

Saturday, May 30, 2009 9:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Murrey

Glad to hear from you. Go get'um.

Teachers appreaciate all that you try to do for us.

An old Giles County Teacher

Saturday, May 30, 2009 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a concerned Giles Countian and taxpayer I am eager to have a bit of clarification regarding your post. You mentioned two things:
1. The notes and time line were reviewed by an insurance specialist. Who was the insurance specialist Mr. Cagle turned the information over to for review?
2. What letter to the commissioners, when was it drawn up and by whom and when will it be disbursed?

You also mentioned that you were advised by Mr. Cagle as to how you could make the meeting involving yourself, Greene,Story,Garner and Jackson legal. That in an of itself is questionable when you are having to seek advise on how to make an otherwise public meeting that is being held behind closed doors legal. That reeks of deception in my opinion. Why would those in attendance of said meeting,not want the public aware of the discussion?

It is becoming clear that the public is being kept in the dark. Is it perhaps to keep the media at a distance, considering this issue has been covered by our local paper several times in the not so distant past?? Commissioners and board members are but a small part of the taxpaying county. How is this decision going to be made public if only the commissioners and board members receive a letter notifying them? Maybe we need to have that letter published in the local paper in order to apprise all taxpayers where this issue stands. Seems fair to me.

Your point was well received that you are not insurance savvy. Most people are not. But isn't it your duty as a board when accepting and awarding bids to be familiar with the legal bid process? The answer to that is yes, and from all accounts the bidding laws were violated.

Lastly, I would certainly expect a more mature response from you as school board chair than you gave the other poster. You represent our county and should consider that when making public comments on this public blog or otherwise. You have every right to defend yourself and your actions, but to rattle off your bloodline is not necessary. Not everyone can relate to what those last names mean, including me. In doing so, you have given the impression of a hostile, confrontational person . I hope you will do a better job next time in getting a more mature, clear message across versus the previous one, by addressing issues in the capacity a chairman would do so.

Citizens have questions and as long as meetings are being held behind the taxpayers back, those questions will go publicly unanswered, and make elected official's constituencies question the very abilities, ethics and interest they serve in.

Saturday, May 30, 2009 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the board is allowed to meet with it's attorney under Client/Attorney laws without breaking the sunshine law.

Sunday, May 31, 2009 4:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Client/Attorney privilege only applies if there is discussion of a current lawsuit. Otherwise open to the public.

Sunday, May 31, 2009 6:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you 6:19. You took the words right out of my mouth. So, my question is, what made this meeting legal to be held behind closed doors if no pending litigation?? Is there a lawsuit the public is unaware of?
From all indications of what I have read, it isn't AXA doing the insurance. It is another company as has been stated in the paper and also mentioned at every meeting this issue has been brought up at.
This other company never participated in the sealed bid process. Isn't this unfair to all vendors who submitted a bid on time to the director of finance? It speaks volumes of what an inept director of finance we have. Why was the proper documentation in writing not received on the front end? Am I understanding that our school board and director of finance allowed a company to enter our schools to solicit insurance to the employees with nothing on file to back up the companies obligation to those who purchased? I'm sorry but Mrs. Murrey needs to be quiet while she is ahead. The more she talks, the worse it gets. I find so many things of concern in her post it astonishes me. She needs to be muzzled before she does further damage.

Sunday, May 31, 2009 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to something we were told at one of the meetings this company that is handling the school insurance was bought by AXA. But it was not a part of AXA at the time the insurance contract was bid or accepted. This is the best information I could get.

It would seem that AXA changed boats on the school board in mid stream so to speak. Which left the school board stuck with this other company---perhaps an inferiour choice--but definitely a dark horse. Leaving the local insurance people and the teachers wondering how the insurance coverage will work out and just how legal the bidding process was.

I would appreciate any more information that anyone has that will shed more light on this issue.

I think that all this changing of company names kept a lot of us from going with the extra insurance policies that were offered by the other insurance company.

Monday, June 01, 2009 9:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thousand apologies for blowing off like I did. Until people have been on the board or any other political position you can't imagine what all it entails. Believe me the $30.00 per meeting, $14.00 for being chair, and the work sessions we do for free are more time consuming than you will ever know. If everyone that uses their freedom of speech on this blog would come to work sessions as well as meetings would see and hear more about what is going on with the school board. We aren't gathering and talking small chit-chat but we are discussing and getting things together to go on the agenda.

As far as the insurance goes Chuck Cagle gave the information he received from me to other members of his law firm that understands insurance better. After spending many hours with two insurance agents in our county I felt a little more informed about what I needed to say to Mr. Cagle about our insurance. He, Mr. Cagle, sent the board members and Mr. Jackson a letter and that letter will be sent to the county commissioners. Believe it not I tried really hard to make this right, but I had to take it to an attorney. I have to go by what the attorney has to say unless someone can prove him wrong. Murrey

Monday, June 01, 2009 7:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I believe enough time has elapsed to ask this question. Where is the letter that was to be produced and distributed to board members and commissioners? I have spoken to a few commissioners and none of them have received a letter. Was this just another smoke screen to keep the general public at bay? The citizens of this county have a right to know how this issue concluded. Mrs. Murrey are you going to assist in helping the citizens learn what came from that meeting and what is contained in the letter or is someone going to have to step up and take it upon themselves to get this information? I don't understand how 2 weeks or better can pass with no confirmation of what is going on. I know it has been longer than 2 weeks since that meeting was held. I would think Mrs. Murrey as much as you felt it necessary to come on this blog and inform everyone about this letter that you would make sure everyone mentioned in your post received their copy. Business being handled in this manner breeds the suspicions of corruption and wrongdoing. The ball is back in your court.

Saturday, June 13, 2009 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3PTV will tell it all.

Thursday, June 18, 2009 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunately we don't all get 3PTV.

So how do the rest of us find out what the all is??????

Friday, June 19, 2009 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right 10:33. Kept in the dark yet again! What happened to our trusty school board chair. Heard she read a letter from the school atty explaining the outcome. Why not publish the letter in the paper like everything else has been dealing with this?

Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Received a copy of the letter disbursed. Not impressed with the fact that the entire letter was not read or published in the paper. A very ambiguous letter. Should be published in the paper in it's entirety.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As one who has a copy of the letter in their possession, and one who is concerned enough with the way things are going with this matter to post here---why don't you take a copy by the newspaper office and have it put in the paper so that we can all read and form our own opinions about what the letter does or does not do????

Just a thought----but that might be to much positive action for us to endure.

Friday, June 26, 2009 7:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just email a copy to WAB

Friday, June 26, 2009 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Letter is forthcoming...

Monday, June 29, 2009 9:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wab, I printed the whole letter to the blog from Cagle. Couldn't get it to come up. Can you fix it?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 3:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes WAB where is the letter?????

Wednesday, July 01, 2009 4:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett are you going to post the letter from Chuck Cagle? I understand you have it and many are curious to read what is contained in it.

Monday, July 06, 2009 7:41:00 AM  

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