Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


There's a famous story where a young boy comes up to "Shoeless" Joe Jackson after the 1919 World Series baseball scandal and with a saddened face and broken heart calls out to "Shoeless" Joe, "say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so".
When I read the news that the School Board had elected Mike Young as the new chairman and Jim Greene as the new vice-chair, over and over my stunned mind kept repeating, "say it ain't so, say it ain't so".
Look, Mike Young is a good guy, a very likable person but based on his past activities on the school board he doesn't have the backbone of an amoeba. Putting him in the position of chairman will undo everything positive that was accomplished during the past year. With Mr. Young as chairman they may as well have re-elected Mrs. Norman the only other person on the board who can say yes to the Director faster. Mr. Young can talk a good game but when it has come down to actions he has been an obstructionist to placing controls on the Director,
To say I am disappointed in this election is a vast understatement, I am disgusted that such a step backwards would be taken. Allen Barrett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, who would have been your pick?

Monday, September 14, 2009 7:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who all voted this way?

Monday, September 14, 2009 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous wab said...

The question is asked, by the 7:39 poster, who would I have picked to be the chairman of the school board.
First I would consider that the chairman would have taken their position on the School Board seriously enough that they would have attended and met as many opportunities as possible to make themselves qualified to be chairman. Mr. Young after three years on the Board hasn't met the requirements to move beyond the most basic level of Board Member. Others in a shorter period of time have progressed to level two and even three of these requirements.
In three years not once has Mr. Young questioned anything Mr. Jackson has proposed nor has he made any efforts to hold him accountable to the Board. During this time spending has been increased considerably without any county level pay increases for teachers or any of the support staff. When money was taken with promises for raises then spent elsewhere Mr. Young was there in support of that deceit. When the Director was caught approving contracts that had not been properly bid and resulted in huge overruns and less than adequate work on the ball fields at Richland, Mr. Young was there without comment supporting and enabling the Director. When a local insurance agent was getting unbid insurance business from the school system there was Mr. Young eating at the banquet table provided by that agent. In almost every situation where he had an opportunity to show some integrity and independent leadership Mr. Young would look to Mrs. Norman and then vote with her.
When the Director was recently chastised for his action in moving general funds into the Federal program Mr. Young once again provided only silent approval for the Director. During his time on the School Board there were several very negative audits done by the state yet Mr. Young along with Mrs. Norman continued to give outstanding evaluations to the Director. When the Director allowed an unreasonable situation to continue at Southside Mr. Young silently supported the Director. When the Director gave huge pay increases to a secretary at GCHS then to a bookkeeper that was due to more into the Financial Management Office Mr. Young along with Mrs. Norman had no objections even when it was revealed that the Director clearly misled, some would say plain ole lied, about those raises.
So my last choice would have been Mrs. Norman followed closely by Mr. Young.
If the intent of the Board was to hold the Director accountable clearly Mr. Story, Mrs, Murrey, Mrs. Turner or Mrs Glover would have been better choices.
If the desire was to avoid embarrassing the Director by avoiding any kind of confrontation Mr. Greene, Mr. Young or Mrs. Norman would have been the choice.

One very clear question that resulted in this four to three vote, involves the private meeting held prior to the Board meeting between Mr. Story and the Director. Was school business discussed during this meeting in violation of the State Open Meetings Law and more specifically was the election of the chairman discussed? My fear, while still maintaining much respect for Mr. Story and his efforts on the School Board, is that he was manipulated into a position of support for something that will prove harmful to the whole school system and result in more secret financial dealings by the Director. Allen Barrett

Monday, September 14, 2009 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a question for WAB, but Mrs. Murrey has been the chair for the past year and sounds like the past year has been full of deceit from your post. So you are still in favor of her being in the position even though nothing has changed with her there? The purpose of the Chair is to conduct the meetings. They have no power of their own. It takes a vote from the Board to allow anything to take place. So either be disappointed in the whole Board or none of the Board? Plus, you like the majority of the Board, so if you agree with the majority, why hasn't that majority changed anything that you feel is in need of change? Just some food for thought.

Monday, September 14, 2009 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am disappointed in the board for how they evaluated Jackson the last time. My thought is he should have got a negative on everything. Mike Young is a yes man because of his wife and daughter. I hope is wife does a better job at the central office than she did when she was classified as a teacher. The whole school board lately has been a disappointment.

Monday, September 14, 2009 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

To 12:12, I fear that you may not have been as attentive to what's been happening at the School Board as you could have.
First, there is much that has changed during the term of Mrs. Murrey's chairmanship. One major thing is that the Director has not been allowed to run the meetings as in times past. Subjects that have been brought up have not been dismissed so easily as in times past. The budget for the first time since the current director has been here was scrutinized and discussed at length before it was given a conditional approval. That condition is that a new budget would be submitted in October with a much more accurate accounting for expenditures and more clarity in identifying line items. An evaluation of the director was submitted that was less than perfect for the first time in many years. A new more reflective evaluation form is being created. The Director has even been chastised for some unacceptable behaviors. The insurance has been examined more closely than ever and the teachers negotiating team has been given some realistic backing by the Board, the GCEA is officially given a regular spot on the agenda. The Board has become more responsive to citizens than in times past. Certainly these things were not and could not have been accomplished by one person it has taken the very focused efforts of School Board members Murrey, Story, Glover and Turner with Greene sometimes. Has things moved as quickly as most people would like... no, but they didn't get in this shape over night either.

You state, "The purpose of the Chair is to conduct the meetings. They have no power of their own."
I partially agree but the Chair also sets the agenda, determines how long discussion is carried on, what subjects will be acknowledged from the floor, and sets the over all tone of the meeting. The Chair, when they choose to actually has a lot of power and certainly control. Allen Barrett

Monday, September 14, 2009 1:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Power and control?
Isn't that what you people want mr barrett?

Monday, September 14, 2009 5:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not Mr. Barrett but have to ask do you take this same attitude when you read the newspaper or get news from the radio or TV.
Why not try examining the things that are said here and examine them if they are true or not. If false I'll join you in criticizing Mr. Barrett but if they are true will you join me in thanking him?

Monday, September 14, 2009 6:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally think that the board went backwards when Mrs. Murrey was elected to the board. Then it went further when she was elected Chair. Maybe better days are ahead.
When your only mission in an elected office is motivated out of either selfishness or spite, then you are not serving with an open mind.

Monday, September 14, 2009 7:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if an open mind is required then Don Story needs to step aside. He is a smart mouth that won't shut his mouth long enough to hear anyone else. What a disappointment this entire board as a whole has been. Bev you had your chance, what a let down. I guess you didn't have as much ammo as you thought you had. What does Tee do to you all? Take you to lunch on the back of the taxpayer and sprinkle fairy dust in your food to mesmerize you and put you in a trance?? I don't believe there is a soul on that board that has the slightest resemblance of a back bone. All I can say is, I can't wait until the next election! Enjoy it while you can Mr. Young, your days as 3rd district school board member are numbered. I for one will be campaigning against you if you have the gonads to run again. This entire county is beginning to really disappoint the hell out me!

Monday, September 14, 2009 9:37:00 PM  
Anonymous The Real Deadman said...

Why did the Board change who the Chair was? Is this an annual thing? If so I was unaware of it. I think I need to start attending these meetings. Maybe I will learn a little more. Mr. Barrett, thank yopu for taking the time to give us some of this information. I may not always agree with you, but you do a service to us all. Hi Fred.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB, you talk about while Murrey was chair the following happen “That condition is that a new budget would be submitted in October with a much more accurate accounting for expenditures and more clarity in identifying line items”. If I am not mistaken that actually came from Story or Greene, I can’t remember which one. However, I know it did not come from Murrey. So, how can she be credited with such a fine decision?

I am in the 5th district and actually taught him in school. Yes I voted for Mr. Greene. I might not always like the way Greene votes. But, at least I get the feeling he isn’t controlled by Jackson OR Murrey. How many other board members can you say that about?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until we REMOVE people from positions of conflict we will continue to have this. Young cannot make an impartial decision. He has a wife and a daughter employed by the system. His personal income is impacted by his decisions. Get a grip folks. YOu think he is going to disagree with Mr. Jackson? When were you dropped on your head? What is that television show? Bottom line? Well this is the bottom line for Giles County. We sit back and watch as people with conflicts are allowed to smile all the way to the bank.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is to much conflict of interest going on with Giles County Government. We as voters need to put a stop with it. If we don't intend to run for a office then we can get behind someone and help that person get into office. Mr. Young is going to protect his wife and daughter's job.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Mr. Cobb is put on the commission, he's going to support the school board, being he is a retired teacher.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 1:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it determined which one will be put on the commission and when is this suppose to happen?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 1:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live in that district, give your name to one of the commissioners and then they will vote on which person is to fill the spot during the next commission meeting.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 2:23:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

To the 8:20 poster.
I never said Mrs. Murrey introduced all the changes, only that those I mentioned were implemented while she was the chairman. I am very aware that Mr. Story has taken a leadership roll with the budget and because of his direct and specific questions a number of things have improved. My response was to a question claiming that nothing had been accomplished while Mrs. Murrey was the chairman.
I too, was impressed with Mr. Greene when he first came to the Board but it seems more and more he has become distracted and relies on the thoughts of the Director for more and more guidance. While I continue to respect his independence and forthrightness I see a willingness to trust that sometimes prevents him from accurately discerning situations and resulting consequences of decisions.
I don’t see anyone as being controlled by either the Director or Mrs. Murrey there are some who exhibit a greater susceptibility to the influence of one than do others. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who gave you (we) the authority to REMOVE anyone from office?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The State under certain circumstances.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 9:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you people should be ashamed of bad mouthing Mr. Young when he has not even done anything yet. All that I saw Murrey do is stop Jackson from talking at the meetings, big deal who cares who reads the paper, that is all that it amounted to. I think for the rest of Jackson's term we just need to try and get along. He doesn't have much left, certainly not worth paying him off for. I think that everyone needs to give Young a chance. I know for a fact he has NOT taken advantage of his position as board member to keep anyone a job.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 7:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His position got his wife a job in the central office building !!!! I call that an advantage, what do you call it ???

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Mike Young ever voted against anything that Tee wanted? What does Cindy do at the central office anyway?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:53 the answer to your questions are NO and That's what everyone here is wonder about too.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Young is a supernice guy, but there isn't room in politics for supernice. He will do fine as a chair because he will be quiet, allow Kathy to continuously carry on and let Tee tell him who to let talk and not. Whether his position will help with his wife and daughter's position who knows. Murrey will do better in her 7th district seat and give them hell.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Murrey needs to quit giving people hell and do her job. Her job is not to get rid of the director but to work on board policy and budget. Young has not had any advantages by being a board member. His wife works at the central office and does a great job. She does anything that is needed in the system. Most of her job may be behind the scene to the public but she works hard. She works much more hours than most people. Mike Young is a very nice, very honest man. He takes his job seriously and does what he can within the limits of the office of a school board member. At least he did not come into the office with a chip on his shoulder or a personal grudge like several memebers including Murrey, Storey and Turner. Turner does not show up and that was before her arrest.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 6:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Cindy does a better job at whatever she does at the central office than she did teaching school. I hear the kids she taught did not learn a thing under her and she was pure lazy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 7:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to Wednesday, September 16, 2009 7:53:00 PM; I heard from some kids and their parents that you are a worthless so&so and held voodoo rituals in your basement. is that true? I did hear it , third hand from some parents talking about it on the street. blah, blah, blah - one thing for sure, you're nothing but a peanut brained wannabe trouble maker that fits right in with the majority of the folks on here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 8:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what you think of me. I am not going to get on your level and do name calling. I'm just stating the facts and also I know first hand what kind of teacher she was and hope she never teachs again. I am sorry for insulting you and Cindy. I guess I fit in the majority with you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 8:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To-Wednesday, September 16, 2009 8:58:00 PM - I don't even know Cindy- what I do know is that you wrote something that was negative about someone and passed it off as if you were just trying to "inform" everybody. You just pass rumors or personal opinions along as if they are fact.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 5:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what everyone needs to realize is that the Board Chair runs the board meeting. There is no more power in that seat than in others. The Chair vote counts just once like everyone elses. Big deal if Jackson gets to read the papers instead of the Board Chair. Beverly can do just as much in her regular seat as she did in the center of attention. The Board Chair reads the agenda, ask for votes, nomiations and etc. No more power than that. OOOH, that is so scary that someone other than Beverly can do that. Get real people!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009 7:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lots of thought provoking information in this thread.

A good person will not allow themselves to be put in a conflict of interest position - pure & simple logic. A good person will not allow impropiety into their works. Good people take action to stop it.

When your wife's employment and the income she brings to your table is dependent upon the decisions of the director of schools, you (Mr. Young) have a direct conflict of interest in using your public office influence to grant any public favor or funds (good, bad, or indifferent) to that director (Jackson)! Young should resign.

School board members have an obligation to investigate and seek resolution of publicly made charges of impropiety against the director of schools. When citizens sign their name to charges, they are openly inviting challenge and action! What has Norman, Greene, or Young ever done to insure resolution & integrity? Poking heads in the sand and arresting citizens (Norman era) doesn't give us anything but more division and grief.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None, not a single board member lifted a finger to help in that ridiculous situation at Southside that one person was allowed to create and control. The board members all pretended to listen to the distraught teachers who were libeled, slandered and harassed according to the BOE's written policy, and did NOTHING. They are ALL under Tee's control, he tells them when to jump and they don't come back down till he gives the ok. The policies are written in black and white, the harassment, libel, etc is readily available, proof positive, they ignored it all and let those teachers and all teachers except the ONE who committed the offense, hang. Almost like they were either paid off by the director or the offending teacher. I said almost! None of them have an iota of respect for the teachers, that case could not have been more clear cut and I know the victims literally BEGGED the board for justice. They were blown off and the teacher that is guilty of libel and so much more is their queen. TJ and his queen, Giles citizens, it's certainly true, you get what you pay for and too many are paying for power and privelige.
Not one shred of rumor in this post, it is 100% fact and easily proven.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 5:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Southside crap needs to DIE and the teacher who continues to have an agenda about needs to go some place else and get a job. Now that she is the chief negotiator for the GCEA, watch for her agenda and watch for the mess she will create.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is the problem with this county instead solving or coming up with a solution for the problem they want the victims to shut up or leave town. Same thing with a student if their having problems then they want them togo to another school. Come on people we have real problems in the school system that needs to be taken care of now. We are talking about our children.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Young may be the chair, but I agree he can not and will not do nothing. Mrs. Murrey and the other boards members are still on the board, so I say I hope they give Jackson hell. Speak up and be heard loud and clear that you as board members will not sit down and not be heard. Now is the time to really stick together. If someone wants to speak at the board meetings then get your few minutes in and speak. So, for Murrey, Glover and Turner who is for the citizens stand your ground. It seems the women on the board excluding one have more than the men do to stand up to Jackson for what is right for our children. Mike Young can not do anything for the children because of his wife's job.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turner is not at enough meetings to do anything. I'm sure that you noticed her name in the paper. She did not get charges dropped like she said. They were changed to a lesser charge which proves that she was not innocent. How many meetings has she been to this year? Not many from what I hear. Glover just does what Beverly tells her. That is not a good board member.

Friday, September 18, 2009 4:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to change what happens at the board, run for office and become a board member, maybe chairman of the board. Step up and take charge. Maybe you can get rid of the corruption that runs the place.

Saturday, September 19, 2009 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Bridgett Weisser said...

To September 17; 10:06 PM - I am the person you are referring to and I TRUELY WISH you would get the FACTS straight BEFORE you ACCUSE me, Bridgett Weisser, of ANYTHING! PLEASE! I DID NOT POST THE ENTRY ON SEPT. 17 AT 5:19PM!!
I HAVE NOT brought up any 'CRAP' about the 'situation at SES' AND I DO NOT HAVE AN AGENDA AS IT RELATES TO SAID SITUATION. However, it does appear to me something emotional is going on with YOU! Maybe just a little paranoid about something...????
Thanks for your 'vote' of confidence and teamwork as it relates to GCEA/BOE Negotiations and the advancement of education for the children of Giles County. ALL negotiations meetings with the BOE and GCEA are 'open' to ANYONE. Our next meeting is scheduled for October 21st at 4:00pm, BOE building. WHY DON'T YOU COME HEAR AND SEE 'MY AGENDA' IN PERSON? ALSO, BRING YOUR GROUP OF SUPPORTERS WITH YOU. WE(GCEA), NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET, TO MAKE GILES COUNTY THE BEST PLACE IN TENNESSEE TO EDUCATE CHILDREN FOR THE CHALLENGING FUTURE AHEAD OF THEM.

To the poster on Sept. 17 @ 5:19pm - who keeps bringing up the SES 'crap' PLEASE let it go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can see, some foolish people think it is me; as I am the ONLY one of the three who stood up for my good reputation and honorable family name. If you are STILL 'burned' about what happened - get some guts and go before the BOE! Don't hide behind this blog as 'anonymous' (much like nameless/no guts Sept. 17 10:06pm)spreading more 'CRAP'!! THANK YOU!
P.S. If either of you have a 'bone to pick' with me, give me a call at 468-2521.

Sunday, September 20, 2009 9:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sept. 19 11:14 YOU ARE SOOOOOOOO RIGHT!!! Step up to the plate and do SOMETHING, besides run YOUR large 'mouths'. Mike Young couldn't find his way to work if Cindy didn't direct him. He won't be chairman of the board, Cindy WILL!!! Wake up Giles County!

Monday, September 21, 2009 5:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe WAB ,the Wabbettes and Wabinites should run for the school board positions. Then you could take it over and correct the problems, as you see fit.

Monday, September 21, 2009 3:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:56pm It is not suppose to be 'as the board sees fit' but rather how the PEOPLE the board REPRESENT see fit. It not suppose to be 'taken over' but worked as a team for the educational advancement of the children of Giles County. You see that is the problem, a group of 7 ppl think THEY have ALL the say when actually THEY were voted in office to represent 7 times 77.....

Monday, September 21, 2009 9:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Bridgett Weisser said...

Well, it appears to me that the two posters 5:19 and 10:06 - Sept. 17th don't have a 'bone to pick' with me, Bridgett Weisser. They must just like 'blowing off' steam and SPREADING 'crap' all over everyone to keep 'things' 'stunk up'. Neither called me to have a civil discussion about their postings. Umh??? Wonder why???? Maybe they both lack intergity, honor and personal pride within themselves...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 5:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO :sept 15,2009. 1:36:00 pm

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Mr. Cobb needs to get known better - We need someone with guts, a brain, & determination to put a cork on the very few who trash education with deception, lies, & worse

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

September 22, 9:45pm I have made a lifes work in education. I don't think there is ANYONE who has more PRIDE for his/her job and efforts in the field of education. However, after more than 30 years in the public school system; in more than one TN county, I KNOW THERE IS 'deception, lies & worse' going on in the systems in which I have worked. When people are involved in ANYTHING; be it school, church, local - state - national government, home, sports, scouts, etc., there WILL be some type of 'deception, lies & worse'. HOWEVER, I also KNOW there ARE MANY DEDICATED educators who are 'trashed' on a daily basis by SOME uncaring, unknowing, irresponsible parents, other relatives of students, fellow teachers and administrators. I also know SOME educators TAKE offense to ALL educators and public school workers being GROUPED TOGETHER in one large group called: 'The schools, the teachers, etc.' That's what NEEDS 'a cork' put in it'. I FOR ONE, AM GLAD WHEN PPL STAND UP AGAINST CORRUPTION IN THE FORM OF 'DECEPTION, LIES & WORSE' IN NOT ONLY EDUCATION, BUT ANY AREA OF LIFE.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Howard said...

If as you say, "I KNOW THERE IS 'deception, lies & worse' going on in the systems in which I have worked" I would ask what actions did you take to expose and correct such situations? It is unfair to characterize individuals by group behavior but that's the way it is and will probably remain until individuals come out of those groups and stand up as individuals, basically disassociate from that group's behavior by showing more integrity, honor and truthfulness than the group.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howard Let me assure you I HAVE taken 'action' in many forms. However, ONE against MANY IS a difficult 'battle'. I cannot tell you exactly what 'actions' I HAVE taken as there WILL be reprocussions. If I may 'toot' my own horn, I have ALWAYS considered myself a person with integrity, honor and truthfulness - even at the cost of MUCH personal stress and heartache.
You are RIGHT! "It is unfair to characterize individuals by group behavior but that's the way it is and will probably remain until individuals come out of those groups and stand up as individuals..."
Hopefully you are 'one' individual in a 'group' of many.

Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During Murrey's term as chair she stood up to Jackson in ways know one knows about. She made him follow board policy. She even brought it up in on meeting that he had broken 4 policies just at that one meeting. She allowed people to speak and when Jackson would tell her to adjourn so they couldn't go past their 2 minutes to finish their question she wouldn't do so. Murrey had the budget done more thoroughly than ever before with the help of Greene and Story backing her with the right questions to be asked and not excepting I don't knows or I'll have to check. Murrey worked on issues with parents that Jackson would not handle and got a lot of parents satisfied with the outcome. She would not allow him to manipulate his evaluation even though he tried. She has worked with the schools and kept board members informed of necessity for school and had principals step up and ask for things needed in front of the board and not through a wish list just set aside. She debated the accuracy of the evaluation and Mr. Story and Mrs. Murrey have insisted on a new accountability form to evaluate the director. The big question in everybodies mind is not this menial stuff, but why she didn't find a way to get him gone. Answer: The DA hasn't followed through on things and does not feel info given to him would suffice going up against Jackson and spending tax payer $ to go to court. There are so many things this 08-09 board has done together to hold his feet to the fire. It can continue to do the same no matter who is chair. The whole board can put things on the agenda to be discussed and put up for vote and I'm sure Murrey will continue to ask for things to be brought out. Mike will do just fine. He can continue to be quiet, and let the board do THEIR job.

Friday, September 25, 2009 9:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Jacko can break four or four hundred board policies and NOTHING can be done. He is given a 'satisfactory' evaluation & I assume his annual 2% raise.
I thought the board had the sole responsibility of hiring and firing the director????? If ACCURATE documentation, and I am sure that would not be hard to accumilate on a daily basis, were kept up with - names, dates, times, actions, inactions, etc. - Jacko would be riding his donkey back to AL. The schools are in SHAMEFUL repair. PLEASE visit your child's school Monday and see what damage the rain has done to some of the 'newer' schools. Talk about spending tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$. One school leaks soooooooooooo much, when it rains, I would suggest getting a BIG tarp and streaching it over the roof. Nobody cares about the conditions of the schools, whether the teachers have the needed books and supplies or even if the teaches are qualified to teach the subject or grade they are teaching. All ppl can say is, 'We have crappy schools with lazy teachers who won't do their job. Let's pay them less or better yet they should work for free.

Friday, September 25, 2009 8:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know as many students that attend college to get a degree in teaching we should have someone out there that can teach Chemistry at GCHS. They have brought Mrs. Bryan out of retirement to try to teach. Don't get me wrong she was a good teacher 20 years ago, but times have changed and she has changed. You have numerous of students who make straight A's, but just not with her. She does not teach the students and she is very forgetful. I guess they had so many complaints that Mr. Hastings statement is if you don't like it then get out of this class and go to study hall. These students have to have Chemistry and he tells them if they don't like it go to study hall. Sorry excuse for a principal, and sad for the students. Nothing against Mrs. Bryan, but she should have stayed in retirement.

Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:09 Just proves the point - you get what you pay for. The board WON'T pay its teachers enough to work in this county (teachers can get MUCH more $$$ just a few miles away - young teachers - who don't have too, won't stay here) so retired teachers are 'begged' to come out of retirement. The board has been getting WAY TOO MUCH BANG FOR ITS BUCK FOR YEARS! Now it is time to pay the piper. Or is it? Let's just hire a 'babysitter' and let the students with motivation and ambition go to study hall. Ya! That's the Giles County SPIRIT! Maybe they can grow up to be the director of schools or the economic development guy or county executive. They could announce ball games from the high dollar statium or have a gym or somethin' named after them! Wow! They certainly will be qualified with the 'classes' they are NOT taking.

Sunday, September 27, 2009 9:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

September 17 10:06PM



Friday, October 02, 2009 3:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:06pm GOOD poem! You are RIGHT! The pres. of gcea is more like a bossy controller than the leader of a democratic union. What is up with the gcea little 'click' group the past few years? gcea used to be for all members. Now it seems like it is only for the 'click'.....sad to see it change.

Saturday, October 03, 2009 4:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's what happens when no one of quality will run.


Saturday, October 03, 2009 8:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The president is of high quality. The role of president is a very hard job to do, due to the amount of Monday morning quarterbacks who find it necessary to always give their opinion on what "they" would do. Unfortunately, not many want to do the job because so many of the opinions are rude and at times down right mean. Maybe if all started working together instead of constantly getting on this blog and insulting those who are trying. As far as the "click", each school elects their own representatives in each area of the association and the association as a whole elects the officers, so how could just a few run things? How about you stop being so negative all the time (post after post) and try to see the positive side of things!

Saturday, October 03, 2009 2:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No the president acts and re-acts like a spoiled child and apparently forgets that she works for the members, they are not her underlings to carry out her wishes. She does not try to work with the members, but rather expects no one to question her dictates in any way. I must say, however, that this behavior did not start with her "election" as president of GCEA, it goes way back. She does not take kindly to parents who disagree with her and pity the poor child who irritates her. GCEA is run by a clique, don't believe it, then try this: poll the teachers who had input on the proposal that the current negotiating team put before the school board. The correct number is very close the the number of officers; coincidence? I think not.
No the pres does not understand teamwork, she will not listen to members and if she doesn't like your opinion, look out! Seriously, she was instrumental in the proposal that is before the school board and most teachers don't even know what it is. Thanks negotiating team, thanks a lot.

Saturday, October 03, 2009 6:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:02 Listen to your own words 'due to the amount of Monday morning quarterbacks who find it necessary to always give their opinion on what 'they' would do' .......'How about you stop being so negative all the time (post after post) and try to see the positive side of things!' OMG, THOSE statements were postive for sure!!!! IF a person PAYS dues ($$$$$) to be a member of gcea, THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO GIVE THEIR OPINION ON WHAT THEY WOULD DO!!!!!
The current pres of GCEA wouldn't know 'positive' if it SLAPPED her in the face! She IS the champion of RUDE behavior and CONTROLLING personality. I have heard her behavior 'blown off' several times as, 'she is a just yankee from Michigan.' Bu##....! SHE IS JUST A VERY RUDE AND HATEFUL PERSON FILLED WITH MUCH ANGER!!! I would HATE to be in her class or have my child in her class!
As for this statement 'Unfortunately, not many want to do the job because many of the opinions are rude at times and down right mean.' Such a pity party! Oh, let's don't hurt the 'yankees' feelings....:-( Maybe gcea should call the pres - 'Joan of Arc of gcea'. This is a GOOD example that the pres and her 'click' have NOT learned 'YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE OTHERS. GCEA IS A UNION - WHICH SHOULD INCLUDE THE OPINIONS OF EVERYONE! (NOT JUST THE 'QUEEN AND HER COURT'! THOSE WHO ARE MEMBERS IN GCEA PAY HIGH $$$$ TO BELONG!! Members don't give a D@#N because the 'leadership' makes ALL the decisions and keeps EVERYTHING to themselves!! Get a grip! YOU the pres of gcea LOVE being 'Queen for a Day!' MANY in the union would like to see the 'Queen' take her 'Michigan Mouth' back to the 'cold country' where it might just freeze shut!
I am friends with the 'just' ousted Chief Negotiator of gcea. What was done to her was SO wrong and HATEFUL! What a railroad job:
She negotiated with gcea team and board team Sept. 16 (I was there on the 16th)
Three negotiating team members told her right after negotiation session, 'Good job.'
Next day another person who was there, but not on team, said 'Good job.'
Sept. 18 - JUST TWO DAYS LATER - a letter was typed by the 'Executive Team' of gcea REMOVING her from the position of Chief Negotiator!
THREE of the Executive Team members who signed the letter - WHERE NOT AT THE NEGOTIATIONS MEETING ON SEPT.16TH! (One is out on sick leave - after major surgery - and will NOT return to work for several weeks...however, knew ALL about the 'misdeeds' of the ousted Chief Negotiator to the point she 'signed' the ousting letter. OMG!! gcea elected her vice-pres. She WILL BE the NEXT pres. of gcea. (Almost funny...) Guess who was the only 'signature' who was there - yes, Joan of Arc, Queen for a Day, the D@#M Yankee, pres of gcea!!!!! Yep! I call THIS action 'positive teamwork' at its BEST! NO WONDER NO ONE WANTS TO SUPPORT GCEA!
The ousting letter of Sept. 18 WAS NOT given, by the hand of the pres of gcea, to the ousted Chief Negotiator UNTIL October 1st! WHAT TOOK SO LONG??? Maybe it took TWO WEEKS of 'hard' running around 'teamwork' for the 'Queen' to get her 'Court' to sign the the ousting letter.
Finally, THANK YOU, to the 'current' Chief Negotiator who 'stepped up to the plate' in the DARK hours of NEED. YOU have done SUCH a 'fine' job of negotiation in the past. I am sure ALL of gcea is 'grateful' for NO raise in THREE years!! This year WILL surely be #4.
Amen Melanie!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 04, 2009 6:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am 10/3/09 at 6:41 p.m.
The chief negotiator has been removed??? Is that a fact? Are the statements above factual? They must be, because they would be so easily disputed, but still, as arrogant and bullying as the pres is, it is hard to believe that she would go to these lengths WITHOUT the members input. I am a member who is guilty of not keeping up enough, but I thought I did a better job than this. This is unbelievable, the pres has no right to take our votes and opinions away from us. We have a right to be heard.
Anybody know the phone number of the nearest PET representative? Pretty sure they would believe in the member's vote as being worth something. I have to wonder why my building rep has been silent on this?? This should be BIG news. Who is now the chief negotiator? Does he/she have to clear all opinions with president before going to the table? What if they make pres mad? Pres is not even on negotiating team, right??

Sunday, October 04, 2009 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:41 I am pretty sure, the new chief negotiator for gcea, has been removed from that position one day last week. It seems the pres and others have a grudge or something against Bridgett Weisser because she won't be the doormat or puppet of pres S. Alexander. I know Bridgett personally, she won't be ANYBODY's doormat or puppet. OMG! The girl has a brain of her own and KNOWS how to use it.
I am a member of gcea, also. I too am confused about Bridgett being accepted as chief negotiator at a gcea meeting and then the 'clique' decides give her the ax. Rogers - what a joke! Mayfield - brainless! Who is Edde and who has ever seen her at meetings and such????? I heard Rogers is the next in line for pres. Can you say down the tubes to gcea?
Yes the facts are true in the above thread. I was at both the gcea meeting where Bridgett was 'approved' as chief negotiator and at the only negotiation session with the board where she was 'allowed' to serve as chief negotiator. I have know Bridgett for a long time. She has been a STRONG support of gcea for her 15 years in Giles County. She has served in many offices as a gcea member, building rep., membership chairperson for gcea, pres-elect gcea, pres-gcea, sat at the bargining table for SES, was co-chief negotiator with Carole Abernathy for a few years, attended the TN RA and NEA convention, also with MANY TEA workshops. To say she has no expreience is a LIE! I also know while she was pres of gcea she got the pres' term changed from one year to two years - so the pres might know what to do the second year - (HASN'T BEEN WORKING THOUGH THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS.) During her first year as pres of gcea she was to be paid $800 for her services out of local gcea dues. Bridgett, OMG the selfish person she is!!, decided it WAS NOT FAIR TO ONLY PAY THE PRES AS THERE WERE ABOUT FOUR OTHER OFFICERS WHO ALSO GAVE MUCH OF THEIR TIME TO GCEA. So, she worked it out so the pres, at that time, got only $500, pres elect $200, treasurer $100, secretary $100 and membership chair $100. YEA! What a selfish heifer that Weisser is! Can't say I know what ALL the 'officers' get now. That little bit of business was suppose to be taken care of at the first gcea meeting of this school year - hey pres. are you trying to hide something? Like how much $$$$$ you and your 'clique' get from our hard earned dues????? If it was in the 'secret' paperwork you pass out to the 'selected' few at the gcea meetings, sorry I am not considered in that 'special' group 'smiled' upon or better said, WALKED UPON, by the pres.
New chief negotiator APPOINTED September 18th by pres and gang - Carole Abernathy. WHAT A SURPRISE!

Sunday, October 04, 2009 3:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having a hard time with this, please understand: Not disputing anything, but so difficult to accept. Why I talked with the pres just last week and she said nothing to me about this and was adamant a creating an association full of pride and teamwork. She is either very skilled at deception or I am an idiot. She blind-sided Mrs Weiser? How professional is that? The people that signed the "removal" order didn't even go to the meeting? So basically they relied on gossip? I know these people, I work with these people, I am a friend of these people. I guess it would be pointless to think of them as my friend unless I am careful to never disagree with them. Seriously, does the contract allow for this to happen with any input from the members? Oh and what was up with a GCEA meeting being called yesterday with 4 hours notice. Is that legal? What was discussed there, who attended, please somebody give me some info, facts please that I can check out. I realize it's my fault for not being more active, I do try but I also have to work a 2nd job as I am a single parent. The pres speaks of teamwork, then sneaks up and sucker punches a member in good standing of her own union??? She didn't think it might be a team building activity to offer a little mentoring first??? GCEA has no respect in the community and with the school board but I no longer wonder why.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also am a member of gcea. The bylaws say the president and executive team can 'pick' the chief negotiator. It DOES NOT say ANYWHERE the president and executive team CAN REMOVE the chief negotiator. Kind of sounds like some of the crap the board of education pulls. I have attended gcea meetings and witnessed first hand the controlling behavior and down right lack of respect the president has for anyone who might chance to question HER 'authority' or appear to know a 'little' more than her about the 'workings' of gcea. Once she told me 'I am the president!' Well, who gives a rat's a$$! Master president of gcea, the bylaws DO speak of how the association (union) CAN REMOVE an officer. I think a GOOD reason would be the unethical and unprofessional REMOVAL of a chief negotiator without ANY authority to do so. Think about it.....I know you will. OMG!! You just might get 'de-throned'.

Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a child at bridgeforth middle school. I do not want to say my name, because I am afraid of what might happen to my child by her teacher, S.A.. I tried to talk to the teacher a few times, because my child was having a problem with her school work. She was arrogant, unkind, blaming and uncoorperative. I was shocked by such behavior from a teacher. It does not surprise me she would act the same as the leader of the teacher's union.

Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know that axing BW was a good move for GCEA. Surely she could bully the board reps like she does the students in her classroom and the adults @SSE and get everyone a raise! If there's a chance for trouble she's there and if there is no trouble,she'll surely sniff some out! I would have liked to have seen her reaction to Debbie Braden telling her "NO!" repeatedly like the answer was last year at negotiations.

Sunday, October 11, 2009 8:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that anyone involved with the board of education takes BW very seriously after the smoke affair of the last year. She also lacks the ability to remain cool under fire--a quality that usually wins out in negotiations.

Sunday, October 11, 2009 8:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm 8:48, I guess we will never know how bw would have reacted since Mrs Braden told her "yes". So this is how the small town politcs work even down to the union that is supposed to represent Mrs Weisser.
I am also a member of GCEA. I have had disagreements with Mrs Weisser before however maybe everybody might just want to give this little ditty a few seconds of your cognitive thoughts. 1. The pres of the union got mad at the chief negotiator that the pres herself selected 2. because the chief negotiator that was appointed by the pres 3. asked the pres to follow protocal. That is exactly what happened. Keeping this in mind that the negotiator had just gotten Mrs Braden to agree to a HUGE concession that had until this year been denied. The pres seeing that she was not in power because everyone in the room EXCEPT Ms Alexander was falling protocal took it upon herself to go to two other gcea members who were NOT at that meeting and make up some story, which makes her a liar and a gossip and talked them into signing a letter to kick Mrs Weisser off the team. If any of the LIES that she told the members were true, wouldn't it have made more sense to go to MRS Weisser and offer suggestions on how to HELP her correct mistakes? I mean all bias aside, both are in the same union, presumably both want the system to do right by the teachers, one was doing a favor that the other requested and because one didn't like one incident which was to abide by protocal, she snuck around got signatures under false pretenses and made up a statue in gcea by-laws. The reason I know it was made up is because 3 people signed to letter that the pres sneakily wrote, but only one of them attended the meeting. So the other two had to either listen to gossip and sign and believe the pres and sign, either way pretty low down to do that without even asking a fellow member. Which is exactly why the boe won't take the nego team seriously. DOn't really care who was right or wrong on the issue, but dang it I can only what my union (UAW) would think of our local pres if he deliberately sabotaged a "brother". Guess it is true that women really caan't handle positions of power, most anyway.
Now go on and make it about Mrs Weisser somebody. How dare she get her feelings her because her president went behind her back and lied and schemed to get her out. Ms Alexander, here's a bulletin for you:If you were so scared of her you had to be sneaky, why didn't you just ask? She has been negotiator before and only accepted position as a favor till somebody would step up to the plate, wouldn't that have been a professional thing to do, but probably wouldn't have got you a lot of attention. Does anybody have any professional opinions on this without dragging personalities into it?Who cares about last year, let it go cause I bet my paycheck that nobody in SES will ever report a dangerous smell. Should a union president try to help its members, even ones they don't like, or is it okay to embarrass or lie and gossip about them? Anybody got any theories why Alexander didn't go to weisser first before pulling this crap? I don't get it, you don't have to like someone to be civil and professional, or maybe you do Suesan????

Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:48, As a parent, would you please give me one or more specific examples of bullying by Mrs Weisser in the classroom? I am not afraid to go to the board with proof. If you can give me documented evidence, I will do everything in my power to prevent bullying. I cannot however destroy a person's career or even put a single doubt in anyone's mind based on gossip or innuendo.
I am in a unique position. I am at SES frequently I have friends who are teachers, assistants, supervisors ect; there are teachers that I like a great deal and teachers that I wish would resign yesterday.Some of the teachers that I like and admire have no business being in the education business and some of the teachers that I really wish would not cross my path are actually some of the, (choke,choke)truly gifted teachers.I am just trying to lighten the tone, no offense intended to anyone. Just because a teacher is well liked, does not signify a "good teacher" and just because a teacher is strict and requires structure and accountability that does not necessarily make that teacher a bully. I am rambling and apologize but my point is, if proof is there, I will go forward for you, if you wish. If it is a personality thing, well as a parent, school volunteer, and just on the side of doing what's right, let's try and drop the negative ominous suggestive remarks. I am so sick of all the negative news from all over the world and would like to help "clean up" our little corner of Giles CO. If you have specific examples, in my position I will be able to assist in putting a stop to bullying. Please give me some facts, specific not suggestive and I will get the ball rolling immediately.

Sunday, October 11, 2009 9:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:17 My children all had Mrs. Weisser as their guidance teacher. They loved her. I expected them all to behave at school all the time. I agree with you. The teachers who seem to be the most popular are not necessarly the best educators. I have noticed some teachers spend a lot of their time 'sucking' up to parents and others in the school house. So said for the children. Why isn't something done about it. Also, I do not like to see children set out in the hall. Takes them away from the learning in the classroom.

Monday, October 12, 2009 6:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 9:17- While you are volunteering at SSE,ask around. Most, but a hand full of adults, that work at SSE can tell you about BW. I would suggest you speak to the principal about how many complaints she gets on a REGULAR(almost daily) basis about BW's behaviors toward the faculty and staff,but she would never outright tell you because of her position. We have the grand thing called TENURE,so she can get away with just about anything and nothing can be done. With the way she acts in the classroom towards the children...if I were a child and had a problem and needed to speak to someone,she would be the LAST person I would choose to go to for comfort and help. Maybe BW should consider a guidance position in our military. She so likes to get in peoples faces and intimidate!Just a thought on a career change for her.
To 6:46-My children also sat in her classroom-SCARED to death of her and HATED going to guidance class each week. A final note on that. My children have been raised to abide by rules and respect adults and authority figures just like you say yours were. They were not trouble-makers nor did they cause problems in the classroom for BW or any other teacher.

Monday, October 12, 2009 8:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:28, you give no specifics, but try to smear someone with generalities..doesn't make you very credible. My child was not crazy about BW either, UNTIL a few years past by. Then, he was very impressed as he matured with the accountability and life lessons learned in her room. I am guilty of trying to "fix" too many things for my children. If my child forgot homework for her class, my first instinct was to run it up to school..she would not accept it and I was mad; later with hindsight, it was a huge favor for both my child and me. So he got a "check mark", maybe a lower grade, I really don't remember but the point is, that little consequence made an impression on both of us and our organizational skills drastically improved. If your child is that scared you should go to the teacher instead of spreading gossip and rumors and frankly if you are afraid for your child, really afraid and not being a rumormonger, well I would not allow my child to be bullied by anyone and I would not let them stay where they were scared. If I didn't protect them, well that's child abuse. Give me a break, so your child doesn't like the rules of a strict teacher, home-school them. You speak of tenure just revealed how ignorant you are regarding that issue; if you have PROOF of malpractice by a teacher, removal is rather simple, but the process requires proof and is overseen by ADULTS, who know that every whining over protective mommy who thinks their child is perfect and no teacher has a right to discipline their baby, they know these kind of parents would not be happy if Mary Poppins was teaching their child individually. The very least you could do is sit in on her class to see how "mean" she is. Make an appt with the principal without telling Mrs W. stand outside her door without announcing yourself. Stop holding teachers to a different standard than you as a parent are willing to abide by. Nobody spreading rumors in your workplace without facts are they? Really worried about your scared little darling? Find out first hand and then do something about it. I loved my child enough to do just that rather than sit back and whine.

Monday, October 12, 2009 9:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry but I must decline your suggestion that you made in your first line of comment which was, (paraphrased) "go gossip with other teachers about a co-worker and see if you can find anybody that doesn't like her." Pretty childish classless thing to suggest someone to do. I have eyes and good instincts about people and when I wanted to know something about someone, I did not rely on gossip. How dare you try to undermine our school system even further by suggesting on a public blog that parents and volunteers go to the schools and try to create divisiveness in a place where our young impressionable children are being educated. Children do not need to see the type of behavior that you want me to engage in and for you to suggest such a thing is beyond disgusting. Your lack of concern for your and anyone's child is crystal clear. You want to create drama and discord in the schools. What possible motivation could you have for that? If you really think there is a problem, here's a novel idea, why don't you try to help fix it? Hmmmmm, you prefer the tactics described in the posts that explained the underhandedness of the pres of gcea; i.e. sneak around, lie, create doubt, sucker-punch.
Yeah, no doubt that will improve the climate at the schools. Great idea, shows lots of class, compassion, caring, intelligence, etc....NOT.
I am at SES frequently as I previously stated, and there are some that do not like BW; there are some that don't like many of the teachers; there are some that like her and not others...So freaking what? You like everybody you work with? As for her bullying anybody, that's the most asinine thing I've ever heard and you have revealed that you are not concerned parent but rather a member of the little "control" group who craves drama and power and lacks ethics, morals, and common sense. Grow up or move on, please.

Monday, October 12, 2009 9:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:23- "You speak of tenure just revealed how ignorant you are regarding that issue; if you have PROOF of malpractice by a teacher, removal is rather simple, but the process requires proof and is overseen by ADULTS"....really?! I'm the ignorant one? You must live in a "perfect" world! If it worked the way you seem to think it does,we would not have some adults that call themselves educators! The good teachers don't need tenure!Tenure protects the BAD,ie,BW and many more at other schools beside SSE!
To 9:42- I have no desire to create "drama and discord" in our schools. Honey,it's already there!! I never said "gossip" about BW! Do you call investigating a problem "gossip"? How do you investigate without "talking" to people?!As for your "eyes and good instinct",your eyes must be blinded and your instincts must not be so hot either. "How dare you try to undermine our school system even further by suggesting on a public blog that parents and volunteers go to the schools and try to create divisiveness in a place where our young impressionable children are being educated. Children do not need to see the type of behavior that you want me to engage in and for you to suggest such a thing is beyond disgusting." I'll tell you what's disgusting...everything I have said HAPPENS and nothing is done about it! Choose to believe it or not. BW is there,probably will stay there,but the facts are the facts!

Monday, October 12, 2009 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Bridgett Weisser said...

8:28 You have a lot of HATEFUL and UNTRUE things to say about me, Bridgett Weisser.

First - How could you possibly know what the Principal of SES thinks of me? My last evaluation, of last week, is on public record. PLEASE check out my file.

Second - How could you possibly know if ANY parents have complained about me or WHAT was said? Other than gossip, rumors and lies....surely, YOU don't engage in such activities???

Third - TENURE is just giving a teacher DUE PROCESS rights. IF I am SO awful, TAKE IT TO THE BOE!! BRING the PROOF and STATE your claim!!! Or do the 'chicken walk'! NO excuses now! Don't tell EVERYONE on the blog the BOE won't listen to you. You have two minutes at the end of a BOE meeting to state your concerns. Surely, two minutes will give you enough time to tell the 'truth'.

Fourth - If YOUR children were 'SCARED to death of her (Bridgett Weisser) and hated to go to Guidance class' WHY didn't YOU as a LOVING and CARING parent bring it to the attention of Bridgett Weisser, me, the Principal at SES OR the BOE?? Oh, just not THAT concerned, loving or caring?? Or just a bunch of HATEFUL rumors from a HANDFUL of trouble makers??

Finally - PLEASE take a poll or call up EVERY teacher at SES - those who read this thread - to see FOR YOURSELF IF MOST of the teachers at SES dislike Bridgett Weisser or her 'style' of teaching.

Let's see what YOU find out.

Bridgett Weisser

Monday, October 12, 2009 2:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:47 YOU have NO FACTS! You sound like a SORE looser from last years 'defaming email' deal between BW and SP. BW WON!!! Ha, ha! She cannot talk about it, but others WHO WERE PRESENT AT THE GRIEVANCE TABLE CAN! The ONLY ones tj 'swore' to silence were BW, CS and tj. Wonder why tj felt the NEED to sware them to silence??? Looks like if 'things' turned out GREAT for him and SP, tj would WANT the 'community' to know. Just shows the the ETHICS and HONOR BW has.....don't hear her talking about the 'put down' SP suffered at the Grievance table.
I think the NEW bu%%sh*# started lately on this blog about BW is from the 'smokers gang' at SES. They ARE HATE mongers. A tiny puff of smoke gang made up of a FEW 'teachers' (I say that lightly), assistant or two and a couple of so called custodians (female). Wish they had a life.

8:28 You gave yourself away. I would but money on the fact that you are a 3rd grade teacher with two sons. On any given school day, anyone could find you out in the hall, in the office or in your sons classrooms. The ONLY thing they WON'T find you doing is TEACHING the kids assigned to you.
Yep! You are in the tiny puff of smoke gang, also. Your children NEED a little bullying. You can't seem to get them to mind you!

To the 'drama loving queens' but the sh*! behind you and stop trashing the educatiional system of Giles County. You are a black eye to the community and schools. You also LOVE doing the 'chicken walk'. When asked to PRODUCE PROOF you stomp your feet and cackle like the 'chickens' you are!

Monday, October 12, 2009 2:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To:Bridgett Weisser
(1)You have a lot of room calling someone HATEFUL! How many times have you made some of your co-workers CRY because you've JUMPED on them? It shows how professional you really are!
(2)Where was it said WHO goes to the principal and complains? You're assuming.
(3)Would you believe the poll or would you say it too is lies?
(4)Just because a parent chooses not to confront an educator for fear of making things worse for their child/children does not make them less loving or caring. Lesson taught....there will always be people like "her/him" in life. Keep your mouth shut in her/his classroom and get through the 1 time a week you have to deal with that person. Don't try and tell me that children don't catch the raw end of "bringing it to the teacher's attention" in most cases.
To 2:38-So you think that everyone that smokes at SSE is a hatemonger? How sad!

Monday, October 12, 2009 3:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Weisser, I am a parent and I am at SES a LOT. I am also the poster who said I would go to the BOE for anyone who had proof of the innuendo's. I was sincere, I would do it for any parent as there is no love lost between the boe and myself. That being said, as you can plainly see, the response was nothing specific, nothing but whining. You obviously made somebody mad somewhere along the line and this is the result. I can't say I would do this, but the thing to do is ignore these anonymous posters, that is except mine of course, (kidding people), they are too scared to sign their name and hide behind their children as an excuse that the kids will be hurt! How sad.
Just enjoy your week off Mrs. Weiser and if somebody has any real proof of unprofessional behavior, it will keep, but I would assume they already would have played that card if proof existed.
Thank you for your service, and please if you do smell a dangerous odor in the building, keep it to yourself. It cost you too much to do the right thing. We all need to be more like the big city folks and do not get involved!

Monday, October 12, 2009 7:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:57 I am 2:38 I KNOW you have emotional issues YOU should get some professional help in solving. It sounds LIKE YOU have an issue with Mrs. Weisser and nothing more than that!!!! OK, like here is a question for you; So you think everyone at SES hates Mrs. Weisser? What a jerk! Hope your kid is smarter than you.

Monday, October 12, 2009 8:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:06 Like mothballs.......??????

Monday, October 12, 2009 8:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:57 put a sock in it.....blah, blah, blah, blah......

Monday, October 12, 2009 8:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:10 How would you know my emotional state of well-being? Take your own advice about getting professional help!

Funny how Anonymous poster says to another Anonymous poster things about hiding and being scared...really?!

Haven't heard any denial that BW has on more than one occation made some her co-workers cry because she jumped on them....imagine that!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, 10:34, here's your response. I am a co-worker of Mrs. W's. She's never made me cry and actually she's not my favorite person in the building, but facts are facts and you need to give up the witch hunt because you didn't get your way about something or you were forced to face facts, or whatever made you decide to create a smear campaign of this type. I do not know of a single co-worker who was brought to tears by BW, but I do know of several teachers who came to BW in tears because they had screwed up on testing procedures and BW helped them so their butt wouldn't be chewed up.
And anyway, what is the point of the question? If you are made to cry by a co-worker, it must mean that their opinion of you is important. Doesn't mean she is a bully. And guess what, the only folks that ever make me cry, as an adult are those who I love and/or respect.
Immaturity has no place on a grown up blog.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:57 you are right. Facts ARE facts and the FACT is that it is TRUE BW has jumped on some of her co-workers and spoke to them in such a demeaning,in-your-face way as to make them cry! I doubt very seriously those that have been in this situation "love or respect" her for the way she acts! She IS a BULLY.
I'm not on a "witch hunt" as it was referred to. Just tired of all the "whinning" BW does about how she's been wronged all the time. The "witch hunt" is BW seeing how much trouble she can get involved with!
The only question asked was 'how would anyone know my emotional state of well being?' Not sure I asked YOU for an answer....but feel free to "go for it"!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 2:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what HUGE concession did Mrs. Braden make?Please enlighten us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 2:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told that she agreed to allow all members of the negotiating team to speak instead of just the chief negotiator and herself doing all the talking.
Allowing members of the entire team to speak is a big, big deal, and Mrs Braden agreed to it as a professional courtesy to the former chief negotiator. The pres of GCEA said it wouldn't happen at a meeting of GCEA when it was stated that the privelage was going to be requested. Guess she missed the call on that one...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:06 Thank you

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:20 p.m. These fictionary teachers you speak of being made to cry by bw must not have been too traumatized or they would be the ones complaining. Funny how you just glossed over the good part of that post about how she prevented teachers from getting written up by the STATE, or possibly getting fired because they screwed up on THE testing procedures. Ever wonder (if it's true) why she would be so angry at these teachers, ever thought they may have got in her face first? Just choose to assume the worst? Typical, and I bet you made it all up, and by the way, can you name these imaginary teachers. I can name the ones that she saved the careers anyway, her name is, me.
And by the way to the leadership of gcea, all is not what it seems. The pres showed her ignorance by trusting some folks. These same folks realized too late how underhanded her actions were and based on lies to boot. Could be they have now turned on her and are just biding their careful who you trust suesan. Things change very quickly.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:39pm The teachers she has made cry are no more fictional than you or I. I can name them,but I'm not going to;anymore than you or I are going to give our names. Ask your "friend" who she has made cry...or maybe still,you already know and just want to see if I know! Enough as been spouted back and forth. You've had your say,I've had mine....let's move on.

Thursday, October 15, 2009 2:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still no response regarding the teachers, myself included that she assisted, when she was not obligated to do so.
She's not a close friend, but a colleague worthy of respect and truthfully considering your sources, I would say your bias was evident. You've only heard one side of the story, and choose to believe the worst. Your perrogative, but it sure makes for a bitter life. Perhaps you are happiest when slamming others. You are relying on hearsay, I have seen events first hand. As you have indicated that you are not a teacher, I can only thank you for giving BW the benefit of the doubt and will assume that if suits your agenda, you will give the rest of the teachers an equal amount of respect. Thanks on behalf of Giles Co educators, for engaging in gossip and malicious tale toting.

Friday, October 16, 2009 3:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moving on..........>

Friday, October 16, 2009 9:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you are, lets don't solve anything but rather just change the subject...Hey are you on the school board? That is their trademark style for solving problems, of course they are acting on Mr Jackson's orders. Still haven't figured out the chain of command, just as you have not figured out not to believe petty little gossip mongers without hearing both sides.

Friday, October 16, 2009 9:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to moving on..... so bw makes coworkers cry. waaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaa,waaaaaaa! gutless, two faced, lying, fake people????? like you????? sorry you lost???? or just one of the twin, loud mouth trouble makers at ses or maybe some of the two faced 'leaders' of gcea????? whoever you are, you have issues. I also know bw saved several teachers butts from testing troubles over the last several years. there were a few teachers who kept testing materials lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnger than they should have and bw had to go and get them. one teacher actually said she dove in the dumpster to get a testing manual she thought she threw away. guess what is showed up misteriously or so the story goes. do you think any of these teachers were trying to cheat, got caught and cried?????

Saturday, October 17, 2009 1:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:59am I know what you are talking about pure trouble makers! BW doesn't need to worry about testing anymore. Heard she doesn't have to do it now. We will see if the 'wa,wa gang' bi*#hes about the 'new' testing organizer..... 'Small' ppl in 'small' towns who have NEVER been out in the 'real' world do and say 'small' things with their 'small' brains. Get a life!! Spend your energies traveling about the US, instead of engaging in 'small' town lies and gossip. See what life is 'really' about and maybe, just maybe your 'little' backbiting, lying, power hungry, bi*#hing will stop....just maybe. I also know YOUR 'group' lost the 'infamous emailing' of last Oct. Is all this 'trash' talk just a little hateful back lash of poor pitful losers????

Sunday, October 18, 2009 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it appears BW's 'group' are the ones who always manage to bring up things of the past (last October),maybe to cover up things in the present.This 'trash' talk is just a little hateful back lash. When will your 'little' backbiting, lying, power hungry, bi*#hing stop ? Everyone but the BW gang seem to be over it! Waaaaaaa!Waaaaaaaa! Get a life!and go get help with YOUR issues!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009 4:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:23pm How dumb can YOU be????? BW didn't bring up the crap about anything on this thread or any other thread on this blog!! Read the threads, if YOU can read, and see for YOURSELF, idot!!!! Some time back in September YOUR 'little' backbiting, lying, power hungry, bi*#hing 'gang' started some crap about slamming BW as chief nego. for gcea. Must not be able to stand the fact that BW KNOWS a little about nego. and won't be 'bullied' by some loud mouth, rude, angry, never smiling, hateful pres. of gcea. I heard the pres. got BW removed, without following gcea bylaws. Just because BW made a statement or something in nego. with the boe about $4,000 payraise vs. paid insurance. EVERYONE, EXCEPT S.A. KNEW IT WAS A JOKE. THEY ALL LAUGHED! EXCEPT THE STUPID FIRST YEAR, CONTROL FREAK PRES. (With an ego the size of Texas and a brain the size of a pea.) The pres. (S.A.) NEVER asked BW what she meant by the comment. The pres. (S.A.) got THREE gcea members - NOT at the nego. meeting with the boe - to take HER word (that of S.A.), without EVEN considering BW or asking her ANYTHING, S.A. typed a letter telling BW she was removed as chief nego. and had the THREE Executive Team members, NOT PRESENT at the nego. meeting to sign it. Yep! I would say BW 'bullied' the he$$ out of them!!!!! I don't know which planet you were born on, but here on Earth, Earthlings with a BRAIN would say BW got the 'shaft' she DID NOT bully anyone. It is a shame how YOUR 'gang' of trouble makers continue to set up 'smoke' screens to cause trouble. YOU dig a hole and keep sinking in the 'pit of low life'. Finally, your 'gang' brought up last years lies and mess, NOT Weisser!!! Just more two faced crap from pea brained idots.

Sunday, October 18, 2009 9:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:15 It appears to be YOU who can NOT read. How dumb can YOU be????? Read the threads, if YOU can read, and see for YOURSELF, idot!!!!
4:23 NEVER said it was BW who was bringing up "crap" from the past,but her "group"! References by YOU of "smoke screens"? Sound familiar?!? You have the audacity to say someone keeps sinking in the 'pit of low life'? Really?!? What YOU need to do is go take a good,HARD look in the mirror and realize it is YOU that is the 'pea brained idiot' and when YOU are pointing a finger at someone else you have three pointing back at you!! I don't know which planet you were born on, but here on Earth, Earthlings with a BRAIN would say that it's a good indication with your name calling,cursing "fits" you seem to be having that you have more of a PROBLEM than MOST people on here!

Monday, October 19, 2009 4:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would a vote of the membership as to which negotiator should continue in the position solve this problem???

Monday, October 19, 2009 4:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is not the negotiator. Carol is very capable and progessional as is Bridgette, however the issue which all seem content to overlook is the Pres of the assoc ingnoring protocal, misrepresenting facts, lying to members who elected her and acting unprofessional when someone reminds her of the proper procedures. She can be removed easier that the negotiator was, there are written by-laws for that situation. There are NOT written by-laws for what she did. Members secure a copy and read them please. S.A. made up the "clause" which she referenced to commit this act and lied to secure two signatures to achieve HER agenda. Again, please look at the facts and lay personal opinions aside. Do what's right, not what's convient. You are professionals with some degree of integrity, I presume, or should be anyway.

Monday, October 19, 2009 5:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good idea 4:55,but doubt it would be for some. She would cry she had been scammed,cheated, or whatever if the vote was against her. I would suggest a silent vote so no one knows who voted for whom or the bullying,in-your-face mess will begin again.

Monday, October 19, 2009 5:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:55 & 5:39 take the advice of 5:33 and READ the Bylaws and Constitution of GCEA. OMG! How easy can that be. 5:33 IS right! S.A. did pull some 'crap' broke the Bylaws and Constitution to get her way. I know both Carol and Bridgett they are BOTH professional and have worked together PEACEFULLY in the past on negotiations. The trouble is 'little hitler' aka S.A. L.H. (little hitler) doesn't belive she has to follow the Bylaws or Constitution VOTED on by the members of GCEA. (Most members have not read the Bylaws or Constitution and do not realize what the language says.) So,the 'President' just tries to 'hood wink' everyone and do as she pleases. It's almost funny.....
It's not just Weisser getting crapped on but the entire GCEA association. You might be next, if you cross 'little hitler'.....

4:11pm 'cursing' fits you say...umh....just trying to get on YOUR level of understanding. If this IS an anonymous do YOU know WHO has entered a comment or WHO is friends or 'the gang' of who?? GOSH!! YOU must be special or 'THINK' you are. Next time you make a comment, try to be 'original' and NOT use MY words or thoughts. I am sure with YOUR enflated ego, YOU can think of 'original' thoughts.....or maybe not.....pea brain :-)

Monday, October 19, 2009 5:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Laura said...

5:39pm What do you mean by 'bully in your face mess again'? Who bullied who, when, where, what did YOU see, what was said......or are you JUST spatting rumors and lies again to trash and upstanding professional educator like Mrs. Weisser? If YOU can't or won't answer the above questions, I just don't see how ANYONE could take your comments seriously. It appears to me YOU have a vendeta to try to ruin Mrs. Weisser reputation. I would think you would have to stay up and work long and hard to get that done. She is a fine person who has helped many people in the community including me and my children. What is happening on this awful blog is just plain evil.

Monday, October 19, 2009 6:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right 6:07 it's better to blame the blog than to face the problem.

Monday, October 19, 2009 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:48pm from 6:07 Re-read my entry - I DID NOT blame the blog. I BLAMED the people who constantly tell lies, bring up garbage that is not true, always try to be negative and hurt GOOD peoples reputation. That seems to be what you are doing here. The FACT is you and some others have a hate for Mrs. Weisser and just don't have the class to tell her to her face. Mrs. Weisser however seems to be ignoring your childish cyber bullying, name calling, reputation smearing lies. She is a true professional not daunted by your cyber bullying.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 6:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:07 you said "What is happening on this awful blog is just plain evil." You did not say the people were acting evil but that the blog was evil.
2nd thing you're wrong about is I like BW, have supported her and continue to do so.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All GCEA members should be up in arms about this disregard for the Associational bylaws and demand at least a say so in who is allowed to continue as negotiator, if not a recall of the President.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 2:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:59pm Your words are like crow. Doesn't always taste good especially when thrown back at you! As far as my level of understanding, I assure you I understand that using foul language does NOT make your point. It shows your vocabulary is lacking. Try using a dictionary or looking in a thesaurus if you need more "colorful words". Oh,and by the calling is very childish. Try growing up a little bit.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 5:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:52pm from 5:59pm like I said....."just trying to get to YOUR level of understanding".....think I got there :-)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:45AM I have to hand it to you. You do get "started" early.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 4:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:10pm the early bird 'crow' catches the worm 'you'..........

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oct. 19, 6:07pm Well, no one took your challange to present REAL facts about the 'bullying' done by BW. Or ANY facts at all! We must all assume 'they' just plain lied and spread vicious rumors to create a little negative drama in GOOD ppl's lives. SO sad!

Saturday, October 24, 2009 8:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

School Board work session Thursday, October 29, 5:00 pm. Need a crowd. Come listen and learn.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

School Board work session tonight at 5:00 pm. People need to come alot on agenda.

Thursday, November 05, 2009 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes no difference if people are there or not. If folks are there, they will table the issue, if they aren't they will vote. In a work session, they won't discuss anything controversial if they have an audience. They sold us out, every last one of them. Mr Jackson got what he paid for and the school board is getting what our tax dollars are paying for.

Monday, November 16, 2009 8:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so wrong. I know that Jackson has wanted to hind things and the board (a choice few) would not let that happen. What have they tabled.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:08:00 AM  

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