The County Ethics Committee was finally formed this morning (28 Sept. 2016) and convened to discuss and act on an official complaint against Commissioner Campbell, who has been charged, but not tried yet, with a number of very serious crimes and behaviors.
To define the Ethics Committee Meeting this morning as surprising would be surprising. It went exactly as I had predicted, with absolutely nothing being done other than to show the utter contempt some have for taking a stand against wrong behavior. It always amazes me how good, honest, moral people seem to buckle under the responsibility of making public moral decisions.
Most of the Commissioners have expressed their disgust with the Tommy Campbell situation privately but taking a public stand seems to be more than they are capable of.
Instead of doing the research for themselves and reaching out beyond the very limited confines of the courthouse to find the truth, committee members instead relied on an attorney that seems willing to say whatever the ventriloquist says. So, instead of depending on the written word of the law they took the unrelated comments of a shyster who tried to make everything about an “ouster suit” instead of a simple “suspension” that was requested.
I clearly stated that the issue before the committee had nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of Commissioner Campbell, that was to be settled in a court of law but that it was about suspending him until his legal problems have been resolved. One reason supporting suspension is the fact that one of the charges against Commissioner Campbell is “coercion of a witness”. By remaining a County Commissioner he continues to be in a greater position to “coerce” especially with the perception that many hold of officials being above the law.
The County Attorney, Mr. Chris Williams, stated that the Ethics Committee “could do nothing” in relation to the complaint that was filed. Even when I was allowed to read T.C.A. 8-47-116 titled “Suspension Pending Hearing”, that defines the means of suspension, Mr. Williams continued to refer to the section as about “OUSTER” thus confusing the issue even more.
Even when I read article two of the county ethics policy that states, “The committee may, In the case of an official, refer the matter to the county legislative body for possible public censure if the county legislative body finds such action warranted”. Mr. Williams interpreted the term “may” as meaning “may not” and stated such to the committee. So the committee, based on Mr. Williams faulty advice chose to do nothing. Essentially giving a stamp of approval to Commissioner Campbell and his behavior.
Is there a recording of that meeting
I was at the meeting this morning and the way they treated Mr. Barret was just terrible. The man tried to speak and was told he could only after everyone else had finished so he sat there without a word then when it was his time to speak Mr Williams was allowed to continually interrupt him. The worst thing about the whole meeting was the way commissioners refused to take any responsibility for anything. Mr Barret tried to talk about suspending Campbell while Mr. Williams and the commissioners kept trying to make it an ouster suit. If ignorance is bliss there are some in the county that are absolutely glowing tonight.
8:41 and what do you think the ethics committee should have done that they didn't do? The committee has no power to do anything to Campbell. Only a judge can remove him in a court of law which is coming in October. His attorney stated that all things he is charged with have NOTHING to do with his elected position. They should not be associated with being a commissioner. The courts will decide his fate. Not an "Ethics Committee" of Pollard, Adams, Brown, Reedy and Curtis.
I went to the annex to read what the county ethics law was. It was on the Bulletin board just like Barrett said. It says in plain language that the committee can "refer the matter to the county legislative body for possible public censure".I was surprised to find as I read the paper that an official can be removed from office for being drunk in public or for illegal gambling. I had to look up "moral turpitude" it means conduct contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals. On those grounds alone half the politicians in the country should be out of a job.
Sorry 9:46 but you're missing several facts in this matter. Nothing will be decided in October other than to set a date for a trial which most likely will be sometime next year. The County Legislative Body has every authority to suspend a commissioner for an offense of "moral Turpitude" based on T.C.A. 8-47-116 "Suspension pending hearing". If you look at the County's Ethics Legislation adopted in 2007 and posted on County Bulletin Boards section 2 plainly states that the Ethics Committee can turn the matter over to the full Legislative Body for them to determine if a public censure is the proper action to be taken. Of course his attorney is trying to protect his client, that's his job. But here is a fact that was refused to be seen in the meeting, as a commissioner a person holds a position of authority and thus can use that authority to influence even intimidate others. Commissioner Campbell is already charged with "coercion of a witness" why would a reasonable citizen believe that he would not attempt that again ? It's like being a teacher and having sex with a student, the person in authority, even if the sex is consensual, is charged and the assumption, whether right or wrong, is that the teacher is responsible. The question in the complaint was not about the guilt or innocence of commissioner Campbell and it was not about an ouster suit. It was about taking a stand, according to the law, against bad behavior caused by a person without enough honor to voluntarily resign and avoid the total embarrassment to the Legislative Body and the entire county.
Tommy Pollard is responding to the one who stated they treated Mr. Barrett bad.
"I was elected Chairman of the Ethis Committee and I gave Allen permission to speak but he kept interrupting. I told him Allen wait your turn. I was courteous enough to allow Mr. Barrett to speak even though our Rules of Order says I don't have too. I've been in meetings before where Allen was not allowed to speak but I have always allowed the public to talk. There were two lawyers present and were advising that we, the representatives of our county, are not able to make him resign or to ouster him before he is proven guilty of the charges. We know there is a difference between "Ouster" and "Suspend". I have researched the law, and have been in contact with CTAS and I will not be putting our county and your taxpayer's dollars at risk. Let our law handle this. This is a criminal charge and we need to keep the county out of it and the repercussion that may happen.
People who write on the blog do not understand what could happen and what liabilities and repercussions that could be bad for our people. I will not put the county at this risk. Let the law and our courts handle it. As far as taking a stand, believe me, the County has done our research and Tommy Campbell cannot be made to resign. It should be a voluntary resignation in which he has chosen not to do. We know the charges and we are going to let the courts decide."
Tommy Pollard - 5th District Commissioner
Sorry about the typo "Ethis" should have been "Ethic"' I figure someone would call you out on that Tommy.
Well Tommy Pollard, what about the risk you run from letting Campbell continue his commissioner duties while waiting for such disgusting charges to be resolved? I would think you would be in more danger of litigation should he decide to coerce someone else into doing his bidding. I believe that had you researched the law, as you stated, that you would have found Mr. Barrett correct in his opinion. You absolutely ARE putting the county at risk. Thanks a lot.
11:18 What can you NOT understand about Pollard's explanation? It is common sense. The Ethics Committee has NO power to OUST or SUSPEND Campbell. That can only be done by a Judge in court! ONLY! Is that too difficult to comprehend?
The simple ethical solution to this county problem would have been for Campbell to have resigned IMMEDIATELY. ...but he was not " man enough" to do the right thing. So sad that a good public servant for years would do such acts and embarrass so many good citizens. Shame.
Commissioner Pollard makes some valid points but the bottom line is not whether a decision would put the county at risk of a lawsuit but whether the advice put forth by Mr. Williams was valid. Mr Williams stated emphatically that, "this committee can’t do anything about this" which was and is a direct contradiction to what the county Ethics Code plainly states. The committee has full authority to act. This is the exact wording of the Ethics Code adopted by the County Section 5 Ethics complaints art. 2 "The Committee may in the case of an official, refer the matter to the county legislative body for possible public censure if the county legislative body finds such action warranted." As any reasonable person can see Mr. Williams gave erroneous advice at best.
As for the charge that I was treated unfairly or disrespectfully by Commissioner Pollard or any other Commissioner present is blatantly false. Commissioner Pollard set the rules mid-way of the meeting and I abided by them. The rules as I understood them was that I would be allowed to speak after any commissioner that wanted to speak and after Mr Williams had spoken. I waited until after Mr Williams sowed his seeds of deceit and confusion and when no one else asked to speak Chairman Pollard recognized me. As I spoke I was interrupted several times by Mr. Williams and others in the room. When I tried to continue speaking I was told to be respectful and responded that respect was a two way street and if respect was to be given by me then I expected to be treated with respect. I had not relinquished my time, yet Mr. Williams continued to interrupt me. Mr. Williams has a way of bullying and intimidating people to silence.
The bottom line is if there is any blame to be laid on the Commissioners it is that they chose to believe the verbal misinformation spewed by Mr. Williams rather than read the Code and act upon the written word. I have been told that in a court a verbal agreement isn’t worth the air it’s written on. Well, I believe that the advice from Mr. Williams not only fails the smell test but is nothing more than gaseous discharges from an impotent bull.
Who of the members of the Ethics Comm was elected secretary.
No secretary. Minutes taped and provided to Legislative Body by Executive's office.
Just a thought. I've heard that if we want this court case to come about quickly and not be continued forever and ever that we, the people of this county, needs to keep contacting the County Attorney, Chris Williams and our District Attorney, Brent Cooper and keep the pressure on them to get this case heard and through the courts so that Tommy Campbell, if found guilty, will not be allowed to use our Tax Dollars for a lengthy time in payment of him sitting on the County Commission and the sitting committees. May be worth the time.
To the one complaining or who filed the complaint...
I agree that something should be done about Mr. Campbell regarding his elected position. However, if you want to constantly remind Tommy Pollard that he is "putting the county at risk" let me inform you... If Campbell is relieved of his duties as commissioner and then somehow found not guilty, the county faces a major lawsuit! I don't know about you, but I do not want my taxes raised in order to make a pervert wealthy. There are more people involved than you know, and it goes much deeper than Tommy Campbell. As far as Tommy Pollard goes, he is the most honest and fair of the commissioners! He admits rights, wrongs, and deals with things firmly but fairly. If you knew about the law, or about Mr. Pollard, you would know that everything is being done to ensure the correct steps are taken and in an orderly fashion. These acts were not committed merely overnight, and the outcome will not happen overnight. It is a process. Finally, if you were so concerned about this issue, where were you at the meeting.. you obviously were not present!
That is totally false 8:45. I am not the one you're addressing but I take issue to your false propaganda as well as Tommy Pollard's belief that we are too stupid to understand liability because we post on this site. The Commissioners have every right and obligation to the citizens to suspend Mr. Campbell. This is the commission's right per written laws and resolutions adopted. because of evidence that's already been presented against mr. Campbell that has provided sufficient reason for a grand jury to bind mr. Campbell over for trial gives the County Commission great latitude in suspending him. Only if the commission showed malicious intent toward mr. Campbell, who is alleged of using a firearm to intimidate Witnesses as well as bringing a firearm into public buildings, then it would be reasonable that mr. Campbell could come back and sue the county if he was found innocent of charges presented. And the county has shown that they are more willing to protect mr. Campbell than represent the citizens and protect them from unreasonable influence of an alleged Criminal.
If the commission acts in a reasonable manner for the protection of the citizens then of course mr. Campbell can file a lawsuit but no honest judge will honor such tripe.
Show me one precedent backing your statements in which a ruling was found for a plaintiff, similar to mr. Campbell, in which the governing body lost the case when acting reasonably and without malice.
Is Chris Williams also acting is Tommy Campbell's personal legal counsel?
Not being from here I might be able to look at this little bit more objectively. The reason you all are having so much trouble is that your commissioners are cowards. It's a simple as that.
To Saturday, Oct. 1, 8:45 a.m.
From Shirley Proud
As you will read from a previous thread it was me who filed a Letter of Complaint asking the Ethics Committee to meet and DISCUSS a POSSIBLE Suspension of Mr. Campbell UNTIL the COURTS make a decision on the charges against him. I have NOT posted any other complaints on this blog or elsewhere, so in that you are mistaken.
Tommy Pollard is one of my commissioners. I had spoken to him previously and prior to me even writing a letter he had already told me the Ethics Committee would not be doing anything about the situation. This was before he was elected Chairman of the Committee.
You are correct in that I did not attend the Ethics Committee for the following reasons: 1) Pollard had already told me the committee would be doing nothing. 2) My son who lives in Seattle and whom I am lucky if I get to see once or twice a year happened to be here for a few days vacation (having postponed from the previous week due to his job) and we were not going to waste a precious minute sitting in a Giles county meeting. If you have a problem with that feel free to call me.
Mrs Proud.
Pollard is only one vote. There are 4 more that might not vote like he does. Your absence was noted.
To Oct. 2, 11:32 AM
From Shirley Proud
And of those four I had already spoken with two of them. IF a vote was taken I shall be able to read it in the Minutes.
Since my absence was noted, I can only assume your presence was, also.
Still waiting for your phone call or would it be more convenient for you if I dropped by your office?
Ms Proud, is it written in the law that you were required to attend the meeting?
To 7:22 PM
From Shirley Proud
Nothing in the law that I have read requiring me to attend the committee meeting.
Mrs. Vanzant knew I had a conflict but according to her, the meeting date was arranged around the county attorney's schedule, not mine.
OK People, did we really expect this ethics committee to take any action. Like somebody blogged, the powers that be are expecting this to be swept under the rug and forgot about as everything else in the past. We should all remember this when it comes time to vote for these commissioners next time around. We need to remember some of them pop off about what they are going to do or how they are going to vote but in means nothing cos they dont do it anyways.
11:47 Have you read the state law at all? Apparently you have not or you would understand why an Ethics Committee cannot force or vote a person out of office. They have absolutely NO authority to OUST or SUSPEND an elected official. YOU as a "relater" in the community and your friends can bring it to court where ONLY a Judge can oust or suspend the official if found guilty. It is law. You as a relater or complainer are TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE FINANCIALLY FOR THE COURT Case. So, you bring the case to court and oust Tommy Campbell. The ball is in your court now. Are you man/woman enough to play? The Ethics Committee had no court evidence so they could do nothing. All they had was a letter from Shirley Proud . She should have taken the case to the District Attorney OR County Attorney. They could do something IF they choose only.
Obviously 2:59 wants the public to believe his fraudulent statements. If anyone cares to read Tennessee law that states in black and white that an elected official may be removed from their position pending a hearing. I'm glad Chris Williams gave his faulty advice it goes a long way to showing what type of person he is. Why is every one fighting to protect Campbell as opposed to taking actions to suspend Campbell. Maybe he has dirt on the rest of them.
8-47-116. Suspension pending hearing Filling of vacancy.
Upon petition or complaint being filed, praying for a writ of ouster against any of the officers herein named, and whether such action is brought by the attorney general and reporter, district attorney general, county attorney, city attorney, or by relator citizens and freeholders, the court, judge, or chancellor may, on application of the attorney general and reporter, the district attorney general for the state, the county attorney, city attorney, or relator citizens and freeholders bringing such action, suspend such officer or officers so accused from performing any of the duties of their office, pending a final hearing and determination of the matter; and, thereupon, the vacancy shall be filled as the law provides for the filling of vacancies in such office, and such person or persons so filling such vacancy shall carry on the duties of the office until such hearing shall be finally determined or until the successor of the officer so suspended shall be elected or appointed as provided by law, and shall have qualified.
From Shirley Proud
Thank you 4:25 PM, you saved me time in responding to 2:59 PM. Good post.
What that person should realize from my letter, I was not asking for an Ouster of Mr. Campbell, but a simple suspension until things are settled in a court of law. No point in sending letter to DA as he is already working the case and I had been told by the Ethics Committee chairman that they would not be doing anything about it, per his info from the county attorney/county executive.
2:59 PM also needs to know I had previously discussed this with Mrs. Vanzant and my letter was, in her words, "What she had been waiting for", she having received several verbal complaints but she needed something in writing.
Did I think anything would happen to either suspend or to turn over to the full commission for censure if they chose? - No!
And yes, I do know what it takes to start an ouster but I'll wait and see what happens through the courts.
Ms. Pride, are you trying to get Mr. Barrett into the 7th district?? Just curious
I am totally impressed with the comments from the 3 October 2:59 poster. I hope it’s simply a matter of limited understanding and not a desire to mislead or create a falsehood. Here’s a help point for you, don’t use words if you don’t understand their meaning. The word “relator” is a legal term that refers to a person who is not a legal citizen but has legal standing. Mrs Proud, as far as I am aware is a long time citizen. She would be more accurately identified, in this situation, as a freeholder.
Apparently the poster is either a shyster lawyer or just a mixed up dupe for Commissioner Campbell. I have posted the exact wording of the law along with the T.C.A numerical reference. No one has officially asked for Commissioner Campbell to be “OUSTED”. Yes, the County Legislative Body does have the authority to suspend and the T.C.A. states in very plain English who can be suspended and for what reasons.
No one, I am aware of, believed that by lodging a complaint with the Ethics Committee they would or could act alone and determine an action against Commissioner Campbell. The T.C.A, and the Ethics Code adopted by the Giles County Legislative Body are clear on that point. The Letter of Complaint was so that the Ethics Committee would be formed, meet and make a recommendation and send it forward to the full Legislative Body.
This is what the Ethics Code states: “The committee may in the case of an official refer the matter to the County Legislative Body for possible public censure if the County Legislative Body finds such action warranted.”
The wording is simple by design as the code states, “The interpretation that a reasonable person in the circumstances would apply shall be used in interpreting and enforcing this Code of Ethics.” So while most reasonable people would interpret the word “MAY” as giving permission the awe inspiring county attorney Mr. Williams is on record as stating the word “MAY” actually means “CAN NOT”.
Now as for the “evidence” it is already in the hands of the TBI, the District Attorney, and the Grand Jury all of whom have agreed that the evidence is such that it warrants prosecution. Whether Commissioner Campbell will be found guilty or not is yet to be decided but the fact that he apparently used his position to allegedly threaten and coerce a witness should be enough, in the minds of reasonable people, to take that power away and possibly prevent future abuse of that position.
Hey 2-59
Are YOU man or woman enough to sign your real name to your dribble? . It seems Ms PROUD (not Pride as some other fool interpreted it ) is the only person on this blog other than Mr. Barrett who has the fortitude to 'put their name where their words are ' . Puts a lot of burbling babes to shame eh ? .
On a different topic , I think Mr Barrett has lived in the 7th district for decades so he certainly doesnt need to be 'put' there by anyone
It's great when a counties governing body desires to protect its citizens and takes action to suspend a person pending hearing. Oh wait that's Maury County and the state laws are different in Maury County Tennessee from Giles County Tennessee because we've done things the same way for 200 years and we're not going to change now no matter what no stinking state law or ethics resolution that Giles County adopted says.
If other counties can suspend a person and keep then from using there position to abuse people and intimidate witnesses why can't our county? It seems like something should be done to keep Campbell from using his position to avoid being punished.
WKSR reported that Chris Williams stated that Tennessee state law allows for the suspension. Did Chris Williams really state that Tennessee code allows a suspension?
No Not by an ethics committee.
Did Williams state in any way that under state law the County Commission could suspend him? It is common sense that the Ethics Committee can not suspend him but only investigate and make a recommendation to the county commission so they can vote to suspend or more than likely decline to suspend. My question was in the meeting did Chris Williams ever state that under state law there was a provision allowing the commission to take a vote and suspend mr. Campbell until the hearing.
I appreciate anyone that can answer this. I was not clear on the above answer because of what WKSR and the newspaper reported. I know that the newspaper and WKSR have aired false information for the benefit of The Wishes of the County government and local municipality in the past.
Three different governmental committees, School, Property and Budget, met this morning primarily to approve the expenditure of $1,550,000.00 by the school system on various repairs, upgrades and architect drawings for a new school. The money was approved to be taken out of the School surplus funds.
Some discussion was held about various issues that had resulted in less than adequate contractor work in the past. This was addressed by both School Director Wright and Asst. Director Gonzales who described new oversight procedures that will avoid most poor quality work in the future. I congratulated Mr. Gonzales on his efforts and more strict oversight of projects.
Also approved were repairs and upgrades at a cost of $67,951.00 at the Agri-Park. Those expenses would be taken out of the Hotel/Motel tax revenues which has over $300,000.00.
Also during the Budget Committee Mrs Vanzant announced that the amount of money to be given to the E-911 Board would be $112,000.00 instead of the $132,000.00 requested and first approved by the county Legislative Body. I complemented Mrs Vanzant on this decision as she had led the way in the reduction and getting clarity on the county's responsibility to E-911.
A very interesting thing happened at the School Committee meeting. It was called to order at 8:30 AM and adjourned at 8:47 AM. Commissioner Campbell came into the room at 8:50 and signed both the sign in sheet for the School Committee and the Property Committee meeting that was preparing to meet. Getting paid for meetings not attended seems to continue being a problem, except for those very few unscrupulous commissioners who just can't seem to resist free money.
Excellent explanation of what happened at the three meetings yesterday! One correction though. The $67,951.00 is for the repairs to the EXTENSION OFFICE CONFERENCE ROOM AND NOT AGRI PARK. Thank you for a good summary. Mr. Barrett.
Not sure Campbell signed the School Meeting sheet! He did the other two.
To 8:41, 7 Oct 2016. I thought the Extension Office Conference Room was at the Agri Park. I apologize for the error and appreciate your correction. Thanks
Tommy Campbell was in those meetings in spirit, and that's what counts the most. Who in the hell is electing these people who can't show up to the meetings that they were selected to represent the people of this county? Chronically show up late at where you earn your living and see how long it takes you to have to look for another source of income.
I think Commissioners are not required to be at committee meetings which they are not on. Attendance is optional. But if they do show up just for one minute they get paid a little. Just so they ATTEND technically. Campbell was not on school committee so it did not matter that he was not there. Not sure he signed the sheet. Only TC and Mrs V know that.
I heard that there is another complaint to the ethic committee about Campbell. Bet they do the same thing they did before NOTHING.
12:31:00 PM
So they can go for a few minutes and tax payers have to pay them. I can go along with staying at the meeting to know what is going on and getting paid, but if they just go for a few minutes just to get paid that makes them a low down person in my eye.
They need to complain to the Brent Cooper the DA. He can get it to court if he wants to. Only a Judge can do anything to Campbell. The Ethics Committee can do nothing. GO TO THE MEETINGD AND SEE FOR YOURSELF INSTEAD OF JUST POSTING GARBAGE ON THIS BLOG!
10:39 Nobody attends unless they plan to stay! Sometimes people get calls and have to leave early! If they sign the attendance sheet, they are PRESENT and get their $20!
Why is this such an issue? Jealousy?
Campbell thinks the charges will eventually be dropped due to the tarnished character of the plaintiffs!
He never expects to come to trial. Delay it long enough and people forget.
Always thought you were supposed to turn your phone off during a meeting!
There is a "vibrate" with no sound! Moron
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