Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, April 20, 2007

WAB: School Funding Follies

Mr. Jackson presented the proposed school budget for the coming year. A budget that requires an increase of $838,000 funding. When questioned about this budget Mr. Jackson was forced to concede that the amount of BEP money was not included in the budget. He was then asked, “If the county were to straight out give you $838,000 dollars in new money wouldn’t that, after the BEP money is added, actually increase the amount to over two million dollars in new money.” He flippantly responded, “I hope so.” He then apparently realized what he had said, and tried to change the subject.

It was pointed out that this budget followed the same pattern of the past few budgets. The claim was made that the last budget “2006-2007” was so bare-boned that it actually was $300,000.00 less that the previous year. The reality is that it actually was increased 2.8 million. How was it done, simply by not including the BEP money in the original budgets? The question is will the people allow this deceit to continue? -- Allen Barrett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it OK for a scam artist to rip off the whole community. Does anyone think he isn't laughing at you? What is respect? What values will your child learn in an environment with a foundation based on fraud?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 9:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beyond the fact that a property tax increase was demanded, truth and relevance disappears! Reality is a continuing complex manipulation of property tax, local sales tax, and state matching funds over the past four years. EXAMPLE - (1 of several)

The 2007-8 budget states the local option sales tax will be $2,762,500, exactly the same as last years budget. That amount is $180,533 less than the $3,008,882 audited 2005-6 amount shown in that same budget document.

Didn't think about inflation??? Well, if the Consumer Price Index was 12.1% for the two years ending March, 2007 (it was!), then around 12% for a two year period, ending June, 2008 is reasonable! The 12% of 3 million is $360,000 of revenue missing from the budget!

Add $180,000 understatement to the missing $360,000 consumer price index adjustment and the total understatement of local option sales tax is $540,000!

Bet you didn't think about state matching funds, did you? If it's spent on qualified instruction, etc., matching can be well over $2 for $1! That could be another $1,080,000 understatement of revenue! Add the $540,000 to it, and the total grows to $1,620,000 more revenue than disclosed in that formal budget document.

Unquestionably, local sales tax and the other affects it has on revenue were falsified to create a pretext for raising property taxes and accessing even more matching funds. Sales tax is but one of several comparable examples of major on going corruption since the 2004-5 school budget! The spending priority is not teaching. Jackson may be the spokesperson, but the school board approves the budgets and funding demands, plus there was also a following within the county council. Those budgets are formal multi-million dollar financial statements and funding requests, not lottery tickets! These are the same people who have taken it upon themselves to instruct our children on morality and values! If the documents aren't falsified, money hasn't changed hands, it isn't fraud, and it isn't a felony, tell me what it is! The game is over!

don m

Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember classroom tales about a little boy who cried wolf (when there was none). When the wolf did come, and boy cried for help; there was none. There was the grasshopper who lived high in the summer while the ant worked and saved. The grasshopper didn't make it through the winter. Ant lived to see the beauty of spring. Today, we have the wolf crying, "boy", while the grasshoppers raid the ants' storehouse! Perhaps, the 2003-4 spending of $584,000 on enlightened books and publications purged the unpleasant realities of life from our tender little minds.

Today, the wolf is a protected species, while Little Red is in custodial protection with perverts in red leotards! Goldilocks won't be looking for porridge and the bear won't be mad.

We could say, "God help us!" But, God isn't allowed in school! Maybe, it's time to stop tolerating corruption and purge it!
don m

Friday, April 27, 2007 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many of us are not qualified to keep up with what dom m has been revealing about the schools budget and reports, but if you read paragraph 2 of his April 26 comment, just that example alone is very clear. This man definitely knows what he is on about. Wish we had someone of his intelligence as finance director. Giles County money problems and out increased property taxes would be over.

Friday, April 27, 2007 7:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever read the story of Rainbow Fish? It's about swollen ego and pride.

Sunday, April 29, 2007 8:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a Jesse fan. One can only imagine a pretty fish being eaten by the others, simply because it was pretty. Do you cheer for your football team or praise a gifted child? Those too, are God given gifts to be appreciated, not idolized! It isn't about the color of the fish. We are paying for caviar and getting carp. You like it! If the frying pan is getting too hot, why not jump out? It will get hotter.

Apparently, you weren't taught to flush at an early age, & have no problem reconciling the water savings to that which greets you in your bathroom. Not tolerating corruption and evil isn't "egotistical". Tolerance is a curse when you condone corruption and immorality! Pride is a virtue that is unacceptable to those who will not bathe or conform to ageless codes of morality.
don m

Sunday, April 29, 2007 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think your ego is still a bit bruised over been refused the offer of your "free" services. Everything comes with a price, and we both know that. I think the County Mayor saw that the county could not afford such free services.
And Rainbow fish is about ego and pride, which you seem to have in abundant supply.

Sunday, April 29, 2007 3:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fish story - the carp hates rainbow trout, so it's down on the bottom stirring up mud so no one can see what's going on.

Sounds like this nannymouse fell overboard, can't swim, & is mad at everything that can swim. Goodness, an educator with no pride, no self assurance, and no sense, proclaiming to be a wizzard.

You folks quit arguing & tell me where I can get the book! Does it have red letters where your kingfish speaks? I want to get smarter!

Sunday, April 29, 2007 9:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop the arguing over junk. I read that the budget was falsified by as much as $1.6 million.

That doesn't include the the $838,000 property tax demand or the double money matching funds on it, does it? Would that be another $2.5 million?

Would the total falsifying be $1.6 plus $2.5 = $4.1 million? Thats a whole lot of money to be lying about.

Sunday, April 29, 2007 9:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tale of 2007-8 sales tax was an appetizer. How many strikes before you're out? 2007-8 is one.

In 2006-7 the original school budget had $2,612,500 sales tax. The school board & Jackson raised it to $2,762,500 in their NO INCREASE BUDGET - the one that added $1,538,985 to spending at the same time the council approved a $750,000 bare bones amendment that was really $1,064,832 - both adding $2,285,513 to prior year spending! The picture is Dorothy, a tornado, a yellow brick road, & lolly pops everywhere! But, let's not let it side track the tax tale.

This was the year they demanded a $2,542,762 property tax increase, but didn't mention the $5 million plus of matching funds they expected to get on that property tax increase or the well over $7.5 million total! But, that sidetracks the tax tale, again. Got to get back to tax!

Mr. J made no bones about not having any idea what sales taxes would be, in the various hotly contested meetings well after that prior fiscal year ended on June 30, 2006. By definition, the $3,008,882 sales tax was known before the time of the NO INCREASE mystery budget increases & change to $2,762,500! Once you start fibbing, it's neigh impossible to stop. It's as if the $400,000 difference between $2.6 they wanted you to believe and the $3.0 million the auditors stated, was a matter of opinion. Double matching funds of $800,000 plus $400,000 understated tax is $1.2 million total, left out in just sales tax alone. Add the $7.5 tax attack to it and we find the total would be $8.7 million!!! Let's just say the $400K was strike 2, & we'll get the big stuff later.

Could it be that the little folks who cry wolf, have both hands in your pocket? Their Golden Rule isn't the same as yours!
don m

Monday, April 30, 2007 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief, we've been fundled!

Monday, April 30, 2007 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One BIG problem is the commissioners are not accountants so they are easily swayed where money is concerned. I often wonder if they run their family budgets in the same manner in which they handled tax payers funds. I guess sometimes the answer is yes since we've had two commissioners go brankrupt in the last few years.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007 3:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commissioners don't have to be accountants to be excellent. It's like a gear with several cogs. One of the cogs is a professional level accountant. If it's missing, it's broke, no matter how hard they try. If they are all accountants, it will still be broken. It takes different talents and different levels of education to work properly!

Individually or as a group, they must demand and expect absolute integrity and honesty in the information given to them. That is not happening! Countless laws are designed to insure that accuracy & integrity. Laws are lost in the old saying, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil! That means the cornerstone of our society (education) is unprotected! Unfortunately, the threat is within our education department! The rest do the best they can with the resources they have. The council has the power! The solution is as simple zero tolerance!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The commission as a whole is responsible for the financial mess Giles County is in. They hear the talk, they know what is happening and still they turn a blind eye to it and hand the school system basically a blank check! These people were voted for to protect the citizens interest, which they do not do. We as voters are told to research our candidate before we vote-same goes to our commissioners understand what you are voting on before you vote on it.

Friday, May 04, 2007 8:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back to the financial tale to test the three strike rule. Strike 1 was 2007-8, strike 2 was 2006-7, what about 2005-6?

Sales tax was $2,562,500 in the original 2005-6 school budget, the same in the mystery budget, and the same in the amended mystery budget! That's three times, all within that single year, all the way through the bitter budget fights in July, August, & September, 2005!

In spite of the fact that the fiscal year ended 6-30-5 with $3,008,882 sales tax, it was never corrected in July, August, September (when the mystery amendment was passed), or at any time that year! Add to it the fact that the prior year 2004-5, which ended over a year earlier was $2,728,709! In fact, the two year prior period 2003-4 was $2,629,869!!!

Bottom line, the school board and administrator knew that sales tax was understated by $446,382. The total with double matching funds would be around $1,339,146. That was the year they demanded and fought for a $1,461,047 property tax increase because claimed revenues were short of spending "needs". Keep in mind that the $1.5 tax would have generated about $4.2 million with matching funds not disclosed in that budget. But let's not let the big ball game ball divert our attention away from the little sales tax ball game.

Because of three strikes within this year alone plus the three strike out years, one might think they'd be out. Keep in mind the "home run" hit in 2004-5 when property taxes were increased by $1,273,588 without mentioning the windfall of $2.4 +/- matching funds! Note - we do know matching funds were up almost $3 million in the 2006-7 budget WITH NO TAX INCREASE since the 2004-5 game!

To those who say everyone pads their budget, you might want to talk to MR. Ford - he's been there. If you are one of the "ends justifies the means" to get "free state money", check your grocery tax and then ask Mr. Ford. PS - take notes to explain where the money went & why roofs are leaking because building a posh nest for bureaucracy is most important. For those who would jail and ridicule those who challenge corruption, check with Mr. Ford & countless others who have walked that path. The web is not fireproof!

Friday, May 04, 2007 2:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is unreal! NO rebuttal??? no comments?

Friday, May 04, 2007 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 2004-5 sales tax actual of $2,728,709 was $166,209 favorable to a budget of $2,562,500! Does the budget number sound familiar? The actual prior year $2,626,869 sales tax was higher. That says the budget claimed favorability of $166,209 (6.3%) was better than the real sales tax increase of $98,840 (3.8%). A closer look indicates the BLS inflation index of 3.2% says the real increase vs. the prior year was fairly predictable. It boiled down to the word "favorability" - looking good, whatever that means. The $166,209 understatement could be close to $500,000 with double matching funds - not quite as big as the later numbers we talked about.

The punch line is, If the $500,000 had been included in revenue, the illusion of revenue shortfall disappears, and the property tax increase placed on the citizens would have been $500,000 less! Do you think an unnecessary $500,000 tax increase on you is favorable or good? What is better or good mean? Ans. Whatever you want it to mean in the land of moral relativism. It's much worse than $500,000! They did manage to spend much more than noted! If you read Mr. Barrett's post on spending, you'll see it didn't go where you thought it went.

We can debate whether this is a pass ball, strike 4, strike 1 of 4, or the fact that more money simply means more spending. The real issue is deceit with lots of dollar signs, in our sacred institution of learning. If we have been properly indoctrinated in debate, points of view, and other fundamentals of moral relativity, we'll argue that school bureaucrats need more money. If we can add the sum of the parts and find a dictionary, we'll find the word "fraud"!

Saturday, May 05, 2007 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 2004-5 sales tax actual of $2,728,709 was $166,209 favorable to a budget of $2,562,500! Does the budget number sound familiar? The actual prior year $2,626,869 sales tax was higher. That says the budget claimed favorability of $166,209 (6.3%) was better than the real sales tax increase of $98,840 (3.8%). A closer look indicates the BLS inflation index of 3.2% says the real increase vs. the prior year was fairly predictable. It boiled down to the word "favorability" - looking good, whatever that means. The $166,209 understatement could be close to $500,000 with double matching funds - not quite as big as the later numbers we talked about.

The punch line is, If the $500,000 had been included in revenue, the illusion of revenue shortfall disappears, and the property tax increase placed on the citizens would have been $500,000 less! Do you think an unnecessary $500,000 tax increase on you is favorable or good? What is better or good mean? Ans. Whatever you want it to mean in the land of moral relativism. It's much worse than $500,000! They did manage to spend much more than noted! If you read Mr. Barrett's post on spending, you'll see it didn't go where you thought it went.

We can debate whether this is a pass ball, strike 4, strike 1 of 4, or the fact that more money simply means more spending. The real issue is deceit with lots of dollar signs, in our sacred institution of learning. If we have been properly indoctrinated in debate, points of view, and other fundamentals of moral relativity, we'll argue that school bureaucrats need more money. If we can add the sum of the parts and find a dictionary, we'll find the word "fraud"!

Saturday, May 05, 2007 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note - overlooked the signature thing on the 5-4 & 5-5 data - I put it in. Don m

It appears the word "fraud" was a good choice - no one disagrees, no one defends, & we have no better descriptions. There is much more to this issue than sale tax games. If you find an error, advise & it will be corrected (don't have any one to proof read & errors can happen). If you want to make a difference, copy the text & put it in every store in Giles County. Do nothing, and the game will continue as it has, for 4 years! There are lots more data with proof. The source data is school published documents!

don m (don macdermid)

Thursday, May 10, 2007 9:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that why you offered your "free" services. Excuse me, but those services would have come with a hefty price tag.

Friday, May 11, 2007 5:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your question makes no sense. You undoubtedly haven't helped anyone, but that's your business not mine. Unquestionably, you are part of the game. Tell us about your hefty price tag.

Better yet, why not suggest some ways to cut waste, eliminate overhead, & improve operations?

Your personal hefty price tag will be exposure, an inability to waste public funds, and an inability to raise taxes to force the public to support your boondoggles & fraudulent funding practices. Beyond that, you have no idea of the good things that could be accomplished.

You have a lot to worry about & need to keep digging your hole deeper & deeper.

Friday, May 11, 2007 7:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

753 was from me.

don m

Friday, May 11, 2007 7:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So comical. You guys sound like a bunch of cry babies who have taken their marbles and gone home.
Expose away, but do so carefully. I have nothing to fear.

Saturday, May 12, 2007 7:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a-nag-u-must, if the other guys go home with all the marbles doesn't that obviously mean that you have lost yours? It would certainly explain most of your postings.

Saturday, May 12, 2007 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get over it and stop whining, OK? It makes you look so immature.

Are you a member of the "encounter group" who seeks to expose and humiliate those in public office whom they resent or dislike? Just wondering.

You know what, it's embarrassing to me when people from neighboring counties ask what all the turmoil and fussing is about in Giles County. I just tell them what I've heard others say...that its a small group of people, most of whom are not native Giles Countians, who are causing the trouble. No matter how you slice it, that is the truth, regardless of their intentions.

Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To a-nag-u-must. You say, Get over it and stop whining, OK? It makes you look so immature. I say, I am immature, so what, being stupid hasn’t held you back, has it?

You say, Are you a member of the "encounter group" who seeks to expose and humiliate those in public office whom they resent or dislike? Just wondering. I say, an encounter group is a method used in psychiatry to help bring about good mental health, so I guess you could say that about me. I was thinking the more I read your posts of joining MS13 but I don’t “habla Espan’ole” to good.

You say, You know what, it's embarrassing to me when people from neighboring counties ask what all the turmoil and fussing is about in Giles County. I say, it’s democracy in action.
You say, I just tell them what I've heard others say... I say, don’t you have any ambition to know things for yourself instead of just repeating unfounded rumors? Seems spreading things you hear would be more destructive that speaking about things you actually know…. But then what would you talk about?
You say, that its a small group of people, most of whom are not native Giles Countians, who are causing the trouble. I say, been here all my life except for a trip to Southeast Asia and a few years in Knoxville. Family’s been here longer than me. Children were here but ran away after reading one of your posts. Speaking of trouble seems like everyone at the center of trouble here actually live in Lincoln County or Alabama.
You say, No matter how you slice it, that is the truth, regardless of their intentions. I say, that’s the problem with “your” truth you took a butcher knife and sliced it up so much there ain’t enough left to make heads or tails of. Try looking at the issues as a whole instead of little slices, it could change your life dramatically.

Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anagumust must feel like a lampost on a dog walk. - a post with a burned out bulb just there to get whizzed on!

BB - Wonderful response to the lightless poster.

Sunday, May 13, 2007 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say, it's still an embarrassment no matter how you "slice" it. And throwing up a smoke screen doesn't change it. I've heard it around town and I would bet that you have as well.
It's OK that you resort to name-calling. I overlook your immaturity. I'm "stupid" because I don't agree with you? Laughable as usual.

Monday, May 14, 2007 8:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a-nag-u-must, What's embarrassing is when you're seen in town with your depends full and your mind empty. I heard around town that Minor Hill was being annexed by Alabama, that Gov. Bredesen was really protecting the people from having to make so many decisions by having us pay a billion and a half dollars more than needed last year, that Janet Vanzant shares a residence with Tee Jackson in Pulaski, Rosie O'Donnell is an intellectual who never lies because she is on TV, Mrs Clinton would make a great president because she has so much insight and that if you kiss a frog they turn into an elephant.
A-nag-u-must just because you hear someone say something don't make it so. Try doing a little research on your own, you can find an amazing world of information if you open your eyes and mind and close your ears....
Oh, you are not stupid because you don't agree with me, you're stupid because you refuse to do any thinking for yourself.

Monday, May 14, 2007 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found an error from 4/26 @ 907p

The 2007-8 budgeted $3,008,882 sales tax difference between the 2005-6 actual of $2,762,500 is $246,382, not $180,533.

(The $180,533 was a 6% very conservative inflation reference factor on $3 million - different calculation.) Actual inflation will be approximately 12%, or roughly $360,000, indicating the total sales tax understatment can be as high as $606,000 before matching funds!

sorry about that.

don m

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I maintain that you crybabies are an embarrassment and not an asset.
I am a little surprised that you would speak negatively about such notables as hillary clinton and rosie o'donnell. I thought they were in your camp; they certainly aren't in mine.
How silly of you to "suggest" that I do no thinking for myself. I think you are a nut, but I would never stoop to name-calling (as you do so eloquently) and call you one. I have a little more class than that.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One might say that getting caught with your pants down is an "embarrassment". Don't blame Bart, you're programmed in the mold of the Hill, Rose, Teddy, & "Barney"!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on a-nag-u-must. I'm sorry that you misunderstood and thought I "suggested" you didn't think for your self. It's not a suggestion it's an observation. Based on your writings you're the one that suggested you don't think for yourself. Didn't you read your post from 13 May 8:02 where you wrote "I just tell them what I've heard others say..." based on that wouldn't that mean not only that you don't think for yourself but you also spread unfounded rumors. Surely you are aware that passing on things that you but did not personally validate is being a rumormonger. Part of the problem is that whoever you're getting to think for you isn't doing a very good job.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

forgot to mention:
Teddy and Barney went to bed.
Teddy rolled over and Barney was bread.

Thursday, May 17, 2007 9:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please try to take what I wrote above in its proper context. You knew that I was referring to what people from surrounding counties say anout all the complaining and whining here in Giles County when I mentioned that I just say what I have heard or am told. Oh yes, I hope you knew that.
Misinterpreting simple concepts, whether intentional or not, makes bart look not so smart. Hilarious.

Thursday, May 17, 2007 7:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

708 - dumass -
you must have been in bed
with Barney & Ted

Thursday, May 17, 2007 9:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To a-nag-u-must,

You state, “Please try to take what I wrote above in its proper context. You knew that I was referring to what people from surrounding counties say anout all the complaining and whining here in Giles County when I mentioned that I just say what I have heard or am told. Oh yes, I hope you knew that. Misinterpreting simple concepts, whether intentional or not, makes bart look not so smart. Hilarious.”
It’s very obvious that I am not nearly as intelligent and gifted as you since I don’t have the power to know what others are thinking or what they know without being told by them. One of the secrets for good communications is to know that words have meaning and when certain words are grouped together they form an expression to give a command, explain an idea, an action or concept. If the words we use are inappropriate then whatever we seek to convey will be often confusing and misunderstood. The only way to avoid such misunderstandings is to simply use words that forge a complete thought instead of saying one thing while believing others will know what it is we meant. Not being able to trust my psychic mind reading abilities I must rely on the words that are used, thus I became confused when you said, “You know what, it's embarrassing to me when people from neighboring counties ask what all the turmoil and fussing is about in Giles County. I just tell them what I've heard others say...” now I understand from your latest explanation what you really meant was, “I just say what I have heard or am told.” I appreciate your clarification and apologize for misunderstanding your original thoughts. “Hilarious”, I certainly agree.

Friday, May 18, 2007 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unsmart bart...
Well thank you for the lesson in English grammar. I stand in awe of you.
But the fact remains that I have heard others (people from surrounding counties) say these negative things about all the whining and complaining going on over here. I just tell them (people from surrounding counties) that we (people of Giles County) have a group of whiners here who are not satisfied with anything.
My apologies for not making these points clearer for you. I will attempt to be more precise in the future.
Thanks for the constructive criticism and for not calling me a name.

Friday, May 18, 2007 7:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A-nag-u-must, that's OK. Thanks isn't really necessary since you gave me your awe.

Friday, May 18, 2007 9:21:00 PM  

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