Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Newspaper Ad Against Financial Management

In the Pulaski Citizen of 15 January 2008 there were two very large ads opposing the Financial Management Act of 1981. These ads cost several hundred dollars and stated they were paid for by County Commissioner Edwin Lovell. Others mentioned were Paul Walker,Joe Henry, Corky Wakefield, Chris Edgmon, Ed Harsell, Bill Dunavant, Jack Woodard and Tommy Campbell. Have these ads influenced mind changes about the Financial Management Act?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people who have their names on this add smell like a bunch of democrats to me.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 11:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Friday, January 18, 2008 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make it sound like every time a purchase order is written it will be in the newspaper. Spending will not change. Money will be spent where it needs to be. If there is not money in a line item the budget will be amended. Those kind of things won't change. There is nothing illegal about the way money is spent now. If you peopel insist there is something illegal then prove it and get it over with. Just like the fine you cannot prove it so shush!

Friday, January 18, 2008 6:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fine actual happened........where have you been.

Friday, January 18, 2008 8:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It hasn't changed my mind, I was for it in 2006 and I'm voting for it again. I work for a very profitable business in the county and I've been approached by someone about voting against it. This person talked in circles about why we don't need the Act and he holds a position here in the county. His voice was literally shaking while urging me to vote against it. People please give it a chance, we can't be any worse off with it. Scott Stewart wrote an excellent article about it in today's paper, take a minute and read it. Then read those big ads that were run and see that they really don't make a lot of sense. We'll all regret it if we don't vote FOR the act.

Friday, January 18, 2008 2:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wonder if approving a fraudulent document make him an accomplice to fraud?

Friday, January 18, 2008 9:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So funny. How many times have I seen the newspaper criticized on here as being so biased yet now Scott Stewart and the paper are wonderful?

And Friday, January 18, 2008 12:01:00 AM, seems to me like the people involved in government would be the ones most to understand what the financial management act would mean, so their the ones I trust. I'm against the act and always will be.

Friday, January 18, 2008 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyone who works in government be for it when these folks are calling them crooks, liars and thieves. I don't blame them.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will definately vote FOR the Financial Act of 1981. It was the people's decision and I feel that it is a slap in the face to have Lovell and the others try to resend our wishes. Lovell, Woodard and Campbell have never gone along with the citizens of Giles County's wishes. They forget who put them in office. They think we are stupid.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the local newspaper, a couple of the whiners were really nailed in this week's letters to the editor.
Thank you, Barry Hight and Julie, for putting a couple of know-it-alls in their place. I especially liked the reference to Ohio. Good job!

Saturday, January 19, 2008 8:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every County and City needs watch dog groups. And it's more to this group than outsiders (as some refer), there are local longtime residents keeping watch also. It keeps Government Officials on their toes. Even employees.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 8:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody seems to be forgetting that the Finanacial Mangement is going for another vote. If the voters again say yes then that will be it. You all make it sound like putting it to another vote is not fair. Why not. Since there has been so much publicity this time more people should be aware of what is going on. Last time it was not this publicized and people had no idea what they were voting for. And don't say that people were not told the first time that they were signing the petition "to save the county money" because I was told that and I signed, stupid me for signing something without knowing why. Barry and Julie are perfect examples of people being called crooks and etc. You people have no idea what is going on in these government offices. You have the idea that just because Jackson has asked for money, which I don't agree with, that there is something fishy. The bookkeepers and other people in these offices are good people who are trying to do their job, feed their families, pay their taxes (the same ones everybody else pays) and just get on with the business of everyday life. If you have a problem with Jackson then find something concrete on him and get rid of him and stop trying to hurt other people.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the first referendum I felt I was well informed about financial management since Claudia Johnson had lots of articles in the paper about it. How soon we forget.

I also feel that Barry Hyatt and Julie Phillips would have been better off not writing anything. Julie's words were very elementary about telling someone to go back to where they came from. That was not very becoming for a county employee. Then I think Barry should not have been offering for a state auditor and the D.A. to have a meeting about his budget. How does Barry know they would be willing to come? I don't think they would. Don't get the idea I have anything against these two people because I don't. I just thing theyr ruined their image somewhat.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 6:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon Jan 18, 10:55 pm
You are wrong. When "newspaper" was criticized before it was directed againast the Lake family. I've never read of Scott Stewart being under the hammer. Leave off.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 6:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I think Julie did the right thing by suggesting to mr. know-it-all that Ohio is always a viable option for him.
I totally agree with the other anonymous (11: 12: am) who suggested that if the complainers have anything concrete on Mr. Jackson, they should turn over the evidence and get rid of him and stop trying to hurt other people who are just trying to do their jobs and live peacefully in this wonderful (not perfect) county. I have urged them on various occasions to do precisely that. Turn over the evidence and then butt out. And I am quite sure they would if they had anything concrete.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 8:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not always lived in Giles Conty but have always loved it here. Until the last two or three years it has been a quite peaceful place until the trouble makers reared their heads. I don't mind things being brought to light but the scene that the few have made made Giles County seem like a very contriversial place to live. The gentlemen seem to love making a public nuciance of themselves. The publicity they make reminds me of the publicity we had in the past of the KKK. Please stop the public interruptions. How do you think that anyone can have a public meeting when you are constantly interrupting business? The rules say after the meetings, leave it at that and let the commission and board have productive meetings.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 8:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The snakes are out sunning themselves! Watch out for traffic!

The road commission hasn't really been an issue. They have a real problem with oil sensitive inflation & apparently Mr. wheel tax got in there & stirred things up, unfortunately! It's said that Mr wheel tax passed off money for school bleachers again back in the budget committee meetings before Hyatt could get anything (SOS). I'm sure Lovell knew he couldn't produce on his wheel tax & the roads went home empty handed again, cause Jackson, as is always the case, left none for anyone else! Lovell put the screws to him them & now by sucking him into a public stand against accountability. To my knowledge, Hyatt never had a true problem of accountability or anything shady. It's the schools who are running this county in the ground, NOT ANYONE ELSE! That has to change & accountability is the only way!

Saturday, January 19, 2008 9:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Julie's letter in the paper showed her true colors. As a county employee she gets paid for everything she does for the county (on the job). There are a lot of unsung heros in Giles Co and I wouldnt mind betting David Ross is among them but what is does we dont hear about. As for suggesting he go back to Ohio, maybe Julie could hitch a ride and go visit her folks who also live there.

Then again someone wrote in about interruptions in meetings and about some rules. Do they really have a rule or wouldnt it be up to eacvh Committee chairman to decide how he runs his meetings. Besides that, what happen to free speech?

Sunday, January 20, 2008 8:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The highway department in years past under different supervisors has been guilty of doing many underhanded things such as paving private driveways of friends, paving roads only to friends houses, these things can not be disputed. It was because of such things that Barry Hyatt decided to run for highway superintendent and it was because of such things that he was elected by a vast majority of people. The vast majority of people in the county should be very pleased with how Mr. Hyatt has operated that department. I personally have been very impressed with Mr. Hyatt, his staff and the job he has done.
Now comes the issue of the Financial Management Act of 1981. What is the problem with the highway department and the Financial Management Act? I think it is two things one it is simply failing to look at the Act objectively. It is not about the highway department or any person there it is simply an accountability matter. Except for one minor book keeping problem, one caused by a lack of employees, the state audits have given them clean records. A short discussion with the Highway supervisors in Franklin and Lincoln Counties would reveal they are overwhelmingly pleased with the implementation of the Act. So, what is the problem? In Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Hyatt has a very valued right hand that he does not want to lose. Can’t fault him for that, but because she moves to another building doesn’t mean she will no longer tend to highway business it only means she can do it better. Are there folks that have personally benefited from the confused manner in which business was conducted under the old rules of accounting?
Absolutely, and that is why they are so opposed to the new system, but Mr. Hyatt is not among them and in fact the Highway Department has actually suffered under the old system. Consider the commissioner most opposed to the new accountability has been most directly involved with jerking the highway department around with unfulfilled promises. This Financial Management Act of 1981 is much too important to be decided on personalities. Please look at the facts in an objective manner then vote. Allen Barrett

Sunday, January 20, 2008 8:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are the folks who have personnally benefited from the old accounting rules?
How can Mrs. Phillips, a valuable employee, do a better job in the new office?
I agree that there should be a centralized accounting system....the state madates it, but why does it have to be the act of 1981?

Sunday, January 20, 2008 5:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 20 Jan 5:15 post.
You ask some legitimate questions. Those who have benefited are those who had their driveways and roads paved at no personal expense or at extreme discounts; those who channeled purchases to their friends and family instead of bidding out the purchase; those who spend money without receipts.
You ask, “How can Mrs. Phillips, a valuable employee, do a better job in the new office?” By having access to greater resources, being supervised by a CPA, having better clearer cut guidelines and by not having to deal with all aspects of money handling in violation of state auditor recommendations.
You state, “I agree that there should be a centralized accounting system....the state mandates it, but why does it have to be the act of 1981?” Primarily because the Act of 1981 was chosen by the people. There are other Acts and I would not be in disagreement with them. If the Act is undone what do we do? We can not go back to the old general accounting practices that caused so many problems before and more importantly GSBA must be implemented by the end of June this year, severe penalties will be imposed if it is not and it can’t be implemented under the old system. Allen Barrett

Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are looking for savings -consider yourself as a taxpayer or renter! Renters pay it in the rent charged.

The school board demanded a total of $6,111,736 in new property tax increases over the last 4 years. $1,261,047 passed for 2005 and the remaining $4,841,875 were narrowly defeated (all but the last one @$838,000). If you think any of them were necessary, dig out the state audit reports & check the favorability to budget, funds, etc. And be sure to look at the actual spending & revenue INCREASES!

That which will make you sick with that bit of information is peanuts compared to what is in the budget detail!

Mr Lovell fought for every one that came up for vote (last one died before a vote)

If they had passed, your taxes would have increased almost 5 times more than the 2005 increase!

If you don't get out and vote yes for financial management, we all will need second & third jobs to pay the taxes Mr. Lovell & his followers have in store for us!


Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about accountability..

Citizens don't have to worry about Barry losing Julie to the finance office. He hired a full time employee to send to that office. Wonder if Julie's salary will change with her new job description of receptionist. With the accounting taken out of this office all that is left is answering the phone. The "life long friend" thing should not mandate the same big salary for "Julie the receptionist".

Another reason Barry doesn't want the financial management to stay is his open purse for puchasing supervisor's new trucks (when these could be bought used from state surplus at considerable less cost)and doing unneeded office and shop renovation. I didn't know that the road department office and shop needs to be that "pretty".
How many more roads could be paved with the excessive spending.

Check to see what kind of salary increases for the "choice" few have been given since Barry went in office. Ask for his payroll records for supervisors and office staff.

No wonder he is fighting so hard with fear and intimidation to the county employees and the general public. Maybe this answers these questions.

Monday, January 21, 2008 9:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that Mr. Hyatt can justify hiring a employee so Julie Phillips will not have to go to the financial management office. This in itself shows the need for the office of "MANAGEMENT OF COUNTY TAX DOLLARS".

If Mrs. Phillips did not want to go to the new location for her position, she should go to the house. This is no differenct than if my company decides to relocate and offers me a job at another location or go home. I have to make a choice, not create another choice at the taxpayers expense.

It's not like she is having to go to "OHIO", as she made the suggestion that she has the right to say who lives in Giles County and who doesn't. Last time I looked we all have the right to live where we want and to voice our opinion about wrongdoing in government. Maybe she is so high and mighty that she has these rights. Just call her Princess Julie.

Monday, January 21, 2008 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You DID the right thing, so don't let this little band of know-it-alls intimidate you. That's part of their plan. They also want to be "in charge", and let's pray that doesn't happens.
I've said it myself many times. If one isn't happy here, he or she should move. It's not a question of one has a right to live here; that's a given and moot point.

Monday, January 21, 2008 2:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Monday, January 21, 2008 3:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comments like your reading here and in the Giles Free Press just go with being a county employee. Remember when Kathy Johns was talked about cause she made good money and pretty much made all the decisions at the hwy. dept. I don't think a county official or a county employee should be writing letters to the editor even when they are be criticized. Don't stoop to their level. When you answer it says it got to you.
That just goes with being a public servant. You have to take it or get out.

Monday, January 21, 2008 7:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have went back and read every comment on this site. I cannot find any slur made about Mrs. Phillip's family. The only comment I find is that she has some family that lives in Ohio. I do not have a problem with the fact that she makes good money in her job..but her job is now in the Suntrust Building with Mr. Garner in the financial management office. I do not feel that a extra employee should be hired because Mrs. Phillips doesn't "want" to relocate with her job. I feel that Mr. Hyatt is wrong to continue to "protect" her. What I am trying to figure out is why she would not want to move to the finance office if she is soooooo dedicated to Giles County and it's citizens. To me, it seems that it would be a good job that most people would love to have. I know I would. The only thing that it could be that she doesn't want to work under Mrs. Garner...again like the previous writer said if she chooses not to go she should be asked to either resign or take a reduction in pay. I know that there are other receptionist that have worked in private industry for 18 years that do not make what Mrs. Phillips makes. She will no longer hold the title of bookkeeper and I do not feel she should be paid for doing a job that she no longer does. This is in no way a slur to Mrs.Phillips or her ability to do the is the fact that "she has made the choice" to no longer do the job because Mr. Hyatt hired someone to replace her..and she is now just the receptionist. If this is not true what exactly is her new job description. I would really like to know.

I don't feel Mrs Phillips is entitled to some sort of special treatment because she has worked for the highway department for 18 years. I believe she has been paid well and has had every benefit that we as the citizens of Giles County proved for the dedicated people who work to better our County's road system. She should be paid for the job that she is doing not for the job that she did.

I would like for Mr. Hyatt or Mrs. Phillips to explain to the citizens whose tax dollars pay their salaries..Why another bookkeeper was hired to go to the finance office in Mrs. Phillip's place. I think if they want to be accountable and respected that is a question that needs to be answered.

Monday, January 21, 2008 7:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous 7:24. This kind of comments and slurs do not need to be answered. Julie nor Kathy deserved to be criticized for doing their job.

I disagree with the comment that you made that Kathy made all the decisions at the highway department. I think that Pete, Kathy, Julie, all did and Julie continues to do the best job that they could with all of the negativity that they had to contend with.

Pete retired and Kathy has moved into the private sector. I wish them both the best and hope that Julie will not let this deter her from continuing to care about her job and the people that she works for.

Be smart Julie do not answer this negativity. It just fuels the fire.

Monday, January 21, 2008 8:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Julie isn't happy with doing her job at the financial management office she should change jobs.

That works well in answer to the comment made by anonymous Monday January 21. Oh, but that was if someone moves to Giles County, and doesn't appreciate the fact that tax dollar are being wasted not if Mrs. Phillip doesn't get to mandate where she does her job. Without the people moving into Giles County we would not have a tax revenue to support her salary or the other benefits that are provided.

Let's get to accountability, that is the real issue here.

Monday, January 21, 2008 8:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

since bookkeeping is only part of mrs phillips job, maybe the bookkeeping could be absorbed in the financial management office without hiring another employee.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 1:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The employee has already been hired without regard to the county or how the new employee's salary is funded. It was done almost like a slap in the face to the citizens of Giles County.

What is the other part of Mrs. Phillip's job? I would like to hear from others what they think should be done to compensate the county for Julie demotion of self. Do you think she should continue to be paid a bookkeepers salary??? I believe she makes more than most county employees with the same amount of service.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't let this little group of complainers discourage you. It's just a shame they can't seem to find anything good and decent in Giles County other than themselves!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BY asking for answers as to how my tax dollars are spent...I do not see this as being a group of complainers...Do you want to be overcharged for services or paying excessive wages that are unnecessary. Maybe if some of this excessive fat was cut out of the county budgets our tax rate could be lowered.

I am sure that Mrs. Phillips did a good job as the bookkeeper for the highway department...but she is no longer in that capacity. I do not have a problem with Mrs. Phillips personally. This is just "good business" if you eliminate a job from a budget line item and change job descriptions for an employee to a lesser responsibility job the base salary should change.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think Julie should be able to keep the same salary if she isnt doing the same job-I was approached by Barry Hyatt about the Financial act and he is totally against it-I am very dissappointed in him bc he hired another employee to go to Suntrust so Julie wouldnt have to and as far as I know, this job wasnt advertised-Im looking for a change and that is my field so I feel like if it was advertised somewhere I would have seen it. I have thought for the most part Barry was doing a good job and I overlooked the fact that he has one of his son in laws and one of his brother in laws (who is about close to....well lets just say close to a little lazy) bc he has that choice to do so but the hiring of someone else to keep Julie at the Hwy building and not advertise it wasnt right.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 1:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Nepotism is alive and well at the Highway Department.

As far as the "created position of bookkeeper..
You don't advertise something if you are trying to cover it up...
The person who was hired by Barry is Stoney Jackson's (Minor Hill Commissioner and Road Committee Member) daughter-in-law. The person who is running for the Assessor of Property job.

Come on Barry ... we can all see through the smoke screen.

Do what is right...send Julie to the courthouse to do the job that she is being paid for? Stop babying her and let her do her job.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry...Sometimes what we do has a way of coming back and biting us in the butt.

I know you to be a good are letting your loyalty to someone else cost you your integrity.

I agree Barry .."it's time to do what you should have done to begin with.."Let her go".

This will cost you in the long run. You are a good road superintendent but this kind of disregard for taxpayers dollars and the respect of the voters is not what we want to see from you.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK some things aren't right here. Jenny Myers is no longer Stoney Jackson's daughter in law she hasn't been a member of his family in a long, long time. She has been married twice since she was married to Stoney's son, Preston. People come on get your facts right. I'm all for this blogger and enjoy reading some parts but stick to facts please. By the way, I do hope Julie is going to the Finance office and not staying at the Highway Dept. I have talked to Barry too and I know he is against the plan but can't give a justifiable reason why.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the connection between Barry and Julie? I know Julie's husband, Kyle, and Barry were business partners. But I just don't understand why the move is such a big issue for Julie or for Barry. It is my understanding that she would be doing the same job for the same pay, just under new supervision and at a different location.

If I get moved from one department to another at my place of employment, it would mean a change in supervisors for me...but if I want to keep my job ...that is what I will have to do.

Her primary employer is the citizns of Giles County. Our tax dollars pay her salary and benefits.

Come on grow up.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I implore the county commission to not fund the line item for Julie's bookkeeper salary when Barry hands in his budget in April. This budget will come to a vote of the county commissioners. If you fund this line item in the finance budget and then again in the highway budget...the burden is on you and Barry Hyatt.

How did Barry and Julie get this extra salary pass you in last years budget or did they do it through a amendment. Either way "Commissioners open your eyes. You can do Barry's budget for him but you can cut line items that you do not approve of.

I don't blame Julie...I blame the ones that are turning a blind eye to the injustice of this situation. All Julie is doing is Floating On a Soft Cloud behind Barry. Who doesn't want to be coddled and taken care of??? Must be nice..Seems kinda inappropriate to me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like something very sinister has once again reared its ugly head in Giles County. What an atrocious place to live! It's being run by crooks, liars, and various other evil people. And the voting populace here is either too ignorant or naive to vote in those "smarter" people who know best what people should think and how they should act. Perhaps we should all move to, say, Ohio?
Oh, what would we do with ourselves if we didn't have something to whine and complain about?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 5:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry, please tell me and everyone in giles county that you did not hire a new employee at over $30,000 salary just so Julie would not have to go to the finance department. I am so disappointed in you. I thought you would be different and take care of our tax money.

It has been said previously that you won your election overwhelmingly. It did not state that you were the only person on the ballot for road superintendent. You better hope that you do not have any opposition this time...I think we are seeing the light through those clouds that Julie is riding on..

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks, we're running backwards - Julie isn't the issue at this stage of the game. Add TJ, Norman, & the majority of the school board to the Lovell 9 & you have ID'd a problem with millions attached to it! FOCUS on making sure the financial management passes! Then focus of getting rid of those who are working against Giles County!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree..Julie is a factor as is Barry. All part of the cycle of disregard for what is right.

I have been told by highway employees that Barry Hyatt, Steve Kelly, and Julie all used fear and intimidation of the employee's job to force them to sign the petition and were made to take the petition to the public and solicite signature or else............I believe there are laws against this kind of harassment of employees.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is true...I am one of the highway department employee that was harassed and I felt my job was in jeopardy. I don't think these kind of petitions should be done in a place of employment,,,especially in government.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not know that Barry hired Jenny Myers as the extra employee until I read it on this blog-Now I am even more disappointed in him. She is a nice person and from what I understand does go to work every day BUT I still do no think it is right she was hired without the job being posted. Mrs. Myers has some personal, legal issues with her current husband. Serious issues that I think could divert her attention from a new job. As far as her being Stoney's daughter in law, she may not be married to Preston but she will always be their daughter in law-She is the mother of two of their grandchildren and the Jacksons at times have treated her better than their own son. His own fault, yes, but nonetheless. The issues she has with her current husband happened at HER home, the home she had before she married him and to be quite honest, I cant believe she allowed it go on at her house...with her children so accessable. Folks have said she didnt know....I dont believe that. Another thing I cant believe is her 2nd husband hasnt tried to get their son. My whole point is 1) It was very wrong of Barry to hire someone without posting the job, 2)It was wrong of Barry to bow down to Julie about not going to SunTrust to do her job 3)If Julie didnt want to go to SunTrust, it was wrong of Barry not to send her to the house. Barry, Julie and Jenny are all nice people...who I think have made some questionable choices.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean that wab will be launching an investigation into her home life now? I'm wondering who or what he might be able to "expose".
I had always had the understanding that it is nobody's business what goes on in other people's homes. Is that no longer true?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To January 23, 2008 11:54:00 AM
You talk about WAB, but stop and take a look at your self. You love to whine. Haven't you ever heard the more you stir something the more it stinks.

Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. Then the pot calls the kettle black, that's this blog.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wab don't have to investigate the myers family it's been a open book in the papers and on the radio for a long time now. I agree what goes on in a persons house should be their business but when it's a meth lab in the house next door I sure want to know. Cleanup of a meth house is like some kind of outer space movie with them men in white suits from head to toe. That stuff is dangerous to a whole neighborhood not just the house it's in.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what 9:36am is trying to say is Mrs. Myers has alot going on at home and it could cause her to have worries that stay with her day and night which could possibly divert her attention. She would not be the first person that has happened to. From what I understand, she is a very sweet person who has gotten caught in a bad position.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 2:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no way that anyone in the age group of Jenny Myers does not know about the Myer Twins. They have been involved in illegal situations since they were teenagers. Everything from stealing tractors and four wheelers to manufacturing and dealing drugs.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 5:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it a shame that all we can do right now is be disappointed and ashamed of Barry Hyatt's disregard for Giles County Citizens and their hard earned tax dollars when he hired a employee just so Julie could do what she wanted. NOT GO TO FINANCE OFFICE.

Barry is up for election this year. If someone is interested in running for the road superitendent's office but were hesitant because it is Barry's first term...I think after all this that you would have a pretty good shot along with alot of support and probably quite a bit of financial support for your campaign. I know I will be there for you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good but inappropriate analogy you made about the pot calling the ketle black. I only make assumptions about your hero based on his proven track record of troublemaking. However, I would tend to agree with you that the more you stir something, the worse it gets. You see, I've about reached that conclusion with regard to your hero. The more I (and others) chastise him for his behavior, the worse he gets.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all of this is half-way true then dont we need to ask Where is our faithful loyal and true District Attorney ? Didnt he swear an oath to protect citizens and the laws ? WHY do we never hear of him being involved in any investigations of the blatant white-collar crime that is so much around us in Giles County ? Is he too busy attending dinners and accepting awards for 'keeping a cap on crime ' or some other BS ?? Maybe it's time for some pro-se lawsuit filings by private citizens who can prove they were harrassed ? All it takes is to fill in the paperwork at the courthouse then go explain the story to the judge ..

Big Spaniel

Thursday, January 24, 2008 9:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How in the world can an ex president of a college (if true) back a plan to eliminate financial control, information, or facts? Sounds opposite the basic precepts of education! Is there no basis of ethics or truth left in education? Does Mr Harsel have any idea of what he is endorsing? A boat load of captains with no oars, no sail, no compass, no provisions, tooling down the St. Lawyer~ance to see where the roaring noise is. These people need to go down with their ship - it's tradition!

Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DA and the judge are having supper with the fox. The DA gets re elected, the judges don't get arrested and the fox gets the run of the henhouse. Seems like a good deal for all but the hens.

Friday, January 25, 2008 9:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harsel already showed which side of ethical he stood on when he was on the school board and pulled the bus bid rigging deal with buddy foster. That could never have happened if financial manangement had been in effect.

Friday, January 25, 2008 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the hiring of a new person to take Julie's place mean more money to be spent in Financial Management? If so is this why a new person was hired to make the Financial Management look bad?.

Friday, January 25, 2008 3:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why? is my questions.

Why are these people fighting so hard to stop something that they haven't even gave a chance to see if it will work? I just don't understand why they are so adament that they have brought this back up after it has been voted on and put into place. Give Mrs. Garner and her new staff a chance. If she or the finance office fails or some of these concerns rear their ugly head, that is the time to act to vote to repel this act.

Why is Barry Hyatt so adament about this issue? He has already cost the taxpayers money himself by hiring someone to take Julie Phillip's place in the finance department? Someone needs to check out Barry expenditures for new trucks, renovation to the building and yard at the Highway Deparment, and over escalated salaries that his "good old boys and one gal" are receiving. I don't think that Mrs. Garner would rubber stamp some of these expenditures. Yes, Mr. Hyatt has a line item budget which he can spend the money out of and then amend the line items. After the money is spent...what exactly can the commission do.

How did Barry get that extra salary for Mrs. Myers who he sent to the finance office in Mrs. Phillip's place? Was that line item overinflated to begin with or did he amend the budget??

I believe that we should give Mrs.Garner our support...She has a big job ahead of her to try to change the corruption that has been going on in county government for so long...remember that this kind of corruption cost the citizens of Giles County their hard earned salary that they have to pay for taxes.

With inflation and recession nipping at out hill, it is very important to me for their to be some kind of accountability for our tax dollars. I need the money that I make to support my family. Not to support the whims of these county officials who like the best of everything...which is what cost Mr. Hyatt and his partners their Trucking Company.

Again, Please vote for the financial management office, give Mrs. Garner a chance. We do not need any more of our tax dollars going to misuse of funds.

Friday, January 25, 2008 3:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone stopped to think that the bookkeepers who go to the bank also do secretarial duties and someone will have to be hired to do those things. That sounds like extra expense to me.

And by the way it is Dr. Hartselle not Mr.

Friday, January 25, 2008 5:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The highway department has a secretary (Kathy Young)in the garage that answers the phone for the mechanics that could be moved to the front office to handle the secretary position if Julie would have been made to go to the bank. So yes the position that was created for Mrs. Myers is a extra position and an extra cost to fund her salary. This employee was not hired to make the financial management office look bad...this was done because Julie didn't want to go. One reason she didn't want to go is that she only works 4 days a week. In her new position in the finance office she would have to work 5. No more fridays off. Boo Hoo!!

And as far as it being Dr. Hartselle and not Mr...if you or Mr. Harselle thinks that putting that title in front of his name is impressive to anyone it is not. He is just a man not a genius because he puts that title to his name. He is no more qualified to tell me how my hard earned dollars are spent than anyone else. Have you ever heard the saying "He has lots of book smarts but not much walking around smarts." Yes he has money, and yes he has the big retirement, maybe he has extra money to throw away in wasted and misuse of tax dollars..I don't.

I will have to say that I thought that Edwin Lovell was a better man than he is. I am very disappointed in you, Mr. Lovell, I thought you understood how the working, middle income citizens feel.

o make decisions

Besides I do not think that

Friday, January 25, 2008 5:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know if Hartsell's "Dr" is earned or honorary?

Lovell proved himself today as not being a truthful person. Caught himself out in many lies.

I personally think Lovell & Hartsell's broadcast this morning hurt them more than making them look good.

Friday, January 25, 2008 6:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree...they sounded like drowning men trying to come up for air. It's hard to make positive statements about lies and fear tactics.

The "Dr" whether earned or honorary means little to the person who has to support his family and needs every dollar he makes to do it.

I work hard in a factory. It takes everything my wife and I make to take care of our family. I want someone to make sure that my tax money is being spent wisely. Maybe then we will see less taxes. I bet "Mr.-Dr." Hartselle has never had to worry how he was going to pay rent, electric, or buy food for his family from week to week. Let him and Mr. Lovell walk in my shoes, they might want to let this financial management have a chance.

Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he was Doctor Hartsell looks like he would do a medical procedure and remove his head for T. Jackson's butt.
Hartsell sucked a very high salary out of the education system(imagine that) He helped stick it to the teachers when he was on the school board now he wants to stick it to evryone else.
Edward Lovell has shown what he's made of and it stinks he has lost what little credibility he once had.

Friday, January 25, 2008 7:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, for the little group of malcontents, let me just say this in defense of Dr. Hartsell. I know Dr.and Mrs. personally, and I have to say that your smearing of his good name is totally uncalled for. Just because he doesn't go along with what you think makes him an evil person? Hardly so! You people can't seem to be satisfied with anything. Have you noticed the letters to the editor in this week's papers? I agree to a yes vote for the act, BUT I see no ned in the mud-slinging simply because not everyone agrees with it. After all, isn't that the democratic process? Do we all have to necessarily agree on everything. And, should those who disagree be characterized as dishonest and evil men? That flies in the face of democracy!

Friday, January 25, 2008 8:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

January 21, 72400 PM

You said..."Comments like your reading here and in the Giles Free Press just go with being a county employee."

Where is it written that it is the people's right to defame someone just because they are a county employee? What law states that? Yes, being a government employee means that you do have to follow rigid standards, but it doesn't mean that people have the right to print ugly things about you just because they want to or don't like you or the way you handle things.

What's wrong with you people??!!? I don't even know most of the people that are being slurred, but I think it is an atrocity that some people have come to think that they have the RIGHT to defame people because their views or opinions are different. It is not a right - you people just decided to make it that way so you could feel better about what you are doing to these people. If something illegal is being done, then press charges and go through the proper channels. You can take action that will find its way into the news if something wrong is being done. It's fine to disagree and THINK what you want, but it isn't right to slander people just because this blog provides a place for you to do it.

Those of you who write such things on here are far worse than what you accuse other people of doing. Some of you say you have proof of wrongdoings. Well if you do, then DO something about it instead of writing about it. Nothing, no matter how you try to rationalize it, gives you the right to print nasty comments about other people. Not only is it pure viciousness, it's far worse than what you accuse others of doing.

A wise person once told me that if, when speaking to someone in public or in front of others, they make an error in their speech, it is worse for you to correct them and embarrass them in front of others than for the person to have made the mistake in the first place. That's just trying to make yourself feel superior. There's no difference in that and what you people are doing.

What does writing this stuff on here accomplish? Absolutely nothing good, just making yourself feel superior by putting someone else down. If you want something changed, quit harping about it and follow the proper channels and do something about it. You don't have to talk about it to do that.

Nothing, NOTHING, gives you people the right to treat others this way. Just because you can write something on this blog doesn't mean it is right to do so, and it never will.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 2:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen 2:53. I have said the same thing.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 5:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will second that amen! This is precisely what I have been telling these people for a long time. But they continue attacking, name-calling, and portraying themselves as the elite few who are smarter than we are and who have ALL the answers. They go after the ones they dislike and "suggest" their ignorance, dishonesty, lack of understanding, etc. And any person who is half alert knows the very individual who really started all this mess.
I have also urged them to take their "proof" to the proper authorities and then butt out. That's the legal way of doing things. But no, they seem to enjoy the smearing and name-calling. I recall a time when one of them "suggested" that Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Norman had some sort of inappropriate relationship. I've seen them drag Roger Reedy's name through the mud. They have attacked Mrs. Vanzant beyond disgrace. These are just a few of the victims.
So, to you I say thanks for being just another ignoramous like myself who will NOT sit still and allow them to do this without being challenged!

Saturday, January 26, 2008 9:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only people I saw identify anyone specifically and call them names and say bad things about was the two letters from the highway department employees.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 9:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American Consitution gives every U.S. citizen the right to voice thei opinion..some of us use this blog, others use the radio station and huge newspaper advertisements.

If Dr. Hartselle was involved in the bus bid rigging, I think he should not be involved in any decision makeing process for Giles County than his one vote at the polls that he is entitled to. Dr. Hartselle please do not think that we as citizens are so stupid as to take your opinion into account when it comes to taking care of our tax dollars.

As far as Mr. Hyatt and the new employee that he hired to take Mrs. Phillips place, I feel that he thought he could pull one over the people of Giles County and someone has called him on it. I have looked into it and what this blog has said is the truth concerning Mr. Hyatt and Mrs. Phillips. Previously it has been askked of Mr. Hyatt to explain his actions, I would like to ask him again to explain to all of us if he had a legitimate reason besides the protection of his "life long friend" and her "I don't eant to go attitude." I would also ask Mr. Hyatt if he intends to cut her salary according to her (as previous state) "demotion of self to receptionist or secretary".

I feel like if this was above board Mr. Hyatt would have advertised the position or just changed Mrs. Phillip's job description and let Mrs. Garner hire someone to come to the finance office. There was certainly a sense of "deception and sneakiness involved". An employee at the highway department told me that Mr. Hyatt, Mr. Kelly (assistant road supt.) and Mrs. Phillips have made jokes about what they did and think that they pulled something over on the citizens of Giles County.

This same employee told me that he was intimidated by Mr. Hyatt and Mr. Kelly to sign the petition with fear of loss of his job. He also said that he was not the only employee that was made to feel that way. Is there not laws to protect employees from intimidation and harassment on the job by their employers???

Saturday, January 26, 2008 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American Consitution gives every U.S. citizen the right to voice their opinion..some of us use this blog, others use the radio station and huge newspaper advertisements.

If Dr. Hartselle was involved in the bus bid rigging, I think he should not be involved in any decision making process for Giles County than his one vote at the polls that he is entitled to. Dr. Hartselle please do not think that we as citizens are so stupid as to take your opinion into account when it comes to taking care of our tax dollars. Obviously, you didn't have savings for the county when you were making decision about purchases for the school system.

As far as Mr. Hyatt and the new employee that he hired to take Mrs. Phillips place, I feel that he thought he could pull one over the people of Giles County and someone has called him on it. I have looked into it and what this blog has said is the truth concerning Mr. Hyatt and Mrs. Phillips. Previously it has been asked of Mr. Hyatt to explain his actions, I would like to ask him again to explain to all of us if he had a legitimate reason besides the protection of his "life long friend" and her "I don't eant to go attitude." I would also ask Mr. Hyatt if he intends to cut her salary according to her (as previous state) "demotion of self to receptionist or secretary".

I feel like if this was above board Mr. Hyatt would have advertised the position or just changed Mrs. Phillip's job description and let Mrs. Garner hire someone to come to the finance office. There was certainly a sense of "deception and sneakiness involved".

An employee at the highway department told me that Mr. Hyatt, Mr. Kelly (assistant road supt.) and Mrs. Phillips have made jokes about what they did and think that they pulled something over on the citizens of Giles County.

This same employee told me that he was intimidated by Mr. Hyatt and Mr. Kelly to sign the petition with fear of loss of his job. He also said that he was not the only employee that was made to feel that way. Is there not laws to protect employees from intimidation and harassment on the job by their employers???

Saturday, January 26, 2008 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the U.S. Constitution guarantees us the right to voice our opinion. But do you honestly think the intent is to call names and try to belittle those who do not see eye-to-eye with you?

Saturday, January 26, 2008 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a matter that goes right to the pocketbook of every citizen in Giles County. It’s not about calling people names that disagree with you it’s about looking at the simple facts in the matter. Those who published some very large and expensive newspaper ads in opposition to the Financial Management Act presented a case that was filled with misleading information and plain untrue statements. On the radio it was just another mumbled attempt to make unsupportable things true. I personally, in a letter to the editor, addressed each item in their newspaper ad. Other citizens have written exposing the untruths in those ads. The newspaper editor wrote a very clear factual article that exposed the truth about the Act. Commissioners have made public statements in support of the Act. Mr. Lovell stated on the radio that it would cost over $300,000.00 a year to have the Financial Management Act in place. Folks, there is not one bit of evidence to support such a statement thus it is simply not true and challenge anyone to give proof that it is.
I agree that a person should be able to disagree and discuss all matters without fear of retribution or being called names. I also believe that when a person willfully tells something they know to be untrue, and refuses to withdraw it when confronted with proof to its wrongness, that person is a liar, not because they disagreed but because they have simply proven themselves to be liars. A pumpkin may be part of the squash family but I don’t decorate a crook neck for Halloween. The lack of plain talk is what causes so much confusion and misunderstanding. Allen Barrett

Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:51 says

All I want is answers to the questions that citizens deserve answers to.

Do you honestly believe that what Barry Hyatt has done for Julie and against his employees is fair treatment?

I do not know all of the specifics of what happened at the school system, but I do know that there was some sort of mismanagement that involved Mr. Hartselle.

I would love to hear from Mr. Hyatt and Mr. Hartselle as to their side? I don't think we will hear from them and to me that says they have something to hide.

If Mr. Hartselle wanted out of County politics and chose to resign for that reason, why is he so involved in this fight against financial management? Is he still fighting for some kind of control? Or protecting his investment in Mr. Jackson?

Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:51 says

All I want is answers to the questions that citizens deserve answers to.

Do you honestly believe that what Barry Hyatt has done for Julie and against his employees is fair treatment?

I do not know all of the specifics of what happened at the school system, but I do know that there was some sort of mismanagement that involved Mr. Hartselle.

I would love to hear from Mr. Hyatt and Mr. Hartselle as to their side? I don't think we will hear from them and to me that says they have something to hide.

If Mr. Hartselle wanted out of County politics and chose to resign for that reason, why is he so involved in this fight against financial management? Is he still fighting for some kind of control? Or protecting his investment in Mr. Jackson?

Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's not about calling people names who disagree with you, then why do you persist in doing so?
Those who published large and expensive ads in the newspaper have just as much right to voice their opposition to the act as you do in promoting it. By the way, before you accuse me of being one of them, let me just say that I voted in favor of the act.
As for those recently submitting letters to the editor in favor of the act, aren't most of them among your strongest allies? Of course they are.
You mentioned that some people will not withdraw erroneous statements even when presented with proof. In other words, they will not apologize. You were asked a few days ago to apologize for some of your reckless behavior and, to date, I haven't seen your apology. So let's compare apples to apples and not pumpkins to squash. Asinine.
You say the lack of plain talk is what causes so much confusion and misunderstanding. I would agree with you to a point. However, I believe the lack of tolerance for those who disagree with you and the constant harping on how almost everyone in county government is either a liar or a crook can be just as harmful in that respect. Furthermore, it has caused a fundamental distrust in local government which was never there before. Oh, but that was because you and a select few have been busy "exposing" all those evil people. I personally know most of these folks who have been crucified, and I will say what people like you have been doing to them and to their families is wrong! Worse yet, it's shameful.
I hope I have covered and addressed each item in your above post.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 3:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You asked for answers to certain questions. Let me try to answer them from a different perspective than yours.
What on earth has Mr. Hyatt done that you consider so wrong? If he has broken the law, turn him in and then allow the legal system to take it from there. The same suggestion would be appropriate in the case of Dr. Hartsell.
Now, as for your not expecting to hear a rebuttal from these men, I would agree with you. Most would not stoop to the level of trying to match wits with those of your persuasion. Why is that? It's because, no matter what they say, you people will twist and spin anything they might offer in defense of themselves. So don't look for a reply from them. Do you ever wonder why people like Roger Reedy, Mr. Jackson, Mrs. Vanzant, Mrs. Norman, and others never try to defend themselves on this blog? I think you understand why they don't get involved in a game they cannot win. They have a little more class and professionalism to play your game. Irritating, isn't it?
Dr. Hartsell has just as much right to be against the act as you do to be for it. We have constitutional rights, don't we? Or do they only apply to those who agree with you? Ah, but there's something sinister with Dr. Hartsell's convictions. According to you, he's either trying to hide something or protect someone. Do you trust anybody?

Saturday, January 26, 2008 3:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right...Mr. Hyatt has done nothing that is illegal, the only thing that he is guilty of is not keeping the best interest of the people who elected him and expected that he would do all he could to make sure that there wasn't any waste or mismanagement of the tax dollars that went into his budget.

He is also very guilty of intimidation of his employees. When there are scare tactics used to provoke employees to sign a petition it is very wrong. I cannot believe that you can't see this. It is called harassment. If it was done to you in your workplace..what would you call it?

Why do you defend him so adamently...I am only asking for answers to questions that if there is no wrongdoing they should be easy for him to answer!!

I can promise that if he will provide the citizens with just cause, and do what is right about changing Mrs. Phillips salary, I will have no comment about this issue. If you change jobs that has less responsibility would your salary not change? Can you tell me why Mrs. Phillips was not asked to go to the financial management office. If you will read the 1981 it states that the bookkeeper from the highway will report to the finance department. When the citizens of Giles County voted this act in Mr. Phillips was the bookkeeper at the highway department. That is what taxpayers of Giles County expected to happen. Why do you not see this as what it is?

Saturday, January 26, 2008 5:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree..if the purpose of saving taxpayers dollars and utilizing the funds that are put in Mr. Hyatt's budget is important to can he justify hiring Mr. Myers. This was an extra expense to the county that was not needed. He had a bookkeeper to send to the finance office. He also had someone in place to move into the secretary position. There was no need to waste taxpayers money. This is not name calling or slander to Mr. Hyatt or Mrs. Phillips. This is just Good Business.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before you jump on my spelling...I realize I left the "s" off of Mrs. Myers' name..I apologize. It was a typo.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is Mr. Hyatt's department to run..He can make the decisions as to how his budget is spent.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have just hit the nail on the head as to why we need financial management.

When elected officials are more interested in an employees (Julie Phillips)whims and wants than saving the tax dollars that are put into their budget by the citizens of Giles County hard earned dollars there is definintely something wrong.

Another question that has been asked is "why do Mr. Hyatt and his "good ole boys" have to drive brand new trucks? There is a place in Nashville that they can purchase good used trucks at state prices. The trucks probably won't have all the bells and whistles that Barry is use to, but is up to the citizens to provide luxury work trucks. Wasteful!! Not Barry's personal money but taxpayers money.

Ask questions or better yet keep Mrs. Garner in the financial management office so she can manage spending in all county departments.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 3:59..

So if the people you are addressing as "a certain persuasion" in a negative way are so bad. What exactly does that make you. I can see little difference in the name calling and slanderous remarks that you make and their.

If you feel so "repulsed" by the comments made on this blog, why do you log on???

Are you as sick as the people that you call names ???

Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What everybody seems to be missing is that Financial Mangement won't stop the head of a department from spending money. Mr. Hyatt can buy the same trucks with Finanacial Management that he does now. And by the way you might complement the school system for buying the trucks from Nashville instead of new ones. Nobody wants to give them credit for anything else.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do commend the schools for buying trucks from State Surplus. I think that is what needs to happen.

You are wrong about Mr. Hyatt being able to continue to buy what and from whom he wishes. There will be a purchasing policy in place that all expenditures above $5,000 will have to go through the finance department. In fact..the finance office will be responsible for issuing P.O.'s for all expenditures purchased at the highway department. That should defer Mr. Hyatt from some of his Luxury Spending. Someone need to keep him from breaking his department and the county like he did his trucking company. I hear that bankruptcy was nipping at his and his partnets heals. And now he a mulitple million dollar budget to blow.

If you do not believe me...ask Barry for a list of trucks, equipment, and money spend on shop and propety since he took office. You don't have to believe me...his books are open to the citizens to look at.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 26 Jan 3:39 post. It has become obvious that I need to write in Braille since you have allowed your personal hatred toward me to blind you to all reason. You stated, “...If it's not about calling people names who disagree with you, then why do you persist in doing so? No where will you find that I have called anyone a name simply because they disagreed with me. As Roger Miller wrote “Don’t we all have the right to be wrong now and then?” Just because a person disagrees with me doesn’t make them wrong necessarily. You have referred to me calling Commissioner Roger Reedy a liar then when you were called on it you finally admitted that you had just thrown out his name with no consideration as to whether it was true or not. I will use him as an example and include Commissioners Holt, Pollard, Hughes, Harwell, Wilburn and some others, each could tell you the same thing. I have had disagreements with each of them, we each have expressed our opinions in a civil manner stating how we believed the other was wrong, sometimes we have come to agreements and sometimes we have not but we have listened and treated each other with respect. While we haven’t gone out to dinner I consider them friends and respect their desire to do what’s best for the whole county.
You stated, “Those who published large and expensive ads in the newspaper have just as much right to voice their opposition to the act as you do in promoting it”. I never said they didn’t. I would be the last person in the line to say a person didn’t have the right to speak as they choose. I defended that right as a soldier and have fought for that right here in the county. I appreciate that you voted for the Financial Management Act of 1981 it will benefit the whole county.
You stated, “As for those recently submitting letters to the editor in favor of the act, aren't most of them among your strongest allies? Of course they are”. I don’t understand why you bother asking me a question then answering for me. I wouldn’t really mind it but you keep giving the wrong answers. Most of those writing letters in the past three papers I am familiar with their names but can’t say I really know them. Some I consider friends. Surely you’re not now criticizing them for writing letters after defending the right of others to put in paid ads? Perhaps you believe the Constitution applies only to certain people?
You stated, “You mentioned that some people will not withdraw erroneous statements even when presented with proof. In other words, they will not apologize. You were asked a few days ago to apologize for some of your reckless behavior and, to date, I haven't seen your apology”. It’s not just about apologizing for errors it’s about renouncing statements that are proven to be false. If you go back through this blog you will see several entries where I apologized for different things when I was wrong. One of the reasons I post my name is just so there can be no mistakes who did the posting if someone takes exception to what I have written.
You stated, “I believe the lack of tolerance for those who disagree with you and the constant harping on how almost everyone in county government is either a liar or a crook can be just as harmful in that respect.” First of all I am not intolerant of those who disagree with me only those who refuse to consider anything but their thoughts and seek to shut up all who oppose them. As I said before there are several who can tell you I give respect when I am given respect and it has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing. I have never said almost everyone in county government or even city government is a liar or a crook. Yes there are some who will lie at the drop of a hat and there are some that are very much crooks but as I have said on many occasions most are hard working honest people just trying to make a living and have a real concern for the people of this county.
You stated, “it has caused a fundamental distrust in local government which was never there before.” Just because I have helped expose some of the bad parts of the county and talked about some of the misdeeds taking place doesn’t mean there wasn’t any mistrust of some officials before I got here. Truth is people are just less afraid, more fed up and have more opportunity to discuss it now.
You stated, “I personally know most of these folks who have been crucified, and I will say what people like you have been doing to them and to their families is wrong! Worse yet, it's shameful”. If by telling what some officials have been up to has brought “crucifixion and shame” to them and their families I stand guilty. But the true guilt must rest on their shoulders for it is their behavior that has brought shame to them and their families. What you are basically claiming is if a policeman arrested a person for selling drugs to a ten year old the policeman has embarrassed and shamed the family of the drug dealer. Boy if that isn’t a thought. Allen Barrett

Saturday, January 26, 2008 9:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And wasn't it Carley Simon who sang "You're So Vain"? No, you've never said EVERYONE in county governemnt is a crook. Let's give credit where credit is due. You are much too slick for that. Yep, you stand guilty as charged in hurting people and their families. Like I've said over and over and over and moreover, turn your 'proof" over to the legal system and stop what tryoing to embarrass and hurt people in a public way. If the evidence is there, turn it in.In closing let me reiterate the fact that I know most of the people you so willingly torment, and its not right. But we know that, don't weOh, would you look at that clock. It's time for me to get ready for church. I don't know why though, because you already suggested to me that I must be attending a church where the Holy Spirit doesn't operate! Boym isn't that a thought?

Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 27 Jan. 7:52 post.
Sorry Carly Simon the writer of “You’re So Vain” doesn’t know me any more than you do and besides that she said the song was more about Warren Beatty than anyone else. On of the problems with wrong doing is that it’s not always against the law and sometimes what’s against the law doesn’t carry a penalty. There also has to be a will to prosecute and sometimes that just isn’t there. Those are important things but not necessarily the main thing I want to address in your post. I explained why some people have been embarrassed by having their deeds made public and how it was their doing and no one else. You can’t accept that fact of life because you don’t want to believe your friends could be guilty in spite of evidence to the contrary. I can understand that and while I appreciate your loyalty there comes a time when even loyalty must be weighed against the wrong.
It’s this statement that is the most discouraging, “It's time for me to get ready for church. I don't know why though, because you already suggested to me that I must be attending a church where the Holy Spirit doesn't operate! Boym isn't that a thought?” With this statement, you have sunk to a much lower level than previously thought you know in your heart that statement is an absolute lie from the very pits of hell. Allen Barrett

Sunday, January 27, 2008 1:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I suppose Roger Miller meant what he said about having the right to be wrong sometimes. Guess what? That applies to you as well, your excellency. I knew Carley Simon wasn't talking about you in her song. In all honesty, neither you nor I are all that important anyhow. I just hoped you would recall the lyrics and make application to yourself.
You erroneously speak of my loyalty to friends who are doing wrong. Listen carefully; none of these people you so wantonly seek to "expose" are my friends. This has nothing to do with loyalty to friends. That's about as absurd as suggesting that I would look the other way if I had first-hand knowledge that a friend of mine had molested a child. Ridiculous argument.
You stated that I am so full of hatred for you. I think you know better than that. However, and as I've tried to tell you many times before, I absolutely abhor your behavior. It has nothing to do with you as a person. I am sure you have some good qualities.
Yes, the issue of my attending a church where the Holy Spirit doesn't dwell was quite bothersome to me as well. You did say that, and I never forgot it. Apparently you did. May I have your apology for that?

Sunday, January 27, 2008 2:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone is saying that the ad in the paper has hurt the anti-accountability group more than it helped. One person listed on their ad, Paul Walker, has confused a lot of people. They are asking why in the world is he against it? They seem to know why Corky, Ed Hartselle, Foster, Bill Dunnavant, Stanley Newton, Jack Woodard and the others are against it but why Mr. Walker? I've heard people say "Just seeing those names wants to make you vote for the Act." MR.Hartselle should be ashamed of himself, after what he's done, no wonder he's against Financial Management.

Sunday, January 27, 2008 6:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would someone who ran such a successful company be against the Finanacial Mangement. Maybe because he sees it will not be good for the county.

Monday, January 28, 2008 6:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mananging assets is the key for growth in any business. Keeping expenditures and overhead down is the base for finanacial management.
I feel that with the cash flow, assets, and expenditures that are ran through all county government budgets, we have to get the control back or we can continue to see taxes grow.

I respect alot of the people that signed the newspaper adv. against financial management, most are very successful businessmen. I think if they look at the way they have achieved that success is through financial management. If they stopped and asked themselves one question and answer themselves truthfully they would understand why we have to have management at this time of recession.

The question is "How successful would my business or the business that I helped to run be if I was splitting the assets of the company into more than one budget and giving complete power to other people to spend at will without any checks and balances? State Auditors do not do a thorough audit of expenditures or asset management to catch alot of the waste of money in county government.

Vote to keep financial management!!! Let's run county government like the business it is.
Hopefully we can move forward and save tax dolars.

Monday, January 28, 2008 7:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GTC Says:

In response to the advertisement published in our local newspaper, I must speak out:
This is a blatant example of the “good old boys” banding together, misinforming the public, and insisting that the public conform to their will.
YES let us regress into the past and be regressive. Let us continue to manage our public government the way they did it in 1900.
Be on notice, if you are an elected public servant that does not mean once elected the public is your servant. You serve the people Mr. Campbell and Mr. Lovell. The majority of the public has spoken but you don’t like it.
YES let us have no over sight or control over financial matters.
YES let us not conform to Standard Accounting practices.
YES let us insist that the Ambulance Service, Highway Depart, the School Board, and all the other public departments not submit and be accountable for line item budgets.
Possibly many Tennessee Counties have not adopted the 1981 Financial Management Act; however, Mr. Lovell how many counties have a centralized accounting system in place?
I urge all citizens to Vote FOR continuing the Financial Management Act. I urge all citizens to require Giles County to move into the future and not be regressive

Monday, January 28, 2008 8:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loretta Garner has a degree in accounting. She has the knowledge to run the financial management office.

Did you know that we have an elected official who did not even rgraduate from high school? Barry Hyatt received his GED online less than a year prior to running for road superintendent. Now he is in charge of handling a 3 million dollar budget. The fact that he didn't graduate from high school along with the fact of numerous failed businesses in it's self screams for someone with accounting experience to be in charge of the county finances. How can we expect for taxpayer's dollars to be handled efficiently with this kind of person making decisions for us??

The standards for being elected to these county offices are not high enough to merit their ability to run the finance of their department.

We also have a commission member who has taken bankruptcy that has now put his name on the ballot for Assesor of Propery for the county. Stoney Jackson. He will be deciding how much your property will be assesed and your personal property tax will be based on his ability

These people cannot manage their own personal can we trust them with the county's.

I am not casting stones...check this information out. These are true facts.


Monday, January 28, 2008 9:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that anytime has an opinion that differes with yours, they are automatically thought of as crooks, liars, stupid, etc. NOBODY has all the answers and certainly no corner on the intelligence market! Stop whining and pointing fingers, for Pete's sake!

Monday, January 28, 2008 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To laughable-no,scary-yes,

Maybe that is the reason Barry Hyatt doesn't want Julie Phillips to go to the finance office-HE CANNOT READ OR WRITE!!!!

Someone probably passed his GED for him. Maybe that explains the connection between Barry and Julie.

Monday, January 28, 2008 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe not stupid, but definitely not able to handle my tax dollars!!!!

It is very apparent at the highway meetings, who knows what is going on with the road budget, Barry cannot give an answer without Julie Phillips or Steve Kelly putting the information in his mouth.

I hear Steve Kelly wants to be road superintendent...that would be good we can cut out the middle man. He has said that he would handle alot of these issues differently...he said that if he was road supt. Julie would go to the finance office and Kathy Young would move into the secretary position. BRAVO Steve..good answer.

Monday, January 28, 2008 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 27 Jan 2:50 post.
Please go back and read the statement that I made containing words about the Holy Spirit and words about your church. When you read it in context any reasonable person would understand there was nothing I stated that implied The Holy Spirit was not present in the church you attend. It was your misinterpretation that caused you to misunderstand. I even wrote another statement after your accusation to clarify that I had no intentions for saying anything negative about the church you attend, I have no clue what church that is, and that there was nothing I intended in any of my statements to imply the Holy Spirit was absent from your church.
Now if you want to hold a grudge based your misunderstanding I’m sorry for you but then that attitude only fits in with most of your other thoughts about me, hostility based on a lack of knowledge, misunderstanding and misinterpretations. Allen Barrett

Monday, January 28, 2008 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have know Loretta Garner for about 30 years. We went to school together. She is a very intelligent, sweet, caring person. I cant imagine her being hard to work for. I myself would take the job (and so would alot of other people)that Julie discarded. I think Barry Hyatt needs to reconsider his decision. He needs to cover his own rear by: 1)Admitting he did something wrong, 2) telling Mrs. Myers, he is truly sorry for misleading her and then give her a pink slip. Then he needs to tell Julie, her job is in the Suntrust building whether she likes it or not. If its not, then she needs to handed a pink slip too. 3) If Julie decides not to go to Suntrust, then the job opening should be posted for applicants, then the process of hiring needs to be done. Then, if he feels Mrs. Myers is the most qualifed, then give her the job. I think what Barry is missing is the fact that he is ruining his personal and public reputation. Hes a nice guy, but I know for certain that he did intimidate his employees. Believe it or not, you learn alot from standing in line at Walmart and I was asked by a few of his employees who were discussing this issue if I knew him. I said yes, I do but I dont want to be a part of this conversation. There were three of them and they were all furious that it had happened. On the issue of whether or not he will run again, I dont think so. From what I understand, he only wanted one term anyway, so he could get the life time insurance. I dont know if thats the way it works or not. I also heard a man who did join in on the conversation who doesnt work there say, not one road in the county has been fixed that wasnt already started since he's been in office. I dont the facts on that either but....I guess it could be something to look into. Ive always been told your good name is something that noone can take away from you. If its ruined, you do it yourself. I think Barry is well on his way to ruining his. Just something to think about. Loretta needs to be given a chance...I have faith in her..She can do this job and do it well. Please vote to keep the Financial Act.

Monday, January 28, 2008 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett, Please do not let this person pull you into all of this trashing back and forth.

I enjoy your commentary about the facts of things that ARE going on in government, no this war of words.

Can't you see as long as this is the commentary that he/she sucks you are not giving the public helpful information needed to make a good decision about voting to keep financial management.


Monday, January 28, 2008 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry Hyatt doesn't have the money to fix roads...he is too busy buying trucks, renovating the garage to look good, and supporting the "good ole boys and gal".

Julie should go home with a pink slip, but I do not think that Mrs. Myer should. She was not responsible for the decisions that Barry Hyatt and Julie Phillips made. She should be given a chance in the finance office with Mrs. Garner. At this point it is up to Mrs. Garner if she wants to keep her.

I believe that Mike Bottoms, District Attorney should investigate the harassment and intimidation of the county road department employees. This should be done at the state level. These employees are still to afraid of losing their jobs to come forward. Look at what happened to the employees that bucked Pete Brittion and his administration. They were fired and had to sue for damages. Can you imagine the lawsuit that Barry Hyatt has created if the employees would band together?? It would probably break the county!!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, I have offered your hero a compromise and a promise. If he will stop "trashing" and insulting those who disagree with him or those he doesn't like, then I will stop pointing it out. He never accepted my offer, so I can only assume that he plans to go full steam ahead with his rantings, accusations, and name-calling!
One more thing; if he's as smart as the both of you think, then why would he get sucked into a debate about his behavior? He wouldn't, would he? As for people making him combative, that's something you should pin on him, not me.
My offer still stands. Stop trashing and I will stop pointing it out. Now that can hardly be construed as holding a grudge. Ridiculous.

Monday, January 28, 2008 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are so smart why do you let him suck YOU into a debate.

Mr. Barrett is not my hero, however, I do feel that alot of his points are legitimate. As I am sure that alot of the points you bring out are as well. The difference is he signs his name to his thoughts and you do not.

I feel like both of you loose alot of your creditability with this kind of battering back and forth. I would love to hear from you as to why you feel what you feel. Not how much you dislike Mr. Barrett and how much he dislikes you. Your thoughts are very important. That is why it is so important to stick to the forum of the debate.

"Trashing" and insulting is going on with both of you. Neither you nor Mr. Barrett are gaining anything in the public eye by this kind of behavior.

I feel your previous e-mail was insulting to me. I apoligize to you if I insulted you. Maybe I should have addressed my first letter to both of you.

I respect both of your rights to express your opinion on the financial management.

I am not trying to create more hatred between you, Mr. Barrett, or myself.

Monday, January 28, 2008 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, not again. Mr. McPeters set this blog up with the provision that anyone could sign anonymously if so desired. This has been discussed to death on here, and surely you understand why some people choose not to sign their names. It has absolutely nothing to do with cowardice as has been mentioned previously. On the contrary, I would gladly sign my name to anything I've said, but it just isn't prudent for me to do so. Besides, if I signed my name I'd then be wide open to investigations against me, accusations, and various insults. I don't want that.
I must respectfully disagree with you about the trashing being done by both of us and that we share a mutual hatred for one another. I literally despise his methods and have not concerned myself all that much with his message. I've told him that repeatedly, but i was then accused of not caring for truth or that I uphold corruption. So, it's a real catch 22 for me.
I take pride in being a gentleman, so I likewise apologize for insulting you. I thought you were defending his behavior, and I couldn't understand why. I promised myself not to respond anymore, but it looks like I didn't keep my word.
Forgive me, but it's just very hard for me to read some of the things he says to people without coming back in their defense. It's just not right, and we all know that. I've even stated that, were it not for his behavior toward those who disagree with him, he and I might enjoy pleasant conversations. You see, it's NEVER been about hatred for the man. In addition, I never disputed his truths. I just have a problem with his method of delivery. That's all it ever was. In short, if he would stop the accusations and name-calling, you most likely would never hear from me again.

Monday, January 28, 2008 1:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:08 am-1/28/20008-
After having read your response about Loretta keeping Mrs. Myers and letting Loretta decide if she should stay or not and Julie getting the pink slip..I have to say I do agree with you on your response except for one thing.

1.)That job was never posted and even though Mrs. Myers may be doing a good job, she was hired for the wrong reasons (to keep Julie from having to go to Suntrust)She should be laid off so she can draw her unemployment until she gets the job the right way or finds another one.
I really feel sorry for her. She is stuck in the middle and and its not her fault but Im afraid she will never get any peace and some people say she cant do the job, and she only got it bc of who she was married to. Its not fair to her at all. I have no doubt that Loretta will treat her with respect but you can bet other people will be watching her. The first mess we go again...another stink..She has enough on her plate. Julie should go to the unemployment line and the job should be posted.

Monday, January 28, 2008 2:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Julie should go to the unemployment line. The only way to fix this if Barry Hyatt continues with his disregard for what is right is for the citizens to contact their commissioners and when the highway department budget has a line item in their budget of $45,000 plus for a secretary,the e commission needs to vote to take the line item out and not fund her salary.

The other way is to vote against Barry Hyatt all together for road supt. in August. I have heard of two names being mentioned. One has a very profitable road construction business and the other has been a supervisor with a major road construction business for 10 years plus. Both are good men who would not be swayed by the whims and wants of a woman (friend ) whose only agenda is for herself, not what is right for the highway department or the county. In her letter to the paper, Mrs. Phillips claims her loyalty to Giles County and its citizens...where was her loyalty when she thought she and Barry could pull a fast one on the citizens by hiring Mrs. Myers to take her place at a substantial cost to the taxpayers.

I too believe that Barry is a good man...I just think he is letting alot of self-serving people influence his thought process of what is right and wrong. And unless he can stand on his own two feet and admit that he was wrong to let this happen in his department, he has lost my respect and the respect of a lot of other people.

He also needs to apologize for the intimidation and fear tactics that was used on his employees for their signatures on the petition. I heard he also got mad at a few because they chose not to pass the petition around to their friends and family. I can't believe that still goes on in today's work environment with all the lawsuits.
Can the county afford this kind of legal problems?


Monday, January 28, 2008 3:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Instead of getting your drawers all bunched-up about individuals, give some thought to what's going to happen next tuesday ..People WILL vote .
Do you intend to just let it drift by and allow the heavyweight money-boys to roll over Giles' taxpayers or are YOU going to DO something to try and stop them ?
Have you discussed the financial management act with your family and friends ? Do you know why it is the best thing that's happened to your tax-payments in over 200 yrs in Giles County ? Are you trying to convince them to vote FOR the act next tuesday or just allowing the Big Bucks behind the newspaper ads to convince them (falsely ) otherwise ?
Do you ask folks to vote FOR it at work ? eating lunch? playing golf ? drinking a beer ?
Will you be outside a polling station with a placard that reads "Vote FOR Financial Management " or will you just huff and puff afterwards ?
Next tuesdays vote FOR the continuance of Financial Management implementation is one of the MOST important votes you'll make in a long time .
Dont just sit there and complain about local government spending YOUR $$$ unwisely ......go DO something about it.
Prune Juice ..making things happen

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 9:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd like to thank the comissioners that voted themselves a raise myself. i'll be voting for you next election!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 9:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am appalled at the piece in the paper by Mr Lovell. I understand Mike Mayfield cause he was a brat that always did what others told him but Mr Lovell is an important leader in our church and what he said just ain't right. I lost all respect for him cause he nos what he said ain't right, it just ain't right.

Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more they reveal the people pushing to get rid of the Act the more sure I am that it needs to be kept. I might not know all there is to know about the Act but I sure know some of the guys who put their name in the newspaper ad and they stink to high heaven. A couple would rather stand in the rain and tell a lie than come inside and tell the truth.

Friday, February 01, 2008 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for the Act and am equally appalled by wab's "exclusive" report. But you see, anyone who disagrees with the name-callers on this blog are considered crooks, frauds, and liars. That's a rotten shame. Just because a man disagrees with you doesn't give you (or me) the right to try to hurt them in a public way. It's worse than shameful!

Saturday, February 02, 2008 9:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

935 your calling card is in the firs blog on this subject. Your white stripe is showing!

Saturday, February 02, 2008 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so is your intelligence!

Saturday, February 02, 2008 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1130 have you looked at the various state audits, did you take one year & subtract the other to see what the increases really are, or looked at the budget revenue in the original 2004 through 2007 budgets. Ever looked at them after their tax increases get zapped & see all the revenue that appears out of nowhere? Ever looked at what is written in budget notes vs. what's really in the budget & funding request documentation?

If you can add & subtract & find your way to the outhouse, you know what's going on. You can write, so that must be the case. If you can put all this together & manage to turn hillary off for a minute, you'll see crook isn't spelled cook. If you're the one cooking the books, that would make you a book crook & make you eligible claim both, as long as they are together.

Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those against the act have publicly deceived the people. If their reputations are ruined or their families hurt, then they should have thought twice about that before lying. They have taken a public stance and therefore they are open to public criticism.

Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard for some people to understand and accept that there is a vast difference in disagreeing with someone and intentionally trying to pass off something that is not true as being true? Now, so there will be no misunderstanding let me say this again, anyone who intentionally tells or implies that the Financial Management Act of 1981 will cost Giles County between $200,000.00 and $300,000.00 in new money each year is a plain black hearted liar and it hasn't got anything to do with whether you disagree with me or not. You can criticize me all you want but it will not change the simple fact that the paid newspaper and radio ads were filled with outright lies and anyone whose name was associated with them should be ashamed. The sad thing is that some of those names are highly respected but are now tarnished because of their friendship with some less than honorable people. Allen Barrett

Saturday, February 02, 2008 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't talk down to me. It makes you look arrogant and conceited. Besides, I don't have an outhouse. Neither do I have a washing machine on my front porch. Ok? I just wanted to clear up that little misunderstanding for you.
Let me ask you a question. Why can't people have an opposing view about the Act? I voted for it, but I respect the rights of others to disagree with me. To do otherwise smacks of arrogance. And we have plenty enough of that on this blog. Let's take wab, for example. He keeps trying to defend his actions by saying people like me get tripped up over the difference between truth and deceit and that those with opposing views are somehow dishonest, stupid, or trying to hide something. That is absolutely outrageous and, in my opinion, impossible to defend.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 7:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me say this. Both sides are being deceitful when it comes to the defense for or against the financial management act. If done properly, the new system will centralize the county accounting process. It has the possiblility of decreasing costs by streamlining the process. This can only happen if the department heads make difficult, but necessary manning decisions. It will not prevent unnecessary spending of money.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 8:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me say this then. Why can't people have their own opinions and viewpoints? Isn't that what freedom is fundamentally based upon? And, in so exercising those rights, must they be ridiculed and accused of dishonesty for believing as they do? I don't think so.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 8:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only heard the ad once but I don't think it said that it will cost the county $200,000 to $300,000 in "new" money. I really don't think $300,000 will pay the salaries. If Loretta makes 70,000 that only leaves 230,000 at the most for salaries and benefits for the other 7 or 8 people, of which half make $50,000 each. I really don't think that you can leave the salaries at different levels either. These people will all be county employees doing the same job so why wouldn't they make the same thing.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 9:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

730 You don't have a washing machine on the porch? Did it fall through porch floor or is it because you just haven't seen a need for a washing machine? Do neighbors avoid you?

Facts are several steps beyond opinion - in fact they are no longer opinion. If the schools spent $2.5 million more in 2006 it isn't "no increase" or "no new money"! Whoever said it, is a damned liar, if they don't repent - according to various Biblical passages. The "no increases in years" statements are equal lies. None of them have retracted the statements, or repented, have they? Matter of fact, they keep on saying the same old garbage! Damnation is up to God & we mortals can only surmise what will happen to liars or ourselves, but we do know a lot of the bad ones got zapped, don't we! I wonder if they take sleeping pills, nerve medicine, or keep looking over their shoulder?

Your case is different. You use big words in different ways to justify opinion over fact. On the other hand, we keep hearing the same old phrases one after the other & about in the same sequence. I'll bet you have a talking Barbie down by the tummy bulge & you simply pull the string & let'er fly everytime you have to make an impressive big word statement. I had a parrot who could do the same thing without a string. He got in a fight with the window fan and lost.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 9:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are looking arrogant and conceited. Remember?
I'm so sorry that your parrot didn't teach you a few things. Why don't you go to a pet shop and get another one?
So funny that you would accuse me of trying to use words to justify opinion over fact. Please give one good example. I am of the OPINION that you don't beat people over the head with a FACT and expect them to believe it, particularly when you insult them and call them all sorts of names. Does that make sense? If not, please refer to the yellow pages for the location of the nearest pet shop.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 2:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of the 3 Feb 9:10 post
I don’t know where you were when you heard the ad but apparently there was some distraction because that is the very item that has got so many people all upset.
There are no new employees in the finance office each one that moved into the finance office came from another county department. If they had stayed where they were they would still be making the same amount of money. Moving to the finance office doesn’t change salaries so there is no new money spent on those employees. They make different salaries because they were hired to do different things for different departments, a book keeper from the ambulance department doesn’t have the same level of responsibilities as one from the Highway department for example. Mrs. Garner is the only new employee in the Finance Office and she actually is replacing Mrs. Roberts. Mrs., Roberts made over $50,000.00 a year Mrs. Garner makes $70,000.00 so the difference is $20,000.00. Now that isn’t exact I rounded off to even numbers but within a few hundred dollars. I hope this helps clear up the misunderstanding. Allen Barrett

Sunday, February 03, 2008 3:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

209 I'll bet you were sitting atop the washing machine when it went through the floor!

Just get someone to pull the splinters out of your rear end & get a life. It isn't WAB's fault you don't know fact from fiction & hang around with a bunch of loosers. You really need some help with the hormoans, maybe doctor harsell could help.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 6:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you still trying to impress people with your wit by continuing to talk about the washing machine?
I won't even bother to respond to the rest of your asinine post. It's just more of the same old same old anyhow.
And you think I should get a life? Take a look in your mirror.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't you like how Tee Jackson was encognido in the paper. He looked just like Kathy Norman. He is so spineless. He is always hiding under her skirt.

Monday, February 04, 2008 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett, in most cases I do agree with you. But in your blog l3 Feb 9:10 post you stated that the bookkeepers came from the various departments and that the "bookkeeper" from the highway department was one of them. This is not true.

Barry Hyatt hired Jenny Myer to go to the courthouse, specifically because the bookkeeper (Julie Phillips) did not want to go. This is a "new salary plus benefits" that Barry Hyatt cost the county. This is in no way a reflection on Mrs. Garner or the finance office.

This was just wasteful and deceitful to the county to hire someone and add that cost on the taxpayers because of Julie Phillips "wants and whims".

It is being said that financial management will not prevent wasteful spending because each department will still control their own budget...well, that is true to some degree, however, if the department heads have to go through the finance office for P.O.s, they might think twice because "someone will be watching" and they can't do what Barry Hyatt did in spending excessive money for "new trucks, high salaries for the good old boys and gal, and beautification of the office and grounds at the highway department" without someone knowing and holding him accountable. I would really like to know how much money has been spent on actual paving and road maintenance at the highway department. I bet it would be minimal compared to the money spent on unnecessary things. Why do all of the "good ole boys" have to drive brand new trucks with all the bells and whistles to and from work??? It is just not right. These are "work trucks" not "luxury" trucks. Someone needs to ask Barry how much he and Steve Kelly spent on their floor mats for these "bad rides". It is just ridiculous. Come on people "Wake Up". Ask questions, check salaries.

Employees of the highway department...Do you know what the "elite's" raises were for the last 3 years in comparison to yours? Do you really think that Julie is your friend...she is the one that changed your sick days policy..guarantee there were no changes for "the princess" or the "good ole boys".

Barry's only "saves" money for the county in the areas that he needs to be spending your tax dollars.. that is "road improvements". He likes the "best of everything" (reason he failed at every business he has been in)and is wasting your tax dollars to have it.

It is very sad that the county elected and appointed officials need "bird dogging" to stay in line but that is where we are.

Financial managemnet works, please vote to keep it in!!!!

Monday, February 04, 2008 8:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all go to the polls to vote tomorrow and personally I think the Financial Act will stay in bc of the questions people have over Barry's spending on a new person to send to SunTrust if for no other reason. What he did was very WRONG!!!! As someone pointed out in an earlier post, we wont have to worry about what he does next term bc I'm almost certain, he WONT run again. He's never stayed at a job as long he has stayed with this one. I believe he's only stayed with this one one bc of the perks. If you look at the roads in Giles County, NONE of them have been fixed that werent already started BEFORE he took office and since the issue of the Financial Act being challenged again, he hasnt doenst ANYTHING except spend his time trying to talk people and his employees into voting against it. Hiring Jenny was clearly not her fault BUT it was wrong.....just wrong. Julie Phillips should be sent home.....PERIOD. The people from the offices in the courthouse who have moved from there may not have wanted to be located in SunTrust but they didnt have a choice and Julie SHOULDNT have had a choice either. I hope the next Highway Superintendent realizes this and sends her home.

Monday, February 04, 2008 8:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether finanacial management stays in place or not. The citizens of Giles County need to make Barry Hyatt and Julie Phillips accountable to their actions.

No wonder Barry and his "good ole boys and gal" are fighting so hard against financial management.

When all is said and done...we have to find out how and why Barry is spending so much money with no road improvements. He has got to step up or your tax dollars will continue to be spent on "luxury" for the choice few.

Questions need to be asked and truthful answers need to be given by Barry and Julie...not sure they have the truth in them.

Monday, February 04, 2008 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be willing to bet, that at this point Loretta Garner, Financial Director, doesn't want someone like Julie Phillips in her office. She is not trustworthy and very conniving. I certainly wouldn't want her in my department creating trouble.

You are so right: Julie should go home. But will she----NOT!!

Monday, February 04, 2008 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say from knowing Loretta, she would give Julie respect whether she deserves it or not...which I think not but thats beside the point. If any trouble arised, Loretta would handle it. She is very sweet but also VERY smart so I can bet she wont take any crap nor will she allow someone to run over her. I see her as a wonderful person to work for but I also bet she expects EVERYONE including herself to do a good job and do it right. She wouldnt stand for anything else.(I dont work for her and never have. Ive just known her for 30 yrs.)

Barry needs to take responsibility for his actions about hiring Jenny. It was if's, and's or but's. Not Jenny's fault, but still wrong. Jenny is by far not the issue. Julie and Barry are the issues. Julie should have gone to SunTrust. And since she didnt.....she should go HOME. End of story. Isnt is strange that Barry and Julie were real quick to write Letters to the Editor BEFORE people found out the circumstances about her not going to SunTrust and now that the word is out...They dont have alot to say....HUMMMM...Makes you think. Since tomorrow is voting day, I just wonder where they will be located with their signs against the Financial Act. I cant wait to see.

Monday, February 04, 2008 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone is not aware of what is going on with Barry Hyatt & Julie Phillips...they sure need to be.

They should not be allowed to keep up their crap.

County government is not about personal benefit.

Monday, February 04, 2008 1:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!! Tell everybody you know!!! People needs to find out about this in case (which I doubt)he runs again but like I said, Barry's not using his head and he's losing alot of people's respect, professionally and personally. Its really sad that he was so weak that an employee was able to talk him into covering her butt and while he put his own on the line. I hope it has all been worth it to him....Prolly the long run.

Monday, February 04, 2008 1:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

03=1121 washer lady - you really need to weld some handles on the side of the machine - you could hang on better & won't be limping around all the time.

Monday, February 04, 2008 6:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hyatt should have called gonzales before Lovell got him tangled up in this mess. Half of the school groupies have their rear ends showing too, but mr. j is conspicuously absent from the line of fire - and he is the reason for this food fight from beginning to end.

Like Gonzo, Hyatt will be left for the wolves while Tj & Mr wheel tax are sitting back claiming they no nothin bout birthin babies & askin Barry Who??

Monday, February 04, 2008 8:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...





Tuesday, February 05, 2008 7:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I saw Barry and Julie do was write letters to the editor asking you whiners and complainers what you think they have to hide? And the persecution began. So shameful.
Hey, if this little group has the evidence, they ought to turn it over to the authorities and then stop with the character assassination. I do not know Julie, but I've known Barry a long, long time and I am sure he is not the crook and liar you whiners make him out to be. Don't you ever stop??????

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 9:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/5/2008-7:41 am
You have hit the nail on the head about Barry. He has always liked being "The Big Man" and his lack of judgement proves that he isnt using his head as he should be to be in charge of our county dollars. That was shown when he was in business for himself and with his partners and his most recent lack of judgment by not sending Julie to SunTrust. He's digging himself into a hole and losing the respect of people who know him. Sad situation.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 9:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We who know Barry know better, in spite of people like you out there trying to destroy his reputation for whatever reason you think appropriate. Shame on you!!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 9:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry is doing this to himself. He is accountable to the people. After all, we as taxpayers afford him the salary he gets. This is not Barry's personal business to run how he sees fit. Unfortunately, some of these department heads think once voted into office they can do anything they want. Wrong! We the citizens of Giles County as a majority have already voted on what we want. It is Barry's responsibility to comply and follow through with the wishes of the citizens. However, this group against the financial act figure they will keep putting it to a vote until the outcome is favorable with their ideas of what is best for our county. I think to have citizens vote again on this issue says the majority of those who voted for the act previous do not know what is best for the county. I don't think any of us need those select few that are against the act to enlighten us in any way. As if we can't think on our own! The very idea that they know more than the rest of us should enrage every citizen. They are lying to the citizens each time they run their ads on WKSR. Now that is shameful!! It amazes me how much these people have lied. It goes to show how many people follow instead of leading. Gather the facts yourself and educate yourself about the issue. If citizens would only contact the finance office and get the facts before going to the polls they would see how these so called "concerned citizens" have lied time and time again.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...







Tuesday, February 05, 2008 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous...YES, that is precisely what people like you are trying to do. Barry is just a new name added to the list (Vanzant, Jackson, Reedy, Lovell, and on and on). YES, it is a shame.
If you have the "evidence" why won't you turn it over to the authorities and then stop with these assassination attempts? Do you not realize how this hurts these people's families? Or, do you even care?
One of these days I fear that someone may try this on the wrong person. That's what I call trouble. You need to get past all this hatred and envy. It does nobody any good.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...






Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I'm afraid you are wrong:) Barry added his name to the list himself. Don't kid yourself on that one. Talk about no accountability for your actions. He can look in the mirror and thank himself for the fine mess he has gotten himself into. Yes, unfair that his family may suffer but, part of holding public office. I don't have any sympathy for him. If he would play by the rules set before him by the citizens instead of trying to make his own rules and have everyone else suffer as a result is entirely wrong!
By the way, what evidence do you speak of?? The evidence that he is a total idiot is plainly out there for everyone to see. No diggin' need be done. How shameful to lie to people to win their support. Disgraceful! That goes for the rest of the "dumb bunnies" that continue to expose their rearends on this issue.
What do you mean,"One of these days I fear that someone may try this on the wrong person. That's what I call trouble"? They should be fearful of exposing the truth? Are you saying there could be some sort of backlash? The truth should always prevail! Please explain what you mean!
Also, I think you misunderstand if you think people are full of hate and envy for Barry Hyatt. Hate is a very powerful word and I don't think anyone wishing that Barry would cooperate hates him. Perhaps, you are full of hate towards those who keep trying to push the truth to the surface. As far as envy goes, what is there to envy? Barry is a nice guy as far as I know, but no reason to envy him. I don't think he has anything anyone else can't obtain for themselves. Truly anonymous you confuse me with your statements. Maybe you should stop while you are ahead.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a sad situation. Why would Mr. Hyatt be fooled & buy it? It ain't cool to get sucked in a cesspool by Mr. Wheel Tax & his school.

Hyatt needed more money, but something was funny. The school walked away with another $100K, cause Mr. Barry stopped to tarry while Mr. J took the day.

It was a be time rule, make everyone a fool, & return accountability to the school.

Moral of story, If you get too close to a big wheel, it's not a good deal - With head in a spoke, it ain't no joke! Thumpiddy thump, it's too late to jump.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 2:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that everyone besides you guys are wrong. Do you ever get tired of thinking yourself ALWAYS right? Do you ever get tired of your constant whining and fault-finding? Why don't you do what you are constantly telling others to do? That is, sign your name to your accusations so Mr. Hyatt will know who you are. You people always call us cowards. Now's your chance to really shine.
No, I am afraid YOU are wrong when you accuse me of hate. I don't hate anyone, but I have nothing but utter contempt for the small band of know-it-alls on here who are continually involved in fault-finding. But the irony of it all is that they can't see their own frailties!
Again, if you have the "evidence", turn it over to the legal system and then butt out. Nobody appointed you judge, jury, and executioner anyhow.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 4:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know it's different people writing when everyone signs anonymous?

I've often wondered if it was same person writing it all.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 5:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've wondered that same thing. The only one of them who gladly signs his name is wab.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 6:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last election was 58% FOR and 42% AGAINST. WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO VOTE ON IT AGAIN?

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 7:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it costing the County money for putting the vote for Finical Management on the ballot?

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 7:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...






Tuesday, February 05, 2008 7:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:46 You are not wrong! I am right there with you. Thanks for speaking out!!!
As far as the angry anonymous 4:48, defending Barry saying I accused them of hate, scroll up you seriously confused person, you accused me..helloooo? I don't hate anyone. I do love the truth though :) The point is mute anyway. The citizens have spoken loud and clear about what they want. ACCOUNTABILITY!!! The act stays in and that is one GREAT step in this county toward PROGRESS. Again, what evidence are you speaking of? I think that makes twice I have asked you that to no avail. I have never said Barry has done anything illegal. The only thing I see he as done so far is not thinking sensibly and letting others guide his thinking. Is that illegal? That is a new one to me!
You have contempt huh? Kinda harsh don't you think? Fault-finding? I am sure you can find fault in every individual, even you have faults. However, public officials are open to public scrutiny and criticism when elected and are accountable to the citizens that put them there. You call me and others on this issue know-it-alls? Funny to say the least. You appear to be a very confused person in reading your posts on this blog. Just because someone takes a stand on an issue does not make them a know-it-all. I could accuse you of the same. You have a right to your opinion. You don't see me calling you a know-it-all. Where do you get your logic from anyway?
As far as not posting my name, why don't you post yours. Hardly a question you should pose to me when you elect to not post your own identity. Besides, the reason why I don't is because I don't have to. How do you like that? Same as you!
I could care less if you post your identity. I don't want or need to know who you are. To set the record straight- I am not involved with any group. So, don't loop me in with anyone. I think and stand on my own. Lastly, I don't plan to butt out. My tax dollars pay Mr. Hyatt's salary as well as the other county employees and he is accountable to all taxpayers whether you like it or not. So, nope not gonna butt out as you say, things are getting way too interesting at this point for that. Finally, we see a possible change in this county for the better. All Giles County Citizens need to stay involved and well-informed. We seem to have a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing and I think the to shearing has just begun. Also, I really hope you don't think I hate you. Hate is mighty powerful word and I don't give anyone that much power.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 2:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY !! After yesterday's vote (56% FOR , 44% paid for but still LOSERS ) it IS time for Julie's salary to be transferred over to the central Financial office and for her to be looking for a different job -she's been REPLACED in her bookeeping role so it's time to go with grace .
Anyone want to bet it wont happen ?
Congratulations to the taxpaying voters who saw right thru the games some commissioners were trying to play .TIME FOR SOME RECALLS THERE TOO.
Truth-time is coming in Giles County . See Ratty run !!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 9:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time for movers & shakers to shake and move - somewhere else! We're tired of it & have spoken!!!!! Fed up with book cooks & those who defend it!!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way that Barry will get rid of Julie is if he is forced to do so. Commissioners need to be contacted and told that we as citizens do not want to fund Julie's salary with our tax dollars. They need to cut the bookkeeper line item out of Barry's budget and send a message to him and her that you are accountable for what you do in this county.

It is time for the people to be heard and Barry to stand up for us not for the princess. And if he still wants to keep her employed, he needs to start a business and put her on his personal payroll. He is now payting her out of the county taxpayer's budget.

Stand up, Unite, and Make Changes!
Together we are strong. As was shown in the fight against finanacial management.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GEE, No comments coming from the losers. Did the loss take the wind out of your sails!!

Where are you Mr. Harselle, Mr. Lovell, Mr. Jackson, Mrs. Norman, Barry Hyatt and Julie Phillips???
Are ya hiding out, licking your sores? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened washer lady - fall in the washer, hit the wash button instead of "spin"? Spiffy clean & washed all the dirt away, & now there's nothing left to see???

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 2:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I must of missed something....

Gotta know....who is the wash lady?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 2:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the real movers and shakers (aka whiners) could move and shake elsewhere if they are not happy. The central issue has been and remains....they are NOT in charge and can't stand it.
The reference to the "wash lady" was most likely more prose from the pen of the Riddler.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 5:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently the "sore losers" have more class than you. They are not whining about losing. Did your parents not teach you how to win graciously not boastfully? I think that at this point only time will tell whether it was a smart vote or not.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 5:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sore losers have no class at all!! Classy people don't LIE! The sad fact of it all is, the anti-financial mgmt group not only lost the election but they damaged their reputations in the process and they did it in a way that the whole community saw it happen. Aren't they the smart ones???

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 6:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

522 One thing is for sure - YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE & haven't been for quite some time! You're like a pfooo in an elevator - no one likes you

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 7:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous 5:22 You appear to be real "whiner". You can take a deep breath now and let it go.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 9:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people must have liked the pfooo in the elevator - they won! along with the majority of the voters.

Thursday, February 07, 2008 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Classy people don't lie. Well, it appears that you see anyone who has a different viewpoint from yours as a liar and a crook. Oh please, can't you just accept the fact that in a democratic society we all have the right to our own opinions?
Whining people have no class either, wouldn't you agree?

Thursday, February 07, 2008 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your exactly right anonymous 10:54 when you say "Oh please, can't you just accept the fact that in a democratic society we all have the right to our own opinions?" That is why I am entitled to my opinion. You say, "Well, it appears that you see anyone who has a different viewpoint from yours as a liar and a crook." How many times do I have to say it? They can disagree all they want to as long as they don't lie. You can't make you claims based on lies a not be a liar. A liar is a liar. Are you having a hard time understanding that? I think you are! It is too bad you see my post as a whine. Have I said you are whining? No I haven't. However, if you see me as whining you better sit down and buckle up for the ride because I am not going to quit "whining" as you call it.

Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just having a hard time understanding your arrogance and condescension.
Hey, I'm all buckled in for the ride and promise to continue pointing out that we live in a democratic society where one is entitled to his or her own opinions. And you can call people liars all day long. That is your opinion. Those people may think you a nutcase, and that is their opinion. I just happen to disagree with you, so please respect my democratic right to do so!

Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just having a hard time understanding your arrogance and condescension.
Hey, I'm all buckled in for the ride and promise to continue pointing out that we live in a democratic society where one is entitled to his or her own opinions. And you can call people liars all day long. That is your opinion. Those people may think you a nutcase, and that is their opinion. I just happen to disagree with you, so please respect my democratic right to do so!

Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All buckled up for the ride: Got your washing machine & floor fixed & ready to let 'er rip! Hang on!

Thursday, February 07, 2008 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's me. I'm ready to rock and roll.

Thursday, February 07, 2008 3:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:45 since when is having the facts about an issue arrogant? I think you are just ticked that I do have the facts and you don't. Which you are as able to obtain as easily as I have.
You are very confused if you think I don't think you have a right to a different opinion and right to express your thoughts. You are another one with a great imagination if you read that into my posts.
Again, a liar is a liar if they choose to not be truthful. Are you another one not able to comprehend that idea? My statement that this group is a bunch of liars sir or madam is not an opinion. It is the absolute good old fashioned truth. You need to get better educated on what has been said by the liars and what is factual evidence coming from our finance office. Or are you going to say our finance office doesn't have the facts?? If you had the facts you would not continue to push this issue. You go ahead an make an a$% of yourself all you want to about this matter. You are wrong and that is because the facts say you are. Now where are YOUR facts on the financial office issue? You see the liars can't present any proof to their claims, because they have none. They have taken facts and distorted them to make them favor their agenda. So, you want win on any issue when the facts are not on YOUR side.

Thursday, February 07, 2008 7:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, actually, I have about decided that there is no talking to you. You are one of the angriest of them all. I thank you for giving me credit for the way I voted...not that it's any of your business.
I'm glad you recognize my right to have different opinions and views. However, when I voice them, you show an intolerance that is frightening.
You can go on and on spewing your hatred, but you will NEVER get me to believe in the tactics you guys are using. Thus, I stand opposed.

Thursday, February 07, 2008 8:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

807 is having several bad days all crammed into one. Lost the vote, lost credibility, & losing what little mind she had left.

Thursday, February 07, 2008 9:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how they get quiet or leave when they can't dispute facts? The truth has room on their side if you change your mind. Have a good one!

Thursday, February 07, 2008 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, another day of belittling those who stand opposed to your witch hunting and name-calling. What would you do if a member of your family was the topic of discussion on this blog? You would be angry as well. But the thing that makes you folks the angriest is that, in spite of what you say, these people have too much class to play your game and stoop to your level. That must be frustrating, given that you are so much smarter than everyone else.
Now there's some "truth" I can believe in!
Have a wonderful day. I have to get to work. Yes, I work for a living and pay taxes just like some of you do.

Friday, February 08, 2008 7:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think everyone on this blog should look in the mirror before they talk about someone else. You people think you know everything....when in fact, most of you are clueless about how the depts and government actually run.
If you don't like the way offices are run by the people elected by the people, you should run for office and see how good you could do...that is, if, people like you enough to even vote for you. Which, I seriously doubt.

Friday, February 08, 2008 1:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want to ask 1 question, what did barry and julie lie about?

Friday, February 08, 2008 4:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lie and deceit was that Julie is not the bookkeeper at the highway department and Jenny Myer's is!!!! That is a lie and a sneaky approach to adding another salary with benefits to the county budget to keep Julie at the highway department. If Jenny is the bookkeeper at the highway department then Julie should be paid secretary salary. If she isn't ...that is deceiving the county.

Any way you look at it>>>

Maybe the question should be asked of Barry and Julie...If you have the best interest of the citizens of Giles County (as they state in their letters to the editor) what is the justicatftion for their actions? Why was it done so deceitfully? Why was the position not advertised?

All the answers to these questions are because they knew that it was wrong and deceitful.

Hope that answered your questions.

Friday, February 08, 2008 6:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you people really think that Mr. Hyatt can just arbitrarily "create" another position without some form of approval? And, if he didn't need that approval, then he must have been given the authority to do so by someone. If that's the case and if he needed the extra help, then what on earth are you people whining about? I ask these questions because I do not fully understand what all the fuss is about. However, I understand that Mr. Hyatt's books are open to anyone who wants to go by and look at them.
Yes, I agree that some of these people should run for elected office if they think they are liked enough to get elected. A few of them tried and were soundly defeated. What does that tell them? I recall that one of them came in fourth in a four man race in his district.

Friday, February 08, 2008 7:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right when you say that you don't understand what all the fuss is about because you have no clue as to what has been going on in county government. Yes Barry hired someone without advertising the position, yes he did it is a deceitful way, yes he tried to pass off one person as another, yes he tried to undermine financial management, yes he did this on his own, and yes he lied about it.
As for a person coming in 4th in a four person race I would only say that at least that person had the fortitude to put themselves in the race..... where were you?

Friday, February 08, 2008 7:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, your excellency, but what was deceitful about Mr. Hyatt's wanting to hire someone he wanted for the job? And please don't twist that word "wanted" to mean something dirty. If he had the authority to do so and if the need existed, then what's your beef? I'll ask you the question he asked in his letter to the editor. What is it that you think he is trying to hide? If you can prove these things, then take the evidence to the proper authority or authorities. If you can't, stop whining and getting ulcers and vote your conscience at the polls. We both know you cannot argue with that!
Speaking of your man's coming in fourth in a four man district race (laughing here), I would disagree with you on that as well. I believe he entered that race so sure he was going to be elected but was sorely disappointed. It had more to do with egotism than with bravery.

Friday, February 08, 2008 7:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The need didn't exist..he had a bookkeeper in place before he hired Mrs. Meyer to send and that would be Julie. As far as authority to do so, probably, but does that mean that it was right or ethical and in the best interest of the county and the tax rate,,,No!!

Are you aware that our tax rate is one of the largest in the state??

Friday, February 08, 2008 8:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then if he had authority, he didn't do anything dishonest, did he? Of course not.
I am very aware of our tax rate, and it bothers me tremendously that some people don't pay a dime in property taxes.

Friday, February 08, 2008 8:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the additional job at the Highway Department advertised? (NO).
Where did B Hyatt get the money to fund this new position? (From the 'Other' account).
Who got sent to the finance office?
(Not Julie the bookkeeper, but the new hire).

Thats only a little part of the lies that were told and published by Lovell and his followers.

Friday, February 08, 2008 8:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll say "uncle" and give up. What's the use in trying to reason with you? I hope you will try to calm yourself down. This is NOT good for your health. And the paranoia of believing the worst in anyone other than yourself isnot conducive to your mental well being.

Friday, February 08, 2008 9:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do any of the illustrious readers and writers on this blog think that the hypocrites who sponsored the petition for last weeks referendum will be on their knees in church this weekend asking forgiveness ?
Theo Logian

Friday, February 08, 2008 9:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

839 Name a resident that isn't paying property taxes. All private property is taxed - is there any that isn't?

Friday, February 08, 2008 9:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks - time to stop the food fight & get serious! It doesn't matter what Barry pays Julie or who likes & dislikes them, or whatever happened six years ago.

It's a smoke screen & the rats will all be somewhere else when the smoke clears. $10, $100, $1,000, or $10,000 is peanuts compared to the millions that are deliberately wasted & thrown to the four winds! Blink or doze off & you'll wake up with a wheel tax. Turn your head & the school or county will be broke, & Lovell will be riding high with more tax increases.

The issues are supporting our financial director and making sure the very few who will obstruct are not in a position to obstruct!

The pros are the school board majority & director and their beholding votes in council - that's the threat! Get focused!

Friday, February 08, 2008 9:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous 9:33
How about a family living in a subsidized apartment in town? I think the government picks up the tab on most of the rent and thus most of the tax. Perhaps some tenants are 100% subsidized. I don't know for sure. The point is, the tenant may or may not be paying property taxes on a subsidized apartment. And yet, some tenants drive much nicer cars than I do.

Saturday, February 09, 2008 8:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I agree that alot of the stuff that has came out about the Barry and Julie situation is irrevelant to county government, however, I do feel that the disregard that has been shown to the taxpayer's with the deception and disrgard for the citizens is not irrevelant. It is a clear case of exactly what is wrong with county government Until there is some kind of control over the kind of mismanagement of funds we can expect to pay more taxes to provide the serfices to the county that are necessary.

And to the blogger that said that Barry purchased all this new equipment and trucks to benefit the citizens and the road program, I disagree adamently. Even though I did not always agree with Pete Britton..he had road program in place that did get things done and did so with the old equipment that Barry has discarded as junk.

In the three years that Barry has been road superintendent he has wasted more money on equipment that was not needed and did very little road maintainging. I do not care if the road equipment is spit shined or if it is on it's final phase as long as the work is getting done. I sure do not think that the supervisor should be driving brand new trucks to and from the job or to their homes at night.

I do not ask you the public to believe what I have to say...I would ask you to go to the highway department and ask to see the records on equipment purchases, pickup truck purchases, how much has been spent on the shop and yard, and the raises given to supervisors and office personnel in the last three years. I think you will see if that money would have been put to maintain and improve the roads in Giles County, we would be seeing some improvements.

Yes the prices of fuel and other expenses have increased. But the price of this equipment has been a unneeded expense to the county at this time of recession and excessive tax rates.

Ask citizens of this beautiful county that we live in...we have the right to know how our tax dollars are bing spent. Wasteful spending is a big problem at the highway department. Let's take a stand on this's for our children and their childrens future.

We have to be vocal and make sure out voices are heard.

Saturday, February 09, 2008 9:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I agree that alot of the stuff that has came out about the Barry and Julie situation is irrevelant to county government, however, I do feel that the disregard that has been shown to the taxpayer's with the deception and disrgard for the citizens is not irrevelant. It is a clear case of exactly what is wrong with county government Until there is some kind of control over the kind of mismanagement of funds we can expect to pay more taxes to provide the serfices to the county that are necessary.

And to the blogger that said that Barry purchased all this new equipment and trucks to benefit the citizens and the road program, I disagree adamently. Even though I did not always agree with Pete Britton..he had road program in place that did get things done and did so with the old equipment that Barry has discarded as junk.

In the three years that Barry has been road superintendent he has wasted more money on equipment that was not needed and did very little road maintainging. I do not care if the road equipment is spit shined or if it is on it's final phase as long as the work is getting done. I sure do not think that the supervisor should be driving brand new trucks to and from the job or to their homes at night.

I do not ask you the public to believe what I have to say...I would ask you to go to the highway department and ask to see the records on equipment purchases, pickup truck purchases, how much has been spent on the shop and yard, and the raises given to supervisors and office personnel in the last three years. I think you will see if that money would have been put to maintain and improve the roads in Giles County, we would be seeing some improvements.

Yes the prices of fuel and other expenses have increased. But the price of this equipment has been a unneeded expense to the county at this time of recession and excessive tax rates.

Ask citizens of this beautiful county that we live in...we have the right to know how our tax dollars are bing spent. Wasteful spending is a big problem at the highway department. Let's take a stand on this's for our children and their childrens future.

We have to be vocal and make sure out voices are heard.

Saturday, February 09, 2008 9:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

947 - What you say is to the point and needs saying. It's Barry's Dept. & he's the one who is spending on non-vital things.

All the personal crap that's been flying leaves no room or patience for things that really need attention & exposure!

Remember one thing, TJ had his gophers do all the work & left them with the dirty linnen. He wastes more money in 5 minutes than Hyatt could possibly waste in a day!

Saturday, February 09, 2008 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys just never give up. Don't you get tired of spewing venom? You say you need to create all this trouble for the sake of our children?
Now, as for equipment wearing out with use, do you still drive your first car to and from work? I hardly doubt it. Think.
As for the one who charged that Mr. Jackson let his "gophers" do the dirty work and then left them holding the dirty linen, how so. Why not go ahead and make specific charges and then sign your post?

Saturday, February 09, 2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1223 - did you see jackson's name anywhere on the petition? His entire flock of sheep were out there collecting signatures & spinning the BS like little manure spredders. Have you read any of the financial data in here - the audits - millions in hidden revenue trying to fleece the taxpayers. I don't remember seeing any of that about Hyatt before this fiasco. Jackson is the reason all of you koolaiders rally & hoop the loop. A real director wouldn't let his staff go out, petition, & lie to eliminate ACCOUNTABILITY - on work time! The people see Hyatt, not Jackson & his menagerie

One thing about you bureaucrats - you got to keep the dung moving or you'll drown it. There's a good chance that might happen.

Saturday, February 09, 2008 6:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are really dangerous to yourself. Do you realize that? It's not healthy to be so angry and worked up all the time. Why don't you go out for awhile and get some fresh air?
I noticed that you didn't sign your name (again) to your charges. And you complainers are continually harping about that when anyone posts an opposing view. In view of that, I've coined a new word, just for you guys. Let's call it "hypocrats". By definition, it would refer to the hypocrisy of calling others cowards while you do the same thing. Wouldn't you agree that the word is fitting?
You people just never quit. If there's evidence of illegality, turn your facts and figures over to the authorities. If it's your own bias, hatred, and conviction that you "know best" how to run things, I would suggest you either seek public office or campaign for someone of your intelligence who can clean things up.

Saturday, February 09, 2008 6:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 08,2008 9:55:00 - GREAT IDEA! A wheel tax! The ONLY pure tax that there can be! Don't make any reportable money? don't have a Job? Betcha 9 out of 10 are drawing a check. and also bet they've got 4 cars sitting in the driveway, or more than likely, in the front yard. This is exactly why a wheel tax is the perfect tax for everyone to pay. Glad you came up with that idea, Anon.

Saturday, February 09, 2008 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well 9:50a.m you are another that has no futuresite. If you want to do it for your kids then quit griping about having to pay for new (well needed) equipment...or was you wanting to let you kids pay for it??? How old is your kids? Those old pickup trucks had anywhere from 200000 to 300,000 miles on them and the dumptrucks wouldn't have passed inspection. And do you keep your equipment outside and your yard cluttered up with junk??? Then why would you want your counties equipment to set out and ruin? Go to surrounding counties and take a look at their sheds and shops and equipment. Then you'll realize how it is not a waste! A waste is something you do not use! These men use that equipment. You only think about yourself. Not your kids. So don't bring them up in this they'll be decision making adults one day. Hopefully they won't be as narrow minded as you are. After all they are our future and deserve to inherit good solid equipment instead of antiques.

Sunday, February 10, 2008 8:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last a good reply:
"Those old pickup trucks had anywhere from 200000 to 300,000 miles on them and the dump trucks wouldn't have passed inspection."

Would of been better if you hadn't join so many more making bitter remarks.

I can't understand why others don't give a good reason why things WAB has pointed out is wrong.
People like me that don't know WAB think what he said is true because no one will give a good reason why he is wrong. They just come back with an attack on WAB.

All the bad remarks coming back don't need to be said. It's childish.

Sunday, February 10, 2008 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a false statement. The pickups did not have 200,000 to 300,000 miles on them...and the dump trucks did pass inspection. They might have had to have some mechanic work but there are mechanics at the highway department. Whoever is trying to justify this action is either trying to hide something from the public or just clueless to the truth.

My question for 8:59 is...What good is all these new pickup trucks, dump trucks, and equipment if there is no money left for road repair after these purchase????

Sunday, February 10, 2008 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all Mr. Hyatt and the supervisors need to quit using these pickup trucks as personal vehicles. You see these people in town on Fridays (hwy. dept. day off) and the weekend going in and out of Wallmart parking lot. I do not believe the replaced trucks had that many miles. Think about what the blogger is trying to get you to believe, there are approximately 10-12 pickup trucks and suburbans...Each one has 200,000 to 300,000 miles...Boy that is a lot of riding around...explains why no work is getting done...employees are joy riding the county!!! Please give the citizens of the county more respect than to think they believe this..

"Dump Trucks wouldn't pass inspection" How did they pass inspection before Barry was road superintendent? Automatically when Barry got elected "none of the dump trucks" would pass inspection...Come on now...this is totally unbelievable.

And in defense of the blogger that made reference to his children...I believe his concern is that if mismanagement continues at the highway department and school department that his children's tax rate will be so high that it will be impossible to justify staying in Giles County.

It is obvious to all that the person who made these statements about excessive mileage and dump trucks not passing inspection is either Barry, Julie, or Steve...the decision makers at the county. Who else could even pretend to know this???

Don't be fooled by people trying to cover their butts.

Go get the information that you need. If these replaced truck were sold, mileage would have to be kept on record.

Just ask for the information on how much has been spent on trucks, equipment, administrative and supervisor salaries, and shop inprovements..and you will know why no road maintaining is being done....NO MONEY LEFT FOR SOMETHING SO INSIGNIFICANT.

If anyone knows Barry at all...they know that this is his signature of always spending money on the "luxury" items. Ask how much his floormats or radio cost for his "WORK" truck???

Don't take my word for this information ...go to highway department and ask for the records. It is your right to know how your taxdollars are spent.

Ask for a list of road maintanance and what roads have been paved or nresurfaced????

Sunday, February 10, 2008 12:30:00 PM  

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