Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Appeal of $10,000.00 Fine Denied

I know there is another blog topic where this fine is discussed but this is somewhat different.
This is information you will not read or hear much about for sometime yet.

It has been kept quiet for the must part and even many on the School Board were not told about it. In October 2007 the Giles County School System received word that they were being fined $10,000.00 for consistent tardiness in submitting teacher contributions to the Consolidated Retirement Fund. This contribution is 5% of each teacher’s monthly salary. It is supposed to be received at the retirement center not later than the tenth of each month. The fine was paid on 7 December 2007 in order to prevent accrual of interest.

At the November School Board meeting I asked about this fine, if correction had been made to prevent future violations and if anyone had been disciplined or would be disciplined as a result. I was ignored by the Board and Director. The Director of Schools, Mr. Tee Jackson, later did offer the statement that “the report was late once and that was only by one day and the fine was being appealed”.

Well, the fine was appealed and the appeal was rejected. The Director of the Tennessee Retirement System, Jill Bachus has denied the appeal on the basis that, “over the past four years the contribution from Giles County had been late consistently”. The letter was received here on 19 December and to this date there has been no information disseminated to the public about this fine being upheld.

Why hasn't this information been announced on the radio or printed in the paper? This money is wasted with absolutely no benefit to the county, the school system or any child in the system. Will the School Board do more than hide their collective heads in the sand or will they finally get a backbone and demand action. Yes there are a couple on the board that are trying but it's mighty hard to stand against the others and their determination to keep things looking good while the termites of inefficiency and incompetency eat away the very foundation. Allen Barrett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of discipline do you think is appropriate? I'm sure that all bills that are paid cannot go through Mr. Jackson's desk before they are paid. That would be a full time job in itself. Now that he is aware there is a problem surely he will see that the problem does not occur again.

Friday, December 28, 2007 8:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous,
Do you really think that this is the first awareness Mr. Jackson has of this problem? It's been going on for about four years with many memos and letters of warning sent from the retirement office. Do you think someone has stolen or diverted his mail? Of course Mr. Jackson does not personally complete the forms necessary and send the money to the retirement office but someone has that responsibility and should be held accountable. Just consider for a moment how much money is involved 5% of the salary of every teacher in the state retirement system. If it was your retirement and your personal money would you want someone so irresponsible taking care of it. Each day the money is not on deposit the teachers retirement system loses the interest which translates into less money for retired teachers. The person guilty of this should be held personally responsibly and pay the fine; be moved to another job with less responsibility and salary; re-evaluated each month as to whether they should keep their job. If this seems harsh keep in mind this is not the only problem the school system has with this person. It’s just one more of the many reasons to retain the Financial Management Act. In light of this and other problems with the school book keeping you have to wonder why so many teachers signed the petition to repeal the Act. Allen Barrett

Friday, December 28, 2007 8:43:00 AM  
Blogger trimhed said...

The repeated tardiness of this contribution can surely be narrowed down to someone's specific duties in the school system. I agree that this person should be held accountable and dealt with accordingly. That is the trouble with the world these days-being held accountable is a thing of the past.

Friday, December 28, 2007 9:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The teachers signed because they will have to go through an act of congress to spend there measely $200. The bookkeeper writes the check but she does not send the report in.

Friday, December 28, 2007 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1032 Please explain the measely $200. What is it? What does it have to do with signing a petition to eliminate financial accoutability? The school system is not under the act yet - at least not over the past 4 years of problems.

If we had financial accountability teachers, not bureaucracy and administration would be the spending priority. With no accountability, the teachers & lowest paid employees get the scraps or nothing & thats a fact!

Friday, December 28, 2007 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers are given $200 for school supplies for their classrooms. If they want to purchase from a company outside of the school they must get a purchase order from the school, but first they must have a requisition signed by the principal. Then they go to Mrs. Braden who checks to see what their balance is in their account. Then if they have money they are issued a purchase order. They can also get the Walmart charge card by going through the above procedure. If purhcase are issued by the Financial Management system they will have to check with the school for their balance then get a requisition then go to the bank and get a purchase order. Sounds like fun huh!

Friday, December 28, 2007 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is somewhat of a hassle, but that's the way it's set up. Should teachers ignore that if they don't like it? No, I think most teachers are appreciative of the financial help, regardless of the hassle.

Friday, December 28, 2007 1:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, teachers want the money but they do not like the hassle they go through now. It will be much harder later. There is a store in the Central Office where some supplies can be bought at a cheaper rate than stores but they do not have any but simple supplies. If you want anything else you have to go through the purchase order. If the purchase orders are written at the bank and the supplies are at the office someone has to keep up with the balances of the teachers and someone else will have to write the purchase order but not without going through more than one place. Big hassle and teachers don't like it now so why would they like it when it gets more complicated.

Friday, December 28, 2007 4:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:59 &1:14 Excellent process and money problem that you can solve!
The problem isn't accounting control or accountability, it's common sense and not being overrun by regimentation. Very old interesting antiquated situation.

1. Teachers should be teaching, not shopping for supplies. Fuel & time to get it. Any disagreement?
2. What could be more counterproductive? - trips, uneconomical buy lot, tons of unnecessary paperwork. Under the right conditions, we could pay $100 for a pencil word a dime? Any disagreement?
3. Proves the inefficiency of government, but doesn't prove good employees can't change it! Any disagreement?

Not only a hassle for the teacher, but not economical for school, teacher, student, or learning!

Let's say it costs $2,000 to control each $200 allowance. It is not unreasonable to assume $10 for each element of a transaction, such as 1) requisition, 2) purchase order, 3) receive, 4) pay, then add confirm & account for it, in between each step. A shopping cart full of different stuff? Is it worth it?

Does no one know about a min-max inventory control system? If auditors want finite control over $200 per teacher misc. supplies, per year, tell the NO - Also call your legislators & demand a bill that says teachers do not have to account the detail other than the fact they received the check! Legislators usually do have common sense.

If everyone is looking for pencil thieves, there is no time or money for anything else, especially teaching! If you look at functional and activity spending in the school system, the cost of running around in circles is breaking the taxpayer's back!

Change it! Don't assume you have to do dumb things. You are there to teach people to do smart things! If you can write, write a story about the whole stupid process of making a ten cent pencil cost a hundred dollars! If you have, embarrass someone!

Key accounting word - "materiality". Don't know of any industry that does what you describe, including high volume nuts & bolts costing millions per year total. 'nother key - usage and accountability at the disbursement point (when you get the check, not everything you will do with it) Can't imagine an auditor not comprehending this ... on the other hand prodding & pushing are appropriate.

Friday, December 28, 2007 4:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you know that if the county is under the financial management program all the information that will be needed will be available right their in the one office. Mrs. Braden will not have anything to do with it.
One of the big benefits in spite of the Lovell, Britton, Jackson scare tactics will be the simplistic ease with which accountability will experienced. The office will uncomplicate the incredible situation that now exists.

Friday, December 28, 2007 4:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annonymous 4:59 p.m. - Right on!
Where in the world are the teachers getting the idea a bank would be involved. Mrs. Garner, the Financial Director will be buying in bulk. You will be getting more for your supplies buck. Too many improvements to be listed here.

Ok, so you signed the petition to revoke the financial act, but that doesn't mean you have to vote against the Act. If teachers signed for some of the reasons listed above, you have been brainwashed! Vote to keep the Act in place. You will be nicely surprised at the changes it will make in your life once its given an opportunity. Remember, the schools will be transferred in the final stage of implementation which will mean we start off the new fiscal year under the Act. Give it a chance to prove itself PLEASE, and don't believe any of the negatives you are told. Doesn't make sense for this Act not to be a good thing with additional counties operating under Government Accounting Standards each year.

Friday, December 28, 2007 6:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that any idea other than your own is brain washing. You have no idea what state requirements are. The school supply center at the Central Office has ordinary supplies bought in bulk by bid. It is the non ordinary things that individual teachers want that require purchase through companies outside of Giles County. There is no way to bypass that. The state does not allow the school systems to hand over supply money to teachers. Accountability! The auditors would have a hayday on that one.

Friday, December 28, 2007 7:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What pray tell could teachers possibly want that cost less than 200 dollars and has to be purchased outside Giles County. Accountability is what the Act provides and because of it the state has relaxed it's hold in those counties that have adopted the act and shown compliance with it.
Speaking of auditors perhaps you should ask one which is a greater potential problem giving teachers $200.00 or having the same person receive the money, account for it, and sign the checks for it. This is a violation that has repeatedly been written up year after year.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know teachers who work in other counties, both in Tennessee and Alabama. They have the same "purchase order" system for buying things, so why is there such a ruckus being raised here? Oh, I forgot. This is Giles County where practically all government and educational officials are dishonest. Not nearly as laughable as it is embarrassing.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an idiot. It is not dishonesty. It is a fear of change. The fear of change and lack of leadership to lead the change is why we are where we are today.
If you think things are so bad, then why don't you try to do something about it.......or are you as electable as WAB?

Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I say things are that bad here? No. You assumed incorrectly.
All I was trying to do is point out that Giles County is not the only one that has a cumbersome system of purchasing items for classrooms. Where did you conclude that I am resistant to change? And you call me an idiot? Go look in the mirror.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn I look good!

Saturday, December 29, 2007 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no school supply store in Giles County. If teachers want materials for something as simple as bulletin boards they must go to a school supply store. Walmart does not have these things. Some books that teachers use as suppliments must be bought from elsewhere. Those are only two examples. No one is afraid of change but change for the sake of change is stupid.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:07 & 7:59 12/28

Who in a management or elected Giles County position is saying detailed purchasing and accounting is required for the $200 misc. teacher expense funds? If any state auditor, etc is making that claim, put them on the list.

Those who are talking the horror case situation, go back & read 12-28 4:12.

We need to remember that someone talking about a problem like this is not an idiot because they can identify idiocy. Problems are never solved if not identified! If they are afraid & don't want to upset some true idiot, then they will have to work in a situation where everyone has a right to assume it is run by idiots for idiots. Change it & everyone will look good.

Giles County is full of people who have worked various companies who use min-max and other systems for low cost production, maintenance, office, etc. supplies. If they had to do what you describe they would be broke & out of a job (private business can't raise prices by taxation & will fail if they don't operate with some intelligence). Most bigger companies are audited by the very top public accounting firms - (international and US) - they would be written up & individuals would be fired for doing what the scare mongers claim must be done!

Saturday, December 29, 2007 2:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay I went back and re-read the suggested message. I got the same impression the second time that I did the first. I guess the $2000 to spend $200 came in the same process and the saving over a million dollars with the Financail Mangement Act, absolutely ridiculous. I'm still waiting on someone to tell how anywhere close to that can be saved. Where will you save? Please explain that to us. I don't teach bookkeeping so I don't get it.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 6:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Multiply the $2000 times every teacher & you will see a tiny portion of the total. If things are as bad as you say in the teaching area, you can bet it might be that bad everywhere else. According to the 2006/7 budget, total school spending increases were about 3 times the national inflation rate for the 3 years back to 2003/4 - if so, that excess is around $4 million. Actual 2007 will should make it a little less.

Have you ever seen their budget? How much could you save if you had an incentive to make it happen? How much does it cost per day to run the school? How much per day when there is no school. How much did it cost to air condition the school in August? - To heat it in January? How much did it cost when the weather is nice? Do any windows open? How many things & questions do you see?

If schools have the best minds, spending should be below national average inflation. What's innovation, technology, invention? None of it happens in an environment of regimentation. It never happens when there is an unrestrained flow of money to waste! We have the minds. I think they are just stiffled by a mindless government bureaucracy!

Thought to ponder - How could anyone believe an organization pinched pennies and saved when they are spending two or three times the inflation rate. That's the claim of our school board and director in each of the 3 years noted. What do you call a state that compares spending to a fake budget instead of the prior year? (big time messed up?)

Not all areas of Giles County are messed up. You can get a license plate or title with almost no hassle today. No BS, no whining, no scamming or lies, just service better than we deserve! Maybe they should be running the schools!

Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all the $2000 is BS. Second the Finanacial Mangement Act will not be in charge of what is budgeted for the school. The board and director still have the same duties where that is concerned. That seems to be the main argument that people have about it. That WILL NOT CHANGE. The director does the budget. When would you suggest that school start? It is either go to school in August or go in June. School is required to be in session for 180 days. That WILL NOT CHANGE. I agree the heat is a problem but it is in June also, maybe a little less but still heat. We could skip spring break and fall break but who wants that. The kids and the teachers both need breaks from each other. I guess from your comments there should be no school in August or January. I'm really not sure what your point is. What difference does it make if I have seen the budget. I don't set the budget the director does. If there were something illegal about the budget the state would step in, we all know that your group has talked to them about everything so apparently there is nothing wrong or charges would have been made.

Sunday, December 30, 2007 7:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write as someone deeply involved in eliminating financial management & control, definitely not a teacher. Your $200 annual teacher allowance "story" would more than likely be more than $2000. You described nominal $1 type transactions, of a requisition, purchase order, acquisition, payment, general ledger record, and all the forms, records and process times (people & wages) that goes with it! Several years ago, the top university accounting schools used as much as $25 and more per transaction ELEMENT! You wouldn't know that, because you obviously have no knowledge.

The duties of the director and board will not and should not change. What THEY are doing will! The budget must be approved by financial director, before it goes to the council. No approval, no money! A board of education suit to force passage of a fraudulent budget would be classic.

Our director of finance is a CPA, as required for the job. A CPA must NOT approve or pass a deceptive, false, or fraudulent financial document, and in fact has an obligation to disclose any such activity, if simply known! Doing so can bring civil or criminal charges. The words do have a definition. Fundamental ethics and integrity are requirements to obtain and retain certification. If you want enlightenment, check with the AICPA and GASB, review the FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board) and GASB bulletins, statements, etc. Better yet, send the AICPA and GASB a letter explaining your practice of falsifying revenue and pretending non basic spending is for basic education activities; to justify raising taxes, to enable more spending, to provide very favorable budget results, to secure employment and receive a raise, while increasing spending well over double the national inflation rate! Ask how to stop people from interfering with your process. Be sure to put your name & public office position on it!

As for needing a break, have you ever worked to support a family? Do you wonder why any of the parents working at WALMART aren't out shopping with you on your holiday? They have to work - every day of the year, not 180 out of 365! They DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY! Yes, the A/C utility bills would be staggering in August. Yes, your spending is out of control. All, because there is no financial control in GCDOE, and that is because control disrupts corruption!

Financial management includes analyzing major costs and working with management to control major expenses like utilities. Not knowing what a budget is, confirms your objective is unrestrained spending without purpose, to the detriment of students, teachers, taxpayers,and the people who support them. Everyone but you!

I have talked to various people and find none who condone what is happening. If you will go to the pdf file page 98 of the 2007 TN Audit, under reporting Entity, you will see there is a clear separation of the council and the school department entities. The school tax and money are under the authority of the commission. Using deception and falsified statements to OBTAIN that money is fraud by the entity, and any aiding and abetting it are in the loop. (go back to par. 3)

Saying the pledge and a prayer before meetings says we know better. Imagine doing it in San Francisco. Unfortunately we hear an Amen or two, followed by a few lies, deception, false witness, and plots to take from the poor. "Letting it happen" had big consequences more than once.

Sunday, December 30, 2007 8:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:23:00 was mine don m

Sunday, December 30, 2007 8:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scamming, lies, corruption. deception, mismanagement, out-of-control spending, plots, false witness, fraud,and on and on. Don't you people ever get tired of dealing with negatives? Apparently not. But I would challenge you to think about this and perhaps resolve this new year to be a part of positives instead of appearing to be a little pompous group of know-it-alls who do nothing but complain and whine. Wouldn't that be refreshing? I get excited just thinking about the possibilities. But, alas, it's not going going to happen, is it?
I'll conclude this post by saying that, in agreement with a former post, the state would have already stepped in had you guys really had anything. Even if you did, you should turn the "evidence" over to the proper authorities and then butt out. But that's not going to happen either, is it?

Monday, December 31, 2007 7:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/58 This thread is about a $10,000 FINE by the STATE, for REPEATED offenses against an organization run by the man that said "IT'S THE FIRST TIME". Sounds like a porn flick!

Are you offended by all the bad words you quoted because they define bad things? Should they be classified as hate speach? Are they forbidden in your schools?

Is your "possess-abilities" vision as simple as eliminating the bad words? A few weeds, a tripod, and a kalidaiscope pointed at the moon on a cloudy night can bring the sweetest visions - har-money, piece, & to gatherness with benign fits for all.

Monday, December 31, 2007 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your emperor has been exposed as being naked and all you can do is blame a fathom group that exposed the fact he has no clothes as trouble makers focused on negatives.
Your wobbled house of cards is falling and all you can say is we have to keep quiet and make it look good. Substance is nothing to you when compared to appearance and good sounding words. To you moral character and integrity are ideas to be criticized while praising those who exhibit neither. Moral courage is mocked while you commend cowardly deceit and open lies. You are given truths and respond by saying it’s not very pretty so it should be discarded. You would rather be part of the embarrassing problem than strive toward solutions. You are so typical of the parasites that demand all the privileges but refuse any of the responsibilities. You are a failure that seeks some validity by demeaning those who would build a society on truth and real justice instead of sweet sounding adjectives. I pity you for being you.

Monday, December 31, 2007 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"a teacher not a dunce said...
What pray tell could teachers possibly want that cost less than 200 dollars and has to be purchased outside Giles County."

Are you kidding? Surely you must be! There are many, many school supplies that WalMart doesn't carry. Not to mention, professional materials that help teachers do their job more efficiently.
HELLO, there is a big old world out there and guess what, it doesn't revolve around Giles County. Our BOE and County Commission think that they can seceed from the U.S. as far as accountability, wages,and fair labor practices go...and apparently they can. I can just hear the discussion now..."the nerve of a teacher thinking they should be allowed to shop at the retail establishment of their choice!" It wouldn't surprise me if newly hired teachers of the future will be "on call" 24/7, having to account for every minute of their personal time. I pity the poor teacher that patronizes a local restaurant and decides to have a glass of wine with dinner,,,probably be front page news! It's time we citizens of the county learned that we don't own the teachers, they have a right to a private life, we don't have a right to their home phone number, they have work hours like the rest of the world and maybe, just maybe they might want to shop somewhere children and parents can't scrutinize the contents of their cart or demand a parent teacher conference in the middle aisle of WalMart.
Oh yea, one more thing since I am on my soapbox, there are so many ridiculous myths about teachers in this county, let me, as a former educator put this one to is laughable but also pitiable that the general public think that teachers work 180 days/yr. That's only what they are paid for! They work long hrs into the night, weekends, holidays, AND Summers. How 'bout giving them a least let them shop where they choose to.

Monday, December 31, 2007 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wrong again. There really is a fathom (phantom) group out there who seeks to embarrass and belittle others to further their own political or egotistical agendas. If you don't know who they are and who the leader is, simply ask around. It's become quite a joke around town. Nobody in my camp is uncaring toward truth and justice. You are wrong about that as well.
Again, you folks need to tuen over your evidence of corruption and wrongdoing to the powers that be and then butt out. Why is that so hard to grasp? And, contrary to what you keep saying, those like me are all for justice. We just don't like your vigilante style of doing things. Ok?

Monday, December 31, 2007 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous you just don’t get it, do you? If there is this fathom(understanding fully) group I’ll ask you, since you seem to know more about it than anyone else, who are they, who is their leader? Perhaps they are as you suggest a phantom (an image in your mind) group instead of a group seeking a deeper understanding. So you acknowledge that you have a camp with others in partnership could they possibly be the Vanzants, Jacksons, Speers, Harrisons, Brittons and Lovells of the county?
If you do can about the truth then why are you so eager to cover it up? You stated in another posting that I read that you have never questioned the authenticity of Mr Barrett’s clams but that you just don’t like his methods. Why would an intelligent person, as you sometimes seem to be, allow the methods to become more important that the facts? Were you one of those who denied
Paula Jones claims about Bill Clinton simply because she once lived in a trailer park? Sound as though you are.
Are you not aware that there are many regulations and laws on the books that carry not actual penalty? The whole matter of violating authorized limits of spending and engaging in “non bid contracts” for tens of thousands of dollars by Mr. Jackson on the soccer fields at Richland was a violation of law, exposed in last years audit, but has no penalty other than support for an administrative action, the school board ignored this whole matter, why?

Monday, December 31, 2007 1:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder why so many are trying to chance the subject of this blog entry? Could it possibly be they have no stomach for reality and a rational discussion. Why is there such a focus on who posted rather than on what is posted. It certainly seems to me that this is a very serious matter that will possibly effect my retirement. I would like some explinations as to why this happened and what will be done to prevent it happening again. I must admit I was very irritated at Mr Barrett when he asked about this at the school board meeting and Mr Jackson responded that "it was only one time and only one day late" but now it seem Mr Barrett was veryu much on the right track and Mr Jackson tried to cover the whole thing up.

Monday, December 31, 2007 1:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you please wake up? These things have been explained over and over and over again on this blog.
First, most anyone around town knows who the malcontents are. They are at every kind of town meeting there is with cameras rolling, recorders engaged, and pen and paper in hand. They are so eager to find the most minute flaw in anything. But, as has been stated several times as well, if they had anything, the state would be down here kicking some butts. Why hasn't that happened? Oh, I'm sure the explanation is that everybody at that level too is in on the corruption. Am I right?
Secondly, I don't have to defend my own position on my attitude toward the "truth" as you call it. So, I'll not even bother to explain myself (again) as a citizen of this county. You assume that everyone who doesn't see things your way is either crooked or stupid. Ridiculous. We can go on and on matching wits about this, but it is pointless. So why don't you stop crying and give it a rest? We all agree that there are laws all across this land that have become outdated and unfair. But we do have a democratic process wherein those laws can either be changed or thrown out. We don't need a small group of people running around here with their hair on fire trying to smear and belittle. I just happen to believe that, in light of our system of laws, checks and balances, or whatever you wish to call it, there is a right way to bring about neded change.
Finally, there you go again supposing and assuming that I'm in the clinton camp. You would make a good clintonian since you like to twist and misrepresent whatever anyone says that isn't in harmony with your thoughts. I almost wish you would join the clinton crusade, because the GOP doesn't need you. That is purely my opinion based upon what you have to say.

Monday, December 31, 2007 1:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

124 "We all agree that there are laws all across this land that have become outdated and unfair. But we do have a democratic process wherein those laws can either be changed or thrown out. We don't need a small group of people running around here with their hair on fire trying to smear and belittle."

Words of a brown blooded idiot liberal who can't comprehend that your sun has set! You hit the problem square on the head. You are lawless, not law abiding. If you feel teeth nipping at you rear end, you ain't seen nothin' yet! The laws are on the books and there is a groundswell of people that have the determination AND MEANS to see to it that they are enforced! Laws are passed by the legislatures, as provided by the Constitution! The legislature is the only body designated to pass new laws and repeal old laws - THAT IS THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS, not Democrat or Republic party platforms!

There are countless laws AND "precedence' dealing very harshly with even small dollar value fraud and falsification of government documents. There is TENCARE fraud, sales tax fraud by falsifying or even making an error on sales tax returns by individuals and business entities. According to this Blog, Jackson AND THE SCHOOL BOARD falsified sales tax revenue by several hundred thousand in his final funding statements passed by the commission!

Then there is MR. Lovely getting shot down twice trying to pass his stupid wheel tax to get more money from the people. Then, him & Jackson out there lying & carrying on, trying to shoot down what little financial management control we do have! You think these are nice people - just like you, right?

Tell you what, we need the legislative committee to pass ordinances with $500 or whatever the maximum fine allowable is, for EVERY incidence for financial misstatement, & $100 for every non financial lie to everyone they tell it to! Teachers wouldn't need retirement - they'd have more money than the state! If we can pass a 45 mile an hour speed limit & running a stop sign law, with fines, we can sure enough break these idiots from sucking eggs!!! Better yet, get a referendum going!

Monday, December 31, 2007 8:29:00 PM  
Blogger Allen Barrett said...

I decided to approach Mr. McPeters about helping with this blog and was given that opportunity. My hopes were to not necessarily become a constant contributor but feel it is necessary for me to post this comment. Mr Barrett has sent me a number of blog entries which I have posted because he was able to provide supportive documentation for those posts. The idea is to discuss things that are happening in this county or that affect the people of the county. Some apparently prefer to launch personal attacks against posters instead of engaging their thoughts in productive debate. I would urge everyone to please be more attentive to the subject, share your thoughts and reasons for them and stop the distracting personal attacks unless you can show legitimate cause. Kent Allard

Tuesday, January 01, 2008 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Allard..
If pointing out the ruthless and condescending manner in which some people handle others is not fruitful for debate and if that is perceived as a personal attack, then I must say respectfully to you that I see no need for those who share my view to be here at all.
While I've certainly not been the only one who has attempted to stand opposed to such behavior, I will now be one less.
I wish you well for this coming year.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008 7:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to repeat what was said earlier. If Jackson is doing something illegal then it should be no problem to do something about it. If you can PROVE that he has falsified anything, then he can lose his job. The point is that there is apparently no proof of anything or something would have been done. You can complain about a lot of things but it you have no proof drop it. And by the way, children go to school 180 days that does not mean teachers only work 180 days, there are inservice, parent teacher conference days, assigned days and days that teacher go to conferences to update their knowledge. These are not included in the 180 days the children are in school.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008 8:28:00 AM  
Blogger Allen Barrett said...

My comment above was not to reduce or inhibit debate but was simply an effort to encourage posters to stay on topic a little more. My concern is less for whether you call someone a name but more that you do it under the correct topic. My intention was not focused on any one individual, everyone has a valuable perspective, but was a blanket appeal. I'm sorry if anyone took it personally, that was not my intent. Kent Allard

Tuesday, January 01, 2008 9:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Won-won-ate 8to8
How many hours are there, bell to bell in the classroom?

Most supervision to professionals in industry spend 8 to 10+ hours a day on the job, 5+ days a week, (minus 2 WK VACATION + HOLIDAYS) - plus 7d, 24h (365) planning & trying to make a better mousetrap for less cost.

In the private sector, you either make a better product for less money or someone else will, and you will be out of a job. ((Name of the game is - cost must decline relative to the inflation rate))

School??? Information, data collection, and data dissemination are areas of earth shaking innovation and cost reduction, never before recorded on this planet --- everywhere except here!

The information product hasn't changed (read, add, subtract) in centuries. Data collection is still a rock, hammer, & chisel. Dissemination remains afire with warrior and blanket. However ---- big chief with pail of water says it's illegal to smoke! Results - spending 2 to 3 times inflation & no smoke signals. Guarantee the message at the bank will be as old as, "teepee not full of dung, need money for new teepee for friend with a plan." (Reference: Hydropathic painting (oracle) found in Arizona cave)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am generally very easy going, but I must say that I am SO SICK AND TIRED of people stating how little teachers work for their pay. Those of you that think that's the case don't have a clue. 6 1/2 hours, 180 days a year? I wish!

According to our contract, teachers have to be at school by 7:45 AM and are allowed to leave at 3:15 PM. Most teachers arrive at school at least by 7:00 or 7:15 AM in order to get their classrooms ready (get materials out, tidy the room, write assignments on the board, work with the students who come in early to makeup work or for extra help, etc.) and prepare for students to arrive. Most teachers stay at school until 4:00 PM or often even later grading papers, making lesson plans, letting students do makeup work, etc.

And I don't want to hear "you have a planning period for that"! Yes, a 30 to 45 minute period to grade over 100 papers a day (do you know how long it takes to grade just one essay, much less 100 of them?), plan for 5 classes, make out tests, attend to students who come in to complete makeup work, contact parents of students who are having problems, assist students who come in for extra help, mark attendance and grades in the gradebook, input grades into the computer, average grades, return phone calls from parents who have questions or complaints, fill out discipline forms, work on extra-curricular club projects, etc., etc., etc.

Since you don't have time to get things done during the school day, you take the work home. Then you work anywhere from an hour to 4 or 5 hours a night, practically every night, trying to keep up. That doesn't count the nights that you have to work gates at ball games or attend at least some of the games to support your students, because they always ask if you are at the games to watch them, and because it is important to them that you are there. It also doesn't count all the other activities such as plays, band concerts, open houses, carnivals, club events, etc., that you have to attend or work.

On the weekends you continue what you do at home at night so that you can keep up with all the grading and get papers back to students in a timely manner, have tests made out in time to give them, try to think of innovative ways to interest and assist those students who aren't motivated to learn, try to decide what you can do to help students who have no help at home or unfortunate home situations, worry about those children, and figure out how you're going to deal with the students who are disruptive and disrespectful because, among other things, they hear their parents complain, say ugly things, and disrespect teachers themselves in the home.

Yes, we do get holidays, such as two weeks at Christmas. Since exams are given right before Christmas break, you spend a good part of that time grading those exams, averaging the grades for the semester, recording those grades in your gradebook, and inputting those grades in the computer because they have to be due the first day back so that report cards can be processed and sent out within a few days. Add to all of this working on numerous other things such as homecoming week (planning activities, ordering tiaras and flowers, meeting with the participants and escorts, practicing during your planning time, etc.), planning field trips, making all the phone calls necessary to organize those trips, completing all different types of paperwork (bus forms for trips, registration forms, daily attendance sheets, etc.), organize student government elections, organizing and counting ballots for all different types of things such as homecoming elections, student council elections, or class officer elections, writing reference letters for every student who needs one for a job interview or scholarship application, etc., evaluating textbooks for the next adoption series, planning physical activites for the new wellness law which requires all teachers to now also be PE coaches for part of their class time each week, and the list goes on and on.

Now add to that all the time that you have to spend on the school improvement plan each year, which includes analyzing your students' performance and finding the areas of strengths and weaknesses, determining ways to address those weaknesses in the students' performance or in other areas of the school, meeting with other teachers to go over the plans, typing up your findings, etc. Oh, and don't let me forget the faculty meetings, meetings with parents, and special education meetings. And speaking of special education, you have to analyze and report information for each individual special education student that you have in class on at least a monthly basis, re-figure those students' grades with modifications, make additional and individualized lessons and tests for each of those students separately every day, and so on and so on.

Well, at least we have summers off, right? During the summer you have to plan for the next school year since the requirements for classroom instruction change just about every year or you have new textbooks to read and learn, attend required inservices and workshops, design and prepare new and interesting bulletin boards for your classroom for the upcoming year, research and read the latest information on new teaching techniques and such, go to the school and spend a week getting your classroom back together since the custodians moved everything (including all the desks, heavy filing cabinets, computers, etc.) either into one corner of the room or outside the room after they have cleaned the room and waxed the floors, and somewhere in that time attend classes or seminars in order to maintain your teaching certification and spend countless hours worrying whether you have met all the benchmarks required by the state the past year that supposedly tell whether or not you are getting the job done in the classroom.

Then when school starts back in the fall, you have to do the same things all over again, plus at least a few other tasks or requirements that are always added to your work load each year. And each year the number of students who misbehave in class and the number of students AND PARENTS who are disrespectful, rude, harassing, or just plain ugly to you on a daily basis, no matter how hard you try to help their child, increases each year. What other professional is required to deal with that? There are very few professions, if any at all, (especially where the person is required to have the level of education required of those in teaching), in which the person has to deal with such behavior as a ROUTINE part of their job. Teachers are just expected to accept this type of thing as part of their job. No teacher ever minds talking to a parent who has a concern if they do so in a reasonable manner, but more often than not that parent will be rude and can sometimes even be threatening. If that weren't enough, teachers now have to be subjected to reading or hearing about such nonsense as the things written about them in places such as this blog. For administrators, it's even worse. (I know, I have a family member who was a principal for many years. And no, he didn't work in this county.) Multiply all of this by ten and you might get an idea of what they have to do and what they go through each day.

Don't believe this? Or are you one of those people who is always putting education down or writing such nonsense on this blog? As the old saying goes, put your money where your mouth is. Shadow a teacher or an administrator for one week. I don't mean just sit in the classroom, though I imagine that alone would change your perspective. Follow them through all of their activities, both before and after school each day for one week, and see what have to do and what they have to put up with. I'm certain anyone you ask will be happy to allow you do to so. I can assure you it will be an eye-opening experience, and maybe next time you'll think twice before you criticize what "little" educators do.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 5:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more point I forgot to mention...

You state, "The information product hasn't changed (read, add, subtract) in centuries."

That's the most ridiculous statement I think I've ever heard! Let me state just a few examples: What about history? Every year that passes adds more information that must be included in history books! Or do you think history only extends to 1900 and nothing after that is ever added? Wake up! What about computer courses? Were they part of the curriculum centuries ago? And science? How many scientific discoveries have been made just in the last 50 years? How many books have been written, fiction and non-fiction? How many words have been added to the English language since 1900, for example, that are now part of vocabulary lessons? What about discoveries in medicine, which is included in the health occupations curriculum? If you think the "information product" hasn't changed in centuries, or even in the last decade, then you must truly have your head buried in the sand. Teachers are required to teach more and more information every year.

By the way, you might want to remember to thank a teacher for your being able to read this blog and write that statement, despite how idiotic it is.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 5:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really need to lighten up a bit. We know teaching is a demanding job. We respect teachers. Why don't you get a job in the private sector for a while & get acquainted with our circus with no fringes, tenure, or happy faces 24 hours a day!

You might want to stare at your pay check and appreciate what some of the little folks in this community have to do to provide the money for it. Teachers are not being paid as we the people intended because your administration spends the money elsewhere! Your books are not new because of language, k-12 science, or math inn0vations, it's because the education mafia wants to teach political correctnes and rewrite history, instead of producing children who can read, write, add, and be inquisitive instead of obedient! Not my fault & certainly not a teacher's fault - why argue?

Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This subject can be closed, there is no longer a fine!!

Friday, January 11, 2008 5:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its nice to know school employees are participating in the dialogue on this blog.

Friday, January 11, 2008 6:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

writer of 957 totally agrees with you. Teachers, some of the finest minds in the county, are trapped in regimentation, obedience, & can't do anythingaboutititis. If they were turned loose with an incentive, I bet they could cut the cost of "schooling" 25% in short order - & make a lot more than they do now AND produce children who could read, write, think, and maybe turn this sick country around!

Friday, January 11, 2008 6:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is no longer a fine has the state sent the money back?

Saturday, January 12, 2008 7:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read this article-

Once again, Allen Barrett doesn't know what the crap he is talking about. He is a troublemaker to the bone.

Saturday, January 12, 2008 1:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now that we know the truth what does that mean. That WAB always knows what he is talking about. I DON'T THINK SO. WAB is a trouble maker, tells half truths that make other people look bad. Oh, yeah I think he said in one statement on this blog that he APOLOGIZES when he is wrong. We are waiting.

Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB does not need to apologize. What he reported so far has been absolutely accurate. School paid the fine early Dec. Appealed. Appeal denied prior to Christmas. Thats ALL WAB reported. Now.......
denial has been reversed. (By higher authority than one who issued letter of denial?) And Anonymous, since you knew all about it on Friday, assume you work at the school office so pray tell us who signed the reversal? We are waiting.

Saturday, January 12, 2008 8:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In defense of Allen Barrett... He does know what he is talking about dealing with the school system being fined. The first letter came out in late October from a Connie Gibson notifying the school system that a fine of over $10,000 was being handed down for late payment and the school system had a right to appeal, which they did.

On December the 7th the school system paid the fine while the appeal process was taking place.

On December the 19th the appeal was denied by Jill Bachus and a letter was to be sent out addressing her decision.

Now it seems a different turn has taken place. You can bet your bottom dollar I will find out how this took place. In addition the school system has been tardy on more than one occasion on submitting the retirement funds to the state in a timely manner.

For the ones out there in blog land .... this is not Melanie fault dealing with the delinquent remittance to the state retirement fund. There are others up their on the hill that have a responsibility of remitting funds that are with-held from employees paychecks to be paid to various vendors, but they have a difficult time making sure that these funds are paid on time.

Saturday, January 12, 2008 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 12 Jan 1:04 PM post.
You said, “Read this article-
Once again, Allen Barrett doesn't know what the crap he is talking about. He is a troublemaker to the bone”.
Now having read the article I’ll ask you just what was in the article that was in conflict with what I had reported about the fine. Was there a fine of over $10,000.00 levied against the school system for consistently late contributions to the retirement system? The answer is absolutely YES. Was the fine paid by the school system” The answer is absolutely YES. Was the appeal by the school system denied? Again, the answer is absolutely YES. Did the school system make a second appeal and have the fine overturned? Apparently the answer is YES. Have you read anything written by me that said the second appeal was denied? The answer is absolutely NO. Did I make any kind of prediction about the status of the second appeal? The answer is absolutely NO.
Unless you can show a specific statement I wrote that was not absolutely accurate at the time it was posted I would suggest you need to reassess the meaning of your statement to better identify from whom an apology is due.
To anonymous of the 12 Jan 6pm post.
I offer you the same challenge as I offer to the anonymous in my above statement. Either show some proof that what I posted about the fine was wrong or change your whine and apologize for your totally inaccurate comments about me. Allen Barrett

Saturday, January 12, 2008 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett you were asked on more than one occasion on this blog to put your money where your mouth is. We asked you to get written proof that the payments had consistently been paid late. This is the quote from WKSR.

"Upon reconsideration of this entire issue, the Director of State Finanace has made a decision that a warning will be issued to the Giles County Board of Education based on the facts of the matter,” the letter states.

“There has been no finding that the school district is habitually late in its contributions; the last late payment having been attributed to a computer operations problem. The $10,495.12 penalty will be reimbursed to the school system.”

So, were you wrong. I believe so, yet you continue to deny it. You are the type of person is never wrong and will never admit it. So why should we believe you.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett you were asked on more than one occasion on this blog to put your money where your mouth is. We asked you to get written proof that the payments had consistently been paid late. This is the quote from WKSR.

"Upon reconsideration of this entire issue, the Director of State Finanace has made a decision that a warning will be issued to the Giles County Board of Education based on the facts of the matter,” the letter states.

“There has been no finding that the school district is habitually late in its contributions; the last late payment having been attributed to a computer operations problem. The $10,495.12 penalty will be reimbursed to the school system.”

So, were you wrong. I believe so, yet you continue to deny it. You are the type of person is never wrong and will never admit it. So why should we believe you.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems the Sunday 7:35 am poster is deliberatly ignoring your facts.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can give up right now on getting an apology from barrett. He has been asked to apologize numerous times on this blog, but he either ignores the request or resorts to calling names. Don't hold your breath til that man apologizes for anything.
It must be nice to be right all the time.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our education system is melting down before our eyes.

A problem is not addressed. Rather than identify the problem and fix it, it's covered up. Because it wasn't fixed, it reoccurs. Then it's covered up to avoid "negativism". Because fixing it would expose incompetence or corruption (negativism), it continues to happen. The Tennessee Retirement System Director (Jill Bachaus) issues a citation letter and fine for repeated failure to submit funds on time. It's paid. There is an appeal and Jill Bachaus (?)denies that appeal. Apparently there is another appeal, and the (TN Director of Finance?) overrules the fine, changing the charge to a "WARNING", citing a claimed "Computer problem"!

Why not just say the dog ate the reports and we couldn't get them in on time! Do they have any billings for computer repair? Does it break down every month when it's time for the retirement reports?

Who are you going to believe? Is it the den of corruption that publicly says "No money" & "no increase in years" (when there is), then actively solicits the public to eliminate financial management and accountability in the county. Or, are you going to believe a state director over the retirement system, who would certainly not scam a school!

Apparently the director of finance didn't want to take books out of the hands of children, and rescinded the fine. Issuing a warning is not rescinding the citation nor claiming nothing is wrong! Unfortunately, a kind act is being used to vindicate deception and corruption!

According to the twelve O'clock idiot, the nest of corruption wants an apology for publishing factual news about their deed and trade! How can anyone tolerate this madness in our school system?

Sunday, January 13, 2008 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently you cannot read. The Director of Finance said the payments had been late twice. Once was a computer problem. The other was human error. There was no habitual tardiness. That is what is a lie. No one is denying those two times. I believe that is the statement Jackson made in the first place and now the state has confirmed it. Please reread the statement from the state on WKSR. The problem has been addressed. Do you think that every time someone makes a mistakes that it should be put in the paper. I don't think so. No one is perfect. I think a warning from the state is fair. The school system has been warned!! I'm sure someone can check with the software people to see what that a report was made since you check everything else. They have admitted they made a mistake this time now get over it. Thanks for the name calling. I have more class than that and won't return the favor.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey the fine is gone, let's start a new subject, this one is getting old.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see if I have this right. I posted exactly what happened, the response and the stated reason for that response. No one has offered any legitimate evidence that what I posted was incorrect. Now on Friday the second appeal results in overturning the fine. Does that change anything that I have reported on this blog or wrote in the paper, NO. It’s the same as if you say that it is raining on Thursday morning, if it’s not raining on Friday morning does that alter the fact it rained on Thursday, of course not. So why should what I wrote about the fine be judged incorrect because a different decision was made later in the week?
I wrote “the letter stated the payments had been consistently late”. What I wrote was what the letter had said period. In response to that a poster embellished the facts and said I spoke of it being “habitually late”. Is there a difference, only when someone is attempting to distort the truth? Now at the school board meeting, and this is not only still fresh in the minds of those in attendance but was also audio recorded, Mr. Jackson stated that the contribution had been late only once and that was only one day. Even the anonymous poster who criticized me stated that the reports were late “TWICE”, so is it that they were late once by one day or were they late twice? Does the term “consistently” mean once or more than once? If it refers to more than once then Mr. Jackson was wrong, I was right and the anonymous poster is poking at holes in the air.
As for an apology, I have no problem apologizing when I am wrong and if you check this blog you can see where I have done this several times. Will I apologize for this matter absolutely not until I am proven wrong. Simply show some factual, not feeling but factual, evidence I was wrong and I will certainly apologize but based on that I don’t expect to issue an apology in my life time. Allen Barrett

Sunday, January 13, 2008 3:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me what the definition of consistently is. Does that mean twice in several years. I would take it to mean that it would mean more times than not. Someone, I don't think it was WAB stated that the payments were consistently late for the last four years.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 4:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely incredible. The only times I recall your apologizing is when you failed to put your name after your spewings.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 5:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then you memory is very bad.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous you need to check out what wab said on Jan 11 at 1:20 on the finance management subject. The man made it clear he would apoligize when you prove he was wrong.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was proven wrong about his name-calling. Did he apologize for his behavior? NO!

Monday, January 14, 2008 7:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The trouble with the school director and board is deception & cover up. Once started, it never ends!

The issue is a $10,000 fine, an administration that didn't want anyone to know about it, and the step & fetchers who try to crucify anyone who wants to know what is going on! Get used to it!

We have reached a point where nothing said by the top of the school system is believable! One thing you can believe - it's gonna change!

Monday, January 14, 2008 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From my perspective it's more like any who disagree with your view get crucified and called names. Should we have to get used to that too?

Monday, January 14, 2008 2:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should any department have to make all issues public? This was handled and is over with. Let it die! We have heard enough of something that came to nothing. Do you think that the Financial Mangement is going to publicize every error that is made. I don't think so!

Monday, January 14, 2008 6:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point is - no one should fear making an error, don't know anyone who hasn't!

There is something wrong with cover up, spin, or justifying an error -

If it's a public department, all issues are public - a response is required & then let it go!

Monday, January 14, 2008 9:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one covered anything up, it just wasn't put in the paper. They were handling it themselves just like they should. Did anybody ever say we are not dealing with it. We have not addressed the issue with the party responsible. No they did not! They handled it, they addressed it, now let it along for goodness sake. It was blown out of proportion by the people who said it was habitual. A computer error and one human error. Everybody makes mistakes and you are right no one SHOULD be afraid of making a mistake, except where the lynching crew is envolved. I know I would be afraid if I were the one responsible. Look at all the critics that have made this whole issue a crime. They wanted the person responsible to pay the fine. If that is not putting fear in someone what is!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A $10,000 fine is important! Don't you think the citizens would support almost anyone who makes an innocent & honest error & then gets clubbed with that?

You totally miss the point. There is no credibility at the top, cemented over and over by false claims, statements, presentations, etc. made in public, published in the paper, etc.! "Consistently" does not mean "twice"! The statement of a "warning" didn't change that wording, and does not say "forgive me for over reacting"! If the state wrongfully issued the fine, as stated "consistently", they should be held accountable, publicly! The fine was public and the "I'm sorry about it" should be equally public - in the paper!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 6:35 anonymous...
I heartily applaud what you said in your post. But do not think these people are going to leave ANYTHING alone? Not a chance. They want Mr. Jackson burned at the stake along with whoever the employee is that apparently made a mistake. And you are absolutely correct in stating that the situation was addressed and handled. But still, the complainers want to make it into something even worse. And I personally think that is their agenda. That is, to stir up as much trouble as they possibly can against those officials they resent. Isn't it a pity?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think having something made public is stirring up trouble?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that it was made public but it was not even true or like normal half truth. There was a penalty it was repealed. There was a complete blow up here. It was told that it was habitual, it was not. Why would someone make something public when they were taking care of it. It came to nothing in the end but it was on this blog, in letter to the editors and front page news. What came of it in the end, NOTHING! It should not have been public. But it should has stirred up a lot of trouble for nothing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had been the person responsible I would have been afraid that WAB was going to go to the hill and run up and down the hall yelling who did. He is so good at making a scene.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any thing the tax payer has to pay should be made public, mistake or something good.
It's been made public. The fine has been dismissed and made public.

Now grow up and stop whinning.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, that's exactly why the lawyer "poked" him in the chest. Ridiculous.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't mean WAB when I said stop whinning. He is accused of whinning. But some are whinning against him. They don't stop to think it makes them as bad as he is.

I like to think of Giles County as a wonderful place to live, but anyone reading this blog wouldn't think so.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, and that poke in the chest is why the lawyer is on diversion now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wab, you want factual evidence of you being wrong and proof that you lied? just read the following, taken from YOUR OWN WORDS on this blog...

you stated in the Sunday, January 13, 2008 3:53:00 PM under this topic ,"I wrote “the letter stated the payments had been consistently late”. What I wrote was what the letter had said period. In response to that a poster embellished the facts and said I spoke of it being “habitually late”.

ok, now under the topic 'Two Questions Asked At School Board Meeting That Go Unanswered?', on Monday, January 07, 2008 11:24:00 PM, you wrote...

"Do you think a $10,000.00 fine for habitual lateness isn’t proof something is wrong?..."

your statement that a poster "embellished" what you said is indeed factual evidence of either you being wrong or you telling a lie, or both. and i'm betting you told another lie when you said this...

"As for an apology, I have no problem apologizing when I am wrong (yeah, right)...Will I apologize for this matter absolutely not until I am proven wrong. Simply show some factual, not feeling but factual, evidence I was wrong and I will certainly apologize but based on that I don’t expect to issue an apology in my life time."

the only truth in what you said was that you don't expect to apologize in your life time. because even when FACTUAL EVIDENCE of that has been just been proven, my bet is that you'll come up with some ridiculous answer to say you weren't wrong, even though the proof is not disputable. let me guess, you'll try to say that "habitually late" and "habitual lateness" aren't the same thing. it would be laughable if your excuses weren't so sad.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the above post pretty much sums up what I have been trying to tell you all along. But you steadfastly refuse to accept anything less than your own feelings of superior intellect and grandiose delusions of self. That's a bit narcissistic, wouldn't you think?
Pompousness and arrogance are not good ways to win friends......or votes the next time you decide to run for public office. Furthermore, I would almost bet that those virtues will seldom win you new converts at the synagogue. Think.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Looks like you should learn to be careful what you ask for. You asked for factual evidence, and you just got it. Looks like the one who does all the embellishing is you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

723 & 737
If what is in the paper is correct, the problems is with the state director. The fine WAS ISSUED AND PAID. IT WAS LATE - if you ever had any dealings with the federal or state, as a business, you know that is the game, and you get no slack! It is a news issue!

Consistently late is the same as habitual - buy yourself a dictionary! Count us lucky the fine didn't stick - if it was you, you wouldn't get a break! No, it isn't a reason to fire anyone. Yes, the director who wrote "consistently late" should be reprimanded - 2 time over a period of time Is NOT "CONSISTENTLY!"

Rather than slander WAB, you might get a copy of "The Little Boy who cried WOLF", for you and your buddy TJ! I wouldn't believe or trust TJ or you (pl).

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:00:00 PM...

Apparently you can't understand plain English, since you missed the point entirely. Go back and read what wab himself said. He's the one who argued that another poster embellished what he said by saying he called the payments habitually late, and he's the one who said he made no such statement, which he obviously did. The point was that he was wrong.

Also, before asking anyone to consult a dictionary, I suggest you learn proper English yourself. "the problems is..." and "2 time over a period..." are mistakes in grammar rules that you should have learned in elementary school.

Apparently you are attempting to do the same thing that wab is notorious for trying to do...trying to change the subject in an effort to make others believe your own viewpoint. Nice try, but no cigar.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I cannot figure is why everytime a mistake is made why should it be front page news. There was a late payment that nobody denied but they were repealing the fine and that was not over before the trouble makers wanted it made public. I don't anybody know what would have happened if the repeal had been denied. Do you think that every time a payment is made late in private business that all stock holders are called. I don't think so. Mistakes are made by EVERYONE. Yes, this one involved tax dollars but the school system was handling the problem and have handled it just "fine". It should never have become such an explosion. And yes, WAB we are still waiting for an apology but nobody is holding their breath.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I'm late with my phone or electric bill, can I get my late fee repealed?

Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

845 - You & spell chuck can get your grammer straight, but still don't know what words mean & can't add past 2+2 = 5! When you learn to keep your hand in your own pocket, may bee folks won't worry about what you are trying to cover up.

What do you want - a raise for getting fined & beating it? Too sensitized to accept a try harder next time. You wouldn't last five minutes in almost any of the jobs that 75% of Giles County goes to every day, just to feed the little darlin's you want to re-engineer. Get a life!

Thursday, January 17, 2008 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:04, apparently you are assuming that people who are arguing the point to get over the fine work for the school system while I can't speak for all, I don't. You people are trying to be as usual wrong. If anyone is on the opposing side they must be school board or employees, huh. You folks assume too much. I am not pro Jackson or Norman but I am pro truth.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 16 Jan 7:23 post.
Before you choke on your own slaver perhaps you should try looking at things as they are and not just through the eyes of frustrated resentment. On 7 Jan at 11:24 PM under the post “Two Questions Asked At The School Board Meeting That Go Unanswered” I asked a poster this question, “Do you think a $10,000.00 fine for habitual lateness isn’t proof something is wrong? Gee, what kind of proof would you require?” This was a statement written
extemporaneously and quickly in response to this question, “If people would come forward with statements from their insurance or investments or whatever to prove that they are late then something might be done” posted by anonymous (probably the same anonymous that “habitually” lives in denial).
The fact of the lateness and the fine were never in question only being sugar coated by the Director and School Board.
The facts had already been posted, in the thread topic, in reference of the contribution being late and the fine being imposed. Even the Director did not directly dispute this.

Now, almost a week later, in my post of 13 January at 3:53 I gave a direct quote from the person who had imposed the fine which was “the letter stated the payments had been consistently late”. Mr. Cagle the attorney for the school system stated in the article from the “Pulaski Citizen” dated 15 January “over the past four years the contribution from Giles County had been late consistently”. Also in Mr. Cagle’s letter it is stated “I trust that you will take appropriate measures on behalf of the board to ensure that this matter is thoroughly rectified and does not happen again.” The newspaper article also pointed out these statements from Mrs. Gibson’s letter, “the September incident was not the first time the local school system had been delinquent in its TCRS contribution reporting.” “Furthermore, we have records that you were sent a penalty regarding delinquent contribution reporting on your January 2006 contributions.”
Has anyone answered the question as to what was the penalty imposed from the January 2006 delinquent contribution? I have not heard anyone from the school system address this penalty, have you? I have no doubt, had I not brought up the issue at the school board meeting and had not this blog exposed the facts this latest penalty would have been swept under the carpet just as the other one was and there would still be no corrective action taken.
So when all the cards are put on the table not only is it clearly proven that I did not “lie”, did not “give wrong information” and did not “give a half truth.” but that the attempted cover-up is actually worse that first thought with the exposure of a different fine having been imposed.
As for an apology, let me apologize for the pathetic state of your life that has filled you with so much personal hatred for me that you have become so blinded that you must defend wrong.
To anonymous of the 16 Jan 7:37 post. You bitterly stated, “Furthermore, I would almost bet that those virtues will seldom win you new converts at the synagogue”. Once again your ignorance has overwhelmed your intelligence, I don’t attend synagogue, don’t know of any Baptist that do on a regular basis. I suppose that you were just trying to inject some humor in your post and you really didn’t intend to make a racial slur. Allen Barrett

Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thursday, January 17, 2008 11:04:00 AM...

Apparently you also do not know how to comprehend what you read. First, I am not a teacher, and I am not employed in the education field. I never said I was. I guess you just assumed that because I can speak and write proper English. For that, I do thank my teachers though.

Second, my point (once again) had nothing to do with the fine or its being late. My point was that wab was wrong.

Either you are too dense to comprehend that, or like wab, you are trying to change the subject and evade the point.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wab, in reference to Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:52:00 PM

Read the above post.

Your long tirade about the fine has nothing whatsoever to do with the point, which was that you said you never made reference to the phrase "habitually late". Yet you yourself once again in the above referenced post admit that you did use the phrase "habitual lateness." It doesn't matter why you used it. You USED it. So, you were wrong. Period.

Want to bet there will be another long post about the fine in response to this post - that again has nothing to do with the point?

I really do pity you. Anyone that dense must have a hard time of it.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you can get in touch with retirement again and find that there was no penalty paid in January 2006. The problem was a computer problem. Retirement said the payment was late twice, not that there was a penalty twice. Don't get more rumors started AGAIN. Get your facts before you make them public. But then that is what you do best isn't it. Maybe you should work for the National Enquirer, that seems to fit your writing style. I have taken up for you in the past but I have seen for myself what you do and know I was mistaken. Unlike you I have apologized to people for doing so.

Friday, January 18, 2008 6:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:43 said...
I think you can get in touch with retirement again and find that there was no penalty paid in January 2006.

WKSR's web site said
“The $10,495.12 penalty will be reimbursed to the school system.”

To me that means it was paid, but is being reimbursed.

Now Drop it!
You keep stirring it.

Friday, January 18, 2008 8:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 17 Jan. 9:53 post.
OK, I give up, I’m guilty. Call Chief Justice John Roberts so I can plead guilty and throw myself on the mercy of the court. There is no punishment too severe for this disgusting criminal activity. I waive all objections to execution by lethal injection, even the use of dull needles to inject the killing fluid. I did it; I can’t stand my guilt it is ever before my eyes. I can’t stand it anymore I admit it, I used the word “habitual” (being or doing a certain thing by habit) when the word “consistently” (conformity with previous practice) should, by some authorities, have been used. I now understand that even though I used it as part of a quote from someone else that does not relieve my guilt.
One might properly say “He is a habitual smoker” but one should never say “he consistently smokes”?
Would an apology for using the word “habitual” without the proper authorization calm the horde of pitchfork, torch welding anonymous criticisms, oh but if only it would? An apology, nay a thousand apologies would not, could not suffice for such an indiscretion. Alas, I must bare my quilt until the cows come home or at least until they go to someone else’s home. Allen Barrett

Friday, January 18, 2008 1:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of 18 Jan 6:43 post.
I didn’t say there was a penalty paid in January 2006. I wrote “Furthermore, we have records that you were sent a penalty regarding delinquent contribution reporting on your January 2006 contributions.” This was a quote from page A5 of the “Pulaski Citizen” dated 15 January 2008 as part of a letter sent by Mrs Connie Gibson, Treasury Department Assistant Director to Mr. Tee Jackson, Director, Giles County School System. Mr. Jackson stated that the penalty imposed for the January 2006 violation was successfully appealed.
Two separate violations, two separate penalties, three separate appeals, two successful appeals, two penalties revoked. Was the letter sent by Mrs. Gibson in error, was the statement by Mr. Jackson in error, was I in error? I believe the record speaks clearly to those three questions, no in each situation. Thank you. Allen Barrett

Friday, January 18, 2008 1:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey wab, you brought this on yourself. you yes you were the one who starting the i never said habitually late thing and insisted you didn't. looks like you got served!

Friday, January 18, 2008 4:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wab APOLOGIZED to the writer for his(the writer)pathetic life. Absolutely arrogance gone to seed! But......that's all the apology you are going to get from a self-righteous know-it-all. Perhaps he will repent tomorrow at church????

Saturday, January 19, 2008 8:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For one I do not always agree with WAB, but you have to admit he is touching nerves here in this county. Some of the points he makes the powers to be hate to see him bring them up. One thing people will not admit on this damn blog is when he is truly wrong he does apologize. There are quite a few people who post on this blog that need to think about repenting. State facts and quit bitching.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh he's touching nerves all right. He is regarded as a town troublemaker and as one who has no qualms whatsoever about saying things in a public forum to hurt, embarrass, or even destroy those he doesn't like or agree with.
As for apologies, I am one of several who await his first apology.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 8:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness - dumbo must have had triplets! Why don't you take your trunks to the rectories Sunday (or any day convenient for you) & see if you can blow some bubbles!

It's no wonder kids can't read, write, add, or comprehend!

Saturday, January 19, 2008 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sunday, January 20, 2008 3:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are blind to the facts. He is in this to feed his ego, and he is a trouble maker.

Sunday, January 20, 2008 5:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous who knows all things wab. I am continually amazed that you know so much about me even to the motivations for everything I do.
Truth is you are a fraud and know nothing other than the prejudice ignorance that compels you to keep making such stupid untrue statements about me. Allen Barrett

Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen you in action too many times. I know what you are doing, and why you do it. If you really meant to help the citizens of the county, then you would not come off as so brash, arrogant, obnoxious. You would know that there is always a little give and take. When you become a true negotiator, then you could possible really be in it for the right reasons. Until then, keep feeding your ego.

Monday, January 21, 2008 9:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If, as the blogger writes you follow the local government to feed your ego - then go for it. At least you are getting something done in the process, not just sitting on your butt and making no more effort than to write derogeratory remarks, contributing nothing to the county.

Another thing Mr WAB, I bet you could figure out who the handful of county employees are who are writing in against you. You are a smart enough cokkie to do that.

Monday, January 21, 2008 1:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? No apology from you? Why did I know that would be the case?
And there you go again, calling someone a name (fraud, know-nothing). But you were just describing my behavior. I almost forgot that.
Hey, did you noticve that someone other than me referred (described your behavior) as brash, arrogant, and obnoxious? And you refuse to even consider this. That, in and of itself, is arrogance gone to seed.

Monday, January 21, 2008 3:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the anonymous 21 Jan 3:11 poster
I have written three post in this thread since 17 January and could not find any place in those post that referred to anyone as a fraud or know-nothing. Is you guilty conscience acting up or is this just another unsubstantianted attack born in your prejudiced mind and incubated in the perversion of your hate filled heart. As for your behavior I don't think you should have to search through old post to find what I think about your brhavior. I thought I have made it very clear that you are simply an unimportant little person with a wasted life who is now filled with so much resentment that you have chosen to play the role of a lying coward. Allen Barrett

Monday, January 21, 2008 6:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that makes you feel better, because it had very little influence on me or anyone else.

Monday, January 21, 2008 7:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You called me a fraud and a know-nothing in your January 20 (10:09 p.m.) post. Go back and read it yourself. And THEN, will you offer an apology for denying that?
You are absolutely without question outrageous in your description of me as being an unimportant little person with a wasted life who is filled with so much resentment that he/she chooses to play the role of a lying coward. The irony of that ridiculous statement is that you perfectly described yourself with the exception of signing your name. Laughable, indeed!
Once again, let me remind you that some people are not able, for one reason or another, to sign their names to the posts. Just because you do doesn't make you anymore brave than does my signing as anonymous make me a lying coward.
Just trying again to help clear up some of your misunderstandings.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB, they have you on that one. I guess you can deny it or say it was someone else. I'm sure there is some good reason to deny it.

12:50, don't hold your breath for an apology. If you get one it will be so full of sarcasm that it won't be believable.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 22 Jan 12:50 post.
You are right I did refer to you as “a fraud and know nothing” when I wrote “To anonymous who knows all things wab. I am continually amazed that you know so much about me even to the motivations for everything I do. Truth is you are a fraud and know nothing other than the prejudiced ignorance that compels you to keep making such stupid untrue statements about me”. When I went back to check I overlooked that post. Just proves after age sixty you should never rely on memory.
You stated, “Go back and read it yourself. And THEN, will you offer an apology for denying that?” I apologize to you for overlooking the fact that I overlooked the post where I referred to you as a “fraud and know nothing other than the prejudiced ignorance that compels you to keep making such stupid untrue statements about me.
My denial was a mistake, I was wrong I stand corrected and do apologize for it.

As for the description of you being an unimportant little person with a wasted life who is filled with so much resentment that he/she chooses to play the role of a lying coward, there isn’t really much I can do about the truth, it stands on its own..

You state, “Once again, let me remind you that some people are not able, for one reason or another, to sign their names to the posts. Just because you do doesn't make you anymore brave than does my signing as anonymous make me a lying coward.”
Let me once again try to clarify for you my thoughts on posting as anonymous. As I have said on other occasions I fully understand why some people post as anonymous and I have said they are very wise to do so. It’s not a matter of bravery as much as common sense. I do not consider myself brave for posting my name only responsible for what I post. You however are a coward not because you post as anonymous but because you make unfounded personal attacks, spread and make up vicious lies then hide behind the anonymous title to avoid taking responsibility. You see it’s not about ego or arrogance or any of the other attributes you wrongly ascribe to me, it’s just a matter of responsibility and the level for which one chooses to practice it. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You apologized for the denial but, rather than apologize for calling me a fraud and a know-nothing, you called me those names again. That is unbelievable! But, I will take it with a grain of salt since I know how you behave.
Since you "fully understand" the reasons why some people are not able to sign their names to posts, why don't you stop whining about it? We all understand those reasons, and it doesn't make you look intelligent or witty to continue beating that drum. Actually, it has a reverse effect.
You continue to attempt to "clarify your thoughts" to me, but don't you think that a waste of time since I am so lacking in understanding? Laughable once again!
You accuse me once again of making unfounded statements about you and that I go about spreading vicious lies about you. What unfounded statements have I made? I've said you are arrogant, narcissistic, and incredibly egotistical, but we both know these terms accurately describe you, don't we? Of course, we do. What vicious lies have I spread about you? The same principle applies to that as well. I have NEVER told a lie about you. On the contrary, all I have ever done is take strong issue with you about the way you treat people. You accuse me of hiding behind anonymity; could you extrapolate that to your position as a preacher? Or, would you say I am judging you?
I will continue to help you with your misunderstandings, but you have got to be willing to listen and take responsibility for your behavior. Ok?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 6:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dumbo,yea I'm back. Have you missed me We both know you have. If you want a lie you told about wab just look at this statement you made "I've said you are arrogant, narcissistic, and incredibly egotistical, but we both know these terms accurately describe you, don't we? Of course, we do. What vicious lies have I spread about you? The same principle applies to that as well. I have NEVER told a lie about you." that whole statement is one big lie. You know the biggest thing is the arrogance you show in claiming to know so much about somebody you haven't even met or talked to. It takes a very "arrogant, narcissistic, and incredibly egotistical" little person to believe just because they think a thing it has to be the truth. How dumb and irrevelent you are.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know I haven't met your hero, wab?
You sound like a parrot when you quote me. But I am flattered just the same.
By the way, how is stating that wab is arrogant, narcissistic, and egotistical a lie? The proof is in the pudding. Just ask around town if you believe those statements are lies. By the way, can you really afford to be so naive? And you have the nerve to call me dumbo? Incredible.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dumbo, hey dumbo, hey dumbo, sorry guess that's just the parrot in me. You're the one that said you had never met him. Are you now saying you have met him if so say when and where
I bet it wasn't more than a hi.
Sorry I don't have any pudding so I can't see your proof. Give me some names of people to "ask around town"
I bet you want put a single name on this blog to ask little on more than one. Yes I know your statement is a lie not only because your fingers were moving on the keyboard but you offer nothing but your feelings as proof. And yes dumbo is incredible.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 2:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I say in the above post that I had NEVER met your hero? Of course not. So your spin isn't making it, is it? But,for your information, I have never met him and have absolutely no desire to make his acquaintance. Have you ever heard it said that sometimes a person's reputation preceeds them? I don't need to meet the man to know how he's acting. All I need to do is read his posts on this blog. Do I need to meet, for example, hillary clinton, to know what she stands for?
By the way, you never did answer my question about the lies you claim I told. I didn't expect you to do that anyhow. But calling an arrogant person arrogant is not a lie. Would you at least agree with that?
As for the proof in the pudding concerning my alleged lies, just ask around town. You could start on the public square or at the courthouse. Why don't you just survey a group of people around town and you will see that I am speaking the truth. You know that anyhow, but you have got to find the courage to acept the it. I think we all gravitate toward that, don't we?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dumbo, I’m broken-heart that you didn’t read my post carefully. If you would have you would have read this… “Yes I know your statement is a lie not only because your fingers were moving on the keyboard but you offer nothing but your feelings as proof.” Now in case you don’t understand that let me make it more clear, you lied when you said wab was arrogant and “I have NEVER told a lie about wab”. It might be your opinion but it ain’t a fact until you prove it and your feelings just don’t cut it.
I never claimed you said you had met wab in your last statement but you had said it before. That’s what happens when you lie so much you forget what you said from one time to the next. My point is that if you had met him you might have a better understanding about why he does what he does. Ain’t it amazing that I ask you to back up your claims by simply stating some names and you can’t even take responsibility for what you think you turn it into “everybody else knows it” why not say who some of these every bodies are. How can you know that I know something before I know it. Is that some kind of magic trick are is you one of them there psychos? I’d bet my money that you’re a psycho.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I NEVER lied about your hero. If you can't see arrogance and condescension in a person, then I think you need to go on back to school. Arrogance is observable, right? Fact: Wab is arrogant, narcissistic, and egotistical. Fact: Those "qualities" are quite empirical in ANYONE who possesses them. Fact: You CAN determine the truth by simply asking about town. I've already given you some pointers on where to begin. Trust me, it won't take long before someone tells you what you really already know.
Finally, I am not a psycho, but perhaps you are psychotic. Have you had your head examined lately?

Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

313 You are not a psyco???? Perhaps not - you are more like the nemesis of Job - the great deceiver and rectumfyer -

WAB needs to stop & reflect - fear not that which can harm the flesh, but fear that which can harm the soul! Lots of other passages of infinite wisdom regarding those who fight for deception and evil.

You can't harm anyone! Crawl back in your dung pile next to the furnace.

Thursday, January 24, 2008 4:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dumbo, You got to get over yourself. Can anyone be more arrogant, narcissistic, and egotistical than a person who believes that just because they think a thing that it automatically is a fact. You yak, yak but never say anything but what you believe to be fact, when you start giving something to support your beliefs then maybe someone will pay attention to your poor little pathetic whining. Even Al Bore offers some supportive evidence for global warming even if it's made up.

Friday, January 25, 2008 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just listed a few facts for your consideration, and the thanks I get for my effort is more name-calling. Don't you ever get tired of your little tantrums?
As I said, you can know the truth if you will only have the courage to accept it. I'm by far not the only one who sees this self-worshipping and grandiose attitude in your hero. Again, the proof in support of my position is empirical. All you need do is open your eyes and see for yourself. Don't take my word for it; just ask around town. Not everyone shares your view of the great one. As I suggested previously, do a little survey work for yourself and ponder the findings. That would seem a better approach to the matter than to simply belittle and call people names when they disagree with you. It does look a bit childish of you.

Friday, January 25, 2008 8:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention something to you. Do I need to have first-hand knowledge that Hitler slaughtered Jews to know it was a fact? Absolutely not. I can read all about it in history books. And, even if that were not enough "proof", there are real life survivors of those concentration camps who could attest to that fact. Let's extrapolate that to Giles Countians who are in support of my position about the great one.
Can you connect the dots and see my point? Or would you accept it if the dots were in fact connected?
Finally, before you go off half-cocked and accuse me of comparing your hero to Hitler, please don't bother, because you and I both know that's just not true.

Friday, January 25, 2008 8:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 25 Jan 8:33 & 8:40 posts.
On several occasions you have referred to me in post to others. It’s a very underhanded and cowardly way of attacking me without taking responsibility for what you so erroneously claim. Such comments as “I'm by far not the only one who sees this self-worshipping and grandiose attitude in your hero” are not only ludicrously wrong they are vicious intentional childish lies. The thing that you constantly fail to understand is that what you see as facts are nothing more than opinions coming from your head or other non-vital organ. You can call a person anything you want to but it will always be just an opinion until you show some proof to make it a fact. You say that your proof is “empirical” that’s an interesting word that means “relying on practical experience without reference to scientific principles”. In other words you might see a thing and relate it to one meaning but without using any scientific means of obtaining an objective understanding, your meaning could be completely wrong. It’s like the Pharaoh who would rise every morning stand on his balcony in full view of his people and raise his arms and command the sun to come up. His people saw this and were convinced that he had the power of a god and thus worshipped him as a god. A bit of scientific objective examination would have revealed the actual truth. It was a generally accepted opinion that the world was flat until Columbus gave evidence to prove it only an opinion instead of fact. Maps were even drawn to depict that. So you see it really doesn’t matter what you think of me it’s only your opinion and after all you should know what your opinion is worth. As long as I know who I am and why I do as I do, that’s what’s far more important.
So you claim your proof is “empirical” but you produce none. What should one take that to mean? Obviously you have no proof “empirical” or otherwise. You continue to mention that “everyone”, “anyone”, and “all” around town will support your opinion but you never give a single specific name in support. Surely there must be one person who holds your opinion so strongly they would not mind being asked about it but alas unsupported opinions are too cheap to take responsibility for and publicly support.
Sometimes I have to wonder if you really pay any attention to the things you write as you so often contradict yourself. Take for example this statement, “Do I need to have first-hand knowledge that Hitler slaughtered Jews to know it was a fact? Absolutely not. I can read all about it in history books. And, even if that were not enough "proof", there are real life survivors of those concentration camps who could attest to that fact.”
Histories very often are slanted based on which side of the issue the writer was on. To simply accept as fact because it was in the history book is as foolish as believing the Pharaoh caused the sun to come up. History books alone are not enough. Eyewitness accounts also can be slanted and should not be the total basis for determining fact but is much better than a history book. I was in Dachau I saw the ovens, the showers, the mass graves, the pictures of the atrocities and even that by itself isn’t enough. I spoke with former guards in that camp. Now when you take all those things and put them together they form a much more clear and sure picture of the fact. Hitler not only slaughtered millions of Jews but also millions of non-Jews as well. That is proof and thus changes opinion into facts. You on the other hand believe your opinions are fact based on nothing more than that you believe them. It must be a miserable world for a person such as you with such a narrow minded outlook on life and such an exaggerated opinion of self importance.
So you say “Let's extrapolate that to Giles Countians who are in support of my position about the great one. Can you connect the dots and see my point? Or would you accept it if the dots were in fact connected?” You are so much like the character who sits working jigsaw puzzles and when the pieces don’t fit just cuts it off so it will fit. Problem is altering the pieces to fit makes for a very bizarre picture that bears no resemblance to the truth. So, take your scissors and try to shape me anyway you want, it will only make you even more dissatisfied with the final result. You see calling me names without any proof no matter how loudly you yell does not change the me or fact that you are still a cowardly little person with a miserable little life trying to sound intelligent when you don’t have the capacity. Allen Barrett

Saturday, January 26, 2008 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem lies within your own perception of yourself. Do you deny your arrogance and egotistical opinion of yourself? I'm not the only one who sees it, and I am astounded that someone close to you hasn't pulled you aside and given you some constructive criticism. But you consistently throw up a smoke screen by calling people like me cowards and liars. And you deny the fact that I am not the only one who points these things out to you. So, are we all cowards and liars simply because we do not post our names? I don't think so.
Your characterization of me as a narrow-minded and cowardly little person who manipulates puzzles is absolutely hilarious. But, you know that, don't you?
I would be willing to make a deal with you. Here it is. If you will stop condescending to those who have different views from yours and if you will stop calling people names and attempting to hurt them (and their families) in a public way, I will gladly stop challenging you. Is that a good deal? You could present your "truths" without calling names and trying to discredit those who don't see things the same way you do. I don't think anyone, including narrow-minded cowards like me, would find anything wrong with that.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett how can you of all people ask someone to provide proof of something? We have been asking you continuously to provide proof of your accusations. You have provided none. You were asked to provide a statement that said the school was habitualy late, we got none. You have been asked to provide proof of wrong doing by the school system there is none. Need I go on. I guess you go by the "do as I say, not as i do" philosophy. Don't ask someone else to do what you have not.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone told me if I wanted some crazy reading I should read the Giles Free Speech Blog. That was true, I can't understand it. Some times I wonder if that was a different person writing that or some child having fun.
I don't know any of the people that is mentioned so I don't know if what is said is true or not.
One thing I have seen is when that man Barrett writes something about anyone, no one shows why what he said is wrong they just give Barrett hell.
I wish someone would tell why what he said is wrong.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 1:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering who told you that you should be reading this blog. Now that needs investigating for sure. It's not a matter of whether he is right or wrong. Most of the complaints against him centers around his attitude.
I just had an idea for wab. Why doesn't he go in disguise and ask people around town if they know allen barrett? I'd bet he would get an ear full of what those like me have been trying to tell him all along.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 4:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 26 Jan 4:15 post
Everyone wants to be liked and most want the approval of others I'm no different. The problem is where would the world be without those who were willing to face the ridicule and disfavor of others in order to do what they believed was right. Public opinion ain't worth snot if it's wrong. Public opinion would have Columbus locked up as insane, Capone as mayor of Chicago and blacks in the back of the bus.
You see popularity and acceptance at all cost is just too darn expensive. I have to be acceptable to my self in order to not be disgusted with myself. I'm sorry you can't see that. If you would get off the sidelines and in the game of life you'd see things a lot differently. Who knows you might even be able to overcome your intense prejudice of me. Allen Barrett

Sunday, January 27, 2008 2:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Define "getting into the game of life" for me. Apparently I'm some simpleton who cannot grasp your higher-level plane of thought. For that, I can only hope to do better in the future. But, in defense of myself, I've been in the "game" all my life. I've had successes and I've made mistakes. However I've learned from them and then moved on.
I fully understand public opinion and how it affects people. Had Dr. Martin Luther King listened to it, he would have given up. This is just one example of many.
There you go again suggesting an untruth. I'm not prejudiced toward you personally. I keenly dislike the way you behave, but, aside from that, am almost persuaded that you have a degree of intelligence that would make conversing with you in more benign and less inflammatory areas both fruitful and perhaps even pleasant. How's that for an opinion?

Sunday, January 27, 2008 3:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 27 Jan 3:09 post
When I stated, “If you would get off the sidelines and in the game of life you'd see things a lot differently” I in no way intended that you had never been in the game of life but that you apparently had sometime or other decided to drop out of active involvement. You see, to me, life is much more than simply existing it involves a positive, compassionate involvement with others. It involves a self discipline to seek to do what’s right over what’s convenient. To me “getting into life” means getting actively involved with as much of it as possible. It’s not withdrawing just because it’s not the way you want it to be but digging in and trying to make it better, not in a selfish way but in a way that would benefit as many as possible.
I understand from your postings that you dislike my behavior and I would assure you that some of it I did not especially like, but it was necessary in order to achieve a more open and responsive government. I will give every consideration to those who will behave appropriately toward me. If you have attended many meetings lately you must have noticed there is a much less need to be aggressive than in the past. I’m sorry you can’t accept that it’s not about getting my way but simply getting what’s right. Had I simply been given my right to speak on a couple of issues instead being told to shut up, and that it was none of my business, in all probability I would not be nearly as involved right now. If you would do a bit of inquiring you would see much more realistically some of the problems faced by this county and the innate unfairness in the way some folks are treated. One thing I believe about you is that we probably have much more in common than we have that separates us. Allen Barrett

Monday, January 28, 2008 1:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you suggest that people like me merely exist like some single-celled amoeba? My saying that I've always been in the game of life somply means that I've always been involved in what goes on about me and also in doing thing lawfully. I didn't think that needed further explanation.
Your depiction of things you hold virtuous is commendable, but I likewise consider them important.
As for the problems and things that are believed wrong in this county, I totally agree that we do not live in a utopian society. However, we make the best we can of it and trust those whose job it is to prosecute wrongs to do just that. Short of that, we have anarchy and even civil disobedience, don't we?
Look, I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to speak. I think it's over now and you should get past it.

Monday, January 28, 2008 3:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you suggest that people like me merely exist like some single-celled amoeba? My saying that I've always been in the game of life somply means that I've always been involved in what goes on about me and also in doing thing lawfully. I didn't think that needed further explanation.
Your depiction of things you hold virtuous is commendable, but I likewise consider them important.
As for the problems and things that are believed wrong in this county, I totally agree that we do not live in a utopian society. However, we make the best we can of it and trust those whose job it is to prosecute wrongs to do just that. Short of that, we have anarchy and even civil disobedience, don't we?
Look, I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to speak. I think it's over now and you should get past it.

Monday, January 28, 2008 3:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The closer to election time it gets the more mud is being slung!! I have always voted against the people slinging the mud so I will vote against the Financial Management Act. You people are getting so desperate you are firing at anyone and everyone. No wonder almost everyone on here post as anonymous. Who wants mud in their face. I hope when the election is over that peace will reign once again in Giles County.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 6:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous 6:21

What are your reasons for voting against?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will cost the county money not save. It is not going to control the school system like you people keep saying. The other counties have said it did not save money. The other counties are not all happy with it like you say. In other words you are not telling the truth. People will have to be hired to take the place of the people leaving the offices just like the highway department. Those people do jobs besides bookkeeping and someone has to do the secretarial part.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 9:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1255 Read a couple of chapters from Job and you will figure out where 621 is comming from. Deception is good, fraud helps the schools, say and do whatever because whatever is the name of the game. Better yet, do it all in the name of education, the schools, and your child's future!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 9:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of reading this blog and having to sort through the insults. Mr. McPeters, will you please start removing all comments that don't have anything to do with the topic? I will await your answer. Mr. Barrett, if I were you I would not address those that insult you. I admire you more having the guts to speak your mind about all the issues that are going on in Giles County and whether people like it or not, you DO uncover information that the taxpayers should know about. Without a doubt, the fine that was paid and then will get reimbursed would never have been published if you hadn't enlightened us to begin with. But if I were you I would start by "turning the other cheek". You are not a perfect Christian, and I've never read or heard where you claimed to be. Those that attack you because you are a preacher are missing the point. There has only been one perfect Man to walk this Earth and His name is Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:32am

I pose one more question to you. Where have you gotten your information? Please let the people know so we can educate ourselves on this issue as you have. It is much easier to understand and can't be disputed when proof is given. People are always wanting proof or so it seems I hear that often on this blog. I anxiously await your response. Thank you for you help.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call the system who are already in Financial Management and ask. Don't just call the Financial Office call the school, highway and etc. I have. They had to hire new people to take their place doing secretarial duties. Some of the bookkeepers don't do anything else but most do. I am not telling a lie and don't like to be accused of it. Call for yourself. If you get a different answer than I did then someone there is telling a lie not me. Maybe it depends on who you ask. But that is what I was told. The only proof I have is my word so call yourself. If you don't then you don't want proof. I would love for people to educate themselves and quit taking someone elses word for it. That is exactly why I called myself. I wanted the truth.

Thursday, January 31, 2008 5:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you might want to sit in there & watch what they do all day long.

I had a very similar situation one time with a union & some workers in a work load change. They didn't have time to do the job, errors started happening, just a real tear jerking horror case. I sent a manager in to sit with them and help them in their every need. All sugar & honey no big demands, no ass chewing, just all the help anyone could ever want.

Before the lunch of the second day, everything that ever needed doing was all wraped up, neat & tidy, their boss was happy & praising them & I got a frantic call from the trouble makers to PLEASE give them some slack and let the manager come back to the office! You see, they had about a half days work to do, but I still needed them there & if they'd be real good and help others they might even get a raise. - they did & they got a little raise & a lot more respect from a whole lot of people who once thought they were useless!!

Might not hurt Barry & the sticktite to have a council person go down there & give them a hand so they'll get the right levels of support when they want more money for less output.

For the schools - they're beyond help - pull them out & let'er rip! There's so many helpers there that no one could edge in sideways to help anything.

Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you are really asking Mr. McPeters to do is delete any comments on this blog that differ with yours. As for Mr. Barrett, I would say to him that if he would stop insulting people they would likewise stop calling him to task.
I think the point being missed and continually pointed out to you is that a "man of God" should not be calling names and insulting people.

Friday, February 01, 2008 5:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A man of God would be speaking the truth and calling a spade a spade. Jesus called people by the name they earned why should it be different today.

Friday, February 01, 2008 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We both know better than that, don't we? The Lord was not arrogant and demeaning to people. He tried to win them in a spirit of love. In fact, my King James version teaches that clearly.

Saturday, February 02, 2008 9:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Karesh was a man of God but that did not make him good. Besides I don't think any of us are Jesus do you? There is no love here.

Saturday, February 02, 2008 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point. I'm thinking the late Jim Jones was also claiming to be a man of God.

Saturday, February 02, 2008 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1-1142 & 2-945 / 1058 / 1139
Ever hear the word "smote".
Heard of sodom & Gamora.
David & the "big boy"
leave & don't look back or "poof!"
don't forget the Egyptians
Soooooooo mannnnnny & you no none?

But - you all have an excuse - you're voting with mr Lovely Wheeltax - diagnosis - brain dead.

Saturday, February 02, 2008 8:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous you state, “As for Mr. Barrett, I would say to him that if he would stop insulting people they would likewise stop calling him to task. I think the point being missed and continually pointed out to you is that a "man of God" should not be calling names and insulting people”.
I have called no one any name they had not earned plain and simple. I have not intended to insult anyone who had not shown a continual insulting behavior plain and simple. Have I called anyone a name other than that given by their parents yes and I made it very clear why I did so stating the reasons in each instance. Now let me make this very clear, it is the duty of a preacher to preach the Word of God under the leadership of His Holy Spirit. How can I be trusted to tell people the honest truth in church if I can be trusted to tell the plain honest truth outside the church? One of the problems with many churches today is they are little more than social clubs led more by a president than a minister. One proof of this can be seen when members drive up sporting bumper stickers that say vote for Clinton or Obama they want to have a few million more innocent unborn babies killed, even if they are in the last trimester and you have to crush their skulls and suck them out of the womb it doesn’t matter as long as the mother isn’t inconvenienced by an unwanted pregnancy.
One of my greatest responsibilities as a pastor and as a man is to tell the truth and that means telling it in plain language so it can not be misunderstood. So you just keep whining and refusing to show any evidence of your claims other than you think, or you feel, I simply am not concerned about your tender misplaced feelings. Allen Barrett

Saturday, February 02, 2008 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go again, trying to defend your actions and denying what you are doing. Now those things would make it hard for me to trust you in the pulpit.
As for my whining and refusing to show evidence of my claims, let me explain to you ONCE AGAIN. I offered you a compromise. That was, I will stop calling you to task if you will stop with the insults and name-calling. As for evidence, you provide an abundance of it by what you say on this blog. Do you need more?
As a man of God, why would you want to be involved in controversy? And please don't try to defend that by saying that Christ was highly controversial. So was Stalin. Shouldn't we shun all appearance of evil? How many ministers, besides you, are always in the middle of some public dispute? Do you catch my drift?
What gives you or anyone else the right to call someone a name, whether he has earned it or not? How is that consistent with soul winning? And you are "simply not concerned" with my tender, misplaced feelings? If that be true, then I would suggest that you find another line of work. After all, you DID accept that higher calling, didn't you?
Oh darn, look at that clock. I've got to get ready for church. Have a nice day.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 7:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett, I have cut and pasted a few of your comments. They look nothing like someone who should be a minister of God.

Truth is you are a fraud and know nothing other than the prejudice ignorance that compels you to keep making such stupid untrue statements about me. Allen Barrett

As for the description of you being an unimportant little person with a wasted life who is filled with so much resentment that he/she chooses to play the role of a lying coward, there isn’t really much I can do about the truth, it stands on its own..

You however are a coward not because you post as anonymous but because you make unfounded personal attacks, spread and make up vicious lies then hide behind the anonymous title to avoid taking responsibility.

If you can’t stand to deal with the truth why don’t you simply stop reading this blog and go play with your rattle and teething ring? Allen Barrett

Now there you go again engaging your typing finger before getting your brain implant. Are you licensed by the state to make a psychiatric diagnosis? I’m sure if the sheriff finds out your real name he’ll arrest you for impersonating a psychiatrist and self medicating with that funny weed.

As for apologizing I could care less if you apologize to me although it’s clearly warranted, but you should consider apologizing to every other human on the planet for your pathetic waste of space and resources. Allen Barrett

These are your words an dno one else. Maybe you should apologize for these. They are name calling and very condescending.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 9:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the above post offers sufficient proof. I rest my case.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 2:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feb 3 750 said of wab...

"What gives you or anyone else the right to call someone a name, whether he has earned it or not?....And you are "simply not concerned" with my tender, misplaced feelings? If that be true, then I would suggest that you find another line of work."

I couldn't have said it better. Just because someone may be deserving of a derogatory title does not mean that we have to stoop to their level and deliver one. And a minister not concerned with someone's feelings and saying someone is a pathetic waste of space? I am aghast. I thought all people were valued in God's eyes. Guess wab's Bible doesn't say the same thing mine does. Christ did not think himself above washing another's feet, yet you, wab, seem to put yourself on a pedestal above others, as is evident in the comments you have posted here. I simply cannot understand how even one person would consider being a member of your congregation. You should be ashamed.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 3:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 3 Feb 9:55 post.
Gee what a surprise you cut and pasted things I said amazing. The question is how did you know those were things that I said.... could it have possibly been because I put my name on them. That's no great revelation. Had I not believed those things and have proof to support them I would not have written them much less put my name on them. Now what do you believe in strongly enough to be identified with...... nothing..... apparently.
When you develop the integrity to identify yourself with your unfounded opinions and feelings call me until then sit back take a deep breath and paint your toe nails. Allen Barrett

Sunday, February 03, 2008 3:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you apparently cannot grasp the magnitude of your arrogance, please allow me to pose a situation for you. What if a known adulterer came to your church seeking salvation? Would you feel compelled to announce to the congregation all the specific details of the man's illicit relationship? Surely, your answer would be a firm NO. If not, then how could you justify receiving this man into the fold and, at the same time, reveal his misdeeds and the person with whom he committed those sins?
As someone clearly stated above, just ebcause you have the "proof" about someone does NOT give you the right to broadcast it to everyone. You know very well that the Bible teaches against that. I wouldn't want your kind of salvation. Would you humble yourself (figuratively) to wash my feet? More importantly, would I let you? No. So therein lies a stumbling block, doesn't it? I'm thinking my integrity would not allow me to do that.
Have you ever heard it said that when you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging? Well, I think it's time you stopped digging.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 4:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

424 I have an excellent Idea = I'll help WAB wash your feet. We'll go down to the river in about chest deep water - I'll hold the feet up in the air so WAB can see what he's doing, while scrubbing the crud off the bottom of your feet. We'll know when to stop after the bubbles quit comming up. How's that for county betterment project?

Sunday, February 03, 2008 7:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you not understand a thing from the above post? I suppose not.
I realize that you are trying to be funny and impress your little band of buddies by what you said about drowning me. But I have to say that not even wab would agree to that one. You have a very sick and dangerous mind. Thank God people like you aren't allowed into positions of power.

Sunday, February 03, 2008 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you said ...I was in Dachau I saw the ovens, the showers, the mass graves, ... problem is, theere were no ovens or showwers at Dachau, since it was a concentration camp, not a death camp. a lot of peopl;e did die at Dachau, but from disease and starvation, not being murdred on purpose in gas chamnbers. Mayube they showed films about Auschwitz, and your memory has confusewsd the two places, or maybe youre just proving your own point aboiut the unreliability of eyewitness testimnony.

Monday, February 04, 2008 2:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB, I don't think you read the things that were amazingly cut and pasted that you said. You have proof that we are liars, frauds, cowards and that we need to play with our rattle or need a brain implant. But worst of all I cannot believe that a "Man of God" would say that someone is a "pathetic waste of space and resources." I believe that God loves everyone and would never think that of the worst kind of person. But then again you are perfect so WHATEVER YOU SAY IS RIGHT AND THE GOSPEL. I wonder if members of you congregation read this blog. Probably not or you would not be there. Why did you leave the last church. This kind of thing is what I was told by members of your congregation.

Monday, February 04, 2008 6:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh.....excuse me, but doesn't the Bible teach us to love the inloveable? Oh yes, I think it does!

Monday, February 04, 2008 5:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unloveable. Sorry about the typo.

Monday, February 04, 2008 5:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHHHHH! Washer lady is shitzophrenic! on the other blog she is struggling with her washer and here she is the toad princess, wanting someone to fiddle with her feet.

God loves born again losers, not born again to be losers. You are peddaling deception, not rebuking it!

Monday, February 04, 2008 6:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You try to confound your cronies with your wit and wisdom, but you continue to make a fool of yourself. Have you ever thought about taking up another hobby besides trying to belittle and hurt people you resent? What a thought!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice that noone has posted that the appeal was approved and that Giles County was not found to be in fault. It is amazing how a lot of negatives get posted, but let the school system do something right and noone comments on that.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 6:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust me anonymous 6:15 that issue is not a dead issue yet. You aren't as sly as you might think you are. Stay tuned, which I am sure you will to see what happens next.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 6:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so typical. The whiners are ever so quick to point out "discrepancies" and wrongdoings, but they are silent on positives. But, they would say there are no positives in this county. So they are right and we are wrong all the time. Worse than that, we are too stupid and complacent to think for ourselves, right?

Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if the shoe fits anonymous 11:08. I am starting to see now that you appear to be carefully aligned with our school system in some shape or fashion. I am on to you.
Typical? Well, yes typically when someone has done wrong it should be pursued. But, relax, if no one has done wrong nothing should come of it. Or are you worried?

Thursday, February 07, 2008 1:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are on to me? You are ice cream cold if you think that.
I agree that when someone has done wrong, it should be pursued. But, unless you are a police officer, its not your fight. In all your wisom, I am simply amazed that you cannot see that. Turn over the proof to the people whose job it is to "pursue" and then butt out. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be done? Please don't tell me you guys' tactics are the new ways of rendering justice.
You see, I don't worry about things like that. I trust the system to do its job when presented with the facts. It's not up to me to go rope them in and throw them in jail. So why should I worry. I have too much to do to be worried about other people's business. It's all I can do to take care of my own.

Thursday, February 07, 2008 3:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

319 - It's a sure thing you have more to do than you can handle, but you are not alone. You're the writer of wrong, the devil's advocate, defender of deception, the consort of corruption.

The frying pan is getting hot. It's just begun. What will you do when it starts sizzling?

Be patient, the law works slowly & methodical, not afraid to play with the mouse until it gets tired & needs a snack. Part of the theatrics is letting the liar be called a liar, the crook a crook, and the riteous pretender a harlot of satan. Nothing personal, just tradition!

Thursday, February 07, 2008 7:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly would you like to see happen in Giles County? I'd really like to know. Please be specific on who you would want to run things. I can hardly wait to hear your response, although I can pretty much guess who some of these "heroes of mankind" might be.

Thursday, February 07, 2008 8:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who better for the school
than a man like WAB
Remove the fool
& your ass you can grab

As the pendulum swings
we'll hear you scoff
till you do things
that'll run you off.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anybody ever figure out how much the cost of this appeal was?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw on wksr site that the school board will be evaluating Jackson tonight want to bet he gets another extension on his very lucrative contract.

Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't happen, too many no votes present. They'll wait and bring it up when some of the no's are absent. Smart huh?

Friday, February 15, 2008 5:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, there's always something crooked and dishonest going on with our city and county government officials. Shall we throw all the bums out or just the select few who are continually crucified on this blog? Ridiculous.

Friday, February 15, 2008 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring up the right subject and I'm sure someone will find something to crucify them all about. Let's face it, nobody is happy with everyone all the time even the people who are part of your family or maybe I should say especially people who are part of your family but at least we don't crucify our family in public this way.

Saturday, February 16, 2008 5:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But aren't we all a part of the family of man? That may be a pie-in-the-sky way of looking at it, but at some point we have to realize that all the smearing and name-calling has got to stop. Innocent people are being hurt, and this is absolutely shameful.
We have a two processes in place to deal with wrongdoing. One is public elections, and the other is law enforcement.

Sunday, February 17, 2008 7:39:00 AM  

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