Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Petition to repeal Financial Management Act

The recent audit of the county reveals many violations, some are habitual violations. Most of these violations and each of the habitual violations will be corrected by the next audit for one simple reason, implementation of the Financial Management Act of 1981, overwhelmingly voted for by the people of Giles County in the last election.

From the beginning, when two lone ladies sat in the courthouse day after day getting signatures and explaining the benefits of the Act, it has been under attack by those more interested in their own power and financial gains than in the well-being of the county as a whole. The Act was adopted and efforts to sabotage it began almost immediately. Money was spent unnecessarily (it should have cost a total of less than twenty thousand dollars to set up the Financial Management Office), rumors were spread about the cost, poor communication between governmental offices created fear and resistance, the interview process was twisted and subverted but the people had spoken and those on the commission who could see the tremendous long term benefits to the county persevered and the Act began to be implemented.

Now the Financial Management Act of 1981 is again under attack by a group led by those more concerned about their personal power base than the well being of the county as a whole. Many in the school system have reported feeling intimidated by supervisors seeking their signatures for the petition. Government employees have reported the same feeling of being forced into signing the petitions. Led by a County Commissioner fearful of losing his power to manipulate the budget to benefit his pet projects and friends and a former Highway Commissioner that, through his vindictiveness and disregard for the law and what was decent, already has cost this county untold (only those who won the law suit against him and the county know the price the county paid and they are ordered to silence on the matter) thousands. These men using misinformation, fear and intimidation if successful will cost the county millions and unnumbered audit violations in the years to come. If approached to sign this petition challenge the petitioner to explain how this act will hurt the county when in every county it has been properly implemented in that county has saved thousands of dollars each year and avoided violations in the annual audits. It’s your money why let others spend anymore than is absolutely necessary?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its so very obvious that a lot has gone on in the county with each department spending the money allocated to them, in any way they want to and the public in the dark as to how our money is spent. Thats the reason this peition is going around. The people gathering signatures are either county employees, or paid by the county by virtue of their office, or retired from the county. Oh, I almost forgot. Kathy Norman, Chair of the School Board is also gathering signatures. Haven't heard of one member of the public jumping on the bandwagon. Now, doesn't that tell us there is something to hide? I think so. Let's keep this Financial Act in place. At least give it a try.

Saturday, December 15, 2007 4:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some pretty good reasons to put some sunshine on this activity are in the audit section, below. - shocking!

Why would Mrs. N get involved in such a shady situation? I would expect the opposite of her.

Sunday, December 16, 2007 3:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who don't know, the Finacial Management Act will cost the county thousands and thousands of dollars, and will not provide the savings and accountability as advertised.

Sunday, December 16, 2007 6:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you please give some examples of how "the Finacial Management Act will cost the county thousands and thousands of dollars" and "not provide the savings and accountability as advertised."
As has already been stated money has been spent unnecessarily as a result of those seeking to sabotage implementation. The only thing that was actually necessary was the salary of the new director and computer software. To do away with the program at this point will be a total waste of all money already spent and continued wasted spending. Allen Barrett

Sunday, December 16, 2007 8:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

655 you're like the proverbial frog in a pan of water, fixin to get put on a hot stove. You won't jump out because you think like a frog.

What's fame and importance in your your twisted mind can turn to infamy and irrelevancy in the blink of an eye. Being the key element of frog soup ain't much to brag about, is it?

Sunday, December 16, 2007 8:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reasons to eliminate financial control are many.
1. Some don't want the public to know what they are doing - a sure sign they are doing something wrong!
2. Some want others to believe they are more intelligent than anyone else - so it's best no one knows how screwed up things really are ... also opportunity to surround themselves with subordinates dumber than they are.
3. Some want a good review and raise - so ... create something that looks good.
4. Some want to be important big spenders - so many needs affecting many suppliers and potential employees who would like to work for someone important, who is looking for someone as useless and financially irresonsible as they are.
5. Some are afraid they'll make an error - so no one knows what they are doing, and they make the same error forever or until they go broke.
6. Some like nice things, so they build a nice building, buy stuffed chairs, big tables, coffee machines, etc. & have meetings instead of doing productive things.

If they all get together and move in the shadows, chances are good they'll find enough citizens of like character to follow them to the voting booth and eliminate their financial noose!

So far, CTAS joined in to tell everyone that all accounting people will have to be gathered around a single table in a single financial building, because being in the center is the only way to centralize accounting ... best to buy a bank for image reasons ... so the financial people will not be able to talk to or influence the above group of concerned bureaucrats. Also ... costs a lot of money & makes dire cost predictions come true. CTAS is not aware of what's been happening in the private sector for the past 100 years! The rest are clueless about the help and cost reductions financial management can bring to their organization & community! That is sad!

Sunday, December 16, 2007 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If highway department efforts to kill financial management succeed, they will be the big loser.

For what a personal opinion is or isn't worth, I see the highway dept. as well run, with excellent personnel who are courteous and helpful.. I respect & appreciate them. However, their financial problem is due to a lack of financial control, primarily outside of their operation in the county!

From an economic view, their operating cost structure is heavily driven by petroleum - fuel, asphalt, etc. We can visualize a tripling of costs, while the government says the BLS index is up 2 - 3% a year. All things considered, they either lay 1/3 the asphalt, and drive 1/3 the repair & maintenance miles or the corresponding revenue has to increase 300% (not exact - just a very rough example). I can't imagine anyone wanting to go back to dirt roads!

If we analyze what was just said, a solution is in a rough illustration. Fuel prices are up 300%. Sales tax of roughly 10% applies to fuel sales. Tax revenue was $0.10 when fuel was $1.00 and increased to $0.30 at $3.00 per gallon. That $.20 increase is $4.00 on every 20 gallon fill up! We are paying that tax right now. It doesn't automatically go to the road commissions. Ironically, that money is already categorized by source and could go to the highway areas with near zero effort. Instead, it is a state windfall, going to cash fat schools and elsewhere. The opportunity is recognizing the necessity of financial control, gathering the information, and focusing the efforts by all road commission bodies on the state government. We are already being taxed for it! The money is there. We do not need a new tax or tax rate increase!

Eliminate financial control, and the current pattern of school funding fraud will grow. By the time the highway department budgets comes up for approval, nothing is left for anyone, for any reason. That pattern is set in concrete every year since 2003-4! The 2006-7 audit comment notes herein are another wake up call. The 2007-8 school budget comments herein are another. Remember the school bleacher money from general funds this year. How many times have you heard "no money", from those who were drowning in it? Add the defeat of every property tax increase since 2004-5, and the defeat of Mr. Lovell's wheel tax each time it appeared. The audited financial results say none were justified. Without financial control, we will not know what is happening or where to find the money.
Don m

Monday, December 17, 2007 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are centuries old covenants that are woven into laws across the world, including the USA. One is, 'beware of ravening wolves in sheep's clothing'. The word is "beware", not feed them; or turn the other cheek, love, or tolerate them! It's followed by, 'Ye shall know them by their fruits.' It's what they do, not the symbols they carry; or what they say, promise, and pretend.

The comments in the Giles County Audit section of this Blog - posts of 12-14, 15, & 16. say there is a reason to kill financial management - it's called corruption. Imagine fighting tooth & nail, using fraudulent financial statements to increase taxes on the poor by $2.5 million & doing the same thing again in 2007-8, knowing there was more money than they could possibly spend! We not only deny the ravenous wolves exist and prey amongst us, we cast our children amongst them for wolves to teach skills, morality, and value! Dumbfounded, we neither see, hear, or comprehend why schools became armed compounds, unable to protect or teach, because absolutes, credibility, disciplines, and accountability have been perverted.

When the icons of education are dedicated to taking bread from mouths and tearing down the moral fiber of children's families, it doesn't matter how hard a teacher works. The bitter seed and bitter tree will bear bitter fruit. When we see what is presented as certified financial prudence (audit comparisons) in education, must we wonder why the camps throughout the land are armed, dangerous, and unable to read or comprehend? Have you heard about the indians & the bag of trinkets? Do you see any indians in Manhattan, NY? Do you remember the Americans & their industrial might & jobs that once made this country powerful and secure; and the Communist Chinese trinkets & bags of money with promises to pay? Did the industrial might and jobs turn into promises to pay? Does it matter if we failed to comprehend, or couldn't comprehend? The bits of infinite wisdom quoted herein were taught in school when I was a child - today they are forbidden! Must we wonder why we live in chaos and fear? Fear not, we simply need to get rid of the corruption affecting the school system! don m

Tuesday, December 18, 2007 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what you say, it appears that you are only one of an enlightened few who has all the answers to our nation's financial woes. Of particular interest is how you seem to suggest that the county's problems can be fixed quite easily. That is, by letting you be in charge of the finances. But I recall that your services were neither asked for nor accepted.
By the way, the problems in our schools is liberal based. Teachers do what they can, but seem to be fighting a losing battle against political correctness and "feel good" agendas. When parents don't care about the moral upbringing of their children, the responsibility falls to the school systems who are not allowed to teach values or anything even remotely related to a higher power. Abd that, you cannot blame on local elected officials.

Friday, December 21, 2007 8:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Don M and WAB act a lot alike in the fact that they seem to have answers for everything. It makes you wonder why they aren't running the county's business...

Oh yeah, I remember why...WAB Got BEAT in the election, and as previously stated, No one asked Don M.

Friday, December 21, 2007 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12-21 8:14
Ironically, what you claim as problems and implied solutions are no different from my opinions. PC revolves around moral relevance, where there are no absolutes, no basis of truth, and no cognizant morality. Almost everything I have written relates to deliberate deception and obtaining or trying to obtain money under false pretenses - (the English language word is "fraud"). An education system built on a foundation of fraud is an abomination to all within the system and all it is supposed to serve!

Contrary to your statement, I have provided various services that were requested and used - all without pay or any form of obligation. I was brought up to help neighbor and community if I can, without expecting anything in return. Any who know me are clearly aware that I seek no office, position of control, or official influence within the county or anywhere else, period!

Our country is founded on God given inalienable rights and a Constitution. Those covenants are bound by an obligation to protect them, including home. I didn't walk in and interfere with your board of education or director of schools activities. They passed a huge tax increase on my property. They jailed 2 citizens, who I had never met before, for protesting the tax increase and trying to obtain information and answers. I went to see, found, and continue to find 4 years later, an incredible nest of corruption. Yes, that official financial statement that was a basis for that tax increase, and every one thereafter, in increasing significance, were and are fraudulent, both in monetary presentation and written / verbal proclamations of conditions, financial status, and application of funding!

The issue isn't teachers or workers who make it happen. They are victims, too. The data I have provided clearly states that fact. The problem is a corrupt government body obtaining money under false pretenses and making false financial claims. That boils down to the director and the board of education majority who are in lock step agreement, plus a very few others who use their power to facilitate fraud. In a normal environment, you would see resignations, beginning with the spokesperson (director) when the situation was first exposed. One would expect prosecution, but that which individuals and private corporations are held to doesn't apply to departments of public education (???)! Good people in power do exist. One will find this and clean house. If the power really rests with the people, they will use the information and change will be abrupt. I believe in the people, not me, you, or someone who owes a favor. It's a house of cards. We see a lot of smoke regarding fear and oppression within the system. When one topples, it's all over. It isn't, "How could this be?", it's, "Why didn't we care enough to stop it!"

ps 10:16
maybe we'll send you a 'get over it card' when you move to Brushy Mountain

Friday, December 21, 2007 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but it is you and wab who need the "get over it" cards. I'm sorry, but not everybody in this county is as taken with your brilliance as you two are.

Friday, December 21, 2007 1:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for deception and fraud. There is no excuse for corrupting the foundation of our public education. There is no excuse for taking cheap shots at someone you know nothing about, especially if done hiding in the bushes! No, you are not excused - grow up & try later! don m

Friday, December 21, 2007 5:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm truly sorry that you are so bitter about it all. Political impotence can be hard to reckon I suppose.
I would agree that there are things for which there is NO excuse. Chief among them (in my opinion) is the fact that some people get on a public forum and do anything within their power to humiliate and embarrass those they resent.
And since my opinion differs from yours, it's acceptable for you to criticize me? There's really no excuse for that either!

Saturday, December 22, 2007 9:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are embarassed, it's called conscience nipping at your heals. Face it, you don't exist. You're an anonymous! You're afraid to openly defend deception, fraud, & incompetence. Undermining public education & the generations that would learn by your example is not something people look up to. Your fear is not because of me; but because of your neighbors, fellow citizens, and those who mistakenly assume you're important.

As a moral relativist, all you have is a head full of unfounded opinion & no room left for fact. As a result, you are like a woodpecker in an echo chamber. You are destined to bang your head on a log & listen to it. All I have to do is tune you out! That's an opinion followed by a fact. Beep back when you think you can make a rational excuse for 'your' numbers that I fed shoveled back to you.

Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see that arrogant post by don? Surely, someone did that and signed his name to it. But I wonder. He is arrogant to the core, but this just sems staged to me.
Perhaps that was wab trying once again to be facetious?

Saturday, December 22, 2007 9:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/22,2:28 isn't don m Probably 12/22,9:32 wrote it & then came back as 9:26 - same person ?. I did write the 12/22,2:33.

Imagine, someone like that involved in educating children!

Saturday, December 22, 2007 9:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/22 2:33P (9:26) might be interesting to see who you really are. Sort of crossed a line, didn't you.

Saturday, December 22, 2007 10:15:00 PM  
Blogger J. Kendrick McPeters said...

I just got an email from Don MacDermid complaining about a posting which was falsely attributed to him.

Although I believe it patently obvious that this post was a forgery -- and therefore unlikely to fool even the most credulous reader --, I've respected "don m's" request, and deleted it.

It's pretty sad to see people incapable of arguing with the facts, resorting to such underhanded tactics. Pathetic, really. So, come on, people... let's play nice!

Saturday, December 22, 2007 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what I think? I think that don m is a hot head and that those comments were really his. AFTER he posted them and calmed down, he then realized that he shouldn't have said the things he said and email Kendrick to have them removed. I read what those comments said, it sounded a lot like him!

Sunday, December 23, 2007 7:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were what you claim, I would simply subpoena your ID on your messages, drag you to court, run you through the meat grinder, & expose you for what you are. You did cross the line for malicious reasons.

With your levels of hate & venom, you are anything but invisible. I'm sure you'll be just like Mr. Ford and others who "were" bigger fish than you, glad handing anyone, until the cuffs snap shut.

It's not about me. I have no power & want none. Save your power plays for later. It's about what you and your group are doing. It's about folks you may not know, but will get real intimate with, when least expected.
don m

Sunday, December 23, 2007 9:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven’t had much time to post on the blog lately. The post attributed to Don M. was without doubt another attempt by a dim wit, probably an over paid bureaucrat in fear for their job, to shut down this blog and keep people blind to the realities that surround them.
I know Don and have found him to be a very intelligent, considerate and humble man who would rather be left to tend his horses than deal with the time consuming activity of trying to get county government to act responsibly. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and is rightly outraged at the consistent attitude of some to act so deceitfully. It’s sad that some would rather use deceit and outright lies to justify their inabilities to reason and act as adults. I know how irritating it is when someone posts a lie then are not satisfied to post behind the anonymous tag but actually attribute the post to the person they are attacking.
To anonymous of 22 Dec. 9:26 I find your suggestion to be every bit as ludicrous as you. If you can’t stand to deal with the truth why don’t you simply stop reading this blog and go play with your rattle and teething ring? Allen Barrett

Sunday, December 23, 2007 3:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Ronald Reagan so aptly stated, "there you go again". Dim wit? Now, there's a new name to call someone.
By the way, what did he mean by folks who can get real intimate when least expected? Could you explain that to a dim wit such as myself?

Sunday, December 23, 2007 7:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous I'm glad to know that based on some of your earlier posts that you put yourself above calling other people names!!!!!
You ask the question, "By the way, what did he mean by folks who can get real intimate when least expected? Could you explain that to a dim wit such as myself?"
Since you didn't put any quotation marks around the quote I can only guess that you are asking about "folks who can get real intimate when least expected". You didn't make it real clear as to whom you attribute this quote, while I am a huge fan of President Reagan I am not familiar with this being his statement, but if it is or not I am not familiar with the context within which it was said.
I would guess that it means something to the effect of some of the most unlikely people end up being very close to you at times. Allen Barrett

Sunday, December 23, 2007 9:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laugh again at WAB!
I laugh at Don M.
They should consider the Comedy Tour!

Monday, December 24, 2007 8:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They could go on a "low Dollar" comedy tour...only it wouldn't be funny at all.

Monday, December 24, 2007 8:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

724 A unique form of intimacy is created by comeupancy*, when the weight of accountability for transgressions becomes ominous. Will the spider explain the web he created or weave a new web about himself, until he becomes the victim instead of prey? Pray on it. Your eyes will sparkle with new found wisdom.

*new word lesson - close eyes and say it real slow.

Monday, December 24, 2007 8:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical condescending attitude of the know-it-alls (close eyes and say it real slow). It's just a hunch, but I think the Riddler is back.

Monday, December 24, 2007 5:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it looks as if the County is about to take one more very expensive step to sabotage and destroy the Financial Management Act of 1981. Through the intimidation and out right lies by some county employees and school supervisors the 800 signatures needed to put the issue on the ballot in February has been obtained.
Why should anyone vote to keep this act active as the guiding control for the county financial activities? One only has to look at the recent audit posted on this blog to understand many of the benefits. Simply by having one competent Certified Accountant in charge instead of each department having, some without the proper training or discipline, their own individual ways of taking in and spending money most of the existing problems would be corrected and huge amounts of money saved. The last few audits have each revealed the major violation of having the same person take money into the operation, disperse it, write the checks and keep the books accounting for it. The county and /or school system has been written up for such things as paying the same invoices/bills more than once, then taking years to re-obtain those funds; paying none existent invoices, paying before receiving invoices; paying for unauthorized material and services; not maintaining proper supervision of projects; after receiving approval making major changes without approval; writing bid specifications to benefit certain bidders and the list goes on and on.
Each of these specific violations and most others will be eliminated by having a properly staffed and led Financial Management Office. What is the true cost of having such an office? You will be told by those who have tried to revoke this act that the number of people and their salaries is outrageous. The truth is the director is the only new addition to the county’s employment list. Each person coming into the Financial Management Office with the exception of the director, will be coming from existing positions already on the payroll of the county; added expense… the director’s salary. Part of the problem is that some of these bookkeepers have enjoyed their power and freedom from supervision and simply do not want to move into the Management Office as required.
Office space has been presented as a huge expense. The truth is this office could have been set up most anywhere but has been used by some unscrupulous officials to justify the purchase of the SunTrust Building and the absurdly expensive alterations to it. The county was looking for additional office space a long time before the Financial Management Act was adopted. Remember the Hunter Smith Building that was supposed to solve the need for county office space?
What has it cost because of the plain dumb and wasteful spending of those making the decisions but not fully under the Financial Management directors’ control, actual numbers are unknown but already in the millions. What should it have cost; less than a hundred thousand dollars including the directors’ salary? What can be saved; besides the embarrassment of repeated audit violations, approximately one to one and a half million dollars each year. I invite anyone opposed to keeping the Financial Management Act of 1981 in place to present their objections publicly; in fact I would welcome a public debate on the matter. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 8:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you please explain how one to one and a half million dollars can be saved. That is absolutely ludicrous. I have talked to other counties and they all say no money has been saved. The school director will still be in charge of his budget you won't change that. He can still spend the money the way he wants, he can still do amendments to do so. You cannot control school spending. He his still in charge of his budget. The only change will be that the bookkeeper is in another office. The control is still in his hands. As far as the new building, where would you have proposed putting about seven new people in the courthouse in one office. They were climbing over each other. Do changes need to be made in all accounting offices, yes. But that is a matter of mangement of the offices. Mistakes will still be made under Financial Management.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 9:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 9:30 post.
Merry Christmas.
Those are very appropriate questions you ask and I'll try to answer them. First I would ask you which specific individuals did you contact in the counties you surveyed that say no money was saved? I absolutely challenge your statement that, “I have talked to other counties and they all say no money has been saved.”
The CTAS representative Mr. Doug Bodary has publicly stated on several occasions that in almost every county where the Act has been properly implemented money has been saved. If you have specific information to refute that please share it.
As to the matter of how much will be saved, I have as much proof of a million dollars being saved as you have of no savings. Like most all things that have future projections they are after all simply projections and not realities. Realities come after the fact not before. I believe that at least a million dollars can be saved by only paying invoices once, not paying nonexistent invoices, not engaging in bid rigging, not paying for work until completed satisfactorily, providing work or elimination for some positions so productivity will increase, submitting request for items instead of simply going to the most convenient often most expensive or a friend to purchase items, researching and securing the cheapest loans available, etc, etc. Non-politicians can understand that a few thousand dollars here and a few thousand there soon add up to a whole pile of money. Politicians and government bureaucrats on the other hand see “spending controls” as “ludicrous”
Basically it’s simply a matter of having good administrative oversight of income and spending.

You state that, “The school director will still be in charge of his budget you won't change that.” That’s not exactly correct. The school system will come under the management office and while the school system will still make out their budgets like every other department it will be submitted to the budget office which will examine it for correctness and compliance with standard accounting practices. Indeed each department will be able to spend their allotted monies but it will not be as easy to hide monies or spend them in unauthorized and inappropriate ways. Teachers will be paid on time and contributions to their retirement account will be on time thus avoiding huge fines. This is one of the main objections some have against the Financial Management Act of 1981. Trust me there is and will continue to be a strong effort to remove the school system from under this management act.

You ask, “as far as the new building, where would you have proposed putting about seven new people in the courthouse in one office”. I would not have put them in the courthouse, with a few renovations to the Hunter Smith Building they could have easily moved into the first floor. This office would not require all the improvements needed where continual public access is required any more than the archives office or the Highway Patrol office. There are a number of places and buildings where space could have been rented to accommodate this office.

You state, “Mistakes will still be made under Financial Management” and I fully agree with you but the idea is to stop mistakes from being habits, to stop the outright fraud and deceit that currently is the norm for some offices. Please understand that I only have a rudimentary knowledge of this matter but I hope this helps. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 1:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't you take a day off from trying to smear and intimidate those you dislike? Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 4:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to anonymous of 4:54 post.
I was asked a question that I responded to. Would you be so kind as to tell me what in my post was a smear or intimidation? How I spend my time is based on what I choose to do not what you desire.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 6:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your dec 25, 844 post you say something to the effect "actual numbers are unknown but somewhere in the millions"....Where do you get that from?

Also, this financial office could have easily been accomodated in the large basement room of the old courthouse not to mention the option of the Hunter Smith which is already renovated.

I'm really interested in your estimate of what this office has cost the county so far, or did I misunderstand?

Another point is this new finance director did not cost the total amount of her current salary. We were already paying a plain ole bookeeper $46,000 so the difference in cost is only the difference in pay. Am I correct?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 7:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good first step is getting a list of the 800+ signatures & find out find out what was told that was so threatening and bad about financial management. - It is hard to figure out why people would be scared of knowing why spending is sky high, never enough money, & always a club over our heads for more tax increases to waste more money!

Do you leave your credit card on the hood of the car when you go to bed at night? Would you let Jackson keep it in his wallet? Something is real fishy here!

It isn't about harassment, but making sure people know the facts. It's hard to imagine a sane person not wanting financial control on politicians!

Note - talk is, Lovell was recruiting signatures & telling people it was for the highway department (??). Was it to repeal financial control or pass his stupid wheel tax? Maybe he could tell us the straight scoop???

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say there's a strong possibility that you misunderstood once again. It seems there's a definite pattern.
Why is it that there always has to be something "fishy" about things in this county. That is, from your perspective. Must we be so paranoid and distrustful?
By the way, it's improper to use a preposition at the end of a sentence.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a difference in perspective and fact, Perspective is a horizion. in your case, the horizon ends with pure supposition of opinion, not fact or substance. Thus, the position of the preposition is irrelevant where the proposition of prostitution fits the definition of unfounded terror common to your condition of paranoia where you trust only your perspective and distrust all that might awaken you to reality. One might observe splitting of hairs traits, compounding the diagnosis to paranoid shitzophrenia. Better check it out before you get run over chasing cars.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 1:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB, were you at the meeting when the two counties came to Pulaski to talk about the Financial Management. They stated that "No money had been saved. Several counties have even discontinued the act because it did not work. The Auditors love it because it cuts their work in half. They go to one office and do the work instead of going to several offices. If you would quit accusing people of being crooks you might see a little better. If the school budget is so bad why has the state not stepped in. The State of Tennessee has to approve the budget, if it were illegal then action would have been taken. I guess the people at the State Department are in cahoots with Jackson too huh? Get over yourself and quit calling people liars and thieves. Also, I don't like the idea that someone is being accused of cohersion. I signed of my own free wheel.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 1:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing out to wab what I have so diligently attempted to do for a long time. His paranoia knows no bounds. I have never understood why someone in his family didn't tell him all that. But would he likewise think they had been brainwashed and that they had turned against him? I think, to him, everyone is a crook or at least a person with an ulterior motive. And that is truly sad.

To anonymous 1:42 p.m.
Do you even know what yopu just said? How would a proposition of prostitution fit a definition of terrror. As the Indian would say, you speak with forked tongue. Laughable.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 2:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dec 26, 1:49
You signed of your own "free wheel" all right - wheel tax!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 5:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its the county commission that approves the funding for the school budget, then they don't have any control over how Mr Tee spends it.

Yes, Lovell did solicit signatures for the repeal, so did Kathy Norman and I heard the head of one of the depts within the school system. This, from a fella who a couple of years ago was begging for support from the very folks he has now turned against.

Anyone not wanting this financial act has obviously got something to keep from the public. Of yes, audits are done but its always after the close of the financial year and all that happens is a write up, so the various depts abuse the system year after year. If they were personally fined there would be a difference but the law dont allow that.

The two counties that came to Pulaski to talk about the Act didnt say nothing was saved, they said it took about a year for them to see the savings. They also said at first they were scared about it but ended up loving the Act in their counties.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 5:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The consequences of selling one's self are always tragic - Although prostitution is commonly used as sex for hire, it includes other immoral acts, including hired deception & dillusion. Paranoia can be terrifying - does that help?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the anonymous poster of 25 Dec 7:10 . As I said before, I have as much reason to believe that more than a million dollars can be saved yearly as anyone else has to believe the Act will cost the county so much that it should be repealed. My number is an estimate arrived at by simply looking at implementation of controls of money.
I fully agree with you about locations for the office. The total cost is not in yet but some of the cost include the SunTrust building; alterations to the building such as a new elevator, complete reworking of the stair railings, new furniture (Bank furniture could have been used but Mrs. Vanzant didn’t make a timely effort to secure it for the county so it was given away to be rid of it); cost of physical move; all the meetings held to hire a director and talk about the move; hiring additional custodial staff; salary of director etc.
You are correct in your statement about the director’s salary, what the former book keeper was paid was rolled into the new director’s salary. It was very clear that the new director would have taken the job at a salary much, much less than what was offered. I have no problem with anything you wrote in this blog entry.

To Anonymous of the 26 Dec 11:28 post.
I never said, there “always has to be something fishy about things in this county”, indeed my every effort is to open the doors of government to public access so there will not be the perception of “something fishy”. Instead of you asking me, “Must we be so paranoid and distrustful”, why don’t you ask the county/city officials “must they be so secretive and antagonistic toward the public”?
As for the “preposition” do you really want to get into the issue of proper use of grammar? Seems we could all use a bit of improvement in the area of grammar and that certainly includes you.

To Anonymous of the 26 Dec 1:49 post. I believe I was at that meeting and I remember that when they said “No money had been saved” they also admitted no money had been lost and that the state audit findings had improved considerably. I also remember that one, not several, counties had discontinued their involvement with the act. As for the auditors loving it I would imagine it would save them considerable work you simply have to look at the current audit findings to see now much work would be saved. I have not accused anyone of being a “crook” only that some people lie and seek to deceive, now if you doubt that just look over the county and school budgets. The state accepts the budget it does not approve it. If you think those budgets from each county are physically examined for legalities etc, you probably believe “Tennessee Waltz” is just a song and State Senators Ford (take your pick which one) and Cooper were great statesmen. Once again I did not call anyone a thief and you know that but like many other things you can’t let facts detour you from your thoughts. You state, “I don't like the idea that someone is being accused of cohersion.” I’m not sure what “cohersion” is, if you meant “coercion” I would suggest you put a stop to it, expose those who were guilty and apologize. Intimidation takes many forms some overt and some covert. Having your boss ask you to sign a petition, any petition is very intimidating to some employees. If you meant something different than “coercion” then I apologize. I had to laugh at the Freudian slip revealed in the statement, “I signed of my own free wheel”. How telling.

To Anonymous of the 26 Dec. 2:11 post.
Let me assure you that I do not feel everyone is out to get me, I only believe that about people who have told me or by some other means made it well known. I’ve known a number of people of American Indian heritage and have never heard one speak about a forked tongue? I’d say that remark was a rather insensitive stereotyping wouldn’t you.
Allen Barrett

Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think trying to get you to see the error of your ways is useless. I do grow weary of these little semantics exercises with you. By the way, what on earth is cohersion? Is that a new spelling? Of course,in all your brilliance, you were quick to condescendingly point that out.
The Indian quote was not intended to be some stereotypical slam on Native Americans. I have Cherokee ancestry for which I am very proud. I would have thought you would have understood what I was trying to tell you. I was wrong.
As for your paranoia, I can't blame you. One of these days you are going to have a slip (perhaps Freudian) and call the wrong person a name. That's when you might have good reason to be paranoid, wouldn't you say?

Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dumbo, the problem is you can't correct someone if they ain't wrong.
You da one that spelled "cohersion" wab only explained what he thought it was and apologized if he was wrong. The coffee is perking, time to wake up. Why do I get the feeling wab ain't to concerned about becoming paranoid. Boy it's good to see somebody that ain't scared of the big boys.

Thursday, December 27, 2007 7:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now everyone is nitpicking spelling. Heaven forbid!! Instead of being so perfect like WAB just get to the point and stop being so critical of everything that is written. I am not perfect like some others. I know that I wrote one of the articles that was mispelled so I apologize, but don't assume that every thing that is wrong comes from the same person. I don't write my comments in Word and then spell check. I have better things to do than critique grammar and spelling. I was educated in the South and we don't always use the grammar we were taught in school. I think everyone knew perfectly well what was meant.

Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the odds 814 is really a squaw in tj's tent. Want t0 bet which one!

Thursday, December 27, 2007 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:12 if you actually meant 8:34 instead of 8:14, no I'm not a squaw in tj's tent. Not even close. But I can nitpick too!!

Friday, December 28, 2007 7:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

da secretary...
You are wrong again! How incredibly simple-minded you make yourself to look. I was not the one who misspelled the word, and, before you pounce on that, was not making fun of whoever did. OK? Are we splitting hair now?
I suppose you are right in your statement that wab is not too concerned about being paranoid. No, he is most rabid about feeding his own ego and in making himself to look like the savior of mankind in Giles County. His grandisoity is outrageous. And of course it appears (to you) that the so-called "big men" are intimidated by him. But don't confuse that with the reality that they see him as a troublemaker and go to great lengths to have as little to do with him as possible. Oh, but you will call me dumbo again for not seeing eye-to-eye with you on that. Right?

Friday, December 28, 2007 8:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it Dumb Bo, or Dumbo? WAB isn't concerned about "himself" being paranoid. It's you, a paranoid shitsophrenk with one end up the other & getting high on methane. He's sane & can see that you really need professional help. Methane is flamable - even explosive. One little zap of static spark could set you off & everyone would think you were a suicide bomber who tripped over the detinator cord.

Friday, December 28, 2007 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you see that wab is a legend in his own mind? Or, does arrogance and grandiose delusions of self not bother you? I would think that you would see that he is the one who needs mental help and not me simply because I keep pointing that out to you. And you continue to clal me names? How asinine can that be?

Friday, December 28, 2007 1:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Dumbo you never give examples or any information to support your assumptions that's what makes people call you names like dumbo. If wab is so bad give me something more than just your feelings.It's past time for you to either put up some evidence or shut up. Nobody is concerned about your feelings except maybe witch clinton.

Friday, December 28, 2007 5:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting that the Sun Trust was purchased to accomodate the new finance director? I hope I'm wrong on that 'cause the county didnt have to buy the building for the finance office. Dont let that expense be blamed on that office.

Friday, December 28, 2007 6:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your writing style is so oddly similar to that of wab. Are you one and the same person? By the way, the only one I see calling me dumbo is you....or is it wab? Could this be his multi-personality disorder raising its ugly head again? I wonder.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I will NEVER be silent when you people get on here and say unkind and derogatory things about those you dislike.
I get the feeling that you may be a member of the Grand Old Party. If you are, pwerhaps I'm going Libertarian. I don't want to be in any organization for which people who behave like you and your hero belong. It's just not right to go around claiming to have all the answers all the while trying to ruin those with which you have a problem! And I will continue to stand opposed and to point these things out. Trust me when I tell you that I am not the only Giles Countian who feels this way.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of the 28 Dec. 6:42 pm post. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear about the SunTrust Building. You are absolutely right the county did not have to purchase the building and I was very opposed to it under the conditions with which it was done. It was a rushed, poorly researched, and non negotiated deal that has cost the county thousands of extra dollars. The Financial Management Office was used by some county officials as the reason for this purchase. As I tried to say before, the only additional expense that should have been incurred by the county for this office was the salary of the director, (the difference between what Mrs. Roberts was paid and what Mrs. Garner is being paid. Even this amount would have been much less if the salary had been negotiated instead of simply picking an amount out of the air and then increasing it), a few pieces of furniture, some computers and software. Adequate space was available. Allen Barrett

Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPA's I know make more than she does so what is the big deal. Most of them make closer or over six figures, or at least the good ones. You are the one that wanted the Financial Mangement Act but you have done nothing but complain about what has been done. Apparently nothing can be done right in your eyes. The only way that it would be done right is if you are put in charge. Maybe they need to hire WAB as a consultant. Perhaps then everything can be perfect. I'm sure he would do it for nothing. It would be less time consuming than the trouble making he is doing now.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of the 29 Dec. 8:56 post.
Come on Anonymous you’ve got to make up your mind either I’m too arrogant to post anonymously, as you continually claim, or I’m not. As for the writing style I guess it could best be described as mid fifties public education system. It was a good system and a lot of us old folks actually learned from it. Wouldn’t you agree? Oh, no that’s your catch phrase are you sure we’re not the same person?
How about this, I’ve noticed that you sign your posts with the very same name as most everyone else, are you sure you’re not all them other anonymous posters? Can you prove it? Because you may harbor iniquitous thoughts doesn't make everyone else villainous.
Now there you go again engaging your typing finger before getting your brain implant. Are you licensed by the state to make a psychiatric diagnosis? I’m sure if the sheriff finds out your real name he’ll arrest you for impersonating a psychiatrist and self medicating with that funny weed. Now don’t have a convulsion I’m only having a little fun with you.
As I’ve tried to get across to you several times before there is a big difference in calling a person a name reflective of their behavior, giving supportive evidence then attaching your actual name as the poster; and calling a person a name without any supportive evidence and refusing to identify yourself and take responsibility for the comment. Understand I do not want you to be silent as you imply, I just want you to give something more substantive than your feelings to support your accusations.
I have never come close to claiming I have all the answers but I think it’s not unreasonable for those that should know the answers to respond honestly to the questions.
You made this statement, “It's just not right to go around claiming to have all the answers all the while trying to ruin those with which you have a problem!” I challenge you to pay heed to that statement for in it you are guilty of the very thing you claim to be so opposed to. You claim to have all the answers about me, yet never produce anything but your feelings to support those answers. You’ve written your post specifically to another person and referred to me in several derogatory terms. Since you have nothing but your feelings to support those statements you make yourself nothing but a cowardly rumor monger.
As for political affiliation, I am a staunch conservative that happens to vote Republican, because they have the better platform for me. The reason I mention that is because you suggest you’ll be moving into the Libertarian Party if Anonymous is a Republican. I think that would be a good fit for you because they advocate progression toward chaos as their prime goal, having already attained that goal you could be their a leader. Allen Barrett

Saturday, December 29, 2007 2:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of the 29 Dec 10:33 post.
You must not know many CPA’s. The average pay for CPA’s in Tennessee is around $55,000. That number is easily checked through government statistical records. Yes, I certainly wanted the Financial Management Act of 1981 implemented and still do as it will save millions of dollars and provide the much needed accountability for this county. There would have been no complaints had there been supporters of the act chosen to implement it instead of those who have made every effort to sabotage it. Are you aware that the proper number of members wasn’t involved in making the major decisions? That some people were excluded from the interview process because they happen to be the wrong color? That even now there are those, for selfish personal reasons, seeking to destroy it? That the petition to have it recalled was accomplished through intimidation, scare tactics and plain lies? Allen Barrett

Saturday, December 29, 2007 2:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go again trying to condescend and call me a name. How ridiculous and childish.
No, I do not have a specific license that would allow me to make a psychiatric diagnosis. However, multi-personality is not all that difficult to assess, license or not. I merely hypothesized (described your behavior) that you and the anonymous one COULD be the same one, based on your writing styles and the arrogant way in which things are presented. It was an empirical observation based on what I see, ok? You both incorrectly stated that I put my feelings ahead of reality...or something like that.
On a positive note, I do give you credit for being very clever. You claim you don't have all the answers, but your humility doesn't seem consistent with the things you say. I'm sorry, but as long as you behave the way you do, I will be here (God willing) to challenge you and to point that out.
Finally, I never said I would stop being a conservative. I just do NOT want to be a part of a club whose membership is represented by people like anonymous and yes, even you.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name is DUMBO - the game is ---
Guess what "hi-pot-this-is" - in the kaleidoscope of smoke, mirrors, fuzzy images, and dancing lights! Come on dumbo - tell us what it's really like.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous (aka secretary or riddler)
Don't you ever give up? You must lead a very bland and boring life. And isn't it sad to have to depend on someone else to tell you how to act and what to think? So sad.
Hey, I've got to go. We are going out to dinner, and I don't have time for this amusement right now. But I'll be back soon, because this is too hilarious.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget to ask for 2 chairs - bad to break a chair with that growing posterior. Don't get lost on the way back.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 5:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous (or is it riddler?)
Don't you have anything better to do than to try degrading me again? That's about all you people really have, isn't it? And why would you necessarily infer that simply because I went out for an evening meal makes me obese? Surely, you can be wittier than that. Your small audience may not be laughing. Yet, in your mind, it's always funny to belittle someone else, isn't it?

Sunday, December 30, 2007 8:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor widdo critter
no one wuves her
wuf wuff even bit her
upon her finger

Sunday, December 30, 2007 8:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are getting your "poetry" confused with the fable of the spider and the butterfly.

Monday, December 31, 2007 8:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it seems more information about the petition to do away with the Financial Management Act of 1981 is coming to light.
After personally examining the petition signatures turned in by Commissioner Edwin Lovell and speaking with some of those whose names were listed I find an amazing amount of truth stretching and plain lying went into this petition. By telling people that this petition was actually an attempt to prevent the Financial Management Act from being repealed, such folks as Commissioner Lovell and former highway commissioner Pete Britton have stooped to a new level of unscrupulous behavior. Commissioners Terry Hughes, David Adams, Tommy Campbell and Edwin Lovell by signing on to this effort to do away with the Financial Management Act have moved forward with firm actions that show they are not in favor of financial accountability within the county. The question is why, why have these men chosen, in light of overwhelming evidence that the Act benefits the county greatly, to seek repeal of this act?
For some Commissioner Lovell and Mr. Britton in particular, it seems a matter of not wanting a favored employee at the highway department to have to move from a plush position to one with greater accountability. One thing is abundantly clear, if this Act is repealed the people of Giles County will be the worse off, worse than we were before, because it will be saying to the power-brokers and those with the illusion of power that they can do as they please and accountability be hanged. I can only hope people will look at the facts of the matter and vote to keep the Financial Management Act of 1981. Truthfully it’s hard to see how anyone could look at all the benefits and vote to repeal it unless for selfish personal motives. Allen Barrett

Friday, January 04, 2008 2:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would a high way depart mint do a low way turn from financial mangement to financial manglement?

Friday, January 04, 2008 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would the people pushing the first petition tell people simply do you want to save the county money. Well who wouldn't! That was not telling the truth, according to other counties. I will be so glad when the thing gets started, if it does, so I can ask where the savings are. A lot of people were deceived. They should have been saying do you want the Financial Mangement Act.

Saturday, January 05, 2008 8:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

855 If you would poke your head out of the bushes we might know what's happening. The rattling I hear sounds a lot like a snake waiting to bite someone dumb enough to come closer to listen to you.

Why would people want financial management? - Because they know what corruption is and hate it!

Why do you hate financial management? Because you know what corruption is and love it!

Saturday, January 05, 2008 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say saving the county money was not truthful when you ask other counties, would you tell which counties you are talking about or are you just talking.
I was shown the numbers and the only real cost to the county has been the difference between the other book keeper's salary and Mrs Garners salary and about $1000.00 for used furniture. Tell us what other cost you consider connected to this office. Thank you.

Saturday, January 05, 2008 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, first of all there was another person hired to do accounts payable besides Mrs. Garner. Franklin County for one said that they had not saved any money.

Once again if there is something illegal going on prove it and let someone press charges. I don't like Jackson either, so please put your money where your mouth is and prove it, please.

Saturday, January 05, 2008 3:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous I didn't say anyone was a crook or doing anything illegal. I just asked the question in response to the claim that other "counties" did not save any money with the Act. You gave one county which I appreciate but the claim was stated in the plural.
There were no new hires by the Financial Management Office, period. If there was it was well hidden. If you know of a person hired for this office please tell the name, until then I must believe that it is simply not true.
As for untruths Mr. Lovell approached me and told me if I signed his petition it would mean I wanted to keep the Financial Management Act and was opposed to a different petition that was going around. I might have signed had I not been somewhat aware of the truth.

Saturday, January 05, 2008 4:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you saying Mr. Wheel Tax would tell a fib???

Saturday, January 05, 2008 5:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jan 5, 8:55
Read Thursday newspaper, it carried a report from Loretta Garner stating where she already created savings to the county. Then, you cant base critisim backedup from another county. You failed so say the other counties that came here said they did have savings and better organization and reporting. I have faith in Loertta Garner. Lets give her a chance.

Would the poster who wrote about Lovell misleading them when he came around gathering signatures, please write same to the local newspaper we can all know what has been happening. This may have been told to other people that signed as well. From what I hear Lovell denied being involved in this latest peition but you say he turned it in? Wow.

Saturday, January 05, 2008 6:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Franklin County did save money. You keep posting they did not save money with this financial act in place. That is the problem with this county. People always misleading or misinformimg. Stand back and take a long look at Giles County, and ask yourself why our county does not grow and prosper like other areas around us. This county is full of too many backwoods rednecks and hillbillies. Most of which are on the county commission and the ones with no backbone are on the school board.

Saturday, January 05, 2008 7:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess we heard two different things. What I heard them say very hesitantly was that they HAD NOT SAVED ANY MONEY. I am not misleading anyone. THAT IS WHAT I HEARD WITH MY OWN EARS, NO HEARSAY, NO GRAVPEVINE. I am not a commisioner nor a board member and if being born in the south makes me a redneck or a hillbilly then I am very proud of it. Just because someone disagrees does not make them ignorant. I know what I heard and I will not back down from that.

Saturday, January 05, 2008 8:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I signed the first petition I did not feel it was being pushed on me. It was offered for me to sign if I wanted to know where my tax dollars were going, no one at that time I signed said anything about saving money and I would like to know where money is spent in the county. Who woudnt?

Saturday, January 05, 2008 9:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know alot about the meeting. As long as you are talking about the one that was held at the courthouse where Franklin County officials came over along with Hickman County Executive and a state auditor. If this is the meeting you are speaking of and if it is then you heard Franklin County speak of savings. If you dispute what I am saying you must have a comprehension learning disorder. I will not back down from that.

Saturday, January 05, 2008 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right in your statement that just because one disagrees they are ignorant. I was born and raised here and do not consider myself a hillbilly. On the contrary, I am very proud of my southern roots. A southhern drawl does not mean ignorance.
I think what we have here in this county is a small group of complainers who insist on stirring up trouble wherever they can.

Sunday, January 06, 2008 8:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jan 5th 10:01, you don't have to back down but neither will I. I heard what I heard. The only place they said they saved money was on supplies by buying in bulk. Over all they did not save money. New building location for office, new equipment and etc. They did said they did not save money. One area does not count if overall you are not saving. I will not back down either. I know I am telling the truth and you obviously think you are. I guess it is a draw because I know what I heard and you know what you heard. I will not lower myself like some people and call you a liar. I believe you when you say that is what you heard but sometimes people hear different things especially if they are wanting to hear it. I heard myself that they said no they had not saved OVERALL. They were real hesitant when they said it like they didn't like to admit it.

Sunday, January 06, 2008 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jan 6 11:04
I also attended that meeting. What I heard was the change did create savings but it took a few weeks before before they could show the savings, which would be true anywhere since most accounting systems make reports about 60 days after the fact. Now, even if there wasnt much to show in the way of savings I think having a financial management in place is a good thing because we will all know where the money is going, not just a chosen few being privvy to that. What about all the accusations over the past years when the public has wondered about payback or money in pockets. One woman wrote in a while back and said having financial management would remove those doubts. I kept her letter because I agree with what she said.

Sunday, January 06, 2008 2:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

843 If someone told you that you would know where the money was spent if you signed the petition, they lied to you. The only thing you will know if it passes, is it goes to JACKSON & then it's gone! You know that now!

For Lovell, he has pushed & shoved & voted for every phony school tax, every conniving spending amendment & knowing they are phony. Somebody called him Mr. Wheel Tax & that's the long & short in him.

Sunday, January 06, 2008 9:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tHREE OF THE big pushers to do away with the financial manager is Kathy Norman because tee has convinced her to do so. He was convinced by Pete Britton to work against it. My question is what is Pete afraid of being uncovered from his tiem in office as well as what might be uncovered since Tee became director. Poor Kathy is so snowed by Tee she would jump off a building if he told her too. I know the above is true because I have witnessed myuself.

Monday, January 07, 2008 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/6, 9:22
Agree that if this passes to revoke the financial management that is being worked on now to have up and running by August, it would be the same as in past years, we would never know what Tee Jackson does with the schools money. But if we vote to keep the financial management in, he or other depts wont be able to do that. Even commissioners dont know what they vote on most of the time now when it comes to money. Ask them, I've heard them admit it.

Monday, January 07, 2008 9:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To say that Pete Britton wants it because of something he might be hiding is ridiculous. Mr. Britton just realizes how hard it is to run a department and to run it from a distance is going to be even harder.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008 6:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the same old story, don't you know? There's always a handful of people trying to find something evil in everything. Nobody's good enough to run things here...other than the ones who are doing all the complaining. You just have toi learn to take them with a grain of salt.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008 1:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Mr. Britton is necessarily trying to hide anything other than perhaps the truth about the Financial Management Act and the benefits it will bring to the people of the county. The biggest problem some folks are having with this restructuring is it's breaking up their little cliques and inconveniencing some family members and friends. The benefits far outweigh any possible drawbacks. Please try to avoid the hysterical claims and simply look at the facts then vote as you chose.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bubba said on the news that the financial act already saved the county 4000 dollars by combining some offices and cutting down on software.
4000 a year for ten years thats 40,000 dollars right there. I'm beginning to wonder just who is telling the straight story here.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008 3:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The director was also hired at $70,000. People either don't realize or forget that a person was also hired to do the accounts payable job for the county. I don't know what her salary is. Loretta did not replace Judy. There was someone hired to do the bookkeeper job that she did.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008 6:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Jan 9, 6:54
What you post is incorrect. The bookeeping position held by Judy Roberts was eliminated when she retired. Ms Garner, CPA was hired as Finance Director of Accounting. No one was hired to do accounts payable. A former staff member who had retired from another department was reinstated and has been working on GASB34 plus other things. No new funding involved. The county is very lucky to secure the services of a CPA for $70,000. The woman is already doing a great job. Don't try to undermine her with your incorrect postings.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008 7:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the lady that retired from another department replaced in that department? If so and she was hired in the Financial Managment Dept that is extra money.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 6:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was no new money used. The lsdy simply retired while working in one office then went back to work in a different office but with the same pay and doing basically the same thing as in her original office.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they replace her in the old office she was in?

Thursday, January 10, 2008 3:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. She was not replaced.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On 4 January at 2:07 I posted information about the petition to undo all the work done in the establishing of the Financial Management Act of 1981 as the standard by which Giles County would conduct its financial business. In that post I incorrectly included David Adams as one of the four current commissioners who had signed the petition to repeal the Financial Management Act.
I should have listed the four current commissioners as Terry Hughes, Edwin Lovell, Tommy Campbell and Rose Brown.
I apologize to Commissioner Adams for this mistake and hope it did not cause him any embarrassment. Allen Barrett

Friday, January 11, 2008 1:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for them. I wish my commissioner had signed.

Friday, January 11, 2008 5:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should be booted out of office.

Friday, January 11, 2008 6:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the employees of Giles County, especially those who didn't get a raise - Think about the 2007-8 budget that determines the money available for your pay in the school system:

Budget - property tax $6,135,552, Sales tax $2,762,500, other $2,145,290. (school budget revenue)

Audited 2006-7 - property tax $6,153,048, Sales tax $3,153,548, other $2,145,290 (TN State Audit Report)

The 2006-7 numbers were known when the final amendment passed in September - BUT THEY WERE NOT IN THE BUDGET & YOU DIDN'T KNOW IT, DID YOU? You were told there was no more money! You were told books and supplies would have to be cut if anything else would have to be reduced!

Add them up & you see $612,236 of 2006-7 dollars that are really there, just waiting to be spent on anything but you!

Those 2006-7 numbers should have been inflated by the 3% inflation factor as used on teacher salaries, for 2007-8. That makes the total hidden $749,219.

It doesn't mean that money is there to give away. It does mean the least able to do without should be the first in line for a cost of living raise! If that hasn't happened, it's time for new faces at the top, beginning with the board of education! What can we expect out of people who would fraudulently claim "no money" in that amount, and forge formal government reports to make you and the taxpayers believe it?

If we want more fraudulent demands for $2.5 million property tax increases (like the one in 2006-7), wheel taxes, or like to see free wheeling spenders with bags of money on their backs, reaching into our pocket, well, go vote to repeal the financial management act!

If you stay home, those who want to rip you off will be there, and they will vote to remove it. You must go and vote to continue keeping the financial management act!

Friday, January 11, 2008 8:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The audited 2006-7 other tax should read $2,160,135, not $2,145,290. Sorry about that.

You need to be looking closer. Everyone needs a second set of eyes. One more good reason for financial management - is sharing data & making sure errors and other things are avoided & stopped.


Saturday, January 12, 2008 1:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scourges of age
Lots of cures for arthritis
Any for authoritis?

Saturday, January 12, 2008 1:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been proven that WAB does not know what he is talking about. Should we believe him when he talks about the Financial Management. He was wrong about the denial of the fine. Please don't believe what the man says. He has no idea what he is talking about. He believes what he hears on the grapevine and everyone knows that you can't take that as truth. By the time a story gets down the vine there is only a fraction of truth to it. The school's fine has been forgiven. He apparently did not know what he was talking about so why would anyone listen to anything he has to say. Please consider the source when he tells you something. People tell you what they want you to know even if it is not the truth.

Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB has only reported what has transpired so far with the fine. Fine was paid, denied, and now denial reversed. WAB reported what was corrected up until immediately before Christmas. Now the denial has been reversed. What did WAB report incorrectly? Maybe the guy is out of town and hasnt read WKSR yet about the reversal. Cant blame him for that.

Saturday, January 12, 2008 9:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 12 Jan 6:06 PM post.
You state, “It has been proven that WAB does not know what he is talking about. Should we believe him when he talks about the Financial Management. He was wrong about the denial of the fine”.
There are many things I know little or nothing about that is why I say nothing about those things. However as far as the $10,000.00 fine is concerned please show me and every other reader one single thing that I wrote that was not 100% accurate.
Was there a fine of over $10,000.00 levied against the school system for consistently late contributions to the retirement system? The answer is absolutely YES. Was the fine paid by the school system” The answer is absolutely YES. Was the appeal by the school system denied? Again, the answer is absolutely YES. Did the school system make a second appeal and have the fine overturned? Apparently the answer is YES. Have you read anything written by me that said the second appeal was denied? The answer is absolutely NO. Did I make any kind of prediction about the status of the second appeal? The answer is absolutely NO.
Your statement, “Please don't believe what the man says. He has no idea what he is talking about” is totally laughable. Really, stooping to begging people to not believe me!
If you don’t want people to believe me just discredit me with something more than your pathetic pleading, I would suggest a bit of evidence to support your paltry solicitation.

You state, “He believes what he hears on the grapevine and everyone knows that you can't take that as truth”. I agree that “grapevine” information is not always reliable until there is solid hardcore evidence to support it then it becomes more than “grapevine” information, it becomes truth. Everything I write about has been thoroughly researched and confirmed either by those directly involved or written documentation. Again I remind you that nothing I wrote about the $10,000.00 fine was incorrect.

You state, “The school's fine has been forgiven. He apparently did not know what he was talking about so why would anyone listen to anything he has to say. Please consider the source when he tells you something”. My first question to you is when was the fine forgiven before or after I reported the absolute truth about the matter? Because the fine has apparently now been forgiven that in no way alters anything about what I wrote concerning the matter. The post has not changed therefore it is easy to confirm. The second question is “why should anyone believe me over you”? Try looking at it this way. I have posted very specific statements that deal with simple facts. You on the other hand speak through emotions with no specifics or supportive evidence. I take responsibility for what I post by putting my name on everything I write. That way if someone has any question that I have posted something that is incorrect or not completely truthful (I’ve never understood how something could be only partly true and not be fully wrong) they can easily rebut what I have said and we can work out any misunderstanding that might exist. You on the other hand take no responsibility. You throw out unfounded and un-provable accusations then hide behind the safety of the anonymous barrier. No one can challenge your statements or call you to task for such irresponsible behavior. So I join you in asking folks to consider the source, have I, who offered facts with support, been truthful or is it you, who offers nothing but unsupported rhetoric, been truthful? I have never begged for anyone to believe me, I have simply presented evidenced statements and left if up to each individual to believe or not believe. I have even said on several occasions don’t believe me just because I said it but research it for yourself then make up your mind. You on the other hand have, without any supported evidence, resorted to actually begging folks to believe you. I wonder if your eyes filled with Clinton tears as you wrote. Unless you can show a specific statement I wrote that was not absolutely accurate at the time it was posted I would suggest you need to reassess the meaning of your statement and re-identify just who it is that “tells you what they want you to know even if it is not the truth”.
As for apologizing I could care less if you apologize to me although it’s clearly warranted, but you should consider apologizing to every other human on the planet for your pathetic waste of space and resources. Allen Barrett

Saturday, January 12, 2008 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett why would anyone want to put their name on this blog for you to personally insult. I along with other cannot afford to put my name here and won't. I will not put myself and my family up for personal attach from you. I don't think that have someone apologize for taking up space on this planet is a Godly thing to do. I think that God put us all here and for a purpose. I don't think that purpose is to have statements like yours made. I hope that the members of your church read this blog and see what kind of preacher you are. I have asked you on more than one occastion to present proof from the state that the payments were paid late. You apparently did not think proof was needed only your word. Well the statement from the State shows what your word is worth. The payments were late twice. Once was computer problem the other human error. I think we have all made an error before. Oh, I'm sorry I cannot speak for you because apparently you don't make errors.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Barrett
Since the 7:59 blogger claims to know the exact details regarding late payments, it should be fairly easy to determine who that writer is.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does wab need to know WHO the writer is? He knows that some people cannot put their names out on this blog. And who would want wab insulting them if they did?

Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who has seen the fine was cancelled? WKSR said it was, but did a copy of the letter come out in the paper?

I believe it was cancelled, but when talking about proof, I'm saying I haven't see proof there was ever a fine one way or the other.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exact details? They have been stated all over this blog and in letters to the editors. I'm sure that WKSR got a copy of the letter in order to quote the state. I would think that is proof enough. They don't seem to be big supporters of Jackson either.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has the right to know if he wants to.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why you keep referring back to anon 7:59. They are quoting the WKSR statement from the State Financial Director. Anyone who read it could have said the same thing. Maybe you did not read the article because you would have to admit you were wrong.

Monday, January 14, 2008 2:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that we have a clairvoyant on this blog.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear Mr. Wheel Tax, I thought you were telling everyone to vote yes, not no! Got a tooth hung in the tire?

Figuring how they made you change things from yes to no, We all know you have to vote "NO" & you could have saved a few dollars trying to tell us something we already know!

You voted yes every time you could for a tax increases. Never no, or is it I don't know?

You gave it a million three yes, yes, & more yes in 2004 for 5 & as things worked out, it wasn't needed, was it.

You voted several times in 2005 for 6, for your million and a half school increase all the way up to the time it was canned, & you & your friends just happened to find that & more, under the table - right? wasn't needed, again was it?

You voted & voted some more in 2006 for 7 & for the two and a half million until it was canned, & then you & your friends just happened to find just enough money to spend AGAIN,, & got to spend & spend all that money without a tax increase, right?

You wanted to vote & vote some more for the eight hundred K in 2007 for 8, but it looked like no one to go for it too or tag along with you. Some say the urge to vote yes was all too powerful, so you up and voted for a wheel tax just so everybody would know you don't vote no, & nobody would tag along. It got so bad you had to vote the wheel thing in the commission & nobody followed.

Now, don't go & blame that nice Mrs. Garner for all your bad luck. When you play that far out on the limb, sometimes it breaks & kerplop, down you go. It'll help if you wear an aluminum helmet.

With all that history of yessin, I don't know how you'll ever be able to pull the NO lever on Feb 5. Why not take a couple pain-killers with you, it'll help you make it through it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why anyone would be against the Financial Act of 1981, especially a Public Official. All it's gonna do is establish a financial Department to administer the county's fiances including purchasing and contracts for goods and services. It puts all the bookkeepers together creating more organization for building budgets. I don't see that any department head is gonna lose power of their budget because of this Act. To me it would mean less headache.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 3:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can it be less headache when your staff (who is no longer your staff)is long distance? Wouldn't it be better to have your staff across the room or at least in the same building. I need a purchase order, call Suntrust ask for a purchase order, wait for it to be written go get it, take it to the store. Real simple.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a thing called a "network". Workers can sit almost anywhere & still maintain internal control.

Centralized acounting dictates who accounting types report to, not where they sit. Give Ms. G a chance & things might work out. It's like CTAS telling everyone there isn't any sunshine. They are 100 years behind the private sector & do little more than figure out ways for crooks to get away with stuff!

The issue is the school dept. & if that isn't restrained, we'll all be broke & it'll be too late to cry about it! Got to have a legit budget & stop the crazy spending!

Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So someone will be hired to be a "runner" to all county locations. Where do I apply? If custodians get $40,000 then surely a runner gets $50,000. Gee at those prices we should worry about the school system since their custodians make less than $20,000. There is no way that things are going to be easy when spending is controlled in another building. Everything can't be done over the phone believe it not. How cost effective is it going to be to have people running all over the county just to get a simple purchase order. That is saving money.

Friday, January 18, 2008 6:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couple of points need to be made to two Anonymous postings.
First, if they ain't your staff any more why would they need to sit in 'your' department?
Poster above says "there is no way spending is going to be easy...." EXACTLY1 Reckless spending will be stopped.
Ms Garner is writing policies and procedures. This will cover P.O.s. It was addressed with the highway dept months ago. Don't you remember that Julie? Besides, haven't you heard about a fax? NO ONE will be running from office to office unless you are trying to fill in your work day to while away the hours.

Friday, January 18, 2008 7:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the anonymous would-be-runner :
Sorry Charlie but technology has passed you by (and most of Giles County it seems ).
The FAX machine has been around for decades , then came the computer with encrypted signatures for INSTANT remote approval ."Dont need any runners" -the electrons are much cheaper and faster !!
I want to buy fenceposts or toiletpaper ? I cut an electronic PO , put my digital signature on it , send it to the central accounting office identifying on the P O which of my line-item budgets I want it charged to . Central accounts verifies I have $$ left in that account , puts their digital stamp on it and returns it to me . Should take same time as drinking a Sundrop . I print it out and go shopping.
Where's the rocket science in this ? However there IS Financial Management -the funds are VERIFIED before I spend them !! Aint THAT a novelty for Giles County ??
Electronic Wonder

Friday, January 18, 2008 8:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

844 We do have a person with a brain!

You must be frustrated to the 'n'th degree listening to "administrative educators" who know little other than what they see when Ms Kitty flags down the pony express to send a letter to Mat, who is out of town looking for crooks. Imagine what they are doing to your children!

Friday, January 18, 2008 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

17/5:30 Congratulation on your promotion to head of Giles County computerized communications.

Friday, January 18, 2008 6:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we could communicate via rail & position the offices along the railroad - Hammer in one hand & ear to the rail to hear. Would be a good job for Jackson & we could tap lightly & hope for the best.

Friday, January 18, 2008 9:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got some cans and string we could connect all the offices in the courthouse and annex even the jail and highway department. If I get some more string we could put some communications in all the police cars.

Friday, January 18, 2008 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point is that Giles County has the equipment to transfer information such as PO's and other important documents to and from in an efficient manner. That's a small issue as far as I'm concerned. The real issue here is Better accountability for Audits, efficiency and Organization. And let's not forget that the county employees will have advantages by all departments will be ruled by the same rules and regulations. Let's not do the old status quo and let's move forward to the 21st century.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 9:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1-19 9:15
Whoever you are - don't get frustrated & keep trying, you are absolutely right. Don't let the school corruption get to you.

FYI Go visit Carol Wade - they are doing things the school system can't comprehend, There is hope!

Saturday, January 19, 2008 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think about it folks, there are almost 700 school employees at ten different locations throughout the county. They ARE different from the other offices. There are supervisors at several different levels. There is a reason that the school is being left for last. It will not be an easy transition. You need to keep that in mind. I know that Loretta is well aware of the size of the school project and that is the reason it is being left for last. It will take time to get that move done. When an office has a handful of employees it won't be hard.

Sunday, January 20, 2008 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Carol say she would open her office on Saturday when she first ran for office?

Monday, January 21, 2008 9:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what she told me...

I'm still waiting to see..

Maybe she will honor this pledge in July 2010 before the election in August.

Maybe she forgot.

Monday, January 21, 2008 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Monday, January 21, 2008 3:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta disagree that Barry should be adamant that locals get the bids. It should be about the best bid possible even if its in Lawrence Co., Marshall, Giles or whatever.

Monday, January 21, 2008 6:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we can buy locally reasonably, then we should buy locally!

Monday, January 21, 2008 7:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go by Tennessee law anyone, anywhere can bid. You take the lowest bid with local people getting a percentage advantage, I don't now what the percentage is. That is Tennessee law not Giles County law.

Monday, January 21, 2008 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saving taxpayers dollars is the key. If local people want the business they should cut their prices and be competitive with people outside of Giles County. I don't think we should pay higher prices to buy locally. Private industry survives on competition. Every dollar saved can be put to use in todays tough time. Less money spent means less tax dollars that has to be generated from citizens. I think Mr. Hyatt should worry about supporting the people that put him in office and not the locals whose prices are not competitive.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Local Prices are very competitive. Some of our mom and pop grocery stores can compete with Wal-Mart. Same goes for our lube and tire shops. I priced tires at Wal-Mart, and a local business beat them by $30.00 on the set. They had the tires I needed and it didn't take long to put them on. How do you people think we can save the taxpayers money by shopping in other states and then not try to help out our local merchants who are taxpayers themselves trying to make a living? It's a Catch 22, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Some of these people posting are probably dumb enough to think they're saving $20.00 by driving out of Giles County and guzzle that $20.00 in gas getting there.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

State law says the county has to take the lowest bid unless there is some factor present to deviate from that. Not going to get the lowest bid unless you try outside of Pulaski and they would probably even deliver on some items.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that some of the local grocerys have items less than Wal Mart. However, they are the weekly specials and I shop around for them. Doesn't mean I buy only from them. I have to spread my housekeeping budget around to where I get the best price on whatever we need on any given week.
Same should be true on how county funds are spent.

Friday, January 25, 2008 6:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Went to Piggly Wiggly and was shocked that their prices were about as high as the old Bi-Lo. At this rate I expect they will last about as long as Bi-Lo. That's a shame because I like the store but when the exact same biscuit mix is almost two dollars more than wal-mart I just can't afford not to go to walmart.

Friday, January 25, 2008 7:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes anonymous, your words regarding Piggly Wiggly and Wal Mart are exactly what the county has to do. Thats what we are all saying, the county needs to work with a closer budget and get the best deals. From what I have heard about Ms Loretta Garner recently, she appears to be frugal with county money and goes to extra lenghts to save. My thought as I wrote those words were that maybe this is one of the reasons why the big wigs want to get rid of financial management, they want to make sure their friends pockets are still filled by county dollars.
Lets keep financial management in place, give it a chance to work and reap the benefits.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 9:05:00 AM  

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