Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, June 27, 2008

The "Right" To Bear Arms

The United States Supreme Court yesterday handed down their decision to uphold the U.S. Constitution and allow individuals to continue to possess firearms for hunting and protection.

While this may have seemed like a “no brainer” since the Constitution plainly states in Amendment Two “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” understand it was a five to four split. One vote was all that stood between our losing this right and keeping it. One more liberal judge on the court and that would have been the end of “our right to bear arms”. There may be much discussion about “no one will take my guns” but the reality is one vote allowed us to keep that right. There will be much discussed during this presidential election, many promises will be made with no intentions of keeping them but one thing is true….. The next president will appoint judges to the different district around the nation and he will appoint Supreme Court Justices. When you go to vote consider what kind of judges do you want deciding your future and your rights a liberal with no connection to the Constitution or one who seeks only to see the Constitution applied correctly. Senator Obama has the most liberal voting record in all of congress and refused to sign on to brief supporting the right to bear arms. There can be no question as to what kind of judges he will nominate and have approved by a democrat controlled Senate. Senator McCain has been less that conservative in many areas but has stood firmly with those who defended our right to bear arms, and has pledged to nominate only those judges committed to interpreting the Constitution not making new laws out of it.

One vote is all that prevented our loss this time, will that vote be cast next time, you will decide. Allen Barrett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vote shows how vulnerable this country is. Remember - neither candidate (can & did ate) has pledged to uphold the Constitution and laws of the country. Both refuse to secure the borders - both refuse to deal with the illegals. If you are not going to enforce the law, you will be breaking it. nuff said for integrity & protection of law.

Friday, June 27, 2008 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many people have a variety of opinions about President Bush, and that is certainly within their right. However, regardless of how you feel about the man and/or his politics, you should be thankful that he is your President. He appointed two justices who believe that the constitution means what it says, rather than what they read into it.

While I hardly ever agree with Mr. Barrett, he is right about the fact that the Presidential election which is now upon us will greatly affect the structure of the court. It is estimated that the next President will have the opportunity to appoint three Justices to the Supreme Court. The Heller decision, albeit a narrow one, should make us all proud of President Bush. Even you Bush haters out there, it wont hurt you to give him some praise. Even if it is just for one day.

For all of you who think that “politics” don’t matter, you are wrong. While I don’t know who John Kerry would have chosen to replace Justice O’Connor, I am reasonably certain that his choice would not have had the courage to stand for the constitution and the rights of the citizenry. After all, four of the incumbent Justices seem to view our constitution as something to be left open to interpretation. So as we all gear up for the upcoming election, and we prepare to let hanging chad’s and swift boat veterans divide us, let us not forget that there are real issues that we face, and decisions to be made that clearly do matter.

Sunday, June 29, 2008 6:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Sunday, June 29 at 6:16

I've been thinking ever since I read your posting with the following statement "you should be thankful that he is your President". Finally, I have come up with something to be "thankful" for about Bush being president. So here goes:

I am thankful that his time is almost UP and that he has probably already got the moving vans lined up to come move him back to the state of Texas or anywhere other than the white house. How's that?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008 3:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great response from a brain dead obamadumma 3:56. Hope the extraction will be complete before time to vote.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008 5:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go 3:56 it took you only three days to think of a response that my dog could have thought up had he not been concentrating on nuclear energy world peace and what he was having for dinner.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008 5:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday June 29th 6:16 here:

To the intellectual of Wednesday July 2nd at 3:56 who obviously put some serious thought into their response, you have my pity. The problem with Government in America is not President Bush. It is however, that people like you (the ignorant) are allowed to cast a vote. The American political arena would be much better off, if you (& all those people out there like you) were capable of thinking about politics in a context other than “Hate Republicans” or “Hate Democrats”. If you would have bothered reading my entire post, rather than making up your mind about it after the second sentence, you might have realized that I was giving thanks and praise to President Bush with regards to his appointments to the Supreme Court. The junior high English teachers call the first paragraph (which you made reference) the introduction, not the conclusion.

I will be the first person to say that Bush could have done a MUCH better job than he has done. Our government is spending us into a deep deep hole, and Bush has done nothing but facilitate that. What is sad is that no-one seems to care. Congress is in the midst of trying to increasing our “debt ceiling”, that is increasing the amount of money they can legally borrow. To pay off the current national debt, each American, (Man, Woman, and Child) would have to pony up something like $30,000. As I said in my previous post, we as Americans face some serious problems. The next three appointees to the Supreme Court and the national debt are just the tip of the iceberg.

3:56 as you spend the next three days contemplating your response, I would encourage you to actually think about the real issues that we face. On the other hand, if you would rather sit around the kitchen table laughing with all of your little ignorant buddies about moving vans that is certainly within your right. However, please forgive me if I decide instead to commend the leader of the free world when he gets something right.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008 7:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that it will be most unfortunate for us all if the democrat wins the White House. Democrats are against everything when it comes to finding new and renewable sources of energy. But don't forget, the democrat's idea for conserving oil is to jack the prices up so less will be used. How ridiculous is that? They keep saying it will take years to realize any benefit from drilling. They said that a decade ago, and here we sit with them standing in the way of progress. We need to get started, don't you think?
Add to that dilemma the fact that our taxes will go up and that more social programs will be funded which foster dependence rather than personal responsibility.
Finally, we don't need more liberal judges appointed to the Supreme Court.
I'm still waiting for the answer concerning abortion and homosexual marriage. Why is it that democrats fight for these things? More importantly, why aren't there enough Christians and Catholics in this country to soundly defeat any liberal candidate who runs for office? The only thing I've been able to discern is that the typical democrat doesn't see the blood on his or her hands when it comes to the killing of the unborn. It just seems odd to me that they can sit in church and sing "Oh, How I Love Jesus", and then go right out and vote for candidates who favor such policies. Can someone explain that one to me?

Thursday, July 03, 2008 8:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are more than the two moral issues that the religious right have propagated for the last 25 years. Although homosexuality and abortion have there place in public discourse between religion and politics Jesus concerned himself more with the poor and downtrodden, care for the poor is mentioned over 2,000 in the Bible. I also love the fact that when someone disagrees with the status quo they are automatically considered ignorant and unpatriotic by some. Until we can discuss the issues in an open forum then we will all remain ignorant to true freedom.

Friday, July 04, 2008 7:29:00 AM  
Blogger J. Kendrick McPeters said...

Spanky McFadden said:

Although homosexuality and abortion have there place in public discourse between religion and politics Jesus concerned himself more with the poor and downtrodden,...

Don't you imagine that's because the immorality of homosexuality and abortion was taken for granted by essentially everyone 2000 years ago, and so there was no point in sermonizing against it? for the poor is mentioned over 2,000 in the Bible.

Care for the poor is one thing... extortion and robbery from the government is quite another. Every dollar the government spends on "the poor" -- and well over half of that money is spent on well paid bureaucrats and social workers -- is a dollar stolen, at the point of a gun, from the taxpayers. The belief that "good" is done with the stolen loot does not undo the evil of government thievery.

And, no, Christ never endorsed taxation or the welfare state. But He did proclaim the Golden Rule, which is clearly incompatible with any sort of coercive taxation. If I, either directly, or by electing socialist politicians, stick a gun in my neighbor's face, and say "pay your taxes, or I'll lock you in a steel cage where you'll be anally raped on a regular basis for the next five to ten years," THEN I am certainly NOT following the Golden Rule.

The bottom line: God gave us FREE WILL, and he wants us to aid the poor and downtrodden. But, as he has declared theft a violation of his commandments, and ordered us to follow the Golden Rule, our aid to the poor MUST be through churches and private charities, not bloated government bureaucracies sucking the lifeblood of the taxpayers.

Taxation is theft, and theft is always morally wrong--- even when a "majority" of "voters" wishes to steal from the "minority." Might does not make right, and I'm quite sure that Hell will be chock-full of tax collectors (identified as sinners in the Bible!) along with politicians who endorsed tax theiving, and (probably) the voters who elected them.

Don't want to burn in Hell? Then don't vote for Obama.... or McCain. Either refuse to vote, or vote for the principled third party candidate of your choice.

I also love the fact that when someone disagrees with the status quo they are automatically considered ignorant and unpatriotic by some.

Personally, I'm sick of the smear that claims that those who obhject to bad government in Giles County are motivated by "jealousy" and want political power for themselves. I've been fighting "the status quo" for nearly two decades, and I can assure you that I want NO power over my fellow man. I just want to be left alone, and wish that other people get the same treatment.

Until we can discuss the issues in an open forum then we will all remain ignorant to true freedom.

Well, this forum is about as open as it gets! And as regards "true freedom," I am curious as to how you would define that concept. So, let me know, whenever you have the time to spare. Thanks!

Friday, July 04, 2008 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder if TJ & his elves wil go into hiding because of right to carry (or was that marry??)

Saturday, July 05, 2008 9:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that we have a right to bear arms, we need to expand it.

Need to pack the next school board meeting & bear all.

Stand up, turn backs to the board, bend over, & moon em'

One headline picture would be worth a million words!

Monday, July 07, 2008 8:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that sounds really professional but typical of what shows up on this blog.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008 7:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Cant more people be serious?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone was serious, TJ would be gone! - you wouldn't put up with it. May as well laugh about it with the bunch of pansy butts running around here!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What level of respect does anyone think TJ & his BOE puppets show the public? They think you're too dumb to read the Constitution, too lowly be be able to address them, too incompetent to understand a scam when they want to take bread from your mouth, gullible enough to believe their fantasy land of scholastic improvement and monetary magic. If you like being on a leash, keep following!

They desecrate their office, yet demand you honor their desecration of an office that deserves respect! Mooning them is not good enough - need to add a little wind to it.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 9:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who could have guessed that yet another topic would turn into a thread about the school board...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 8:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You, my friend, are a liar. But you knew that, didn't you?

Friday, September 12, 2008 9:39:00 PM  

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