Looking for a worthwhile Presidential Candidate?
Then please vote for the 2008 nominee of the Constitution Party, Chuck Baldwin.
I Am An American!
by Chuck Baldwin
July 18, 2008
Free republics are not known to have long life expectancies. At the ripe old age of two hundred and thirty-two, America is definitely showing her age. She is long past her prime, and some are predicting her demise. No, some are PLANNING her demise.
Thomas Jefferson and the other founders of this once-great country believed there was a controlling cabal that was crafting America's servitude. With the assistance of Heaven, they decided to fight those forces. Pastors fought with fiery sermons from the pulpit; newsmen fought with the power of the pen; statesmen fought in the halls of Congress; and merchants fought with the sacrifice of their material gain. Together, they lifted Lady Liberty to her feet and defeated the powers of darkness.
It took the global elite a long time to recover, but they have reemerged with a vengeance. They are now on the precipice of accomplishing what their great granddaddies failed to do: bring the "Liberty or Death" colonists under their power and control.
Sadly, we no longer have the will to resist servitude. Our pulpits are too busy preaching a prosperity gospel; newsmen are in bed with the forces they once disdained; statesmen have been replaced with opportunistic, self-serving politicians; and merchants know no god but money. Hence, it is left to a small--and I mean very small--remnant to sound the clarion call for freedom and independence. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening to their cries.
2010 seems to be a banner year for these designers of despotism. That is the target year for the implementation of the North American Community, which will commercially unite the United States with Canada and Mexico. The global elite suffered a minor setback when the U.S. Senate failed to pass the Bush/McCain/Kennedy/Graham amnesty-for-illegal-aliens bill. But if you think that John Mccain is going to let that bill lie on the floor of defeat, you don't understand these people. Should McCain become President, He will do everything he can to implement some kind of amnesty law. Barack Obama will do the same. The reason? It is essential to the designers of despotism that our borders be eliminated.
Yes, I am saying it: George W. Bush, John McCain, and Barack Obama are part of the global elite that seeks America's entrance into an international New World Order. In fact, neither Presidential candidate from the two major parties will offer any resistance to this obstinate and oppressive oligarchy.
Perhaps one day the American people will wake up and realize that they are being led as sheep to the slaughter. I'm just not sure that it will be soon enough, however. 2010 is just around the corner.
There seems to be only one obstacle standing in the way of the globalists: America's citizens are the most heavily armed people in the world. That fact must surely stick in the throats of the globalists like a chicken bone.
Thank God that America's founders put the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Without America's deep-rooted commitment to the right of the people to keep and bear arms, we would have been sold into slavery decades ago.
Without the intellectual understanding of the principles of freedom and the moral resolve to maintain those principles, however, guns, by themselves, will only protect us for so long. In the end, our strength and protection come from God, and not too many people these days seem to be interested in His opinion.
Lady Liberty is walking very gingerly these days, and the path she treads is laden with traps and quicksand. The globalists have their handpicked puppets positioned to take up where The Three Amigos (George Bush I, Bill Clinton, and George Bush II) have left off. The pieces of the puzzle are almost all in place. 2010 just might be the year that Lady Liberty lowers her torch, folds her arms, and falls fast asleep.
For what it is worth, however, I pledge no loyalty to this emerging New World Order. Neither will I let Lady Liberty die without a fight. I will say it again: the battle today is not between conservatives and liberals or Republicans and Democrats. It is a battle between Americans and globalists. And, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am an American!
*If you enjoyed this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
© Chuck Baldwin
I Am An American!
by Chuck Baldwin
July 18, 2008
Free republics are not known to have long life expectancies. At the ripe old age of two hundred and thirty-two, America is definitely showing her age. She is long past her prime, and some are predicting her demise. No, some are PLANNING her demise.
Thomas Jefferson and the other founders of this once-great country believed there was a controlling cabal that was crafting America's servitude. With the assistance of Heaven, they decided to fight those forces. Pastors fought with fiery sermons from the pulpit; newsmen fought with the power of the pen; statesmen fought in the halls of Congress; and merchants fought with the sacrifice of their material gain. Together, they lifted Lady Liberty to her feet and defeated the powers of darkness.
It took the global elite a long time to recover, but they have reemerged with a vengeance. They are now on the precipice of accomplishing what their great granddaddies failed to do: bring the "Liberty or Death" colonists under their power and control.
Sadly, we no longer have the will to resist servitude. Our pulpits are too busy preaching a prosperity gospel; newsmen are in bed with the forces they once disdained; statesmen have been replaced with opportunistic, self-serving politicians; and merchants know no god but money. Hence, it is left to a small--and I mean very small--remnant to sound the clarion call for freedom and independence. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening to their cries.
2010 seems to be a banner year for these designers of despotism. That is the target year for the implementation of the North American Community, which will commercially unite the United States with Canada and Mexico. The global elite suffered a minor setback when the U.S. Senate failed to pass the Bush/McCain/Kennedy/Graham amnesty-for-illegal-aliens bill. But if you think that John Mccain is going to let that bill lie on the floor of defeat, you don't understand these people. Should McCain become President, He will do everything he can to implement some kind of amnesty law. Barack Obama will do the same. The reason? It is essential to the designers of despotism that our borders be eliminated.
Yes, I am saying it: George W. Bush, John McCain, and Barack Obama are part of the global elite that seeks America's entrance into an international New World Order. In fact, neither Presidential candidate from the two major parties will offer any resistance to this obstinate and oppressive oligarchy.
Perhaps one day the American people will wake up and realize that they are being led as sheep to the slaughter. I'm just not sure that it will be soon enough, however. 2010 is just around the corner.
There seems to be only one obstacle standing in the way of the globalists: America's citizens are the most heavily armed people in the world. That fact must surely stick in the throats of the globalists like a chicken bone.
Thank God that America's founders put the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Without America's deep-rooted commitment to the right of the people to keep and bear arms, we would have been sold into slavery decades ago.
Without the intellectual understanding of the principles of freedom and the moral resolve to maintain those principles, however, guns, by themselves, will only protect us for so long. In the end, our strength and protection come from God, and not too many people these days seem to be interested in His opinion.
Lady Liberty is walking very gingerly these days, and the path she treads is laden with traps and quicksand. The globalists have their handpicked puppets positioned to take up where The Three Amigos (George Bush I, Bill Clinton, and George Bush II) have left off. The pieces of the puzzle are almost all in place. 2010 just might be the year that Lady Liberty lowers her torch, folds her arms, and falls fast asleep.
For what it is worth, however, I pledge no loyalty to this emerging New World Order. Neither will I let Lady Liberty die without a fight. I will say it again: the battle today is not between conservatives and liberals or Republicans and Democrats. It is a battle between Americans and globalists. And, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am an American!
*If you enjoyed this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
© Chuck Baldwin
I sincerely doubt more than a handful understand the problem or the consequences. Our industrial base has been gutted and more likely than not, beyond resurection. The Constitution has no place in a land based of judicial precedence. The handful of people who have been fighting the seeds of destruction here in Giles County can tell you all about it. The courts will not allow a Constitutional defense or action.
Think you have a basic right to simple agreement or you are innocent until proven guilty? Go to the FTC Identity Theft website to the Affidavit section. The first words in it tell the victim they must prove to the lender that the victim didn't create the debt. By definition, the victim was never a party to the "ID Theft transaction" & never agreed to do anything with the lender! No one can steal your identity. Talk about emersion in hell, predatory lenders will bind you to agreement & force you to prove innocence, and our infamous federal government will do nothing to protect you as an "ID theft victim". Other examples are endless!
check out http://www.bobbarr.com if you are looking for an alternative to Dem/Rep candidates. This man makes some very valid points and I hope he gives McCainObama a real run for their money
No sane person stands a chance - media mafia makes sure there is no choice except the ultimate worst & the only one who could top that
I keep hearing that obamma might pick hillary as a running mate.....I think he is smarter than that. If he chooses her, I'm afraid he will wind up dead in about a year.
Maybe they'll hire the same hitman - & we could get twoferone
Hi everyone! - I'm considering running for President and just wanted to let you all know. If you have an interest in donating large sums of money toward my political ambitions, please respond to my entry here. Just remember- I'm for what you're for and against what you're against - it's the American political way!
Anyone doubt the end of times is a commin? How could anyone as dull as McCain ever get elected to anything? If Bush doesn't completely destroy the sovereignty of this country, McCain will. Freedom is lost to globalism & daddy Warbucks, whoever / wherever he is.
Then, there is the Obama Nation - A nanny state where everybody looks alike, lobotomized to think alike, all conservationized to live in a commune with lots of prune juice toofu & pot, where you don't have to drive anywhere because everyone will live there, entertained with piped in rap music, and most important of all, where you can do it if it feels good - all without the repression of God.
We're a lost society!
Sad part about it is that McCain is our only hope as a leader. Obama wants to put more air in our tires to solve the energy crisis. He is an empty suit from head to toe but he looks good on TV and the media whiz kids just love him, perhaps because he is as void of ideas, character and integrity as they are.
Any vote for a democrat just puts more power in the hands of the crazy Pelosi and Reid both of them overdosed on stupid years ago.
Can't deny the truth in what you say. Obama is the Obama Nation of all time - a rat in rat's clothing. He is what he is, lies and all, without apology. Buy your wife a burka for Christmas - will probably be the last Christmas present in this land.
Unfortunatelyl,The real tradgedy is the fact that McCain is the spoiler and enemy within. His party is supposed to defend the Constitution, protect competition and independence, defend this nation against invasion, uphold the laws of the land. etc.
We could start with global monopolies that a few years ago would be paying treble damages and other sanctions. Supply and demand has been perverted by flooding the suply of workers with tens of millions of legal and illegal foreign people - to drive down the wages of American workers. Supply and demand is perverted by restricting the supply of oil and energy by restricting supply and exporting US resources to drive the prices up many times their traditional values relative to income. Add the aggravation to demand by 30 or 40 million illegals at the table, consuming our many insufficient resources. The Constitutional issues are too numerous to list, but be sure individuality is no longer on the list. Sovereignty is basically gone (mexican E-way across the US, etc., etc.)
We have some very good democrats and some very good republicans. The parties have turned on the public and both want to destroy a free America. Vote for the person! McCain and / or Obama will destroy the US without legislators who will hold the line. REMEMBER - THEY DID JUST THAT AND DEFEATED THE BUSH REPUBLI-demo-RATS amnesty crap!
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