Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Ambulance Committee Meeting Cancelled

This report is from the WKSR website posted today

The Giles County Commissions Ambulance Committee was to meet Friday in an emergency session to discuss a resolution to adjust the Ambulance Service tax rate. Committee Chairman Ramona Flacy has cancelled the meeting.

WKSR has learned that one of the items to be discussed Friday was the closing of the Ambulance North Substation.

Director of Finance Loretta Garner said in a phone interview, that the only way to make a seven cent cut in the property tax rate work is to make cuts in the budget. Agencies that will take a hit will be the rescue squad, public library, senior citizens center and any other agencies the county is not required to fund. Included in that list is the Ambulance Service North Station.

“We’re not going to make the Ambulance Service take the entire cut,” Garner stated, “but even with the tax cut spread out, there is no way to continue to operate the North Station.
Allen Barrett


Anonymous wab said...

I was amazed but not surprised at the bully, scare tactics now being adopted by the Director of Finance in an effort to prevent the proposed seven cent property tax reduction. Anyone having observed Mrs. Garner’s manner and personality would know this statement has the County Executives finger prints all over it.

Mrs. Garner does not have the authority to say “We’re not going to make the Ambulance Service take the entire cut”. That is a matter totally in the hands of County Commissioners.

Just as absurd is the other statement attributed to Mrs. Garner, “the only way to make a seven cent cut in the property tax rate work is to make cuts in the budget. Agencies that will take a hit will be the rescue squad, public library, senior citizens center and any other agencies the county is not required to fund”.

Commissioners have already proposed a way to cut the seven cents without a reduction in currently funded programs at the present level. The problem is pet projects and enhancing the political positions of some.

Instead of high profile programs that enjoy public support and use, such as the Rescue Squad, Library, and Senior Citizens etc. why not cut contributions to Mayor Speer’s industrial recruitment/development honey pot; how about a reduction in personnel in the County Executive’s office; get rid of some county property that’s just sitting eating up insurance premiums and maintenance; reorganize the ambulance service to be more cost efficient; have each department justify the amount of funds they request instead of simply asking for more and more each year; cut the commissioners meeting pay from 30 and 15 dollars to 25 and 10 dollars; bid out all insurance to the best and lowest bidder; do a time management study to justify the number of employees in each department; use better and more extensive research in making investments; don’t take in new roads until after the subdivision is on the tax roles; stop amending the budget unless a real emergency exist; don’t pay for anything until after you have that item in hand or the service has been completed, inspected and satisfactorily tested.
I’m positive citizens could make many suggestions on how the county could better spend our money without cuts to essential services. Allen Barrett

Wednesday, July 08, 2009 3:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Colodny said...

Surely the quick way to ask all your questions above is to ask every commissioner and county department head -including Vanzant -"When is County employment going to match the 15% UNemployment that exists today in Giles Co. ?"
The thickheads milling about the courthouse like fire ants do NOT seem to recognise there is a recession on .



Thursday, July 09, 2009 4:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a prime example of some elected officials thinking they can get something through (closing the North Ambulance Station) BEFORE the public gets wind of their plan. Good work northern Giles County. You sent a LOUD message to Mrs. Flacy and the Ambulance Committee and all the commissioners and Mrs. Garner and Ms. Vanzant!! When the public speaks up things do happen.

Thursday, July 09, 2009 8:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Tommy Pollard trying to get his tax cut passed by cutting public safety. What an ignorant idea. In the beginning they didn't know where there the 7cent cut was going to come from. That is ignorant in itself to propose such a decrease when our county is taking in less that it is spending and try and cut the tax with no plan of where to get the seven 7 cents. When push came to shove and these commissioners in favor of this boneheaded idea are standing around scratching there heads trying to figure out where this money will come from, some great intellect decided to cut public safety. Now, I am no scholar but common sense prevails. This is an extremely bad idea. If it was up to Mr. Pollard and others I believe they would completely do away with the ambulance service all together. Tells me that those individuals have not been in a situation where they have had a need for emergency services. Well, good for them but, I have seen firsthand what a great service our ambulance service provides to our community. Outstanding professionalism, care and kindness. Mr. Pollard and his gang better hope they don't make a decision that ultimately comes back to bite them and their families in the rear if the need arises for professional, medical attention in the future. Would be a hard way to learn an important lesson. Listen to the people Mr. Pollard and gang rather than the need to be some sort of hero to the people of Giles County for reducing the property tax. We don't need your heroism in that way. All you are doing is taking from Peter to pay Paul and not doing any good service for our county.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are just a select few of the county commissioners who are in favor of closing the ambulance service north station.

The commissioner that seems to be the leader on this subject is Tommy Pollard. The other followers are Ramona Flacy, Connie Howell, David Adams, and Tommy Campbell. Everyone in the north end of this county that this station is providing coverage to should call this select group and voice your displeasure.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The closing of that station is suggested as only a temporary thing because of the present funding problem. Mr. Pollard is right about it, and I hope one day soon he will no longer be in the back pocket of those who are constantly trying to stir up trouble in this county. I've known Tommy most of my life, and he is a good man, so cut him some slack!

Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Mr. Pollard ask for the north ambulance service to be cut or was that others way of telling you they could cut it. That was to upset you.

I'm glad to finally see someone say something good about the ambulance service.

Is there only 2 ambulance services in Giles County, north and Pulaski?

I thought Pollard only asked for a tax cut.
Some of this other wasteful spending to be cut out.

It seems like the ones in charge have been thinking Giles County is made of money the way they have been spending.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 8:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone stopped to figure how much a .07cent property tax reduction would benefit an individual on their property tax bill? 2 examples: A person's property that is assessed at $100,000 at the current tax rate of $3.07, this individual is paying $767.50 annually. With the proposed .07 cent tax reduction,a whopping $17.50 annually. Their new tax bill would then be $750.00. The other example, take a person whose property is assessed at $40,000, this individual is paying $307.00 annually in property tax. Apply the same .07cent reduction and it reduces the tax by $7.00 annually. Bringing their new tax bill annually to $307.00. The point I am trying to make is that Mr. Tommy Pollard is standing on his soap box shouting for a .07 cent property tax reduction and his famous line is "we have got to help our elderly citizens and those who have lost their jobs". You ask him where he plans to get the .07 cents in the budget and he hasn't the foggiest idea. He has no greater intellect than to say, "we will do away with Giles Co. Ambulance Service north station". If either of these examples fit you, John Q citizen, and this is all your property tas would be reduced by at the risk of losing essential services that could save lives and has in the past, would you think Mr. Pollard's grandiose idea to be any sort of common sense??? Especially, when this particular ambulance station is located near two of our county schools. I have been a friend of Mr. Pollard's for over 40 years, he has always been a good individual but since becoming a commissioner he has really disappointed me by not think rationally. Shame, Shame on Loretta Garner for going along with this. Shows that we really picked a winner for a finance director if the first thought in her mind to cut spending is cutting essential services such as public safety.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 8:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrett,
You know that Tommy's suggestion about the North station was only a temprary thing. It looks like you may be alienating yet another Giles Countian.
It's regrettable that you think he is not thinking rationally because he might not agree with YOU. Do you see any arrogance in that?

Saturday, July 11, 2009 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Carolyn said...

Did wab say pollard was not thinking rational? I read fast and may have skipped that part. I am impressed that wab would not that the suggestion was temporary without being told, though. 10:19, how did you find out that wab had that kind of power? Why is he the one alienating another Giles Countian, by reporting what was on the radio. Does WKSR also know that the suggestion was temporary or do they lack wab's ability to read people's motives? Are they also guilty of alienating another Giles Countian? Just curious at the standards here.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 3:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn I also did not notice the word rational mentioned in WAB's post. I think 10:19 is confused. As usual the ones in "denial" hold WAB to whole different standard than they anyone else or themselves.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 5:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stand corrected by your post. It was another anonymous like you and me who posted on this thread at 8:23 am. Please forgive my blaming that one on Mr. Barrett.
I can see that I really need to be on my toes with you.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cutting the abulance service in any part of the county will probably affect the elderly more quickly than anyone. I don't think that I would be too happy if the ambulance service was not close by if I needed them even if it did lower my tax burden.

Being older means that you rely on quick medical help more than you did when you were younger,

So I don't think lowering the older people's tax would offset the lack of ambulance service if it were needed.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 9:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Carolyn said...

Anonymous 7:20, there is no need to be on your toes on my account. I just like the facts presented fairly and our right to criticize gov't to be practiced carefully, but freely. I have no problem telling Mr Barrett he made a mistake, or I disagree with him, if that is the case. I do have a problem with him being blamed for bringing even a potential problem to the public's eye. I also have NO problem calling a liar, a liar when I know it to be fact (as I do in the case of the Director of Schools) and I would never assume that Mr Barrett or anyone else was wrong about a situation, unless I knew first hand that he or they were wrong. I assume that people have different perceptions and in our small community we also become de-sensitized when someone we've known "all our life" creeps ever closer to the line between ethical and non-ethical behavior. But I also know that where there is smoke there is fire...and as someone else mentioned, I do find it puzzling that all the "anonymous's" that bash Mr Barrett for "bashing" public officials, none of them offer an alternative explanation for actions by the officials. If I were in a position to defend someone's behavior, it would be, at least to me, much more effective to offer facts and explanations rather than attack the messenger. Kinda like someone reporting a power failure and the "other side" comes back with "you are always so negative and looking for problems" instead of "PES had an equipment failure due to high demand for electricity." Don't know about Mr Barrett, but I have no problem with someone telling me I am wrong, if they will tell me where I went wrong; have a big problem with someone telling me I am wrong, am a trouble maker for being wrong, am always trying to be wrong, but yet can't or won't tell me WHY I am wrong and what I should know before making the same mistake over and over. I believe that's why all the anonymous's remain invisible. They don't seem to have an alternative solution or even suggestion, just want to "kill the messenger".
Anyway, sorry for being long-winded, my whole point was that you can relax your toes, I am only an ordinary tax-payer who is interested in how my tax dollars are managed, or as in some cases, mis-managed.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you not just a little bit anonymous as well?
I never said you were wrong about issues. I never suggested that even the one for which you so faithfully defend, regardless of his behavior, is wrong about a single issue. I've said that previously. What I do have a problem with is the way he and his followers addresses those who disagree with him. It's disgraceful for a man in his position to do that. But, on a more positive note, I have to say that he has calmed down a great deal. Perhaps that's bcause some of us who care to post on this blog have told him so many times. He has gotten better so, maybe the fire has fizzled in his case, but the smoke is still there.
You mentioned killing the messenger. Horsehockey! Most people I know just laugh when his name comes up. They just see him as a bag of hot air. Nobody I know wishes him or his family any misfortune. So again, horsehockey!


Sunday, July 12, 2009 8:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Carolyn Roberts said...

Guess I don't know vocabulary as well as I thought; I thought the opposite of anonymous was giving one's name, as I do. Would you mind explaining where I went wrong, or is it necessary to post one's given and surname on every post?
Again, you speak of WAB's methods...who cares? What would you do to bring misdeeds to the public eye. As we can plainly see, our local paper is useless. My point exactly, criticize wab, but offer no alternative. If you agree on the issues, say so and stop being so thin skinned. If you disagree, offer alternative explanation and quit being so thin skinned. If you just hate what he says, don't read it..It all seems so simple to me
Carolyn Roberts

Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

carolyn roberts
Again, you keep saying the same old thing your cohorts do....anybody who says anything in opposition to the one you apparently admire is accused of trying to hide something or could care less about misdeeds. Horsehockey again!
Who cares about his behavior? I DO. And trust me, I'm not the only one, although I will admit that he has toned down his name-calling and arrogance quite a bit.
Let me ask you a question. Why are you so defending of him anyhow? Are you among his parishoners?
By the way, I am not thin-skinned. I've been called all kinds of nasty names on this blog simply because I take issue with the way some know-it-alls talk to those who disagree with them. No, I'm not thin-skinned when it comes to this forum.

Anonymous Doe

Sunday, July 12, 2009 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

I'm sorry to inform you anonymous doe that the reason you have been called names is not because you take issue with the way some talk but because you say such stupid things and refuse to back up your positions with anything other than your feelings, sorry by your feelings just don't cut it when it comes to simple and basic easily proven facts.
As for Tommy Pollard I find him to not only be very honest and desiring to do the right thing he has done more to inform himself than almost every other commissioner elected in 2006.
His resolution to cut the property tax rate by seven cents was a very simple matter that was accompanied with suggestions to make up the difference. Cutting out the North End Ambulance station was not part of his suggestion. Among the suggestions made by Commissioner Pollard and other commissioners in the budget meeting was that simply by let out the insurance for bids would by it's self safe more money than would be lost with a seven cent tax rate reduction. Like the ambulance service the insurance agent currently given the contracts automatically are apparently sacred cows that come become very defensive of.
If you say one agent is making half a million dollars a year in commissions from county insurance you would not get the same support as claiming falsely that Pollard wants to do away with the ambulance service.
Commissioner Pollard has been very critical, as have other commissioners, at how the service is being run not whether it should be done away with. No one has to my knowledge suggested doing away with the service, that is just a scare tactic.
Some of the criticism center on the two million dollars a year it cost the county. A private service as is used in other counties could provide the same or better service and not cost the county anything. The service has and continues to be extremely poorly managed. This is not about whether Mr Griggs is a great medic or very caring good guy, my personal opinion is that he is these things and more, but he is not a very good manager. No one can have the goal of being an all-around good guy and be optimally effective as a manager. Some times you have to simply say no to some things and some people.
Paying for an ambulance before getting it is not good management and it now looks as if we are out an ambulance and the money that was paid for it. Paying out of town part-time personnel more than the in-town permanent personnel is not good management. Refusing to sign on to Tenncare because they don't pay much then writing off the whole amount is not good management.
This county is very lucky to have a commissioner of the quality of Tommy Pollard. There are others to be proud of certainly anyone who puts all their efforts into doing the best job they can, keeps informed and is looking out for the best interest of all the county is to be admired, even when you disagree with them. Allen Barrett

Sunday, July 12, 2009 2:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently spent some time in a local nursing home and had to be transported to a doctor's office about every two weeks for about 4 months.

Part of the time the county ambulance agency was called for the transport at other times other services were used. I have to compliment the local service in that they were always sensitive to the fact that I was in sever pain and I was treated gently.

However the agencies from outside the county were not sensitive to the pain level and I was slammed around quite a bit in transfers. I don't know it was lack of training or lack of sensitivity but I can say that our ambulance service was by far the best of any that were used.

My compliments to those dedicated people who used their training and were sensitive to the fact that paitients can be treated gently and not tossed about.

I know that our service is expensive but do we want people to be treated humanely or tossed about.

We need to consider any change in our present paitient services very carfully.

Sunday, July 12, 2009 2:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you want to talk about badly funded lets talk about the rescue squad. some of the equipment that have is getting close to thirty years old and there is no plans to replace could ask there chief but would he care? no. hes a county employe that has to worry about his owns depts budget as county ema director,plus he has a new ride that is funded by the rescue squad and the county,isnt that double dipping? the guys who come to your house to put out a fire barely make it there and back worry about this but the chief dosent hes rideing in style! matter of fact hes got his asst. director a car to to ride around in.and what does this office do? mainly use county time and money to respond to rescue squad calls while on county time and point is this lets look at all the county deptarments to make cuts from before we try and cut life saveing depts before my husband dies or someones elses family member dies over petty head hunting.

Sunday, July 12, 2009 2:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you aware that most of the people working at the ambulance service also work for other ambulance services. Some of the same people that you praised you also complained about.

Sunday, July 12, 2009 3:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have fond feelings for Tommy because, right now at least, he's in your pocket. But I think the day will come when he will wise up.
Remember, the best sermon is the life you live and not the sermon you preach. That applies to all of us.

Sunday, July 12, 2009 4:32:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

4:32 If you had any knowledge of Tommy Pollard you would know he doesn't fit in anyone's pocket. There are a number of things Commissioner Pollard and I disagree on. Disagreements are a part of life but our friendship is a valued treasure. Your very comment is a slander on the man's character. Allen Barrett

Sunday, July 12, 2009 6:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slander? It is an opinion. But would you agree with me that the ebst sermon one can preach is the life he lives and not the one he utters?

Sunday, July 12, 2009 6:39:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

Slander is the proper word since you accused the man of having sold himself.
If you mean that a person's behavior speaks more loudly than their words I would usually agree. The problem is with some people all you get is a lot of loud talk and cowardly behavior but you knew that already. Allen Barrett

Sunday, July 12, 2009 9:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

July 12 3:10

The ones who I praised I know as Giles County ambulance people. When you make over nine trips by ambulance in a four month period you pretty well get to meet all the local ambulance employees as well as the out of towners.

The others do not work for the Giles County Ambulance Service.

So I did not complain about anyone who works for our local service. Because they did their job as if they cared what happened to their patients.

May be you need to face facts there are people in Giles county who know how to do a job correctly and who do it. In the midst of all this run down Giles County a lot of people who do the best job they can are getting shafted.

We do have problems here in Giles. We need to identify the real problems here in the county, fix them and stop running down everyone and everything else.

Sunday, July 12, 2009 9:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe wab should run the service!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know as well as I do what I meant by the way one lives his life is his best sermon. You can attempt to disregard that and belittle me as a coward, but the truth stands on its own merits.

Monday, July 13, 2009 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it amounts to pollard n flacy are both idiots!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no, you just slandered both of them. LOL

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous wab said...

To the anonymous poster of 13 July 11:27AM.
You state, "You know as well as I do what I meant by the way one lives his life is his best sermon".

This is once again a situation where you ascribe your
understanding and thought to others. I asked the question, "If you mean that a person's behavior speaks more loudly than their words I would usually agree", in order to get clarification so there would be less opportunity for misunderstanding.
I added my own personal clarification that, "The problem is with some people all you get is a lot of loud talk and cowardly behavior". In other words that some people have their real life so well hidden under their clamorous verbosity that you can't really see their actual behavior".

If you took that as a personal slap at you, I can hardly be responsible for your misunderstanding or the guilt association you apparently have in that area.

I am not very impressed with how nice sounding a phrase may be but more with the clarity and integrity
of that phrase.
So for me there is a world of difference between your original statement from 6:39PM 12 July that "the ebst sermon one can preach is the life he lives and not the one he utters" and the second statement you made "the way one lives his life is his best sermon".

While both have somewhat the same intent the reality is that one's life is their most "honest" sermon but not necessarily their "best".
Allen Barrett

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go again wwith the arrogance and belittlement. You just had to use the "ebst" typo to "clarify" the matter. No, I have no feelings of guilt because I dare to point out hypocrisy.
The statements I made about one's best sermon is the life he lives are not mutually exclusive; they both have the same meaning. And I hold to my opinion that the best sermon one can preach is the life he or she lives before others.
Here's a couple of sayings for you. If you get to thinking you are a person of some influence, try ordering someone else's dog around. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

To 12:34 I used the "ebst" typo because I cut and pasted what you wrote, simple enough. I see no arrogance or belittlement in that and none was intended.

Once again you change the wording of your statement thus changing it's meaning and expect everyone to be amazed at your intellect while at the same time you're puzzled that many can not agree with you. Once again I tell you that words have meaning and the way those words are used and arranged makes a huge difference in the understanding others develop from those words.
So your statements while in your mind are the same in the mind of others have a totally different meaning. I give you your statements together, in the order you wrote them, so you may see the differences.

1ST "the best sermon one can preach is the life he lives and not the one he utters"
(Clearly many preach sermons far better than the way they live. The most meaningful sermon is clearly the one you live and not the one you utter)

2ND "the way one lives his life is his best sermon".
(Again many live more reflective of the devil and his will than they do of God and His will. If their life is their best sermon many are greatly lacking in content)

3RD "The best sermon one can preach is the life he or she lives before others". (Certainly the most meaningful sermon anyone does preach is their life)

Here's something for you to ponder from Will Rogers, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there".
Allen Barrett

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't expect anything from you guys other than the same old "rhetoric" as it is called.
You keep beating the drum that words have meaning and yet, you seem to woefully stumble over them. I think you are trying to engage in an exercise in semantics with me over such descriptors as honest, important, and most meaningful in terms of one's life being his best sermon. Well, call it what you will, but the point is still true. The best sermon one can preach is the life he lives.
Here's a point for you to consider...or ponder (whichever you want to call it). Fools names, like fools faces, oft appear in public places. And I wasn't referring to you as a fool.
I hope this has cleared up more of your misunderstandings.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 2:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wheel Tax Lovell is the one spreading the rumors about the North end station being closed. It is definately a scare tatic so people will think that the 7 cent reduction in property taxes will be used for that pupose. Don't you see, Lovell and Woodard don't want any taxes cut because the 4th District Commissioners lead by Lovell like to spend, spend, spend. Don't believe the rumor. The real truth is the Budget has lots and lots of pork in it. There is extra money hidden in budget. Watch Lovell squirm when he thinks his highway dept. might be cut.
Stoney Jackson also needs to vote to cut taxes and try to get back in the people's good graces. Everybody is having to cut. Giles County Government should do the same and it doesn't have to be like Loretta Garner suggested (where alot of people will get hurt) There are other places to cut. She's been coached into saying that it will have to come out of the Senion Citizens, Rescue Squad, Libray and Ambulance. Shame on you for trying to scare the Commissioners into voting against a tax rate reduction. Something has got to give. Watch and see how YOUR representative votes on this very needed tax cut.
This is one way, Mr. Pollard, that you are helping our very deserving senior citizens. I for one plan to see how my commissioners vote and I plan on remembering come next election day.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

332 Right!! Lovell & the 4th grade gang have taxes in their sights.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who exactly are the 4th grade gang?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovell, Reedy, Lovell, Holt, Lovell, Mr. Jack in background, Lovell, Mr. Jackson looking down to make sure they are busy stirring things up, Lovell, Reedy, Lovell, Holt.....

Just a couple of people who want to do the right thing & move according to which string is pulled exactly when it's pulled. Everywhere you look, there they are - Mr. J peeping over their shoulder, egging them on to more money & happiness, & more of the same.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 6:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew you would list several that you don't like. They are fourth graders because they don't do things exactly as you think they should?

Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are soooo wrong when it comes to Reedy and Lovell 6:21. Shows how much you know.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you absolutely sure 11:14????

Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't call lovell Mr. wheel tax for no reason. Ever check their voting record, especially first votes before they know they can't possibly win a new tax vote.

Friday, July 17, 2009 7:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you try to belittle Mr. Lovell for what he believes to be thew right approach to fair taxation? He is entitled to his opinion just as you are. And, of course, you don't see him on here calling names, do you? It's a matter of professionalism and class. I suppose you think property owners should continue to get soaked? What's fair about that?

Friday, July 17, 2009 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. As a property ownr, I sure would like to see some of the tax burden taken off the owners.

Friday, July 17, 2009 1:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post. But keep in mind that there are those who would call you and me ignorant and/or lacking in knowledge to have such a viewpoint. Heck, they might even call us corrupt.

Friday, July 17, 2009 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who do you think is going to pay a new wheel tax? Who has the money or property to pay the new tax? What will you get for the new money that Lovell would take from you?

Guess what? It's still you and me that will pay. It's still some grand plan to spend our money for crap no one needs! Bottom line any shortfall is because Jackso has sucked the county dry!

I want to know how much tax is taken from me. I want to be sure it's not thrown around like the school system does it! We are taxed to death because of the school system, not other departments!

Lovell wants a wheel tax so he can hide the fact that government wants every penny we have! Lovell doesn't tell anyone how taxes work - the fact that sales tax increases with inflation and growth in a greater proportion than your income does. Buy a new car & you pay on the price, not the income you send in monthly payments & not on the difference you pay with a trade in! School is a huge tax & it is financed primarily by state and local sales taxes!

You are not going to get money out of a turnip! Poor people (what he calls loafers), retirees widows, etc. simply don't have any more money to pay more tax! It's a dishonest scam and anyone with a brain knows it!

If we need a new tax, do it openly. Fact is, we need a decrease! Fact is, the decrease should come by rolling back the 2004-5 school property tax hike - it was rammed through on a lie & never should have been granted. Look at their spending (three time the inflation rate?)! Taking it from any other department is just plain crooked & stupid!

Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just one voice on this blog, and more often than not, an opposing one. But I would like to say something about this wheel tax issue.
I would strongly favor a wheel tax simply because it would be a fair way of getting everyone into the game. However, the property owner should see an immediate reduction in his taxes as a result. This would bring in more tax revenue from those who have been essentially getting a free ride for many years. And of course there should be a requirement that any subsequent increases in the wheel tax be subject to referendum vote. Why wouldn't that work?

Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will work . I bet there's 50 thousand cars in this county that would be taxable. There is only a handful of property owners compaired too. This would also help the retired property owners that need help. I'm sure this would help them alot more than a $0.07 tax reduction.

Saturday, July 18, 2009 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, why don't they write up a wheel tax bill or whatever you call it with those provisions? It just seems so logical and simple to me.

Saturday, July 18, 2009 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people that you think are not paying their share will not pay their share. The cars that they are driving, most of them have out of county or out of state tags on them. They will still not be paying and you will just give the officials another tax to raise whenever they want to.

Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8;16 Do you rent any property? Do you know of any private property that isn't taxed under the property tax code? Property tax is a cost of business and it is passed on to the customer with a PROFIT attached to it!

What you say is part of your scam. Do you pay for the steel in the car you buy, the growing & inventorying of groceries you buy? Of course you do, with near unending growth of tax fees in the business end of creating, owning, and providing goods & services! If you eat, you are paying property tax.

The Lovellites want to pass a wheel tax. Who will pay for it? What will the percent portion of tax be on the elderly who drive, the unemployed, those with children, and then of course, the elite power broker who already has more than enough? Locally owned businesses who farm or have their own delivery system will pay, but no one outside will - one more rock thrown on the dead men stoned for trying to provide jobs and productivity.

Let's see further, 50,000 cars plus 50,000 trucks to tax might bring in $2.5 million to the cash starved bureaucrats! Let's say the handful of property owners getting a property tax break is 1,000 and you in your wildest wet dream give them $100 back or $100,000. When you get done reshuffling the nut shells you walk away with a $2.4 million bottom line tax increase on the citizens of the county! (whatever the real number is), citizens can be dead certain it will not be small and equally certain it will be wasted!)

If you want a tax increase, why not tell everyone you want another tax increase? Every time Lovell brings it up, he pulls his antennae down & runs for cover! You whoever you are, just can't help yourself because you are innately a lying corrupt mess that no one believes anymore.

I say bring it up if you want your nose rubbed in it, again! People aren't as dumb as you assume they are!

Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are as dumb as you assume they are!

Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were like you guys, I would call you a complete idiot here, but I happen to be above that. I WILL NOT get down to your level.
You falsely accuse me of having a scam because I pose what I consider to be a valid reason for a wheel tax with an eye toward the immediate reduction of property taxes? Do you have good sense or are you just trying to impress your buddies? Which is it?
The purpose of this blog is to have dialogue on issues. And, rather than point out the arrogance of a very vocal few, I posted my opinion about the tax situation, and then you come back with your smart remarks and call me lying corrupt mess. But isn't that typical of you guys? If one disagrees, he or she is called names?
You mentioned the elite power broker. Again, the ugly head of jealousy and envy pops up. But, isn't power at the heart of what you guys want? And anytime someone like me points it out, you go ballistic. Oh well.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 7:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again with you 7:19am. Nothing better to say than that???

Sunday, July 19, 2009 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, that pretty much sums up what I've been saying all along. I'm entitled to my views just like you are.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the chance of getting a TV station to come to some of these meetings?

Tell a TV staion some of the things you think is going on in Giles County.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 3:12:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

One problem with a wheel tax is that it's just another tax that will never end and never goes down. Are you aware that regardless of any and all restrictions that might be added to such a tax there is nothing that binds one County Commission to the decisions of another Commission? Thus even with a plain stated provision that there could be no increase without a referendum of the people approving such an increase, the next quarter, or year that same commission or a new one could simply delete that provision. A wheel tax is just another burden on the back of people already over burdened. If this county is going to grow and have jobs created here the cost of doing business here must decrease not increase.

The ambulance department, as wasteful as it is, has not been targeted by anyone for closure. The North End Station has been discussed as being underused, poorly utilized and overly expensive, but no one has demanded that it be closed only that it be operated better.
The Ambulance Department at a cost of two million dollars a year is a luxury this county simply can no longer afford especially when there are better and cheaper alternatives available. Does that mean that the Ambulance Department should be closed? Of course not only that it's time, past time to make it more efficient and less costly.
Asking that the Financial Director not pay $90,000.00 for a non-existent ambulance is not the same as saying never buy anymore ambulances. Ask your self where is the logic in refusing to sign on to TENNCARE because they don't reimburse enough, so instead you get nothing, is nothing better than a little? Now before you yell I don't like Mr. Griggs I have nothing against him in fact think he is a very capable better than average medic but he is simply not an effective manager.
Clearly there are scare tactics being used in this discussion but they are coming from those opposed to any tax reductions.

In an earlier post Friday, July 17, 2009 12:52:00 PM it was noted that "Why do you try to belittle Mr. Lovell for what he believes to be thew right approach to fair taxation? He is entitled to his opinion just as you are. And, of course, you don't see him on here calling names, do you? It's a matter of professionalism and class.
This was not a comment directed at me but I choose to respond.
First there is no such thing as fair taxation except in a consumption tax and even that has an inequality about it.
Personally I have no problem with Mr Lovell or anyone else expressing their opinion, that's what this blog is for and that's a part of out present "free speech rights". For those who express their opinion one would hope they would at least provide some sound reasoning for that opinion.
I certainly have not seen Mr Lovell post anything under his own name on this blog, but if you think he is above name calling and maintaining "professionalism and class" you obviously have not seen the way he belittles and berates those with whom he disagrees. Ask him why he refuses to even speak to Commissioner Pollard? For myself I have little concern for his professionalism or class but it is very irritating when you see the disingenuousness of that effort. Allen BArrett

Sunday, July 19, 2009 5:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may have made yet another enemy. You call the man disingenuous and expect him to like it. What about his family? You see, you not only alienate the person you are talking about but likely the entire extended family. It's really none of my business concerning the relationship between Mr. Lovell and Mr. Pollard.
Now, on a more positive note, I would like to say (don't faint now) that I agree with you about the wheel tax issue now that you made me aware that a new commission could simply delete any provisions already in place and attached to it. So, the only thing that remains (actually should be priority) is for government to cut the cost of doing business.
So, you see, we can at times be on the same page.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 8:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

632 - go back and read the post you condemn! It kind of crawls up your pant leg & bites you in the you know what, don't it? Just think, if 100 people read that post, 99 might figure out what you and your crooked henchpins are doing. Ain't know where to hide is there? Next time you bring the wheel tax (Elmer Fudd version) the whole audience will see those beady little eyes rolling round & round to avoid contact - cause you'll know they know you are a conniver with one finger you know where & the other in their pocket book.

Monday, July 20, 2009 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crooked henchpins? HAHAHAHA. Where did you get that? I assume you are referring to me (8:32) and not 6:32, becausae the latter sounds as much a whiner and complainer as you are. Perhaps you and 6:32 are the same person?
I posted a legitimate question and MY OPINION about the wheel tax and somebody like you has to call me names because my thinking isn't aligned with your higher-order reasoning. Well tough!
As I've said before, thank God people like you aren't in control of this county.

Monday, July 20, 2009 6:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is control? You & Mr. Wheel Tax are in control (???) but can't get anyone to follow - your gears are stripped- there's no traction - Other than Lovell (you?)controlling you, nobody is following & you sure aren't in control of anything.

You see, I'm not in control, don't have any desire to put the screws to anyone, & sure aren't going to let you put them to me! I simply want you to keep your hands out of my pocket.

Monday, July 20, 2009 8:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I asked a legitimate question based on my opinion of what might work and you have to be a smart aleck. You people whine about nothing offered in the way of something substantive, and then you belittle and make fun of anyone who does......that is, when you don't agree! And you can't see any arrogance in that, can you? Of course not!
And again, thank God you people aren't in control. Guess what? You never will be either. Hardy har har.

Monday, July 20, 2009 9:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are you referring to 9:19?

Monday, July 20, 2009 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was referring to the 8:35 post. If you were asking about who I was referring to in the last sentence of my post, it was to those who so desperately want to be in charge but can't be. But you knew that; you just wanted me to say it......again.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My gosh, is everyone on this blog this hateful?I was just confused who you were talking to.Thanks for directing your anger and hostility towards me.Your post didn't mention a time and wasn't sure who was talking to who.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My apologies. I just incorrectly assumed you were one of those who always criticizes anything I say.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apology accepted but in the future perhaps you shouldn't be so prejudiced. Seems to me like you just did to me exactly what you accuse others of. I will remember that for future reference and will now be certain of who you are according to your quick wit to judge me as you have.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 9:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, so you forgive but don't forget? That's cool. I will make note of that for future reference. As I already explained, you sounded just like one of the very vocal minority, and I simply assumed you were one of those people who do their best to negate anything I say.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 7:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reading the posts on this blog under various threads, it is safe to assume which ones are you. Always eager to attack and belittle. Surely, you don't think you are gaining any allies by the way you talk to people. What axe do you have to grind? It must be a miserable life to be so bitter towards others that you jump at every opportunity to condemn and judge. I have no interest in having the dialogue with you that others do. I know a lost cause when I see one. Good luck and hopefully for your sake you won't let your bitterness overtake your life.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is bitter? Certainly not me. I'm a very happy person. I just don't like the prevailing know-it-all attitude that permeates this blog. Actually, the most unhappy people I've seen are those who are on here regularly trying to belittle those they dislike. I simply point that out to them.

Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But that doesn't make you a know-it-all? Clearly everything applies to others and nothing applies to you. Surprising even for you that you have no better response than the above. Losing your touch or just feeling overwhelmed? Here you have made less than an ally in me. You don't seem a very popular character on this blog. In the handful of times I have had dialogue with you I have found you to be judgmental, egotistical, arrogant, disrespectful not a joy to talk with. Perhaps, your point of view would be better entertained if your delivery was a bit kinder. You have definitely turned me off and cause me to not want to listen to anything you say. I have many friends that I disagree with but regardless we are always respectful of each others opinion and understand that just because we disagree on issues does not make us enemies.

Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

July 23, 2009 9:00:00 AM
Funny you just can't see you in return belittle them right back.

If you are happy you wouldn't be still acting like a child.

Thursday, July 23, 2009 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:00 It's time you realized that the problem isn't that everyone else is arrogant know it alls but that your inferiority is just coming out.

Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong! That knife cuts coming and going, as they say, and I include myself in the fray. However, I merely respond to the name-callers, accusers, and know-it-alls by pointing out the arrogance and, many times, the hypocrisy of the statements they make. Of course that doesn't make me a very popular person on this blog. The people who SHOULD respond to the name-callers and accusers will not get down to their level. I know this to be a fact. While I never argue with them about their being right or wrong on issues, I will challenge them when they belittle and attack those they dislike. That's wrong!
I would suggest to you that we are all God's children, but I'm sure that would just bring on more criticism and judgment.

Friday, July 24, 2009 7:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:32 said While I never argue with them about their being right or wrong on issues, I will challenge them when they belittle and attack those they dislike.

Those of us that don't know it all would be more agreeable if you did talk about the issues.

The way you do it makes us think you are no better than the one you attack and you don't know anything about the issues.

I for one would like to hear both sides of the issue and less name calling from both sides.

Friday, July 24, 2009 9:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Deanna said...

9:04-HUH???? You won't discuss the issues according to your first paragraph, only people; Second paragraph says you would be more agreeable if others discussed issues: then you say you don't think others know about the issues, so they attack: then you say you want to hear about issues and not name calling: So to summarize, basically what you are saying is that you think you should talk about issues and people and everybody should just shut up? Does that pretty much sum up your attitude and feelings?
Here's a suggestion, which you've already stated you disliked but I still want to offer: let's not discuss posters at all, ONLY ISSUES which may or may not include policy makers in the county. That's a trip they signed on for. Just a thought.

Friday, July 24, 2009 9:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear. My first paragraph was repeating what the post of 7:32 said. The rest was my thoughts.

I agree with you the post should only be about the issues and stop letting annoying posts get to us.

Thanks for your post in case anyone didn't understand my post.

Friday, July 24, 2009 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Deanna said...

11:33, I stand corrected and apologize sincerely for the misunderstanding. I will read more carefully in the future.
Please do not ever hesitate to offer constructive criticism where my posts are concerned, I am eager for facts and I do enjoy discussing various points of view. I also enjoy learning and have no qualms admitting that I have much to learn about the inner workings of our local government.
Again please accept my apology.

Friday, July 24, 2009 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am 7:32 and not 9:04. So it would appear that I'm not the only one who points out the mean-spirited attacks on elected officials. You know, there are right and wrong ways to effect change, and I sincerely believe what you people are doing is wrong. That's my opinion.
I believe that I have fully explained my attitude toward issues on another thread just this morning. You tried to trap me by suggesting contradictions in my thinking, but that's simply not true.

Saturday, July 25, 2009 9:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Deanna said...

To: 9:09, (7:32) I do not know who you are referring to when you say "you people". I do not consult others when choosing to offer my ideas or thoughts. I agree that there are both right and wrong ways to effect change, and I would be extremely interested to hear your ideas on some of those ways if you would care to share.
I've tried to trap no-one and have not been mean spirited. I only know of one public official who has lied to me directly, that is first hand info. I have many, many suspicions, but only 1 case of 1st hand direct information which is all I've ever spoken about.
But again, let me emphasize that I AGREE about the right and wrong ways to bring about change and I would love to hear your ideas.

Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As smart as you are, it amazes me that you can't understand a lot of things I say.
You asked me about my ideas on how to effect change in a better way? Well, it's very simple. Instead of all the name-calling, accusations, and the like, why don't "those people" stop doing that and try to work peaceably with the ones who actually ARE in charge to bring about some needed changes? Notice that I did say NEEDED changes. Human nature alone should tell "those people" that they never make a friend by calling him names, accusing him of corruption, and etc. Wouldn't you agree with me that it would be much better should "those people" try this approach? They just might find the powers that be considerably more receptive to hearing what they have to say.

Saturday, July 25, 2009 5:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Deanna said...

As you and "those people" are anonymous, I don't know that they haven't tried different approaches. I tried discussing issues with elected officials, and was lied to and dismissed. I would like to hear your suggestions, but no, I am not smart enough to interpret what you say, and I don't really try to analyze a person's motives using only words in print.
What exactly should a citizen do to "work peaceably" with the ones in charge, when the "ones in charge" lie to and about you publicly? It happened to me as I was minding my own business and the offender gave no explanation and still refuses to. So please, I am very serious, lay out a plan for a better way in giles co. I promise I will try your methods, however what you can't seem to understand is that if all you suggest is "work peaceably", I've tried that and it didn't work.

Saturday, July 25, 2009 6:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

deanna - can't you see you are dealing with a psychopath - she's beyond hope - a complete mess that just tries to foment confusion and dillusion. When she lost her hammer she flipped out - it's that simple - ignore her!

Saturday, July 25, 2009 9:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you can ignore the mean-spiritedness of the above post. The writer obviously has gender confusion issues about me and keeps coming back to someone losing their hammer. Sounds a bit Freudian (Oedipal Complex) to me.
And he/she calls me a psychopath? Outrageous. Kettle calling the pot black, I suppose.
Anyhow, perhaps those officials you approached had the wrong perception of you, thinking you were just another of those who have for the past few years called them everything in the book and suggested they be ousted, thrown in jail, or tarred and feathered. I'm just saying that could have been their perception. For example, I wouldn't be too interested in saying a word to anyone who was forever trying to belittle me or call me names. Would you? As a child, I would never invite the bully to my home, knowing he would give me another beating. You know, after awhile, we all have the tendency to toughen up and develop thick skin. Deanna, I'm merely suggesting that if all this name-calling, belittlement, talking down to others, and etc, would stop, then meaningful and harmonious progress might be possible. But what is and has been going on is NOT going to work. Nobody wants an alliance with those who continually try to hurt them. That is human nature.
Anyhow, this is what I sincerely believe would move things in the right direction. That has been my plea all along.

Sunday, July 26, 2009 8:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Deanna said...

Do the citizens who are dissatisfied not deserve the same "benefit of the doubt." You assume they did not try to respectfully work with the "officials." Just maybe the "court of public opinion" is a last resort. I know from personal experience, this is my only choice and I really don't believe I am an isolated incident. Interesting, that you assume the best about the "powers that be" and the worst about the responsible voting public.

Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong yet again! What you accuse me of is a falsehood. What's with you anyhow. I offer what I believe to eb a plausible idea for working together and without all the name-calling, condescension, accusations, and etc., and you have to pop off about what you assume to be my assumptions. I assume nothing.
I saw first-hand how "those people" tried to work with those in elected office to bring about change. I saw a bunch of hot-headed and mean-spirited behavior, something akin to the little boy who can't have his way and pitches a fit. No, I don't really think those people earnestly tried to work with them. My perception is that they flew down from their lofty perches and tried to tell them what to do. And NOBODY likes that sort of behavior. Do you? Would you like it if someone told you to get out of the way so they can show you what ought to be done. NO!
By the way, who would you characterize as the "responsibile" voting public? Let me guess. It's those people who agree with those people.

Sunday, July 26, 2009 4:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Deanna said...

Talk about arrogance; Sorry Deadman and others from another thread. I really wanted to ignore this character but I find myself taking the bait.
Again I ask you 4:56, WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST FOLKS DO TO HELP WITH THE PROBLEMS, and say "work together nicely" is a cop-out.
And talk about judgemental; you say you don't "THINK" they tried talking and working first...How would you know. Let me answer for you. You don't know and to say you do makes you a liar. Unless of cours you have monitored every movement of every citizen as well as their phone activity, email, letters, etc. Your words, not mine, "YOU DON"T THINK" they tried other methods. As I said, I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt because, first of all because people deserve that and second of all having been the victim of someone in power who maligned me, lied to me, lied about me, threatened me, humiliated me and when I refused to resign, recruited "cohorts" to intimidate me. As I said, I very much doubt, considering my relatively low position on the giles county food chain, that I am an isolated incident.
But again, give me one, just one, only one specific, detailed plan of action to work "with" the officials, and I promise you, I will give it a shot. I am not smart enough to deal with generalities, though so please give me as much info as possible.

Sunday, July 26, 2009 6:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's just no being nice to you, is there? I try to offer an idea and you want to talk to me like I'm a red-headed step child. If you call your responses to me "taking the bait" then so be it. We both know that's not my intent. And you wonder why those in elected offices do not seem enthusiastic about working with "those people"? Surely you are smarter than that.
But rather than deal in generalities, allow me to be specific. Why would the county or city mayors or the commissioners be interested in working with the very ones who come across as arrogant know-it-alls who call them every name in the book and accuse them of various criminal acts? Would you be excited about that? Would you be willing to roll up your sleeves and work with someone who constantly calls you a liar and a thief? Let me me a bit more specific since you don't like generalities. It would seem to me that perhaps at least one of "those people" would offer a fig leaf(figuratively) in an effort to smooth hostilities and perhaps create an environment wherein all concerned could share ideas and hopefully work together. How they would go about offering that fig leaf would be a matter of common sense and creativity. Is that apecific enough, or would you call me obtuse?
I sensed for awhile that someone at some point did you dirty, and I hate that you are so bitter. But you can't go around beating everyone else up because of that. We all at one time or another suffer injustices. But, and I think Mr. Barrett would agree with me on this, the Bible points out that vengeance belongs to God and that He will repay.

Sunday, July 26, 2009 7:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

702 There is a difference between vengence and getting a lying crook out of the education system - undoubtedly applies to you too. Eat an apple - quit rattling & crawl back in your hole!

Sunday, July 26, 2009 7:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Deanna said...

Of course you did not give me the direction I asked for, just once again made the sweeping generalization that the officials are on the verge of being tarred and feathered. What should one do. I gave you a specific example of what happened, and how I tried to resolve it, which I think is close to what you suggest but how can one tell. IF they refuse to talk, refuse your OLIVE branch and attack for NO reason, offer to meet with you while public is listening, but never keep that appt, what should I do specifically? These elected officials forget who "hired" them and it's just tough if they don't like the name calling ;they are ethically bound to answer to their constituents. It's within their power to stop the insults, but they are using you to do their dirty work. But again I say, please give me a plan of something a little more substantial than "play nice". If they did what they did to me, I can assure you that this blog is being most kind to them.
By the way, anybody watch the news about the AL state rep who with all her defenders was mishandling school funds? People like "baitor" were all over it and saying she was a good public servant and it was a witch hunt, etc. Sound familiar baitor? Fast forward, trial, jury of her peers, with change of venue, she gets a nice long vacation with lodging courtesy of state of AL. Guessing she won't enjoy the accommodations much, but the point is baitor, sometimes officials are WRONG and they need to pay! If it is ethics violations rather than criminal codes, then this blog is about our only alternative. You go on and place nice baitor; I've tried it, it was a massive mistake and for all my faults, I do learn from my mistakes. (except the one where I let "invisible" people "push my buttons."

Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I have no hole to crawl into. Is that all you can say to my post? You have nothing else?

To deanna..
I knew it was an olive branch and not a fig leaf. Please excuse my ignorance.
Now, back to the meatier part of our discussion. Again, I'm sorry that you are so bitter, but everyone ion county and city government is not a liar and a crook. Can you not seee how "those people" continue to alienate them. And then they have the nerve to expect them to be totally responsive and receptive to their every wish? That defies human nature, and you should know that. By the way, I never said or even implied that anyone guilty of wrong should not be punished. You dreamed that one up.
I am beginning to doubt your intelligence, because you continue to call me names. As I said, I'm not the "baitor", and I really don't appreciate your calling me that.
I offered you what I believe to be a plausible solution to all this fighting that started with an angry little man who has no power. So I offer you the olive branch, and you bite my hand. Ok, that's cool. And since you learn from your mistakes, I assume that you and I have nothing further to discuss. So be it.

Monday, July 27, 2009 7:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Deanna the solution offered is to just come around to 7:19's way of thinking. The one thing they are good at is repetition. Contradictions run rampant with this "One". We all see what a misfit this person is becoming on this blog and in our community. I had hoped for common sense to prevail with this "One" but no luck. I guess comprehension malfunction or ignorance. Not sure but think it is the later. Just stop engaging them in dialogue and they will eventually go away. "One" can only talk to them self for so long and will eventually give up and become silent. You will get no where with this "One" and you are beating yourself in the head trying. Too much frustration for anyone to put up with. The one thing I am positive about is this "One" is either one of those who stands accused or a friend or family member. No one could defend actions against those who stand accused so consistently and matter-of-factly and with blind ignorance otherwise. This is all a game to them and I believe it is not out of the realm of possibility that they keep causing a stir for no other reason but because they can. I have argued time and time again with this "One". I got bored with it and have much better use of my time. I am sure you do too! Ignore them!!! To do otherwise only feeds their sense of self-importance. Just take comfort in the thought that you have the ability to reason, compromise and accept your flaws. Where this "One" can never be wrong about anything or consider someone else may know more than they do. It is sad really if you think about it. This "One" clearly has nothing else to do but come on this blog and mount discord with anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them. Where you and others have made an effort to see this "One's" point of view, this "One" is so self-absorbed that they can't do the same. I think it says more about this "One" that they are unwilling to accept anyone else's point of view but their own no mater what the subject is, more than the idea that they just disagree with those of us who don't share their point of view. This "One" is very egotistical and believes they are all-knowing. I mean it really wouldn't make a difference what the subject matter is with this "One", they want to be right on everything.

Monday, July 27, 2009 9:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, you have me mischaracterized as a "misfit" when that is, frankly speaking, a falsehood. You can call me "one" all you want to, but I assure you that there are many people who feel exactly as I do about "those people" who regularly condemn and criticize the unfortunate ones they dislike. And believe me, I don't seek them out.
You mention sowing discord. Well, I think the kettle is again calling the pot black. It's "those people" who are doing a fine job of that. I simply remind them when they start calling names and making accusations. And, as I've said NUMEROUS TIMES, my problem is not with their opinions on issues. But you knew that anyway.
Egotistical and all-knowing? You are perfectly describing those who are guilty of the very thing I just mentioned above. But you can't see that, can you?
As for my being right on everything, that's a stretch. If I'm right at least some of the time, I'm content. I never claimed to have all the answers, and I've never argued with any of you on issues. Gosh, how many times do I have to say that? But I will promise you that as long as the Lord gives me breath, I will oppose "those people" each and every single time they get on here calling names and trying to belittle those whom they resent.

Monday, July 27, 2009 6:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't see the difference in "those people" as you say running someone down and you running "those people" down.

Pray for peace in Giles County.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, it's gotten a lot better. Those people have toned down the rhetoric, and that's a very good sign that, just maybe, those who happen to be in authority will be more receptive to hearing what they have to say and in working together for the betterment of Giles County. I surely hope so.
I always pray for peace. God knows we haven't had much of that around here for the past few years.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are learning what has been going on right under their noses for the past few years. That's why there has been peace in the past. We the people, have put faith in those we have placed in office, only to find that some of those have used their political office to their own betterment versus the county's. Surely you can understand why the people feel scorned? Walk into any office or retail business around our county and ask the opinion that folks have of Speer, Vanzant, T. Jackson, L. Garner. I don't mean ask those you know who share your view. If you conducted a private survey for citizens to evaluate those individuals mentioned above where no one would know who they were in regard to their opinion, you would be shocked. As a business owner in this town and constant interaction with the many citizens, I have been shocked and dismayed to learn how concerned and disappointed people are with the decisions being made for our county and it's citizens. Peace is achieved through the efforts of all citizens. Citizens would be neglectful to sit idly by with their concerns and not speak out. All of this discord expressed is because of a lack of trust. Peace you say? Peace is what we all want. But do we succumb to the powers that be by keeping our mouths and minds closed for the sake of that peace? Sometimes, as represented in past history, a war must be waged in order to achieve peace. The people of this county to a great degree are fed up. And, they have every right to feel so.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have suggested that some people take a survey around the town square. That fell on deaf ears.
Ours was a peaceful community, and I would like nothing better than to see it return to that. That's not likely to happen anytime soon.
But i honestly think you are blaming the wrong people for all the division and mistrust.
Nobody should sit idly by and allow atrocities. But there are right ways to deal with them where they exist. And that's not tarring and feathering (figuratively), public lynchings (figuratively), smear campaigns, and the like.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one don't want to sit quietly and watch our tax dollars be misused. If you do then that is your business and lose. I think it is about time someone brought all the problems with our elected officials out in the open.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with you and think you are taking your analysis a bit far. Public opinion is one thing and public officials are subject to that and they know it when they take the oath of office. However, we all are going to get scrutinized if we are a public servant no matter what you do. You can't please all of the people all of the time. But, to suggest that tarring and feathering, public lynching, smear campaigns and the like as you suggest, figuratively or otherwise is not taking place. It is an opinion of people that has garnered a lot of support because of proof in many instances that has been offered. For example: Look at our budget this year. Absolutely pitiful that this county is in the financial shape it is. Now, those in office, commissioners, Vanzant and others are responsible. No one person is guilty because it takes a group effort to bring about this neglect and poor management of funds. There is nothing wrong with saying you have not represented your office as you should. You have been a let down to the people that supported you. You didn't do the things you said you would and have offered no viable reason why you have made such bad decisions. Sometimes the upset parties want to believe they are being tared and feathered and the other things you suggested, when all it is are people being honest about how they feel and they have every right to. As your parents or grandparents probably told you growing up, there are consequences for your actions. Well, we are seeing the consequences of those actions presently as expressed by public opinion regarding those in office who are supposed to be representing our counties interest. I will say it again, figuratively, or otherwise your suggestion that people are being tarred, feathered and so forth because people are having a voice and letting it be heard how disappointed they are is what I consider insulting to all Giles Countians. To suggest that is what the citizens are doing is no different than what you subscribe citizens are doing to those they are unhappy with. By the way, just how much of an effort did you make, other than asking if people would like to take a survey? Did you try and recruit help to get your effort off the ground? Did you draft a copy of a survey? How much of an effort did you really make? I would also like to know who you think I am confused about mistrusting and creating division. I will go ahead and tell that I gather my facts myself and base my opinions on those facts. I don't listen to firsthand info and take it as gospel. I conduct my own research. My opinion is my own and I don't care how many people are on board with me or not. I haven't ever been one for the spotlight or eager to be right all the time. I do however expect honesty from those in government.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two people can go around the square or around the country and ask ten people each what they think.
Some will be for and some against.

So why can't we drop that the statement of asking people around the square what they think.

If someone asked me what I thought I thought I thought about Janet or WAB. I would say I don't think about them what do you think about them. If I didn't say "what business is it of yours?"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We may drop it or we may not 10:45. But, you are welcome to not chime in or read these posts if you don't like them. Just goes to show, no matter what you do, you just can't please everyone. No one said anything about going around the square asking people. It was mentioned creating a survey. How that survey would be disbursed was not discussed. At least we know how you feel now. What are you suggesting anyway, that if you received a survey in the mail you would not participate? That would be fine, your option. You are giving your anonymous opinion freely on this blog. What is the difference?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with you as well. And I don't need any help in pointing out what I see as wrong. And we both know that smear campaigns and figurative lynchings and the like have taken place.
As I keep saying, if there's evidence of criminal activity, turn it over to the proper authorities. Would you not do that if you witnessed a burglar coming out of your neighbor's house? Or would you think it best to get on this blog and call him every name in the book? Which do you think would be more effective in bringing the criminal to justice?
As for ensatisfactory elected officials, vote them out. When they come up for election, mount a campaign to get someone else in.
Yes, I give my anonymous opinions just like you do. Why is it wrong for me to do the same thing you are doing? Could you please answer that for me?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I woukd call the police now if I saw someone breaking into a house. The president might not like it.

A few weeks ago I would have.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Carolyn Roberts said...

1:05: I understand what you are saying regarding your constant steady phrase of "turn it over to the proper authorities." Not being a native Giles Countian, but a "foreigner" according to some, (not all) and as I have only live here for 15 years, could you please tell me who the "proper authority" is over an APPOINTED, not elected official who has LIED TO, LIED ABOUT, HUMILIATED, BULLIED AND TREATED WITH GREAT DISRESPECT, a tax-payer of this county? As far as I know, none of these actions are criminal, and the official is appointed, not elected so the ballot box is not an option. Who are the "proper authorities that I should turn my evidence over to and butt out"?
Carolyn Roberts

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll say it again. If there's evidence of criminal activity, you know very well that you can turn it over to the police, the state, etc. We both know that. Now, as for politicians being rude and disrespectful, I almost totally agree with you that there is no "pecking order" for them. However, our system of government allows for free elections that are designed for voters to collectively remove unsavory or unreliable people.
Forgive me if I don't see it your way, but I do believe we have a system of laws in this country that not only addresses the issue of lawbreakers but also how to remove those in elected office. Yes, they are ALL answerable to the will of the people. I certainly never implied anything less.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 7:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Carolyn said...

HELLO, 7:08 I said appointed not ballot box ; Now what do you suggest?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly Carolyn! Like we have all been so bluntly trying to convey to 7:08.But, they just can't seem to wrap their mind around it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

carolyn. Thanks for the HELLO. You don't see your own arrogance in that? As for appointed officials, the only thing I know of is an ouster lawsuit. But that can be accomplished without getting on a public blog and ruining one's entire family just to get at him or her. Oh, is that acceptable collateral damage? I suppose it is as long as it's not your family or mine, right? I hope your cherleader can "wrap his mind" around that concept.

Thursday, July 30, 2009 6:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, you might as well forget reaching any amicable agreement with 6:37. This person is all over this blog spewing hypocrisy all over the place. It is a lost cause trust me! One thing I will say is, if someone such as 6:37 has such strong convictions, you would think they would want to convey that to the many that feel the way we do about how our county is being run. I suggest they reach out beyond this here blog and construct a letter to the editor in order to reach the masses of those inflicted with disappointment for those making the decisions for our county. Of course, that will never happen because they would have to submit their name and address. So, I guess my point is, they aren't so sure of themselves or they would do just that.

Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Carolyn said...

6:37, I'm a little confused here; please enlighten me if you would. I passed the MAT with fairly decent scores, however I do not understand your post of :
Please elaborate
p.s. Who's name did I mention as far as slandering?

Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This woman is playing a game with everyone. She thinks she knows everything that is going on because she is in the middle of all the chaos that is going on in Giles County right now. She is runing scared because she feels that her days are numbered.

Friday, July 31, 2009 8:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this woman you speak of 8:50 our county exec?? My guess is yes. She should be worried. A whole host of people including commissioners has her number and bringing Joe, the dutiful husband to meetings for protection, is not going to help. I have to wonder though really because Joe is appearing again at co. commission meeting as well as committee meetings just like he has done in the past when Janet was under fire. Anyone remember the reason why last time? If you have done nothing wrong, why would a person feel the need for such protection?

Friday, July 31, 2009 2:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me suggest something to you people that you may not have thought about. If my wife were being treated the way Mrs. Vanzant is, I would be right there too and I would deal swifty with anyone who wanted to smart off to her. Oh yeah!
Maybe it's not that she feels the need for protection as much as her husband feels a desire to protect her from some wise acre! I would gladly do the same thing.

Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if you had a wife, that would be a little strange!

Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone smarted off the JV and Joe dealt with swifty, wouldn't he get in trouble?

Maybe be best to have police at all meetings.

Monday, August 03, 2009 8:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where you been there are deouties at every meeing now. I heard over 200,000 a year is being spent to have security at the courthouse. Maybe the reason the deputies are at all of Vanzants meeting is to keep Joe away from her.

Monday, August 03, 2009 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:29:00 AM
I'm from Giles County, but living in another state now. So never been to a meeting, but still very interested in Giles County.

So the thought of Joe being there to protect Janet, want work.
Guess he just wants to know what's going on.

Monday, August 03, 2009 2:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to say I plan to come back to Giles County someday.

Monday, August 03, 2009 2:59:00 PM  

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