Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Proposal for Higher Property Taxes and Wheel Tax On The Way.

Well it seems that Christmas is over and the Grinch is back at work.

At the Highway Committee Meeting this week Commissioner Lovell once again presented his plan for dealing with high unemployment, a declining tax base and broken economy. What we need according to Mr Lovell is an increase in property taxes and a wheel tax.
Most folks with active brain cells can easily look at the situation and understand that the people of Giles County can not afford their current expenses much less the Obama tax increases to income, Medicare and medical insurance that started this year, add to that increasing gasoline prices and the increases in utilities and you have some big money going out of family food budgets. There is no doubt in my mind that there is not a family in the County who has not had to cut back spending in the face of a decline in their incomes. Isn't it hard enough for unemployed persons to pay their bills without an added wheel tax? It's only the government that seems to think that increasing spending is the only solution to every question.

It's time "We The People" got more involved and demand a cut in spending instead of an increase in property taxes and new taxes. The hardship placed on the average person may seem small to someone with Mr Lovell's wealth but to many others it will be the difference in buying their food, paying their utilities and buying their medication or all three. There was no increase in Social Security this year but there was in Medicare so most on fixed incomes already have started the year behind last years income.

This is going to be a very important election year and people had better start paying close attention to all the candidates and send anyone supporting any kind of a tax increase home to sit by the fire instead of to the Courthouse to blow smoke in our eyes while taxing us to death. Allen Barrett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can recall several years where a wheel tax OR a property tax was 'inevitable'. Most would never vote for a wheel tax, but the threat of a property tax increase was in place to scare folks into supporting a wheel tax.

Those that own lots of property would support the wheel tax b/c they thought it was the more 'fair' choice (of the two). Practically all property owners own vehicles, but the opposite is definitely not true.

Those property owners felt that the tax would be more spread out throughout the county; as many folks that dont own property DO own vehicles and would have to pay their part of the extra taxes.

Those not owning property were against the wheel tax(and for the property tax) for obvious reasons.

So i guess here we go again.

Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, here we go again. Let the fighting begin.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 6:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would prefer a wheel tax. Why not tax everyone instead of just property owners. I do not own anything but a lot and house a wheel tax would more than likely be the larger of the two. All the counties around us have wheel taxes so why not us. Everyone is always quoting our property taxes as being higher than theirs so maybe the wheel tax is the reason.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have an opportunity to take control of our destiney. Insist that the Charter form of county government be enacted. We the citizens, rather than a bunch of self-centered servents of the public will have a say as to how our County Government is to be run and managed. There are a few Commissioners who do place ther citizens' need before their own; to them I apologize.


Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Giles County need any tax increase of any kind? The commissioners need to cut the county budget. Many new jobs have been created under the reign of our current county executive, Janet Vanzant, who doesn't even live in Giles Co but in Lincoln Co with her farmer husband. I understand the Joe Vanzant family are now building a large home in Giles Co but thats about 8 years too late and is only so she can get re-elected to Giles Co. (Subject for another blog topic here, Mr Barrett?)
Point is as Mr. Barrett so correctly states, taxes need to be cut, not added to. However, people like Commissioners Lovell and Campbell dont want to ruffle the feathers of their friends so they keep on socking it to the folks who dont have much and no political benefit to the ones who propose more taxes. Again, as Mr Barrett says, we the people have got to wake up, join together and let these stupid and ignorant commissioners know we have had MORE than enough and vote them out of office. Problem is, come election time most people will have forgotten these ludicrous proposals and vote for the likes of Campbell and Lovell again! Many of the current commissioners have no idea of responsibilies to ALL the people of Giles Co and only know how to increase the taxes.
Will we read about Lovell's proposals in the newspaper?

Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here you go again: Sunday, January 10, 2010 6:26:00 AM
Are you so rich? If so help someone else pay their tax.

Will someone please tell me how the person paying for a house, but lost his job because of the economy pay a wheel tax or his property tax anyway?

I know the whole cou try is in a mess.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Colodny said...

HOW LONG has Lovell misrepresented the wishes of the people in his district but worked hard to keep funds flowing for the Highway Department ? A classic case of "We the Commissioners " thinking they know better than "We the People " who elected them (and surely WONT this fall ) .
Take a walk around Pulaski and Giles County Mr. Lovell and count the empty shops, businesses and factories . Look in the paper every week and see how many homes are in foreclosure .Ask local charities how many folks cant pay their bills or feed their kids . THEN , and only then , stand on the Courthouse steps and tell us all we NEED more taxes . Please announce WHEN you're going to do this on radio and in the newspaper so we can all be in the crowd that will surely gather .


Sunday, January 10, 2010 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess Julie Phillips and Steve Kelley from highway dept. need a raise for doing nothing!!!!! Let the taxes begin...

Sunday, January 10, 2010 2:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew somewone would get around to getting some trouble started. Now it's Julie (again) and a newcomer to the victims list, Steve Kelley.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 2:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you, MR. Lovell and the rest of the Lovellites gonna realize that everyone, INCLUDING COUNTY OFFICIALS, need to cut back. Times are tough folks and the answer is not raising taxes.To help the taxpayers our County Officials need to try to help the taxpayers instead of putting more of a burden on them. We have got to start taking a closer look at who we elect into these positions. Stop the insanity and stop the spending. It may even mean laying off a few employees like the state is having to do. Reckon that will happen with election time nearing?
Mr. Lovell, you need to wake up and start feeling our pain. Most of us are struggling. I know you think you have to give Barry Hyatt everything he asks for, but there's a time to say yes and a time to say no and this is the time to say no. There are no jobs here. People are losing their homes and having to move back in with parents. Groceries, gas, electricity and yes our taxes are too high. For once Commissioners, think of us. A wheel tax may be a more fairer tax but all in all it is just an additional tax because you can rest assured that the County will not reduce your land taxes. The wheel tax is just another tax burden.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 7:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not get distracted with divisive proposals to increase taxes. Every piece of property is on the property tax rolls and subject to the property tax, with very few charitable exceptions & government. Adding any new tax adds more administration & bureaucracy. Property tax is assessed on rental property and included in the rent! Citizens must keep it in one place and keep it under control, or we will be divided and driven to the poor house.

To my knowledge, we haven't raised taxes because of the highway department, in spite of the fact that energy costs have affected them more than anyone else. I'm sure Mr. Hyatt would like to maintain services as they are, but equally confident he can & will do whatever it takes to do the best he can for our county. There is no harm in asking, but there is no common sense in a commissioner trying to raise taxes!

Mr. Lovell has a thing for raising taxes & an obsession for creating a wheel tax! His tire is worn out, it's time to retire him.

Barrett is right about the hardships & mess that is stripping our citizens dry. I just can't imagine the mess our government is in & the craziness they put on our backs. The answer is simple - NO MORE TAXES & anybody who wants to add new taxes or regulations needs to go!

Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wheel tax, wheel tax, wheel tax, wheel tax is needed. Then Tee can pay some kind of tax.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:56:00 PM  
Anonymous The Real Deadman said...

I for one cannot afford to pay more in taxes. Either wheel or property. Somehow, the county government has been "brainwashed" into thinking that they can "buy their way out of a recession. The way to save money, is to A:Stop spending. B:Cut back. Unfortunately, the idiots we have in government, Federal so far, have not figured this out. Where are we supposed to get the money for the new taxes? It already costs more to register a car, if there is a wheel tax, that will be even worse. MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010 6:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised that somebody would link Mr. Jackson to this issue? And why did I know that deadman would be on here spewing his usual rhetoric and name-calling?

Monday, January 11, 2010 6:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The amount Tee Jackson would pay for one car isnt even an argument in this. Forget him.
Citizens of Giles county cannot afford another increase in property taxes. For years we have known about seniors (those that dont qualify for the property tax reduction break) having to choose between paying for medicine or food, just to meet their current tax burden.
The fact has not changed that the commissioners are not trusted on the whole. Any wheel tax imposed would be increased within a couple of years without fail. We just dont have many people holding the commission seats who know how to manage their own money so how can they manage the county money?

Monday, January 11, 2010 7:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking this same situation came up before a few years back when the commission voted for a wheel tax and the people got up a petition saying they dont want a wheel tax. If I am right in my thinking maybe we should get the petition ready for people to sign this time around. WAB, is that something that could be done and can you get it started.

Monday, January 11, 2010 7:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to buy a monument shaped like a wheel, put Lovell's on it somewhere in honor of his loving support & a big "RIP" so everyone can know it's a dead issue, best forgotton!

We could put it on the square where Lovell & anyone else so inclined can come & worship it at night when no one is looking.

Monday, January 11, 2010 9:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is typical! The government(local,state,and fed) wants everyone to cut back, yet continues their spending and asking for even more! It will never change! Have you ever noticed all the lights burning in a school or other public building at night????

Monday, January 11, 2010 9:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our country is in this mess because of public education. We have dumbed everything down to the level of least competence & therefore achieved the socialist goal of universal equality of obedience & monotonous nothingness! All opinions are right and facts are irrelevant. May the loudest & most deceptive win and rule! Everyone is an over-achiever in incompetence and irrelevance.

Today, we are overwhelmed by the quantity of different taxes - to the point that no one knows how much Americans are taxed. The other side of that crap is the fact that no one knows where the money goes, and fewer know what spending should be. Giles County hasn't even received a meaningful accounting of 2008, and it is now 2010! The federal government is violating the most basic accounting rules to ram fascism down our throats. The country would absolutely revolt if we had to borrow and pay the annual tax and defecit spending in total, in one lump sum. Even worse, would be the war that would start if we were forced hand it over to the hoards of lazy and corrupted sons of female dogs that are first in line to get it!

Our flagship of intellect and knowledge has been openly run on a platform of deception and corruption - a stench that overwelms the good and potential of resources within the body of education.

As we ponder our new found threats, our US legislature is meeting in secret to destroy this once great nation - many acts more blatant than you would find in Cuba or any other communist, facist, or dictator driven government.

God doesn't have a history of helping those who turn a blind eye to corruption and worse. Say what you want, but when you come to the realization that someone else holds the mortgage on our land, the idiots in charge are looting the treasury, we can't find or use our own resources, and there is no longer a manufacturing base in this country --- we are a heartbeat from losing it all.

Remember the promised land? God didn't leave, we threw him out to let the perverts & thieves in run things, morally guide us, and control every act and thought! There is a movement in the country that wants to turn this mess around, but we will not fid it in the democrat or republican parties!

Monday, January 11, 2010 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous wab said...

You can be assured 7:58 that as I have stood firmly against other tax increases I will do everything possible to stop the upcoming attempts at increases and new taxes but unity is the only way they can be stopped.
The problem is that to control taxes requires a constant monitoring of spending and the discipline to make and keep a realistic budget.
Many have worked very hard giving of their time and energy, private citizens and some commissioners and elected officials, to establish such discipline..... they have been called trouble makers, obstructionist, know it alls and foreigners among other names. These people must be supported and encouraged and band together with to prevent the abusive practices that have come to characterize our present government.

To 10 Jan 7:31. Mr Hyatt isn't the problem, in fact he has controlled his budget and activities far better than most.
One of the huge problems is simply in the way the budget is begun. Instead of each department starting at zero they begin with what they had the previous year and add to it by percentages instead of specifics. No department should be given a nickel until after they justify the need for that nickel.
With a new chairman of the budget there is new hope for some changes but there has to be pressure from citizens on commissioners especially those who have a history of spending in excess.
One simple way the Commissioners could show some empathy for the present state of citizens is to cut the budget starting at the top.
Imagine if the Commissioners took a leadership role on 19 January and voted unanimously to cut their own pay per meeting by a mere $5.00 then stated that every department would be required to submit a budget 5% less than last year and that each dollar would have to be justified in writing before consideration for approval.
Talking isn't enough tough action must be taken and a disciplined realistic budget must be approved and kept. Allen Barrett

Monday, January 11, 2010 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Could it be that Mr. Hyatt has controlled his budget because he isn't maintaining the roads...just maintaining employees!!! Tell me it isn't a waste to have Julie Phillips and Steven Kelley both sitting in the office answering the phone...accounting is at courthouse. One employee could handle the office and cut one $50,000 a year salary out>>>>it is ridiculous that Julie and Steve make that much money for being receptionist!

Monday, January 11, 2010 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous wab said...

To 11:38. I don't know all the details about the Highway Department but according to numbers I've seen and heard they are maintaining about the same amount of miles this year as last. If you have some information contrary to this I would be glad to address it with Mr Hyatt and post it on this blog.
I was very disappointed that Mrs Phillips wasn't moved to the Finance Office as required by law and I was very vocal about it at the time. What Mr Kelley's job description is or what he does at the Highway Dept. I simply don't know. My earlier comment was directed solely at the claim Mr Hyatt was a primary cause for the big problems with the county budget. Allen Barrett

Monday, January 11, 2010 1:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Hyatt has cost the county taxpayers a lot of money by hiring that additional person and getting her trained for the bookkeepers position just before the Hwy. Dept. was pulled under the Finance Director. Don't tell me that he (Hyatt) isn't part of the problem. He should have let Mrs. Phillips go to the Courthouse and saved that other salary. He and his twin brother Lovell has been fighting against the Financial Act,that the people voted in for accountability, ever since it was put in place. What a shame. Maybe with a new Budget Chairman in place this year we'll see some real cuts in the upcoming budget. One can wish. Wonder if Lovell would be willing to give up his Commissioner's pay? Isn't he the one that wanted $30.00 for every meeting he attends and voted against Mr. Wilburn's resolution to cut Commissioner's pay in half? And he wants to raise our taxes. Please 4th District.... vote him OUT this coming August.

Monday, January 11, 2010 7:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you are beginning to get the picture. If you don't approve of an elected official, vote him or her out at election time. That's the electoral process and not the witch hunt that goes on here.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 6:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you are beginning to get the picture. If you don't approve of an elected official, vote him or her out at election time. That's the electoral process and not the witch hunt that goes on here.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 6:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote the people out is what we are going to do. Sometimes you have to let other people know what kind of person is running for election.
If you know a reason the person shouldn't be elected, TELL IT. If you know a reason a person would make a good canidate, TELL IT.

That will help others know who to vote for.

If you want to come back with someone being out to destroy a canidate, stop and take a good look at world, that happens. We just have to watch for the best thing being said to find the right person

If a canidate waits for someone this blog to say something good about anyone we will never know who to vote for.
WAB isn't running for anything as far as I know But if he was You are saying things bad about him so you've joined the croud.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 8:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opps! crowd not coud.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get over the Hyatt - Julie crap! Our roads are much better than most & Hyatt hasn't received a "tax increase - in years" - FOR REAL & NOT PHONY! The cost increases for fuel, asphalt, & energy have increased many times more than the COLA. If he wants her to be his right hand assistant, that's his business, not mine or anyone else's. There is no law saying someone must go here there or anywhere else - read The Thirteenth Amendment!

The only thing we need to worry about is maintaining the roads & spending wisely. Our roads are as good as any. The people are courteous & helpful. Unlike the connivers in schools, he's not shutting down the roads to food & essentials so he can get more money to build a plush office & a gang of groopies to follow him around.

I say he will do what is needed, including cutting back as necessary for the community to survive what may become the worst times anyone has seen! If he doesn't, then gripe.

Anyone with a brain knows Lovell will be out there trying to raise taxes & cry the sky is falling. Tell him to stuff it! Vote him out. If he isn't in your district work with someone who is in his district, & make sure THEY vote him out! Every vote counts!

We must reduce spending & reduce taxes. Yes, it will be uncomfortable for everyone. It is already as uncomfortable as it gets for countless people in our community! - I don't know anyone who is on a spending spree or anyone who hasn't made major cutbacks already!

We need to stay focused & leave the BS behind. If someone is stealing or gumming up the works, go after them - if not, shut up & be happy some idiot isn't telling everyone every dumb thing you ever did for the past hundred years!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I hope the other commissioners stand up to Lovell and vote against him for even considering raising taxes. Speaking from our families recent job cut we can not afford no more taxes and I'm sure 3/4 of the families in Giles County don't need no more financial problems added to them. Stand up for the citizens of Giles Co. and say NO MORE TAXES. Lovell needs to be removed for even considering adding more taxes. If he was any kind of human being he would be trying to find ways to cut taxes and making each office cut their cost. If you walk into anyone of the offices you can see that people, office materials, and espically the luxury items can be cut. One comment I do have to make about the Hwy. Dept. is how many people does it take to hold a sign up to say slow down or stop. Just about everytime there is two people standing in each loaction. You only need one person and if that person can't do it without someone holding their hand they need to find them another job. The Hwy. Dept. could cut fuel cost also if they would cut the truck off instead of letting it sit and run wasting fuel. That is just one dept. Each dept. can cut cost somewhere and it is up to the Head Person to find ways to cut cost. They were elected to help out the county not rob it!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010 2:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supervisor's at Highway Department need to quit using county truck for personal you own vehicle back and forth to work and quit going to Walmart and everywhere else in them!!! Give me a break...Julie Phillips doesn't have the brains to be a right hand man...besides that how many right hand men does it take for Barry Hyatt. Maybe we should elect someone who can handle the job himself!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 3:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we forgetting that every department within county government was given masses of extra money to offset fuel costs when it first shot up, this included the Highway and Ambulance depts. Those new figures stayed in their budgets and did not get cut back when fuel costs declined. That amounts to budget increases (hidden).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 7:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There must be something sleazy and sinister going on. Heads need to roll. Let the investigations begin.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 6:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know just how much $$ Giles County got from the US gov't under this fancy stimulus plan that was supposed to bring relief and fortune ?
Was local gov't even smart enough to ask for some ? Who would have that assignment ?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 8:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Tuesday Jan. 12th 12:48 PM:

You said "There is no law saying someone must go here,there or anywhere else ---- read the thirteenth amendment"

Well you are wrong. The Financial Act of 1981, that the Citizens of Giles County passed overwhelmingly, states that all employees that perform the functions of purchasing, payroll, accounting and budgeting in the various departments will be transferred to the Dir. of Finance.
Tell me now that Hyatt didn't cost the county taxpayers when he hired that other girl and Mrs. Phillips trained her quickly so she (Mrs. Phillips) could stay with the Hwy. Dept. The fact remains that Hyatt has cost the county taxpayers money in that area.

The people of the County are not stupid and they do keep up with politics and they will vote in people who are trying to do what is best for the taxpayers and vote the ones out that are thinking more of helping themselves than of helping the taxpayers.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you be specific as to exactly what those elected officials you disapprove of are doing that shows they are only thinking of themselves rather than in helping taxpayers?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 3:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Examples are hiring kinfolk instead of giving someone else a chance. (Examples of this is Mr. Lovell's sister-in-law hired by Mr. Tee Jackson; Barry Hyatt hired his brother-in-law; Mary Signmon hired her son; School Board members getting their spouses promoted.) Another example is 1st phase of water lines run to the Vanzant properties. Stoney Jackson getting both his sons hired with City of Pulaski. Do I need to go on. I can.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 7:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie also provided work services for Hyatt. The accounting functions she did, were transfered to Fin. Mgt. If she assists with scheduling work, follows up to makes sure what is needed gets there, & can filter out is & isn't an emergency, she may well be worth what she's paid. If you have a good employee who can help manage things, you would be stupid to send them off to the bean counting factory. A director has the right to hire, promote, or keep anyone he wants & it's really no one's business as long as he properly performs his function.

We haven't increased taxes because of Hyatt's function! I don't recall him shutting down roads or not replacing stop signs because he didn't get a tax increase. Matter of fact I don't recall any other department gumming up the works to justify & get a tax increase ... except the Jackso & the school department!

Yes, he and everyone else has to cut back. It's a nasty part of management - let's not make it worse by playing dumb games with people's lives! I'm not mad at anyone, we just don't need witch hunts when everyone has to pull together.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 7:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you can go on. But hasn't this been talked to death previously? I recall that the malcontents discussed this at length sometime ago.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 7:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

714 is right - any job must be advertised & objectively hired. If there is a conflict, the person hiring should back off of the decision. No way should a person hire a relative to work under them in a government area!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 8:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:30 asked a question, 7:14 answer it.
Who's malcontent now?

I don't see anything wrong with Stoney helping his son get a job with the city as long as no favor was done to get it. But it seems some think something was done to get it.

Remember how many favors was done to help Miss Nancy get her health care passed. I don't like it, but it seems to be the way the ball bounces.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are hundreds of people in this county who would would love to have those jobs - some more than qualified, some qualified & some perhaps not.

If you own the company, built it, & stand to lose it all by whatever decisions you make, you should have a right to hire anyone you want, run the business anyway you want, & buy your supplies from anyone you want. It's your money, business, & risk!

Government isn't any of the above. The money isn't comming from the government. If it fails the people pay, not government. If it's successful & gets more money, the idiots in charge waste it rather than put it to good use. The idiots in charge at fed level pay people for power, hire their worthless offspring because they may not be able to get a real job, accept favors from suppliers, and on & on. They in this case is a minority in local government, but right now, at the tip of the scales a amjority in federal government! Reed & Pelosi along with many others should be prosecuted & jailed for cause!

The nepotism noted herein is simply "monkey see monkey do" - and it should be reversed. If someone has been wrongfully hired by political influence where jobs were not advertised of the the best person wasn't hired, terminate them & start over, beginning with getting rid of whoever twisted arms to get the favor!

Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the person hired by Barry Hyatt at the highway department and sent to the finance office in place of Julie Phillips is Stoney Jacksons former daughter in law and mother of his grandkids. Was that job advertised?

Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cut out the pay for Mrs. Vanzant, Mr. McGill and all the Fincanial Budget office personal.
These people do not contribuate anything to the county but all are a big expense.
Fact is the commissioners should bring charges against Vanzant for all the money she has taken by Fraude to the STATE D.A. and appoint a citizen of Giles Co. to fill that position until the people of the county can elect another one!
If any of the commissioners do not get off their rear ends and do what they are up there for (represent all the voters) then keep their pay also. That might get a balanced budget!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010 2:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are accusing Mrs. Vanzant of fraud? Why don't you be courageous and sign your name to the charge? This is a golden opportunity for you to impress the masses.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 3:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog, that was supposedly formed for sharing information and gathering the same, has become nothing more than ignorance abound. If you want to post facts, back it up with nothing else. If you want to post opinions, let it be known that it is nothing more. If you want to be ignorant, don't get on here.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 5:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness, has Mr. stony got a lock on who gets hired in giles county?

Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:54:00 PM  
Anonymous The Real Deadman said...

So, about the Wheel Tax? Anybody thought of anyway to start defeating it now, instead of waiting until election time? Mr. Barrett, what do you think?

Friday, January 15, 2010 6:28:00 AM  
Anonymous wab said...

Without question the most important thing that can be done is to elect only those candidates that pledge to not raise or create new taxes. Now is the time to be looking and encouraging people you can trust to run for office. Three major positions exist that need serious attention County Executive, County Commission and the Charter Commission. Electing the right people to these positions will prevent the need for new and increased taxes and additional lawsuits. Examine the voting record of your commissioners and see how they have voted in the past, ask yourself if they gave you an opportunity, through town hall type meetings, to express your feelings about county business.
Until the election contact your Commissioners, if they are available, and let them know how you feel about a tax increase and a wheel tax. Tell them nicely "NO" to taxes and "Yes" to better controlled spending. We must put people in office that will represent the people and not their own personal interests.
Now before someone howls not all the commissioners are bad I agree. There are several commissioners that have worked overtime trying to get spending and the corruption under control. Some have refused to even take payment for being a Commissioner while others have spent more than their payments doing their job. Some have bent over backwards to properly represent their community but some have for years and years only looked out for themselves and their families and friends. It's time to simply examine the voting records and the behind the scenes activities to understand which should be kept and which should be run out of town. Allen Barrett

Friday, January 15, 2010 8:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me if this email was spam?



Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX!!!

Sounds like this could be History in the making.
It's possible someone is going to go down -- either Obama or Fox News.

Friday, January 15, 2010 9:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wab - good post - If we don't pay close attention to what is said, many of us will be taxed out of existance. Every time government grows, the private sector, especially citizens, shrinks.

If times seem tough now, do nothing & let Lovell & a few others increase your taxes - you'll find tough getting far tougher. For many, it isn't a matter of doing without new work clothes, it's losing your home, your job, & your ability to feed your family. It's long past time to change this mess, starting at home and especially with the rat nest in Washington!

Retired people who saved money for retirement now get near zero interest. Millions have been wiped out by wal street crooks. Few can live on SSI. Now they are fixing to raid medicare to fatten crooks who will sell their vote to line their pockets at the expense of citizens they swore to protect! They've turned our capital into a banana republic no better than Cuba and gutted our ability to provide for ourselves!

Friday, January 15, 2010 9:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which ones do you think should be kept and, more importantly, which should be run out of town on a rail? Please enlighten us. Thank you.

Friday, January 15, 2010 3:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Fri 3;56 PM

Well, VanZant runs herself out of town in a van every afternoon -'cept when she has her driver take her to the same place -her home on Vanzant St in Lincoln County . So there's a precedent already for ya

Friday, January 15, 2010 6:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:56 If we could get Mr. T to toss Ms. Z in a wheelbarrow & head out for Alabama, I sure would be happier.

Friday, January 15, 2010 7:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly the wheel tax was voted down by the citizens of Giles County. Not once but twice and once by the commissioners. Do the commissioners not understand what NO means.

Friday, January 15, 2010 7:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you seem to be the spokesperson for barrett, would you care to enlighten us as to whom should be run out of town on a rail. Don't be timid; this is your chance to really shine. And be bold and sign your name after the accusations. OK?

Friday, January 15, 2010 7:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:58 You didnt so why shoukld 6:17!

Friday, January 15, 2010 8:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:32 Lovell, Campbell, Brown, and a couple of other commissioners dont seem to understand when the voters make a decision. Rmember those commissioners joined together and tried to get financial management voted out but were unsuccessful. Now we have Lovell talking about a tax hike and wheel tax? Something wrong here.

Friday, January 15, 2010 8:11:00 PM  
Anonymous The Real Deadman said...

Does the county budget like we used to in the military? We were told to cut back and save every year, until one month before the end of the fiscal year, then we were told to spend the money we had saved. Because if we didn't, we would not only lose the money we had saved, but our budget would have been cut by that amount or more. Does the county budget the same way?

Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because I'm not the one who is making the accusation. I've challenged you and your hero to name names and identify yourself as the one making the charges. I'll be anxiously awaiting your enlightening those like me who are just not smart enough to see things like you guys do.

Saturday, January 16, 2010 7:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:11 how can you accuse those commissioners of being wrong when WAB was such a supporter of Financial Management but has been nothing but critical of it in the works. It must not be the answer either. He wanted it but according to his criticism it is not doing what he wants! Of course that shows he doesn't have the answers either and now he wants the charter thing. Should we listen to him?

Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many confused people on here.

Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer to that is NO. A little bird told me that he doesn't have near the following he once had. Thank God.

Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No 10:39, you should not. You should think for yourself, do your own research and form your own opinion instead expecting wab to do it for you so you can gripe about it if it doesn't work out. I am assuming that a. you have the intelligence to research, b. you actually care about the issues,more than you care about bashing wab c. and that you have the intelligence to form an opinion without simply choosing the path of least resistance,d. you are intelligent enough to disagree in a mature way without making childish silly insulting statements to people who actually are trying to make things better.
I know it's a big assumption, but I believe you have it in you to try.

Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GTC says:
This has nothing to do with this blog subject .... however, do we want Steve McGill to continue to determine what he thinks our property taxes should be? I am not one of his supporters and I did not vote for him during the last election. I thought that he was a leach on tax payers and that he looks out for only himself. Now that he is being brought before the Grand Jury on charges that would get most people fired (if proven to be true). Why is he still in office? If McGill is found guilty of the charges brought against him; I would like to see the County Commission, the State or whomever it takes to have McGill removed from office.

And, before any of you ask ... what charges I invite you to go to the WKSR news web site


Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make assumptions about 10:39, and I could make basically the same ones about you. Why is it called bashing when someone, including me, points out something negative about the reporter? Rather than bashing, I would call it constructive criticism although he apparently thinks he is never in the wrong. That's an assumption on my part based upon what I observe.

Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB would make the great tax assessor. No one would pay taxes, the county goes broke because there is no revenue and all are happy. Agree?

Saturday, January 16, 2010 9:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The assumptions I made were all positive, so thank-you, 2:39. Yes, I'm sure you would call it constructive rather than bashing. Personally, I don't give a rip what wab thinks, wonder why so many do. What I do like is that he opens my eyes to POSSIBLE situations that I as an intelligent mature citizen have a right, no a responsibility to investigate and form my own opinion. I have neither the time nor the energy no the inclination to try and monitor wab's comments for the purpose of determining the validity of them. If wab is wrong, I figure that's between him and the wronged person and GOD. Nobody hired me to police this blog or censor anybody's comments. I find the politics of Pulaski extraordinarily fascinating and it baffles me to no end that so many on here are more enthralled with wab and proving him right or wrong and have yet to post an original thought, idea, or opinion about a community issue... I am very thankful that I was taught to ignore name calling, indicates a small mind and I was taught in college that the tactic of name calling, attacking the msg. etc are all defense mechanisms employed because they are about to be exposed in some fashion. I just know if I was as disgusted as some claim to be by wab, I sure wouldn't give him more press, so to speak and I would simply ignore him and post the truth on an issue. But yes as stated in the first sentence I certainly agree that YOU would call it constructive rather than bashing. Most folks can justify what they want to...
(I am also 11:46 a.m)

Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

Two questions that seem to stand out in some recent posts.
First Financial Management I supported it and continue to support it in theory. In order for the Financial Management Act to work properly it requires a very strong minded and independent leader supported by a strong Board of Directors. From the very beginning Mrs Vanzant and a few of your cohorts conspired to prevent a strong minded, independent person from filling that position. The Financial Management Board has been filled with appointments of those who opposed Financial reforms. Currently the Board with the exception of Commissioner Wellborn is completely made of of the strongest opponents of Financial Management. It's no wonder that the Director tends to capitulate when questioned.
Still the system provides a much better means of managing the finances of the county and even in its weakened implementation it still provides a much better way of doing business than what we had before. The latest state audit found much fewer problems than the year before. Much fewer payouts are taking place without invoices, proper bids are being taken more often. On a scale of one to ten I would give Financial Management a seven. The former system was a fat zero.
The second question addresses the issue of which Commissioners should be ousted. I challenge each person to simply think what they want for a commissioner then examine how different commissioners have voted on issues they are most interested in. On the issue of a Wheel tax the following Commissioners voted to implement one at their last opportunity Commissioners Bailey, Lovell, Reedy, Woodard, Campbell, Faulkner. Some of the current Commissioners were not on the Board at the time of the last vote. The following Commissioners have shown a consistent support for increased spending and increasing budgets Commissioners Lovell, Reedy, Woodard, Holt, J. Harwell, Brown, Campbell, Harwell and Faulkner. Understand others have voted for increased spending at times but these have voted consistently for increased budgets, increased spending, increased taxes, and increased fees. Later I will supply the names of those Commissioners who voted for the tax increases, against tax relief for seniors, amended budgets to cover inappropriate spending and situations that led to overspending. Whether any Commissioners should be run out of town you can decide that, for me these named commissioners have voted against better controlled spending and for tax increases and that is a firm "MUST GO" for me.
Allen Barrett

Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you just added some additional enemies to your list. Amazing.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No WAB did not add more enemies. If the truth hurts thats too bad, but what WAB posted above is fact.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, these commissioners are considered unfit for service simply because they do not vote exactly as He and his followers think they should. Now that is a fact.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 8:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Howard said...

Back off 8:28 nothing WAB said included anything about those commissioners being "unfit" for service.
If you take the time to read what he said it was clearly stated that he was against their re-election because they did not vote the way he thought they should but that it was his personal preference not because of personality, fitness or even likability. After all isn't that the reason we all vote for one person over another, because we believe they will represent us the way we want in other words vote the way we want them to?
You are to quick to criticize and to slow to think.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 9:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:28 I'm amazed that you who are so opposed to name calling have described these commissioners as "unfit to serve". Before you jump back that it wasn't Barrett who said they were "unfit to serve" nor did he call anyone a name. IT WAS YOU GREAT MONSTROSITY OF BABBLING VIRTUOUS HYPOCRISY.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 9:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, by implication, wab did in fact say they are unfit. Otherise, why did he say they must go? Why don't you stop with the cheerleading already?
He didn't say verbatim that they are "unfit to serve" but please enlighten me as to what you think he meant?

Sunday, January 17, 2010 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Howard said...

To12:34 This is what he said, "Whether any Commissioners should be run out of town you can decide that, for me these named commissioners have voted against better controlled spending and for tax increases and that is a firm "MUST GO" for me" and I believe based on other things he has written Mr. Barrett meant exactly what he said. They "must go" not because of being unfit which means incapable or incompetent but because they have not voted in the best interest of their constituent.
It was you and your attitude of hypocrisy who described them as "unfit for service" for which you should apologize to them and Mr. Barrett.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the utmost respect for the commissioners, and I wouldn't owe them an apology. I'm not the one who said some of them MUST GO. I think you need to read that particular post by wab. Thank you.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Traci Callahan said...

3:45 You need a reading lesson as well as instruction on what blogs like this are designed for. WAB gave his opinion based on facts that can be easily proven. Voting records of officials are public record. His criteria was stated clearly and if you are confused, well his isn't afraid to give his name, so ask him personally. He did not say that everyone should agree with him. This blog was set up for people to give their own opinions on public issues and the blogmaster is lenient enough to allow anon posts. WAB is one of the few that actually give an opinion on the issues, most just jump on him and hold him to a higher standard. 3:45, what is your criteria for a suitable candidate or elected official. Ever given it any thought? Or does your entire reason for posting on this blog revolve around WAB? I bet I can count on one hand how many will respond to the question I posed, criteria for acceptable commissioner, but there will be plenty that post on wab and his opinion. Most won't even be able to give an opinion without dissing wab, that's their whole basis for helping to work within the system. I dare you 3:45 or anyone to give your opinion that may not align with wab's without saying one negative word about him. I don't think you can, you are too obsessed with him.
Traci Callahan

Sunday, January 17, 2010 4:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is EXACTLY what I'm my opinions. And I never said that wab thinks everyone should agree with him. But he did say something to the effct that certain commissioners MUST GO. Well, just because he thinks they should go, be it for their being unfit or incompetent, doesn't make it so! That's his opinion. Ok?
You say that there will be those who will "diss" wab. Well, let me just tell you that much of the "dissing" he gets is well deserved because of the way he treats those who disagree with his opinions. Yes, sharing ideas is what this blog is supposed to be about. It's just unfortunate that you and I do not see wab in the same light.
I think a better word than obsessed would be disgusted.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 5:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Traci Callahan said...

No, obsessed is the right word, and you couldn't do it could you? If you were disgusted, you would ignore him and give your opinion. He put his name and gave his opinion about who should go and why. I actually disagree with him on almost every one of his choices, so ironically you and I may be in agreement. However, the difference between you and him is the fact the we know who he is, he gave facts to back up his reasons and if he "disses" anybody else, again if that person has a problem with it, he signs his name. I've never read a post by him that he didn't back up with public records and sign, so while I disagree most of the time, this being America, his opinion is allowed and welcome and the facts he uses to form his opinion are NOT based solely on choosing the opposite of what someone else said.
Can you tell me what action would constitute an impeachable offense for a county commissioner, in your opinion and why? Please don't use anybody else's opinion as a foundation if possible. Don't worry, I won't ask you to be proud enough to identify yourself, that certainly would be too much to ask.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 5:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong! Disgusted would be the proper word to use to describe my feelings toward the individual in question. Isn't it amazing how two people can look at something and have totally different perceptions? I honestly think he delights in seeing people like you and me have at it.
You completely misunderstand my purpose for posting anything negative about barrett on this blog. I have never argued with him about his "truths". No, my problem with wab has been with his arrogance and meanness toward those who WILL take issue with him. Perhaps I'm a self-appointed mercenary who fights his victims' battles, but it's just not right that he be alloed to get away with some of his behavior. Granted, he has mellowed a great deal in the past few months, and that I do find commendable. And because of that, I don't engage him nearly as much as I used to. Actually, most of what I post on here anymore are rebuttals from comments made by people critical of me. Like you, I don't allow them to go unchallenged. And I might add that I have suggested to one in particular that we just drop the bickering and let this blog die of natural causes.
I'm not familiar with laws pertaining to impeachable offenses of anyone in office, so I'll not get sucked into that one. Have a nice rest of the evening.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Traci Callahan said...

In other words, I was correct. I didn't ask for legal grounds for impeachment, I asked for YOUR opinion. Just couldn't do it, but had plenty negative to say. Hard to believe you have no opinion on govt affairs, your grammar is correct so presumably you are educated. Again, I care little for wab's opinions, what I admire is the fact that he actually has some.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

traci... you have a brain in your head? I SAID I am not familiar with laws pertaining to impeachment. To use another whiner's thinking, my opinions on such matters would have to be formed based on facts. Right? So please tell me how I could form an OPINION concerning impeachment without first having some knowledge of the facts (laws)? I'll be anxiously awaiting your answer to that question.
And, for the third time, you are wrong!

Monday, January 18, 2010 6:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A mercenary for wab's victims??? The advocate of crooks & corruption, unrelentlessly fighting their battle! A no good Robbing Hood is more like it! Put your little cone hat on your little cone head & take a time out in the corner.

Monday, January 18, 2010 7:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Monday, January 18, 2010 6:45:00 AM

Could you would you please say something good about somebody, anybody?
I've never read where you did, so why wouldn't anybody think your only interest is saying something bad about WAB.

I know Reedy and think he is a good Christian man. He maynot always vote the way I think he should. I don't think he would of voted that way if he didn't think it best even if I didn't.

All I know about WAB is what I read on this blog. I wish he wouldn't call you names, but I can see you asked for it.

Please for one time say something good about somebody, you leave me to think what WAB said was true

Monday, January 18, 2010 8:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:04:00 AM
Bet he don't, but will say something against Barrett.

Monday, January 18, 2010 8:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An advocate for crooks and corruption? Horsehockey!

Indeed, I have said some good things about some people around Giles County. For example, I have gone on record as saying that I do not share your views concerning Mrs. Vanzant. I happen to think she's a good person. I know you don't want to ehar that, but that's my opinion. In addition to that, I have said elsewhere that I believe the commissioners are made up of imperfect but good men who are trying to do what they think is in the best interests of this county. Just because they don't vote according to your wishes does NOT somehow make them corrupt. Finally, I have stated as recently as yesterday that wab has toned down his spewing and rhetoric quite a bit in recent months. I further said that this is commendable of him. Ok?

Monday, January 18, 2010 9:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:04 Horsehockey post.

Monday, January 18, 2010 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Traci Callahan said...

Traci here, to the one who can't form an opinion without knowing all the laws pertaining to a situation???Did you really say that and then ask me if I had a brain??? I don't know all the rules of college football, but I know what team I pull for. Gimme a break. Your smokescreen was just that. Any opinion you have is based soley on being the opposite of wab's. You've proven that what 4times now. I don't know all the laws pertaining to impeachment either, but I know what I believe that an elected official should possess certain qualities that have nothing to do with legalities. Why don't you get back to me in a month or so after you've learned all the laws and see if you have an opinion as to whether someone elected to serve should be honest, compassionate, well-read, have a certain degree of integrity, etc. See what laws on the books cover that. Hopefully you will be able to form an opinion then which will be INDEPENDENT of wab's opinion. Again, I said hopefully but I must say, it's not looking like that's possible. Happy studying.

Monday, January 18, 2010 4:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You again failed to grasp a simple concept. To use malcontent thinking and logic, how can I form an opinion about, let's say about impeachment, without knowing what laws or infractions constitute an impeachable offense? Perhaps I should have used the word "infractions" instead of laws, and then you might not have gone off on a hair-splitting tangent with me. So, I will ask you again. Do you have a brain in your head?
Ok, let's use your example of the football game. If you didn't know all the rules (laws) pertaining to what constitutes penalties, how could you form an opinion on what the penalties might be? Oh, this is so foolish to have to engage you in something so trivial.
Let me ask you this. Would you concede, based on my 9:09 post, that I have said some positive things about some people in Giles County? I doubt it, but thought I'd ask anyhow.And what makes you you think you can condescend to me about laws about impeachment when you don't even know them yourself? Your arrogance and hypocrisy seem to know no bounds. I can see that you and the one you so eagerly defend are cut from the same bolt of cloth!

Monday, January 18, 2010 5:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone has maligned & misunderstood dumbo. She has spent countless gallons of toner & tears defending those who need it most. Mention TJ & she goes banananananas. Mention Mr Loveable with his fingers caught in the spokes & it's more banananas! Mention the holt up man & it's a rerunnnnn. Say something about her heroine Ms z & the pots 'n pans come a flying.

She don't know no rules but wants to be a ruler but cant cause she don't measure up. Gotta go with the incognnoodle stuff whernever she can. Goodness, what will she do next? Maybe she can become a spoof reader.

Monday, January 18, 2010 8:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you apparently think you know it all, would you mind enlightening the audience as to exactly who "she" is? I'll be anxiously waiting, because inquiring minds want to know. You're so immature (describing your behavior with an adjective).

Monday, January 18, 2010 8:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you apparently think you know it all, would you mind enlightening the audience as to exactly who "she" is? I'll be anxiously waiting, because inquiring minds want to know. You're so immature (describing your behavior with an adjective).

Monday, January 18, 2010 8:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Monday, January 18, 2010 5:10:00 PM
The most audacious thing I have ever read is your complaints about WAB being arrogant and talking down to people while you write with such arrogance it's appalling and the way you spoke down to Traci makes you without question the hypocrite of the year. If you only had a smidgen of intelligent integrity you might eventually have someone who would agree with you, well at least you wouldn't seem so stupid in your arrogance.

Monday, January 18, 2010 8:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might ask if you have a brain? Why don't you go back and read some of the condescending and arrogant remarks she made to me? I would especially like you to read her remarks in the January 18 post at 4:05. All I've been doing is defending myself from her barbs. And I'll say it again. She IS arrogant and condescending to the core toward me. Why? Because I don't share her views.
Intelligent integrity would suggest that I treat her humanely, but I WILL NOT allow her or anyone else to walk all over me.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 6:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Howard said...

To 6:23
Could it be that all WAB has done is defend himself from you. Does it matter what she did or how she might behave when it is you that have constantly harped on how you are above the name calling, arrogance and talking down to others. Does the behavior of others justify your own behavior. You are simply without principle and personal integrity.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:26:00 AM  
Anonymous wab said...

To 17 Jan. 10:42
I find it utterly incredible that you have revealed yourself with this comment from 17 Jan. 10:42 where you state, "You completely misunderstand my purpose for posting anything negative about barrett on this blog. I have never argued with him about his "truths". No, my problem with wab has been with his arrogance and meanness toward those who WILL take issue with him".

So it's not important to you if a public servant is revealed as a liar and proof given that reveals that fact your problem with me is you don't want them to be called a liar.
A public servant who is proven to be a thief isn't a problem you concern yourself with it's only when they are called a thief that you become upset.
What I need to do in order to gain your favor is change the names I use to describe a person and their behavior. I will try in the future to replace the word liar with one who uses words disconnected from factual material. I will try in the future to refer to a thief as one who misdirects things of value in a manner that would be more exclusively beneficial to one other than the owner.

It's like ordering from a government supply catalog, I once had to order several dozen "semi-automatic transcribing machines with correcting capabilities" because they didn't list wooden pencils with erasers.
I'm glad that I now understand you better and that I should have no more difficulty in understanding your desire to simply not have a liar or thief identified in simple language. Thanks for your clarification. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the behavior of others can justify my own behavior. For example, if you walked up and slapped me or called me a name, you would find that out very quickly. I would think most of us would behave in a retalliatroy way. Wouldn't you. Now, as for my arrogance, name-calling, and talking down to others, I submit to you that all I do is offer rebuttals to the very thing you accuse me of. Talk about a double standard! And how dare you to judge me in terms of integrity and principle.

to wab...
You're attempt to be cute and witty with alternate definitions of thief and liar is ridiculous. I'm not a third gradewr, so you need not do that. Ok?
No, my problem with you stems from the way you talk to people. You just gave some great examples with your more palatable definitions of a thief and a liar.
Can't you understand how abrasive you are to others? Please don't take my word for it. There are plenty of folks who share my opinion. They just don't come to this blog like I do. But you would never believe that, would you?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 3:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting back on subject. I heard that Lovell made the comment at the Highway Dept. meeting that the County needs more tax revenue but he would not be sponsoring a resolution for a Wheel Tax for he is already being called "MR WHEEL".
I heard that he was tying to encourage the other Commissioners to take the lead. Sounds like something Mr. Wheel would do.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:59:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

To 3:48 Seems Howard hit the nail on the head with you. Someday you may come to understand the difference between retaliation and justification, but today your understanding seems very muddled. Here's the problem you fail to understand. A person who has taught non-violence as the only way to live can never be justified in striking another human without violating everything he has taught. So by you claiming such a strict adherence to higher standard then to do the very thing you have taught against leaves you looking very hypocritical (a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess).

To the second part of your post I appreciate that you enjoyed my sense of humor. I guess being cute is just one of my virtues. You sir are the one who said you had no problem with the truths I've told only that you didn't like me calling people names that describe their behavior.
I guess I never took the time to learn the fine art of political correctness as you have, as a soldier I was taught getting the job done was more important than how sweet you talk. Abrasive, you're right I can be as I can not tolerate insincerity and dishonesty. I was taught as a kid to say what you mean and mean what you say and be honest in all things. A person without personal integrity can not be trusted. I have tried to live by that code without much consideration to the cost. Sorry I'm just not as perfect as you. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous The Real Deadman said...


You have explained things as well as anyone else on this blog if not better. However the one you are talking to will not see anything from any point of view but his/her own. It has been pointed out many times that he is as arrogant, egotistical and abusive as he claims others are.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 3:48:00 PM

Unfortunately, you are incorrect as usual. The bahvior of others cannot and does not justify your behavior. You suggested to howard that if he were to come slap you, then he would find out. However, when you are at your most arrogant is when you are "defending" someone else. What if I were to come up and slap a complete stranger on the street and walk away? Would that justify a response from you? You may have an opinion, but if you were to lay a hand on me you would be just as guilty as I. You have no right to demean someone, and if you would use what is inside your hatrack, you might just find that we are not arrogant, we are just verbose.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, why didn't you give me some definitions of justification and retaliation so my thinking ould be less muddled?
Here's the problem you fail to understand. You talk about holding someone or something to a higher standard. Well, you "sir" who proclaim yourself to be a mesenger of God should hold yourself to a higher standard and not be out here in public behaving as you do. But of course you would justify yourself by mentioning that Christ drove the money changers out of the temple or something like that. You call me a hypocrite? Sir, you need to take a look in your bathroom mirror.
As for perfection, your claiming that you are not as perfect as me was very silly and , i might add, totally insincere. You know in your own heart that I am ignorant, an enabler of evil and corruption, a buffoon, and etc. So if I were actually more perfect, where would that leave someone of your intelligence? No, I never claim perfection and am far from it. So don't bother going there.

And you are right as usual. I forgot that I'm always in the wrong. Nevertheless, I stand by what I said.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Howard said...

to 5:50 You said to WAB "You know in your own heart that I am ignorant, an enabler of evil and corruption, a buffoon, and etc."
This is perhaps the most honest thing you have ever said on this blog. I still find it hard to believe that anyone could be so arrogant as to claim to know another persons heart but then you have much greater abilities than anyone else.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know, becauae he has called me all of those names and more.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:50:00 PM  
Anonymous wab said...

To 10:53 I guess you can now add liar to the list since you just lied about me having called you ignorant. Allen Barrett

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know good and well that you are in the wrong about the name-calling, especially in light of your position. And before you go denying it, you ARE held to a much higher standard.

Thursday, January 21, 2010 6:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened? Did the wheel tax man's tire go flat!

Can we go back to sleep, or do we need to circle the wagons to keep from getting scalped by the taxum man.

Thursday, January 21, 2010 7:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the taxtermites?
We hear no gnawing??

Sunday, January 31, 2010 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait and watch he will come out smelling like a rose.

Sunday, January 31, 2010 1:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is getting booooring - nothing to unite us & inspire greatness.

It would be a wonderful time for Mr. Lovell to get up in front of everybody, light a fire to warm cold heats & cast beams of light in darkness. I just about forgot the glory of a wheel tax and all of the trinkets it could bless us with.

If we want to go somewhere, we look to the wheel. If we want to stay out of the ditch, we've got to hang on to the wheel. If we want to get a dumb answer to a good question we look for a big wheel to tell us what to do. It's as simple as life itself. As elmer said, maybe a wheel tax is wheely the best thing to do! (???) Wheelaity is as simple as a wheel!

Monday, February 01, 2010 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready --- Jacko is going to break the county next Tue when he raids the last of the school reserves to get another big increase in wasted spending!

Friday, February 05, 2010 4:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't even have enough respect for Mr. Jackson to use his proper name? How would you like it if people talked about you in that manner? Oh, that wouldn't go over too well, would it?

Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and Heaven forbid should anybody call wab a name. Tit for tat is unacceptable on this laughable blog.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heaven so far hasn't interfered with the names you have used against WAB. The term tit for tat means same as same and would certainly not apply to anything where you and WAB are compared because you are a dried up rotten apple and he is a bright fresh golden delicious that you can only dream of being like in your restless sleep.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong. I've never called wab a name, but I have described his behavior from time to time. You know, I may think he is an absolute idiot and kook, but I would never resort to calling him such names. I have a little more class than to stoop to that level. And you should as well.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on 7:12 you called him a idiot and kook in your latest rant against him.
It's not class but cowardice that keeps you in denial. You would think someone as smart as you dream you are would understand by now that everytime you write some unsupported criticism of people you really are just showing how stupid you really are.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you really that stupid? I hope not.
I said that I might think him an absolute idiot or a kook, but I would never call him those names. I might think you are a nut as well. But am I going to call you a nut? NO!
Yes, It's all about class, and I see that you have very little if any. And your accusation that I am a coward is unsupported. You guys love that word almost as much as you do corruption.
Ok, your turn to take pot shots at me.

Thursday, February 11, 2010 6:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You, yourself said that your friends had more class than to come on this blog. That means that you have no class, because you are always on here. You said it yourself!!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010 9:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I surely did, and I meant every single word that I said. Yes, I'm a person of class and taste and proud of it. That's why I don't call people like you the nasty names that some on here call me. That's class, pal. And YES, those you people so wantonly crucify have a lot more class than to get on this trashy blog and attempt to match wits with you. They are just not going to go there. For example, do you think a person like Carol Wade would get on this blog and start calling names? What a laugh if you believe that. She has much too much class. And that doesn't mean that none of them read this mess. I never said that. Oh trust me when I tell you that the victims of all this hate-mongering know VERY WELL who is principally behind it along with his devoted followers. But don't take my word for that. Just go up town and ask around. You will have your answer very soon.

Saturday, February 13, 2010 8:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I said you have no class. You just said they have too much class to come on this trashy blog. That sounds to me that you do not have any class.

Saturday, February 13, 2010 8:33:00 AM  

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