Elections are upcoming what are your thoughts
This topic, hopefully, will allow folks to discuss some of their thoughts about the upcoming elections and allow the topic about school funding to be returned to that topic.
The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "mcpeters@usit.net" to suggest topics or make private comments.
Giles County really needs a new County Executive. Janet has slept long enough.
WAB... if you could change some things politically in this county, what would they be? This is your chance to give a logical reason to have a political office in this ocunty. What needs to be changed?
Here are my thoughts. The Republican Primary is a completely needless joke that will cost taxpayers thousands of dollars. And for what? When did the local "Republican" hold a meeting to discuss this? Or was the idea conjured by two or three people who are known troublemakers? These are the kind of Republicans people try to stay away from and vote against whenever they can. I do.
6:02 Did you belong to the Republican party before you think they had a meeting you wasn't invited to? A lot of people don't know what goes on in Giles county. Why do you feel you have to ok everything?
I don't know who is in the Democrat or Republican parties in Giles county.
Does Lawrence County have a Republican vote?
6:02 AM Who are the two or three known Repulican "troublemakers" you refer to and who people stay away from and vote against whenver they can? What offices did they run for? Thanks.
The republican party executive committee met as did republican committees across the state, and agreed to follow state law and request a primary be held just as primaries are held in other states. Democrats choose not to hold a primary fearing they would be identified with the obama administration.
The election commission made up of both republicans and democrats approved. Money was included in the budget last year in anticipation of approval.
Every meeting was announced in the newspaper and they were open to the public just like commission meeting but if you choose not to attend then don't act like a baby about not knowing what took place.
To the 8:02 poster who asked the question what would I do to change things politically in Giles County.
It's a very reasonable and appropriate question and I'll try to answer it with the same sincerity in which it was offered.
The very first thing would simply be to come up with a plan for the county's future. Working solely as a reactionary to the day's issues has gotten us nowhere but behind most everyone else. No successful person or business succeeds without a plan of action for such things as future expenses, growth, etc and how to meet those issues before they become a crisis. Each government department should have a plan submitted to the budget committee each year projecting their needs and justifications for their requests. They should also have a written three to five year plan.
I would work to restore the integrity of county officials so that potential businesses and citizens could depend on there word. Openness would be the hallmark with meetings set up on rotating schedules of AM and PM times. Every meeting would not only be open to the public to attend but also to ask questions and be given answers.
The IDB/EDC would be required to give an itemized monthly expense and detailed activity report to the Commission and every effort would be made to make couple contributions to them with productivity. There would be an interlocal agreement signed or there would not be an IDB/EDC
Every budget would require written requests from those seeking funds and justifications for those funds.
Laws, regulations and schedules would not be ignored simply for convenience or personal benefit and every job would be honestly posted with the best qualified being hired instead of the best connected. Those who dop a good job, which is the great majority of employees would be rewarded and those who are just drawing a paycheck or using their positions for personal gain would be fired. Criminal activity would be prosecuted without exceptions.
These are simply a few of the basics and would of course require the
cooperation of many others, the desire is already present in the majority of commissioners for better conditions, the need is for strong leadership and support.
Well thought out and articulated suggestions, Mr.B. I can't see where anyone would object to such changes. Bound to be good for the county.
How many Republicans were at that meeting? Let me guess; three not including spouses? Am I pretty close?
As for an announcement of time and place for the meeting, I never saw it in the paper, and I normally read the paper front to back. Where was it in the paper?
Maybe you should read the inside of the paper 3:30 instead of the front and back and you wouldn't miss so much. Maybe you should ask the republicans for an engraved invitation but I doubt you are a republican they seem to be much smarter than you.
5:03 I can see why so many people vote for Democratic candidates, given how some of the local Republicans do business.
I agree with you 5:54 Republican DO do business and expect those who are able to carry their load instead of sitting on the couch and demanding that others carry the load for them. Following the law is also one of those things that republicans do that irritated the hell out of democrats. Of course there is that big democrat issue of killing babies and obama's incompetence and lies that they are required to support. Yep, to be a democrat requires the absence of a brain and support of the most destructive policies ever imagined along with a complete perverting of history.
Yes they are such bastions of integrity. Give me a break!
Anyone else running for Co Exec?.....ppleaseeeee?
Will the same group that sponsored Mr. Stewart come up with someone they think should be county executive. Good luck with that! Mrs. Vanzant is popular and is doing a good job, so my vote and support remains with her.
5:31 Please tell us what Mrs Vanzant has done to better this county?
So here we go again attacking Mrs. Vanzant. It didn't work the last time guys, so why mount another unsuccessful campaign against her? That would be almost as absurd as losing three times in a row for an elected position and then running a fourth time.
Where is the attack 5:46? It was a simple question to someone who said she was doing a good job. If you think she is doing a good job then tell what makes it a good job. Personally I think spending fifteen million dollars of protected money is such a good job. I don't think putting her friend in charge of the Finance office then covering up for her while millions of dollars seemingly vanished and no one was ever held accountable.
I agree with 6:05. She has been the worst county executive that I can remember, and she wins because of popularity. It's no wonder this county is suffering.
For what its worth, I am not a WAB supporter or fan.
At one time someone said Mrs. Vanzant wasn't going to run again. Does that remind you of someone else that was going to quit posting on the log and never did?
Looks like she has it again because people are afraid to run against her, because she is so popular. (5:31)
I'm just predicting the predictable attack that will be forthcoming against Mrs. Vanzant. I feel confident that the usual commissioners will also be under the gun.
If Mrs. Vanzant has done such a stellar job; then no one would have any reason to complain. However, she has blown through an amazing amount of "protected" taxpayer money. She refuses to discuss or explain what she does. She is rarely available for the "average Citizen" to have a discussion. She as been proven to lie.
There is another person (a man) who is running for County Executive.
The attack is just starting...watch it develop folks. The same group at it again.
You haven't answered the question, cg. You bob, weave and dodge, but you never say what she has done that makes her a good executive. Why is that, I wonder? Perhaps it's easier for you to preach impending doom than to list one damn thing that you think she has done that is beneficial for the county. Not a very good campaign manager, are you?
And it seems like you have started yours 8:34. The problem is you never back your attacks up with fact. Sorry you think no one should critique the job performance of your heroes.
Janet Vanzant has not upheld her duties to the citizens and has straight out wasted and drained tax payer money, not to mention bypassed written procedures to benefit people like Terry Harwell. Yeah, she is a real treasure to the county and any one would be a fool not to vote for someone like that. Maybe she can completely drain the coffers if re-elected.
Who will you folks come up with this time to run against Mrs. Vanzant? When will you be on Tommy Campbell and Vickie Coleman again? Soon? I doubt that you will find anything to say about Mrs. Goolsby.
Well, cg, you just proved 10:32's point.
Looks like Mrs. Moore is doing a good job. The best audit report in years commissioners.
Not going to give Harwell the credit, he has to be away at Commissioners meeting to often.
Yeah 12:22, I felt fairly safe in posting my comment. cg has absolutely no answers to any relevant questions which is why he immediately goes on the attack. Poor cg.
To 5:03 on Feb 18:
I believe you stated that the meeting time and date for the Republican Party was published in the local paper. That's just not true. The paper was contacted and reported that the announcement was NOT in the paper. Would you argue with that? If so, why don't you call the paper and ask that same question? Or, do you already know the answer?
WAB--I was the person who asked you what you would change. Although I am not a supporter, I appreciate your honest responses and brevity in answering the questions. Thank you.
Mrs. Goolsby is a fine educator at a local school. She works hard and has high regard for input and respect for people. She would be a great asset to the county commission.
If Mrs. Goolsby is a teacher, how is she going to be able to go to all of the meetings that are during her work day? Will she be able to miss that much classroom time? Before I get slammed, I've heard she's a great lady and would be an asset, but I'm just wondering how she can teach and be a commissioner.
Get over it. they didn't invite you. Wonder why? laughable.
You say you called the paper and they said it wasn't published ok I'll believe that but I wasn't the one said it was. Just tired of your crying about it. Learn something new to complain about.
Next election there might be more people running on the Republican party, has to start somewhere.
Some people think the other people are democrats, but I doubt it. that's one thing left, it's nobody's business what party you favor. I kind of wonder why anyone would want to be be for either one.
I adree with you 11:31 neither party is all that great. What I don't understand is why those who are part of the democrat establishment in giles County would deny they are democrats? Looks like if you have been a long time party member you wouldn't be so ashamed that you would deny it. Guss Obama has all the democrats running away.
I wouldn't have gone to their "meeting" anyhow. The point you seem to miss is that someone made an untrue statement about there being an announcement of that meeting in the newspaper. It wasn't in the paper, and I never said I was the one who called. Anybody can call and find that out.
As for there being more Republicans on the Republican Primary ballot in the future, I seriously doubt it. Why should they bother with that? They don't have to state their party preference to run for positions in county government anyhow.
I totally agree with you that one's party is nobody's business.
Well enabler just as you are ashamed to call yourself a democrat so are a lot of other big government baby killing, obama supports. Declaring yourself a democrat says a lot about what you believe and are willing to support so yes it matters just as much as if you publicly declare yourself to be a drug addict, you see for many of us character matters.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014 7:31:00 AM: I am responding to your statement that you don't know who the Republican and Democratic Parties are. I am the Chair of the Giles County Democratic Party. We have a web page gctndp.org, a facebook page Giles County Democratic Party, and a twitter account @gilesdems. Our meetings are held on a regular basis, and are open to all Democrats. If you are a Democrat, I invite you to attend. We have made a very big effort to be open and accessible. I am open to talking to anyone, regardless of political persuasion. You can find my contact information on our website, or you can message me from our Facebook page.
I am a conservative and am quite certain that there are things you and I wouldn't agree on. However, I have the utmost respect for you and for your willingness to stand for what you believe. I also appreciate the fact that your party doesn't slip around and do things in secret. That being said, I would also tell you that I am ashamed of this so-called local Republican Party. Is it any wonder that so many see them as hateful and frightening people? Thank you.
Friday, February 21, 2014 5:43:00 PM: Thank you for your kind comments. David Hume, the philosopher, said "Truth springs from argument amongst friends." I believe that he meant that when people listen to one another in a respectful way, both sides learn. I number many conservatives among my friends, and over and over, I find that we agree on much more than we disagree on.
You are absolutely right. Sneakiness and brow-beating those who disagree with us is not right. Thank you.
7:47--You do what is needed to help others and this county be successful. Many others are in the same situation in that they have to miss their regular job to attend meetings. It can be done with the approval of the right people. Give her that opportunity and let's see what she can do. Too many GOOD people are not willing to step up to run for offices because of the criticism that is lashed out at candidates. She will do a good job. I have confidence in her and her abilities.
Ms.Thomas if the democrats are so open and accessable why don't the run as democrats instead of trying to hide the fact they are democrats.
Why is Judge Damron not running again?
Hey Cheri. Should I bring a Klan hat or will you be providing one?
Good point 1:13 while republicans were freeing slaves democrats were organizing the KKK. While republicans were working for voting rights democrats were voting against them. When Dr. King a republican met Bull Conner a democrat the question was who let the dogs out in Birmingham.
But today's Republicans are viewed as just the opposite of what they were back in those days. Why do so many people see them today as a party to be feared?
Because of the many lies from the democrats and at the big payoffs in food stamps and welfare 7:48. Your buddy obama has really demonstrated what a democrat is today.
I would like to answer the question of why the Democratic Party elected not to join the primary. There are many reasons. First, as is amply clear from the small numbers of oeople who qualified for the elections, the problem faced in Giles County is having enough people run for public office. A primary weeds out competing candidates within a party when many people within that party are vying for the same seats. Here in Giles County, many seats go uncontested or are only lightly contested. If we had joined the primary, our ballot would have been as blank as the GOP ballot will be. We simply did not agree that the taxpayers' money should be squandered in a show pony election. A second reason is that historically Giles has had non-partisan local elections. We continue to support that method. Vote for the person, not for the party. It is not in Giles County's best interest to inject partisan bickering into our local offices. The issues we deal with on the local level are not typically divided along the partisan lines that the issues are at the national level. Locally, the focus is on the daily blocking and tackling on budgets, local infrastructure, job attraction, etc. these are not partisan issues, and Giles County does not need partisan divisiveness. Our decision to continue this tradition was, by the way, joined by most Republicans. Look at the list of candidates. The majority are or lean Republican. Yet only four within the county opted into the primary. Those four are not incumbents or people who have contributed to public service in this county, by and large. The people who have been responsible contributors foresaw that the primary was a waste of money, as well as a divisive detractor for our community.
Very well stated Ms. Thomas. You are not going toconvince these idiots of anything taht is reasonable. This is just another reason this county will never have anything. Others from outside this community read this blog. If you were someone who had no idea of Giles County and wanted to learn of its inhabitanta and read this blog, what would you do? RUN in th eother direction. Those who get on here and spout stupidity will never realize their harmful acts that have been detrimental to this entire county.
What a prejudiced commmunity we have. It does not take long to get into race and bigotry. It is a shame that we still have such backward thinking people living here in Giles County. To even mention a KKK hood and bringing it to a meeting is ludicrous.
If someone came to Giles County thinking of moving here, they wouldn't have to read this blog to run the other way. All they would have to do is drive through Pulaski and be read to get out. Selfish people want to be first, cann't even take turns at 4 way stops.
Makes me wonder about people like CG want their way and others that CG think support WAB want their way.
EVERYONE please stop and think.
“Who am I to judge?”
I am an elected official (over four times) whose family has been here for over 100 years and we are in charge. That is why I have the earned right to judge
Ids someone a little jealous? haha
Yep, the republicans were busy trying to free the slaves alright. Their plan was to free them and send them back to Africa. There was also never any plan to allow them to vote but their participation in the war curried enough public support that the repugs had to re-think their position. Both parties have things to be ashamed of and neither one has that many to brag about.
Check the voting records for the democrats that voted to grant rights to those of color and who didn't. Check who voted to do away with jim crow laws it wasn't the democrats. Lyndon Johnson that great emancipator told two governors aboard Air Force One that “I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." This was his intentions for the "Great Society" programs,
As the old saying goes, consider the source. I think most of the name-callers and mean-spirited people on here are not Democrats. What does that say about them?
Ms Thomas I have heard different versions of the election commission meeting where the primary was approved. Did Allen Barrett support or speak against the republican primary and it's cost?
4:57 You are full of bull. No one has the right to judge.
I really think you was making fun of the officials. Saying they thought they had the right because they had been elected 4 times.
I don't recall Mr. Barrett's comments at the election commission in enough detail to say accurately. I would recommend checking the minutes.
I'm not Mrs Thomas but I was present at that meeting in question. Mr Barrett made a very firm statement against spending the money for a primary. I remember it clearly because it seemed to have caught several off guard. That was the same meeting in which Mrs Thomas tried to apply democrat party guidelines to the republican party and along with Mr Rackley challenged the republican representatives there on the announcement of their meeting in the paper.
It was also the meeting that Terry Harwell denied he was a democrat. I don't know how Mrs Thomas missed all that when she was sitting right in front of me in the middle of the small room.
I don't know who wrote this. It was on the thread about the EDC spending $22,000.00 more than their income, but really needs to be on this thread about elections. So here ya go:
To 9:35 you are such a sad little person. Every meting of the republican party in Giles County by their by-laws has been announced well in advance of their meetings which are open to the public regardless of what party you belong too, period. The democrat party makes it very clear, in their announcements of a party meeting, that only democrats are invited to attend. How's that for openness?
There is no requirement for the executive committee of the republican party to announce their meetings as they are open for only those on the executive committee. It's the difference in having a stockholders meeting of some company and having a board meeting of that company.
It's sad that you continue to attack republican and anyone else that you disagree with while having an extremely low understanding of what you are attacking.I guess that's where the term "low information voter" comes from. It's hard to understand how you would move from a party because "you claim" they held secret meetings, which they did not, and move to a party that supports gay marriage, government funded abortions of convenience, amnesty for people who violated the law and broke into this country, welfare over work and unlimited national debt. Seems to me that if you really had a concern regardless of what it might be you would do all in your power to change that, but then that would take courage on your part and require you to stop whining and take personal responsibility.
Personal responsibility to me involves voting against wannabes and arrogance.
Personal responsibility to me involves voting against corruption and incompetent people who are enriching themselves and giving family jobs at taxpayer expense.
5:18 Good post, you hit the nail on the head.
How are these people whom you so apparently despise and resent "enriching" themselves? Please explain. Are they stuffing their pockets with taxpayer money while auditors look the other way?
By the way, don't those in positions to hire have the right to employ whomever they choose? Did one of them pass you over? Is that what this is all about?
No a person in a tax funded position is required to follow the law and the law plainly requires equal opportunity for all.
Look at the enriching that is taking place every time Terry Harwell goes to a commission meeting or committee meeting and being paid 15 or 30 dollars while being paid by the county for being at his job. Look at how many votes have been cast that has put money in the pockets of commissioners who get pay and benefits from the school or county. Commissioners who either work for the county or school system or have spouses that work there voted to pay the full amount of the last insurance increase for all county and school employees that put money directly in to their pockets. It's the same thing with pay increases.
I personally believe that commissioners are not paid nearly enough. There is a lot of time spent performing the duties of commissioner that are not compensated. To only get paid when one attends a meeting is not quite fair. Our commissioners, for the most part, actually lose money doing their duty.
No one is forcing them to be commissioners everyone of them has spent money and time trying to get the job. I think that they should only be paid for their actual expense of traveling to and from meetings. Why pay them the same for a meeting that last ten minutes as for one that last two hours. Why pay them the same for coming from Minor Hill or Campbellsville as for taking an elevator down one floor.
So you are happy with the history of our county commissioners?
I think its time to do something different.
Look, just vote for and support the candidates of your choice, and the rest of us will do the same. Just because others don't agree with your choices does not make them wrong anymore than it makes you right. I assume this primarily centers on all of the 7th District commissioner candidates except for one? It appears that there is an effort currently underway to malign and belittle them as much as possible. This seems obvious to a lot of people already. It didn't work the last time, and it won't succeed this time. Voters usually rally around those who are being treated that way.
I think there is a lot of talk about the 7th district comms because they seem to be mostly tax-hiking, self-serving liars who have no business being in that position. BTW, your assumptions only put your ass on display and you seem to do that often enough without assuming.
No, I believe this was a predictable attack on the 7th District candidates. I'm wondering when Mrs. Goolsby will be on the firing line? Maybe you can dig up something on her? Perhaps you can get her disqualified because she uses the wrong brand of toothpaste? The clock is ticking.
WAIT! I finally get it. There are five people running for 7th District commissioner. Two of them have to be undermined or disqualified, thereby leaving the door wide open for the other three to go in uncontested. Mrs. Goolsby is popular and has an impeccable reputation, so it's probably hands off on her. That leaves three others. The two targets would therefore be Terry Harwell and Vickie Coleman. The plan is unfolding right on time. Eureka!
No surprise for intelligent people 6:49 guess you just slow. Most have regretted voting for Coleman since her character and intelligence was revealed in the trial.
Harwell is a Vanzant puppet that sold out for a job with the county and has been double dipping in tax money ever since.
Campbell has been on the commission way too long and thinks the answer to everything is more taxes and continue doing things as they were done 200 years ago, He talks strong in private but wimps out when it's time to vote. Look at the things he said about Tee Jackson in private then would vote to give him whatever he wanted.
Goolsby is new to most of the public so few know her.
Barrett has a mouth and personality that some people don't like. Personally I want someone who is smart and strong enough to stand up for my interest on the commission. He is opposed to more taxes and that by itself is enough for me. What he has demonstrated over a number of years now is that he wants honest behavior, smarter spending and follow through on stuff.
On the contrary, I am intelligent enough to see what you people are trying to do. It's not going to work. Take a look at the last election. Who was attacking and who came in last? That's History 101.
Oh, and Shelley Goolsby is NOT new to most of the public. She is popular and well respected in the community. Nice try though. I'm sure if there were any skeletons in her closet, you would be more than happy to share. Good luck with that.
My support goes to Harwell, Goolsby, and Coleman. If for no other reason, it's because of the way they have been talked about on this blog. And trust me when I tell you that it is this treatment that will win them a lot of votes. That is Psychology 101.
I have nothing against Tommy Campbell but feel that Shelley will get more votes.
Finally, I don't know of any commissioners who want more taxes. The commission and department heads cut and cut and there's still not enough to pay for needed and desired services. That is Economics 101.
Stop slinging mud and commit to a clean campaign.
8:20 & 6:49 same person.
Three of the candidates running in the 7th District are being attacked.
Wake up, you are attacking Barrett and others are attacking Harwell and Ms Coleman. You are all the same.
God help Giles County with people like this in it.
Oops now it's 4 being attacked Campbell just joined the list.
Just read your post of 8:20, how about stop sling mud and maybe the others will do it too. You are as bad as they are, too bad you can't see that and you say you are an intelligence person.
I don't see how Barrett attacked anybody. He told some factual, I assume it's factual are he would have already been in big trouble, information about two current commissioners who are also candidates in the same district. I think it's important to know who the candidates are and whether they are capable of of making good decisions for those they represent. Declaring bankruptcy and not paying your debts is not a sign of good character.
The only department that has actually decreased their budget is the highway department. I serve on that committee and can tell you factually they are the only ones who have made actual cuts every other department either has increased are has the same amount of money in their budget. All it takes is a look at the actual budgets and amendments to see what I'm saying is true.
Yes there are some commissioners want more property taxes and a wheel tax, they have spoken of this many times. You mention Tommy Campbell who has not voted against a tax increase since being on the commission. He tells people he opposes a tax increase and wheel tax but they are the first things out of his mouth when in committee.There are others but Campbell is the only one you mentioned.
Is 7th District commissioner race all you people talk about? Most who read this blog know why.
See 1:07, when you don't have anything to refute facts with, you take pot shots. What have you to say about 12:40's comment about budget cuts and tax increases? Lay down some facts to dispute what he says instead of more veiled accusations at Barrett. We could have some good discussions and swap important information if you would stop being so childish. Try putting what's best for the county ahead of your animosity for Allen. Besides, on the other thread you said you were going to cease and desist. This is the opposite of that.
How many times has that child said she was going to stop something?
It's election year, the candidates is what people talk about. Don't you ever watch the news on TV?
Peace in Giles County tonight. Everyone have a good night.
i really want to know about who running for Co Executive,...and i dont mean what one thinks or the personal grudge stuff...candidate things if anyone knows.
Capt Stowe was featured on the front page of the paper Tuesday
I read the article on Capt. Stowe in paper. Good article. Wonder if the other candidates will do the same thing.
Also read the article "Where Is Park Money Being Spent?" Bet old cg had a fit over what Barrett and Pollard said. No one is allowed to have a thought but his buddies.
I forgot to mention Mrs. Guthrie's post. Now Mrs. T. and Mrs G have posted and signed their name.
But the difference is in the fact that Mrs. G. is a member of the election commission. If one of the other commissioners had written a piece in support of, let's say Mrs. Vanzant, there would be some on here who would want her tarred and feathered. Interesting.
Seems like you're just trying to cause trouble, cg. Why would you want to do what you accuse everyone else of doing? Is it different just because it's you? What a sad excuse you are for a person.
7:01 So try. Good post.
Poor fellow just can't understand he does what he accuses others of doing.
7:01 He thinks he is suppose to be the protector of Vanzant and Harwell. I really wonder what his/her IQ is.
Wonder what Tommy Campbell did to cg, he has kicked him out of his protection.
I think it's simply a matter of who is going to win in District 7 since that's the only district under fire. Tommy Campbell is a good man, and I have nothing against him. I just feel that Terry Harwell, Vickie Coleman, and Shelly Goolsby are going to be the winners and therefore will get my support.
Don't want to vote for a looser. laughable
7:56 Then don't vote for the loser and go for Mr. Harwell, Mrs. Coleman, and Mrs. Goolsby. It's your choice.
8:07 Who are you trying to tell who to vote for. You have told over and over who you support. I haven't heard anyone else say who they support. You whine and whine,grow up.
Voting for a looser doesn't mean the one that lost the election.
2:06 Why can't you just vote for and support your candidates and respect the right of others to do the same? I have stated who I plan to support in any way I possibly can. You may do the same. It's STILL a free country...I think.
I don't think anyone was telling you who to vote for. How you got that idea is amazing.
Attack, attack, attack! I'm the important one and can say anything I want to, but no one else can.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
7:56 Then don't vote for the loser and go for Mr. Harwell, Mrs. Coleman, and Mrs. Goolsby. It's your choice.
Saturday, March 15, 2014 8:07:00 AM
That is telling who to vote for.
10:16 If I were into calling names, I might call you a simpleton, but I am much more classy than that.
I plan to support the following candidates for the upcoming August election:
Janet Vanzant
Terry Harwell
Vickie Coleman
Shelly Goolsby
I wasn't telling you who to vote for. I could care less. What I am saying is that if you don't want to vote for the loser, then go vote for the winners. It was so simple; I can't believe you want to argue about this. Even more unbelievable is that didn't understand.
And I've been wondering if you were a simpleton.
It's time for Terry Harwell and Janet Vanzant to go home.
I will vote for two of your choice.
Tommy Campbell is number 1.
Watch the perfect gentleman in action;
That's great! I'm pretty sure I know who the other one is who will get your vote.
My candidates remain the same:
Terry Harwell
Vickie Coleman
Shelley Goolsby
Janet Vanzant
I just wish everyone would stop trying to tear down their opponents and simply vote for the ones they believe in. That's what you and I are obviously going to do. I'm sorry we do not agree, but that's the Democratic process.
12:16 I'm sorry I didn't spell out what I meant where you could understand it.
My vote is for:
Tommy Campbell
I think if you will stop everyone else will stop. Haven't you noticed before when you don't post the blog is almost dead.? I really believe it you they are coming back at not Mrs. V or Mr. H. You just bring out the worst in people.
You may be right, and I have thought about that. And it is true that this thing practically withers on the vine if nobody comes here to challenge what goes on here.
I have a little different slant on the idea of bringing out the worst in people. I believe the worst is already brought out in some of them here before I offer a challenge to them to stop trying to malign and hurt others.
Thanks for a good post.
5:52 you are so full of arrogant crap. If it wasn't for you there could be intelligent conversations but you have to destroy every effort with your word twisting gossip and lies. You are worse than an enabler you are part of the corruption that has gripped this county for years. I been here over 6o years family been here a lot longer and it's only gotten wors the only difference is that people like barrett and some others are bringing out the problems that people used to keep quiet about.
I think you are confused as to who the real troublemakers are.
The main trouble maker is the one thinks he is a Christian Gentleman.
Notice how he attacks and then others come back at him/her.
He/she loves the drama and wants to keep it going.
What happen to the school money that was suppose to be missing? It was forgotten so quick. What happen to the hospital money? Maybe they can sell the courthouse to get more money now.
Actually, according to what I have been reading, he has been asking that the drama stop and that everyone try to run a clean election campaign.
I think he is wasting his breath too!
2:41 & 6:05 Same person cg.
Do you see him stopping? Noticed he already attacked Barrett on the new thread.
Sure he ask others to stop attacking but he want. Loves the drama too much.
Since this thread seems to have been hijacked from it's original topic I will speak to what has become the new issue.
I have been accused of running a "dirty political campaign" because I have expressed concerns about the qualifications of people running for office who apparently are not doing a very good job of running their personal households; example declaring bankruptcy and putting their debts on the shoulders of others. I fail to see how that is "dirty" or "underhanded" in any way. What it is, is telling the facts about candidates so people can make up their mind based on factual information and not feelings and gossip. Will people do that many probably will not but some will.
I fail to see how a person can possibly call themselves qualified to make decisions about taxpayer money when they can not make responsible decisions about their own households; have never attended a single committee or full commission meeting; claim their job will not interfere with their attendance at committee and commission meetings then not show up for those meetings because they have to work. How can you be qualified for an office if you have held a position for four years or more and never once offered anything or questioned any expenditure?
Let me be very specific about my criticisms of candidates in the 7th district. I could easily raise questions about some in other district races that are receiving incomes from certain banks while voting to do business with those very banks and never declare a possible conflict of interest. The problems in other districts will have to be dealt with by those in the other districts. I live in the 7th District and therefore am more directly involved there at this point.
Part One
Part Two
Personally I have always liked Commissioner Harwell, played softball with him for years and always had a friendly relationship with and his wife having worked closely with her on the Pulaski Electric problem a few years ago and some other projects so it was surprising to hear his comments about me at the "chili cook-off" especially since I wasn't even in attendance. The problem is that Mr. Harwell has proven to be less than honorable in the way he came to his current job in the Finance Office. His record of attendance at county meetings prior to coming to work for the county was dismal at best missing every committee meeting but one in three years, Now he attends over 95% of the meetings drawing his pay from the county for that time and also drawing pay for being a commissioner in attendance. He has supported every single proposed tax increase and has expressed support for a wheel tax. In his years on the commission he has not once offered a single idea toward a solution or questioned the expenditure of anything proposed by the county executive. To say he has become a yes man for the county executive is putting it mildly.
Commissioner Coleman has been a disaster from the beginning and is a prime example of why no one who has never attended a committee or commission meeting should not be considered for office. She has never offered any ideas toward any solutions and has been supportive of every tax increase discussion while never questioning any expenditures. Her voting record is 99% the same as Mr. Harwell's, both are yes votes for the county executive on every issue. Her bankruptcy and failure to report it shows a basic character flaw that is consistent with the way she illegally manipulated the election process the plead ignorance to almost every question she was asked under oath. She has failed to attend committee and commission meeting on a regular schedule even after requiring that committees she was on not meet on Tuesdays because of her work. She has also shown a very disruptive and immature penchant for playing with cell phones during meetings.
Commissioner Campbell is a likable sort of fellow but has simply been there way too long. His beliefs are clearly way out of date and no longer applicable to today's problems. He fought against the Financial Management Program then did everything possible to sabotage it. Her spoke against the school director in private then voted to support him publically. He has supported every tax increase that has come along even proposing several along with a wheel tax. Mr. Campbell's ideas are clearly to deal with every problem by putting more money into it. No where has he shown this more clearly than in his protectionist attitude toward the IDB/EDC having led the effort to restore every penny that was cut from their budget a couple of years ago.
Mrs Goolsby is a very nice lady and did well as the representative for the teachers. I have wondered about her her scheduling since most all the committees and commission meetings are during the day. My only question about her qualifications is the fact that she has not attended any meetings of the commissioners to date.
I'm sure that this will open a new barrage of attacks against me from the enabler but that's just part of the territory. I have never asked for anything but that people be truthful and honest about me and show proof of anything you say just as I have.
I appreciate you informing us of things we may not have otherwise known. We, as citizens and voters, have every right to know the good and the bad of the candidates. Thanks for the posts, Allen.
Mr. Barrett
I'm not sure this will create a "barrage of attacks" against anyone other than your opponents and of course let's not leave Mrs. Vanzant out of the fray. I am just totally stunned by your continued shots at these people.
Don't you understand that you are only hurting yourself, just as you did the last time? You should know human nature better than this.
I was astonished by your remarks about Mrs. Coleman. You are not the judge as to what was going on the day she had to use her cell phone at a meeting. Granted, she could have stepped out into the hall to take care of it...maybe. But neither you nor I know the circumstances. I feel that you not only attacked her as a woman but also her character and intelligence. I hope that gets your opposition every minority and female vote in your district. It should.
I will ask the question again. Why don't you just run your campaign on your beliefs and ideas and leave your opponents alone? All you are doing is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
After the things you just said in the above post, I am more resolved than ever to support your opponents. When you lose again in August, who will you blame it on? Of course you can always say you won an election in May, but that one is a joke anyhow.
I just had to chuckle about how you really went after all of the candidates except Mrs. Goolsby. You had to walk gingerly around her, didn't you? And the only thing you can dig up on the lady is her job? Who appointed you to question her qualifications anyhow? That's not up to you.
I am keenly aware that you will interpret what I have had to say as an attack, but that's not my intent. Some things just need to be said, and it's unfortunate that you misinterpret them as an attack. I honestly don't think you realize how many people are disgusted with you.
Why is Mr. Barrett not
"revealing" things the voters need to know about candidates who are running in other districts? What say you on that question? And we already know he lives in 7th District.
6:45 your comments at 6:45 are as twisted and crazy as they were in the other topic this morning.
It's not one day that Coleman plays with her phone but every meeting watch the commission meeting on TV.
You think because a woman was criticized that is an attack on all women how absurd, that's like saying because you dislike the behavior of Hilliary Clinton you dislike Sara Palin since they are both women.
You get even more stupid with your comments about Goolsby who Barrett actually complimented then raised a serious concern about her being able to attend meetings. Her qualifications where not questioned anymore than she was criticized for having a job, you are a pathetic little person to think so.
Why don't you actually look at the criticisms and ask yourself are they true or not. If they are not true then show the proof and make Barrett a liar, if they are true then that must be considered legitimate information needed to make an intelligent decision on who to vote for. Of course you have already made you your mind regardless of the facts just like with Obama dismiss all the facts and focus on how you feel.
8:38 Of course my comments are crazy and twisted....to you. That's because I don't see things as you do.
Who said that was an attack on all women? That was a stretch. But, were I a female, I would be personally offended by Mr. Barrett's remarks.
As for Mr. Barrett's comment about Mrs. Goolsby. I saw it as a clever move. First comment and then sow a seed of doubt as to her qualifications. And yes, I believe he did question her qualifications. Go back and read what he said.
I have looked at the criticisms and fully appreciate how none of us is immune from personal tragedies (eg bankruptcy) and how we have to sometimes do things on the spur of the moment...the cell phone being an example. You do not know the circumstances. If you were so concerned, why didn't you question Mrs. Coleman? I would have loved to have been there and heard what she might have told you.
Yes, I'm afraid I have made my mind up, mainly because of these attacks. Why can't candidates just run on their own plans and ideas and stop with this mess? Case in point: There's only ONE CANDIDATE out there who is doing this sort of thing. Think about that.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 7:01:00 AM
Did Mr.Barrett not post that the people in other Districts need to think about the candidates in their district. He lived in 7th district and was running in that district so that was why he didn't say anything about them.
Are you really to dumb to know he can't vote on any other district or is it you are hung up on some of the things you post so post them over and over.
Everyone is wound up this morning. So many post to read.
I'm a woman and not offended about the post or stories on tv about any woman candidate running for office.
some of them I will vote for and some I want. Why try to start a male against female war.
Why can't every one tell something good about the one they like and stop all these attacks? It's not fair to bitch about someone else attacking when you are doing the same thing. Both have to stop.
11:11 I just wanted one of you to admit why there's is so much focus on 7th District. We all knew why and who is behind it. Thank you.
11:24 Could it be watching how Terry Harwell acted at the cook off or could it be because he works at the FD and is a commissioner?
I don't know about the other commissioners in 7th District.
My reason for not voting for the other commissioners would be because of the way you post. I find it so funny how you get your digs against WAB, then fuss about others posting against the other commissioners and Mrs. V.
I'm like cg didn't say it all in the other post. I don't know WAB, but I'm like cg is about Mrs. V. don't like the way cg post about WAB.
I probably would despise him if he/she didn't make so many digs against him, feel for the underdog.
Right. I'm sure you don't know Barrett.
LOOK, just vote for those of your choice and stop trying to assassinate their opponents. You should know from the last election that it doesn't work.
2:24 when are you going to stop trying to assassinate Barrett? why can't you just vote for who you want and stop?
Are the tax payers paying you to stay on the blog?
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 2:21:00 PM
Why is it so hard for you to see some don't know Barrett, but think you attacking him needs coming back at?
I thought "you guys" was a Yankee word and "you'll" was southern.
4:40 aka 4:44
LOOK, just vote for those of your choice and stop trying to assassinate their opponents. You should know form the last election that it doesn't work.
5:36 Good advise, why is it you can't take it, but want others to?
You do try to assassinate Barrett.
Wonder why people don't stop criticizing the president? Why don't you get non TV and try to stop that?
Your post are so funny. Sounds like a three year old not getting it's way.
Funny, but only to those who think like you do.
Why can't you just support and/or vote for the candidates of your choice and allow others that same respect. That has been my message for you all since this mudslinging started up again...just as I knew it would. The war against 7th District candidates and Mrs. Vanzant has again reared its ugly head. Please stop and consider making the 7th District commissioner race a clean one. Not one of the 7th District commissioners have been on here spewing venom at their opponents. And I am certain that Mrs. Vanzant will not stoop to such low-life tactics.
The criticism of Vanzant, Campbell, Harwell and Coleman has been consistent with their behavior for a lot longer than just this year and if you had any sense you would already know that. You aren't just an enabler of wrong you are in denial about this county.
8:12 Will she be friends with someone that stoop to this tactics? Just wondered if she would stay your friend.
You are as bad as anyone else. Just because Barrett is the only one you make your digs at don't make you lily white.
You expect others to see their fault and you can't see your own. lol
You would be very surprised if you ever open your eyes at what Vanzant will and has stooped to. She is every bit as much a liar as Obama.
8:29 and 12:24
You are right. The criticisms of Mrs. Vanzant and the 7th District commissioners began and continues with a resentful and politically impotent man who wants so desperately to be a commissioner. He isn't very vocal now because he has people like you to do the attacking for him. He mainly just introduces his topic and relies on his faithful few to carry the torch. This started last election just as it did for this one, and it will be unrelenting until he is once again sent back home with his tail on fire.
You mention Mrs. Vanzant and the 7th District commissioners' behavior. Interesting. Exactly how have they harmed our county? This is all a planned and unwavering attack to discredit them as well as Mrs. Vanzant. Why don't you stop this and let each candidate run on his or her own merit? We know you can't, because of the resentment and jealousy you have incorporated into your own psyche. It's really pretty sad.
Yes, I consider Mrs. Vanzant a friend of my family, and we all plan not only to vote for her but to get out and campaign on her behalf. I'm sorry if that displeases you, but we all have a right to support those of our choosing. And by the way, more people see Mrs. Vanzant in a positive light than a negative one. In fact, the only badmouthing of her that I hear about is right here on this blog, and you and I both know that it is coming from the disgruntled faithful few who are not happy about anything or anybody...other than themselves.
Who said I see myself as lily white? It was certainly not me. I have my faults just like you do, and I have never claimed perfection. But is it wrong to EXPECT people to treat each other kindly instead of constantly trying to destroy and belittle? How desperate it makes one look who resorts to such a strategy in order to do away with the opposition.
We see the results of Obama treating Putkin with kindness instead of plain talk and truth. When you try to treat someone like Vanzant with respect and kindness she just walks all over you. It takes two to tango but Vanzant is twerking in her own world where truth and kindness are just not important. That's why so many lies to cover up her incompetence. How has Vanzant hurt this county by doing nothing to advance the county, Mr Jackson was able to stay longer and rape the school system finances with her help. She has no leadership abilities only reacting to what happens on a daily basis and using fear of retribution to silence criticism.
I have found Janet to be ANYTHING but the way you describe her. But of course, that's your right to your own opinions. Can you people not run clean campaigns without calling people names and accusing them of practically everything in the book? It's not going to work out very well for your candidates.
The majority of voter feel like she has lots of leadership abilities. I think so too, and that is why I am voting for Janet Vanzant. Notice that I didn't say one negative thing about her opponents?
8:41 for the first time you didn't say anything about her opponent. Give him a button.
When someone don't like others disagreeing with him when he does what they are doing their actions makes people think he thinks he is lily white. Just a description, no one said it. "Everyone should think the way I think."
You said Barrett didn't have to say anything others were doing it. Mrs. V or the Commissioners don't have to say anything, you or doing it. Strange it's just you.
If you don't calm down you will be over at "Life Spring." I've said before if you stop others will, but you can't.
You are right about one thing. Neither Mrs. Vanzant or any of the other District 7 commissioner candidates say anything because none of them come here and sling mud at anybody. All I am doing is pointing that out.
The difference between me and Mr. Barrett is that I am not running for an office. But, you know what? There's no sense in arguing that point with you, because you refuse to see it.
Have a wonderful day. I have other fish to fry.
Yet, every time you mention past and present mudslinging, you yourself are guilty of the same. You must first follow your own advice before others will.
9:10 There are people on here that don't like Harwell, Vanzant or Barrett and you like to add them to your "you guys" list like they are all for the one you are so resentful and jealous of.
If you aren't resentful and jealous why do you carry on so?
If a person comments and signs as anonymous how can you know that they are not Vanzant, a 7th district commissioner or from another district. just another example of your over zealous attempts to defend your friends and attack those you disagree with. I have asked many times for you to give some specific reason that Barrett is wrong and you are right and you can't do it. I have asked you to prove Barrett a liar and destroy his credibility and you can't. One thing that I am sure of is that Barrett has to be the cleanest candidate running based on all the people trying to get something on him.
7:32 A long time ago I asked cg to prove what WAB said was wrong. His smart arrogant answer was,"Who said Barret was wrong? No one said he was wrong." No he didn't come out and say Barrett was wrong just made a hateful dig at him.
7:32 aka 7:38
Or an anonymous poster could very well be Mr. Barrett. I along with others have thought some of them were his.
I think Barrett's behavior is quite often very wrong. And to argue with you on that point is a waste of time. I have on several occasions stated that he actually has some good ideas every now and then, but it's his delivery that turns people off. And he might eventually get elected to a commissioner's job someday if he would rethink the way he comes across to people.
I don't think Mr. Barrett is always truthful about certain things, but that is not for me to decide or to debate with you. That would be just another useless waste of time.
7:55 I've often wonder which you were Harwell or Vanzant. Then again I wondered if you could be Barrett playing both sides.
Anonymous could be anybody, no proof.
I for one have never heard Mr. Barrett, so know nothing about his delivery only his thread and when he does make a post. When he does post it's usually when he has read so many of your attacks against him.
I hope she wins, I hope he wins. I hope everyone wins and last but not least I sure do hope I win don't u.
Ok you guys, he is gonna win and she is gonna win, everybody is gonna win, especially me. Don't you agree?
Ok, all you mind readers. Do u remember who it was that posted on the blog about a wheel tax coming soon. Well good folks it started this morning at the Hwy. meeting. A motion was made at first by Tommy Beech to impose a $75.00 tax and did not get a second so Bernetta Houston make a motion to impose a $50.00 tax. It passed with Terry Harwell, Tommy Beech, Tommy Pope, Houston.
You mean the wheel tax is going to be $50.00. Does it not have to be voted on by the county or can they do like Obama has been doing, just passed it himself.
That will hurt the families that have two or more children with a car, plus the two of them.
I hope the wheel tax money will be used for roads only. We know they had to do something they already run through with the hospital money.
All in all wheel tax is better than property tax. BUT expecting that to happen also.
Putting more money into a broken system will not fix the problem. If a wheel tax is imposed there is absolutely nothing that will assure any of it will go to building or repairing roads. The last bond issue gave the highway department millions and what did they d with it,hired more family and friends. It wasn't long ago that Mr Barrett put the highway policy for vacations, sick time and overtime it was the most stupid policies I've ever heard of. Maybe instead not a wheel tax smarter spending should be used. Mr Barrett seems like the only person with any ideas other than spend more and think less in this government.
It's true. Called one of my Commissioners last night. It did happen. Tommy Beech was ring leader of the wheel tax. I guess we'll have to give him the name Mr. Lovell had "Mr. Wheel". When will the Commissioners realize the more money you give Barry Hyatt, the more he's gonna hire his friend and kin. He can't ride in an average vehicle, it has to have all the bells and whistles on it. He needs to manage his money better just as all the other officials at the courthouse.
Don't know where people have been Beech and Harwell have been calling for a wheel tax and property tax increase for years. Others who have asked for a wheel tax are Cary, Campbell, Houston, Carpenter, Reedy, Brown, Coleman. You better know who you vote for or we gonna end up with both wheel and property taxes and the crazy spending will keep right on getting wilder and wilder.
9:22 That is simply not true. All department heads have tightened their budgets and there is no crazy spending going on.
When there's not enough money t pay the bills, what must be done? Property owners should not have to keep paying the bill without the help of those who enjoy the same services and yet have no property to assess. How is that fair? I'm sure you will come back with something to the effect that the property owner charges the tenant extra to take care of his property taxes. Some do. Most don't.
If the property owner don't pass his cost along to his renters then he won't be in business very long, maybe they use the same technics as the commissioners. Show one department other than the highway department that has a smaller budget than last year or the year before after all the amendments are added.
So now you guys are after Barry Hyatt again? I knew you would sooner or later.
Anyone that can't take the heat shouldn't run for public office. No matter whether you win or loose you will be talked about. Any little thing in your back ground will be brought up from how many times been married, ever got speeding ticket or had to take bankruptcy.
Remember even Jesus couldn't please everyone.
There is always someone out there that just likes to disagree. They might be for you but just let everyone else be for you and I bet they start posting against you. They just can't help themselves. Just like to post a disagreement.
6:58 you think no one should be criticized regardless of what they do. I voted for Barry and will vote for him again but he is not perfect and somethings that he has done is just plain wrong like the truck he drives at taxpayer expense, a cheaper model could have been had and done the same thing with. Hiring more people after telling commissioners he would not and the highway policies that Barrett published on here was just wrong. Just because you don't agree with everything a person does don't mean you think they are a bad person, just like if you agree with a person on an issue don't mean you think they are a good person.
What this excessive spending is all about is that the money comes out of taxpayers pockets. If the money were to come out of the Officials pockets, I'd bet they would operate on a whole lot less. Might even lay off a few of all those county employees that dont have a lot to do. For some unknown reason some commissioners dont care about were the money comes from, they'll just keep giving them more and more. The sad thing is that most of these county officials forget who puts them in office. We have got to know who we are putting in office because most of them make a career out of the office and lose sight of serving and managing their budgets to help keep taxes down. Tax and spend, and when the money runs out, tax some more. That is not good folks. Better know who you're voting for. Maybe time for a change for the ones who want to tax more. Our system is broke, in more ways than one!
the commissioners have no control over who is hired in the different offices. We find out about it the same time you do. That is why all the fee offices should be made to put their money into the general fund and we would know where the money was going , from the different offices. All the commissioners get to know is how much more they want this year. I know the commissioners get the blame for alot of waseful spending but we do not know what they are spending the money for.
Why is everyone so against Putin?
On August 04, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia :
In Russia, live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslim's then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law .
As you know, the commissioners can vote to have fee offices brought into the general fund by a vote. Seems this was brought up a while back and one office "didnt want to do it" so nothing happened. Tough. Do it. Who controls who in the courthouse? At least you have the option to make this happen so quit complaining and get on with it.
That's the problem 8:02 the commissioners have no backbone and kowtow to Vanzant because they are afraid of her.
What can Vanzant do to the commissioners if they stand up to her?
Ask Commissioner Jackson how it feels to be humiliated in a commission meeting or Commissioner Reece ore Howell what happens when you ask the wrong question and the witch cuts into you.
Vanzant is a hateful person who dont want to be ask anything where she has to respond in public. She has lied so much to so many different people, she forgets who she had told what too. She is really an uneducated person who has no leadership ability.
8:58 That's just not true about Janet, and you know it. I think you are just so full of hate that you refuse to see it. And the comical, yet pathetic thing about the hatred is that you don't seem to know or care who is spreading it. Blind allegiance to an individual who hates and keeps on hating is not wise. Think about that.
Blind allegiance to a well documented liar is the behavior of a fool. Many examples have been put on here about her lies. She is in the middle of telling one now about Connie Howell. Vanzant is telling people that if Connie wins the clerks job she is going to fire everyone and give jobs to Louise Faulkner and Janice Reese that not only is a lie it's a slander to three commissioners.
To5:07: Blind allegiance to an individual who hates and keeps on hating is not wise. I hope you have shown this to Janet Vanzant because she fits this statement good. There is no truth about Connie Howell firing every one and giving the jobs to others. I know for a fact that both Mrs. Faulkner and Janet Reece are both retired and do not want to go back to work full time. So whoever is spreading these lies remember you could be sued for slander because Connie Howell and several more have proof who started this Joan. So try to keep your self busy with something that is worth talking about because this is a flat out lie.
I always thought Stoney and Janet had a good relationship, but I have just found out she has removed him from the Industrial Board and replaced him with Campbell. Gosh, that was a gutsey move since Campbell is known to have a personal relationship with the City. Janet has always implied she didnt like the City officials (well, its according who she is talking to) and always rolls her eyes when she speaks about them. The paper sometimes reports that she doesnt attend these meetings. Maybe she needs to go and stay informed and stop re lying on Campbell to report to her.
Stoney needs to distant himself from vanzant. A lot of people out in the count aren't as crazy about her as in town.
Hope he is getting his eyes open to her.
I think Janet should distance herself from Stoney. Your attacks on her are going to get her more votes just like before. Likewise, the attacks on 7th District commissioners will have the same result. Thank you.
I for one don't have anything against Mrs. Vanzant or any commissioner, but I think the one some call enabler is sick. Noticed when he or is it a she don't post all this attacking doesn't happen. He just can't stand not any drama going on about him.
I really believe most of the attacks against Mrs. V and 7th District Commissioners or just to see his silly post.
Why is it that you guys want to call anyone sick, ignorant, or somehow dishonest if they do not share your opinions?
Let me tell you something. I believe the attacks on the 7th District commissioner candidates as well as the one being waged against Janet Vanzant are the same old dog and pony show that was tried last time. It didn't work. Good luck with it this time.
Proof is in the pudding hun. Just like you couldnt beat Pat Ford because of your fakeness.
Yea, 7:42 I like you post.
You are right same old dog and pony show again from you, too.
I bet you could go back, copy and paste what you said before. Same old thing.
If you pay attention you will see that cg is the only one posting about attacks. He believes that if he says it enough that someone will actually think they are being attacked. Not true. To date, he has not shown where anyone has been attacked unless he considers telling the truth about someone an attack. I have read every post on here, including the archives, and have never seen him provide proof for his accusations. How sad is that?
The problem you have with the CG is that you don't like it that he as well as MANY see what's going on here. Too bad very few actually read this blog. Too bad for you guys, that is.
8:14 cg why do carry on so if only a few read the blog. The ones that don't have a computer ask others what is on the blog.
9:02 I have talked to a "number" of people out in the community about this blog, and most of them just laugh and say I can't be serious about reading it. I only came here in the first place, because I had heard how malicious it was toward certain people. I found that to be true. It's even worse now. Then I learned from talking to others who is actually behind all this hatred and jealousy. I have pointed out the hypocrisy of certain people claiming this and that and have asked them to STOP the mean-spiritedness. There you have it.
If this is a free speech blog, then I have the right to speak my mind as long as I do not slander or smear others. Seems there's plenty enough of that on here without my making such comments.
Have a splendid day.
That's right enabler. Your "friends" are even laughing at you and think your a nut.
Remember your own words and don't get so worked up when people state their opinion of you. A crazy Allen Barrett obsessed nut.
6:03 So you admit to gossiping. lol
Right you are, 10:09. From his own post cg admits that all his "opinions" are based on hearsay. Examples from his very hand include:
" I have talked to a "number" of people", "I only came here in the first place, because I had heard how malicious it was" and "Then I learned from talking to others." It's quite evident the enabler has never had a thought or idea that wasn't given to him. Sad, really, that everyone but him recognizes his impotence.
Sure sounds like gossip to me.
Totally untrue. You just can't stand it that anybody begs to differ with you. Even worse if anyone points out the deviousness of what's going on here. Why can't you support your candidates and stop trying to destroy the opposition? On second thought, keep up the good work. You are helping seal the election outcomes not only for Mrs. Vanzant but for Harwell, Goolsby, and Coleman in District 7. Great job!
The pathetic thing about this whole fiasco is that one could read this blog and think the upcoming election only concerns Mrs. Vanzant and the District 7 commissioner race. Lots of people see this already, and it's only going to get worse.
Got that right 9:28 it's going to get worse you will see to it.
Cry about everything, but you are a gossip. You've post it yourself.
No one is acting like you do in the other Districts, so looks like a good race there. That upsets you don't it.
I'm sure you will come back it don't bother you, but you wouldn't be whining about it if kit didn't.
9:48 Why is it ok for you or one of the others here to say he heard from a number of commissioners but not acceptable for someone else to say the same thing but with a different slant? Why is that? If it's gossip for one, then it's gossip for both. I'm sure you just overlooked that particular post.
6:17 I was the first one to say you was gossiping.
I was not the one said I heard what any commissioner said. They had to be gossiping too.
You have posted you have been out in the county and what you heard, so was you not gossiping.
Is gossiping a sin?
You claim to be a Christian. I thought Christians practice what they believe in.
cg only practices the Christian beliefs that suit him. If there's one he doesn't wish to follow, he simply "translates" it to something he can live with.
1:47 Yes, gossiping is a sin just as troublemaking and feet that are swift to mischief would be. Please read the post at 6:17 and answer the question.
As a Christian, I stand firmly opposed to those things the Bible says God hates. They are found in Proverbs 6.
Now I must remind you again that I only laid claim to being a Christian and a gentleman because of the lie your buddy told that I go along with things I know to be wrong. That's still a lie. I also refer to myself as a gentleman, because that's also who I am. That was made necessary because one of you kept accusing me of being a female.
You guys despise me because I stand opposed to what you are doing. Don't we still have a right to our opinions, and especially on a free speech blog? Tell me if I'm missing something here. I've done absolutely nothing to offend other than to point out the deviousness that I have seen going on in this county, all for the sake of getting people elected who are not going to be elected in the first place. That reminds me of a dog chasing it's tail.
6:41 Now you read 7:40 again. Both of you were gossiping, but you are the only one claiming to be a Christian. The others maybe and maybe not.
I thought Christians practice what they believe in. Actions are better than words.
So it's gossiping if anyone repeats what commissioners say? Oh, but that only applies to those who do not agree with the status quo of this blog. Right?Incredible.
Gossip is gossip and you seem to enjoy it.
You are always bragging about what you heard around town or out in the country.
You remind me of a preacher in the pulpit preaching adultery is a sin when he is going with the elders wife.
You claim to be a Christian but you brag about what you heard around town or out in the country.
You talk about anyone not agreeing with the way you think. You don't agree with what others think. What the difference? Pot loves to call the kettle black.
CG at 6:41 AM
You write, "one of you kept ACCUSING me of being a female", as if it was derogatory to be a woman. The way you make that statement it reads as if being a female is a crime or some such lesser human being. How about an apology to all we FEMALES on this blog, or is that too much to expect?
I am 1:47 and cg your mental illness appears to be getting the better of you. I wasn't the one who accused you of being a gossip nor did I say I heard commissioners say anything. You spout off before you even know what you are talking about. Oh, and you are despised because of your perception of deviousness. You think everyone on here is against you for reasons they are not. You're a hateful, vindictive person and I bet your family doesn't evern care for you that much.
Then, according to your yardstick, that's precisely what this "free speech" blog is all about. I think you are delusional, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain the obvious to you.
Are you really that stupid? It's either that or you are trying to stir up more trouble. You know very well what I said about one of you guys calling me a female. I defined myself as a male, because that's what I am. You know very well that it was not an attack or an insult to the female gender. You know this, so stop acting stupid.
No, you guys despise me for the reasons I have already mentioned. And, aren't you judging the intents of my family's hearts now? I thought you nice folks were all against such stuff as that.
Here's something for you to consider. I'm sure you see the hate and resentment that routinely permeates this blog. Ask yourself who it is that must constantly keep something stirred up. Want me to give you a hint? Well, you won't get one from me, because you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not already know.
I've read today's post and wonder if I read the blog first thing of a morning am I not reading & joining in gossip. No one is making me read it. If I post back am I not gossiping?
The other morning I was eating breakfast at a local place and a group of men were talking about this blog. They was talking loud enough for anyone to hear them. I listened or eavesdropped how every you want to call it. Was I not just as guilty for listening to gossip just as much as these men? Now I am going to really gossip because I'm going to tell what one said: "Which is the biggest idiot on the blog Barrett or enabler?"
I wasn't the only one had been listening I heard one person get strangled on his coffee at another table.
3:43 Yes gossiping it is.
Lot of us in trouble by reading the blog and posting aren't we?
Proverbs 6, 28 Can one go upon coals, and his feet not be burned?
cg, I know what you said were the reasons but you didn't admit what the reasons really were. You are the maker of trouble, the slinger of mud and the hole of an ass. You cause more trouble on here than anyone;past, present or future. What a loser.
Wrong. All I am trying to do is get the troublemaking to stop. And I'm only trouble to you guys because I see what you are doing and point it out. Don't I have as much right to "expose" as you do? And your continually calling me names is just symptomatic of the sickness found here.
Why can't you just say what you feel needs to be said without trashing someone else or calling names. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them wrong anymore than it makes you right. And I do know that tearing down others to build someone else up is both wrong and destined to failure as has been proven in the past. You'll see; stay tuned.
It's not what you say, you pompous ass, it's how you say it. You come off like you really believe you are omnipotent but all any of us see is your arrogance. There is no way on God's wonderful, green earth that everything you see wrong can be attributed to one person. You seem to think yourself clever by using veiled insults and innuendo to attempt to make your point. In reality, you show yourself to be nothing but a petulant, child-like fool with jealousy issues. Deny if you must, but you are the cause of the vast majority of strife and ill will on this blog. I'm sure I'm not the first one to inform you of that fact, so save your indignation for someone less gullible. What a loser.
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