Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sales Tax Increase For Sam Davis Stadium????

Even though there is a thread for the Sam Davis Stadium it seems the subject is beginning to drift into other threads such as the discussion on the school board election. So in an effort to keep subjects separated and continue to give plenty of opportunity for discussion this new thread is being offered. Please feel free to comment about the stadium, the tax or those other subjects related to the remodel of the stadium.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why if the park was that important, it should have been kept in repair to begin with. Some of the brick work was done by a high school class many years ago. It should have been taken care of down through the years.

Monday, July 28, 2008 2:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's easy to ignore preventative maintenance. This is a prime example of "if you ignore it long enough, it can be someone else's problem." Well the problem has now become the elephant in the room that must be dealt with.

The way they've proposed of paying for the stadium makes the most sense. Paying an additional 25 cents for every $100 spent is hardly noticeable. For example, for a person to be out of pocket an additional $100 in a year's time, they would have to annually spend $40,000 on taxable goods and services. Plus, let's not forget this tax would be partially funded by out of town visitors.

This issue is another example of trying to pinch pennies to the point of ridiculousness. There are times when the county commission needs to step up to the plate and do the right thing when it comes to appropriately budgeting for needs.

How many of you (or the County Commission) have been to the Giles County High School lately? The condition of the facilities is deplorable. I am in a position of recruiting individuals to live and work in Giles County and I know of several instances that families have chosen not to move here solely due to the school system. The condition of the school's facilities is a symptom of a much larger problem.

Monday, July 28, 2008 3:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue is relevant in a time when money is tight all around. Food has gone up, gas is up, jobs are down, and going further down with more closings in the wind. So you (3:48) are questioning why it seems like "pinching pennies" when asking for more taxes are proposed to pay for another project in Giles County? It's not the short run of how to pay for yet another crumbling project. It is the short sightedness of having not properly addressed the problem before it had to be condemned and then using taxes as the only possible way to pay. Why not ask for corporate support and find other means to bring this out of condemnation in the short run while the bigger issues are addressed? Or, a very unpopular concept of putting academics ahead of sports and work for the schools needs. I had rather more students graduate from high school then worry about the sports fields or their sports career. What lesson do we teach the kids about economics when this county cannot support better academics but find money to prop up a sports field? Pay the teachers what you might spend on Sam Davis or fix the schools. Or, get the community to pitch in and do the repairs on Sam Davis? Anything BUT throw money at it or become stuck on asking why the community will not once again accept a tax hike?

Monday, July 28, 2008 6:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple solution:
Can the industrial development position and the director of schools position and there is $200,000+ so, in 10 years the project is paid for. Problem solved!!

Monday, July 28, 2008 6:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is this thread posted earlier? There are few new or current threads showing on Recent Posts? Thanks for the repeat and revival as it is current now.

Monday, July 28, 2008 6:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woulda, coulda, shoulda. The city owns the property, Giles County Schools uses the property. So does Martin Methodist College. What the taxpayers need to know before the latest tax increase (yes, we're gonna have one) is "then what"? After paying millions, will the city then step up to the plate and MAINTAIN the facility? Or, will they do what they have always done - ignore the problem until it either (a) goes away, or (b) becomes a problem for the county? If county property tax dollars are used to pay for this, then the city SHOULD put the property in the county's care and title the property to the county. I don't like this shoved down my throat any more than the next person, but that's what we have. The solution has been to raise taxes. I don't think Dan Speer or anyone else at City Hall has bothered to investigate alternative ways to solve this problem.

Monday, July 28, 2008 7:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we get to ask so few questions and just get the bill after the deal how will we ever know? Next we know it is unable to be repaired after spending a chunk on it and will be offered for sale as a useless park (Hunter Smith building). Do we really have to roll over and take this? If the sales tax does not pass it would send a pretty clear message to the council about property tax hike. If you want to get re elected or elected think twice about raising taxes.

Monday, July 28, 2008 8:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spending $2.5 million for bleachers at Sam Davis park is likely 20 times what it should cost! It's beyond rational thought. We have already spent a small fortune to buy bleachers to "make it through this year". It's the same old snow job where real priorities are left to rot while frivolity and pocket lining go unchecked.

When you hear Holt and others say it's either a sales tax or a property tax, who the hell do they think they are? They flat out don't have the votes for a property tax increase & need to be recalled & run out of town! It isn't stupidity - it's spite and contempt for the citizens of this county! We have a minor money problem, not a $2.5 million problem! The problem is a pocket of political contempt for people who have to work for a living - elitists who want more bread from the mouths of those who barely have enough now!

It's just one more rip off by the T Jackson mafia. The patterns of choices being made are universally sick - falling down schools & insanely expensive "Admin" nests - huge increases in "admin" people & salaries - nothing for teachers & key workers - got to raid reserves to get busses ($300,000) but it'll just cost $100 a year to get $2.5 million for 5 or ten high school ball games! Imagine - these idiots are teaching your children math, economic vales, and right from wrong. They've been concentrating on wrong for the last several years - it's time to teach a little RIGHT! Simply insane? It's voting consciences infected with subservience, fear, and who knows what else!

Send them a message - an overwhelming NO!

Monday, July 28, 2008 9:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Holt & Jackson & whoever else - read what someone else with a brain has to say fro the other thread.

Anonymous said...
This thread moved to it's own subject heading.
How much money could be saved if more people would dig into the figures. Follow the money!! The stadium plan that an architect was hired to present is nothing more than a high school drafting class could have presented. And, the work could be done with local donations. Why does that seem feasible to those of us who are living within our means? If you do not have the money stop spending and find another way. I do not recall any mention to the community about needing these repairs and what could be donated? There are graduate architects that would have given their time, builders who should donate materials and time, and a LOT of us willing to roll up our sleeves and do what it takes. So much is hidden in who and how those contracts go out and why it costs so much.If we do not want it then too bad it will come through sales or property taxes so pick?

Monday, July 28, 2008 6:56:00 PM

Monday, July 28, 2008 9:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will vote no because of who is most visible trying to sell the project. Terry Harrison and Bill Holt. That alone makes me very skeptical.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sam Davis park was left to the children of Giles county. I understand the deed has been lost. When did the city take over the park as owners. I will vote no on the tax because I feel there are other means to fund the project.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I challenge anyone to prove that spending an extra quarter (yes quarter) per $100 is a hardship. What happened to "it's for the kids"?

If you feel that officials are 'hiding something' or 'have ulterior motives' then vote them out during the next election cycle.

If you think that fund-raising is going to build the stadium then think again. I have been involved in fund raising projects in this community for several years and while there are many generous individuals, there are not enough donors who will fund this entire project.

How many of you nay-saying bloggers actually have kids who are students at GCHS? I bet that very few of you do. If you did, you'd have more of an interest in seeing this renovation to completion.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have children at GCHS, and I do have an interest in this, not only as a parent but as a taxpayer and property owner. Yes I want my children to have a nice stadium to play their games in but I do not want it shoved down my throat by people who can not stay within a budget, make common sense decisions or someone who seems to think that one vote is not good enough. Has anyone looked for others ways to fund this project? For the life of me I can't figure out why it is going to cost 2.5 million dollars to build bleachers.
I want a nice stadium but I do not like being bullied by anyone-and that is what is happening-well if you vote no on the sales tax we will just raise your property taxes. Our property taxes have more than doubled in the last 7 years.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a child at GCHS third year. Doesn't play football but does sit in freezing classrooms in the summer and stifling ones in the winter. Refuses to use bathrooms without doors but plenty roaches. In fact stays away from bathrooms because of so much smoke both cigarettes and others.

Anonymous said..."I challenge anyone to prove that spending an extra quarter (yes quarter) per $100 is a hardship. What happened to "it's for the kids"?"
Well the thing is it's not just a quarter on a 100, it's the culmination of all the taxes and the wasteful spending they go for.
The same thing happened to "it's for the kids, that is finally happening on the taxes, people have gotten wise.
"It's for the kids" sounds as artificial as "it's only a small tax that will disappear when the debt is paid off".
I don't trust that the stadium will come in on budget, I don't trust this tax increase will be all that's needed pay off the debt, I don't believe this tax will ever go away, and I certainly don't believe the people pushing hardest for this tax increase. The city has no more legal authority to Sam Davis than does the county they are only more assertive about it and the county has no strong leadership.
They let the stadium just like the school go down until it becomes a crisis and they try to justify emergency actions while ignoring the problems for years while pouring all the resources down less popular rat holes.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree wholeheartedly with what Anonymous 2:37 had to say. If the sales tax does not pass and the county looks to a property tax hike, are you aware the commissioners are talking tax hike for 2009-2010 anyway? And this is without the result of the sales tax so that would be on top of what they are already planning in the way of a hike. Is it not time for us to contact our commissioners and say we've had enough. START CUTTING the unnecessaries that you are funding now.
If the Sam Davis park was truly deeded to the youngsters of this county, I don't believe that if the deed is really lost, there is not some kind of record somewhere if someone could take the time to research (better yet, have the county employees do the research and give them something to do. Its their job). Guess the city has taken over the park since it falls within the city limits, but the county pays a good annual hunk of money each year for upkeep. Wouldnt it be interesting if the vote was again NO, and the county decided if the county has to fund a park that the county builds there own? Whats wrong with the old Bodenham School property? Its just sitting there going to waste just like the Hunter Smith building. Poor poor management. Wonder what Dan Speer would do with the Sam Davis park if the county didnt put anymore money into it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet I can name the commissioners who are planning a 2009-10 property tax increase: Holt, Lovell, Reedy, Woodard, & the Howdy Doodies beholding to the school system! It's the vote for the unconscionable gang.

Clarabell (Jackson) can't scratch his rear end without having to move one of them out of the way!

They don't run anything anymore! Just make sure they get voted out next time they run. Till then make sure the heat is on.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If 25,000 people throw $100 in a pot & draw a number, someone will win $2,500,000!

If you do the same thing to build a twelve holer in the park, you'll wind up another $2.5 million in debt & have no idea which hole swallowed the first $2.5 million.

Within 12 months, the same idiots will be back with another multimillion dollar scam to fix something else they didn't fix cause they spent the fixin money on something else they wanted!

Now you see it, then you don't. Same old bull crap over & over! One thing for sure, if they get aholt of it, it'll begone, bygolly!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've said it over and over. If you have hard evidence of criminal activity, turn it over to the proper authorities. If you dislike an elected official, vote him or her out at the next election. Let me add one more thing. If you are unhappy here, then move!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 5:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it that you nudge anyone to the "proper authorities"? Citizens against waste of tax monies...who might the "proper authorities" be? Point out real solutions and maybe we could all rally your advice. Who do we go to for a voice in this community for OUR wishes?
If one vote against a sales tax hike is a resounding NO then try again? And, if you disagree or have an opinion for the school board submit your name in advance to speak up for 3 min. of approved topic. Nothing on film unless approved?
Voting works...and so does speaking up but not waiting for another election to get the word out. After all these leaders do not wait on us when they act or even ask our opinions. For that matter it appears they could care less for it. And, moving is out of the question since no one will want our property after the next property tax hike, sales tax hike, jobless rate, and schools that are in such terrible shape. Why don't you just buy us out? Sometimes you have to hear opinions that do not agree with you. If you are unhappy with that then take it to the "proper authorities" or better yet wait until election time to sort out the mess.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 6:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:22 Don't you ever get tired of repeating the same ill thought out mantra. What part of this sentence don't you understand, "the problem is the authorities". You show an incredible lack of intelligence when you say if you don't like the way things are here then move.
6:39 got it right.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 7:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont count on this sales tax increase to cease when the new stadium is built - whanna bet the sports complex will rear its head immediately after the stadium is paid for.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 7:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please be gentle with 522. The brain dead have feelings too.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sports there is a good idea with the 2.5 million (and counting)? Why not just go ahead and get that instead of Sam Davis and let the entire community use it? Get the Y.M.C.A. interested in the area and put something for the entire community in? The reason that will not happen is they do marketing analysis and cost analysis prior to building. How removed are the ones making these decisions from the people they represent. Or, are they humored to the point that no matter what happens it's all good? No one wants to stand outside the circle and point out that this is a bad idea. Not the first and probably not the last unless we say no to the sales tax again. Do they know this area at all? Have they looked at the market, at the average income, the average home property, or speculated on future growth or decline? The more profitable careers in this town seem to be government or pandering to government or suing the government when things go wrong.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They control everything-even the amounts new business can pay when they locate here-so why do they care what we want?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... you are saying that the legal authorities are just as corrupt as everybody else in county government with whom you disagree? Incredible.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since Martin College uses the park let them kick in for maintaining it. Many of their donors have deep pockets.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They did not say legal authorities they said proper. But now that you mention it there is no justice in any system anymore. It all depends on who's back you have scratched, who your family is, who you know or how much money you have.
It does not matter what the people in the this county want, some of the officials seem to be able to manipulate things to get what they want. Perfect example is a second vote for a tax that the Giles County Citizens had overwhelmingly put down the first time and now are using scare tactics-if this doesn't pass we will have to raise the property tax.
Have they even looked for alternative funding sources, volunteer labor or anything of that manner or did they just say okay we need the money the easiest thing to do is raise taxes-good idea lets do that regardless of what the citizens want.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you want a perfect example? how aobut elected officials who don't even live here. now that his a perfect example.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, are you saying that nobody in local elected or appointed positions can be trusted? Please stop whining!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:28 Please grow up. No one has ever accused ALL elected or appointed persons of anything.... but the truth is the truth and clearly there are some who have no respect for the law or the people that are supposed to be working for. Allen Barrett

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU are the one who made an issue of this. Let's not forget that. And you ask that I grow up? Poppycock!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 6:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB did not start this thread? Or is this just any "this" in general on here. What are you referring to?
If it is the tax issue it is a real one in a time when money it tight, schools are looking at minor ways to make ends meet, and our county government feels 2.5 million is a must spend on Sam Davis? For the life of me it just does not compute? Neither does an ultimatum of pay now or later.
If you just sit beside every bad plan that comes down the pike and defend it you are ready to be fleeced. Do you honestly believe in the unquestionable integrity of every person in county and city government? Would you really give them your full support NO MATTER what? Or, are you in someones pocket and satisfied with "business as ususal" here?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 6:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

658 your last sentence is the answer. A real piece of crap is usually on floating on top & headed downstream with the current.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 8:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, the same 3 or 4 people write the same old "they're all crooks, nobody can be trusted, our taxes are the highest in the state and they're wasting money, blah blah blah."

Can someone offer up some new and helpful advice on how we can do things in a positive light?

By the way, Martin does pay for the use of the baseball stadium. Why should their donors support the stadium? Try another approach.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about if you give us that positive light on everything. All you want to do is contradict what everyone says. If you know so much of the truth about everything, why don't you tell us about it.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 2:25 pm on 7-29-08. How is this being shoved down your throat?

There is a problem and city and county officials have come up with a viable solution to fix it. Are you forgetting this sales tax increase (minimal as it is) would ALSO be paid from individuals who do not live in Giles County?

I'd love to see some realistic other solutions put forth to remedy the problem but I've yet to read of any. Yes it's a crying shame that they let the stadium get to this point, but it is what it is. We can't go back in time and change things.

And to others that write the same old "our taxes are the highest in the state"...well they're not. In fact there are 113 other cities and districts in Tennessee that have HIGHER property taxes than ours. Please do your homework before you throw out the same old mantra.

Do I like to pay more taxes? NO. I can't stand it...BUT, when it comes to education we are only hurting our students when we offer facilities that are sub par - Stadium, school building, etc. As I've repeated in other posts, I personally know of families that refuse to move here simply because of our school system. Is that what we want Giles County to be known for?

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten. Clichéd, but true.

New ideas...let's hear 'em! Oh it'd be a pleasant change to exclude the name calling and mistrust.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10:23. Now that was a positive comment if I've ever read one. Try again.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:03
I dont believe there are 113 counties with a higher tax rate than Giles - a few - but not 113. Then the concern is what we dont have in the way of services for our $3.07 rate. Schools - everyone who "grips" is very concerned for the children and teachers, but a school admin building, numerous high paying admin jobs and a football stadium dont get the kids educated, and that another grip that I dont think anyone can dispute. What I'm really seeing is a bunch of old fat bellied hasbeens who played football as kids eones ago and for sentimental reasons are wanting the rest of the public to pay for unfulfilled moments of glory. This could be worked out with the county cutting back on their padded budgets which was acknowledged by Tommy Campbell and working something out with Richland for playing games. We dont have to provide a place for Martin Methodist, a for profit business. They have a soccer field on E College, they could adapt that field to accomodate whatever their other needs are.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 1:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1:15 - You are 100% incorrect in stating that Martin Methodist is a for profit business. It is a 501(c)(3). A non profit entity.

And you are also incorrect in stating that I said 113 counties. I said 113 'cities and districts'.

Feel free to go check it out yourself at

Please get your facts straight before you post a retort.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 1:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10;02 I was the one who brought up Martin helping pay for the stadium. I did not know they paid to use it. I did not mean to upset anyone. Just hoping for the repair to be done for the benefit of my grandchildren.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 2:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a kind comment you made 2:18. There should be more on this blog that have your attitude towards others.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of the 31 July 11:03 post.
You ask, “How is this being shoved down your throat?” Well for the most part it is with half truths and untruths such as are in your post. It is with scare tactics that border on extortion. It is by offering no alternative to the way the mayor and some others have determined it to be. It’s not the tax increase as much as it is the way it has been presented. When the mayor comes to a county committee meeting and announces that if they want to use the stadium anymore they will not get involved with making the tax increase county wide. When the mayor uses bully tactics and tells the commissioners that they will either support the tax or they can build their own stadium it just don’t set right with some folks.
When you go to Williamson or Rutherford counties and several others and see what their newest football stadiums are one must wonder why so much is planned to be spent on brick work instead of simple open metal bleachers. Richland has managed with these type bleachers with no major problem. Yes, there are some problems with the stadium that need to be repaired but does it really require all the cosmetic brick work that is planned?
I understand that the tax increase is small but when piled on top of the other taxes and fees we are required to pay it becomes odious and I certainly can not believe there will be a line of folks from outside the city coming to pay this extra tax. Consider how much money the city is already making off the fee increases of the past couple of years, the excess from the water and sewer increase that is now going to fund pet projects would go a long way toward the stadium remodel. Just consider how much tax money was spend on the Pleasant Run walking trail that is used by only a hand full of people brave enough to venture on it.
You say, “I'd love to see some realistic other solutions put forth to remedy the problem”. As I mentioned earlier there is no need to mess with the field and track simply tear down the seating and replace it with open metal such as most school systems now use. Upgrade, the wiring for the press box, the restrooms and concession stands not by building new ones but repairing the old. Put students in the parking lot during games with flashlights like at the fair and let them position the vehicles more appropriately. The cost for these things, without an expensive study, should be less than a million. Start a planned maintenance program.
You say, “to others that write the same old "our taxes are the highest in the state"...well they're not. In fact there are 113 other cities and districts in Tennessee that have HIGHER property taxes than ours. Please do your homework before you throw out the same old mantra”. This is just simply not even close to being true or accurate. These are the only counties in Tennessee with higher property taxes than Giles at $3.07; Shelby at $4.09; Davidson at $4.04; Hamilton at $3.15; Montgomery at $3.14; and Trousdale at $3.08. There are 104 combined county/city/special districts out of 405 with a higher combined property tax rate than the $3.69 Giles/Pulaski combined rate. These numbers are taken from the 2007 state wide listing published by the Tenn. Comptroller.

You say, “Do I like to pay more taxes? NO. I can't stand it...BUT, when it comes to education we are only hurting our students when we offer facilities that are sub par - Stadium, school building, etc.” A question that you may want to ask, which has been asked of the school director many times, why has more money been given to the school system each year while enrollment has decreased each year? Why has administration taken so much of the budget each year while enrollment has decreased? Why has money for the school system increased each year while the drop out rate has continued to go up? Why has money for the school system increased each year while the facilities have been allowed to deteriorate, some extremely? Can you tell me how playing football in a stadium with a brick facade will benefit anyone more than playing in one with open metal seating? It would seem your concern for students would be more focused on the filthy, unsanitary, bug infested restrooms our children “have” to use at GCHS than spending two and a half million dollars on a stadium used only by those who “choose” to go there?
So here is the bottom line for me, I am not opposed to putting new open metal seating in the stadium, making it safe and upgrading some areas such as the restrooms, wiring and snack stands. Spending a few hundred thousand would be far and away more acceptable to me than two and a half million, just as the six million dollar original idea was outrageously unacceptable so too is the price on this latest idea.
You asked for “New ideas” now you have them. Allen Barrett

Thursday, July 31, 2008 4:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen Barret for Mayor! Way to go WAB

Thursday, July 31, 2008 6:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I asked 100 people for their plan to fix Sam Davis Park, I would get 100 different answers. Everyone knows whether they admit it, or not, that the park should be fixed. I believe it would be an embarrassment to the city and county to patch it up, as your plan does.

Regarding property taxes in other counties, you failed to mention other forms of revenue (wheel tax for exaample) that these other communities use. The idea that you accuse others of telling half truths, then you doing the same thing is deplorable. You will NEVER have the respect of most Giles Countians (See election results of 2006).

Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school system is all about spending money and BS about where it goes. Got to spend $2.5 million on a $100,000 seating problem "to educate the children"??

Tax payers have been educated once again by the school of hard knocks. we learned that if Jackson, the school board & their lackies on the commission, and the mayor have to have more money, you know they don't. If they say yes, you know the answer is no. They say vote yes. Better vote no!

Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone show where giving someone more money to spend provided a useful learning experience?

The most capable, self sufficient, and giving people are special forces & Marines. They learn to survive impossible challenges, do without, improvise, and protect the lives of the bleading heart idiots who think the world has ended if they can't play a game of taking things away from someone else. Can't you hear it? "gimme your sandwich or I'll pee in your lunch bucket!" Plant the foot firmly in the whiners rear end & let him make a "will work for food" sign! It's my sandwich! vote no

Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen Barrett has done more for the citizens of this county in the last four years than 21 commissioners have done in the past 20 years.
How come Dan Speer threatens us with a property tax hike if the sales tax gets voted down? Since when did he have anything to do with the county property tax? Unless of course he has already worked it out with his buddies on the commission. We all know who they are.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB that was a very good run down on the "brass tacks" or here it would be called brass taxes. The big brass that play the tune that we all are dancing to.
There are wheel taxes in other counties. And, before you exclude that think twice. It could be the next necessity. The bottom line is what is this counties citizens made up of? Look at the demographics as to the average income, average household, unemployment rate, growth rates, and more. This is not a wealthy county and is stretched thin. If we stay in this current recession funding for basic education is difficult at best. In light of that you have a stadium that is not now or never will be more important than quality education in a safe and clean environment. This is an issue of conservation and priorities in a time of short funding. What you get for what you pay for...and who is paying. Some of the very people voting to allow this are afraid of what their constituents might say. What if it is unpopular to defer this or to vote no and risk losing support? If more citizens spoke up and out like WAB there would be far less confusion as to what they people really want. For sure I really want a NO vote on sales tax just to be sure they know how this county feels. Having the paper explain that if not for a sales tax it would have to be a property tax was unfortunate. Now many voters will say, "I had rather it be paid as a sales tax and protect my property tax out in the county." After all it was portrayed that much will be absorbed by tourist right? Did it not occur to them that this is not a take this or that vote? No, because it is predetermined that it will be taxes, it will be brick bleachers, a contractor is set, and all is really needed is to go through the motions of voting. Which was already done once (albeit for a larger amount).

Thursday, July 31, 2008 8:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHOOOOOAAAAHHHH for the Marines!! Simper FI and thank you for your services!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008 8:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that WAB responded to the statement you made "In fact there are 113 other cities and districts in Tennessee that have HIGHER property taxes than ours".
After WAB hit a home run and made you look like a foolish exaggerator you try to change the focus to wheeltaxes. That was never a part of the conversation so why would he have included anything about that in a subject you started about "property taxes". Why don't you just admit you got carried away with your whimsy, got called on it and were made to look really, really foolish.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 8:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that this is a score card but this is exactly what he wrote, "These are the only counties in Tennessee with higher property taxes than Giles at $3.07; Shelby at $4.09; Davidson at $4.04; Hamilton at $3.15; Montgomery at $3.14; and Trousdale at $3.08. There are 104 combined county/city/special districts out of 405 with a higher combined property tax rate than the $3.69 Giles/Pulaski combined rate."
As for being part of the "conversation" this is a blog? Unless you are talking to yourself and if so that's understandable. In a blog you have the freedom to post your opinions. If I am incorrect I stand corrected. Where do you stand? My thoughts are that WAB would be the type man to instruct and not "correct" or resort to condescending to make himself feel better. Just a hunch in the way he has addressed other bloggers (other than the constant antagonist). Bless you in your desires to be correct and in your need to correct those around you. That's a tough road to take and I bet a lonely one?

Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumbass! The reason that property taxes MAY be lower is because they pay other taxes! The reason that Giles County is one of the poorest counties is because of Dumbasses such as yourself!

Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your hunch about WAB is wrong. He is as condescending as they come. All of his actions are to feed his ego. If he were really interested in helping the citizens of Giles County, he would reach out to the elected official instead of alienating ALL of them.
He ran for election, and the county showed their support for him.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK OK you are talking to yourself...good to know!

Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am with wab on the metal bleachers its what most people set on at the baseball an softball parks an they are used several times aweek during the season i guess those sports aren't as important as football. When i went to westlime stone we had concrete block an wood seating the fence was around the field just like this one here an we made it just fine. when they did upgrade the seating guess what they used metal an it looked great . I have sat on all kinds of bleachers an none are comfortable unless you use a stadium chair anyway. Change the fence go metal seating an you would see alot of atitudes change about this its a football field not a shrine.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An by the way to the person that always says if you dont like it here leave we are going to stay an maybe change things an then if you don't like it here then you can leave i have probably lived here longer than you.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree the with metal bleachers idea. There is nothing wrong with those. If the city needs storage let them build a metal storage building or use one of the buildings in the Industrial Park. We do not need a brick facility. Has anyone ever compared the Athens Football stadium to what is being proposed here? Do you see any simularities? Metal bleachers are good enough for Richland and Giles County does not deserve any better. We are a rural county and we don't need a big city stadium. We don't win games by the bleachers we sit on but the team that plays along with the supporters. The seats are going to be metal either way just one of them will be on expensive brick!!

Friday, August 01, 2008 6:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than name calling and condescending attitudes by some of the posters, I still haven't seen any viable alternatives put forth.

How about it?

Friday, August 01, 2008 8:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:47 Sounds like you either haven't bothered to read any of the last number of posts from today and yesterday. It was suggested that open metal bleachers be installed instead of enclosed brick seating how is that a bad idea or not a viable alternative?

Friday, August 01, 2008 9:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way open bleachers are very dangerous as I've seen some bad injuries occur with folks slipping through the open spots.

I don't know if $2.5MM is the right sum or not. It does seem a bit high but then again if they are to last another 50 years then perhaps the plan that the architects have drawn up is the right solution.

On the issue of property taxes, the city of Pulaski is high when compared to other areas but if you factor in the city and the county combined then there are at least 100 other areas in the state that are higher than Pulaski/Giles County.

While we’re talking about tax comparisons then let's go ahead and throw in the wheel tax as well. Based on my research it appears that 57 of the 95 counties impose one

Friday, August 01, 2008 9:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no wheel tax. There has been no tax increase since the first Jackson fiasco. The bleacher tax didn't pass last time!

Guess who isn't in control! It's the whiners who want to spend us into poverty! Those same people who are telling everyone with a brain to move has it all wrong. If they don't like it here, pack your rear end up and move where they have every imaginable tax & restrictions on HOW WE THINK AND BELIEVE.

GC is for the free

Friday, August 01, 2008 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me about the bad injuries you have "seen" as a result of open bleachers and please name the school where they occurred? With such "dangerous" seating would you explain why any insurance company would issue a policy to the many schools and athletic organizations around the state and country that use them?

Friday, August 01, 2008 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Metal bleachers are made differently now days. There is a piece of metal that goes from the bottom of the seat to the back edge of the foot part that does not leave a gap like the old ones did. They are just as safe. There are also hand rails. Sure a nice brick structure but we don't have the fund so in the time of slow economy we need to do without just like the majority of citizens are now doing.

Friday, August 01, 2008 4:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with metal bleachers, nothing wrong with the community that does not see over spending as a solution. Throw out a challenge to anyone to keep this under a restricted budget and how fast many would come to help make it happen.
The paper had an appeal from Robert E. Lee asking that we support the sales tax. That the income from the tourist and from those who are using our motels/eating out would pay for it? Then a scathing editorial from Danny Brown condemning the tax, the mayor,Mr. Holt, and calling this town a "dictatorhipville" (read it online for yourself). Is it a mistake to put both of these on the same page? I think not! Mr. Lee breaks it down to what would seem to be a great plan. Then comes a very angry Mr. Brown who may or may not have said the things we have thought (or said here) but angry is the operative. It plays out like the logical and well meaning citizens of the county vs. the angry minority who are using this as another staging ground for spite. Who wins? Not the voter who just thinks why not let the tourist pay? Did they choose a playbill from someone who opposes with all the other figures? Do they give a pro or con about the the "little over 2 million" Mr. Lee spoke of? And "once all the necessary safety issues have been addressed" this tax will be repealed, according to Mr. Lee. When was the last time a sales tax was repealed? Maybe when the property taxes kick in? This show gets better all the time but unfortunately the voice of the opposition is not fairly represented in the paper. The good thing is that no one trusts the paper for what Paul Harvey would call, "the rest of the story". No mistake how this story is being spinned and to what end.

Friday, August 01, 2008 8:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sales tax could pass because it ratchets up the wallet in small increments rather than a big chunk like a property tax. But it does eat away your dollar and budget. Politicians use it as an easy way to get money. Easily digested especially when presented with those tourist who are really going to help out. If you will say yes to this you will accept it for the next pet project. No doubt there will be a next project.

Friday, August 01, 2008 8:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sales tax could pass because it ratchets up the wallet in small increments rather than a big chunk like a property tax. But it does eat away your dollar and budget. Politicians use it as an easy way to get money. Easily digested especially when presented with those tourist who are really going to help out. If you will say yes to this you will accept it for the next pet project. No doubt there will be a next project.

Friday, August 01, 2008 8:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous 9:39
You are so right. I think he came in last in a four man race in his district. I too have tried to encourage him to reach out to the very people he judges and condemns. The alienation that results just makes the problem worse. Where is the love?
The irony of it all is that there are people who can see no wrong in what he does. Those most naive are those who would encourage him. I had to chuckle when I saw the post suggesting wab for mayor!

Saturday, August 02, 2008 7:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You also seem to always have negative thoughts and postings. They also seem to just be about one person. There are other people on this blog besides him.

Saturday, August 02, 2008 8:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So right 8:30 that it seems that WAB and anyone who agrees with him are targets? If you do not agree your postings are ignored but a select few. I wonder what the age of these posters are? Could they be very young and trying to anger people for entertainment? If they are adults they really do have an agenda.

Saturday, August 02, 2008 9:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure. Like we have a large enough bunch of tourists to spend money in Giles Co. - what stores would they want to spend at and where would they want to eat?

Saturday, August 02, 2008 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe before you comment on the tourist dollars you should check with the Chamber of Commerce or the Tourism Director for Giles County. There are a lot more tourists coming through and staying in Giles County than you might realize.

Saturday, August 02, 2008 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether someone is actually "tourist" here or parents and family visiting at Martin? Either way those tourism dollars are not going to makeup for what shopping and living in the county on raised taxes can do. In my tours around the county I see more homes for sale, many areas that were viable and prosperous in decline, businesses closed or closing, and a lot of people struggling to keep gas in their cars, feed their families, and keep up with increasing costs. This is one more expense the community does not need. And, the bottom line is why not find a cost efficient way to make this happen? It is like having a teenager (county and city government) driving a mercedes while the parents (citizens) are barely keeping a horse and buggy on the road. We need some serious money managers not a shell game.

Saturday, August 02, 2008 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had family "tour" here and they wonder what there is to do? I struggle to recommend a decent place to eat while we are in town. And, what is there to see beyond the court house and little towns? I love it here for the miles and miles of country side and old houses and farms. But, that is not something they want to "tour" with gas prices so high. It's a great place to live but you would not want to tour it. They have stayed in those motels and eaten out but usually out of necessity not tourism. And, I doubt they would find anything to buy that they cannot buy at home?

Saturday, August 02, 2008 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, my comments are not only directed at the "great one" but also to the small group of know-it-alls.

Saturday, August 02, 2008 1:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are you? Anonymous? Who knows if you are one of the so called "know it alls"? If you are the one or two that constantly calls for action without delivering your own suggestions or you are the one who curses and slams anyone who disagrees with you then you must think you know everything? You spend so much time trying to rope WAB that you are tangled up in your own rope. Maybe you have enough now to hang yourself?

Saturday, August 02, 2008 1:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem here is taking something that the vast majority of citizens want and will support; but putting a price tag on it that is 25 times higher than necessary. It becomes an all or nothing hold your breath demand by a very small minority to force the 25 times money demand or get nothing!

Any option on the table is failure! Passing the tax increase is a colossal failure and burden on a good but hard pressed community that has real needs. The real needs exist because the same people have lied and acquired money under false pretenses, then spent it on unnecessary projects; while not spending on the core pretext issues of habitable schools and decent wages for teachers & core workers! If I remember right, we bought bleachers last year as an emergency, thus really don't need squat today to have ball games etc.

This same group is offended by expletives of real people who are offended and angry. How can the "Holier than thou" crowd be offended by the word "damned", in various forms? It is used in the Bible to describe such acts as building the Tower of Babble! It's exactly what is being done here. Of course, those who would lie, cheat, covet, and take from the needy, would take extreme offence at being exposed and called what they are. Mr. Holt, if you climb up in the sports box will you be able to see beyond your field of dreams, to the poverty that lies beyond your fence, to the envy of folks who can't afford to cross the gate to your field of dreams?

Education is being wasted on teaching how to sell points of view and opinions without the substance of logic, economics, or the lives of those “believing” victims who are not versed in the art of spin. Spin is a lie that is destroying this nation!

Saturday, August 02, 2008 4:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: Why would we have a fence around public property? To keep the public out?

Until very recently, public meant public, not fence.

Saturday, August 02, 2008 4:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:14 you don't remember right. We RENTED bleachers not purchased. That will have to be done again if they are playing at home. Has that been decided yet? I would think that the seaon for this fall is already scheduled. Are all games going to be away?

Saturday, August 02, 2008 4:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four at home, six away and the last I heard the bleachers were to be purchased and than used at other events around the county also.

Saturday, August 02, 2008 5:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purchasing bleachers for Sam Davis (metal) would be fine rather than purchasing mobile bleachers. The key is to remember the basics of journalism. The who, what, when, where, and why of this project.
Who wants this project and is willing to make it happen?
What are we supposed to do to raise the funds?
When was it discovered that this was in crisis and action needed?
Where are the monies coming from?
Why are the people of this area not given a choice before the taxes only offer is made. Do we have a press or person in office that actually is representing ALL sides.The only time another side gets out is when they are portrayed as nay sayers and trouble makers. Who really goes up against the political machine around here that does not take major heat?

Saturday, August 02, 2008 8:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cry Cry Cry...All of you must be old retired people whose kids have already played at Sam Davis Park and maybe even some of you played at the park...I doubt it though because usually cry babies don't play football. Back on subject, some of us have kids and grand kids that need these facilities. I guess what you people need is a big box to put all your money in so we can stick in the grave with you when you die because you are to stingy with it to help out future generations. Dan Speer has just about got his wish to come true in making this a retirement community. At least that statement seems true if you read this blog. Surely to goodness young and middle age couples wouldn't be against such a minimal raise in a local option sales tax to have their kids a nice place to play football or whatever else the kids need to use the field for. I'll agree that is should have been done years ago, but there is nothing anybody can do about it now except FIX it. Anybody that doesn't want Sam Davis Park fixed obviously has moved here from somewhere else because they thought this was good ole small town America where you could come retire and hide your money in mason jars because it doesn't "cost that much to live here"...well guess what those times are over. EVERYBODY HAS TO PAY now days. Young And Old, Strong & Weak, Black Or White...we need to pull together and have something to be proud in. If you give a damn about anything you should care for your kids. There is one thing for sure it isn't going to be any cheaper 10 years down the road. There are some people in this county that need to grow up and think of someone other then themselves. That is pitiful.There has been people like that for years and it is always going to be that way you know? Go ahead and ask the question "well why should I have to pay for your kids a place to play sports?" My answer for that is why should you have to pay for anything? Answer that one! Look under your lazy butts and you'll probably find the extra penny you'll need the next time you spend five dollars. If you think I am being disrespectful then take this into consideration: If you think you don't owe ME S***!
Then I think I don't owe YOU S***!

Saturday, August 02, 2008 11:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/35 Got pie all over your face - you see money everywhere & want it! Want your little elitist baloon in the sky & too dmb to know that we don't care! Have you ever shopped in town or noticed how many poor elderly and everyday adults & children there are in GC, that have been here all their life - who undoubtedly have nothing? If you can't stand watching your brat play football from a $2.5 million seat, then move to Brentwood where everyone can and wants to afford it! I doubt that anyone anywhere wants to pay $2.5 million for some looser to sit on their rear end. Either way, chances are very high the kid will grow up to be an inconsiderate dumb ass like its parent. (probably genetic)

Sunday, August 03, 2008 6:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:32. Well I'll tell you one thing I don't belong to a select group of people and I do not believe myself to be inconsiderate. I grew up being poor and will always be "poor" as long as I live in this poor county. One thing about it though I WAS BORN HERE! I work 2 sometimes 3 jobs to provide for my family and I believe in keeping my money in the town if it is anyway possible. How about yourself? What do you buy 10 cups of coffee and a donuts every day so you can have your. So the next time you want to TRY and single me out come work with me one day and we'll see who is the "elite". By the way it is not elitist to spend 2.5 million on a stadium that 85 percent of the county will use in some form or fashion in its lifetime. I bust my ass everyday in the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter. I DO IT FOR MY KIDS. I want the best for them! NOT ME! If that make me an inconsiderate dumb ass loser as you called me or my kid a brat then I guess that is just what we'll be. Oh yeah I don't even have a kid that will play football so how is that for inconsiderate??? I'll tell you what is genetic and that is tightwadism. There is not a sole in the county that cannot afford 1/4 of a percent. Come on that is a joke. I mean if you spent $1500 a day in Pulaski then yeah you have a reason to complain. I don't like paying taxes nether, but guess what it is certain that we will have to pay for this in some form or fashion. I did play in the stadium and was proud to call that "HOME" and I'm sure future generations would love to call it home also. Anyways we'll see in a few days who wants what. Oh yeah if you are that poor go get on welfare and get you some food stamps if you "just can't find a job", then I'll let some of my tax money go to taking care of you and your family. Let me ask you one last question do you rent or own your property??? That answer will show how dumb you are.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 7:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are people retired, to old and health not able to work and if you think Social Security check is enough to live on just wait until you are drawing it.

I don't live in the city so want get to vote on the sales tax increase, but will feel the effects of it. BUT if it don't pass my property tax will feel the effects.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 8:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Addressing this to Anonymous 8/2 11;35 and 8/3 7:57 as it appears to be the same poster.

You seem to have savage thoughts toward the older citizens of this county and said some very unkind things. I dont agree with you saying people are stingy over the 25c per $100. Thats hurtful to me being of the older generation. And yes, we do have to count our pennies!

What I think this is really all about is the anger from all of us, whatever walk of life and whatever income level (or ability to continue to be in the work force), resenting this park/stadium being allowed to fall into disrepair even though both the city and county have been contributing toward upkeep all these years. Its really a political thing. Dan Speer as city mayor and Janet Vanzant as county executive have not been taking responsibility. We all know they detest each other (and this based on verbal comments from each towards the other), yet they now come together and threaten us with a tax hike if the sales tax fails. Its the THREAT THAT PEOPLE ARE MOST ANGRY ABOUT. That and the fact Pulaski citizens have already said a strong NO and the county commissioners coming out in support of the sales tax, stating "people didnt know enough or didnt know how they were voting"! The average citizens of Giles Co have had enough. Whether it be from the city mayor, the county executive or the majority of commissioners sitting on the county board.

Are we ready to do something about it? Is this the time to band together? Who out there is willing to put some time and effort into working for change or are we going to leave it to a handful of people to do the donkey work while the rest sit back and just grumble? We have an opportunity to make a change.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt what there will be any social security there when I need it. Don't get me wrong I don't hate no one and I appreciate the retired people for the work that they have done and I do have respect for them, BUT they are not the only ones who are counting their pennies and they are also not the last people on earth we have to keep or parks up to date and everything else. We are talking about things that should have been done years ago(like when retired people was still working). However it wasn't done and I don't know if you can blame any ONE person for the upkeep of that park. I just think that sales tax would in fact be better then raising my property taxes because this means that those who rent houses and live of the government would get a free ride. If I'm gonna have to pay I want everyone who comes through town to have to pay. Come on landowners!!! Don't we pay enough already??? So 10:07 what are you gonna do about it. Go ahead and vote NO and we as property owners can pay for it all. Boy that was really worth STANDING UP for. It is hard times but right is right and wrong is wrong. Is it right that we are having to fix it now? No, but it isn't necessarily the wrong thing to do neither. We don't use the park kids do. Kids can't pay for it but we as a community can. Taxes Taxes Taxes everybody has to pay them. We are not the only county having to raise taxes. So no a do not dislike retired people, I just simply want them to think about us as we think about them. We need to do it together. It can be done. I don't mind doing my part rather it be voting yes on a 1/4 of a cent raise or going down there and laying brick to help the community out. That park is something to be proud of and not just a dump hole for our kids to play sports. I have played at lots of high school fields and no Sam Davis park is not the nicest one, but it is far from the worst. If we put metal bleachers down they'll have to be replaced again and again. If we do it right then it'll last for 50 or 60 years.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read these blogs you will find that it's old and young alike against raising taxes (property or sales). Against it because there ARE other ways to make this happen within all our budgets. You are critical of any opposition for the good of future generations? It will be those generations, and the ones that are here now, which will be dealing with these same issues. How long do you think the schools are going to hang on without major funding? How about the library or for that matter most of the public buildings in this town? What is wrong with living within your means and expecting government to do the same? That's what is right and if the patterns of the past are the patterns of the present giving in to this is just like Hunter Smith or any other project that was ill planned and executed. It is not going to be a sales tax or a property tax issue. It's going to be both....just wait and see. No one is giving us an option or polling the public for options. This blog is showing just how disgusted people are with that. No one wants to hold the kids back or hold the county down but rather hold them accountable for unjustified overspending. Just accepting that for the good of the kids for a longer lasting Sam Davis is just as irresponsible. Look around you for people who are trying to feed their families, find jobs, and look at those empty stores and failing businesses for the "why not" answer. We can do good enough with a lot less until which time we can do better. Living within our means not for the guilt trip of "what about the kids". That mantra has been repeated by young and old, with kids or without, and by anyone viewing this economy on a budget. If 7:57 is an example of the kind of citizen who wants us to vote yes then THANK YOU! You represent the NO vote so well that as long as you are posting NO votes will be forthcoming from many. Look around you before you judge...your "HOME" is changing.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The older retired paid for the things their children needed. Can the younger people step up and take charge. Check on the costs of assisted living and nursing homes. This is something the older retired people have to prepare for.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to be a generational condition? How many people have I heard say, "this generation just does not seem to care, work hard, or plan ahead". That's based on how their parents and they were raised to put money aside for a "rainy day". Those generations born from the great depression who knew how hard it could be. That this new generation has never had to suffer or work for free or very hard for money. And, that what they have had to do they did halfway while watching an older generation break their backs to provide. I see a lot less kids coming up with future plans. Almost as if what they do will not matter. While their parents and grandparents are still working (many two jobs) to give to them. The biggest gift they could give would be the understanding of money and the appreciation for how hard it is to get. Also, some form of hope for the future and not living for today.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 1:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 10:47
I am Anonymous of 10.07. I appreciate your calmer response and pointing out your reasons for voting Yes on the sales tax. I fully understand your feelings.

I did say earlier that we CAN do something about this, and I was referring to our county government. You asked me "what are YOU going to do about it?" I was hoping it was going to be what WE do about it. Again, not leaving the push for accountability and improved spending habits up to a handful of people.

As far as the tax goes, I dont live in town so I cant vote anyways so my fate is in the hands of the Pulaski voters. And no, I dont want property taxes to go up any more than you do. I struggle enough on my limited income.

Anonymous of 12.31 voiced a lot of my feelings. We have got to get accountability and change and while we just sit back and do nothing, it will never change.

I dont have quarrel with your way of thinking, 10:47 and I might even agree with you on the sales tax. But since I cant vote on the referendum theres not much point in me giving my views one way or the other.

I wrote that your reaction was savage and you should not have referred to retired people as "stingy". I stand by that. We are not stingy but frugal as we have to be with 20 years ahead of us and the only thing that maybe increased is our social security checks, but did you realize that the minor increase in SS checks each year is taken away at the same time by a heaftier increase in the medicare premium we pay?

This is not about a fight over the sales tax, but we do need to fight to get our city and county government back in control of the people and not leave it in the hands of the elite and moneyed folks of Giles county (I do not include everyone in this statement). But again, are you willing to step up to the plate, join in, and let US AS A GROUP group work on it together?

Sunday, August 03, 2008 1:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I will agree with you that our county government has thrown tons of money out the window. That has been going on for years and will probably always go on. I'm not sure how to stop that and I do not know if anyone else does. The citizens of the county voted them back into office. I know one thing I didn't vote Vanzant back into office. She is now what she was before the last election. She doesn't live in this county yet she runs it. Why was she voted back in? I do not think it is a guilt trip including the kids in to this particular subject because that is what it is about in the long run. There isn't anyone else in the county whose money is stretched worse than mine is I guarantee that. If you can come up with a better solution then run for a commissioner seat. I got an idea why don't we just let the grass grow on county roads for about 5 years and lay off 9 or 10 people at the county bus garage and highway department. That'll do it. I'm sure they don't have families to feed and have money running out of there ears. Why you are at it fire 10 or 12 teachers we have to many of them too. Fire a couple at the Assessors office, county clerks office. When you get all that done bring in a new industry paying $8 or $9 an hour with no benefits. That'll work won't it fellows?

Sunday, August 03, 2008 1:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well my way of thinking is take care of landowners. I think it ought to be if you don't own land you shouldn't be able to vote anyways. It seems like everything we vote on comes back to us anyways and the ones that rent and live off the government(welfare & food stamps) get all the benefits. I just think voting no to 1/4 a percent is really voting yes to a property tax increase. I'm just a little upset that people that don't have to pay property tax can indirectly vote to raise it. Am I wrong to think that? So yes it is WE that are going to have to do something about it, but the county government is gonna do something with or without US. I'm just gonna vote for the lesser of two evils.

This is in reference to your comment:"I see a lot less kids coming up with future plans. Almost as if what they do will not matter. While their parents and grandparents are still working (many two jobs) to give to them."

You are right...parents and grandparents shouldn't be so nice and "give" to their kids. They should have to earn it. I was made to work as early as 13 years old and had to help pay for the light and water bill. My people were not punishing like I thought they was at the time, but instead teaching me a lesson. Most parents don't want their kids to have to go through what they had to go through, but it'll make a better person as an adult. Money is hard to come by and it should be spent wisely, which in years past out money hasn't been spent wisely buy our county government? Why? Because they don't work for it! Free money is easy to take and even easier to spend. It is one of those deals where you are damned if you do(Vote Yes) and damned if you don't(Vote Yes). Isn't it?

Sunday, August 03, 2008 1:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree our money hasnt been spent well in the past and I feel as you do that money that doesnt belong to you is easy to spend.

I dont agree with you about voting being left only up to landowners. There are many fine upstanding responsible people who rent for whatever reasons. Some people dont like the responsibility of having to keep up a building and sometimes not physically able to maintain a yard. Doesnt mean they dont have the right to vote. Lets remember there are other issues and candidates we get to vote on. Voting issues are not confined to money issues.

The commissioners could very well start cutting some of the padding which they admit is in the budgets. We do need to have our commissioners do something about these continued new jobs being added to the payroll, well paid jobs at that with excellent benefits, and never advertized. So we know "a friend or friends relation" has already been promised a job.

We have had plenty of dialogue but no one has said YES, I am ready for change and willing to help with whatever it takes. Lets hear from you.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 2:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not so sure that you know what you are talking about on the well paid and excellent benefits. I know several people that work for county money and they are suffering the same if not worse then some of us. I know several that have the insurance on them because it is county paid, but cannot afford it for their families. And if the county didn't pay for theirs they couldn't afford it for just themselves. So what would be excellent about that? As far as pay goes I'm gonna say there are a lot that are over paid and a some that are under paid. I have done said I WOULD DO WHATEVER IT WOULD TAKE to get this situation fixed. I am pretty open minded. We just have to be realistic with our ideas and think about our fellow citizens.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 2:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I say well paid I am meaning more than the average pay in Giles Co for the work being performed. Mrs Vanzant has 3 secretaries! Then she has another 1 who fills in on Fridays when her No. 1 secretary is not in the office. The No. 1 works 4, 7 hr days at a pay rate of $28,000 per year. I think thats about $19 per hour. Then we have people getting jobs in this county being paid $8 an hour with no benefits at all. As for the insurance, we pay together for 2 people $700 each month. This is for our medicare and supplement insurance. We also have co-pays every time we get medicine or go to the doctor. On top of that our income is fixed. So thats where I'm coming from.

If you are willing to discuss what we can do to improve the average persons lot in this county, would you mind posting your phone number? If not, when is the best time for us to meet?

Sunday, August 03, 2008 2:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:45 You are correct about jobs at that level. I thought you were talking about bus garage, highway department jobs. Those people may not have very hard work, but they don't get paid better than average. So yes I agree with you on what I would call "executive jobs"...lot of waste going on there at our expense. And that has been going on for a long time.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 3:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you really look at this situation the whole peoblem is a result of WAB stiring up so much trouble. If him and his little group would just go back where they come from our little town could go back to the way it was where we all loved each other and got along just fine.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 3:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know WAB and he does not know me. But I can say for sure that this mess was here before he got here and unless someone does take charge will be here long after. I know plenty who grew up in this little town and none who can recall it being so perfect. It's a great place but no place is perfect and no persons. We all have the power to make a change. If you dislike WAB and his little group why get on here? Why not create your own blog about Giles County from what you want it to be?

Sunday, August 03, 2008 3:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB, when and where does your little group meet? What are the requirements to join?

Sunday, August 03, 2008 7:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB is to blame for everything!!! So glad to know that whatever goes wrong it's his fault. If I disagree with your opinion it's due to him. What a great scapegoat and at our next "meeting" I plan to bring that up. We meet at the underground tunnels beneath the courthouse. If you need him just shine the "bat" light.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 8:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there was no trouble there would be nothing to stir up. Think about that.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 8:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor little 757 - working 3 jobs, broke, lots of time to play, honest as a night in the bushes, & don't mind paying their fair share to hustle the county out of $2.5 million! Sounds like all we need is a little powder & a straw for a ticket to the promised land.

Drive around your sports center & see if you see affluence. See if there is any homes there that are not paying property tax. For that matter, who's going to get a property tax passed? They are bunch of was beens without a gitter. Listen to the lips - all in favor of making someone else pay for their treasure trove. Is anyone dumb enough to believe all it takes is a few pennies a day to raise $2.5 million for the holt gang to spend. Why not rob a bank - it won't hurt me, or will it?

Sunday, August 03, 2008 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday, August 03, 2008 3:01:00 PM The people who work at the bus garage more than earn what they are paid-which isn't much for what they do. Please do not lump them in with the highway department. The mechanics who work there make anywhere from $12 - $15 an hour with no overime paid and earn every penny of it.

Monday, August 04, 2008 8:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8x47 anything over 40 hr is time & half - Surely they're not screwing you out of that too

Monday, August 04, 2008 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wanna bet?

Monday, August 04, 2008 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:47 you need to reread Aug 3,3:01p.m
Nobody said mechanics were overpaid at any garage. As a matter of fact I was said "You are correct about jobs at that level. I thought you were talking about bus garage, highway department jobs. Those people may not have very hard work, but they don't get paid better than average."

If you read it say THEY DON"T get paid better than average. Time and a half at any county job is a freaking joke. They get comp time...That don't put anymore money in your pocket.

Monday, August 04, 2008 5:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think most people see the clear truth. This county is struggling to keep food on the table and gas in the cars. One more straw IS the straw that breaks the camels back. No one is trying to deprive the kids of a place to march or play. But, if marching or playing a game takes precedence over where that money is needed. It is just another symptom of a sick economic practice in this county. To throw more money on a bonfire of bad business is just moronic. Hold the city and county to a budget that the citizens can live with.

Monday, August 04, 2008 6:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I said was they more than earn what they are paid referring to the fact you wrote they may not have very hard jobs, in others words the county is getting more work for less money from that group of men. There are five men who take care of sixty something buses. They work in a shop with little ventilation that has at times reached over 100 degrees and when they are inside the bus in the summer they can get over 100 degrees. These men have a tough job working with outdated equipment/building trying to keep all those buses serviced and in good mechanical/physical order so our kids are safe.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008 6:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt that those who look down their nose at the mechanics and others could even change a tire. It takes more than a little skill to do all of the many different things it takes to keep equipment running and safe. They are there to do a job when the task needs doing. By definition there are periods with nothing to do & if you wait a bit & observe what they do when needed, chances are you will appreciate what they do - if you have any comprehension of the skills required.

Watch a bureaucrat for a while - busy scurrying here, there, & everywhere - involved in everything to make sure it works just like they want it to work - making sure everyone looks busy - building a mile high file to justify something new because something wasn't maintained or fixed etc. Then look at what really happened - countless workers diverted from productive work, endless assistants to grease the wheels of waste, and of course, piles of paper to prove it's broke and something much more expensive is required to replace it.

Example? Sam Davis Park, School Admin building"S", & "any money for worn out busses?" Ahhh but we love the slick eloquent leaders who make the "merry go round", go round and round and round again at the taxpayers expense.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008 9:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After tomorrow the voters will decide whether to vote yes or no. It seems as though either way we are losing?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008 8:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/37 sad but true - a true no win situation - vote for waste or be punished.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008 8:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all win!

Thursday, August 07, 2008 9:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but we all lose because this election proves the people are willing to put up with wasteful spending, incompetent people and shrinking jobs. It clear that you can fool some of thepeople some of the time but you can fool the people of pulaski all the time.

Thursday, August 07, 2008 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any bets on when they start talking about cost over runs before they even get started you know those old lights down there just won't do an you know the dirt down there is just wore out.

Friday, August 08, 2008 1:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before yesterdays vote I had been hearing this project would be paid off in 10 years. Last night on the radio it had changed to 15 years. This tax will NEVER be removed. Its here to stay.

Friday, August 08, 2008 7:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another 'con job' has been pulled off against the taxpayers of Giles County . This time the smooth nonsense talking city-slickers get the loot and the county folks get the shaft by having to pay more tax every time they shop in town . $2 million for 4 home games per season is a pretty stiff penalty to pay .Dont forget , you just voted this tax onto your grandchildren !

BOHICA Giles County !! (Bend Over, Here It Comes Again !!).

Friday, August 08, 2008 8:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The renovation of Sam Davis IS NOT JUST FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL TEAM.

Friday, August 08, 2008 9:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh for the love of Jake. I'm one of the "smooth nonsense talking city-slickers" and I voted FOR the tax increase. Yikes! - It's going to mean one more lousy quarter for every $100 I spend.

Thanks goodness that the majority of the voters didn't listen to you whiny hinny's on here. Doom and gloom you are. You'd like to turn back the clock when we had no electricity, no running water, no sewer and on and on. Because lord help us if you have to pay tax to benefit from governmental services.

Go ahead. Flame away. What's done is done with regard to the vote. At least the majority (there's that word again) of Pulaski and Giles County can have something to be proud of when we have visitors in town for athletic events.

And to the 8:39 poster, there are MANY more events than just 4 home games. Get real. And do you REALLY think that the majority of the voters are as gullible as you portrait them?

Friday, August 08, 2008 9:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all the bloggers here would put their time into helping raise awareness, funds, working with staff/students in a voluntary capacity - instead of puking forth venom...I wonder what might happen? You don't create POSITIVE change with complaining. (By definition, complaining is not positive.) You only alienate. Get off your keisters and volunteer! Create positive results! Rising tides raise all boats. It's funny what happens when you volunteer, give of your time (not just your mouth)...others rise to the occasion. I know this - in watching the broadcasts of the school board meetings and seeing WAB's watchful (read: Big Brother style) camera aimed right at T Jackson, it became clear - that no real business and discussion can take place in the work sessions or the meetings - because he is there to 'record' every 'misstep.' The management guru Peters, who said, "Catch them doing something right" is correct. You encourage good skills and proper behavior by recognizing what people do well. (Did you see the movie, "Hancock?") - and you do the opposite when you behave like WAB - he's in there to catch them doing something wrong. Now don't assume I'm a T Jackson supporter, I am not. A fish rots from the head down...but I do know this: NO GOOD comes from BAD! And this blog is full of complainers, who, unless they can prove different, spend their time complaining, instead of helping. Now let me get back to my real work: helping people....maybe I'll have another minute a few months from now to check back. In the meantime - ask yourself this question: What I have done lately to HELP?

Friday, August 08, 2008 9:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 8 Aug 9:20 and 9:35 posts

You state, “At least the majority (there's that word again) of Pulaski and Giles County can have something to be proud of when we have visitors in town for athletic events.” I agree that what’s done is done even if I don’t agree with the method in which it was done but the fact of the matter is that only about 22% of the voters that voted in the last election voted this time, that hardly seems like a majority. That was to be expected in an off year election and was counted on by the backers of the re-vote.
I also agree its nice to have a stadium to be proud of but something that was reasonable in cost. Before the ink was dried on the tally sheet last night the time frame for paying off this remodel went from ten years to fifteen. Was there something added between noon yesterday and eight last night or was it just a matter of becoming more open with the truth? Have we actually even heard the whole truth about the stadium yet? Will the two and a half million turn into four before it’s over? Will the tax rate ever go back down!

You state, “You'd like to turn back the clock when we had no electricity, no running water, no sewer and on and on. Because lord help us if you have to pay tax to benefit from governmental services.” I might remind the writer that there are a number of people in the county without public water and sewer at this time, and there are some in the city without sewers. Yes, there is electricity but it was by federal government mandate and we have paid for it many times over even so there are those who can not afford the cost of electricity. With the expected 10 to 20% increase in our near future for electricity who knows how many more will have their power cut off.

Yes, there are more than four home games, some years but none of the gate receipts go for stadium upkeep. There is no organization using the footfall portion of the stadium, other than the high school football team, that could not have their games on the GCHS practice field, soccer fields, or any number of other sites around the county including school empty fields.

You put out the call for volunteers. With the closing of yet another factory perhaps those folks would be willing to volunteer, unless they have to look for another way to make a living. Not everyone has the luxury of a steady income from a government job. That’s not a slam at government workers only that the largest employer in the county is the government and they have no layoff or cut backs. Now the question arises as to what you would have people volunteer for especially concerning Sam Davis Stadium? The city has made it clear they do not want anyone in the way, the schools do not want citizens in the way and the county has no say in the matter. In all probability this job like the architectural drawings will be given to some out of town company and no local workers will be used.

You state, “I know this - in watching the broadcasts of the school board meetings and seeing WAB's watchful (read: Big Brother style) camera aimed right at T Jackson, it became clear - that no real business and discussion can take place in the work sessions or the meetings - because he is there to 'record' every 'misstep.”
Having been one of the few people able to watch the broadcast of the school board meeting you must be aware that someone other than me is now recording the procedures. Would you please explain how with two people recording the procedures only one is recording the “missteps” and preventing any “real business and discussion taking place”? The camera from Martin is twice the size of my little camcorder so how does mine become so much more intimidating and “Big Brother” than the other?
You state, “WAB - he's in there to catch them doing something wrong”. Are you claiming that I only record wrong behavior and turn off the camera when good behavior is taking place? How do I determine before it takes place that a behavior will be good or bad? Let me make it clear as to why I am there, because of past misdeeds such as abuse of power, misspending, lack of accountability, violations of state law, etc. I go to the meetings to help keep an eye on where my tax money is going. I feel that is the responsibility of every citizen, don’t you?
You state, “I do know this: NO GOOD comes from BAD!” I’m sorry to disagree but that is a really dumb statement. History teaches that there is much good that has come from bad. The evil of tyranny brought forth the desire of men to form a free society. Labor pains bring forth new birth. Death gives over to life. Mistakes teach invaluable lessons of experience. It’s only when things are bad that man is stimulated to change. Without bad there would be no way to even identify good. It’s when man chooses good over evil that he defines himself.
You state, “Now let me get back to my real work: helping people....maybe I'll have another minute a few months from now to check back. In the meantime - ask yourself this question: What I have done lately to HELP?” Interesting question, so I’ll ask you what, where and how have you tried to help? I believe this blog has been a real help, even with its shortcomings, it has given people an opportunity to express their thoughts about different matters. It has been helpful in bringing about a number of changes in the way the government and school system does business. It has helped bring a greater degree of openness to the county and was instrumental in meetings being more open to the public. For me help, real help is not always doing for someone but rather making opportunities available for folks to do for themselves. Wise help is always better than blind help and blindness is simply pouring more money down bottomless rat holes. Everyone except the abusers are helped when there is accountability for the way tax money is spent, when higher standards are met in the schools, and when jobs are available so a person can work and make a living with dignity.
It amazes me that you get on here and condemn other people for complaining about things that are important to them yet you do the more pointless complaining. One fact of reality is clear; you are simply completely out of flint. Allen Barrett

Friday, August 08, 2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with 9:53. Try channeling some of your negative attitude and mistrust into something positive such as volunteer work. It'll do you and our community some good.

With regard to WAB. It appears that he is highly intelligent - at least he and his supporters purport that to be - rather than trying to be the community cop, ask yourself "what can I do to help this community that does not alienate one against another?" I'm sure the answer would not include pointing a camera in someone's face just to catch some misstep.

Friday, August 08, 2008 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB - Once again you have proved your moral and intellectual superiority with your self-aggrandizement. You continue to show to all who read this blog that you truly feel you are superior to those who disagree with you. The previous poster never claimed that their help consists of giving handouts to the undeserving. Perhaps they work with the Boy Scouts, or volunteer at the Shelter. By putting forth your assumptions of something you know nothing of, you once again prove yourself right! And what’s more important than being right? I can just hear you chuckle at yourself by saying "there, I sure told them!"

One thing is evident. You certainly are predictable. We can all take a great deal of comfort in that. "Don't go changin'" big guy.

Friday, August 08, 2008 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous of the 8 Aug 12:19 post.
Would you please show me the statement that was critical of the posters volunteer work? I asked about their volunteer work and I shared some of my thoughts about volunteer work but no where did I demean, characterize, identify or criticize their volunteering efforts.
I have no feelings or attitude of superiority moral, intellectually or in any other way. I'm just an average guy who has a concern for his community and the people in it. I have as much right and privilege to express those concerns as you have to reject them.
You continue to make misconceptions and distortions out of non-existent things in your zeal to discredit me and my statements. If you want to disagree with me that's up to you I just wish you would try and stick to reality when doing it. Allen Barrett

Friday, August 08, 2008 2:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB - oh rant and rave...and actually have the time to do it. I'm replying to your post of 11:57. I'm replying because others have brought it to my attention. (Ah, yes, there IS more than one person who was FOR the vote, or who thinks you are an antagonist!)...I have a full time job, yet find time - actually TAKE the time to work directly with the youth and parents of this work also with adults in my offer different ways of thinking and doing. In the past year, I've been told 'it' can't be done over and over - and yet, guess what? We did 'it!' And left everyone feeling really good about it. If I told you what "it" was, I'd reveal myself...and for the sake of those with whom I work (and myself), I'll keep that quiet. But I plan to run for office. The base is being laid as we speak. And my hope? That when people think back to everything I've helped with...everything I've suggested...everything I've guided people to do, that they'll answer: "it was always done with dignity, respect, and we are all better for it!" I do NOT antagonize. I work WITH people. That is what some posters on here are recommending YOU do, WAB. Oh -and about the camera thing - the difference between the 3PTV cameraman and you is MOTIVE! He is there to give a full public record of the presentation. You, on the other hand, appear (and since I am not you, I can only guess what your motive is), appear to come with criticism, expectation of wrong-doing, etc. I'm all about looking for the good, true and right. I've got a great book you should read - How to Win Friends and Influence People. You might be amazed at what generations of people have found to be true....that people make better better things...when they are dealt with in a fair and supportive way. You're a studied man, I know you know scripture - right? What does "As a man thinketh (in his heart), so he is" mean to you? What is it you think about, WAB? Find the wrong...instigating negativity? Remember, many of us agree with you (heaven forbid) - we agree we need new leadership - we agree monies could be spent more wisely...we agree there needs to be accountability for all actions that use public funds, etc...what we DISAGREE with is your MANNER in helping change what's wrong. If you put your smarts into working ALONGSIDE someone instead of waiting and hoping for them to trip up - maybe...just maybe...things (and people) would change. Try it. If I'd say "I'm praying for you" it would come off sounding condescending...and I don't want to. But, sincerely, I pray DAILY for the leadership of this county...for a hand of protection on our young people and school staff. I BELIEVE that with POSITIVE cooperation...things will change! I'd just like to see that more reasonable side of you come out - I'll bet you could get farther with it. That's all!

Friday, August 08, 2008 2:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:14 have you ever heard that only a fool trys to reason with someone determined not to be reasonable.
I have seen WAB in action a number of times and have never seen him treat anyone with disrespect until they were disrespectful to him. One only has to go back to when he was arrested and consider how he acted and how he was treated. Do you really think a person who would call the police simply because someone asked to speak was being respectful or reasonable. I was on the jury and listened to every word on the tape recording made by the school system and for the life of me I still can not understand how the whole thing happened when all the man did was ask to speak to the board. After the police were there and during a recess is when most of the talk was done and it wasn't WAB doing the talking. Even then the policeman said in court that he saw no reason to arrest either man but did because he was told to.
You are a fool if you think you can be all lovey dovey with some of the
people in our city/county government and school board and get anything but eat alive.

Friday, August 08, 2008 3:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 2:14: What in the world does this statement mean?????

"Oh -and about the camera thing - the difference between the 3PTV cameraman and you is MOTIVE! "
Even if you question a person's motive, how would that make cameras record something two different ways! I didn't realize cameras had motives....Ridiculous, just proves that if WAB says it, it's wrong to some.....sometimes grownups are mature enough to disagree and respect other's opinion, apparently WAB is not allowed to disagree, only everybody else who can't or won't sign their name, and I freely admit that I am a coward.... but I am intelligent enough to separate the msg from the messenger...

Friday, August 08, 2008 5:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a wab groupie or one who is always on his side. But, let me say that more times than not his attackers come off as half baked rhetoric while his replies are well thought out. It could be he has taken time to write his responses emotionless off line? Taking the same effort as a good debate to carefully diagnose your anger and dissect the venom?
I write "in the moment" so let me say that these responses are lacking in critical thinking. You are feeling superior over the "fools" that do not agree with you? If these fools are on here at all it must be for a lack of something to do? They should get out and volunteer more and whine less? Stop wasting their time supporting criticism and spend more time building a positive base in the community. It sounds good when you write it. Albeit written with a critical slant toward WAB or those who have time to read your post. So, let me tell you a little about myself (not that you ask).
I volunteered throughout the community without motive or agenda. You would not know me as I give of my time and do not care for recognition. I have seen the people of this community do much the same. I have also witnessed many who want a photo in the paper or a handout in many of those volunteer works. Working them like true politicians to "feather their nest" for future candidacy. They pander to the same well oiled political machines in town. If the work is with a large church or club all the better. When it comes to having empathy for the poor or understanding of economics they wait for someone to direct them for "politically correct" answers. They live in controlled environments of small town single mindedness. Never get caught saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong move, with the wrong people. In this forum we are all annonymous other than WAB and two others. So, you get to be superior and challenge any opposition without fear of retribution. How handy is it to have free (anonymous) speech and a blog that offers it? Put yourself out there when wrong is being committed. Would you be willing to handle that? It might cost you everything including your peace of mind. Whereas, here you can cowardly skewer anyone you choose. It looks like your next target might be me? Oddly though we have the same name....just call us anonymous.

Friday, August 08, 2008 5:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not for the life of me understand why the goverment officals are so upset that wab shows up at the meetings with a recorder hell have you ever heard of c-span i think they show a few gov meetings. If they are on the local cable channel whats it matter if he is there. I would hate to know i was so scared of one mans voice if yall quit spending so much dodgeing an ducking simple questions an just do the right things you would'nt even know wab even lived in giles county. He just says what alot of us think an i bet its more than 22% of the county . I don't even know the man could'nt even tell what he looks like but most everything he says is what i think an i have been here all my life an no i ain't leaveing i'm stayin to watch things change oneday.

Friday, August 08, 2008 5:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB - It WAS the majority. You can spin it anyway you care to, but the fact of the matter is that it was the majority of those who cared enough to vote. That's the way it works. Please point out to me where my logic is wrong.

The debate is not about how few people actually voted. I'm sure we both agree that the turnout was low.

Friday, August 08, 2008 6:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a town without a watchdog press and such varnished truth WAB does present another perspective. Love it or not AT LEAST you can interpret it however you want. It must be tiresome having to deal with someone not always eager to please? How could another camera, questions, or someone looking through the business bother a forthright government. How about embracing another set of eyes and ears to avoid lawsuits or criminal activity? We need all the eyes we can on criminal activities in this county with theft on the rise and jobs in the wind.

Friday, August 08, 2008 6:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of people voted for the sale tax because they were afraid their property taxes would go up.
Watch and see if they don't still go up.

When we get the new stadium, let's keep it repaired and in good condition so this mess want be again for our grandchildren.

Friday, August 08, 2008 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The need to rally is always after the fact. It will probably follow that no one will know the condition of the next crisis until we get the bill for the immediate need to repair it. Waiting in the wings will be a full hand picked staff to do the work, already given the green light, and all that is needed of us is our money. That's what galls me about this tax or a property tax. How is it that nothing is ever suggested beyond that (like volunteers to save tax dollars)? It is time for a change in this county. For someone to work in conjunction with the majority wants and find ways to economize. Especially in these tough economic times.

Saturday, August 09, 2008 6:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The millstone is on the back of Pulaski, not the county, for now. Believe the skoolers and be deceived. No skin off my back, other than the same connivers endlessly work to destroy both Pulaski and the county.

You believe the 25 cents per hundred will raise $2.5 million & you'll have the ampitheater, all the riches imaginable, and the toad you send to school everyday will turn into a pansom hince day after the stadieumm is built, right?

2005 property taxes increased by around $1.2+ million. When the the results came in, we learned it wasn't needed. They couldn't spend it all! My county property taxes jumped around $300! That big increase hit the whole county, not just Pulaski!

The debt and cost of construction for colossus is supposed to be at least $2.5 million, double the 2005 whammy on everybody in the county. That would be $600 if I lived in P town, but I don't - which means the P town people will have to pay my $600 plus their own $600, or $1200 per residence - (some more & some less). Don't ask me how you can get $2.5 million with 25 cents - I simply don't know. You might start by asking Mr. Holt, TJ, & the mayor how it works.

Unlike Dave Ramsey, the leaders on the end of your leash will have to borrow the $2.5 million, pay lenders up front money, & saddle your little backs with a perpetual mortgage. By the time the interest is paid (if possible), there will be no amps left over to maintain the amphitheater, and that which is crumbling today, will begin crumbling anew the day after the contractors walk away from this promised land to visit another promised land!

If you wire tap the weasel who sized up your chickens, you may find the next pot of soup will be homogenized by metropolitinizating the unwashed (not quite cleaned out yet) natives in the hinterlands of Giles County. The debt & disaster won't go away, it will just be shared with those who were not allowed to vote this time! Maybe the Chinese will loan the money, foreclose, spin Pulaski out of the US, & create a new colony in the new world. (I'd feel a lot safer if they did.)

Saturday, August 09, 2008 6:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such paranoia and mistrust. It's amazing we ever get anything done around here.

This thread has been beat to death. Let's get something else going so we can get the same 3-4 bloggers posting the same old tired nonsense such as the government officials are all corrupt, blah, blah, blah.

Saturday, August 09, 2008 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our elected officials have created the mistrust over the past years, its nothing recent.

As for it being the same old 3 - 4 bloggers, you are greatly mistaken although you would like to think that way.

Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1105 It's not amazing you ever get anything done. All the three pin heads have to do is tie a pink ribbon on a bag of horse dung & put a for sale sign of $2.5 million with "the only sure fire way to make money grow" on it.

Think about it, 700 or so people got to vote in an off year to sock it to every citizen in Giles County for your $2.5 million boondoggle. Does anyone know how they came up with $2.5 million? Did TJ & the spear do the financial analistics? What if someone had said $100,000 - guess they did, but that wasn't enough to line some pockets. Why not move the Hunter Smith building down there - seems like having all of our boondoggles together would make it easier to come down & pay homage to you & your followers.

Don't come whining to me when the Chinese move in to reposess it.

Sunday, August 10, 2008 6:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the county people who will be paying the same tax and didn't get to vote for it, how far do you live from another county or state?
Shop there.

I'm not in the 3 or 4 bloggers, new.

Monday, August 11, 2008 9:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah that makes sense. Have them shop somewhere else. That'll accomplish a lot.

You can complain all you want to about how few voters decided the tax issue, but the fact of the matter is they had their opportunity to vote no and they didn't.

Monday, August 11, 2008 9:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you're shopping in another state why don't you go ahead and pay their state income tax as well?

Monday, August 11, 2008 1:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now wouldn't that be a hoot if the Chinese repossess something in little ole Pulaski? Come to think of it that might just be a great idea. At least they'd make an investment in our future. That's a lot more than the naysayers on here would ever do.

Monday, August 11, 2008 6:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

635 - true blue commie - think they'll let you run things? When they say "make it happen", it'll be your hinny in the air, hands flinging it, & nose pointed wherever they want it.

Monday, August 11, 2008 8:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commie. Ha! That's a good one.

I suppose you're not familiar with sarcasm when you read it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see it now, DAN SPEER STADIUM in big bold letters.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 4:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you're shopping in another state why don't you go ahead and pay their state income tax as well?

Monday, August 11, 2008 1:04:00 PM

There is always, Lawrence, Maury Marshall and Lincoln Counties without state tax.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 6:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This town cannot take many shopping out of the area. Home Depot and Wal Mart look as though they have downsized their selections. Buying is down all over the place but in a small town if buying drops the big box stores move out. Still, people are going to find ways to save money. With gas so high it pays to shop wherever you are closest to. I want to support the local merchants and the community. I wonder how many will survive this economy,food prices going up, as well as a sales tax hike? Next time you eat out see how many are around you and ask how business is doing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gas has been running higher in Giles County that some of the counties around us also. We have run in people that have been filling up in Lawrenceburg while they are there. It has been almost $.10 cheaper on the gallon.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your ears open for a county property tax increase next year. Commissioners have been talking about it for several months and it has nothing to do with the Sam Davis Park, its over and above. Its time we all started calling our commissioners and telling them to cut the budgets, not give an increase in our taxes. Time we did something about it rather then just grumble on this blog.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who have suggested we replace the people on the school board who continue to vote Tee Jackson's is your chance! There are two new board members. Want things to go differently? Convince these new people Tee needs to be held accountable for the school system's spending. Convince them there needs to be transparency in school spending. In some states, they are required to post, in local publications, EVERY single expenditure by state entities. Why? It's tax payer money and they deserve to know where their funds are going. In some states there are actual websites that post this info. That kind of transparency develops trust - which is sadly lacking - and most likely for good reason. WAB would know if the expenditures are a matter of public record. If they are, then demand they be published! The transparency is the strongest form of accountability. Can any old Joe get a copy of the financials? I'm not talking budget - you can put anything on paper, - I'm talking the actual expenditures. Who knows something about this? And be sure to talk to the new board members. And while you're at it - have you noticed that the only contact info for the board members is their photo online? No phone numbers, no email addresses. Unless you know them personally, you're not likely to be able to find them. They probably like it that way!

Thursday, August 14, 2008 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1149 - excellent comments. All that's needed is a pdf file & web site to publish most reports. The reports published in the paper are absolutely meaningless & intended to be that way.

Thursday, August 14, 2008 8:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you are shopping in another county why not be a fan of their football team.Since you are spending there and paying sales tax to them, why not send your kids to school there. That way you will benefit from your tax dollar.

Friday, August 15, 2008 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For heavens sake 11:35 do you really think that it is a show of support to pretend to shop here? If someone is going to shop elsewhere to save on gas or food to keep their families fed and the car on the road then they need to get out? You set by with that mantra and see who listens. You might get a lot of head nods and amens but after the dust clears from those cars leaving to shop elsewhere stores will close. If you believe what you read that tourist will kick in the big bucks then relax. Personally I think that as long as it pays to shop outside the area it is going to happen. Worse if the area loses more stores, raises prices to makeup for the losses, and to top off the cake you get to pay higher taxes for less selection. But, why worry right, it's only .25 out of $100.00 unless you factor inflation,decreased selection, and job loss. In that case poor people will walk to the local stores and spend more money. In the poorest neighborhood you find the most expensive prices because they must buy it there. The kids go to school at their local schools otherwise some of them might be glad to send them outside for better schools and higher paid teachers. That new ball park seems worth it right?

Friday, August 15, 2008 6:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's pretend that you are a plus size woman in Giles County. Where can you shop. The merchandise on the square in plus sizes looks like something senior woman would wear. There is no choice but to shop out of town if you are not an "average size woman." Wal Mart has a little better selection but still not much. No choice but to shop out of town at the malls. I grocery shop her but not clothes shop.

Friday, August 15, 2008 7:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point 7:56 in that if you really need variety you want to go outside to maximize your travel (gas and time). Larger areas have more selection and while you are there you can do more things not found here. Theater, food, bookstores,craft stores, malls, museums, and whatever you need or want. I try to support the local merchants but if they do not sell it or are much higher (with less selection) driving necessary. Sometimes it's just more fun to get out of town.

Friday, August 15, 2008 8:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't care for football.

Friday, August 15, 2008 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen a financial justification for the $2.5 million? I'll bet the 25 cents per hundred won't pay for TJ's cookie crumbs & coffee allowance!

If schools get $3 million COUNTY WIDE on ($3.25 per hundred - what is it?), wonder what TJ, the Spear, & Holt will get on 25 cents per hundred from Pulaski only???

Is there a relationship between having been had before and being had again. Guess the getters gotcha again?

Saturday, August 16, 2008 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course there is a relationship between being had and being had again, the getters find it gets easier and the been gots find it easier to be complacent

Saturday, August 16, 2008 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO 11:35-I am thankful I am not your spouse or seem to have the mindset that if one thinks things are not perfect then you should "abandon ship". For goodness sakes, do you not see the benefit,value, and INTELLIGENCE of recognizing problems, admitting that they exist, and then try to make things better??? You seem to be making the point that if you disagree with the "status quo", then you should leave. I have had problems in my marriage through the years as has anyone who has been together more than a few weeks; we didn't choose to leave and go elsewhere; we chose to stay and fix things; that's what most of the folks are saying here when they voice complaints and concerns; there are some very real problems here in our HOME; none of us want to give up and "walk out on our home", we want to make things better! Your posts indicate that if you dare to disagree with local gov't, you should go elsewhere. Frankly, I think that is a most UN-AMERICAN mind set. Personally, I am not a quitter; I don't give up and leave; I try to make things better in all areas of my home (Giles CO)....Your way of thinking would make things rough on anybody that is a part of your life, "If one dares to complain or have a different opinion than yours, they should get out of your life and go elsewhere....! How very SAD!

Saturday, August 16, 2008 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we said no by a larger % the first time then they brought it back again it got a small yes lets go best two out three or is that allowed.

Monday, August 18, 2008 9:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's only allowed when you're in charge and things don't go your way.

Monday, August 18, 2008 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw in the paper where there was a $300,000.00 grant to buy bleachers-I thought they said there was not enough time to apply for grants to help with the renovations of the stadium.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 7:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing timing that since the tax increase has passed suddenly grants become available, new things are added to the plan, the immediacy that was is no longer, and the bleachers that were so, so dangerous and unusable are now safe and usable for at least another year. Now the next dose should come in about a month when we're told the two and a half million has grown to three and a half million. Allen Barrett

Thursday, August 21, 2008 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really think the budget will grow by a million dollars? If it does, then you'll be proven right, but if it doesn't then I for once would love to see you actually put in writing..."I was wrong."

Your mistrust knows no limits.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 2:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course there will be a property tax increase in the near future...we paid the blackmail and according to law enforcement, once you pay it once, they come back for more and more. The only surprise is that people seem surprised.

Friday, August 22, 2008 8:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing I found amazing was according to the paper the storage building is now a priority. I understood from earlier reports that
the area under the stands would be used for storage and that was the reason for the extra expense of enclosing them.

Friday, August 22, 2008 9:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing about grasshoppers is the fact they will consume everything in sight. When that is done, They move on to consume all that wasn't seen the first time, and so forth till all is consumed.

Look at the possibilities - artificial turf, cover the dirt with green cement ................................................

Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to wab; please research the cost of th 60 plus football gear for gchs--not to mention richland, south giles, bridgeforth, junior teams, etc? does the high cost of entry to a home game pay for them--more importantly---all of the coaches who are employed by giles county school system are paid supplemental pay for each game. years ago, when i was in the school system, that amounted to about $2,ooo per year per coach. several years ago before tj, there was great controversy over the pay--and i don't think the system ever had to disclose how much the supplement was---i wonder how many coaches are now receiving supplemental pay--i counted 15 coaches for gchs in the paper--not counting the volunteers. that's ridiculous!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008 5:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a better way to raise money than the wheel tax. We need to make all roads going to Alabama into toll roads. Rather than setting up toll booths at both ends, just get them comming and going into Alabama. That way nobody would shop in Alabama & the Alabammers who work here would have to pay or not get to work! That way we could get something for nothing, which seems to be what its all about.

Monday, August 25, 2008 8:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coaches supplements are a percentage of their salary which is based on degree and experience. It is outlined in contract between GCEA and BOE. If one person is head coach of two diff. teams, their is a ceiling on the amt of supplement. It was a BIG issue with negot. team for several years, but not necessarily as big an issue for the majority of the members of GCEA. Anyway, most all teachers should have a copy of the $$$amts. It's pretty straight forward at least by BOE standards

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 4:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really are kidding aren't you 4:32? Surely you understand that what is written in the contract ain't necessarily what is done in real life? What about the cars given for coaches use, how about the money collected from booster buddies? How do you think the money from the gate is spent and on what? Does it bother you that there are no real records kept on those things?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard Ron Shirey jumped ship on the radio.
Wonder how many more rats will jump off the sinking ship before it's all over with??

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Ron Shirey a coach?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 3:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See new thread topic on Ron Shirey for answer

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 6:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am 4:32 and yes it does bother me very much, to answer your question.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron Shirey is a volunteer at no pay. The coaches do get a supplement but the head coach gets much more than that. How much did he get paid for keeping the football building open this summer? How much does he get from boosters? Booster money does not come through payroll does. Someone needs to check with Financial Management and see how much money went to the head coach, after all it is public knowledge and should be made public. How much was paid for washing uniforms, weight room and other things? There are all kinds of pay out there for coaches. Bev you are chair how much was it?

Tuesday, September 09, 2008 6:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The parents and players raise money and come out of their pockets to pay for alot of these things.
FYI it is called The Booster Club and not The Football Booster Club because they help buy things for ALL SPORTS not just football, and what does it matter if they want to pay the coaches something extra its not taxpayer money-they raise the money through membership fees, donations, selling game programs and fundraisers. They help pay for anything the TEAMS need and do not have money for-like washing uniforms and other things.

Why is it that everyone wants to attack the football team? You would think that the only sport in Giles County is football. There are other sports in this county that use the weight room, Sam Davis Park, gymnasium, etc.

You can just as easily check out the information for yourself that you are saying someone needs to check out-don't ask someone else to do something your yourself are not willing to do.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 8:33:00 AM  

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