Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, August 15, 2008

In What Ways Would You Like To See This Area Grow???

"In what ways would you like to see this area grow and change and what businesses would you like to see move here"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see a Wendy's move here.

Friday, August 15, 2008 9:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The north end of the county needs shopping. Either way we go up here it's a trek for groceries, clothes, etc. Don't know if the shopping area that Milky Way proposes will be something we will be able to use, since that is a "gated community" and I don't know if those that live there would want the rest of us to shop there. But, it doesn't seem to be coming along very fast, so it could be many years before any stores and shops are even there.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VERTICALLY! In spirit & purpose!

What if we grew like Spring Hill? Overcrowding, miles of asphalt, row tracts of houses, crowded schools screaming fo more money to indoctrinate you children, moving Bubba elsewhere because ony he affluent could afford our community, street lights, etc.?

It doesn't have to grow or shrink to be better. It doesn't have to cost more or less to be better. Better is up to us. I know we are better, not because of materiality, but because of the giving nature of those who by nature have less to give. Revisit the why we like it here, & our gift is obvious.

Money hasn't educated anyone! That message is burned into history. Passing the gifts is but a matter of doing it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VERTICALLY! In spirit & purpose!

What if we grew like Spring Hill? Overcrowding, miles of asphalt, row tracts of houses, crowded schools screaming fo more money to indoctrinate you children, moving Bubba elsewhere because ony he affluent could afford our community, street lights, etc.?

It doesn't have to grow or shrink to be better. It doesn't have to cost more or less to be better. Better is up to us. I know we are better, not because of materiality, but because of the giving nature of those who by nature have less to give. Revisit the why we like it here, & our gift is obvious.

Money hasn't educated anyone! That message is burned into history. Passing the gifts is but a matter of doing it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deja Vu all over again.

If you're not growing, you're shrinking. There's no such thing as staying exactly where you are. Just because you grow doesn't automatically we're going to be another Spring Hill, etc. We'll never grow to a Spring Hill in our lifetime...besides, have you ever lived in Spring Hill? It's actually a pretty nice place to live. I can assure you the homeowners there are enjoying the appreciation of their homes. Unlike what's happening here to Pulaski homeowners.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 5:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped growing when a teen ager. Sometimes when I feel 10 feet high, something kicks me in the rear end & I become 2 feet high until I get over it. As Popeye said, I yam what I yam. I got accustomed to it & learned to like the real things in life - most of which are as free as air and can not be reproduced by man - certainly not by government.

Haven't lived in Spring Hill or Brentwood - could any time I wanted, but my choice is here. Nothing against city folks or their desire to live like sardines. It simply isn't for me. I plan to leave them alone & respect their choices. I expect them respect my choices and not force me to their way of communal life. Misery loves company. I'd sure appreciate it if you'd form a misery club & work on learning how to be happy with what you have & leave me alone until you get over it. There is something better than a free lunch.

Read the reasons why Giles County is the place to be. If you see Pulaski as a hell hole, get rid of Spear. If you don't have enough money to get what you want, lower taxes, get another job, or learn to live peacefully with out it.

The only things Spear brings here are hustlers wanting something for nothing. What more could an honest business want other than low taxes, an honest government, and an unbeatable environment? That means we're going to have stop the tax increase bull crap & get rid of a 2 or 3 key connivers who are constantly anything but honest.

Sunday, August 17, 2008 2:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The growth that happened in Franklin, Brentwood and Spring Hill was in part due to an influx of executives that work in and around Nashville or at Saturn. We are not close enough to Nashville to have attracted the boom that many outside the area did. And, Huntsville is close has not as yet large enough to make a huge change here.
The area has a lot of rural stock and beauty but not a large body of water where retirees or second home owners have flocked for a place to enjoy. What it does have is land and overlooks and a farm scape. It still has historical homes and a friendly atmosphere that many areas near Nashville have lost.
For it to grow within the confines of what is here and what is valued it would need to honor the past with something that is in demand today. We cannot continue to import our products and remain consumers. What it is that we can provide that is in demand is a strong and healthy lifestyle, perhaps some medical research facilities, whole foods that are chemical free, companies that produce energy and environmentally friendly products. Watch the trends and find what fits this area without ruining it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008 5:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could borrow our business model afrom that of Maury county. Go to the link below to read more. If we could put emphasis on historical and agricultural in a NEW way. Bring in businesses that can offer local cheeses, foods, and agritourism. Just about all that they did we can do with the right leadership. We may not be close to Franklin or Nashville but we have a lot to offer similar without that reliance.

Sunday, August 17, 2008 7:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see more walking trails and sidewalks. It would also be great to have a really nice city park with a big playground for the kids. Yes, I know the Rec has a park and walking trails. But, it is a little cramped. Wouldn't it be nice to have sidewalks in all of the neighborhoods or at least repair the ones that are here already?

Thursday, August 21, 2008 9:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to see the area change in spirit and beauty but it desperately needs employment opportunities. Rather than becoming a service or consumer oriented town it would be nice to become self sufficient. Maybe by bringing in companies that want what we have. A good clean and quiet area with abundance of natural habitat. If we could bring in good employment then more money would come for schools and parks. It's hard to get the latter without the first. Most jobs here pay average wages (average income 72,000) or people work outside the area. Martin does a good job of educating and drawing an educated group but it is too expensive for the locals to attend. Many go to Columbia or Calhoun if they can afford that. Many of the children leave here and work or live away after high school. It's not due to a desire to leave the area but a desire to have better pay and more to choose from. We attract a large crowd that retire here or are here making the best of what they have. In order to attract business we need someone who can sell the area and target the type industry which can fit or improve the area.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 6:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know where you got the average income of 72,000 from but it's way off. Census numbers for Median household income is well below 40,000.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 8:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So right although lower according to 2004 census it was $35,358! And, the average house value was $72,900. So, with that said it's not a wealthy area and could use a boost. Thanks for the correction.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 8:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see Giles County have cleaner drinking water, fewer cancer patients, more jobs for the unemployed, high speed internet in the rural areas that don't cost a fortune, and sensible, truthful politicians and fewer number of them especially on the Commission. 14 would be sufficient. Two from each district.
That all.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more on reducing the number of commissioners.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 3:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reducing the number of commissioners would only make it easier to control them. What's needed is smarter, stronger more involved commissioners with backbone and character.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 5:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you about fewer commissioners, clean drinking water, more jobs (higher paying jobs), real people in the office that actually communicate with the public in town house meetings or in some format. As long as voter turnout is low or the area does not demand better you get what you get. Fewer young people are stepping into office or up to take charge. Many leave the area for opportunities elsewhere and for a voice. A mix of apathy and resignation have set in for the areas voters and for the area. Maybe due to the pot shots taken from anyone who is critical or not submissive to "business as usual" in the area. And yet it is not working???? Look around and fix the areas that need to be fixed.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most everything that was requested, or desired - costs MONEY! And since most people on this blog talk about reducing taxes, then the only way to increase county revenues is to increase the tax base by the influx of new business. New business brings jobs, (making a quarter of a percent local option tax a mear pittance), it brings new tax dollars, if it offers enough new positions, it could bring more people who buy homes, increase property values (hint: YOUR're probably living in and on the single largest asset you'll ever own)...etc.
The only problem is - businesses do not want to locate here! Do you know why? It can be many things - perhaps they run across this blog and realize its citizens can't get along...or perhaps they see how people sit on their front porches, along with their refrigerators, run down sofas and unkempt homes, and decide the locals aren't quite what they hoped for. It could be many reasons, but one of the BIGGEST is the schools. I've heard on good authority of people who walked into the high school, saw the roaches crawling the floors, and were met by grumpy office workers and turned around and left town, never to be seen again. Until the schools (and sorry, I know this is supposed to be a positive thread, but...) are cleaned up - from the leadership down to the dirty floors (wax thrown on top of 40 year old dirty is downright disgusting!), companies will continue to take their tax dollars eleswhere. It's time for the commission to take a stand. And honestly - though you don't want to hear it - they also need to fund the building of a new high school. The place is a dump. Go check it out sometime. The hallways are crowded to the point the fire marshall should come in. That school was built for about half the number of students who are in there now. The classes are crowded, too. 30-35 kids in most classes. That makes it harder for our kids to get a good education. Most companies in their right minds would have a hard time relocating their management here with the shape the schools are in. Most of the complaints on this blog are about how the school director spends inappropriately. It would be very interesting to see if the system could be run more effectively on the same dollars, but under different leadership. Consider, Shirey left for more money. Richie Brewer left for more money. They are two of the better administrators in this district and they're gone - because of money! Even under new leadership, I have a feeling, the school system still wouldn't be able to come up with the money needed to stay competitive. They lose a lot of the good people because of the money. There's lots to think about folks, and it's not all about saving money. Sometimes spending it is required to keep you from losing it all together. You talk about wanting new walking trails, sidewalks or other improvements, but without the tax dollars, who is going to build those things? Where's the money coming from? If we don't increase taxes, then we need others to come in. Milky Way could still help (once the economy pulls out), other businesses could help. Place a good sized factory in this town and it puts people to work, and adds tax revenues, support for charities, etc. A new high school is absolutely required, and until we get one, it will be difficult to attract the type of businesses that could help bring us out of the downturn. Oh, and while we're at it - start counting the number of young families with children who move out of town when the kids get older and are faced with having to go to Bridgeforth or the High School. The schools are the reason. I know - some of our friends are ones who have left and they've made it clear. There is no confidence in the schools. Others send their kids to Cornersville. There's a huge number of Giles County kids going to school over there. Safer, cleaner, tighter administration, they care about the kids more there. It's not all just football! As my mom used to say: We're in a mell of a hess!

Sunday, September 07, 2008 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot disagree with anything you have said here up to the point of building a school and they will come? Industry or businesses are needed prior to new schools or the downturn we are in will be a crash and burn. My niece is a teacher in another county. I cannot imagine them living here or her teaching here. This town is not for everyone not just for the lack of quality schools. It can be redneck and backstabbing and boring at times. It can also be kind and caring and solid. The people with a sofa and refrigerator on the front porches are not why they leave. Take a look at a lot of metropolitan areas with worse in and on the outside of their homes. What brings industry in is not what the homes look like but rather whether there is a skilled and educated workforce to do the job. If there is easy access to transport goods and services. And, if there is incentive to locate here vs. somewhere with more to offer. People leave here for much the same reasons. Does another community offer more for less with a lot less controversy? Do you have to be related to someone to get ahead? What do you have to deal with to make a life and a living in your community. Understandable why younger people move from here in that they have less invested here. Some may not own homes or may have inexpensive starter homes that can be sold. For those of are invested in the community (both in money and support) leaving is not an option. So, I guess the question boils down to where is the money coming from to build that school? How can this area attract good jobs now with what is here? How do you solve that question of moving forward within the confines of available funds, support, and in finding a "silver lining" in this community. We cannot ignore the bad that is here or the good. Milky Way development saw the bad and the good and pushed ahead for what can happen here. Hopefully when things pick up again so will industry and then the schools will come. Otherwise, we are just spending monies the area cannot afford to spend. Overall I think we agree that it comes down to jobs and money. Those who are leaving can see doing the same job for more money with less hassles. That is another point (not so positive) in that the area wants a lot for so little. As long as there are other communities willing to support and reward good leadership we will keep losing out.

Monday, September 08, 2008 9:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have some dirty clothes do you throw them away or wash them. The problem at GCHS is twofold a lack of effective leadership and overcrowding. These problems are manifested in symptoms of filthy conditions and chaotic activity.
A simple way to improve the overcrowding is to do away with the insane zoning policy that prevent more students from going to Richland. Rezone both schools for a more equal distribution of students. Why should GCHS be overcrowded while Richland goes under utilized?
There is no excuse for the condition GCHS is in other than a lack of attention. Cleaning is not all that difficult when it's made a priority. Allen Barrett

Thursday, September 11, 2008 9:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just stands to reason that unless we get more funding and more jobs that building another school is not the answer. If Richland is under utilized then agreed that sending more students there is the answer for now. It would be fiscally irresponsible right now. Unless the area is growing to pay for that cool our heels and get involved in local schools. Same thing that happened with Sam Davis park where fixing it up or taking a less expensive route by pitching in is rejected with throwing money at it. Money that this area DOES NOT HAVE!!!! Unless it's just my distorted view and this area is really prosperous and growing?

Thursday, September 11, 2008 6:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, One thing I looked forward to was the Bluegrass Festivals, but due to lack of community support they have been discontinued. I can't afford to buy expensive tickets to hear that sound, now I have to go elsewhere to listen to Bluegrass Music. What a shame.

Thursday, October 09, 2008 9:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAB is speaking my language. Cleaning - made a priority - could make a difference at GCHS. If they'd pay a little attention to the condition of the schools...tell the custodial staff, "that's not up to our standards...clean this again" - would it happen? Who does that staff report to? Is it Hastings, or the guys in maintenance? Go to the GCHS cafeteria sometime and look at the air intake next to the janitor's closet - it looks like it hasn't been cleaned since the day the building opened. It's a nasty mess. And don't venture near the restrooms off the auditorium - disgusting!! No lights, no paper towels, no toilet paper. Same goes for the ones near the band room. They came in and painted the walls - and what a sloppy mess of a job. Paint streaks and drips falling down the wall, over the baseboard and onto the floor. (This painting wasn't done by the guy who painted this summer...he seemed to have done a really good job - even took down the bulletin boards to paint over the old yellow paint from WAY back) - but just go in and check things out. It IS all about standards - like WAB said. And check out the Sudoku books in the janitor's closet. If they've got time to do Sudoku....they've got time to clean more. That's the typical response: "They're so busy - we have just 3 people here covering a school of this size." Hogwash. Strip those floors...strip that old wax in the corners...actually clean something. I'm embarassed. No, really, I'm enraged. My tax dollars go to the schools...and yet my kid has to live all day in squalor. Tell me how that's right!

Saturday, October 18, 2008 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

About the schools being dirty. Get a group together and speak to the board. Until people start speaking out nothing will get done. Don't worry about repercussions it won't happen. It would be a positive for the county system to work on. As a matter of fact the more input the better things will become. People want to know people care enough to speak out.

Friday, November 14, 2008 11:41:00 AM  

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