Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Did You See The $12,000.00 Tossed Out The Window At The Courthouse Annex???

It was learned today that eight million dollars, principle from the hospital sale, was used to purchase a 30 day CD at .5 percent, from LGIP, this will result in a yield of 40,000 dollars interest. Problem is the very same amount could have been invested in a local bank under the exact same conditions with the exact same protections for .65 percent which would have yielded 52,000 dollars interest or a difference of $12,000.00. While $12,000.00 may not seem like much to some folks it's a lot to me, but more importantly it's just another indication of how little effort goes into handling county money. Allen Barrett


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The REAL problem are the rates being quoted. I could go with a local bank and get a 2.5% rate of return. That's $200,000 per year.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009 4:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And before the Finance Director, Loretta Garner, gets blamed for this action on investments, let's remember that it is Joann Townsend, the County Trustee, who handles the county investments. Giles Co needs to form an Investment Committee as is allowed under the financial management system of accounting.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009 7:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This ought to be real easy for the County Commission to understand. In this day of financial tightness fiscal responsibility ought to be on every elected officials mind.

1) Volunteer your time as a Commissioner. The money you make is a joke! So, why not be a leader and refuse your payments for meetings?

2) Forbid any public official or any County/Municipal employee who is driving a government vehicle from using that vehicle for personal use. Such as, going to the market, going to another job, going out of county unless you are going straight home or are on government business. For example, how many time does the Pulaski City Mayor use his Industrial Board vehicle for purely personal use? ALL THE TIME. Such as going to the GYM, Going to social events that have nothing to do with County/City government business. Another example, you can see the EMA Director's vehicle in front of Whitt's Body Shop every morning and evening. Guess who the EMA Director is?

Thursday, July 09, 2009 5:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sinister indeed; this calls for a complete investigation.

Thursday, July 09, 2009 5:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:21 It certainly does! And the county executive ought to be sorting out the Whitt thing.

Thursday, July 09, 2009 7:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our County Executive is a joke! She is gonna break this county if we don't get her out next election.
Her and Dan Speer.

Thursday, July 09, 2009 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen 10:03am! Vanzant wants everything done her way regardless of if it hurts the county financially. Why would she be so careless to be less than informed on important issues that face our county financially unless she is benefiting someway. And what is the deal with Vanzant and Garner (finance director) being arm and arm lately. It is as if Garner can't or won't make a decision unless Vanzant is in lock step with her. Who is running the finance office anyway? Since when do the decisions regarding the finance office require Vanzant's stamp of approval.
We have got to have one good candidate to run against Vanzant in the next election. It is imperative that we get this woman out of office. She is a manipulator and a deceitful person. She lies so frequently and to so many people it is unbelievable. How she manages to keep the support of certain commissioners is beyond me. These commissioners better be rethinking their strategics for getting elected next election if they are still supporting Vanzant because each day I hear more citizens have become disappointed in Vanzant and her reign as commissioner over this last term. How hard is it to just be honest these days? It seems so many become elected and forget their constituency. We are not suppose to get elected to support our own personal agendas. Thanks goodness some of our elected officials are actually listening to the citizens and doing the right thing. We need rise up against Vanzant like the citizens of this county have against Speer and PES. Citizens of this county are being raped financially by Tee Jackson and his cronies as well as Vanzant and hers. The amount of frivolous spending and careless management is astounding. WE DO NOT need to close the ambulance station at the north end of the county in order to reduce the proposed 7 cents in property tax. All we have to do is get a handle on how our money is being spent and make those spending it without batting an eye accountable to us all.

Friday, July 10, 2009 6:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you people not only wanted to get Mrs. Vanzant and Mayor Speer out next election. How about Roger Reedy, Barry Hyatt, Mr. Lovell, Bill Holt, Loretta Garner, Stoney Jackson, and on and on and on?
Your statemnt about "getting them out next election" serves to prove my point. We have the electoral process in place to take care of those who are not serving their constituencies. When they break the law, we have the criminal justice system to put them in jail.

Friday, July 10, 2009 7:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.5 or .65% tells us how ridiculously screwed up our country is at this time. Rebuild America? How about strip and burn it? It's been stripped by the globalists - all we need is another match!

Pull the money out & bury it! Shut investment down until the people get so mad they do something about it! There is no true investment going on in this country - it's all somewhere else!

Message - capital is worthless!

Retirees who planned on living on savings are getting around 0.5% instead of 5%. - a ten fold cut in return on investment! Bail out Wall Street crooks & toss granny out in the street!

Millions of Americans are on the unemployment comp list. Countless millions more are unemployed with no benefits & not even recognized as unemployed! All the Kings horses & all the kings men, scurrying here & there, not knowing up from down, east from west, or the simple fact that it is way past time to tend to the home fires & screw those who want as free ride. Send the Kenyon king back to Kenya & send Bush with him!

Jobs ??? Name one productive job created? Can anyone count the endless stream of sacked business - GM, Chrysler, endless buy out cartel creations in the name of competition, too many to count suppliers dried up & gone, gutting distribution chains, endless more! The Kenyan president has another agenda - same one as Bush & Clinton before him. Can anyone name a productive enterprise started in the black ghetto areas that need it most? I can't count the number of local businesses going down the drain, right now!

The Kenyon president, Pelossi, Schumer & other raiders have a plan to solve the energy & job crisis - They are going to legalize 30 million illegals - give them full citizenship & benefit rights you don't have, add them to the line of people sucking our energy supplies dry, give them first choice on the few scattered jobs left in this country, & tell you to go to hell - a place they are building for you.

Friday, July 10, 2009 8:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

646 The money is there! Schools have spent 3 times the inflation rate since 2004-5! It's $5 million more than the national average increase! There is more than enough for a tax roll back & wage adjustments to bring all county employees pay increases up to the COLA minimum for that period. Drain the swamp!

Friday, July 10, 2009 8:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friday, July 10, 2009 7:51:00 AM

There you go 7:51am using the term "you people" again. Why don't you say the large majority? I think that would encompass more than the "you people" you so freely use each time you disagree with your relative or friend being in question or perhaps yourself, since you seem so readily able to defend those in question. I don't have a problem with several of those you so eloquently pointed out as "targeted officials" some dislike. I dislike corruption. Hopefully you do to and aren't living in a dreamworld where you think it doesn't exist. I can't help who is involved, that is a decision they make not me. Barry Hyatt has done a great job! Roger Reedy is one of most moral upstanding commissioners and citizens we have in our county. Bill Holt I take issue with because he is a hand puppet to his master, Tee Jackson. Should not be chairman of budget and finance committee and has no business voting himself a raise each year and making decisions that pertain to his job.Period!
Stoney Jackson, albeit he is very straight forward and blunt, is always honest and upfront and attends out of town educational programs that are designed for commissioners to learn.Many other commissioners do not. He does more to educate himself than most on the commission with the exception of one or two. Don't always agree with him but, just because I don't doesn't mean I dislike him. Loretta Garner is under qualified for the job she is doing as is displayed in the many decisions she has made regarding, bidding, purchasing and managing her workers. Also, nothing personal just concerned about my tax dollars. She and her salary are a drain on the county budget as we are NOT getting a good return on the money we afford to pay her salary and benefits. She is also a hand puppet to Vanzant. No problem with Lovell but, don't always see eye to eye with him. But, you address a concern with him and he listens.
As far as criminal behavior?? You mentioned that I didn't. Are you trying to tell us all something? Elected officials can make very bad decisions but are not deemed criminal acts. However, no one is above committing a criminal act and as long as no inquiries go into how money is spent and who is making the final decision and for what reason citizens may not know IF criminal behavior exists. We have had it go on in the past in several counties surrounding us. You statement is true to a point that yes, we do have a criminal justice system in place to prosecute those who violate the law. But, if no one knows criminal activity takes place then how do you suggest that to happen???

Friday, July 10, 2009 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said, we have the electoral process and the criminal justice systems in place to take care of those you so passionately feel should be dealt with. Why don't you trust those institutions and let them take care of things. And those like you (among the very vocal minority) can then just butt out. I think you all have sufficiently exposed those corrupt individuals anyhow. All I'm defending is their right to due process. Wouldn't you want the same?

Friday, July 10, 2009 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is wrong with talking about the subject with like minded citizens.? If you feel so compelled to defend these individuals and do nothing more than condemn those that discuss the wrongdoing just simply restrain from reading this blog. You aren't able to give an opposing view of those acting in the best interest of themselves alone. You are only capable of condemning those of us who choose to inform others and have open dialogue discussing the matters. And as far as due process goes. I don't get myself in situations where I have to exercise my right to due process. Wouldn't you think that is the best way to conduct one's self. Although it appears some try to see how much they can get away with and keep the rest of us in the dark so as not to have their actions revealed. You can trust that things have been and are being looked into with our county and you are sorely mistaken if you think investigations don't involve the cooperation of knowledgeable citizens. No way I can change your mind as you seem firmly planted in your ideal that citizens should let the authorities and the electoral process handle our problems alone. But, you never answered my question as to how does anyone know it is going on if no one questions anything?Perhaps hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars and mine being wasted and used to line people's pockets is no reason to be proactive in your opinion but, thank goodness everyone doesn't think like you do. You may be defending one's right to due process but, you chastise those of us who wish to inform each other and chart a course to stop the corruption and keep it at a minimum. Sounds like you would love to be able to take away my right to voice my opposing view because it doesn't agree with yours. You are ridiculous and most likely part of the problem. Otherwise why would you be so vehemently against any discussion on the matter?

Friday, July 10, 2009 3:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

Friday, July 10, 2009 3:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, but I did answer your question. I said that people like you make sure anything is exposed that you disagree with. That is your due process. And, if the institutions already in place to deal with wrong doers isn't good enough for you, then what do you propose? I don't think name-calling and public humiliation is your right. Do you?

Friday, July 10, 2009 4:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if the institutions already in place to deal with wrong doers have to be pointed out what is wrong.
They may not check if not told something is wrong.

Oh, I forgot you are the perfect one and know what needs to be done.

Your talking bad about WAB and others that don't agree with you is ok. That is where the pot calls the kittle black.

Friday, July 10, 2009 4:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regardless how we, the citizens, speak to and of each other, it astounds me how arrogant some elected officials are. I am including County as well as municipal officials. They have an omnipotent attitude towards the citizens of Giles County (except for those who are within their click). There are Mayors who are autocratic (Speer and Ware). There are Commissioners who are above the scrutiny of the citizens and get quite putout when questioned. Regardless of State law (the Sunshine Law), there are Commissioners who hold meeting that are unannounced, during which there are no minutes taken much less published, during which nothing is accomplished. OK you want an example, let’s pick on Tommy Campbell. Has anyone attended a Flood Zoning Committee meeting? What does this committee accomplish? What is its charter for existence? Where does it meet? Do the attending Commissioners get paid for these meetings? I guess we could ask the Finance Office for it is public information. I would like to have the newspaper publish a listing of Commission Committees, the members of said committees, how often said Committees met last year who attended these meetings and whether or not the attending members were paid and how much. This ought to be an open and regular section of our newspaper. A standalone section entitled “County Government – Issues and Facts” This section could be published once a month or at least once quarterly. This section could provide a “Cliff Note” version of Government activities and a matrix of how Commissioners voted during their meetings on those issues that were presented. This will provide an insight into our local government for the average citizen who has a right to know whether or not that citizen gives a damn. Granted WKSR does a pretty good job in presenting the results of Government meetings. But, would it not be nice to have a single, concise and unbiased source to which we could go and try understand the workings of our local Government? I am willing to bet that there are some Commissioners who will oppose this idea for they fear public disclosure and scrutiny. We, the citizens, could then ask …”Why did not a certain Commission Committee meet during the past period?” … if they did not meet because there was no business; why have such a committee? Yes this would open a can of worms. Why not? Don’t we, the citizens, deserve it?

Friday, July 10, 2009 5:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I do believe scrutinizing elected officials is my right. If you think calling someone corrupt who denies the public access and shuns questions consistently is name calling then yes I guess I am name calling. You are teetering on the edge of causing us all to believe you are one of the few in question.
I still don't understand why a citizen paying taxes in our county would not want open government regarding how our tax dollars are spent.And furthermore, want to ensure that we have the most qualified individuals making the decisions financially for our county.
It baffles me to be quiet honest how your mind is wired. What is your point in not putting these officials back against the wall? They spend our hard earned money and make the big decisions that affect the stability and welfare of this county and it's citizens.

I don't know about you but, I don't have thousands laying around to loan out, spend at will and waste on financial options not carefully researched and studied. Do you handle your personal finances so wantonly?
You can talk to me until your blue in the face or the cows come home but, you will never be able to clarify to me your nonchalant attitude towards our counties budget and spending habits. Just seems like you don't want anyone questioning anything. Why would that be? Just a note: I haven't called anyone a name just to keep you in check in regards to your criticism of my so called "name calling" in this post thus far.
If there is no corruption or wrongdoing taking place in this county then it won't hurt to investigate and question will it?

Friday, July 10, 2009 6:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys make sure any hint on wrongdoing is broadcast for all to see. Do you think all municipalities have a little group of whiners whose self-appointed job it is to "blow the whistle" on anyone they dislike or disagree with? I hope you are smarter than that.
You accuse me of thinking myself the perfect one. Again, the kettle is calling the pot black. No, I'm far from perfect and have never been on this blog or anywhere else for that matter trying to pass myself off as smarter than others. You see, that's one of the things I dislike about the know-it-alls who actually think that about themselves. And, by the way, they have all the answers, don't they?
Scrutinizing public officials is a right. But calling them liars, crooks, thieves, etc. in a public forum is wrong. One of these days, someone will pay dearly for that I'm afraid. They just haven't messed with the wrong one yet.

Friday, July 10, 2009 8:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling them liars publicly cuts at the core and there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with calling a person what they are. Look, let's not dance around things and call them what they are. The only one who would beg to differ would be the ones who stand accused. So, are you the accused? Why do you not like exposing a person for who they truly are? What is there to hide? Why don't you and all the whiners about "name calling" grown up? We are all adults here. Since when do grown ups cry like babies because someone called them a name? Ridiculous. Are we still in elementary school? Remember the old saying,"sticks and stones will break my bones but, words will never hurt me"? Give it a rest already. I am sure that each individual(and there have been A LOT)that has voiced their point of view and spoke of being lied to by the likes of Janet Vanzant and others are REAL broke up about the fact they might have hurt some feelings. Not! If one doesn't like being called a liar or a cheat or a crook then, common sense should prevail and prompt those individuals to not lie and cheat.Pay dearly anonymous 8:44am? How do you propose that when exposing a liar as a liar? There is plenty of proof to back up anyone's claim of such an accusation. So keep on dreaming in that fairytale mind of yours if think anyone is threatened or even cares. I say bring it on!!! I would love to see the accused try and fight those accusations. You are just mouthy anonymous 8:44am with no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea who has been lied to and about what and what proof can be offered. You may be best to let sleeping dogs lie. If for nothing else than to protect the accused. You press too hard for that proof to be offered and you may open up you own can of "whoop a#$". The proof is there and stands to make certain public officials look inept, crooked, and very humiliated. And talking about common sense, why do they call it common sense when it is so uncommon? At least around Giles County. If YOU have any, you need to put it to use.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 5-26 PM..

Great words and ideas .

Would you be willing to pay say $5 a week for the newspaper in order to support the number of reporters it would take to find, track, attend and record actions from all the paid meetings that commissioners hold ? The commissioners suck $30 for each meeting , $15 even if they arent on that committee , and $60 for their regular 'full' commission meetings . It'd take the same $ to do the reporting you suggest .

Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOOK, you have your opinions about trying to embarrass and belittle people in a public way, and I have mine! And I get so tired of being accused of having something to hide just because I happen to disagree with your tactics. As I and others have said before, all this started a few years back with an angry little man with a Napoleonic disposition. And those like you have bought into all this hatred and distrust. It's never been like this, and I've lived here all my life among imperfect people such as you and I.
You mentioned grown-ups crying like babies when someone calls them a name. I don't think you got what I said in my post. One of these days someone is going to mess with the wrong one, and the outcome will not be good. I know if you walked up to me and called me a name, you would swiftly learn that I would not tolerate it. No, not once! So you and others need to understand that. I'm surprised that someone hasn't received a good attitude adjustment over some of this mess already, and I sincerely believe it's coming to that eventually. Someone will open up one of those cans you mentioned. But I suppose that would bring on a big lawsuit, because someone slaps the taste out of another's mouth, right? And there's no need for any of this. You guys have done a masterful job of "exposing" everyone from Mrs. Vanzant to Roger Reedy. That's all you can do about those "crooks" who happen to be county officials. Turn in your proof to the proper authorities and butt out. Why can't you do that?
Oh, there's that ugly head of arrogance popping up again. No common sense in Giles County? Does that mean that you will be leaving shortly? If so, we will certainly miss you. But we will get by in spite of our less than common sense.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I believe you are the Alf that tucked his tail and left the blog just recently. Please say something different from the same old mantra of old you spew each time you post. You have absolutely nothing substantive in your comments in each time you post.
If you are so worried about humiliation then perhaps you should warn your com padres you so staunchly defend to not embarrass themselves. I don't cause the embarrassment of an individual, they cause that on their own.

You are a real intellect aren't you? "Everything was fine back in the old days, when no one questioned anything". Man, how dumb is you???? I truly have better things to do than argue with the likes of you. But, for the life of me I can't help but feel compelled to make sure you don't go unchallenged. Your thinking is such a blemish on our county. I am sure you will get many jabs by your constant rant of let it go, leave it alone, ignore it. It stands to show you don't want anything revealed about anyone. Is this hitting close to home??? You would be surprised what is being done about the ongoing corruption and those being looked into. Am I stepping on toes yet? You have no idea who you are talking to and what knowledge I have. But, you can be sure of one thing you are about to be in for a rude awakening with a cleansing of this county like you've never seen. Bye, bye are the days of keeping the little guy in the dark. Hello to open government and the citizens eyes being opened to those long time friends and acquaintances who have had their pockets lined over the years who have been close to government looking for any handout they could get at the taxpayers expense. Good bye to all the slick willies who have pulled the wool over citizens eyes for decades. The time is upon us that the gravy train stops and the citizens take back the county from all the greedy,deceitful,unethical elected officials who think they run this county(not all but a certain few). If any of this applies to you, then you might want to pack a bag.
As far as Roger Reedy goes, wow, what a great man! I have not one problem with him. You should aspire to be more like him.
I personally have no grudges toward those I distrust. It is all about business, county business to be specific, doing the right thing by the people. Not ripping us off at every whim. You have a hard time separating accountability and disapproval from dislike. You do understand there is a difference don't you? Perhaps, those who are being questioned shouldn't take things so personal. Just because I don't approve of the job a person does representing our county and making important decisions does not mean I dislike them. You do understand that you can disagree with someone and still get along? Or are you to immature to think along those lines?
Now you are talking lawsuit! Wow, how your mind does wonder! Seems you are getting quite desperate in your attempts to post on this blog with some of the language you use. And, here we go with the "you guys". I don't get where you make these associations of me to others. For example, I don't say "you dumb a$$%$" each time you and some of the other posters who share your views(which are probably you over and over in reality)post on these issues.
Wake up and smell the money!!! Or have you been smelling the green stuff so long you have no conscience anymore?

Saturday, July 11, 2009 9:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said, your excellency, if you don't like it MOVE! We will miss you a lot. Don't you ever get tired of running people down? And do you find it a bit redundant on your part to keep on suggesting that I have something to hide? NO!
Talk about taking things so personally. Why don't you leave your name and someone just might try to dig up some dirt on you.
I only mention lawsuits, because that's about what one would do if he got the heck beat out of him for insulting a spouse or something of that nature. You guys have no problem disregarding the law (institutions already in place), but you would quickly use it to your advantage to extract "justice" from one who took you to the wood shed. Am I right about that?
The only associations I make with regard to "you guys" is the fact that those of your persuasion are constantly telling all how smart you are, how wrong we are, and how you have all the answers. Moreover, you continually defend your mean-spirited behavior by claiming to be the champions of truth, justice, and the American Way...,.the muckrakers of corruptness in Giles County. Well, you have done your job, so why not stop whining?
The citizens take back the county? You are so incredibly angry and ddelusional.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 9:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

747 Problem is, facts are nothing but opinions in your little mind. That relativism is the issue behind the corruption and deception that is getting its feathers burned - yours included.

Have any of those called "liars" rebutted any of the facts cited with the factual reasons they have earned to label and reputation of being a liar? NO! The hide behind the excuse that they are too dignified to respond or set a record straight. That earns at the added appropriate descriptive title of a "conniving" liar. You are one of them & deserve zero respect. Your satanic mission is defending crooks and liars just like yourself.

Get used to it! Better make sure you pick someone very small & incapacitated when you decide to get physical with people who call liars & crooks what they are. We're not going to make your lying crooked life comfortable. Repent, there's a better life that crawling around on your belly and having folks call you a snake.

God called satan a snake, are you going to argue with him? There's a reason snakes crawl on their belly!

Saturday, July 11, 2009 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way people like you go about bashing everyone you dislike or resnt is a fact. I have to keep pointing that out to you, but you apparently choose to ignore it. Oh well. My feathers are fully intact and ruffled when you talk to me as if I were a child or an enabler of wrong.
Those you so eagerly call liars and crooks have a little more class than to get down to your level. That is another fact you don't accept. I know what I'm talking about there. Why do you think people like Roger Strickland, Mrs. Vanzant, Mr. Reedy, and others never get on this blog? Oh, I'm sure you thinik it's because they have something to hide.
Why would I pick someone very small should I decide to get "physical" as you say? I fear no man. All I was saying is that I would not tolerate someone walking up to me and calling me a liar, crook, or thief. Would you? You say you are not going to let my lying crooked life comfortabl? Well get used to it! I'm not about to let you guys say anything you please about others without offering an opposing view. That is another fact!
Lastly, you ask me to repent. Your excellency, how do you know I haven't? It's so easy for you to judge me, but there's only one righteous judge. Yes, God did call
satan a snake, and I would never argue with Him. My argument is with people like you who know it all.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

July 11th - 7:29 AM ..

If we start now and require every Commissioner to announce their respective Committee meeting, require they take and record accurate minutes of every meet6ing, require the Commissioners to publish said minutes and require the Committee Chairman to personally sign said minutes … it would not require additional newspaper staff to attend each meeting or publish each meeting results. If a Commissioner refuses to comply with the requirements, they are removed for failure to adhere to State Law. They would also be publically identified in the paper as not willing to follow prescribed law. They could whine, complain, even bitch …… but, after a while the citizens would know who is willing to serve their district citizens and who is not.

This is called accountability and taking responsibility for one’s actions. I can see some of the “senior” Commissioners complaining that “they do not have the time” to fool with the requirements I suggest for they are too busy and too important. More important than those who elected them?

Citizens in Giles County abhor change and they prefer to sit at home watching TV than voice an opinion. Why? Because they may upset the person who sits next to them in church. Yes they complain; but, do nothing. That is why Dan Speer has been re-elected so many times. The lowly masses prefer to sit and complain to themselves than rise up and say enough is enough. I may be wrong in that there is now a movement to institute a Charter form of Government in Giles County. If enacted, I would not be surprised that requirements such as I suggest will be enforced. Maybe that is why Tommy Campbell was and still is vehemently against any change to today’s method of County Government .

Well times are changing, slow as it is … change is coming. Not today or tomorrow but Giles County is changing and will continue to change. We have a choice be part of the change or sit on our collective rear ends and watch the world pass us by.


Saturday, July 11, 2009 1:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lowly masses? Can you not see the arrogance in making such a statement? We are not a bunch of ignorant hicks here. On the contrary, a great many of see clearly what people like you are all about. Why do you think wab, ross, and others of your persuasion were soundly defeated in the last election?

Saturday, July 11, 2009 1:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, that's kind of like saying WAB was on the cross.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 3:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was wab on the cross? I didn't know that. But then again, we all have a cross to bear.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you miss that one?

Read on the grass cutting...
Anonymous posted..
Monday, July 06, 2009 6:23:00 PM

Then read the next few post.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you STILL trying to suggest that the posts were intended to degrade or make insignificant the Lord's death on the cross? Are you STILL trying to make trouble over that? If that's not what you are doing, then the only other conclusion that can be reached is that you are not nearly as smart as you think you are. Again, which is it?

Sunday, July 12, 2009 8:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as smart as you or as dumb as you.

Sunday, July 12, 2009 8:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really should consider therapy. You are a kook!

Sunday, July 12, 2009 8:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(posted on another post - you all are so predictable)

Each blog post follows the same script.

1) WAB posts the latest and greatest issue facing all of least in Giles County anyway.

2) A few agree and point out how brave he is to post the latest threat to civilization as we know it.

3) A few disagree.

4) Those who agree inform those who disagree the stupidity of their beliefs.

5) Those who disagree point out to those who agree the stupidity of their beliefs.

6) Blog degenerates into the proverbial name calling, etc.

7) End of the thread.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kettle calls the pot black because the kettle thinks it's smarter than the pot. The kettle knows it has all the answers but lacks the "metal" to have power. So, in angewr, the kettle lashes out at the pot for pointing out its hypocrisy.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many other small-town newspapers cover and report on all government meetings, including county commission committee meetings, thus fulfilling their role as community watchdogs for the public good. The problem here is not the lack of reporters - it's the lack of reporters willing to get out of the office to COVER any news. They want it hand-delivered to them and once it is, it usually goes right into the paper verbatim. No fact-checking, no editing. Our editor recently ran a column asking for "input" as to what the paper should be writing about?!?!?! UNBELIEVABLE! This lack of any professional media is why city and county government has been allowed to run amok. Lawrenceburg radio stations and Columbia newspaper do a far superior job of covering what goes on in Giles County.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the summary, it does seem to fit the situations with the blogs. Perhaps these blogs degenerate because of the frustration that we all feel in the midst of so much seeming corruption and soverspending of our tax dollars etc.

The frustration that we all feel in trying to come up with some type of solutions that will make a really big change perhaps add to our bickering.

Thanks for the criticism now get cracking and try to help us out instead of adding to the frustration levels.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's that buzz word (corruption) again.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 1:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say that word "corruption", & out of the shadows it comes a crawling, just like an old dog that finally recognizes its name.

One of these days someones going to yell "corruption" down at the courthouse & out from under the bushes you'll come crawing looking for your master. Then everyone will know who you are! MOst of us already know & have lots of giggles just watching you poke your head out to say "hyar I is!"

Thursday, July 16, 2009 6:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Youy are so silly. Do you know that?

Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the word used in the post you are responding to was seeming corruption. Maybe if you get down to the facts the idea is not corruption but what people are trying to make seem corrupt.

Maybe we have corruption and maybe we don't.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please 8:30 who are you trying to protect? Just goes to show that someone people live in a state of denial in this county because they don't want to believe their friends and kins could be involved. Besides, you can't dispute facts, which is all anyone should be basing their opinions on and there is plenty suspicion and questionable activity.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that's getting to be a very tired come-back. Who are you trying to protect?
Some people in this county live in a state of denial? That's true. They deny how low-down mean they are to others. They deny the name-calling and accusations. They deny their "know-it-all" attitudes and unbelievable levels of arrogance. Yep, there's plenty of denial here.

Friday, July 17, 2009 6:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1202 - too true - say the word & idiot comes out & shows its butt. Part of the problem is the fact that we only see one end of it, any way it's viewed. Maybe Hat isn't on backwards, either end looks the same - the person with 2 butts (4? front & back? up & down too?)

Friday, July 17, 2009 7:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you fall into one or more of the denial categories just outlined above. Goodness, I would have thought you would be happy being listed opn the "dream team" of county officials who, by the way, will never be elected! What a laugh. Thank God, people here are not as ignorant as you guys think.

Friday, July 17, 2009 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillariously Predictable!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we should call you echo-
say the word & instead of the sound comming back, you come back, just like a yoyo. How about Yoyo Eko - you could paint yourself green so everyone would think you are an echologist!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name-calling and condescension are two of your more notable traits. And your rudeness is likewise noted.
This is the thanks I get for recommending you to be part of the "dream team" of prospective county officials who will never be official? How unappreciative!
If I were into name-calling, perhaps I would refer to you as "The Unofficial Official"? Other possibilities that come to mind are "The Wannabe Official" and "The Never Will Be Official". So many choices these days! Laughable.

Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not the one you are bantering back and forth with 8:07, but I have two cents I would like to throw off into this conversation. First of all, who ever said those who have ran in past elections wish to run again? Why do you feel so threatened by them? If they did run again, I am not saying they would because I personally do not know, they would have much more support than in the past because of the tired politics as usual in this county. However, I do have an idea who those people are that you speak of and you might find yourself with a bit of egg on the face. Thankfully for you your post is anonymous like most on here. You might just be forced to eat a bit of crow and suffer some embarrassment if you ended up misjudging. Citizens are fed up and have just begun to see what those elected and in power have been up to for many years. All the trust had been put in them over the years and that trust was betrayed in several instances and those are not the only ones the citizens know about. There is much, much more to learn of what is going on in this county that is harming our citizens and our reputation as a county. Don't think for one second that if those people you speak of ran for election again wouldn't get elected. You just might be surprised. Couldn't be any worse than the Speer, Jackson and Vanzant show. Surely you do want what is best for our county, right??? You just don't think anyone else knows what is best but yourself. Kind of arrogant. The same arrogance you level at those who oppose your thinking. So, now I guess that makes you a hypocrite???

Saturday, July 18, 2009 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of what you said describes you guys. No, the wannabes will be defeated again, SHOULD they decide to run again. That's because people are fed up with the whining and complaining. Just a difference of opinion is all.

Saturday, July 18, 2009 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

604 yoyo echo Looks like the unofficials officially neutered the corrupted officials. It must be terrible to have all that official power and title of respect and everybody laughing at you.

You are the little engine that can't - it's just chug, chug-a-lug, & nothing moves but your mouth. Dreams of being the little engine that could, maybe would be if you weren't corrupted & stupid.

Oops, there's that word again & guess what...

Saturday, July 18, 2009 5:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If people are so tired of the whining and complaining why does the amount of whiners and complainers continue to grow? I guess all those in attendance of the PES meeting are just disgruntled because they can't be in power? Do you see how ridiculous your logic is? When will you open your eyes and realize the tables have turned? The people are sick of the coverups and deception. They are thanking the complaining public loud and clear. No one is bending your ear about it because they aren't going to voice their concerns to someone who doesn't listen. It is okay to fantasize on occasion but, eventually you have come back to reality. Politics as usual is changing here in Giles Co. and you have a few proactive officials and citizens who proponents of that change.
Sorry to burst that big old bubble of yours but, we have more officials aware of what is going on than you may want to realize. It is just choice few that need to be ousted or better yet run out of town on a rail.

Saturday, July 18, 2009 7:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but you didn't burst my bubble. If, as you say, the crowds of disgruntled people are growing, it's because of the very vocal minority's continual whining and complaining. The name-calling, accusations, and such eventually gain traction. It's a bit like a male student who is in touch with his feminine side. Someone calls him gay, and pretty soon most of his classmates start to believe he is, simply because someone accused him of it. So, if the crowds of protesters is swelling in ranks, I would call that predictable. And I will go a step further and tell you this. It IS human nature to want to believe the worst in others. It's sad but true. And I didn't say we are ALL that way. But have you never noticed the "rubberneckers" at the scene of an auto accident?
I honestly believe getting people stirred up is one of the goals of the vocal minority. I see them as very unhappy people, some of whom apparently love strife and drama. Sure, there are things wrong with Giles County just like anywhere else, but these people are just making things worse. Oh yes, the table is turning, but maybe in a wrong direction. We don't need mean-spirited peeople in government. By the way, gaining power is their ultimate goal. Yes, I agree.....people need to wake up.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 7:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You contradict yourself so many times in your posts is it laughable. You are a waste of time, being your mind is so closed. Since you halfheartedly agree there are things amiss in our county, why don't you share your great intellect as to what those things are and how you propose to fix them? Since you are so skilled at condemning and criticizing others it shouldn't be such a painstaking task for you. And, what an ignorant citizen you truly are to think those concerned and being vocal, while I disagree with you greatly is a minority of citizens, are seeking to be in political power. Do you care to elaborate a little on how at least 200 hundred people have such an interest in such a crazy notion? Most people might think me loco for trying to carry any dialogue with you but, I am waiting for a valid explanation to your logic and it should be interesting to see you throw in some facts to back that logic up. Presently, all your posts consist of is personal feeling and not fact based. The citizens of Giles County are more intelligent than you give them credit for. Shame on you for thinking they don't know what is best for themselves. That they can't draw a simple conclusion as to what is taking place in our county with some of the greedy, self-serving politicians we have in office. You insult the intelligence of those citizens who you think rely on rumor and innuendo to form their decisions. Shame on you, shame, shame. I would wager you wouldn't stand up and voice your point of view among those in attendance of the public meeting next Thursday regarding PES. Why don't you tell those citizens and those they represent that can't be there that they are a vocal minority. Tell those citizens they are only after political power, full of drama and are only unhappy people. No, you only have he courage to spew your venom on a public blog as anonymous.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I wholeheartedly agreed that there are things that need improvement. How did you interpret what I said as half-hearted anyway? And I only offer an opposing critique of those like you who are involved in criticism and name-calling. And no, I would argue that Giles Countians are in fact much more intelligent than you guys give them credit for being. Your spin on my comments is a stretch. Just how do you know that I'm not in agreement with you about things that need attention? You don't. My only problem is with the method, so you are right about my posts being more about feeling than fact. And if I insult your intelligence by pointing out that we all need to work together rather than at odd, then that's too bad. We will never get anywhere like this.
You talk about spewing venom. It's not people like me who are on here calling people all manner of names, is it?

Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You agree yet you don't name one thing as I asked nicely for you to do. Yes, I do say citizens are smarter than you give them credit for. You are the one that doesn't think so. You are so small-minded to believe only a few are vocal and taking a stand. You still refuse to recognize the 200 people I mentioned at the PES meeting. Those I guess are your vocal minority?? Will I get an answer? Name calling? I simply have described your behavior and criticized your intelligence. That is not name calling or are you confused about the difference. It is a free country and I exercise my right to free speech by speaking my mind on issues regardless of the scrutiny I may face. You don't like it, therefore you think I should stop, thus censoring my right to free speech. You don't have to read this blog yo know? You really have a problem with differing opinions than your own. You hear opposition you go to slamming those of us who offer that difference of opinion. Leaving us to defend ourselves against you and then when we have to defend ourselves we are again slammed for doing that by calling you out. You can't be happy! What it all boils down to is citizens are not allowed in your mind to come on to a free speech public blog and voice their opinion unless it agrees with you. Simply put.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 1:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I did address your question about the 200 people at the meeting, perhaps on another thread. As I said then, I will repeat. There's a very small vocal minority in this county who insist on stirring things up constantly. That eventually gains traction, and I believe that is exactly what is happening. It's like one or two back in olden days who wanted to lynch a prisoner. One or two angry people get out in the street and get others stirred up. The next thing you know, they shoot the sheriff and take the hapless victim out to the nearest tree. You may recall the example I gave of the student who is constantly called gay by some bully. Whether he is or not, the bully keeps telling everybody he is until the whole bunch believes it. Can you now see my viewpoint? You don't have to agree with it.
Granted, I fully understand and appreciate the fact that Giles County government is far from perfect. But this kind of lynch mob mentality is very wrong in my opinion. You of course are entitled to think what you will. I sincerely believe the difference between me and those of your ilk is the fact that I don't start calling you names just because you have a differenct view.
As for any questions you asked that went unanswered, I suppose you need to repeat them. By the way, could you in turn answer my question. I said it's not people like me on here calling others all manner of names, is it? Well, is it? In addition, I asked how do you know I'm not in agreement with you about situations that need attention? How do you know that?
Lastly, the last couple of sentences of your post as an absolute lie. That goes against practically everything I believe in. You see, you are not the only one who happens to be a patriot!

Sunday, July 19, 2009 4:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you saying because I was one of the 200 people at the meeting that I'm a trouble maker?

Sunday, July 19, 2009 6:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You muddy the waters 4:36 to the point your words are useless. You don't get it and no way I break it down sheds any light in your mind. I am dumbfounded by how you continually miss the point.

Lynch mob, gay student??? You mean to tell me that my speaking out on this blog about information I have firsthand knowledge of is called lynching someone??? Come again, will you?? I am delirious with confusion when I strain my brain to understand your insane logic. You clearly have me confused with someone else. And, what does the gay student have to do with what we are discussing??? Perhaps, you have homophobic or coming out issues to refer to such a strange analysis. Again, making unjust assumptions with nil logic. Unlike you I could careless what name you call me. Just make sure it fits me. I am not a liar, crook or cheat and keep my morals in check on a daily basis. I am not perfect, nor are you. If being called names pangs you then I suggest you blog off or grow some thicker skin. Name calling is not an issue with me. I wonder why you are so elementary. Get over it! You should be concentrating more on the issues had hand. And, if you really had an inside track on what was going on in this county(which you mostly certainly do not)you wouldn't be so passive in your thinking. Good thing there are people who stand up and push people toward accountability, we most definitely can't rely upon those of you who leave it up to everyone else.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 8:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calm down. Nobody called you a troublemaker. What I DID say is that a very small group of people in Giles Couinty who keep something stirred up all the time. They never stop, and their opinions begin to gain traction. In other words, those who cry fowl long enough will attract a following. And I never argued whether they are right or wrong about their opinions.

You know, I really gave you credit for being smarter than that! And you accuse me of missing the point? I'm sure you understood my examples of the lynch mob and the alleged gay student, so I'll not try to explain that again. These were mere examples of how people can be stirred to action by a few. But you knew that, didn't you? Please tell me you didn't misunderstand that. And you just had to suggest my being homophobic or having some latent "coming out" feelings. HORSEHOCKEY!
You might as well not care what names I call you, because I'm not into name-calling. Oh, and I can take the name-calling just fine. I just consider the motives and the source. I simply point it out when I see people being called nasty names by people who SHOULD be more mature.
By the way, you again failed to answer my questions.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 8:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question 1 -No I do not see your viewpoint. I would think you would have figured that out many posts ago before you even asked me the question. Everyone else gets it but you.
Question 2- I don't know if you are calling names or not being it hard to distinguish between anonymous and anonymous.
Question 3- I DO NOT believe for one second you and I agree on the "issues" due to the stance you take on being vocal and discussing the "issues" with other citizens.

All of these questions were answered in my previous posts but, I figured if I numbered them for you it would be easier for you to understand.

I have no problem with you disagreeing with me. What I have a problem with is you lumping me into a category with others you have on more than one occasion expressed your disdain for. Again, it matters not what I say you will not understand. You argue and argue with me over the fact that when I or others take an opposing view from your own, we become these vile human beings out to destroy the county. All kinds of criticism leveled against us just because we don't agree with you. My point is if you are going to level criticisms toward others then be prepared the same in return. You have established a double standard, but unwilling to admit it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one is discussing the topic at hand. Can we get back to it please. The bickering back and forth is growing old.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just that I'm not as smart as you are. Thank you for numbering your questions so I could tell which ones you were answering. Yours is arrogance gone to seed.

Monday, July 20, 2009 6:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just that I'm not as smart as you are. Thank you for numbering your questions so I could tell which ones you were answering. Yours is arrogance gone to seed.

Monday, July 20, 2009 6:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 'twin' entry you are aren't too smart.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's correct. And I don't go around telling everyone how smart I am or that I have all the answers. Do you?
I figured one of you guys would pounce on that. The slowness of a computer has NOTHING to do with one's intelligence. So your attempt to impress didn't impress.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 12:14 it seems 7:11 is a bit off their game. Whenever this "One" submits a post on this blog it is very apparent that they think they know more than the rest of us. It is amazing the energy that goes into trying to persuade the rest of us how little we know even in our own personal experiences. Another thing is that no one wants to have a conversation with this "One" in the first place. This "One" is very pushy with their opinions and boastful that their way is the only way and all us other people are just wrong. We don't know anything. We should all bow to this "One". This "One" says that he is not all-knowing but, turns around in the same breath and tells us we are wrong. My gosh, the hypocrisy runs rampant with this "One". You would think that this "One" being so strong minded in their convictions would want to own their words. Hmmmm...... I guess this "One" isn't as confident as you might think. If he owned his words then he might be chastised like WAB has been. We can't have that now can we??

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:11 you don't go round telling everyone how smart you are but you don't mind continually writing on here how dumb you are.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong yet again! Go back and read my post. I NEVER said or even implied that I was smarter than anyone. It's "those people" who do a masterful job of that. Not me. No, I am on my game, so you are incorrect about that as well.
You falsely accuse me of pushing my opinions and that I think my way is right and everyone else is wrong. That's also untrue.
As I've said before, I never argue or debate "those people" about their opinions. The only thing I do is point out the wrongness of calling people nasty names and accusing them of all sorts of crimes.
In all honesty, I think a lot of the mean-spirited attacks have decreased greatly. And if I have had any part in that, I am glad.
As for anonymity, I suppose you and I are in the same boat. Regrettably, I cannot divulge my name. Apparently, you can't either.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:33 The Great 'One' has spoken and 'those people' shall be banished for ever. How noble of you to 'think' you have a 'part' in slowing down the 'mean-spirited attacks'. Now it is time to look in the mirror and say to the Almighty Great 'One', "JOB WELL DONE YOU WONDERFUL AND EXCELLENT PEACEMAKER". Hopefully, we are NOT 'in the same boat'. Your's appears to be sinking as it is overloaded with too much CRAP - (constantly reciting arrogant philosophies.)
Anyone got a life jacket? Ah, on second thought...forget it!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I said is "IF" I had a part in that, I am glad. Do you misunderstand simple things like that on purpose so you can have a talking point?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 7:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You apparently only have one talking calling. You need to expand your intellect a little. None of claim to be scholars on here but a little diverse conversation would be welcome. Must you always have the focus on you?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The focus is not on me. That's an erroneous charge. YES, the name-calling and accusations are my talking points. I'm just glad that it has diminished significantly.
You mention my need for expanding my intellect. I'm trying to get people like you to do the same. I merely offer a more harmonious way of getting along with those you dislike. You're never going to convert the gainsayer by beating him over the head with what you think is right. Just because you think something is right doesn't make it necessarily so.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, here we go! You just say do it another way, yet you offer no way to do it. If you are so wise, enlighten this whole blog to your wisdom. You don't know how do you? Laughable indeed!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you really that slow? I offered what I sincerely blieve to be a way to do it. Stop all the name-calling, smearing, accusations, condescension, and etc. and show a willingness to get along and work together with those who have the authority some only dream of. What's wrong with that?
By the way, I NEVER claimed wisdom and intellectual prowess. And you just had to shoot me down for offering a suggestion. Well, it just seems to me that it is a far better approach than waging war and trying to beat people over the head with their opinions.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 6:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:58 Ya, you are right....."show a willingness to get along and work together with those who have the suthority some only dream of" Yep, that's what the Austrians and Germans did when Hitler spat lies. It cost good, law abiding, hard working, peaceful people three years of pure HELL. We don't want to relive history, on a smaller scale in this county.
I have a question for you; When is telling the truth considered "smearing, accusations, condesension, and etc."?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you 11:09 someone willing to exhibit some common sense.

Thursday, July 30, 2009 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obviously didn't read my post or you interpreted it to suit your own opinions. That's cool. I stand firmly by what I said. Go back and read it again; I dare you!

Thursday, July 30, 2009 6:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I missed a major point about what you said. Look at it this way, and it proves my point. Even if the names, the smearing, and the accusations were all true, how do you expect to ever have any kind of working relationship with those who have the authority a few so desperately crave when you continue "business as usual"?

Thursday, July 30, 2009 6:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could we start a new topic where the two above could argue it out and the rest of us could get back to topic? You two are getting nowhere.

Thursday, July 30, 2009 6:55:00 AM  

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