Secret Gifts To The School System
Why would anyone be in favor of keeping monetary gifts to the school system a secret?
When given the opportunity to speak at the end of the meeting I state, "that it was simply ludicrous to even consider keeping secret the gift and the person as it opens the door to an incredible opportunity for wrong doing. While I have no problem with keeping anonymous a person who makes a gift and requests not to be identified I do have a huge problem with a person who is doing business with the school system making monetary gifts and it being kept secret."
The vote to keep the identity of those giving monetary gifts to the school system were;
For Members Norman & Story
Against were members Murrey, Greene, Turner and Glover. These members should be commended for their votes as I believe it is difficult to vote in opposition to Mr. Jackson.
Chairman Young did not vote as there was no tie.
Allen Barrett
Guess the vote turned out the right way. Elected officials seem to forget the donations are public information, also under financial management the donations cannot be kept secret. Why cant elected officials educate themselves on the most simple rules?
folks - you can vote too - dump young! vote for his opponent & clean the school board up
Why would anyone even suggest a change in the rules so a donor can be kept secret in light of the current unfolding scandal of a donor giving a large sum of money to the director then getting a huge non-bid contract from that director. Allen Barrett
To suggest to not make this information public, speaks volumes. I hope people are listening. This is how our school system is apparently ran. Back door deals and kick backs. Perhaps if Tee Jackson wasn't so busy looking for ways to cover up corruption, he would actually have time to handle the drug problem that is obvious at GCHS. These students who violate the "zero tolerance" policy(what a joke) are a being welcomed back to school after commiting this violation with open arms in part because Tee Jackson and Bobby Hastings are concerned about graduation rates. Shouldn't they be concerned about the health and well-being of our children? The answer to that is YES!
koko koko
This thread is dying. Where is Vanzant's cheerleader?
Vote Stewart!
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