The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.
And Charlotte Iserbyt -- former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, under President Ronald Reagan, whistleblower, and author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America -- does too!
Why, even Pinky the Cat has something interesting to say!
Play 'em all -- email 'em to your friends and neighbors -- and then let's discuss what John, Charlotte and, yes, even little Pinky, have to say about the Publik Skool Gulag in Amerika. Maybe together we can somehow figure out a better way of preparing children for life in the real world? So, let's get cracking!
The Plot to Destroy America: Not Ready for Prime Time?
A little over a week from today, the treasonous puppet of the oligarchy, George the Lesser, will hold a "summit meeting" with the President of Mexico, and the Prime Minister of Canada, in Montebello, Quebec. They will be meeting to discuss the implementation of the "Security and Prosperity Partnership," which is otherwise known as the plan for "North American Union." Not content with the decimation of America’s manufacturing base caused by NAFTA, Traitor Bush is now planning to sell what’s left of our nation, further down the river, by dissolving our borders and sovereignty, and merging the U.S. with Canada and Mexico.
Business as usual for the power hungry Globalists, right? Well, sure. But the interesting point to be made, is that the mainstream news media -- ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, etcetera -- have not raised a peep of protest against this diabolical plan, which has been under way for years. In fact, they haven’t even mentioned it in their news coverage, despite apparently having infinite time and space to "inform the public" about the travails of Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears! Like the local Lake news monopoly, the national media, owned by a tiny handful of corporations, is "in bed with" the plutocrats who own the politicians. These plutocrats -- dubbed the "owners of this country" by comedian George Carlin -- are the ones who truly call the shots in this "free" nation, and they are able to carry out their nefarious "one worlder" schemes in plain view, confident that their lapdog corporate press will never alert the public to the truth.
David Rockefeller, the globalist plotter in chief, once told Katherine Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries."
Our political leaders -- bought and paid for puppets of the sinister cabal pushing for a world government -- are allowed to do their dirty work without any public awareness, thanks to the complicity of the plutocrat owned press. The North American Union is close to being a done deal -- with no input whatsoever from "our" duly elected Congress -- and after that, it’s a sure thing that the various continental unions will slowly start being stitched together into one freedom crushing world government.
Don’t believe things are as bad as I say? Holding out hope that Neocon Murdoch’s "Fox News" will ride to our rescue? Well, don’t take my word for it... just see for yourself! Type in "Security and Prosperity Partnership" at Google News, and you’ll get plenty of hits from "wacky" American sites, -- like World Net Daily and the John Birch Society -- as well as many hits from the foreign press... but you won’t find anything from the "ever vigilant" Mainstream American News Media. At all!
Our nation, along with all our hard earned freedoms, is going down the drain. And, since there’s nothing (other than waging a civil war against our masters) we can do about it, we might as well enjoy a laugh or two at the death of the American Dream. Here’s a clip from Saturday Night Live, which was aired only once, in 1998, and then yanked from repeats because "it wasn’t funny enough." Hey, anyone who’s been watching SNL these last few years knows that they always cut the unfunny bits from the re-runs, so there’s nothing remotely suspicious about this. Riiiight.
UPDATE (8-13-2007) -- Here's an almost shocking true life example of corporate media duplicity. The only current Presidential candidate not already "bought and paid for" by the sinister plutocrats -- Texas Congressman Ron Paul -- came in fifth in the Iowa straw poll, receiving 9.1% of the votes cast. And, while this may not sound like a very strong performance, it's pretty impressive when you consider that Dr. Paul spent only $200 per vote received, in stark contrast to "the anointed one," Mitt Romney, who spent $2,000 per vote.
But, gee whiz, if you go by the "reportage" of Fox News, there's not any candidate named "Ron Paul" even in the race! Of course, the "Faux" news shills fear Ron Paul, and try to bury his candidacy, for one simple reason: they realize that he is the only Republican contender who can pull off an upset against "The Lizard Queen," Hillary Rodham Clinton. The more the voters are exposed to Ron Paul and his pro-American, anti-Globalist message, the more they love him... quite unlike Madam Hillary, for whom familiarity breeds contempt. (As indeed, it should.)
Never before heard of Congressman Ron Paul? Well, why not take four minutes, and watch the following video? You may find it enlightening...
Presented below is a short clip from the 1982 movie "Pink Floyd: The Wall." It's well worth watching, because it explains, by perfect visual metaphor, what's fundamentally wrong with the government school regime. The school as factory -- kids dehumanized and stripped of their individuality -- kids being literally homogenized -- it's all here. If reading John Taylor Gatto is too much trouble for you, just watch this clip, and you'll get pretty much the main idea.
Don't forget to visit John Taylor Gatto's website! Read his book online, or -- even better -- order a few copies in paperback to give to your friends and family members. Alternatively, you can get some instant gratification by watching the following 34 minute interview with Mr. Gatto: