Will The Sheep Avoid A Major Fleecing?
T'was a simply amazing article in this week's newspaper about the School Director not liking the idea of having the people decide if they want to go into debt for over sixty million dollars. It seems that the highest ranking non-elected person holding a government position in the county, Mr. Wright, doesn't like the idea of having the people decide their fate. It's bad enough that the school system leadership either got the wrong information about the proposed referendum or else they just chose to ignore the facts for a more flamboyant attack against the County Commissioners but to come out and just plain say that the citizens of Giles County shouldn't be allowed to vote on the issue because they would vote the wrong way is just plain arrogance personified. Maybe that's the reason the citizens can't vote for the position of School Director, no that can't be the reason because we didn't have much of a problem with School Directors until they started being appointed. Seems after a long line of bad to terrible appointments the citizens voting didn't seem to be so bad. It seems to me that having the citizens decide whether to have a future burdened with an incredible debt, the most debt ever held against the citizens of Giles County, or to continue enjoying the benefits of being debt free for as long as possible would be a no brainer. The problem is if the citizens decide for themselves that means the loss of power over that citizenry. The very idea of losing control of the citizenry is terrifying to some, it's OK to allow the appearance of citizens in charge but in reality they should never be allowed to decide important things that will impact their financial lives for decades to come. Oh, by the way has anyone actually seen the non-partisan, independent study that says we even need a new school? Of course not because there is none. All there is, is a bunch of arrogant administrators and Board Members so full of what they want and so used to herding the sheep into a corner of silence, and taking what they want while whining "It's for the children" they simply forgot that even sheep raise a ruckus when you take away their food and believe me the tax increases that will accompany this unnecessary building boondoggle will take the food off of a lot of tables.