This is the speech that I prepared to give, well the first three minutes of it was heard at least, at the candidates gathering sponsored by the Giles County Democrat Party. This was a really good event and I congratulate the democrats party for their outstanding efforts. I’m sorry so many candidates failed to appear and state their case for why they should be elected by the people of Giles County. Certainly there are legitimate reason for missing this opportunity but to me it was a simple matter of disrespect by most missing candidates.
“Good evening, I appreciate this opportunity…. but as my time is very limited…. let’s get right to it.
My name is William Allen Barrett…. or just Allen…. or Barrett or WAB and I’m asking to represent the people of the 7th District as their commissioner.
Some of you no doubt have heard my name…. but maybe don’t know me…. I’m no politician…., I’m way too direct for that… I’m just a simple… what you see is what you get kind of guy. Here’s the thing, I have enough self respect and respect for you to not lie to you or threat you like some unimportant dunce.
I am a Constitutional and fiscal conservative, I vote as a republican because they don’t Boo God at their conventions or seek to kill babies….. I respect this nation and its people,,,, and I believe it should be an English speaking nation that protects it’s borders. We are a melting pot but there are a lot of folks coming here that don’t want to melt…. just remake the nation into what it has never been…. a godless nation.
I’ve been married to my best friend for the past 49 and a half years.… Brenda is the Church Administrator at First Methodist Church in Pulaski.
We have two children Kelly and Toby…. both graduated from Richland and we have three super grandchildren, two graduated from Giles County High…. and the other just graduated from La Verge High School this year.
I was born in Murfreesboro where I grew up in the housing projects with my Mother, Granny, three sisters and brother … there I learned a lot of valuable lessons about survival. I sold the Daily News Journal newspaper on the street at age nine until I could get a route at twelve. I worked on a coke truck…. then in a grocery store where I did everything from stock to paint signs in the windows…. I worked my way up to head meat cutter and then was drafted in 1964. I spent the next twenty years in the military working at a variety of different jobs.… We retired in 1984 and moved here, the only place in my life where… I… got to choose.
During my time in the military…. I completed my college work at the University of Texas at El Paso, Columbus University and the University of Maryland….
I became a Baptist Minister and served two churches in Giles County for over twenty years…. I am now retired and operate the “GILES FREE SPEECH ZONE”… a blog that keeps the county informed and gives an opportunity for citizens to know about and discuss local issues.… This has led to being…. both vilified and praised…. depending on whether you’ve been exposed for political misdeeds or not.
So… Why should you vote for me????? the best way to know what I’ll do in the future….. is by what I’ve done in the past.
My name is still on the lawsuit that prevents county wide zoning; I’ve organized honkathons and petition drives to oppose the implementation of wheel taxes, and property tax increases…I researched and led the fight to establish the financial management act of 1981 as the county budgetary system which by the way…. led to the county having no deficiencies in the latest audit and requires more openness in how the budgets are made and used
I alone…. publicly challenged the largest water rate increase in our history and stand for a consolidated water system where everyone has access to public water and pays the same low rates; I was the first one…. to stand up against the abuses and cover ups of the director of schools and the school board…. As a result they had me arrested… but… it resulted in the public being able to speak at School Board Meetings and the Board acts more in the open, not necessarily wiser but more openly.
I was the first…. to alert the community to the fact that the Hospital Funds were being dipped into and spent without authority from the county commission…. That won me a lot of friends among the bosses.
The main thing to remember about me…is that when I get into a thing…. I don’t let it go until completion is realized. That means I will be on things like…. the wastewater project at the interstate and will be asking and demanding answers on it’s progress every week instead of allowing it to linger in never never land…. where it’s been for almost a year.
Once we were a nation of laws that sought to protect the individual citizen…. today we are a nation of convenience… where the Constitution matters little…. when it’s inconvenient, this county has also drifted into a disregard for the law in favor of selfish convenience….. that’s why we’ve been involved in and lost so many lawsuits. I will…. work to restore the rule of law and equality to individuals in this county.
I will continue to demand…. that local officials follow the law and that citizens be allowed to be a part of the decision making process..… This’ll be done in part by holding some committee meetings in the evenings…. along with community meetings before every Full Commission meeting so that citizens can express their thoughts on the issues that effect their lives and well being….. I firmly believe… we can not… be properly represented if we don’t talk with each other…. my phone will always be answered and your questions will always be responded to…. I will do all in my power…. to keep you informed and a part of the governing process. If you’re like me…. you’re sick and tired of being told to pay the bills… and keep your mouth shut about what the bills are for….. Government is supposed to be… about serving the people… not the people serving the government.
Each of the current commissioners in the 7th District has openly stated, in committee meetings… their support for a wheel tax and a property tax increase….. I.. will.. NOT.. support a wheel tax in any amount…. nor will I support a property tax increase. And I will fight against any attempt to impose either…. I’ve sat through every budget committee meeting this year…. I’ve asked more questions than most commissioners and I’ve gone through the budget throughly… there is…. sufficient ways to cut the spending without harming services.
As you walk around tonight asking questions of candidates, ask them if they even know what the property tax rate is for the county…. ask if they know… where our property tax rate fits in the list of other counties in the state. Ask why we continue to lose population. Ask where they were when committee meetings were held and situations discussed.
I appreciate you listening to me… I apologize if I don’t get to visit in your home before the election…. I don’t walk so well anymore.
But please go and vote…. and if you’re registered in the 7th District please… cast your vote for a more open honest government by voting for only one commissioner, William Allen Barrett. Thank you I look forward to your questions.