Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Where Was The Financial Director When She Should Have Been At The School Board Meeting Last Night?

What a very interesting situation developed at the School Board Meeting last night. At last months School Board Meeting the question was asked why did the School System contract for one price on insurance then end up paying almost $5,000.00 more than the contract called for? At that meeting last month the request was made by Mr. Story to Mr. Jackson to have the answer at the September meeting. Mr. Jackson reluctantly made a firm commitment that Mrs Garner would be there and explain the difference in the payments and the contract.

Last night came and there was no Mrs. Garner only a representative who could not clearly and fully explain her way out of the proverbial "paper-bag". It was explained that Mrs. Garner was at the Courthouse waiting in case she was called to be a witness in the Barrett vs Giles County Election Commission hearing.
While Mrs Garner sat in the courtroom most of the day there was never any possibility that she would be called as a witness to anything. She was not issued a summons as were other witnesses, she was not sequestered as were other witnesses, she had no involvement with the election, the election commission, or me. The only possibility that she would be called as a witness was impossible.
Was this a very poorly disguised effort to avoid the very unpleasant duty of appearing before the School Board with an explanation of why almost $5,000.00 was paid over the contracted amount? Perhaps there are other reasons why Mrs Garner could not be there but one thing is very clear during the School Board Meeting Mrs Garner was sitting in the Courtroom and there was never any possibility that she would be called to give any kind of testimony. Allen Barrett

Violations of Blog Rules

During the past week I've been very busy, overwhelmed with a number of other things, the major time consumer being the court proceedings. During that time some have taken advantage of my absence and severely abused the privilege of posting. I apologize for not paying closer attention and deleting those very negative, even disgusting statements that were made in violation of the rules established for this blog.
Having said that I must consider the fact that those posts even though they were in violation of the rules have already been posted and read by many people so there is really no reason to delete them now.
While some might suggest the unacceptable posts should be removed anyway as a means of, if not correcting a wrong, at least preventing further harm. Others might suggest that since the posts are already there why antagonize the posters by deleting their post.
I will try and do better in the future. Allen Barrett