Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Monday, March 19, 2012

State Law Requires But County Executive Ignores! Why Is State Law Ignored And The County Doesn't Care?

It was recently reported that the County Executive had declared that Commissioner Terry Harwell WOULD be allowed to vote on all budgetary items that come before the Commission, but is this legal or just another thought plucked from the air of arrogance?

The State of Tennessee has a little law about "Conflicts of Interest". Part of that rule states "A special rule exist in the case of a County Commissioner who is also an employee of the county. A conflict of interest can come up in this situation anytime the county commission votes on appropriations or budgets. A statutory exception allows a member of the County Legislative Body to vote on these matters if that member was employed by the county before becoming a member of the County Commission. But, immediately before the vote the commissioner must read the following disclaimer which is set out in the Tennessee Code:
Because I am an employee of (name of governmental unit), I have a conflict of interest in the proposal about to be voted. However, I declare that my argument and my vote answer only to my conscience and to my obligation to my constituents and the citizens this body represents."

Now it that was all there was to it there would be no problem and Commissioner Harwell could vote on anything he wanted so long as he read the declaration of conflict.

Here's the fly in the buttermilk, "A legislative body member who is also a county employee and whose employment began on or after the date on which the member was initially selected as a governing body MAY NOT VOTE on matters in which the member has a conflict of interest."  T.C.A. 12-4-101.

The County Financial Management System of 1981, which applies to any county in which it has been adopted and essentially holds all county officials and employees to the strict rule.  T.C.A. 5-21-121. Under the "Strict Rule" both Direct and Indirect conflicts of interest are prohibited. Although under the general rule indirect interest are allowed if they are disclosed, the strict rule disallows the interest altogether."


Why Does The County Executive Continue To Ignore State Law?

Again, during the County Legislative Meeting the County Executive showed her distaste for state law by ignoring the requirement that everyone who votes on items who do or might have a conflict of interest must declare that conflict prior to voting.  Not one single commissioner declared a conflict or possible conflict even though four have a direct conflict and at least two more have indirect conflicts.

I'm sure this will be explained as a "mere oversight" but the statutes make no allowances for "oversights" and when there is a consistency in those "oversights" how can that continue to be offered with a straight face.

Now, speaking of "conflicts of Interest", on second thought this topic deserves it's own thread.

Job Opening With County Government

There are some job openings with Giles County that you may find interesting and want to apply for.
Qualifications are rather simple, must be a high school graduate or hold an equivalent degree. No felony convictions. Must possess ability to communicate effectively both orally and written. Must possess good people skills, ability to work effectively with different cultures, races, education levels and personality types. Applicant must pass physical and  psychiatric evaluations and have some experience using computers.
All those accepted will be required to undergo intensive training and maintain a minimum of forty hours of in-service training a year.
All applicants must be willing to endure extreme mental and physical abuse in the form of physical attacks using urine, feces, spit, vomit, fist, feet and teeth among other things. Verbal attacks will include extreme vulgarities, racial and sexual remarks about you and your family, and all manner of threats against you and your family.

This position pays $9.40 per hour and can be applied for at the County Jail.

If you have read this far you have just read a very small part of the job description of a Corrections Officer at the Giles County Jail.  These folks, who have the biggest turn over of any county department, are being abused in ways that could only be imagined in the worst of nightmares, are compensated at the rate of $9.40 an hour. $9.40 an hour is less than half what is made by many county office workers; less than a third what some county employees make; some coaches are making more than that in supplemental pay. No doubt those in charge try to fully explain what a jailer is in for in terms of the requirements and the abuse they will face but I doubt they can explain the abuse and abandonment experienced from the county. I suppose it's a matter of out of sight, out of mind. This shameful situation must cease.

Having some county employees sitting in a nice comfortable office making $30,000 plus or sleeping in a nice bed while making $15.00 an hour while these employees are paid $9.40 to endure such abuse should be an embarrassment to the county. The pay and benefits of every county employee should be evaluated yearly to avoid such inequities. All new hires should be done at a rate more in line with their qualifications and responsibilities and not because they are friends or family of another employee.

When the new budget is made I sincerely hope it will include two very large items; one a genuine cut in the budgets of every department that can not justify their expenses and two a complete restructuring of pay for the corrections officers at the county jail. 

Commissioner Jackson Taken to St. Thomas Hospital

Commissioner Stoney Jackson arrived this morning for the County Legislative Meeting and after walking up the stairs became very flushed and short of breath. His blood pressure, was very high when taken by Ambulance Director Roy Griggs. When pains began to radiate across his chest and into his shoulder and arm even Commissioner Jackson had to finally agree that he needed some medical care and agreed to be taken to Dr. Haney's office where it was decided he would go to St. Thomas for over night observation. Approximately an hour ago I was told that he was resting well and vitals were getting back to a less critical level.
I'm sure everyone will want to offer up their prayers for Stony and his family as this is a very stressful situation. We wish him well and pray there will be nothing serious found in the observation and testing.