Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Information regarding TCSA Fall Conference

This is how the information was given to me. The only addition I made was to include the totals. Some had their rooms paid by the county instead of being reimbursed. Some took their spouses thus did not share a room with another commissioner and some did not take reimbursement for transportation. Because of the way this space is allocated I can't make a simple list of columns and have included the code (T)for transportation; (L) for lodging; (M) for meals and other.

Commissioners: Houston 141.92(L) 56.82(M)- Cary 290.00(T) 116.80(L)- Howell 53.32(L) 43.50(M)- Reece 293.00(T) 53.32(L) 58.50(M) - Garner* 186.00(T) - Faulkner 279.50(T) 432.24(L) 60.00(M) - Jackson 300.00(T) 288.16(L) 29.25(M) - Pollard 106.64(M) - Pope 302.00(T)129.80(L)- Coleman 287.50(T) 58.50(M) - Brown 432.24(L) 70.00(M) - Garner* 93.00(T) 124.25(M) - HIGHWAY DEPT.: Kelley 166.44(T) 115.00(M) - Hyatt 122.49(T) 115.00(M) - Phillips 166.44(T) 115.00(M)

3 payments to vendors Best Western Plaza Inn 161.13 Best Western Plaza Inn 449.79

TOTALS 2486.37(T) - 2258.72(L) - 952.46(M)

* Listed in two different spots

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can Anyone Justify The Head Of TVA Making 3.6 Million Last Year?

Just two years after TVA buried 400 acres under a coal ash spill that resulted in millions of dollars to clean up TVA handed out over 94 million dollars in bonuses this year. The top 90 executives averaged over $120,000.00 each, the non-executives will get an average of $6,917.00 each.
Tom Kilgore head of TVA was paid $3.6 million dollars for the fiscal year that ended in September 2010 making him the highest paid federal employee in the country. Next year he will be eligible for another $200,000 added to that salary.
Now in addition to these very lucrative bonuses salaried employees are scheduled to receive a 2.9% raise this fall.
While consumers struggle to pay their ever increasing electric bills it seems those at the other end of the power line are doing very well, very well indeed.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cost For Commissioners And Others To Attend The TCSA Fall Conference

On October 26-28 the Tennessee County Services Association (TCSA) held its fall conference in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

According to the County Financial Director fifteen people attended the conference. According to some other sources as many as eighteen attended along with many wives.
The following is the list of attendees according to the Financial Management Office.

Bernetta Houston; Bill Cary; Connie Howell; Janice Reece; Loretta Garner; Louise Faulkner; Stoney Jackson; Tommy Pollard; Tommy Pope; David Adams; Vicki Coleman; Yvonne Brown; Steve Kelly; Barry Hyatt; Julie Phillips.

The cost of this conference:

Registration 14 @ 165.00 each, total $2310.00. Three from the Highway Department attended but no registration fees have been reported.

Transportation: $2486.37

Lodging: $2258.72 Nothing has been reported from the Highway Department for lodging expenses.

Meals and Other: 952.46

Some questions I find interesting and in need of answering are if county vehicles were used why was mileage paid?
Why were some commissioners reimbursed for lodging as low as 53.42 and others charged up to $141.92.
Why did some charge the county as little as $29.25 for meals while at least one charged the county $124.25.
How did the three people reported from the Highway Department get reimbursed exactly $115.00 each. Was this for actual cost of meals or was it some guesstimate.

While I understand the need and benefit for these type conferences I find it appalling that this kind of expense was approved at a time when property tax increases and wheel taxes are being discussed to keep the county out of bankruptcy. It does not sit well to see such spending when so many can't buy their medicine and groceries or pay their utility bills and buy gas to get to work if they have a job.

Legislative Meeting 29 November 2010

This mornings Legislative Committee met with Commissioners Faulkner, Howell, Beech, Wilburn, Reece and Adams sitting in for Carpenter. Commissioner Coleman was absent and no one was present to represent the 7th District.

This meeting was basically a result of many unanswered questions that had arisen at the last Legislative Meeting involving the $350.00 fee for the state to inspect new residential construction. In order to have those questions answered Mr. James (Jim) Pillow with the state Commerce and Insurance Department was present.
Mr. Pillow gave a very candid account of the results of taking back our tax money in the form of grants. The state requires that all new residential construction be inspected for environmental compliance. Right now that involves windows but will soon include almost every other area from roof material to water units used when flushing toilets. Currently the inspection cost $350.00 on a $150,000.00 house. Next year it will also include any additions containing 30 square feet or more. Of this fee $15.00 will stay in Giles County and the rest will go to Nashville.

Mr. Pillow explained that there are three options available to the county: 1) Do nothing and accept the situation as it has been implemented by the state. 2) Create our own program and enforce our own codes within the guidelines of the state. This could also be accomplished by contracting with the City of Pulaski's building program. 3) The county can opt out of the program by a 2/3 vote of the County Legislative Body. This would have to be re-voted on with each new election of commissioners. To opt out will not prevent the county receiving grants but it will reduce the score given counties by 15 points. Currently 21 counties have opted out of the program and within Giles County the cities have opted out.

Much discussion was held along with a number of questions. Mr. Pillow graciously responded to all.

The committee voted unanimously to send the recommendation to opt out of the program to the full Commission. They also decided to hold community meetings to give the public an opportunity to address the issue.