Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Why Would Anyone Brag About Making Another Person Cry?

Whether it's the result of insecurity, incompetency, the fabled short man syndrome, a warped sense of humor, boredom or just the out of control power of an immature bully bragging about making another person's life miserable is just about as low as a person can go in my opinion.
Why would a school principal seem to take such pleasure in demeaning others, publicly criticizing the former principal, who by most measures did an outstanding job, and publicly brag to other principals about making a teacher cry?     
It's not enough that major turmoil seems to have been created at Elkton School for no other reason than an insecurity in the leader. The bigger problem is that this turmoil will obviously continue to grow if the tyrannical and even sadistic behavior is allowed to continue. While I agree that there are certainly some teachers that deserve to be fired I certainly do not agree that a teacher who is felt to be ineffective should be "picked on" and "belittled" in front of other teachers, staff and even students and made to cry then have some two bit punk brag about making their life miserable and pushing them off on another school.  

How long will teachers put up with being lied too, verbally abused, belittled and threatened? 

Proposal From The School System?For a number of years now we have

In what amounts to a poorly disguised attempt to extort more money from the County Commission the School System seems primed to propose suspending bus service for the coming school year. The proposal will be voted on tonight.

Based on past experience the threat of cancelling bus service was all that was needed for angry parents to demand the Commission come up with more money for the less than thrifty school system.

For several years we have seen budgets built on fabrications, misstatements, hidden money, bloated expectation of income and underestimates of costs. Each year we heard the promise that the new budget was "bare-bones", "no new monies involved", etc. The budget was a house of cards that blew down in the winds of decreased student enrollment and arrogant denial of realities. Those responsible for the mismanagement now propose to extort more money from dry wells with threats of no bus service for students. I certainly hope the commissioners will not be intimidated by this proposed act of blatant  intimidation.  

It's bad enough that so many in the trenches have lost their jobs while the elite on the hill and in the sports programs have skated away unscathed, it's even worse that extravagant costly programs are continued while more basic less expensive programs are dismissed.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Questions About Health Insurance For economic Development Director

I posted some basic but not highly detailed information about the expenses for the Economic Development Director and was basically called a liar and that the information I had posted was simply not true.
I will try to separate  some of the more obviously questionable expenses and include enough details to prove that everything I posted about those expenses was and is fully documented.
This post will deal with Health Insurance for Mr. Speer the Director.
The insurance is listed as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee.

Payment made 7/14/2011 - $874.31;  9/20/2011 - $874.31;  10/17/2011 - $874.31;  11/16/ 2011 - $874.31;  12/16/2011 - $873.31;  1/17/2012 - $876.93;  2/16/2012 - $974.74;  3/15/2012 - $950.36;
4/27/2012 - $950.36;
On a separate page one more check is made to Brenda Speer as "repay Brenda" account "Health Insurance.
This apparently is for the August 2011 premium as the check was made out on 9/20/2011 for $874.31.

It has been reported that these premiums will increase to over a thousand dollars a month with the beginning of the new fiscal year.

1. Why is insurance being carried by a family member?
2. Was this insurance bid out or just given to this agent?
3. Why isn't the Director carried as an employee of the county or city and placed on their group insurance plans?
4. Is what seems like a blatant conflict of interest and expense of expense acceptable to taxpayers?

Reserved Parking Goes Unused!

This is the reserved parking space set aside at city hall for the Economic Development Director. So with a reserved parking space why does the Economic Director continue to park in front of City Hall where handicap parking should be?
With parking spaces at a premium we have about  half the spaces around the courthouse on the town square reserved, including two spaces for electric cars of which there are none registered in the county,  and reserved spaces left empty while those who can park in those reserved spaces are taking up other spaces.
Does that strike anyone else as sort of arrogant and disrespectful to the citizens.
Speaking of respect does it enhance respect from the citizens to see law enforcement officers parking illegally
around the courthouse when there is not an emergency?