What Budget Deadline????
"County Completes Budget Process"
"Lawrence County Commissioners have completed the 2010-2011 budget that is ready for a vote at the commission's September 28th meeting.
The $71.4 million spending package, which includes the school board's $45.3 million budget, is based on the state certified tax rate, $2.7386. The breakdown is as follows: County General Fund, approximately, $1.14; Highway/Public Works, .99; Debt Service Fund, .35; General Purpose School Fund, .24. The budget calls for $528,000 from the General Fund's fund balance, leaving the June 30th, 2011 ending fund balance at $2.9 million".
Wonder how Lawrence County managed to do like almost every other county in the state and not have a budget ready on 31 July 2010 when Giles County was told by it's County Executive that it had to be done on 31 July or else.
On 30 July the County Commission in a special called meeting was told by the County Executive that if the budget wasn't passed that day, the Ambulance Service would cease to operate, the Rescue Squad would not be able to respond to emergencies and that county employees would not get paid. Did someone exaggerate about the deadline or were the commissioners just bullied into a position that would not allow for questions about an inappropriate budget?