Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Ever Wonder Why A Politician Would Sell HIs Integrity?

Take a look at these pictures then ask yourself is it possible that the reason Rep. Barry Doss pushed so hard, lied and broke House procedures and rules in getting the huge gasoline, diesel and vehicle registration cost increased on the people of Tennessee because he and his family stood to profit from his nefarious dealings?   
  This past week construction began on US 31 in Ardmore, can you guess who is doing work on this project?  OK, the question may be too hard so I'll not count your first two guesses.  Here's a hint, it's on the sign and It doesn't start with CAT.

Image may contain: outdoor

Image may contain: outdoor