The County Ethics Committee was finally formed this morning (28 Sept. 2016) and convened to discuss and act on an official complaint against Commissioner Campbell, who has been charged, but not tried yet, with a number of very serious crimes and behaviors.
To define the Ethics Committee Meeting this morning as surprising would be surprising. It went exactly as I had predicted, with absolutely nothing being done other than to show the utter contempt some have for taking a stand against wrong behavior. It always amazes me how good, honest, moral people seem to buckle under the responsibility of making public moral decisions.
Most of the Commissioners have expressed their disgust with the Tommy Campbell situation privately but taking a public stand seems to be more than they are capable of.
Instead of doing the research for themselves and reaching out beyond the very limited confines of the courthouse to find the truth, committee members instead relied on an attorney that seems willing to say whatever the ventriloquist says. So, instead of depending on the written word of the law they took the unrelated comments of a shyster who tried to make everything about an “ouster suit” instead of a simple “suspension” that was requested.
I clearly stated that the issue before the committee had nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of Commissioner Campbell, that was to be settled in a court of law but that it was about suspending him until his legal problems have been resolved. One reason supporting suspension is the fact that one of the charges against Commissioner Campbell is “coercion of a witness”. By remaining a County Commissioner he continues to be in a greater position to “coerce” especially with the perception that many hold of officials being above the law.
The County Attorney, Mr. Chris Williams, stated that the Ethics Committee “could do nothing” in relation to the complaint that was filed. Even when I was allowed to read T.C.A. 8-47-116 titled “Suspension Pending Hearing”, that defines the means of suspension, Mr. Williams continued to refer to the section as about “OUSTER” thus confusing the issue even more.
Even when I read article two of the county ethics policy that states, “The committee may, In the case of an official, refer the matter to the county legislative body for possible public censure if the county legislative body finds such action warranted”. Mr. Williams interpreted the term “may” as meaning “may not” and stated such to the committee. So the committee, based on Mr. Williams faulty advice chose to do nothing. Essentially giving a stamp of approval to Commissioner Campbell and his behavior.