Racial Discrimination or Oversight You Decide.
Several threads on this blog have been weakened and misdirected by information and questions involving the racial discrimination suit that was brought by Mrs. Lisa White against the County. In order for the other threads to follow their topics I am presenting this topic as it’s own thread.
The County settled the case after the EEOC found the county was guilty of racial discrimination which resulted in Mrs. White being awarded $72,000.00 from the county. Half paid by the county and half by the insurance carrier.
This suit resulted when the Financial Management Committee took applications for the position of The Financial Management Director. The Committee in charge of these applications was made up of County Executive J. Vanzant; School Director T. Jackson; Highway Superintendent B. Hyatt; Commissioners S. Jackson, R. Flacy, C. Howell and T. Campbell. Both Commissioners Connie Howell and Tommy Campbell resigned from the committee before the final selection was made.
All the applicants resumes were sent to the Fanning Institute at the
The names and evaluation numbers were as follows Lisa White 260; James Murphy 250; Lorretta Garner 240; Dana Bowman 240; Judy Roberts 230; Elizabeth Sigmon 200. There were others but no one else scored above 131.
Mrs. Roberts withdrew before her interview.
Mrs. White was the only person in the top five who was not granted an interview. This led to her contacting the EEOC and them holding and investigation. They found the