Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Friday, August 01, 2014


When Mrs. Vanzant, the County Executive, spoke at Giles County High School during the Democrat sponsored event to meet the candidates, she surprised everyone there who had attended the County Budget Committee Meetings, by stating that the county did not have a financial problem.

After the other two candidates for County Executive had described the financial problems in detail, Mrs. Vanzant stepped to the microphone and announced that, “Giles County does not have a financial problem we are financially secure”.  

As usual Mrs. Vanzant has a penchant for saying one thing to one group while saying a different thing to other groups. In the Budget Committees that she attended there had been a consistent   discussion of being short of money for the county. The Highway Department needed more money, the schools needed major repairs, etc, etc. The solution was for a property tax increase and a wheel tax of fifty dollars proposed by Commissioner Campbell and a few others. The proposal for the wheel tax was later changed, with Commissioner Campbell’s support and approval, to $75.00 per registered vehicle. 

So when Mrs. Vanzant stated that the county did not have a financial problem it came as a major surprise to those who had attended those Budget Committee Meetings and listened to her earlier pleas for more revenue. 

Now, I have learned that there is not enough money to finish the water line project from Minor Hill to the Campbellsville area. Mrs. Vanzant has used the extension of water lines in the county as her major, and some believe only, accomplishment. My information is that a special called Meeting of  Commissioners will be held immediately after the election to discuss yet another crisis of this pitifully prepared county administration. 

Why are there no plans already to prevent this kind of thing? What happened to the money allocated for this project? How long have they known that this important project would not be completed? Is this another example, like the wastewater treatment facility at Exit 14, where a project is started then left unattended? Why are there no plans for anything beyond today for this county? 
It seems that The Emergency Management personnel have plans for almost every possible situation from mass casualty events to weather related events, but the County Executive just slowly moves from one crisis to the next. 

Why hasn’t Mrs. Vanzant been more honest about this situation and let the public know? We are not children who need to be protected from the truth we are the ones called upon to pay the bills. Perhaps that is the problem, she feels a need to hide the bills until after the election. So keep everything “peachy keen and rosy red”  then after the election present the bills. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What I Will Do If Elected To Serve The People OF The 7th District

Some have whined over and over that I should run a "clean campaign" and not talk about the crookedness and lack of integrity of my opponents, just tell what I would do as a Commissioner. 

Well, I would not steal from you or lie to you as some elected official have done in the District.

I will not attack any citizens and call them vile perverted sexual names then file false police reports to cover it up.

I will expect to be treated not with special priviledges because of being a commissioner but as a regular citizen with the protections of the U.S. Constitution and the State Constitution.

I will not hide bankrupcies, I have none, and then ask to control your money.  

I will continue to keep the people of the county informed not only via this blog but also through regular scheduled town hall type meetings where issues can be discussed prior to commission meetings. 

I will donate the pay I earn to local charities minus any tax liability on those earnings. 

I will continue to attend every meeting I can possibly attend and will continue to speak out for the interest of the people not for the government. 

I will work on each and every project until it is completed and provide updates regularly. How often have you wondered what was happening at the Exit 14; the status of water lines being run; which roads were scheduled to be paved, the status of lawsuits and investigations of political appointees and other officials. As a Commissioner that information will be more readily available.  

I will not support any property tax increases or a wheel tax. 

I will work to freeze the property tax for seniors in accord with state law.

I will be available for your questions and suggestions. Your phone calls will be returned.

I will not take part in pushing through budgets and amendments without a through examination.

I will at every step keep the citizens informed and involved. 

As a commissioner, if I have not made a difference in four years I will not seek re-election.

You can tell a lot about what A person will do by what they have done. I have successfully organized against higher taxes, and a wheel tax; I led the movement to bring the Financial Management Act of 1981 to Giles County and bring a more secure financial system to the county and a more open process for budgeting; I fought against county wide zoning and remain the only name on the lawsuit that prevents it's implementation; I led the way in forcing the School Board to open it's meetings to public comment; I exposed the illegal and unethical behavior of the former School Director and Financial Management Director.

When other media was ignoring such things as the County Executive secretly and illegally giving tax money to an unauthorized charity I exposed it; I was first with information about the lie that provided money to build the new School Offices; I told you about the EDC/IDB lawsuits, mismanagement and underhanded activities; I informed you about the County Executive changing a vote after a Commission Meeting that caused the state to step in on the sell of beer near churches etc; I have stood shoulder to shoulder with individuals who were being abused by the government system; I have told you about the E-911 investigation that is taking place now.

While I don't know everything and am not able to do all things I do know and am able to do a few things but more importantly I know how to get the information and use the energy by simply asking you the people. 

People say that, "we deserve the kind of government we get", I strongly disagree and say, "we get the kind of government we choose". If you want to continue the downward spiral of our current direction and remain the bill payers without a true voice on the commission then continue to vote for those in office but if your desire is to have a government more responsive to the people, more responsible with your money, has a plan for our future and will lead with integrity, experience, sensitivity to the people and foresight then you must vote for me and the other conservatives on the ballot. 

A person who is unwilling to be honest about their political affiliation is a person who will be dishonest about other issues as well. 

I am asking that as you go vote, please consider casting only one vote for your 7th District Commissioner and let it be for me.  Thanks.