Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why Have So Many Self Identified Christians Become So Envious Of Other People And Their Wealth?

The dictionary defines envy as "a painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage".

It seems that once upon a time people had a strong sense that if you wanted something you should work for it. Today it seems that the prevailing idea is if you want something you should just be given it.
Today those we consider to be rich are envied, despised and looked upon as somehow being responsible for our own personal failings. It's unfair for some to have more than me has become the prevailing mantra. What is fair? Is it fair that some have cancer and others don't? Is it fair that some can throw a football better than others? There is so much that we whine about as being unfair, but the truth is what we define as unfair for the most part is focused on what we don't have. Basically if a person has a million dollars they could feel justified in considering it unfair that someone else has ten million.

Should a person who practices self-discipline and sacrifices many instant gratifications for their long term goals be punished for having reached those goals. Does the person who spends extra time studying to pass a test deserve to have his grade held down so the guy who spent the night drinking beer wouldn't feel a loss of self esteem? Does the guy sitting on the the couch watching TV really deserve the same considerations and benefits as the guy out in the cold working every day? Should a person be rewarded for having a baby out of wedlock or for refusing to take a job they considered beneath them? Is it fair to take by force from one who has earned and give to one who refuses to earn?

Does the proverbial couch-potato who is content to avoid every learning opportunity, for easy entertainment really deserve the same rewards as the person who worked, saved and invested their money, time and sweat and becomes financially successful?

What is it that seems to make Christians especially, so envious, so angry toward those they perceive to be wealthy? When I was much younger working for $.50 an hour I thought my boss was wealthy until I found out how much he owed on the store and what his obligations where in meeting his payroll each week and maintaining his stock. In reality based on the time he spent with the store business he wasn't really making that much more than me. It was also enlightening to learn he had started in the grocery business the same way I was. Instead of being envious It was inspiring. I never thought of taking what he had but to become more like him.

The nation seems to have become more and more divided and especially of with all the rhetoric and demands that the rich give more to support the government. This division has been perpetrated by a president, that has seen his own wealth increase millions of dollars in the past four years, and other politicians
who stir racial and economic unrest for personal benefits.

It is amazing to me that in this country even the poorest have lifestyles far and away above many considered to be middle class in other countries. Today one of the great concerns the government has for those they consider to be poor is the fact that so many are overweight. Around the world people are dying from hunger but our big concern is the poor eating to much. How weird is that?

Does the person with a hundred million dollars really live millions of times better than the person who only makes a minimum wage?  Both have cars, maybe one isn't as exotic as the other but they both allow travel in comfort. One may have a bigger house than the other but both have the same heat, air conditioning, running water, bathrooms, appliances etc, to make their life more comfortable. Certainly there are differences but certainly not a million times better.

The Bible makes it very clear, envy that becomes resentment is a bad thing. The Bible also teaches that while contentment is desirous it must not become a substitute for laziness.