Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Recently Ron Shirey Left The Giles School System

When Ron Shirey left the school system there was much speculation as to why and who would replace him. Mr. Shirey wore many hats at the central office from Safety Officer to Attendance Supervisor. People were told that because of his many duties he was an invaluable member of the administrative staff.

Now it seems that maybe he wasn’t so valuable after all, as Mr. Jackson has decided not to fill his position!!!!!!
Three interesting aspects must be considered concerning this situation.
First, will these duties be spread out among other administrators? Who will be able to absorb the many duties of the Attendance Supervisor and Safety Officer among other things and still complete their present duties? If this can be done at this time why wasn’t it done before?
Second, what will be done with the salary that was set aside in the budget for this “much needed” position? Will this money be spread among other administrators and will the School Board and Financial Management Office go along with this?
Third, why did Mr. Jackson decide not to fill a position he has identified as “vital” to the school system? Is it possible that since Mrs. Murrey, the present School Board Chair, applied for the job and is the most qualified applicant, that Mr. Jackson has made this decision to prevent her getting the job and possibly being replaced on the School Board by someone he might have even less control over?
Clearly there are a number of unanswered questions that need to be addressed with this issue and Mr. Jackson should explain his actions and reasoning to the public.
Allen Barrett

Monday, September 29, 2008

What Is A Custodian That Doesn’t Clean Really Worth $32.00 An Hour?

It seems that 32 dollars an hour is what the GCHS football coach made this summer to keep the Field House open. That may not seem like much to some folks but it does to me and I have to wonder what it seems like to Coach Billy Holt that was paid NOTHING to keep the Gym open during the summer. Here's an interesting question, "which program makes the most money for the school, football or basketball and which burns up the most money? Maybe Coach Holt needs to glue a couple of pointed ends onto his basketball if he wants to get into the big money.
Other Coaches also got the same thing Coach Holt got for their efforts during the summer. Allen Barrett

What Has Happened To The Minor Hill Band Program?

What once was a very active Band program now seems to have all but vanished?
Is it due to a lack of interest on the part of the students, the staff or the parents? Perhaps it’s a combination of all three or something totally different.
Perhaps priorities have changed such that the band no longer matters? Allen Barrett

Is There A Backbone Growing In The Financial Management Office?

Word comes that there is finally some action being taken in the Financial Management Office to correct a long time situation where a $44,532.00 a year employee keeps missing. Seems she has continued to follow her well established pattern from her days at the School Central Office by failing to show up on time, taking extra long lunch breaks and just plain vanishing for hours at a time.
What has been so obvious to most observers seems to have finally gotten to the overly patient and easy going Director so that she has now officially counseled the employee and warned against future unacceptable absences. Hoorays for Mrs. Garner.
Allen Barrett