Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What Happened At The IDB/EDC Meeting This Week?

What Happened at the IDB/EDC meeting this week that required the removal of members of the public from their meeting?

What could possibly have been discussed that the public was not allowed to be involved in? Was it possibly some great legal discussion but without their attorney present what legal activities could have been discussed?

Perhaps they wanted to discuss the huge increases they have requested for their budget?

Perhaps it was to discuss the big payout from the recent lawsuit they settled? Oh, you didn't know that the lawsuit had been settled with taxpayer money maybe it because there has been nothing on the radio or in the newspaper about it. Oh, well it's only been about two weeks so maybe the news will still show up somewhere other than on this blog.  No, it could have been that they would have had one of their four attorneys present to discuss that.

Well, doggone it I guess they just didn't want the public to know what they were doing so they just turned a required public meeting into a closed meeting? Guess there is nothing like the convenience of snubbing your nose at the law and the people when it comes to getting your way?

Congratulations Go Out To Home Depot Once Again

Congratulations go out to Home Depot once again for their unselfish and quick response in offering aid through the Emergency Management Team to those folks suffering property damage form the storms.

No doubt Home Depot deserves to be recognized as the citizen of the week for not waiting to be contacted to help but making the approach and offer of unlimited help with much needed materials.

I'm also told that Fred's is another great supporter of the community with the same quick and generous offers to supply much needed items for those who suffered great loses from the severe weather.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

From the Financial Management Office

The claim has been made that “all” the county departments have “CUT” their budgets to a point that they cannot possibly be cut anymore and we “MUST” have a property tax increase and/or a “Wheel Tax”.
There has even been the claim that we have not had a property tax increase in years. I agree that the property rate has remained the same but the fact is there has been a huge property tax increase with the reappraisal.  Go ask property owners if they are paying more this year than they were before the reappraisal?

Here is a list of the different departments along with their Actual Audited  Budget for 2012/2013; Their Budget for 2013/2014; and what they have requested for the coming budget year.
County Commission  -  42,161  -   44,414  -  52,076
County Executive  -  131,231   -  181,004  -  186,418
County Attorney  -  33,290  -  40,000  -  42,000
Election Commission  -   198,393  -  279,642  -  282,778
Register of Deeds  -   15,390  -   42,810  -  60,313
County Buildings  -  385,061  -  670,352  -  439,085  (This does not come out of general funds).
Accounting and Budgeting  -  308,402  -  446,284  -   451,428
Property Assessors Office  -  335,810  -  403,736  -  426,006
Reappraisal Program  -   32,955   -  34,249  -  36,600
County Trustee Office  -  14,706  -  56,696  -  47,193
County Clerk Office  -  27,693  -  88,701  -  93,947
Circuit Court Clerk  -  186,588  -  174,716  -  179,442
General Sessions Court  -  124,693  -  166,699  -  167,470
Chancery Court  -  142,813  -  191,741  -  197,270
Judicial Commissioners  -  28,872  -  30,839  -  31,040
Courtroom Security  -  141,485  -  192,689  -  200,036
Sheriff’s Department  -  1,402,902  -  1,790,296  -  1,872,161
Traffic Control  -  3,370  -  4,276  -  4,550
Drug Enforcement  -  9,355  -  10,000  -  10,000
Adm. Of Sexual Offender Reg.  -  2,909  -  3,478  -  5,500
Jail  -  1,441,920  -  1,921,087  -  2,126,404
Juvenile Services  -  36,366  -  50,933  -  61,389
Fire Prevention and Control  -  2,992  -  2,767  -  2,800
Rescue Squad  -  205,000  -  219,681  -  229,000
Other Emergency Management  -  220,074  -  263,682  -  247,167
County Coroner/Medical Examiner  -  37,970  -  60,000  -  60,000
Other Public Safety  -  2,112  -  3,118  -  2,705
Local Health Center  -  65,023  -  58,793  -  69,650
Rabies and Animal Control  -  56,098  -  69,118  -  69,310
Ambulance Service  -  2,091,646  -  2,071,020  -  2,446,442  ( the middle number was amended during the year to 2,135,030)
Alcohol & Drug Program  -  0  -  30,301  -  30,301
Regional Mental Health  -  20,700  -  20,700  -  20,700
Aid To Dependent Children  -  5,363  -  0  -  0  (Amended Budget  for 13/14 added 7,000)
Other Local Welfare Services  -  23,989  -  37,763  -  57,018
Sanitation Management  -  67,025  -  67,025  -  70,100 (Amended Budget for 13/14 added 2,975)
Transfer Station Formerly Solid Waste  -  0  -  127,501  -  134,794
Other Public Health & Welfare  -  281,094  -  268,271  -  389,300
Senior Citizen Assistance  -  20,660  -  20,660  -  20,660
Libraries  -  103,696  -  127,596  -  129,696
Park and Fair Board  -  42,278  -  51,584  -  54,375
Other Social, Cultural and Rec  -  28,083  -  27,940  -  33,561
Agricultural Extension Service  -  132,996  -  145,467  -  146,595
Forest Service  -  662  -  2,994  -  2,750
Soil Conservation  -  74,614  -  100,260  -  102,163
Flood Control  -  0  -  34,510  -  26,650
Industrial Development  -  896,650  -  66,650  -  76,650
Other Economic & Comm Development  -  30,783  -  30,783  -  30,783
Public Transportation  -  60,734  -  62,000  -  62,000
Airport  -  44,641  -  45,591  -  48,000
Veterans Service  -   14,795  -  16,328  -  16,370
Other Charges  -  556,598  -  585,372  -  670,000
Contributions to Other Agencies  -  100,000  -  105,000  -  112,000
Employee Benefits  -  1,530,588  -  37,343  -  39,800
Miscellaneous  -  734  -  570  -  1,000
Administration of Justice Projects  -  0  -  460,000  -  0
Operating Transfers Out  -  8,537,105  -  9,030  -  1,000,000
Total General Fund  -  20,301,065  -   12,054, 059  -  13,375,446

One time transfers from reserves and change in where benefits are listed account for what appears to be a large drop from the 12/13 numbers to the 13/14 numbers 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Should The County Borrow Ten Million Dollars For Proposed School Improvements?

This topic was requested by a poster.