At the standing room only called School Board Meeting tonight Don Storey after an impassioned speech verbally resigned his position as School Board Member representing the 3rd District. Mr. Storey strongly criticized what he described as "mishandling" the situation that led to Dr. Webb's resignation.
Mr. Storey stated there was, "two very troubling things about this situation". "It was wrong getting rid of Dr. Webb and not following Board policy which was a grave injustice to Dr. Webb". "Another part that bothers me even more is some of these things date back to last fall". That contrary to Board policy, those things should have been brought before all the Board members prior to confronting Dr. Webb and that Dr. Webb should have been confronted by the full Board long before Monday and given an opportunity to explain and/or make corrections. Mr. Storey closed his remarks by saying that, "when we hired Dr. Webb we asked him to balance the budget and get rid of the 120 day contracts that were costing the system too much money and we told him to move whoever he had to, to do it" .He did what we asked him too and "getting rid of the best, most child loving, enthusiastic directors ever is the wrong thing to do".
"I'm officially handing in my resignation, I'm done, you go out and make decisions on your own, I don't want to be associated with you". All the Board Member were present except for Mr. Greene who joined the meeting via phone.