County Legislative Meeting for 17 Jan 2012
After convening and honoring the Colts Cheer-leading Team for their National Championship the Legislative Body for the County began conducting other business of the county.
Acceptance of various reports and the appointment/reappointment of several officials they moved into the resolutions to be voted on.
Resolution 2012-1 Approval of surety bonds for county employees and officials. APPROVED -NO DISCUSSION
Resolution 2012-2 Authorizing Highway Department to do work for the Cities of Elkton, Adrdmore, Minor Hill, Lynnville and Pulaski. APPROVED - NO DISCUSSION
Resolution 2012-3 Approval of County Road List for 2012. - APPROVED -NO DISCUSSION
Resolution 2012-4 Named bridge on Hwy. 64 (3rd bridge East of SR 166) James A. Wells Memorial Bridge. APPROVED AFTER STATEMENT THAT IT WOULD BE AT NO COST TO THE COUNTY.
Resolution 2012- 5 Authorizing application for Fastrack Infrastructure Development Program to build a spur behind Richland Steel. APPROVED AFTER STATEMENT IT WOULD BE AT NO COST TO THE COUNTY.
Resolution 2012-6 To amend Rule XV of the Rules of Order of the Legislative Body. THIS WAS WITHDRAWN AT THE REQUEST OF THE SPONSOR COMMISSIONER FAULKNER.
No Unfinished Business was Presented.
New Business: The motion was presented by Commissioner Jackson to appropriate $25,000.00 to secure a price of $370,000 plus to purchase 93 acres at the Hwy. 64 and 65 interstate exit.
After much discussion, mostly opposed to the motion a vote was taken with only Commissioners Cary, Flacy, Jackson, Wilburn, Reedy, Woodard, and Harwell voting to spend the money. Commissioner Harwell's vote was withdrawn after it was pointed out that he could not legally vote of financial matters before the Commission.
The main objects expressed to refocusing attention on the new property was; (1) The lose of ninety thousand dollars already spent on the original property to be used for the waste water disposal project. (2) The fact the property does not have road frontage, Eighty acres could possibly be purchased later for roadfrontage. (3) Extreme cost to develop property it include but not limited to building an access road, building a bridge, a number of culverts, altering of wetlands, and massive fill. (4) Need to stay focused on current project get it finished and get development started at the site so new tax sources can be realized. (5) The county just don't have the money.
Main reasons expressed for pursuing new property was (1) Selling price for the 15 acres will not be known until after condemnation has been completed and price set by the judge, the price is expected to be known in February 2012; (2) The property will be more expensive later; (3) The county could make a lot of money after the wastewater treatment facility is built by selling the 93 acres to developers.