State Department Apologies For Attacks On American Embassy in Egypt!!!!!
This is a copy of the statement issued by the Sate Department Embassy in Egypt, you judge the merits of this response.
"The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims, as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy.
Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions of those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others."
Our Embassy was attacked by murderous thugs and then apologies to those thugs for hurting their feelings, how can that possibly be justified? Has this country sunk so low that we no longer even know right from wrong? Well, yes we have and this kind of utterly stupid, totally distorted official statement proves it.
Consider that in the name of free speech our government has funded a number of exhibits so offensive to Christians it's beyond belief. I hope most people remember the upside down Crucifix in a jar of urine and the Christ covered with feces. There was apology from the government then but now an apology is made to terrorist who had their feelings hurt because the truth was told about the murderous, child rapist who taught, convert or be killed. Of course not all Muslims are part of this more radical group but they have supported the more crazy adherents by remaining silent.
The apology speaks of "the universal right of free speech", you go to a Muslim controlled nation where Sharia law is in place and see how much free speech is available. Iran now holds a Christian Minister under a death penalty for the "horrible" crime of converting from Islam to Christianity and refusing to deny Christ.
All across this nation Christians are under attack with officials ordering the suspension of public prayers, removal of Crosses from long establishments Memorials.
Those who speak out about the sexual perversions are condemned and threatened with prosecutions for "Hate crimes".
That last sentence in the apology is so very telling of the truth about this nations ideology toward religion, We must be tolerant of all religions that threaten to kill millions if offended but Christians and Jews are OK to offend and to discriminate against because they will just take it and not kill over those numerous offenses.
Folks, you don't have to believe me just do your own research, Islam is not a religion of peace, it's not even a true religion but a political movement. A movement
that has caused the deaths of more people and suppressed the God given rights of more people than any thing in human history. Mohammad was a cheap political assassin who preached murder or submission, who had numerous wives but still found time to rape small girls.
To not condemn this movement and these actions is a betrayal of everything good about America and her people.