Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

E-mail topic: The Perks of Office

What do you all think about Dan Speer buying himself a brand new 4X4, V8 Ford Explorer to go with his new job? And was this purchase made at the taxpayer's expense?

E-mail topic: Improper Motorcycle Parking?

A tax assessor employee has parked their motorcycle on the lawn of the courthouse for several months now. Is this an acceptable or appropriate parking place? Why haven't citations been issued by law enforcement officers who are at or within sight of the violation daily? Will the County Executive, who is in charge of the courthouse, continue to allow this situation to exist?

E-mail topic: Monday, the 18th of September...

...will be the first official meeting of the new county commission. Any bets on which commissioner will be the first to submit a resolution in support of their campaign pledges or stances?

Also, during the recent campaign there was much said about the need to control spending. Any bets on who will be involved with changing the budgets to increase spending?

E-mail topic: What Happened to the Oil Spill?

In May an oil company had an oil spill. It was in the paper and on the radio when it happened but nothing since then. The bill has exceeded one million dollars and growing. What's the latest and why hasn't there been any updates on this situation from the paper or radio?

Monday, September 11, 2006

Due to overwhelming public demand....

...the "Bridge Naming in Giles County" topic has been deleted. Had I realized the pain this topic would cause a grieving family, I never would've posted it in the first place. But, alas, I knew none of the details when I got an email suggesting this topic. Sorry about that. I'll try to think through the ramifications of suggested topics, rather than posting them automatically, in the future. Meanwhile, those who would like to see more "positive" topics discussed on this blog, need only email their ideas to me: Thanks.