Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Five Mile Circle Around The Courthouse To Be The City Limits, Really?

Is the city really in the process of annexing everything within a five mile circle of the Courthouse into the city?
There will be two Public Meetings, both on the same day to discuss this plan. The meetings are scheduled for 9 AM and 1 PM on 30 September 2014 in the Courthouse Annex Basement Conference Room.  Anyone who wishes to speak must send a written request to the County Executive's Office. If acceptable to the County Executive they will be allowed to speak for three minutes. 

If other public meetings held by the County Executive are an indication don't expect any answers or responses to your enquiries, only three minutes to express your views and ask your questions.

Listed below are the new Committee Assignments For County Commissioners.   C is for Chairman; VC is for Vice Chairman and S is for secretary.

Ambulance/Rescue Squad Committee
Joyce Woodard
Tommy Pope – VC
Tim Risner
Tim Turner
Tommy Pollard - C
Rose Brown – S
Tommy Campbell

Audit Committee
Jimmy Dean Caldwell
Stoney Jackson
David Adams
Roger Reedy – C
Melissa Greene – VC
Danny Ray Cobb – S
Tommy Campbell

Budget Committee
Bill Cary – VC
Stoney Jackson – C
David Adams
Roger Reedy
Tommy Pollard
Louise Faulkner –S
Vicki Coleman

Building Committee
Bill Cary – VC
Tracy Wilburn – C
Tim Risner
Tommy Beech
Lois Aymett – S
Louise Faulkner
Shelly Goolsby

Environmental Committee
Jimmy Dean Caldwell – S
Stoney Jackson
Dustin Rose
Tim Turner
Lois Aymett
Rose Brown – VC
Tommy Campbell – C

Highway Committee
Bill Cary – S
Tommy Pope – VC
Tim Rinser
Tim Turner
Tommy Pollard – C
Danny Ray Cobb
Vicki Coleman

Insurance Committee
Jimmy Dean Caldwell
Tracy Wilburn
Dustin Rose – VC
Roger Reedy
Melissa Greene
Danny Ray Cobb – C
Vicki Coleman – S

Law Enforcement Committee
Joyce Woodard – S
Tommy Pope – C
Tim Risner
Tommy Beech
Melissa Greene
Rose Brown
Tommy Campbell – VC

Legislative Committee
Jimmy Dean Caldwell
Tracy Wilburn
Dustin Rose – VC
Tommy Beech – C
Melissa Greene
Louise Faulkner
Shelly Goolsby – S

Public Service Committee
Joyce Woodard
Tommy Pope
Dustin Rose
Tim Turner – S
Lois Amy
Rose Brown – C
Shelly Goolsby – VC

School CommitteeBill Cary 
Tommy Pope - VC
David Adams
Tommy Beech – S
Lois Aymett
Danny Ray Cobb – C
Vicki Coleman

Financial Management Committee
Members appointed by statute: County Executive Janet Vanzant, Interim Director of Schools J.B. Smith, Highway Commissioner Barry Hyatt, Budget Committee Chair Stoney Jackson. The three commissioners chosen to fill the open slots were,  Tommy Pollard, Louise Faulkner, Roger Reedy.

These three committee slots were once again filled with commissioners after the County Executive violated state law and defined nominations as being open only to commissioners. The Financial Management Act  plainly states and it is repeated in the CTAS Manual that any citizen can be appointed to the three undesignated slots, but when it's only a state law vs this County Executive why would anyone expect the law to be followed? 

Ethics Committee
David Adams
Tommy Pollard
Rose Brown
Tommy Campbell
Janice Curtis 

Adult Oriented BoardDavid Adams
Roger Reedy
Louise Faulkner
Vicki Coleman
DeWitt Booth

Beer BoardStoney Jackson
Tommy Beech
Lois Aymett
Rose Brown

Flood Zone Board of Appeals and Committee
Bill Cary
Stoney Jackson
Melissa Greene
Tommy Campbell
Mike Goode

Regional Planning Commission
Tommy Pollard was appointed to fill Bill Holt’s unexpired term.

Commissioners Steamrolled By Deft Tongue Of County Executive

Well it looks like the commissioners got steamrolled once again by the county executive with a very deft tongue and quick change of topics.

Mrs Henson, speaking as the County Attorney, was asked to present some information. She responded by making a very unclear statement about county wastewater and not being able to use general funds to pay for it. She stopped speaking and the County Executive went quickly to the next item of business. Commissioner Amyett raised her hand to speak and asked if she could ask a question. The County Executive made it clear that they had moved past Mrs. Henson’s comments but that she would allow Commisioner Amyett to speak. Commissioner Amyett asked if Mrs. Henson was speaking of wastewater in general or if it was something more specific. After some fumbling and a couple of looks at the County Executive she finally answered that it was the wastewater at Exit 14. Now we find after all these years that the county doesn’t have the money for the treatment facility. The money must be used from “enterprise funds”. A member of CTAS will be brought down to address the issue with the Environmental Committee.    

So my question is how many remember that in the beginning there was a company that was willing to build the wastewater treatment facility at no cost to the county but the County Executive nixed that idea. Seems having outsiders make any money was just not acceptable. 

My suspicions are that there will be a private local person who will make a bid to develop the wastewater treatment center in conjunction with the EDC/IDB.