Are African Americans Brainwashed Into Voting For Democrats?
Presidential candidate Herman Cain made the statement that “Many African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view,"
Mr. Cain has received much criticism for this statement but so far no one as provided any evidence that it isn’t true. In this thread I hope to provide evidence that Mr. Cain was correct by offering a small history lesson and opportunity for adult discussion.
For example did you know that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a republican? Did you know that it was Republicans who pushed through the civil-rights legislation in the 1960’s and that it’s still Republicans who actually seek to empower blacks and others to get them out of poverty?
Are you aware of the term and the origin of, “yellow dog democrat”? It was first used in 1928 by Senator Tom Heflin of
Francis Rice is an attorney and retired army Lt. Col. She wrote this, “ the liberal party pushes programs that keep my fellow blacks dependent on government handouts and temporary fixes, and encourages them to see themselves as victims.”
From it’s founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party it has been Republicans who have stood at the forefront of the civil rights movement. It was Republicans who fought against slavery, amended the Constitution to include all people in its freedoms of citizenship.
Why is it that most people seem to have forgotten that it was a democrat, George Wallace who stood in the door of an
Why is it that most have forgotten or was never taught the truth about democrats who re-started the KKK to keep blacks and white republicans away from the polls and under control?
Dr. King spoke eloquently of judging people on their character instead of the color of their skin,
It was Republicans who started the NAACP in an effort to stop the lynching by democrats. It was democrats who, when they took control of congress in 1892 that overturned practically every civil rights law that had been passed by the republicans.
Many may recall the civil rights struggles of the 1960’s and credit President Johnson with their passage but in reality it was the leadership of Senator Everett Dirksen that made passage possible. This was done in spite of the votes as such notable senators as Al Gore, Sr. Robert Byrd, Fritz Hollings. Even the young Senator from Mass. John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act. Kennedy also opposed the 1963 March on
Democrat President Lyndon Johnson explained to two governors his motivation for pushing the civil rights laws and great society, “I’ll have those n-gg—s voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.”
Democrat Senator Robert Byrd described by Sen. Ted Kennedy as the conscience of the Senate stated in 1944, after he had quit the KKK, “Rather I die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
It defies logic that so many people of color continue to vote for the very party that has sought to keep them from reaching their greater potentials. The problem, it seems is that many people are victims of a faulty education system and tend to cast their precious votes based on the sweet sound of words and empty promises instead of the realities of actions.
Was Mr. Cain correct in his statement, “Many African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view," You decide, for me the evidence is an obvious yes.