Announcing: A New Forum Just For The Malcontents!
So, starting now, I'm cleaning up this place. There will be no more stupid, content free attacks made on anyone, regardless of the "side" they support. Nor will I tolerate foul language or gutter minded insinuations made about anyone who posts here. And, of course, if anyone posts an obvious libel, it will be promptly deleted from the blog.
I know this sounds like bad news for those various cowards who get such a thrill anonymously disrupting our attempts at serious discussion. But take heart, cowards of the county! I promised all of you "free speech." And that is exactly what you will get... just not on the "Giles Free Speech Zone!"
I've spared no effort to create an appropriate forum for those of you who wish to spend your time cursing, defaming, and sidetracking real debate. Want to be a part of my new forum? Well, all you have to do, is post something stupid or pointless here, and I'll quickly delete it, and repost it -- uncensored, and in all its glory -- at the new forum.
More rules, and explanation for these rules, will be posted in this thread later... as soon as I catch up on my sleep. Meanwhile, why don't you visit the new site -- The Mouthbreather Zone --- and see what a fine joint I've established for the unhappy folks who do nothing but complain here?
Oh yes... one more thing. As much fun as it sometimes is to verbally stomp on the cowardly anonymous posters who make hit and run attacks on me, I don't plan to engage in that sort of thing in the future. The new blog will simply be an online exile for the posters who refuse to obey the rules. An electronic "Siberia" for the mouthbreathers who have nothing better to do, than attempt to annoy people, and disrupt serious discussions. And by simply transferring their postings to the "Mouthbreather Zone" -- rather than rebutting them -- I'll have much more time to actually discuss the issues. And of course, more time to sleep... and that's a good thing!