Proposal for Higher Property Taxes and Wheel Tax On The Way.
Well it seems that Christmas is over and the Grinch is back at work.
At the Highway Committee Meeting this week Commissioner Lovell once again presented his plan for dealing with high unemployment, a declining tax base and broken economy. What we need according to Mr Lovell is an increase in property taxes and a wheel tax.
Most folks with active brain cells can easily look at the situation and understand that the people of Giles County can not afford their current expenses much less the Obama tax increases to income, Medicare and medical insurance that started this year, add to that increasing gasoline prices and the increases in utilities and you have some big money going out of family food budgets. There is no doubt in my mind that there is not a family in the County who has not had to cut back spending in the face of a decline in their incomes. Isn't it hard enough for unemployed persons to pay their bills without an added wheel tax? It's only the government that seems to think that increasing spending is the only solution to every question.
It's time "We The People" got more involved and demand a cut in spending instead of an increase in property taxes and new taxes. The hardship placed on the average person may seem small to someone with Mr Lovell's wealth but to many others it will be the difference in buying their food, paying their utilities and buying their medication or all three. There was no increase in Social Security this year but there was in Medicare so most on fixed incomes already have started the year behind last years income.
This is going to be a very important election year and people had better start paying close attention to all the candidates and send anyone supporting any kind of a tax increase home to sit by the fire instead of to the Courthouse to blow smoke in our eyes while taxing us to death. Allen Barrett
At the Highway Committee Meeting this week Commissioner Lovell once again presented his plan for dealing with high unemployment, a declining tax base and broken economy. What we need according to Mr Lovell is an increase in property taxes and a wheel tax.
Most folks with active brain cells can easily look at the situation and understand that the people of Giles County can not afford their current expenses much less the Obama tax increases to income, Medicare and medical insurance that started this year, add to that increasing gasoline prices and the increases in utilities and you have some big money going out of family food budgets. There is no doubt in my mind that there is not a family in the County who has not had to cut back spending in the face of a decline in their incomes. Isn't it hard enough for unemployed persons to pay their bills without an added wheel tax? It's only the government that seems to think that increasing spending is the only solution to every question.
It's time "We The People" got more involved and demand a cut in spending instead of an increase in property taxes and new taxes. The hardship placed on the average person may seem small to someone with Mr Lovell's wealth but to many others it will be the difference in buying their food, paying their utilities and buying their medication or all three. There was no increase in Social Security this year but there was in Medicare so most on fixed incomes already have started the year behind last years income.
This is going to be a very important election year and people had better start paying close attention to all the candidates and send anyone supporting any kind of a tax increase home to sit by the fire instead of to the Courthouse to blow smoke in our eyes while taxing us to death. Allen Barrett