Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Proposal for Higher Property Taxes and Wheel Tax On The Way.

Well it seems that Christmas is over and the Grinch is back at work.

At the Highway Committee Meeting this week Commissioner Lovell once again presented his plan for dealing with high unemployment, a declining tax base and broken economy. What we need according to Mr Lovell is an increase in property taxes and a wheel tax.
Most folks with active brain cells can easily look at the situation and understand that the people of Giles County can not afford their current expenses much less the Obama tax increases to income, Medicare and medical insurance that started this year, add to that increasing gasoline prices and the increases in utilities and you have some big money going out of family food budgets. There is no doubt in my mind that there is not a family in the County who has not had to cut back spending in the face of a decline in their incomes. Isn't it hard enough for unemployed persons to pay their bills without an added wheel tax? It's only the government that seems to think that increasing spending is the only solution to every question.

It's time "We The People" got more involved and demand a cut in spending instead of an increase in property taxes and new taxes. The hardship placed on the average person may seem small to someone with Mr Lovell's wealth but to many others it will be the difference in buying their food, paying their utilities and buying their medication or all three. There was no increase in Social Security this year but there was in Medicare so most on fixed incomes already have started the year behind last years income.

This is going to be a very important election year and people had better start paying close attention to all the candidates and send anyone supporting any kind of a tax increase home to sit by the fire instead of to the Courthouse to blow smoke in our eyes while taxing us to death. Allen Barrett

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Bonus for School Employees

At the School Board Work Session last night a bonus was discussed for School employees.
The proposal was made for a $300.00 bonus for employees this was changed by Mrs. Murrey to $500.00 which was agreed to by other Board member present. It was also clarified that this bonus would go to each employee of the system with such people specifically mentioned as teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance, custodial workers.

While the money is there the problem seems to be one of timing, getting approval from the various committees and Commissioners, it looks as if it may be April or May before all can be done and money actually change hands. This is a proper use of school money at this time and much deserved by those targeted.

The question that I have about this matter is one that has me completely confused and that is why it actually will cost the school system $815.00 per employee to give them a $500.00 bonus. The explanations that have been offered thus far have been as confusing as why a dog chases it's own tail. Why would it cost the school system $815.00 for each $500.00 bonus there? That's is 61% above the $500.00 bonus. The only thing that should be added to the $500.00 bonus is simply to pay the 21.5% FICA (Social Security tax of 12.4% and Medicare tax of 2.9%)and possibly the 6.2% personal withholding. Because the personal withholding is usually paid by the individual and returned to the individual, if there is a tax withholding excess, I'm not totally convinced that it's the best thing to pay the 6.2% for everyone as this would be an unequal benefit.

For me there needs to be a very clear explanation to justify any amount in excess of 21.5% ($107.50) being discussed over the actual $500.00 bonus. I strongly support the bonus being given but certainly question the total cost as presented in the Board Work Session. Allen Barrett

Another Miracle In The School System?

Last night at the School Board Work Session an amendment to the school budget was discussed. After working so long and hard to get control over the budget, cutting much fat and prioritizing needed projects $973,779.00 was found for the planned use of thirteen items presented to the Board by Mr. Jackson. The following items were recommended to the board.
1) (Required) meet the minimum wages set for employees. Apparently the only ones whose wage does not presently meet this are substitute teachers, as stated during the meeting.
2) Approximately $158,000.00 is needed to meet the underestimated salaries of all employee as of 1 Oct. 2009. This resulted from a change in employees between the time the budget was submitted and 1 Oct. 2009.
3) A cash bonus of $300.00 to be given employees. This was changed during the meeting to $500.00 and would include every employee in the system. Another thread will be added to discuss this issue.
4) $6,000.00 to purchase usage license for a number of computer programs ion order for them to be used by more students in different schools.
5) $22,000.00 restored to vocational budget for travel etc.
6) $4,500.00 restored to Board Of Education funds.
7) $4,800.00 restored to legal expense.
8) $12,000.00 restored to maintenance funds.
9) Add money to Central Office funds for travel. These numbers were taken from my notes as there were no printouts made available to the general audience and I missed this one.
10) $284,000.00 included for next years textbooks.
11) $54,000.00 for Promethean Boards.
12) $26,000.00 restored to teacher training.
I apologize for only having twelve of the thirteen items discussed I didn't realize I had missed an item until after I got home. Allen Barrett