It’s reported county officials have a solution to the problem of many being without water in the county. This plan calls for the county to borrow four million dollars install approximately 60 of the needed 400 miles of water and then turn those water lines over to the individual water districts.
This is without doubt the dumbest of all options other than to do nothing. Why in the world would any thinking person, other than a government official, seek to correct a problem by borrowing money and basically turning it over to the very entity that have been primarily responsible for the problem to begin with. It’s like going to John Dillinger and saying, Mr. Dillinger I have observed that you have a knowledge of banks, I would like to open a savings account with you and deposit a million dollars.
Look, are the water districts doing a good job, for the most part they are but as separate districts they simply are under sever limitations that could be easily overcome by one consolidated system. It is a totally failed system, not necessarily the individuals involved, that buys water sells it over triple the purchase price and still loses money and can not provide water to every citizen in the county.
One consolidated water district covering the entire county is the only reasonable answer to the problem. The county commissioners know this, the county executive knows this, and most citizens know this. When the representative from the Southern Water District presented his case for improving the water system he was asked straight out, “Is there any solution to the water problem better than consolidation?” His response, after apologizing to some water officials, was an emphatic “No”. He went on to explain that each county that had consolidated their water system not only experienced great saving from reduced duplication of services, but each county experienced unprecedented growth.
The problem isn’t just a matter of meeting the needs of the county today, which the current districts have not been able to do, but for the future. Most everyone understands that the major obstacle to getting people and businesses to move here is the situation with the water supply. That’s why there has been practically no development at the interstate exits. Ask yourself why is it that Lewisburg is extending their water lines to provide service to the Milky Way Development? Many complain about businesses moving to foreign countries but is it any different than having other counties provide basic services to our county? I urge everyone to contact their commissioner and politely ask them to stop supporting a failed system and demand consolidation of the county water districts. If they are opposed to consolidation ask them to please explain their opposition. Allen Barrett