Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

They're together again at last, in heaven...

...but, boy oh boy, how very much I miss them both!!!

The above is a snippet from a Super 8 home movie -- anyone remember those? -- filmed onboard a United Airlines jetliner, in August of 1978. It's almost literally all I have left now of either of my parents, so I thought I'd share it with the readers of this blog. Please note that my father suffered from pretty severe claustrophobia, and had to get a little "tipsy" in order to board the plane, and endure a four hour flight from Tennessee to California. But I think his resulting silliness is what gives this all too short clip its charm. Hey, and check out my mom -- she was a real looker for a woman in her early fifties, don'tcha think? I'll have much more to say about both of them later... when I'm up to it, that is.

Gee, I always knew the Lake Media-opoly was bad...

...but I never, until today, realized just how bad it really is!

Sure, I knew that the Lakes routinely violate Swap and Shop's posted contractual terms, when they refuse to give this blog a free listing. And of course, I knew that they would never let me mention this blog in an unpaid "letter to the editor"...

What I never would have dreamed, is that Herschel Lake, Giles County's apparent answer to "Citizen Kane," would not only refuse to accept a perfectly innocuous paid classified ad from me, but that he would do so, even after I generously offered to pay for double the ad space, so that he could run a disclaimer along the lines of: "I, Herschel Lake, do not approve of the above ad, but I sold the space to Kendrick McPeters anyway, because of my firm commitment to freedom of speech."

Caught in the middle of all this is the quite likable editor, Scott Stewart. I sent him a fairly lengthy letter -- which you can read, by clicking on comments, below -- in hopes that he might be able to get this absurd situation resolved fairly. Time will certainly tell; meanwhile, check out the actual ad below, which was so terrifyingly evil it couldn't be allowed to run in the local fishwrapper, even when accompanied with an equal sized paid disclaimer! But be careful not to look too closely at my diabolical words, lest they turn you into stone, like the Medusa of old. Beware! Herschel doesn't want you to see this sort of thing, and a man with as much money as he's got stashed away in the bank always knows best, right?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Once Again... Please Pray For My Mother

She's back at Hillside ICU, in -- to my layman's eye -- very poor condition. I won't even bother to list all she's got wrong with her; it doesn't really matter. That's because, with prayer, all things are fixable. So, please take a moment and pray for my mom, Eleanor McPeters, and ask God to heal her of her present infirmities.

Thank you.