Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A New Director Of Schools Has Been Selected

Tonight the school Board met and voted on a new Director of Schools.

On the ballot to choose the top two possibilities the vote was as follows;

For Dr. Webb- Byrant, Greene, Young, Story, Glover and Ead

For Dr. Wright- Byrant and Story

For Commissioner Brown - Turner, Greene, Young and Glover

For Principal Smith - Turner and Ead

On the vote between the top two

Dr. Webb received the vote of Board Members  Byrant, Greene, Young, Story and Ead

Ms. Brown received the votes of Board Members Turner and Glover

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

News From The County Legislative Meeting on 18 March 2013

Listed below are the major actions taken during the County Legislative Meeting yesterday. I have not included the basic housekeeping items or those items that have no alterable effect on the citizenry.

1) The question was raised by Commissioner Cary as to how much money from the Hospital Fund was left? After approximately five minutes of discussion without  a clear answer and the question asked twice more it was finally stated by the Director, "I don't feel comfortable giving that number at this time".
The director also stated during this discussion that 93% of the property taxes for the past year have been collected. The fund balance for the county is currently about six million dollars and we still have a third of the fiscal year left.

2) Amendments to the School and County Budgets were approved without dissent.

3) Transfer of funds to the Highway Department was passed with only Commissioner Flacy voting NO.

4) The Resolution to change the Driving School cost from $130.00 to $150.00 was approved on a 19 to 2 vote. Commissioners Cary and Houston cast the NO votes.

Under Unfinished Business Commissioner Pope asked if the attorney representing the county in the property condemnation (the property at the interstate to be used for a waste water treatment system) had met her deadline to file with the court. (After several attempts to move the project forward and being hampered by the attorney failing to file the proper papers with the court the Legislative Committee met and set a deadline of 1 March for the filing ). Because this deadline was not met a motion and the commission voted unanimously to fire the attorney and hire a new one immediately.  

Under New Business, Commissioner Reedy raised the issue of the previously cancelled public meeting that had been scheduled to discuss placing SRO's (School Resource Officers) in each county school.
It was stated that the meeting had been cancelled based on the suggestion of the County Attorney. The issue is currently on hold awaiting a second State Attorney Opinion on the matter.
No public mention of a Wheel Tax was made.