Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Water Discount to Senior and Disabled Citizens

The issue was presented by Councilwoman Harwell, during the work session, that consideration be given to giving senior and disabled citizens a 20% reduction on their water bills. She stated that since the rate increase the city is taking over $370,000.00 per month which is over $120,000.00 per month more than they did before the increase. With approximately 1538 senior citizens and 1051 qualified as disabled many of these come under the same household thus the cost to the city would be minimal and the benefits to the citizen while small would be something. Allen Barrett

Change to City Ordinance on Beer Sales

Discussion was held in the city council work session on the matter of Duncan Food Store being sold on the condition that the new owner would be allowed to apply for a beer permit. For this to happen the ordnance would have to be changed to allow the selling of beer closer to a city park than is presently allowed. Some members expressed concern about the appropriateness of making such a decision prior to an official request being made. Allen Barrett

Contract for the City Administrator

Also discussed at the work session was the structure of the City Administrators contract of employment. Presently the Administrator works without a contract and has for over eighteen years. The proposal was originally to give a five year contract, which was amended to a three year contract with automatic one year extensions on the anniversary of each year. Attorney Hoover made the observation that the idea was to put the Administrator beyond the reach of political reach. He clarified that by saying it would prevent political influence such as “if new people were to be elected with the agenda of removing the Administrator” he would be protected.

To Mr. Harrison’s credit he publicly stated he was “fine with keeping the situation as it is now”. Also included is an automobile allowance. This matter is scheduled for more discussion by the council. Allen Barrett

Skate Park Near Completion

A report was given at the city council work session this afternoon that the skate park was nearing completion but that much labor intensive work was still needed and volunteers were being welcomed. Contact City Hall if you would like to volunteer.

When the park is finished the plans are to turn it over to the city as part of the park system. A warning was also issued that no one was authorized to use the park prior to completion of all construction. Allen Barrett

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sale of Hunter Smith Building?????

A proposal was presented to the Property Committee on Thursday to buy the Hunter Smith Building for a price of $125,000.00 and allow the county to remove any items that had been built or installed during renovations. This was the only inquiry about the building since being placed with a real estate agent in December.

The committee gave a counter offer and asked for $150,000.00 with a two week response time. Allen Barrett

School Calendar

The suggestion was made by Board member Mrs. Murrey that since the school calendar was being made out by the Director there was no real need to waste the time of those on the Calendar Committee. Discussion revealed that after the Calendar Committee had spent many hours and much effort making out the new school calendar the Director changes it to his preference thus yielding the committee as useless.

The calendar situation was tabled; to be addressed on Thursday 21 February at either 5 or 5:30 pm. The reason for the confusion is it was very confusing and you would have had to be thereto appreciate just how confusing. Allen Barrett

Request to move funds in school budget

A budget amendment was presented at the school board meeting with the announcement that no new money was involved; it was merely a matter of moving money from one area to another. Part of this money, approximately $300,000.00, comes from teacher salaries.

One question that arises from this amendment is what happened to the $20,316.00 that was taken out of the budget but not put into the increases? Where is this $20,316.00? Allen Barrett

Evaluation of School Director

It was announced at the recent school board meeting that Mr. Jackson had been evaluated by the school board and was given a composite score of 3.8 which was announced by the school board chairperson, Mrs. Norman as being excellent. Allen Barrett