Giles Free Speech Zone

The purpose of the "Giles Free Speech Zone" is to identify problems of concern to the people of Giles County, to discuss them in a gentlemanly and civil manner, while referring to the facts and giving evidence to back up whatever claims are made, making logical arguments that avoid any use of fallacy, and, hopefully, to come together in agreement, and find a positive solution to the problem at hand. Help make a difference! Email "" to suggest topics or make private comments.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Did I Lie About The Poster I Labeled "An Enabler Of Wrongdoing"?

Sometimes it just don't pay to leave town for a few days especially when you return and find a person who continuously asks others to refer to him as a "Christian Gentleman" and claims to never call people names has made several posts where he refers to me as a liar. This absurd claim is justified in the mind of the enabler simply because he says it is. "There never was an enabler if you are referring to me. That is a lie allen barrett told about me" has now appeared in several posts from the enabler. The problem I have with this, and according to the posts a number of others also have the same problem, is the fact that the enabler never provides anything to support his claim. Not once has he provided anything other that it's a lie because I say it's a lie in support of his claim.
The question is why would I simply make up something and publish it knowing that if it can't be proven it would be used to destroy the credibility I so value? Here is my reasoning in support of my belief that I did not lie nor was I inaccurate when I labeled this person "an enabler of wrongdoing".

The term enabler refers to one that enables another to achieve an end; especially one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior, (as substance abuse), or behavior inconsistent with what's normally acceptable, by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior.

By continuing to support a person who has been caught and exposed as a liar the enabler supports that behavior. When the County Executive was caught in a lie about her involvement in changing the rules for distances between places that sell alcohol and churches, schools or public gathering places he continued to make excuses for her and deny it even happened.
When the lie was exposed about the need for the budget to be passed last year on that particular day or "the ambulances would have to be parked"; the rescue squad could not respond"; "teachers and other county workers would not get paid", the enabler continued to deny every aspect of the situation. Even after documents were provided that disproved the accusations of the County Executive, the ambulance director and the budget director the enabler still sought to deny the truth revealed by those documents. Whenever there is any criticism of an enablers friend the enabler tries to change the subject and take the heat off the subject thus allowing the wrongdoer to continue unabated.
When the video, "I'm a county commissioner, what you gonna do about it", of Commissioner Harwell was being seen by thousands of people the enabler was denying it even happened later he modified his position by claiming it wasn't Harwell's fault he was provoked into defending his wife. It was a matter of what are you going to believe what you see with your own eyes or what someone tells you?
I could list a number of other very specific examples of how this person has enabled wrongdoing and attempted to enable wrongdoing but you get the point.
Did I lie when I called this person "an enabler of wrongdoing"? I do not believe I lied based on the evidence but this is a matter for each individual to decide.